How come Dark Souls does a better job at exploration and discovery than Elden Ring when the latter is a giant open world?

How come Dark Souls does a better job at exploration and discovery than Elden Ring when the latter is a giant open world? Is less really more?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I'm not going to claim to have that knowledge. I agree with you, but I don't know why. Maybe because Elden Ring re-uses enemies so many times.

    • 2 years ago

      I think it's because the things we don't see in Dark Souls gives a sense of mystery. You're walking through a small part of a larger world without seeing what's actually out there while Elden Ring just shows you everything and it's a lot of wasted space, recycled enemies, and lots of string and mushrooms

      • 2 years ago

        It could also be the fact that you don't have fast travel until finishing Anor Londo. You gotta map out and navigate the world on foot. If you accidentally stumble into a dangerous zone you have to find your way back out instead of just teleporting. To be honest I didn't really like the mount in Elden Ring either, it made me prefer to skip past things instead of taking my time.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Dark Fantasy has totally different feel than High Fantasy
    Ganker doesn't read much, do we?

  3. 2 years ago

    Because the fact that Dark Souls isn't open world allows the designers to put more attention and detail into a few areas instead of sparse attention over a lot of areas

    Because Dark Souls being scaled down gives a sense that you are seeing a small slice of a larger world

    Elden Ring is the opposite, open world games take a shitton of resources so you end up with a lot of insignificant areas and recycled content instead of a few major ones that are carefully crafted

    Instead of a small slice of a larger world, Elden Ring presents the entire world, but many pieces of it are missing. There are no settlements, barely any people, we don't see what these people do to work or how to survive, many aspects of the societies of this world seem completely missing. The game never answers "what do they eat?" Whereas Dark Souls ultimately just leaves that to your imagination

    I'll give a third answer though, which is despite the fact that Elden Ring is open world, it doesn't truly take advantage of it. You have the same limited mobility options as Dark Souls despite being in an open world. You can't climb things, you can't swim, you can't fly, you can't hang off ledges, etc. This lack of mobility combined with an open world that SHOULD revolve around exploration just further highlights how limiting it is, you see this giant open world but you only have so many ways to actually interact with it

    • 2 years ago

      >I'll give a third answer though, which is despite the fact that Elden Ring is open world, it doesn't truly take advantage of it. You have the same limited mobility options as Dark Souls despite being in an open world. You can't climb things, you can't swim, you can't fly, you can't hang off ledges, etc.
      True. But I thank FS for doing that, it is true you don't have mobility but it does give me truly a sense of explorations to overcome the world physical barriers and find a real way to get there. I like that you can't throw yourself off any cliffs (even though those jump-nados exist). The bad thing is that you end up using fast travel because it's a pain in the ass to stay on the horse. Which also I don't really like how it feels, control-wise.

  4. 2 years ago

    Exploration on Dark Souls is more rewarding due to the intricate level layout and how crucial it is for the world to feel seamless because without it well. you get Dark Souls 2.

  5. 2 years ago

    Open world fundamentally can not work without being practically unmarketable because it will look like shit to plebs who are expecting a new game with realistic graphics and full voice acting and massive epic cutscenes.
    In order to be marketable an open world game needs those things (and really being marketable is why the open world game is being made) but correspondingly the game must lose other features in order to remain attainable.

    A problem with From Software is also that they have also been learning a lot of shit lessons since they released DaS1 and then failed with DaS2 and have become obsessed with learning how to save effort to make openworld game which means that everything is developed with a loose plan and then shuffled together instead of having a more solid plan that might mean obviously cutting out or rushing a large chunk of the game instead like in DeS or DaS1.

  6. 2 years ago

    Because Elden Ring is non-stop copy and paste content
    >another mine
    >another graveyard
    >another church
    >another cave
    >another catacombs
    >another swamp
    It stops being exploration when you can pretty much guess the layout of an area because you've practically already been there.

  7. 2 years ago

    Don't care, still curing, marrying, and cuddling Malenia.

  8. 2 years ago

    Elden Ring didn't understand adventure.

    • 2 years ago

      >Dark Souls 2
      >Understanding adventure

      • 2 years ago

        NPC response.

        • 2 years ago

          The fact that someone thinks that DS2 is better than Elden Ring really proofs that Ganker is home for contrarian morons.

        • 2 years ago

          The fact that someone thinks that DS2 is better than Elden Ring really proofs that Ganker is home for contrarian morons.

          • 2 years ago

            A trifecta of shit games. India sucks.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon you made need professional help you live in some kinda delusion that everyone who loves your ''less popular'' games is Ernest Khalimov.
            But I doubt that anyone he has ever played an RPG.
            The fact that people hating on ds2 angers you this much kinda shows that you really have no live and you are either really skinny nerd or really fat nerd.

            • 2 years ago

              Use proper punctuation and spelling if you're going to argue with me, nerd.

              >power stances to dab

              • 2 years ago

                Holy frick you're some kinda edgy cringelord. You don't even try to defend that shitty game DS2. You're so unlikeable that I bet you don't have any friends and only way for you to get attentino is to use badly made bait images. you are an loser.

    • 2 years ago

      >DS2 that high
      Into the trash it goes

  9. 2 years ago

    DaSII hate is manufactured, it's all because some homosexual shilled their video essay on Ganker plus Miyazaki's cult of personality.

    • 2 years ago

      Justify soul memory and monster respawn limit

    • 2 years ago

      Nope, I thought it was garbage when it released well before I ever even interacted with the DaS online community and I didn't see the mauler video until like 6 months ago. It's obviously the worst FROM game to anyone with a brain

  10. 2 years ago

    You fricking butt-huffing idiots, stop trying to come up with vague moronic explanations


  11. 2 years ago

    ESLs confuse "open world" for "sandbox valley". Dark Souls and Bloodborne are open world, as in you can chose where to go. They are not sandbox games tho, that take place in a pointless empty valley.

    • 2 years ago

      >you can chose where to go
      Try playing the games you talk about, compadre.

  12. 2 years ago

    I don't get it. Elden Ring has the best sense of an adventure since Dark Souls 2. I can agree it's too big for it's own good and could use some trimming, though. Like, if you get rid of filler content and leave the legendary dungeons with the optional legendary dungeons, and some tombs, castles and churches here and there it would be a better and much more focused experience.

  13. 2 years ago

    DS2 is game that turns you into nerd that hates everything.

  14. 2 years ago

    Adventures don't have MCs stopping their journey to search the 17th catacomb they've come across

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