Hot take. Healers shouldn't even be a thing.

Hot take.

Healers shouldn't even be a thing. It would be more engaging if every player had their own method of health management and were on their own, with a few classes that provided SOME support.
There should be no healer role. Nobody wants to heal, the 1/1000 people that enjoy healing do so out of necessity. The absurd queue times for DPS is all because of healer bottle necking.

Make players ACTUALLY coordinate instead of making 1 guy control mobs, 1 guys staring at his team's healthcare and 3 people who waited half an hour just to press their highly tuned buttons.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Healers should be allowed BUT should not add any more health to the team's total health pool than if they were just a normal player

    • 5 months ago

      depends entirely on the system
      traditional mmorpgs like wow and everquest do not function at all without the presence of dedicated healers, mostly because of boss fights.
      in more action-oriented systems i pretty much agree but those systems are less focused on teamwork in general, so having a role that requires a team to function doesn't make as much sense.

      I see your perspective, I'm standing behind what i said and will defend the idea that any game INCLUDING wow and FFXIV can easily switch to no healers.

      >Reduce damage
      >give every player a healing rotation or gimmick that they remember to fire off
      That's it, reduce mob DPS. And stop making a single player (the tank) soak all the damage. Disperse the damage across all players so they feel obligated to support each other.

      A design so simple that it would immediately resolve all the issues of dungeon queues and it will end the impossible problem of "how do we get players to choose healers".

      • 5 months ago

        They already solved the dungeon queue problem by letting players queue for dungeons alone with bots, the next step is to have bots for every activity until there are no group activities yet and MMORPGs can be what they were always meant to be; Massively Singleplayer Online RPGs.

        • 5 months ago

          Those bots were horrible in FFXIV. And SQ fixed it by incentivizing players to queue for old dungeons, unlike wow which just removed them entirely.

          The whole wow bots thing is a farce. My idea of dismantling the rpg holy trinity into a more free flowing cooperative experience that isn't so rigid would solve the underlying problem

          • 5 months ago

            You won't be able to dismantle anything, these tired old fart-games will stick around forever no matter what anyone says. The only hope we have is for some new developer to make a better game.

  2. 5 months ago

    I like being a healer for my big strong manly tank~ :3

    • 5 months ago

      How much of a troony pedo do you have to be to be incapable of posting in internet forums without attaching a picture of an anime little girl as your avatar so people associate your comment to that of a little girl and think of you as if you were an actual little girl?

      • 5 months ago

        You've been hanging around too many trannies and associate anime posters for trannies, it's understandable. But that's not me

        I just choose an eye catching image to sell my thread. Thread making is just like advertising and using boring images don't sell, you feel me fa.m?

      • 5 months ago

        >on Ganker
        back to memeddit.

        • 5 months ago

          I forgot to welcome this anon as well. You're fitting in fairly well so far and you're even trying to call others new friends already. Jouzu tbh ne? But you made an awkward mistake, which became even more awkward because you tried to call others out for being new... You see, on this website there's a concept called "avatargayging". Yes, with the f-word.. Either way, someone who avatargays uses recognizable pictures for each of their posts which gives them an identity. It really is akin to having a forum avatar. Now, of course this OP wasn't doing that and it isn't truly an avatar for that reason, but the point still stands... it is actually possible to use avatars on Ganker! Any other questions? Just ask. We're a welcoming bunch!

      • 5 months ago

        Welcome to Ganker! We can do line breaks with just a single enter over here. You accidentally got a full white line, because the website you came from formats posts differently with markdown - you need to use two enters there. Easy mistake to make, so do not worry. You won't be banned for it and you only awkwardly revealed that you're a tourist! You'll get the hang of it soon and if you have any questions, just ask!

    • 5 months ago

      Healer is the least masculine sissy little b***h girl who is obedient and a slave to the other roles.
      Then comes ranged dps and that is a femboy who knows just to hide with his little sniper and gets pounded in the ass by tanks and dps.
      Then comes dps which is the normie with testosterone levels between below average and above average.
      And then comes the giga boss masculine alpha TANKS who frick every little sissy b***h up in an instant left and right any direction all day. Get fricked.

    • 5 months ago

      kys, no mophine for you

  3. 5 months ago

    depends entirely on the system
    traditional mmorpgs like wow and everquest do not function at all without the presence of dedicated healers, mostly because of boss fights.
    in more action-oriented systems i pretty much agree but those systems are less focused on teamwork in general, so having a role that requires a team to function doesn't make as much sense.

    • 5 months ago

      They only function like that for a lack of a better system, if they were designed without healers to begin with then it would be a completely different story.

  4. 5 months ago


    Dawg not every anime poster is a pedophile.

    • 5 months ago

      You're a grown man with anime girl images saved. You are a complete homosexual no matter what you say.

      • 5 months ago

        where do you think you are, exactly?

    • 5 months ago

      Post that william dafoe lighthouse one with the phone.

  5. 5 months ago


    People who post anime girls who what's cute and it reflects them as a person

  6. 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    Tanks shouldn't be a thing. I would think most monsters would be lashing out at whoever is hurting them the most that's attacking their back/flanks instead of solely focusing on the guy dressed in 7 layers of plate armor who is just taunting them.

    • 5 months ago

      You get me. The entire concept of 1 guy leading and controlling mobs while 3 others just do their rotations ad nauseum and a single guy who held up the queue who has the unfortunate task of staring at healthbars the entire time, is a system that deserves to just be thrown away.

      There's no reason why a group of all paladins or all warlocks can't form a group and succeed.

      I'll write a list of mechanics that would work for each class

      • 5 months ago

        Tanks shouldn't be a thing. I would think most monsters would be lashing out at whoever is hurting them the most that's attacking their back/flanks instead of solely focusing on the guy dressed in 7 layers of plate armor who is just taunting them.

        Spell casters get a bubble shield they fortify, and melee classes are healed for every enemy slain.

        It's instantly more fun

        • 5 months ago

          You get me. The entire concept of 1 guy leading and controlling mobs while 3 others just do their rotations ad nauseum and a single guy who held up the queue who has the unfortunate task of staring at healthbars the entire time, is a system that deserves to just be thrown away.

          There's no reason why a group of all paladins or all warlocks can't form a group and succeed.

          I'll write a list of mechanics that would work for each class


    • 5 months ago

      all video game rpgs are ultimately just trying to emulate the mechanics of tabletop rpgs. in them, front line fighters like warriors/paladins/dark knights etc are supposed to be very deadly threats in their own right who you can't just ignore. a stealthy close-range fighter like a rogue has the advantage of being slippery, and, theoretically, if the bad guy chooses to chase after the rogue rather than dealing with the knight in front of them, the knight then takes the opportunity to decapitate the bad guy.
      in the mmorpg space however devs bump up against the issue of "what's the point of a rogue if a warrior does the same dps" which is fair considering the real constraints of developing these games. Most of them are just combat simulators and the extraneous stuff a rogue is good at isn't that useful (lockpicking, fast talking, disguises, etc).
      For a system that does heavy/light/ranged right I actually think that PSO2 (not NGS) is great. Classes that take less damage are also less mobile, and there's not really a dedicated healer. However, that's also an action game in which all damage is avoidable.

  8. 5 months ago

    The sole reason there will always be a healer

  9. 5 months ago

    The problem with this is that it would require more engaging and complex combat systems and neither the braindead mmo fanbase nor the braindead mmo developers want to put that kind of effort in.

    • 5 months ago

      I promise it isn't. Take Dark knight in FFXIV. He's had a 3 boton combo that restores health, and he used to have a stance that affected healing and defence.

      Literally just giving everyone an attack with slightly less DPS with a bonus healing attached would be all that is needed. Then just tune down the overall damage of all enemies and voila.

      • 5 months ago

        Everyone has health regen and practically all jobs have a healing ability and some DPS can tank dungeon bosses for quite a while. In FFXIV the healer's primary job is already damage dealing anyways, whatever supplemental level of healing or damage mitigation they provide is always going to be the minimum required to actually do shit or else the fights become too goddamn easy.

  10. 5 months ago

    That's not even a hot take. Ask any veteran tf2 player and he'll tell you that Medic is without question THE most powerful class in the game, and is the lynchpin that decides which team successfully pushes the objective and wins. He's powerful enough to warp the game around him so much that 4 out of 9 classes specialize in killing him as a high priority target
    Medics are bad game design as a whole and need to go

  11. 5 months ago

    Hello yes let me introduce you to a little game called Blade and Soul

    • 5 months ago

      >Wuxia themed
      I can't be doing with this

  12. 5 months ago

    Remember when overwatch decided they needed players to choose healers for no reason and dictated that every game required a role queue, and if you chose DPS you'd be sitting in the lobby for 10 minutes.

    Remember how everyone thought that was a genius move that made people love healing? Me neither. Frick healers, it's a moronic concept.

  13. 5 months ago

    if healer is an option, I play healer. too bad that most games that have them as playable characters are absolute trash. only the lowest of IQs can stomach those games without going insane and I'm reminded of it every time I look at who's in my party. when will someone make an MMO for not <70 IQ? hint: never, because one can't milk intelligent people with a trash, greedy, low effort game

    • 5 months ago

      What's a game with good healers?

      • 5 months ago

        it hasn't been made yet

    • 5 months ago

      I will be patient but I don’t like your opinion.

  14. 5 months ago

    literally all issues with healing stem from being able to heal in combat

  15. 5 months ago

    They tried this in GW2 and it's a mindless spamfest. You last line literally describes coordination.

  16. 5 months ago

    play Guild Wars 2

    • 5 months ago

      I played engineer up to 90 on a free account and it felt like I was playing DDR on my keyboard. Would recommend.

      • 5 months ago

        Meant 80 lol, I played Final Fantasy after because a dungeon reminded me of The Vault in Heavensward.

  17. 5 months ago

    Sage in ffiv heals the tank by dealing damage

  18. 5 months ago

    I play healer because I like to roleplay as Moulder from fire emblem. Keeping everyone alive is my bread and butter.

  19. 5 months ago

    Got to give girls that play MMOs to try and score guys something to play as.

  20. 5 months ago

    i love to play medic in games like arma, i can make fun of your dumb ass while patching you up wihtout you talking back for thinking you would be rambo, but in reality you are one of the three stooges, at best.

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