
What actually is wrong with Horror games and how would you fix it?


enough with this shit

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  1. 2 years ago

    >horror game
    >you're armed
    kek no they are shmups

  2. 2 years ago

    Horror games fandom nowadays is full of nostalgiagays who claim the genre is dead but wet their pants after a rumor of a new Silent Hill is getting developed, ignoring all those games that came after the disintegration of team silent, which varied from trash to ok games
    Main complain about these games is the "lack of scary elements" You are an adult, you can't get the same sense of fear anymore, ignoring that, and if you really want to give every player at least some dose of fear, your best bet is on enemy variety
    Everyone has fear of something, it might be spiders, or snakes/worms, or other humans, they can come as a giant, or a swarm of small things, maybe they actively try to chase you, maybe they only attack you if you stop looking at them, or look into a mirror, enemies that mimic objects, or instakill you, its up to your imagination as a designer
    If anything i learned from The Evil Withni and Prey 2017 is that invisible enemies scare the shit out of me personally

    Another solution would be tension, tension is objective and there is a lot of things that can cause it. For example
    Race against the clock: Building going down when you are inside it, another character in danger, a bomb that needs to be defused, blah blah blah
    Ammo management: There is nothing worse that getting into a boss fight without ammo, it forces you to use the environment, or thinking ifs worth it to use a rare object
    Choices: Good endings are not always allowed, making he player choice between two objects is not the thing that i talk about, but making them choose from two characters is something that Telltale used a lot on their games, and i loved it in Wolfenstein:TNO holding the face of the player and making them observe the consequence of their actions is one shocking but effective way to inmerse the player into the story

    • 2 years ago

      >Horror games fandom nowadays is full of nostalgiagays who claim the genre is dead but wet their pants after a rumor of a new Silent Hill is getting developed
      a meh game is better than absolutely nothing. if only you knew how starved we are

  3. 2 years ago

    >"horror" game
    >not "scary" at all

  4. 2 years ago

    I played through RE7 recently and wish it had more novel interactions with the family members you encountered. Like the first time the dad smashes through the wall next to the locked crawlspace, shit like that. The mom just patrols two or three rooms and doesn't really do anything. I liked how you always had to be cautious of the dad finding you in the house.

  5. 2 years ago

    >RE7 is pure kino up until the mom boss fight
    >Becomes dogshit past that
    Why did they do it bros

    • 2 years ago

      dogshit past that
      It doesn't, you were filtered by ship kino

      • 2 years ago

        The ship was the best part

  6. 2 years ago

    Horror is a fricking THEME not a GENRE.
    People neglect to make a good game in whatever genre they are tackling, then slap on a spooky aesthetic and call it a day.
    If the underlying game is good, whether puzzle, shooter, even fricking driving, before adding the horror aesthetic, then it’ll be a great “horror game”

  7. 2 years ago

    >horror "game"
    >it's a walking simulator where you can only hide and move forward

    I hate that. It's much, much scarier to be able to fight them but having very little ammo with the enemies having a lot of health, it adds an extra layer of tension that you can't have in your shitty outlast clone

    • 2 years ago

      What game?

  8. 2 years ago

    >walking simulator
    >puzzle than could either be solved by a 3yo or are so badly written tha you have to bruteforce them
    >turn the whole damn screen red when low hp
    >late game weapons will annihilate any monster
    >all you can do is run and hide, the game is just a giant stealth section
    >obvious asset flip
    >the great hall of nothingness
    >le ebin twist at the end
    >the game has actually 5 minutes of gameplay diluted by pointless repetitive tasks that add nothing to game but getting to the 2h mark so you can't refund it
    just stop doing these ffs

  9. 2 years ago

    I've got an idea, what if we made it an over the shoulder shooter with an abundance of ammo and plethora of enemies that die in one to two shots? Did you you have a heckin startle yet friend?

  10. 2 years ago

    Phasmophobia has the potential to be a really good horror game with pvp

    Hear me out, I honestly think that implementing a human element to the ghosts would be a great way to increase replayability as this would definitely make each experience unique.
    Here's the premise;
    >Desolation mode is exactly Phasmophobia but in reverse, 4 players will spawn in a random spot within the Haunted location. Phasmophobia's whole premise is to get in and investigate, this time its to survive and get out.
    - The windows and doors are shut, and players are equipped with only a flashlight/Light source, their goal is to find items scattered and hidden within the location, and upon successfully gathering all of them, they can perform a ritual at a specific place within the location (where the ghost presumably died). In doing so they win the game.
    >useful items are also scattered in the location, like crucifixes and salts, providing temporary relief
    >A ticking clock is provided with the sanity meter, the longer they stay within the haunted location, and the longer a ghost stays beside them, the faster their sanity goes, losing their sanity would mean the end for them. Being in a group slows the decline, but also hinders their progress.

    • 2 years ago

      >A group of opposing players will control the ghosts, 1-3 at most, the ghost is random every round, and they have all their specific quirks, some are slow, some are fast, some are small, some can run, and some can only crawl,some shriek and some are completely silent. Their goal is to prevent the players from getting out. They have the ability to move inanimate objects like picture frames, tvs, doors and closets. talking to their mic beside the player would trigger a specific sound related to that ghost that only that player would hear. Players usually have a head start, and during this period Ghosts are still in the spirit realm and unable to move
      >Ghosts start of as completely invisible, and they have the ability to "apparate" which allows them to become temporarily visible to freak the players out, they can crouch and run, some ghosts should even be able to walk upside down from the ceiling, the lower player's sanity dips, the more frequent ghosts can use this ability
      >Ghosts do not have x-ray vision, and must actively search for players to pester
      >As time passes, a Haunting would occur, a limited amount of time when ghosts can apparate with out limit, during this time, player's sanity decreases at a faster rate.
      >After a haunting, Ghosts would be transported back to the spirit realm, and would not be allowed to move for a certain period of time. Allowing players to scatter or move to a different location.

      • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    >how would you fix it

    bring old Amnesia team back together

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Most horror games have no gameplay. None. They're a haunted house you walk through to solve puzzles. Most are boring as hell with combat being an afterthought.

    • 2 years ago

      It's almost like the gameplay is the walking around (aka exploring) a haunted house and solving puzzles to progress.
      Just because you don't like that and prefer call of duty doesn't mean it's not gameplay.

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