How can you stop censorship in video games?

How can you stop censorship in video games?

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  1. 4 months ago

    What the frick does this even mean?
    Enough with the moronic buzzwords

    • 4 months ago

      >Whoa man how the frick could this happen
      Jap devs are now all bending over and spreading their cheeks for localizers to make changes at the source now, we just had a few more big names in the business like Sega and Bamco admit they do this now. Where have you been?
      I have to admit, it's funny seeing morons say "muh CERO" though when it's obviously not the case.

      >what does this mean
      Holy newbie/assmad tourist.


      You too
      >announcing sage

      Safe horny isn't a real thing. If you think it is, you concede that israelites, SJW, or whatever culture warriors are okay with you seeing a perfectly shaped ass as long as it isn't too revealing. This goes against the core thought of "they want to make everything ugly".

      Anyway, the answer is mods. As always.

      >safe horny isn't a real thing
      It is.
      Is safe horny.
      >the answer is mods
      No it's not dipshit, selling innately broken products and tasking the buyers to fix the issues with them is not "an answer", that's just laziness and moronation.
      Smartest asshomosexual.

    • 4 months ago

      it's a forced twitter buzzword
      some homosexuals been spamming a twitter screencap with this shit for like entire summer and right after summer ended no one has been using it again

      >Whoa man how the frick could this happen
      Jap devs are now all bending over and spreading their cheeks for localizers to make changes at the source now, we just had a few more big names in the business like Sega and Bamco admit they do this now. Where have you been?
      I have to admit, it's funny seeing morons say "muh CERO" though when it's obviously not the case.

      >what does this mean
      Holy newbie/assmad tourist.
      You too
      >announcing sage
      >safe horny isn't a real thing
      It is.
      Is safe horny.
      >the answer is mods
      No it's not dipshit, selling innately broken products and tasking the buyers to fix the issues with them is not "an answer", that's just laziness and moronation.
      Smartest asshomosexual.

      >Holy newbie/assmad tourist.
      frick off to twitter

      • 4 months ago

        >started in the summer
        It was around and used a good bit before summer last year, you would know this if you weren't a tourist moron.
        >f-f-frick of t-to tw-twi-twitter
        Projection, now please, you have to go back troony-kun.

        • 4 months ago

          >twitter troony calling others troony
          52% of your fellow troons are waiting for you

          • 4 months ago

            Only tourist trannies hate "safe horny" because they know it's real and highlights censorship and bias.
            SCD (seethe, cope, dilate).

            • 4 months ago

              only homosexuals like you call it your twitter buzzword
              frick off to twitter already

    • 4 months ago

      Nintendo has frickall nothing going so the bing bing cultists are going into shitposting overdrive

  2. 4 months ago

    We can't just don't support things you don't like/censored. Less money for them but nothing is guaranteed since normal gays don't care. There are people that will go with every scam or price increase just to get their favorite thing also drones that follow influencers. It's lost cause imo.

  3. 4 months ago

    Safe horny isn't a real thing. If you think it is, you concede that israelites, SJW, or whatever culture warriors are okay with you seeing a perfectly shaped ass as long as it isn't too revealing. This goes against the core thought of "they want to make everything ugly".

    Anyway, the answer is mods. As always.

  4. 4 months ago

    zeta's is an objective improvement

  5. 4 months ago

    the mods will come and fix it

  6. 4 months ago

    >what is safehorny
    OP is misusing the term.
    Safehorny is when horny content is aimed specifically at concepts that aren't conventionally attractive.
    You could say "Queer horny" or "Ironic horny" as well.
    Examples are the giant woman from RE, buff women, traps, fat women, effeminate men like Astarion, you get the gist.

    In the example picture, little boys in lingerie are ok, but a fairly modest decollete has to be covered with a comically large pendant and airbrushed over.
    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    • 4 months ago

      >fat women
      I know you don't like fat women but when has one ever been used in the context of safe horny? I honestly can't think of an example as someone that actually does like them. I agree that you think they would with body positivity and all that, but as far as I can tell they've been excluded from sexualization on the other end of the spectrum as well.

      • 4 months ago

        Mei from Overwatch.

      • 4 months ago

        Thicchomosexualry quickly developed into fatshit over the course of like one year, it has poisoned many moron's minds. For example the assgays of today will look at a series like Keijo and say the girls' asses are "too small".

        • 4 months ago

          Probably because Keijo's ass sizes are inconsistent. They exist when they want to draw emphasize to the butt and don't when things are neutral. It's honestly pretty weird.

  7. 4 months ago

    >safe horny
    kys troony

  8. 4 months ago

    when i play games i don't look for panty shots, so i do not care.
    >b-b-but you should be morally against censorship in all cases
    i do not care.

    • 4 months ago

      But do you know that you’ll never be a woman?

      • 4 months ago

        but i am, i'm cagliostro in both granblue rising and relink.

  9. 4 months ago

    Stop buying the games

  10. 4 months ago

    Joke's on them, I think spats are more erotic than panties.

    • 4 months ago

      Very tired of this cope. Clearly the spats in question don’t look like pic related. have a nice day soon

    • 4 months ago

      leather hotpants aren't spats

    • 4 months ago

      As much as I like spats they are used as a downgrade not an upgrade in all censorship cases. arent even applied to tonboys.

    • 4 months ago

      source for the mangla please

    • 4 months ago

      spats are only hot when they form to the folds of your body and vulva. that is not the case here, so its ugly

      • 4 months ago

        >and vulva
        You know it usually doesn't right?

  11. 4 months ago

    pitgay pandering is always based
    women should be mandated to wear sleeveless clothing by law

  12. 4 months ago

    >I totally don't know what safe horny means guise xD
    OK, reddit.

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody says they don't know what it means, troon. We are just telling you to kys because you are using troony vocabulary. Either have a nice day or return to twitter.

      • 4 months ago

        The very first post in the thread is playing dumb, try again dipshit.

        • 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    The leather spats are nice looking.

  14. 4 months ago

    >censors the costume because of ESRB / PEGI / CERO ratings
    >makes it HOTTER to own the rating organizations
    How does Nintendo do it?

    • 4 months ago

      whipped conditioned cuckolds don't get to speak

    • 4 months ago


      Because the designs for the female characters were some of the most abohorrent, sexist piles of garbage that I have ever seen. All of the characters liked dolls meant for the lonely men who would play a game like this. None of the male characters were sexualized at all. The whole game was so creepy and gross. Games like this are why I am glad that games are being censored. Enough of this crap!

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Shut the frick up, moron.

  15. 4 months ago

    Only "cencorship" you loser virgins care about are boobs/nudity

    Get a life

    • 4 months ago

      >allowing censorship of art leads to worse art
      >allowing westerners to influence global art leads to all art falling in line with woke californian standards

  16. 4 months ago

    Video games will continue to get censored because the amount of people who will be turned off by panty shots (ex: puritans, Twitter anti-shippers, etc.) greatly outweighs the amount of people who actively purchase products that do have them (ex: series like Neptunia, Senran Kagura, etc.) which is why basically every single Japanese company has axed them completely.
    You can cope and seethe and mald about this all you want but this is an entirely market driven thing where censorship not only makes more money, but is actively celebrated by zoomers.

  17. 4 months ago

    Only eastern games have problems with censorship. The solution is to only play american games.

  18. 4 months ago

    Works on my machine

  19. 4 months ago

    Okay, morons. Here's how you prevent censorship.
    >1)Stop giving companies your hard-earned money, pirate everything
    >2)Learn Japanese so you can directly tell the original creators that you don't like censorship
    >3)Work in the localization industry and tell the people in picrelated to frick off
    >4)Be rich as frick and become the anti-ESG where you give funding to horny creatives to do whatever they want with no censorship whatsoever
    1 and 2 are your only realistic options.

    • 4 months ago

      just not buying it doesnt really work
      i buy like 1 game every 2 years but they keep getting worse and worse, the feminist deathspiral continues to grow

    • 4 months ago

      Until dramagays like mutahar, cr1tikal, and their clones frick off the internet, censorship will continue since they will do everything in their power to defend their troony audience while looking for anything they can paint as evil for their content mill of moral farming.

      • 4 months ago

        Dumb homosexuals like critikal would sooner die than ever address something like localization and its very obvious actual xenophobia and racism from troonylator wokealizers, considering huge localization companies like Crunchyroll sponsor him and other "influencers" all the time, especially big anime influencers and western vtuber prostitutes.
        It's funny though, I remember seeing a clip years ago about him talking about "wanting to fight corruption" but with obvious, very corrupt shit like this it just gets conveniently ignored since it would affect him financially. But it's not surprising really, that's just how it is with every homosexual influencer out there now, all talk.

        • 4 months ago

          They are the last bastion of woke ideologues. They have since adopted media tactics like omitting everything from key points to entire news stories to reshape whatever topic they can drama/moral farm from.

  20. 4 months ago

    >Feminists when a game is censored and people are upset: "OMG find a hobby incels, can you imagine caring about what a virtual clump of pixels is wearing? This isnt censorship because the devs did it themselves."
    >Feminists when a game isnt censored: "This is SO damaging and hateful, shut it down right now!"
    Why are they like this?

    • 4 months ago

      The point wasn't ever about these supposed bleeding heart social issues that wokeoid trannies spout, it was always about depriving you of things you liked since they view you as their mortal enemy. Why do you think terms like "trans genocide" and shit exist?
      That's why they all laugh and cheer whenever a female character has her boobs reduced/covered and sing praise from the rooftops whenever homosexual shit like Gay Bear Sex 3 comes out, with them even admitting they are biased towards cancer like the latter. They're so paranoid that they think you're out to get them, so they do the same to you and the things you like to demoralize you.

  21. 4 months ago

    Seems like you're being gatekept from Granblue.


    In fact its doing you Black folk a huge favor, the gacha fricking sucks, now leave. FF7 Rebirth is aroudn the corner, go focus on that shit instead.

  22. 4 months ago

    It's funny how Ganker went from hating censorship to praising it in less than a decade.
    The psyops working on you goyim.

    • 4 months ago

      That wasn't simple censorship. That was outright banning games and destroying companies. That's a different level of censorship then what people are complaining about here.

      • 4 months ago

        >That was outright banning games and destroying companies. That's a different level of censorship then what people are complaining about here.
        It's the same fricking thing, moron. Marvelous never recovered after Sony putting arbitrary censorship.

        • 4 months ago

          >Marvelous never recovered
          They have two games they are working on. Senran itself, is dead but that largely because the lead left to make games under Cygames. So now he's making some kind of witch game with them.

  23. 4 months ago

    this game was niche, but to sell it in the mainstream market they censored. its not woke type censorship, its just casualised and panders to normies and you cant stop it at any time bc without it nothing can grow out of indies/niche shit.

  24. 4 months ago

    YOU can't. The consumer literally does not matter now when you have investor capital dictating the direction of the market.

    • 4 months ago

      Investors that also know that modern money is made up and the general populace doesn't know that, so they're going to be able to perpetuate this shit unto eternity.

  25. 4 months ago

    >How can you stop censorship in video games?
    Heh, works on my machine

    • 4 months ago

      Safe horny slop that is basically untouched by censorship.

      only homosexuals like you call it your twitter buzzword
      frick off to twitter already

      If all other tourist buzzwords are allowed on the site then this one is too, it's very obvious that it just pisses off homosexuals that shouldn't be here, like you.

      • 4 months ago

        >If all other tourist buzzwords are allowed on the site then this one is too, it's very obvious that it just pisses off homosexuals that shouldn't be here, like you.

        • 4 months ago

          Imagine having this shit saved to your device lmfao

          >Safe horny slop
          And you're a goalpost moving homosexual.

          >muh gowposts
          Pointing out a fetish that never faces any media backlash and almost zero censorship isn't "moving goalposts", I'm explaining why your example is dogshit.
          Funny how you didn't highlight how all the returning girls for SF6 had their breasts shrunk with no jiggle physics on them though, wouldn't be expedient for you after all.

          >Safe horny slop that is basically untouched by censorship.
          Literally the entire OP's point is ass censorship because the boobs were left untouched

          >Ass is safe horny
          Then why are the OPs pics 99% ass shots?

          >ass censorship
          It's so you can't look at the panties and ass just happens to be under the skirts as well, and there is tit censorship that another anon addressed early in the thread dumbass. You guys are just co-opting panty censorship since it's convenient for your agenda here.
          Please by all means though, show me games that reduce the size of a female character's ass like what happens to boobs all the time. You can also stop samegayging anytime.

          • 4 months ago

            >Pointing out a fetish that never faces any media backlash and almost zero censorship isn't "moving goalposts", I'm explaining why your example is dogshit.
            Funny how you didn't highlight how all the returning girls for SF6 had their breasts shrunk with no jiggle physics on them though, wouldn't be expedient for you after all.
            >media backlash
            Typically speaking when sexy girls in eastern games got media backlash it wasn’t tied to specific anatomical part. It was always women are being over sexualized and was almost always about how female outfits were skimpy while the men’s weren’t. It wasn’t just because the women had large breasts or slender legs. SF has never had prominent jiggle physics. There was a “bug” in SFV during its betas that gave Chun jiggle breasts but was removed before the game came out. It was only something that happened on player 2 side so even if it was intended to be in the game not even Capcom implemented it right. Also every girl in SFV had big breasts but historically that hasn’t been the case in most of the franchise. I know you’ll probably ignore this but Cammy never had big breasts till V. In IV she had small breasts. If you’re gonna attack this you need to actually know what you’re talking about or else you just get clowned on by Twitter people for being a tourist.

      • 4 months ago

        >Safe horny slop
        And you're a goalpost moving homosexual.

      • 4 months ago

        >Safe horny slop that is basically untouched by censorship.
        Literally the entire OP's point is ass censorship because the boobs were left untouched

      • 4 months ago

        >Ass is safe horny
        Then why are the OPs pics 99% ass shots?

      • 4 months ago

        >Safe horny slop that is basically untouched by censorship.
        The biggest problem with this buzzword isn’t the fact that it exits. The issues is that it’s being misused in lieu of actual definitional levels of “horny”. This shit is all granular so what’s safe horny to you might not be to me. There has to be some sliding scale established or you’re just gonna have people like (YOU) screaming this word at anything you personally don’t deem salacious enough. So if Cammys ass having a thong riding up her crack is safe horny then my only take away is that you want games with e-girls getting full raped by demon wiener. And that would never fly in a AA/AAA title in even degen Nippon. So please actually elaborate on what you mean buy this instead of calling people trannies.

        • 4 months ago

          >This shit is all granular so what’s safe horny to you might not be to me.
          It really isn't considering ass is nearly untouched by censorship or social backlash while breasts are almost always.
          >please elaborate
          I have multiple times but you're just too fricking stupid to internalize it.

          >Pointing out a fetish that never faces any media backlash and almost zero censorship isn't "moving goalposts", I'm explaining why your example is dogshit.
          Funny how you didn't highlight how all the returning girls for SF6 had their breasts shrunk with no jiggle physics on them though, wouldn't be expedient for you after all.
          >media backlash
          Typically speaking when sexy girls in eastern games got media backlash it wasn’t tied to specific anatomical part. It was always women are being over sexualized and was almost always about how female outfits were skimpy while the men’s weren’t. It wasn’t just because the women had large breasts or slender legs. SF has never had prominent jiggle physics. There was a “bug” in SFV during its betas that gave Chun jiggle breasts but was removed before the game came out. It was only something that happened on player 2 side so even if it was intended to be in the game not even Capcom implemented it right. Also every girl in SFV had big breasts but historically that hasn’t been the case in most of the franchise. I know you’ll probably ignore this but Cammy never had big breasts till V. In IV she had small breasts. If you’re gonna attack this you need to actually know what you’re talking about or else you just get clowned on by Twitter people for being a tourist.

          >Typically speaking when sexy girls in eastern games got media backlash it wasn’t tied to specific anatomical part. It was always women are being over sexualized and was almost always about how female outfits were skimpy while the men’s weren’t.
          Now that's bullshit, especially whenever the "adjustments" were made it was almost always covering up the breasts and/or shrinking them.
          >SF never had prominent jiggle physics
          They were still there and then completely removed for the breasts while the ass and legs were still allowed to have it. If that's not proof of being "safe horny" I don't know what is. It literally shows that Capcom believes that it's "safe" to sexualize the ass like that while it isn't for boobs, otherwise for what reason is there no titty jiggle in 6? It's also why almost none of them have any outfits revealing any titty skin either but bare ass cheeks are fine.
          The only one is Juri,one of which basically removes any cleavage line, but it's not like it matters with the size decrease.
          >Cammy never had big breasts until 5
          And? Adding to them is a net positive whereas taking away is censorship. It's not like female characters in other series haven't seen size increases to their busts before. Now in 6 though they shrank all the returning female cast's tops but of course, the asses are just as comically large as ever, and are allowed to have jiggle physics while the breasts are not.
          I think you're the one who needs to get some more knowledge on this topic before spouting off platitudes and ignorant statements.

          • 4 months ago

            >I’m a fricking Black person
            Yeah figured as much. You’ll never post proof of SF having jiggle physics pre SFV beta because it wasn’t a thing even in the 2D games. You’re tourist you don’t play any of this shit. Screaming about assgays when we literally had people soiying out over Stellar Blade is fricking rich. have a nice day. You aren’t serious about this fight or cause. You don’t care about this shit.

  26. 4 months ago

    You can't. Some people will ALWAYS think they know better. Growing up it was the conservatives, now it's the liberals. Humanity isn't going to evolve passed the authoritarian mindset anytime soon.

    • 4 months ago

      The conservative "satanic" thing hasn't even died off either, people just stay quiet about it because they know leftists are going to push moderates to their extreme.

      • 4 months ago

        >panic as actual cults and fricked-up individuals are doing evil satanic shit
        >panic get co-opted and smoke screened by "evangelicals" and accused nonsense like DnD and metal music
        Shame how that happened.

        • 4 months ago

          >fricked-up individuals
          You can just say "jews" here

  27. 4 months ago

    Support then ero games industry
    I haven't played normal games in years, theyre all censored trash

  28. 4 months ago


  29. 4 months ago

    Unironically who the frick cares? You couldnt see their cameltoe anyway, so why does it matter.
    Just wait for PC mods to make them straight up nude.

  30. 4 months ago

    >years now of "incel", "chud", "cumbrain" and "coomer" spam
    > 9-10 months of "safe horny"
    Really activates those almonds, no?

    • 4 months ago

      Chuds are known for being inconsistent and contrarian.

    • 4 months ago

      now of "incel", "chud", "cumbrain" and "coomer" spam
      are you blind?

  31. 4 months ago

    >Suicide Squad releases the most tame no sexy girls at all game possible
    >Sells like garbage

    >Palworld releases a game where the most shameless sexual creature thats the pure embodyment of "She looks like she fricks human men"
    >Outsells fricking POKEMON of all things
    This is what gamers want

  32. 4 months ago

    Are feet safe horny?

  33. 4 months ago

    By supporting K-Kino vidya like Stellar Blade

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