How come devs got so mad about elden ring?

How come devs got so mad about elden ring?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    please do not insult devs like that, UX is a made up position to justify hiring foids with humanities degrees outside of HR

    • 4 months ago

      Are you seriously suggesting ahmed salama wasn't hired by a swedish company purely for his talent?

      • 4 months ago

        american post

    • 4 months ago

      I have never met an ux designer that didnt have a technical degree

      • 4 months ago

        Like a degree in technology, or more like, technically he has a degree

        • 4 months ago

          >told the guys at guerilla i have a theoretical degree in UX
          >they said welcome aboard

          • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          It’s a cs degree, but most likely geared towards frontend stuff. CS degrees at most universities these days require students to pick specializations. Given how ubiquitous computing is, this isn’t strange.

    • 4 months ago

      'UX' designers destroyed good GUIs because of Feng shui and feelings

      • 4 months ago

        God, they all look the same. Just minimalist bullshit with zero art assets. Some frick at their college was like "Yes, UI must give the player information and nothing else, everything must be textureless blocks. Add a gradient if you're feeling fancy.

        • 4 months ago

          It's literally just the windows 8 design language.

        • 4 months ago

          That's not bad per se, it's just that it looks cheap and out of place, like they were using a placeholder and they forgot to make a real one.
          To think UX design is a dedicated position just makes it worse.

          • 4 months ago

            why wear a backpack while sitting

            • 4 months ago

              To balance weight and posture.

  2. 4 months ago

    the ux is pretty bad, I actually quit the game for some time because I didn't even know there was an underground map and an above ground map and you can just swap them. I got teleported somewhere and couldn't get out to ground level and just thought frick that

    • 4 months ago

      Ever thought that maybe you're just moronic? That's also a potential factor

      • 4 months ago

        morons don't think so it was hopeless for him from the start

    • 4 months ago

      If ux makes you not play a game you probably start breathing heavy when your favorite marvel character ENTERS at the big crazy part. Noone who has any substance thinks or fricking types this shit. It's not even a git gud situation, it's just pure onions.

    • 4 months ago

      You couldn't just... read the legend that is always present when the map is open and see all the different buttons you could press when the map was open and see what each button did?

    • 4 months ago

      No, you're just a fricking moron.

    • 4 months ago

      >I got teleported somewhere and couldn't get out to ground level and just thought frick that
      Not only are you too moronic to use a map but you're also too moronic to walk 50 steps in one direction to get out of the Caelid cave?

    • 4 months ago

      Stupid motherfricker

    • 4 months ago

      >the UX is bad because I'm moronic

    • 4 months ago

      I admit that I took the elevator a few times to get out of siofra because I didn't realize that I could switch maps, then I finally bothered to look at the legend and felt like a dumbass lol

    • 4 months ago

      What kind of absolute homosexual Black person refers to playing vidyas as "user experience"?
      Do the gene pool a favor and have a nice day.

  3. 4 months ago

    If I remember right they were Horizon devs who were mad

    • 4 months ago

      op is a dev on battlefield kek

      • 4 months ago

        Worse, he is an Ubisoft developer.

        • 4 months ago

          he's both, he worked on bf2042 and is now at ubisoft

          • 4 months ago

            here's your UX bro

            • 4 months ago

              UX designers are all charlatans

        • 4 months ago

          >(may Allah forgive me for uttering this word)

      • 4 months ago

        The same Battlefield that was proud of their groundbreaking innovation: a separate view that indicates where allies, enemies, objectives and important terrain features are? It's a map. They really thought they invented the concept of a map.

    • 4 months ago

      It's not a bad UI, but it's utterly soulless, you could pit it in a Far Cry or Call of Duty game and it would fit

      • 4 months ago

        It is funny though because whilst that looks fine the actual inventory/player management in that game was a clusterfrick. Very poorly thought out for a game where they wanted you collecting everything you see.

    • 4 months ago

      I hate this generic ui, boring quests, generic story, annoying, unlikable and egotistical protagonist, voice acting, facial animations during dialogue choices, deep as a puddle dialogue wheel/choices, ubisoft open world and gameplay loop, climbing complete with yellow paint, dialogue, underground factories, crafting, barebones stealth, skiing melee combat, and most of the robot designs. The lore is paper thin, despite being sprinkled around the world into a billion pieces.

      • 4 months ago

        At best there's no contact between the individual departments of the studio making the game, at worst they farm everything out on the specifications of literal morons.
        So much of the game is developed with boring placeholder slop that checks as many boxes as it can (so that it can be reskinned as practically anything and so that the responsible managers look good), populated by farmed out asset slop later and then as a final step they go over their polluted slop environment with paint and voiceovers when it turns out that no one can identify coherent themes in the visual clutter or remember what they're doing in the generic world.

      • 4 months ago

        >facial animations during dialogue choices
        Excuse me, what

    • 4 months ago

      oh you mean the c**ts who make it so you have to hold a button to interact with anything rather than just pressing it? real great user experience you pricks.

      • 4 months ago

        I hate this so fricking much even FF7R had some chests you had to hold a button to open what the frick Nomura

    • 4 months ago

      Western devs are extremely bitter toward anything Japanese because Japan is constantly obliterating the shit out of them in terms of game quality. It's an extension of leftist homosexualry. If you look at a liberal dominated space like Reddit, you'll see some extreme racism toward the Japanese because they're ethnically homogenous and have the longest life span on earth and one of the lowest crime rates.

      Japan is everything liberal homosexuals hate: Crime free, careful about immigration, and almost completely free of brown "people." And on top of it all, they're one of the world's biggest economies. Liberals seethe at Japan because they look at it and see that countries like the U.S. would be all that and more if not for liberals, Black folk, spics, israelites, and poos.

    • 4 months ago

      Absolutely dogshit UIX
      How difficult is it for devs to realize that when something is not in use it should NOT be there? No one needs a minimap. No one. You don't need to see all your weapons and gear when you're not in combat. You dont need to know your objective or mission status
      You don't need all of that gross fricking clutter. In elden ring, everything but the compass disappears when not in use, making for a clean and pleasing visual look. Why are devs so fricking stupid?

      • 4 months ago

        >No one needs a minimap
        I do, but also there is no minimap in thay screenshot

        • 4 months ago

          I didnt even look to see if there was one
          I saw a bunch of bullshit that's not enviornment and instinctually closed my eyes to not get brain damage

      • 4 months ago

        even though i think botw's menus are clunky and shit, they at least let you turn off most of the interface while playing which was great. more modern games should be designed around that. for example rdr2 actually did have that option but then missions are literally unplayable without the mission markers sometimes so that's like one step forward, three steps back

      • 4 months ago

        HFW lets you fully customize every single individual HUD option. always on, always off, only show during combat, or only pop up for a few seconds when using the focus mode. each on screen element gets its own setting. Horizon has the absolute best HUD in terms of options, but you are just judging the game off a screen shot with everything turned on

        • 4 months ago

          >dude just design how the HUD works yourself lmao

          No, I don't think I will.

    • 4 months ago

      Someone tell me if I'm wrong, first game I ever played with dpad items like in this screenshot was Demon's Souls, was that the first mainstream game to use them?

      • 4 months ago

        I doubt that. I remember Gears of War 1 had a similar use of the D pad to select weapons and that came out around the same time. I'm sure there were other games that did it earlier.

      • 4 months ago

        Christ, are you like 10 years old

        • 4 months ago

          No, 29. I just completely avoid the 360 era of Western games.

      • 4 months ago

        2002 fromsoft game called rune/lost kingdoms.

        • 4 months ago

          I was thinking specifically on the left like in Demon's Souls and the Horizon screenshot in

          If I remember right they were Horizon devs who were mad

          . Just want to figure out the origin of that specific kinda set up.

    • 4 months ago

      It's not a bad UI, but it's utterly soulless, you could pit it in a Far Cry or Call of Duty game and it would fit

      it's so fricking intrusive, I don't play games where I can't turn off the HUD anymore

    • 4 months ago

      You can turn off all of those things. I played with no HUD at all.

      • 4 months ago

        So the best gameplay experience was the one that was free from UX taint.... interesting

    • 4 months ago

      Makes sense as the head behind Horizon was partly responsible for Sony's post PS4 xenophobic stance on Japanese games. He probably influenced his easily swayed neoliberal laborers with his progressive flavored racism.

      • 4 months ago

        But the head of Guerilla also opened the door and partnered with kojima. He can't hate japs that much.

  4. 4 months ago

    Disable phoneposting.

    • 4 months ago

      Nah, just make Ganker gold mandatory for phoneposters and revoke it if it gets abused for shitposting. If you're so addicted to Ganker you can't even take a shit without posting, you really shouldn't have a problem paying 20 dollarydoes/year for it.

  5. 4 months ago

    This guy is probably looking at the layoffs and sweating

  6. 4 months ago

    devs have been constantly shtiting their pants 24/7 over any game that does well and is better than their indian/AI generated tier sloppa. there's more than just economic reasons that all these useless frickwits are getting let go by the thousand.

  7. 4 months ago

    kys, fricktard

  8. 4 months ago

    the zoomer mind has a stroke if the ui isn't contrasted black & white with an arial font and any shapes more complicated than basic squares and circles

  9. 4 months ago

    of all things in vidya why would anyone care about ui?

  10. 4 months ago

    They become mad whenever Japs dab on them because they'll actually make a fun, mechanics driven game that people will enjoy, talk about for years to come and will be much more influential than anything they'll ever achieve.

  11. 4 months ago

    >The game didn't follow conventions taught to me at a shitty school that's made every modern western UI the same generic flat design garbage so it's... LE BAD!!

    • 4 months ago

      Literally this. Unable to learn from anyone who does things outside the box.

    • 4 months ago

      >the japanese are bug people incapable of independence
      >nooooo don't look at that

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        One has less going on and is easier to see what you have; the other is just lists with lots of text......

        • 4 months ago

          one requires significantly more art assets and work to make than just a list of items
          its not free to make the inventory better, depending on how important it is and how much time you spend in it you need to consider if its worth making that much better instead of something else
          there are also obviously easier ways to make it better and many degrees in between, but its not equal amounts of work to make them, obviously botw has a better inventory when it has that much more work put into it.

    • 4 months ago

      What game did it first? Is was talking about this to a buddy a couple months ago and the first game I can think of is d1

      • 4 months ago

        It's the original Destiny, yeah.

      • 4 months ago

        Demon’s Souls is actually the first game I remember having the “horizontal list of catagories with vertical showing of screens, equipment first, then player stat screen, then contextual info, then system menu at end”.

        Aesthetically it’s completely different to modern UI, but in terms of layout of how you use it, it’s functionally identical to new God of War games.

        • 4 months ago

          For me it's the minimalism that makes it slop. When the UI itself is a work of art, that tells you a lot about the game

      • 4 months ago

        Destiny was first I think, but destiny was a looter shooter. It showing you gear like that makes sense. Im not sure how much sense the other games make.

        • 4 months ago

          Almost all the games in that list have shoehorned loot mechanics into them. Grounded, Spiderman, Titanfall and DeS remake are the only ones that don't (maybe Ratcher and Jedi, haven't played them and nothing in the screenshots has powerlevel numbers)
          What game started this half-assed diablo loot anyway

          • 4 months ago

            >What game started this half-assed diablo loot anyway
            I think Borderlands is what made it more popular outside of isometric games like Diablo but I could be wrong

            • 4 months ago

              Borderlands embraced being a looter shooter instead of having a barebones version of it, the trend also didn't take off until years ago. It played it's part but I was asking more about which AAA game added numbers and rarity that barely matters because the "market research" told them to

              • 4 months ago

                Oh, I thought you just meant what brought it to to more genres than just the isometric ones. In that case I'm not really sure since I can't really pinpoint a time that it started to happen.

      • 4 months ago

        Quick reminder that Darksiders 2 was the prototype for modern AAA slop:
        >Third Person action game
        >Empty open world/hubs
        >Light RPG mechanics
        >Braindead Skill Trees
        >Diablo Loot
        >Uncharted platforming
        >Dialog Wheel
        >Inventory screen
        The only thing missing is shitty stealth with hiding in bushes or tall grass

        • 4 months ago

          I haven't played it, but were'nt most of those in 1 as well?

          • 4 months ago

            No. 1 was a lot more like 3D Zelda, with a linear path and progression. That anon is right that 2 basically did everything that is standard now.

            • 4 months ago

              Lol no sister

              • 4 months ago

                Nah, he's right about DS1 being more of a 3D Zelda game
                It follows the same formula of OoT, you do a dungeon and in it you find a new tool that you use to finish the dungeon and then to get to the next dungeon where you do it again until you beat the game

      • 4 months ago

        Skyrim popularized the design of having flat, transparent black panels and contrasting white text with various pages and shit like that. Destiny codified a lot more of the cliches used by this design, I think. It's also just an embodiment of modern mass-market university-educated design principles, though, and it touches stuff other than just games.

      • 4 months ago

        it's a bastardisation of PC MMO interfaces that got "adapted" to controllers.

    • 4 months ago

      This is pretty much it. Seething devs are always people who spent 4 years at college learning to all make games the same generic and watered down way. When all they do is work as freelancers on flop after flop it puzzles them cos they're doing just what school taught them to do. Then they see another company do something unique and novel, far from what they were taught at school, and get praised for it. This confuses and angers the talentless dev, who was always told from school that what they did was good and anything out that box was wrong.

      This is why you get devs doing shit like blaming fans for their own failures on the back of their own hubris, because they believe themselves and what they do to be infallible, and anyone who disagrees must be a cretin.

    • 4 months ago

      not only is the homogeneity of menu aesthetics a bad thing, but i seriously cant navigate them anyway. most modern game menus are always busy as frick with text everywhere telling me all these useless little things about X item or powerup or whatever. Navigating Cyberpunks inventory and equipment menus is a fricking nightmare headache to the point where I just had to look up a solid build for my character type and go get the weapons and items i needed because there was no fricking way i was cycling through all my shit in that horrible inventory menu trying to figure out all the ways in which different pieces of gear were different. yet Elden Ring was fantastic, everything was easy to navigate and figure out what things do. i literally prefer the menu from that game over the modern western menus made by people who "study" "UX". not just from an aesthetic pov but functionally as well.

      • 4 months ago

        >yet Elden Ring was fantastic, everything was easy to navigate and figure out what things do
        Nah. Both games are soulless slop when it comes to UI. At least ER's in game HUD is okayish, but the menus are a terrible mess. I'm a PC m&kb player at heart and I feel like half the time I'm fighting the interface in Fromsoft games, between awkward scrolling through weapon types trying to find the right one, to swapping between equipped items to get a sip from my estus. It's a garbage interface that's literally broken on technical level, creating dozens of exploits like weapon art swaps etc. M&KB support is so bad every PC player runs fromsoft games on controller.

        Imo good UI should be absolutely minimal when it comes to amount of garbage it displays on your screen and goes in pair with good controls that are intuitive and allow you to quickly access specific elements. The art elements are also important. Diablo HP and Mana orbs are basically iconic.

    • 4 months ago

      this UI only barely works for the futuristic tech-centric games and even then it makes them look generic

    • 4 months ago

      >incapable of thinking outside the box
      no wonder modern games suck.

    • 4 months ago

      whats the game in bottom right?

      • 4 months ago

        One of the elex games, probably 2

    • 4 months ago

      zero personality for every single menu in this image.

    • 4 months ago

      I honestly like most of these menus. Showing your character in an equipment screen is perfectly fine.
      If the devs fricked up and made the menu difficult to navigate, and their solution was to use that shitty faux-mouse-cursor that you drag around the screen rather than redesign the menu, then they kinda fricked up.

      inb4 zoomer, I'm 32.

      • 4 months ago

        On their own they're fine, but taken together it's evidence of how little anyone cared. Like the "how interesting does the main menu look" measure of how disastrous a game's development was.

        • 4 months ago

          Basing the quality of an entire game over a start menu is exceptionally moronic

          • 4 months ago

            Pretty moronic but not any less accurate for it.

            • 4 months ago

              yeah less accurate for it.
              If good menus = quality then inFamous 1 would be the best game ever

              • 4 months ago

                It doesn't mean good game, it means non-rushed game. DS1 is great but has the laziest menu in the world because it was a development trainwreck.

              • 4 months ago

                No bullshit but which DS1? There's too many now.
                Dead space 1
                Dark Souls 1
                Death Stranding 1

              • 4 months ago

                Nintendo DS, the first version.

    • 4 months ago

      I can't even begin to look at this image. It makes me physically ill.

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically HOW do you fix this, tho? Anyone have examples of nonsovlless UI?

    • 4 months ago

      >they put diablo items in ratchet and clank

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically HOW do you fix this, tho? Anyone have examples of nonsovlless UI?

      Just stop following corporate procedures

      • 4 months ago

        The best feature of this wasn't the soulful background but the fact you had 3 layers of armor to customize

    • 4 months ago

      Don't you dare put Titanfall 2 in with the rest of those games you stinky israelite.

  12. 4 months ago

    Because the game delivers what it promises, uses environmental story telling instead of verbal exposition and quips, but also has an intentionally designed UI that irks them as it isn't moron friendly. And basically none of what they consider 'diversity' to boot. It is the antithesis of modern AAA western game design.

  13. 4 months ago

    I turned off the game here, press A to incinerate is fricking dumb, I pressed A, hoping the game would just hurry up and start, turns out you have to hold it and I just turned it off, I don't give a shit about your interactive cutscene. I tried just skipping the whole dumb scene but that didn't work either, so just forget it.

    • 4 months ago

      why does batman have to be so fricking psychotic lol why should it start with "hold a button and watch the joker's creepily hyper-detailed dead face burn"

      I'm all for cartoony/"too silly to take seriously" concepts being emotionally honest but this just feels really tryhard & like millennials desperate to make their nerdy franchises "grown up"

      • 4 months ago

        It was for a ng+ jumpscare

  14. 4 months ago

    >My life is a lie
    Glad your finally figuring out that academia is nothing but a sham.

  15. 4 months ago

    This is still the greatest UI of all time

    • 4 months ago

      Could use some improvements like filters and collapsible categories for abilities but yeah it's pretty good.

    • 4 months ago

      Not perfect but yeah morrowind's UI was great.
      Oblivion's UI is so aggravating because it had fantastic art design, but the layout was dogshit

      • 4 months ago

        Oblivion's UI was designed for controllers and you can really tell

        • 4 months ago

          That's part of the problem, but even for a controller layout it's terrible. Like cramming the map into a small box and not letting you zoom it out

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah that's fair. After Morrowind's fantastic interface there really is no excuse for shit like that.

    • 4 months ago

      >each window can be moved around and resized by default
      add filters and make lists collapsible as the other anon said and you have THE UI

    • 4 months ago

      >I HECKING LOVE having 100+ items in my inventory and be forced to check one by one
      for which one is the correct I want to use at that moment because the same 5 icons repeat for 50 different type of potions

    • 4 months ago

      You can pin the local map and use it as a minimap.

  16. 4 months ago

    modern From Software are a weird case. on one hand they're one of those "too big to fail", extremely well-marketed developers so critical reception is glowing, on the other hand journos are clearly sore about it

    even after the half-hearted addition of "body type A & body type B" (ingame characters still use he/she lol) From are still holding their ground with "no easy mode, frick off" which pisses off journos who realize their job requirements (shit out a review as fast as possible and get clicks for covering the New Big Thing) are terrible and antithetical to reviewing games that require serious exploration & mechanical mastery. they are too chickenshit to stand up to their bosses and probably don't even care that much about good game analysis to begin with (and more about subcultural circlejerking) so they cry at the devs to make the games baby-friendly

    • 4 months ago

      oh and also this

      They become mad whenever Japs dab on them because they'll actually make a fun, mechanics driven game that people will enjoy, talk about for years to come and will be much more influential than anything they'll ever achieve.

      the anglocentrism and xenophobia are really transparent

      what seems to have happened is a bunch of games that journos should hate & consider awkwardly designed esoteric alienating japshit got a really really effective corporate push from Dark Souls onwards

      • 4 months ago

        Even all this is them stepping back from how hard they went at it in earlier gens. PS2 mags used to make 2 nukes were not enough jokes. The entire review of a slightly atypical japanese game was basically a racial screed about how the far east yellows were mystical pixies that made games out of pure whimsy.

        • 4 months ago

          >The entire review of a slightly atypical japanese game was basically a racial screed about how the far east yellows were mystical pixies that made games out of pure whimsy

        • 4 months ago

          >The entire review of a slightly atypical japanese game was basically a racial screed about how the far east yellows were mystical pixies that made games out of pure whimsy

          outright xenophobia/racism isn't ok anymore so yeah you gotta be subtler about it which only makes for stupider points. there's a lot of that type of tryhard justification of various viewpoints these days. like for example back in the day you could say "this anime-looking game is bad cuz it's girly/gay" or "this is stupid cuz japs made it" and that actually made more immediate sense than squeezing your brain to explain why certain aesthetic or design "tropes" are bad and justify that initial gut reaction

          on the other end though, a lot of From fans are tryhard "not a weeb" types & will claim the games are "western-styled" even though the Souls games, Bloodborne etc are a very noticeably Japanese form of dark fantasy. ironically the specific western sources it draws from & the way it mixes them together is a big part of what defines it as "Japanese-feeling" & you need to look no further than the western Demon's Souls remake to know what a truly western Souls games would be like. lame autopilot "concept art" cliches basically.

          • 4 months ago

            They can't dump on Souls games cause they've gotten too popular for that, but you can tell journalists really don't like the situation with how much they b***h about how inaccessible these games are Western devs by and large don't do that because they're made for morons. If these games were more obscure they'd get sixes and sevens across the board for their difficulty alone.

            • 4 months ago

              semi-related but I remember at least one review, probably more, that complained about Armored Core's minimalist story while these days modern From games are hugely praised for that. they did that shit in AC, King's Field & Shadow Tower way before it became a trendy "games as art" thing

              the way AC set up its atmosphere & world through its menus & mission text in a cold, matter-of-fact way that made you go "wait a sec... holy shit" is really cool

          • 4 months ago

            >truly western
            That kind of blanket statement is equally misleading because Bluepoint is texan and they have an extremely specific american sense of aesthetics. Crass, loud, plastic, contemporary, very similiar to Blizzard or Sony Santa Monica. It's the kind of shit that the californian media clique claps at but even other americans will find foreign and tasteless.

            • 4 months ago

              I get what you're saying but I don't think that applies mostly to people who actually think about aesthetics, American or not. most are probably just gonna go "oh this has better graphics than the PS3 game, nice"

          • 4 months ago

            wasn't left just a copy paste from another game?

            • 4 months ago

              No different from a movie recycling a prop or an entire set that was built for a different production.

              • 4 months ago

                Isnt that when drones shout "member berries!!!!1!"

            • 4 months ago

              was it? I need to play more From games but it seems like a very specific design and is the very first boss so I kinda doubt it

              • 4 months ago

                they made it look better

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                yeah it's well known fact, dont forget demon's soul was a relatively low budget game that only got made because sony funded it

          • 4 months ago

            if you showed me the right image by itself, i'd tell you its from some generic fantasy free to play game, that's how bland this remake's art direction is

          • 4 months ago

            You're practically claiming Dark Souls' style is "not real western" because it isn't generic enough.

            • 4 months ago

              It's not what he is saying at all. It's that when japanese do "western fantasy" they draw much more from real life, and especially from really early western fantasy media, like wizardry and gen 1 DnD, stuff like that. Meanwhile modern western fantasy designs are pretty much all based on art that has been based on gaming miniatures, which is why everything has fricked up weird warhammer/blizzard proportions now.

              • 4 months ago

                thing is, I actually really like WC2 & 3's aesthetics; Blizzard artists were inspired by everything from Japanese fighting games to Asterix & Obelix. but that look slowly evolved into something really lame and more or less became the default soulless "fantasy game aesthetic" you'll find in shitty mobile games.

                It's not just them either. I felt the same way when I first played Dark and Darker which was by Korean devs. There was just something about the aesthetic that felt so much more like classic DnD to me than any actual modern DnD product. And that game was largely stitched together from purchased assets but still looks better than most western fantasy games today. It's comical how Asians seem more in touch with old school western fantasy in general than any western devs.

                Read the article and yeah, it kinda of hits the nail on the head in what the assumed inspirations for the Japanese and western design choices were.
                Japan has a good thing going with drawing inspiration from Ghibli, from older western fantasy, and from myths and legends. You see it in things like Dragon's Dogma and SMT too, and they all have the distinct aesthetic that for some reason western studios nowadays cannot replicate.

                I think beyond corporate influence (including everyone treating their artistic presence on social media like a 24/7 job interview hence intentionally drawing stuff that might please employers), another issue is everyone is too connected and too constantly active on social media which gets in the way of developing personal or even just regionally-defined artistic tastes. most people (even if self-taught) learn to draw from the same places, post their work on the same handful of websites & take part in more or less the same online communities.

              • 4 months ago

                Warcraft designs are obviously gaming miniature inspired, but I think one major reason why that kind of design language work in those games is because they are top down/isometric, similar to how you'd look down on a gaming table.

                >but that look slowly evolved into something really lame and more or less became the default soulless "fantasy game aesthetic" you'll find in shitty mobile games.
                Yeah, it streamlined and cheapened over time, kinda reminds me what happened to cal arts as well.

              • 4 months ago

                I see it as that wider issue of when fans become creators. When inventing something entirely new you don't have anything to draw from, especially a new frontier like games. So you draw from all your other interests. This can also happen if you are isolated in some way. Like a Japanese person learning of western fantasy media, you can only get so much meaning gaps have to be filled. But then a couple generations on the fans start to take over. Sometimes that results in really cool people who do research into all their predecessors inspirations, mix in some of their own. They get why certain ideas exist and shouldn't always be copied wholesale. Others are practically like an AI that copy the same basic form on repeat yet somehow losing the purpose of design elements along the way.

              • 4 months ago

                >but that look slowly evolved into something really lame
                I love Samwise's art. I'm so glad he was put on Heroes of the Storm, at least his style will live on until they take it down

            • 4 months ago

              I mean modern corporate autopilot western video game art. my point is japanese stuff draws from cool western art from the past

              I'm just gonna shill this article cuz it words it better than I could even if it's too afraid to say "I think DeS remastered looks like shit"

              • 4 months ago

                Read the article and yeah, it kinda of hits the nail on the head in what the assumed inspirations for the Japanese and western design choices were.
                Japan has a good thing going with drawing inspiration from Ghibli, from older western fantasy, and from myths and legends. You see it in things like Dragon's Dogma and SMT too, and they all have the distinct aesthetic that for some reason western studios nowadays cannot replicate.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not just them either. I felt the same way when I first played Dark and Darker which was by Korean devs. There was just something about the aesthetic that felt so much more like classic DnD to me than any actual modern DnD product. And that game was largely stitched together from purchased assets but still looks better than most western fantasy games today. It's comical how Asians seem more in touch with old school western fantasy in general than any western devs.

              • 4 months ago

                Does make you wonder why there is such a chasm of difference in approaches. Back in the day the western developers you had were usually fans of tabletop and typical fantasy cliches, but maybe that's all gone now.
                Barring TES games that have their own distinct lore and fantasy (though that's been diluted over years too) Kingdoms of Amalur might be the last game that was unabashedly embracing its fantastical nature and not beign cynical and pretending it's "above" all that.

        • 4 months ago

          >how the far east yellows were mystical pixies that made games out of pure whimsy.

          Those kinds of games are always a good time though

          • 4 months ago

            Dont bulli Himawari

        • 4 months ago

          The entire "jrpg" label was born in order to shill stuff like bioware games etc while dismissing the entire Japanese competition with a simple label.
          Mechanically "jrpg" was never even coined with a definition. And any post-hoc attempts at rationalizing one has always ended with disagreements or logical inconsistencies. Not to mention that applying a definition to it and forcing the "jrpg" label into the gaming lingo, was and is pointless to begin with. Because as a descriptor, descriptors were already in place to describe RPGs.

      • 4 months ago

        wtf pronouns weren't a thing in 2010

        • 4 months ago

          it was screencapped recently you dope

  17. 4 months ago

    This is speculation on my part, but there definitely seems to be some racism going on against Japanese made games in the Western industry among both devs and journalists. Racism gets heavily denounced among these people unless it's against the filthy Japs with their inferior games. They don't even have Scrum masters, sensitivity trainers or UX designers, what a bunch of backwards savages.

    • 4 months ago

      They consider Japanese studios to be backwards because they don't adopt western sensibilities and policies. Yet their games keep selling because the Japs still make stuff people want.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah exactly. That's part of why the industry is heading for a crash right now, they're so stuck in their dumb ways. Japanese publishers will most likely survive it but I can't imagine when the cutting really begins that these people will keep their job.

        • 4 months ago

          >That's part of why the industry is heading for a crash right now
          As much as I would love to see it, that will never happen. People need to stop coping about a 2nd gaming crash. The industry is too large and is filled with far too many uninformed people that buy anything that looks cool. Another crash just isn’t possible now.

          • 4 months ago

            It absolutely is possible. The budget for the average AAA game has become so bloated that publishers push them out the door early and stuff them with money-grubbing methods like microtransactions, season passes, deluxe editions and so forth. Just look at TLOU2 last generation with its budget of 220 million, according to those court documents. That's probably not even including marketing and physical distribution and other shit like that, so double that to 440 million. It sold 10 million copies in 2022, let's be generous and put it at 13 million total. Because I don't feel like dealing with calculating how much Sony kept after sales, taxes, conversions from certain currencies and so on let's just say they earned 70% of all those 60 dollar copies. That'd leave them with roughly 546 million, or only about 100 million profit. Definitely not awful, but not fantastic for such a (in)famous game. Now imagine an industry full of games at that budget but without the same heavy marketing push or that same kind of consumer attention, and that's why I think this model will crumble. It's become unsustainable.

            The top dogs will definitely keep on trucking but seeing all those lay-offs and cancellations a few weeks ago, things aren't looking bright for western publishers right now.

            • 4 months ago

              You make a valid point I guess, but it seems like based on that info we’re more likely to see a bunch of small sized crashes for certain companies than any big gaming crash disaster like the 1st one was.

              • 4 months ago

                A whole bunch of smaller crashes put together seems like one big crash to me that's just a bit spread out but I suppose it's all sementics.

                There won't be a proper crash. And it won't be industry-wide. At best we can hope that western AAA scale back their stupidity and bloated teams and focus on making actual games with content people want. The GaaS experiment isn't over and isn't going anywhere anytime soon either. Every publisher wants their Fortnight and will continue dumping money into the effort to make the next one. Given the DEI money has dried up though they might at least stop injecting all that bullshit into it, which ironically might actually help them make a game and keep it going since it is one less major hurdle stopping success.

                >At best we can hope that western AAA scale back their stupidity and bloated teams and focus on making actual games with content people want
                See, the thing about your argument is that I very much agree with this point, but I don't think it's gonna happen. Or more accurately, I don't think it can happen. The people at the top of this industry are by and large not video game players. They don't ever play games or even know anyone who does. As long as they're in charge they'll keep bloating up budgets for their mediocre hyperrealistic games because that's the only thing they know that will consistently sell. And it does, but at a certain point there aren't enough consumers in the world to keep justifying that cost. But if they knew how to tell a good game from a bad one, and therefore actually knew what games to invest in and what to cancel, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

                This is part of the reason why they keep pushing bullshit almost nobody wants like cloud gaming or lootboxes or GaaS. They don't know what consumers will and will not respond well to so they keep pushing to see where the line is, and then keep pushing some more.

        • 4 months ago

          There won't be a proper crash. And it won't be industry-wide. At best we can hope that western AAA scale back their stupidity and bloated teams and focus on making actual games with content people want. The GaaS experiment isn't over and isn't going anywhere anytime soon either. Every publisher wants their Fortnight and will continue dumping money into the effort to make the next one. Given the DEI money has dried up though they might at least stop injecting all that bullshit into it, which ironically might actually help them make a game and keep it going since it is one less major hurdle stopping success.

        • 4 months ago

          Western devs are ironically stuck in their ways that never actually sold units! The first gaming crash was becauae israeli moronation, jap devs emerged from the ruins, israelites showed up again and did not learn anything from the first crash nor the newly emerged popular products, and promptly caused another crash! israelites loose! Kill all israelites!

  18. 4 months ago

    Japanese games doing well makes everyone seethe. Always have, always will.

  19. 4 months ago

    when did you realize Ganker became the equivalent of a youtube reaction channel
    >I REACT to what gamedevs have to say about elden ring!!
    fromtrannies and other brown normalgays have been a disaster for this board

    • 4 months ago

      Nah, at least with reaction channels half the point presumably is to react to different things rather than the exact same shit that got posted literal years ago with the exact same reactions.

  20. 4 months ago

    If your life is somehow intrinsic to "UX" in games then yes its a lie

  21. 4 months ago

    Why would you let a guy named ahmed salami near a computer, hes just going to blow it up

  22. 4 months ago

    >old ui

    • 4 months ago

      i dislike how some of those uis took up a good 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen

    • 4 months ago

      Never got tired of menus like these

    • 4 months ago

      I can instantly figure out what almost everything in this image must do but

      >The game didn't follow conventions taught to me at a shitty school that's made every modern western UI the same generic flat design garbage so it's... LE BAD!!

      slop always befuddles me

    • 4 months ago

      I like to dunk on the bloody Amiger but Chaos Engine is a really visually charming game

      • 4 months ago

        Every Bitmap Bros. game looked really fricking good and holds up to this day.

    • 4 months ago

      Most of these look childish. I don't like westernSlopUI but there has to be a good balance. Like OG Starcraft

      • 4 months ago

        >childish as an insult

    • 4 months ago

      unironically yes

    • 4 months ago

      note that most of those make sense because you can drag and drop.

    • 4 months ago

      I still love Red Alert 2's installer.

    • 4 months ago

      holy kino

  23. 4 months ago

    every time a good non-american game comes out the californians get pissy because it makes everyone realize they mostly put out dogshit and they might have to start trying in the future

  24. 4 months ago

    Dealing with UX homosexuals makes me want to kill myself

    >Meetings and back and forths about miniscule changes to colors, placement of elements, etc

    >Change it to their specifications

    >They change their mind or find some other asinine shit to nitpick

    • 4 months ago

      I had a product owner once who loved to fricking shuffle around the UI as a way to avoid doing business work and boy oh boy did I ever fricking LOVE dealing with that. Especially after accomodating his picky fricking self to cram Apple UI design into custom android elements.

      • 4 months ago

        I had a supervisor once who loved to write text. I would put a design or website together and put a small bit of text on various places that got the point across, then he would come in and nitpick it and send me a document with "revisions" that basically said the same thing but with three times as much text. At certain times it got so bad it broke the layout, but after a while I just stopped asking him to fix this and just dumped it in there. The man could not help himself.

        The stupid thing is our clients were elderly so it wasn't like they were gonna read all that shit by him, but I guess it made him feel like he was contributing and that's more important than readability or brevity or having the layouts work.

      • 4 months ago

        >to cram Apple UI design into custom android elements
        Jesus frick that sounds terrible. I imagine you had to make some real frankenstein shit to get that working.

  25. 4 months ago

    On the contrary, it feels like the mechanics were fully tested, all encounters are clearly intentional(although repetitive and often cheap), you can see how they went through each main iteration of a scene several times, from different angles and builds, what they never tested was traversal and the stitching of the game as a whole, the open world and quest systems are pretty bad, the open world feels detrimental, unsure if it is intentional or not but it pushes you away, it looks pretty but there's absolutely nothing worth doing there, it's like how they say fastfood chains paint their stuff certain colors to make people uncomfortable

  26. 4 months ago

    A lot of current year Westerners working in modern creatives have this entitled idea that they are a special social class who should get to dictate what the peasants consume. They get annoyed whenever serfs get uppity and make pesky consumer decisions.

  27. 4 months ago

    Idk what this guy is going on about but I thought Elden Ring was a dog shit game so I probably agree

  28. 4 months ago

    All those people you saw throwing a soi tantrum on reddit and twitter about ER got fired in the mass layoff.

  29. 4 months ago

    These tards go to game design school and are directly graded on how much their dogshit UIs resemble ubislop.
    When you approach it from that direction its obvious to see why they think that anything different from that is wrong.

    "Best practices" are the death of creativity.

  30. 4 months ago

    tryhards for this games pvp use the equipment and inventory menus in the middle of fighting beautifully demonstrating how useful its designed. it does seem like something thats meant to be popped on and off in the middle of combat

    • 4 months ago

      I think its exactly the other way around.
      The game was designed to give you easy access to the few things you can bind and everything past that is just very nimble autism thats enabled because the game itself chooses not to pause in menu screens.
      The alternative would be compromising on the "never pause" design of the game and they obviously dont want that.

      • 4 months ago

        pvp is always going to be in realtime, so having the option to muscle memory different swaps and dexterous menu navigation makes designs like in souls, tarkov or mmos important. it could be better tailored for that kind of gameplay, but compared to the games these people probably make its not at all designed for non pause games

        • 4 months ago

          the difference between something like souls and mmos is that mmos let you bind every option as you want.
          the souls pvp menuing is the equivalent of casting spells out of your spell book in an MMO, which obviously nobody does.
          its people playing around a limitation and I think if it was actually 100% an intended way to play they wouldve set it up differently, like the item wheel introduced in monster hunter world.

  31. 4 months ago

    >go to expensive college to learn gamedev
    >finally graduated and ready to start making awesomesauce games
    >Elden Ring comes out and it doesn't follow any of the "how to make epic AAA game" rules you were taught and is a huge success
    >turns out you spend all your money and time learning how to make ubishit find the towers slop
    >all that money and time wasted
    >you will never make a good game

    I would be coping hard too if that happened to me honestly

  32. 4 months ago

    >devs got so mad
    UX is not dev
    UI is not the game
    that's like an interior designer getting shitty about architects praising a floorplan when the feng shui for the location of the dining table is wrong.

    you might be tricked into thinking UX is relevant with the comparison to western games, except western AAA games are all style and no substance

    • 4 months ago

      >UI is not the game
      Yes it is, it just has to be soulful UI.

      UI stops being part of the game once it becomes generic shit by muh design principles taught in universities, where one game's UI is borderline indistinguishable from another

  33. 4 months ago

    people who are really bad their jobs hate, more than anything, when someone shows people how its done.

  34. 4 months ago

    ux is necessary you morons. without ux you get cryptic shit made by programmers for programmers. remember when you had to click “start” to shut down windows? that kind of obtuse shit is why ux is required. you can thank us for the ribbon menu system and the gesture controls on your smartphones.

    • 4 months ago

      >ribbon menu system
      ugly and convoluted bullshit
      >gesture controls on your smartphones
      nobody uses this

    • 4 months ago

      >remember when you had to click “start” to shut down windows?
      No, there was never such a time. Even since the Start menu was introduced in Windows 95, you could use Alt + F4 (if you didn't have a window actively selected) to Shut Down your PC.

    • 4 months ago

      >you can thank us for the ribbon menu system
      The what now

    • 4 months ago

      >remember when you had to click “start” to shut down windows? that kind of obtuse shit
      have a nice day

  35. 4 months ago

    UX Designer is the gender studies of video games. all universities that offers courses are filled with homosexuals that do it just because it's trendy to work with videogames. They will be without work and hopefully never see a dev studio from the inside. Until then, enjoy your copy pasted homogen ui design.

    • 4 months ago

      UX design exists in every field of computing that involves a human interacting with a computing device.

      • 4 months ago

        True, but it isn't something you need a degree in or someone employed fulltime for. Hence why it is considered worthless to have as a primary profession. And the sort of consultation services that would employ such people are not focused around gaming.

      • 4 months ago

        applying UX principles to your product ≠ hiring a UX 'professional' to strongarm what they've been taught at school into your existing product

        it's a popular career choice because large companies can afford to pay for the safety of it since it's attractive to moronic stakeholders. anon

        UX Designer is the gender studies of video games. all universities that offers courses are filled with homosexuals that do it just because it's trendy to work with videogames. They will be without work and hopefully never see a dev studio from the inside. Until then, enjoy your copy pasted homogen ui design.

        is right. Lead UX designer is about as important as a token diversity hire and for very similar reasons, with just about as much ability to potentially tank a project.

      • 4 months ago

        FOSS operative systems have hundreds of GUI's for your computer without needing any moronic degree.
        Also nethack > anything a "UX designer" could ever make

    • 4 months ago

      >UX Designer is the gender studies of video games
      Nah, it's more like the Literature/English of vidya - it has its place, but it's massively unnecessarily overpopulated by regurgitating automatons who have the most braindead, uninspired insights/takeaways from their studies. If anything, the Gender Studies of vidya (and just about any inudstry) is the HR department.
      t. English major

      • 4 months ago

        >that spoiler
        Anon I'm so sorry

        • 4 months ago

          Don't be, I've got a decent job. I like to think that it's in part because I went in comparatively interesting directions with my focus for my major (namely exploring JRR Tolkien's linguistic and historical studies and interests reflected in the LotR trilogy, with my thesis really ending up as more of a history thesis about early Anglo-Saxon history and Old English than actually literature).

      • 4 months ago

        HR has a reason for existing, but too many studios treat HR as PR. And they decide to use hiring strategies for positive attention instead of existing purely as a department to handle personnel disputes and benefits.
        A good HR department is neither seen nor heard, they take the backseat to whatever the company or studio actually does. If you see or hear of it, that's because marketing has gotten their grubby little fingers into them.

    • 4 months ago

      Based on the thread, this is going to be controversial opinion but what the hell, Ganker is moron anyways so here goes.

      Great UX Designer will bring a ton to a project, but it won't be noticeable because his contribution will blend into the overall game design, style and feel perfectly. The issue here, and I would say in tech industry at large, is the industry grew and fractured very quickly and very hard. Back in the days you had developers, artists, systems administration and business administration with some tidbits of specialization here and there. Nowadays, most of the companies I have been dealing with last ~5 years have something like 10 or more positions/titles for just the core dev team.
      Due to the increased size and complexity of anything digital related, focusing on a small fraction of your craft is basically a necessity if you want to be employed or gain deep knowledge on a field. This mean you only have surface level knowledge on other fields or specializations.
      Combined with the massive growth of digital/IT sector means _very_ small portion of the workforce have wide domain knowledge, and even less where they are proficient in more than two specializations, and inreasingly bulk work is done by basically fresh grads who need to study and familiarize a lot of different fields, technologies and systems and they gain knowledge level proficiency in none of them. How this manifests in tech field is copycats, copycats and copycats, because its done by juniors who don't know anything else, don't have wide domain knowledge or aren't systemic thinkers, so everything ends up being copied to and from elsewhere but without your own flavour, or even knowledge why it was done that way in the first place.

      • 4 months ago

        And because actual rockstars are either founders, auteurs or moved on to became boring tech specialists and consultants outside sexy fields like vidya & startup scene, because those boring non-sexy fields actually pays very well. Did you know, in EU region, doing the exact same work in boring classical industry sector vs vidya company, the pay difference can easily be 15-50% in favour of the boring sector depending on your position? You don't even need to be that good.

  36. 4 months ago

    >"hmm yeah the open world is dense, the npcs are great, the combat is peak souls, the story is good, everything is nice EXCEPT that the UI is strange because it is not like god of war (God bless sony)

  37. 4 months ago

    I miss paper doll inventory and equipment as the standard. it's simple and incredibly clear and easy to see what's what, and it feels good to have an upgrade and slot it into place. The fricking awful copy and pasted """"minimalist""""" UI design that's rampant these days is terrible and kills immersion.

    At least there's still indie games

    • 4 months ago

      What game anon looks fun

      • 4 months ago

        Death Must Die, it's a vampire survivors clone with diablo loot and Hades style blessings. It's pretty good, I sunk enough hours in to unlock all the achievements (the no-hit one is the most annoying, especially since the online advice is terrible, doing it with Skadi is way easier than the Sorceress imo)

  38. 4 months ago

    >10/10 game that was made studio that doesn't have a UX 'team'
    >UX gays freak out because it shows that their job is meaningless

  39. 4 months ago

    The intended audience isnt people who are bad gamers though. Mostly it hurts bad / new / inexperienced gamers who refuse to take advice from other players, refuse to use guides or youtube videos and give up easily. They miss the tutorial cave, they accidentally skip the cutscenes, they shut off subtitles and cant hear the NPC giving his one line to follow the grace arrow, they never even get the horse named torrent or malenia to even begin to have the power to level up, and if they do they refuse to farm enemies to try and level up more to compensate for their total lack of skill. They want skyrim/ubislop/casual games. They are still in baby land. It's just that most gamers have some skill and are willing to get help and are willing to overcome those challenges.

    You cant just keep appealing to people with no skill. Yes, from could have spent time and resources to make a hand-holding mode that forces you into a tutorial, strips away the mystery and adventure of finding the spirit of malenia at the foot of the castle, have an NPC fairy tell you 'Hey! Listen! Going to that cave, we can find upgrade stones for our weapon!' and put a big fricking waypoint for you to follow. And doing so would alienate the average gamer.

  40. 4 months ago

    He's right but UXs don't make a game good or bad. It's purely a convenience thing.

  41. 4 months ago

    How is UX designer a work position? Why do you need a dedicated person to tell you that yes, this UI is easy to navigate. Shouldnt game designer be doing this all along with testers and artists? I feel like there more there are middle men involved in creative processes the worse outcome will be.

    • 4 months ago

      >I feel like there more there are middle men involved in creative processes the worse outcome will be.
      Good job Anon, you figured out why AAA games are so mediocre these days. You would make for a better studio head than most studio heads in this industry and I am not even being sarcastic.

    • 4 months ago

      You would be surprised how much simple oversight and disconnect there can be between departments. Whilst I don't think you necessarily need someone doing this fulltime you do need a or a couple champions for this sort of thing. Usually people who understand everything from the end user experience, either from personal experience using something similar or someone trained/knowledgeable enough across all areas that they know what to look for. The issue we see now is the current generation of 'professionally trained' idiots only know what they were taught by rote rather than developing any real understanding of what they are actually trying to achieve. Hence we see all this cookie cutter shit because that is what they were taught. It doesn't help though that also because this has become the standard it is what people expect so trying anything different will generally result in negative feedback from testers. There is no real solution to this problem short of someone having a vision of what they want and telling everyone else to get fricked.

      • 4 months ago

        You usually don't have vision guys at western developers anymore. I don't know if that's because they're considered unimportant or devs don't want to step up for it anymore, but it's noticable. Even the most famous vision guy in the industry right now, Todd Howard, is retiring soon.

    • 4 months ago

      >Shouldnt game designer be doing this all along with testers and artists?

      No. As a game designer you literally know the code of the game inside out, so your experience of playing the game is nothing like what a normal person experiences the first time they play. You NEED an outside opinion.

    • 4 months ago

      >I feel like there more there are middle men involved in creative processes the worse outcome will be

      You underestimate how manufacturized these processes are at large studios. People who work on X will not know anything about working on Y, hence the middlemen and bloated budgets.

  42. 4 months ago

    Because the success of elden ring ruins their delusion that the average player needs to be babysat 24/7, a delusion most AAA game design of the past 15 years has been based around. Even Ganker buys into it, thinking that games are designed this way to appeal to normalgays, but in reality this design is not actually accommodating normalgays, but the far left of the bell curve troglodytes.
    Someone post the clip of GoW devs using DSP as an example of the kind of person their game is designed for.

    • 4 months ago

      To play doubles advocate the reason they cater to that sort of idiocy is because they have been told that not doing so is exclusionary. Which is one of those no-no words that they fear. Which is why anything that comes along and plays by the rules of get good or get wreck confuses and terrifies them when it does well.

      • 4 months ago

        That reminds me of something I heard regarding shows based on a popular franchise.

        They people making the show expect that the fans of the franchise are going to watch the show regardless of what happens since theyre fans. And so, they modify the show to cater to a wider demographic, or a specific demographic they want to attract.

        Star wars was changed to cater to the normie crowd. The Avatar live action was apparently changed to try to attract the GOT viewer.

        Its probably the same in this case, only for games instead of shows.

        God of War is a popular franchise. They expect that the GoW fans are going to buy the game no matter what, so they changed the game to include features from currently popular games, like RPG mechanics and over-the-shoulder combat.

        They then proceeded to min-max sales by attracting the largest demographic in the world. The moron. The Below 50%er. The shampoo instructions people. And so they invite individuals like DSP to test their games. Because of that, they can now dip into the moron, normie, and GoW demographic for their sales.

    • 4 months ago

      Dude dsp is a god gamer compared to normalgays .
      I can't believe what in saying but it's true.

  43. 4 months ago

    thanks in advance

    • 4 months ago

      Just Google search ER interface is it was made by Ubisoft

    • 4 months ago

      Bonus points if it's the version with black White-Faced Varre.

    • 4 months ago

      Did you try typing 'elden ring ui meme' into Google then clicking on Images?

    • 4 months ago

      Bonus points if it's the version with black White-Faced Varre.

      Did you try typing 'elden ring ui meme' into Google then clicking on Images?

      Just Google search ER interface is it was made by Ubisoft

      • 4 months ago

        >Hot keys for spells
        Frick, if only.

      • 4 months ago

        >it's the black Varre version
        kek, enjoy your bonus points anon

      • 4 months ago

        hotbar is unironical improvement, scrolling through your consumables and spells one piece at a time is moronic as frick, doubly so on pc

        • 4 months ago

          You can immediately swap to the first attundment slot, so it's not that bad

        • 4 months ago

          I like it, it's not a high skill ceiling but it still feels nice when your spell loadout clicks with you and you know how many taps you need to get what you want, same as Monster Hunter where it clicks and you know how many taps you need to get from potion to paintball or trap. I'd like for Fromsoft to realize you can press more than 1 button at a time and give me the option to scroll both ways but there's not enough equip slots for this to matter that much

      • 4 months ago

        >the weapon equip is just cpy pasted from the DS demake

      • 4 months ago

        >No fingerless gloves meter
        >No low semen alert.

        Fricking dropped

      • 4 months ago

        The hot key bar is unironically good but otherwise kek

  44. 4 months ago

    What the frick is ux? User xenomoprhs?

    • 4 months ago

      User experience. Because professionals love their abbreviations. Usually it revolves around UI stuff and how a player interacts with the UI etc.

      • 4 months ago

        Then why aren't they saying UI instead? Also I don't remember having any problems with menues or the interface in elden ring, did they play some beta version or some shit?

        • 4 months ago

          Because not all UX gripes are to do with the UI, that just tends to be a primary one. But yeah there weren't really any major problems with the ER UI, besides possibly shuffling a couple of the player menu selection options around to be in a little more sensible order. What that dipshit was probably crying about was stuff like a lack of shortcuts for casting or other stuff they consider essential to ease of use for a player. Ignoring that it doesn't have that by design to keep builds separate and make equipment management a focal point of playing effectively. There is nothing particularly wrong with making a player interface easier to use, but doing so isn't always the correct decision and nor should it by default. It all comes down to how the gameplay is designed and whether doing something like that benefits it or makes sense.

  45. 4 months ago

    Modern western devs are just college dropouts and low GPA morons who settle for bottom pay to work with something they don't understand. If banking software launched with just 1/10th of the flaws that the average Ubisoft or EA game launches with, there would be 100 billion dollar lawsuits flying through the sky. Because the basis of modern dev teams are losers who can't handle responsibility or perform basic tasks when needed, they lash out at everything and everyone around them.

  46. 4 months ago

    they hate making things that people want to play

  47. 4 months ago

    Because it sold really well despite not being made very well.

  48. 4 months ago

    If you want a real answer for why UX is so shit. It's the same reason the animation industry in the west went to shit. Schools that teach specialized fields like this didn't exist when vidya was still growing and only popped up in the last 15-20 years. Both vidya and animation schooling just turned into a boot camp like system where companies can just constantly rotate in new people with the same exact knowledge. They don't teach you anything useful for school, just how to work in a streamlined industry. You have to self teach yourself to get any real quality, or learn from someone who actually has skill. Modern game dev has just been optimized to death like how modern video game players just youtube everything.

    • 4 months ago

      wrt animation/drawing: I feel like even beyond higher education, being self-taught generally has a blandifying effect cuz everyone still learns from the same online tutorials, draws from the same batch of popular artists/animators etc. everyone's more connected than ever and driven by interactions on social media which means less personal voices

      on the other hand it's good that you can learn technical shit easier than ever so getting those draftsmanship skills while having highly discriminatory personal taste is ideal

      • 4 months ago

        Like I said tho, if you want be a good artist, you need to learn from a good artist. I guarantee you these schools do a good job of deluding people into thinking what they teach is "better" even though it's just optimized for the cartoon industry. You have to go into 3D art if you ever want a job in somewhere big today.

  49. 4 months ago

    They’re jealous that we, the gamers won

  50. 4 months ago

    These people learned UX from lectures and application design, rather than actually playing a lot of vidya. It shows.

  51. 4 months ago

    Cod MW3 (2023) has the absolute worst god awful UX and menus I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with

  52. 4 months ago

    Ever watch GDC keynotes? Western devs have convinced themselves that they have “solved” game design, the result being slop like nu-God of War, Last of Us and Insomniac Spider-Man. UI design must be bland and constantly in the player’s face in case they forgot simple button inputs, open world maps must be stuffed with hundreds of pointless objective markers to lead the player by the hand through the “critical path”, every game must have simple, meaningless RPG character progression mechanics to increase engagement, every game needs an annoying sidekick who gives you puzzle solutions after ten seconds of downtime. Elden Ring flew in the face of all this accepted “wisdom” and was a better-made, better-received game than anything these soulless golems have shat out in the last decade. Hence, they were all furious about it.

  53. 4 months ago

    They're completely right, though. ER's UI is consolised dogshit.
    >HUGE swathes of empty space
    >requires you to swap between two different stat sheets to see all the relevant data
    >unnecessarily huge icons instead of a list (the frick is this, Oblivion?)
    >no way to see the item on your character without leaving the menu/disabling half the already-halved stat sheet
    >"categorised" grid that results in 80% empty cells if you have only a bunch of varied items in your inventory
    >scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling
    Miss me with that shit.

  54. 4 months ago

    elden ring sold millions (because it's good) and whatever garbage goyslop that moron did bombed hard so obviously he's mad jelly
    moron devs really need to learn to stop being fricking entitled and think that the fact that they sharted out some goyslop means that they deserve to get sales

  55. 4 months ago

    The main issue is... modern devs are learning at schools how you have to create a game. Now we have 95% of devs that think that their way would be the ultimative right way.

    It's like muslims realizing there is no god but they start to sceeching even more
    >god is guiding me
    >attack failed
    >God had a deeper thought with that. Praise Allah

  56. 4 months ago

    I remember around the time that UX designers in games were becoming more commonplace there was a number of games that had to be patched because the SLEEK, MINIMALIST DESIGNS that these professional morons decided were appropriate for video games had menus and subtitles that were virtually unreadable on TV, aka the device they were supposed to be designed for in the first place.

    They just made the UI the same way they did for apps, that being for a screen that you hold 2 feet away from your nose, and were befuddled that the 10pt Futura they built their career off of using for everything suddenly wasn't readable from the other side of the room, and they never even thought to check.

  57. 4 months ago

    Why do they all talk like moronic children?

    • 4 months ago
  58. 4 months ago

    He said it in his post, though I don't think that he actually understands: His life is a lie.

    People don't like the crap that the big corporations are pumping out. They're mostly habit buying or buying because it's on the front page, and that's slowing down.
    >You don't understand normies/zoomers/millenials/insert boogieman here.
    The momentum is 100% behind games like Elden Ring that don't treat you like a moron.

    In the first place, the industry reached an absolutely stupid consensus from misinterpreting the success of Call of Duty 4 (modern military shooters were kinda rare at the time) and not asking questions about the potential problems with trusting minimum wage playtesters. It was never what most gamers wanted.

  59. 4 months ago

    Seethe more Ahmed.

  60. 4 months ago

    They were not wrong, the UI is dogshit. But that's one element of the game, not even a particularly important one in the grand scheme of things.

  61. 4 months ago

    >Bad UI = Bad game
    Devs who got gaslit into believing the UI is important (it needs to properly show where you pay for the rest of the game after purchase)

  62. 4 months ago


  63. 4 months ago

    The DLC and DD2 are so far away I'm just going to replay ER again

  64. 4 months ago

    As a software dev, I like UX people. They can do the utterly shit work of deciding where that new checkbox in a dialogue goes, that way I don't have to care

  65. 4 months ago

    Because it's the greatest video game ever made, the culmination of over a decade of Demon's/Dark Souls games which are each legendary in their own right

  66. 4 months ago

    It's really weird to me that Elden Ring, a game without many of the bells and whistles of normal AAA design, selling as many copies as it did and winning as many awards as it did, was not a wake up call towards the American AAA scene that maybe this safe, homogeneous style of game design isn't all you can do and that you're allowed to be more creative, but rather it was just a signal to attack the game and those who enjoyed it for the supposed "flaws" of it's systems. It should have been a very liberating moment for the industry

    • 4 months ago

      It's pretty crazy how some of this big companies seem to outright refuse to learn these types of lessons. I thought kind of the same thing when Fallout 4 came out. That all the backlash to toning down player agency and removing RPG elements like skills was something even normies didn't like. Todd even said he realizes they went to far in that regard with things like a voiced protagonist. Then Starfield comes out and it repeats almost all the same mistakes. I used to hate normies for buying dumbed down games and steering the industry that direction and now even they are saying "Hey stop dumbing shit down more" and companies just won't listen.

      • 4 months ago

        did you hear Starfield had a voiced protagonist until very, very late in development? reportedly it took emil really long to realize it wasn't working and got it taken out. they will learn absolutely nothing from starfield's reception

        • 4 months ago

          That screams to me that they literally only took the voiced protag criticism seriously, out of everything.
          I know devs aren't going to enjoy looking at the negatives people have about what they put out but Bethesda has a habit of ignoring 99% of it, and instead "righting" a flaw by going in another bad direction.

        • 4 months ago

          I did, that's why I didn't bother giving them credit for "fixing" that mistake. If they were trying to make it work for a long period it almost certainly did damage to the writing quality.

          There's absolutely nothing wrong with voiced protagonists. Video james in the past hadn't put them to use because of budget and hardware constraints, not because it was a creative decision that brings 1000 times moar immersion to the game.

          There's nothing wrong with voice acting if it doesn't detract from the writing, in the case of Fallout 4 it without a doubt did. Fallout 4 has the lowest number of dialogue options of any Fallout game. That's not a coincidence. Every dialogue option is more VA work you have to pay for. It disincentivizes putting in lots of smaller variations and routes through dialogue trees as it now has a cost associated with it. Additionally I think it's a bad fit for Bethesda games. It works well when the player character is somewhat defined like a Commander Shephard. Bethesda encourages you to make your own character though. Yet despite how different all the Fallout 4 characters look or act, they all sounds exactly the same. That really makes it feel hollow, just make it a more set main character at that point then.

      • 4 months ago

        did you hear Starfield had a voiced protagonist until very, very late in development? reportedly it took emil really long to realize it wasn't working and got it taken out. they will learn absolutely nothing from starfield's reception

        There's absolutely nothing wrong with voiced protagonists. Video james in the past hadn't put them to use because of budget and hardware constraints, not because it was a creative decision that brings 1000 times moar immersion to the game.

        • 4 months ago

          In a game where it is trying to be a sprawling, immersive rpg, voiced protagonists where you can't choose how to sound is not a sound decision. Especially when you're also then having to limit yourself to a strict number of outcomes and choices.

        • 4 months ago

          its a game where (you) are the player. of course its wrong.

    • 4 months ago

      Because most of the industry isn't creative like Miyazaki, they just copy trends and follow established standards. They don't want to actually have to think for themselves and make interesting games, that's a lot of extra work

      • 4 months ago

        >creative like Miyazaki

        • 4 months ago

          There wasn't a single game that played like Demon Souls before it came out.

          • 4 months ago

            3rd person action games existed for a long time

            • 4 months ago

              And none of them played like Souls games.

          • 4 months ago

            Demon's Souls was just a typical PS2 ARPG on turbo with multiplayer in it. That's not an insult, that's why it's so good.

  67. 4 months ago

    >make ubishit game
    >get away with it because people like your IP
    many such cases

  68. 4 months ago

    They're right though. People complain about the bloat in open-world games, guess what ER does? Instead of a 'there's content here' marker, there's a big black hole on the map, so you put a marker on it and sprint towards it. People complain about poorly thought out inventory systems, so what does ER do with that? NOTHING, FRICK YOU, scroll through 32913 weapons to find the one you actually want! Oh, quest trackers? You hate these 'bring 20 flowers to Jane' quests? Well, ER also has them, but Jane teleports to an entirely different location in bumfrick nowhere, instead of an in-game tracker you have to use a web browser on your computer or phone.
    The most egregious of it all, however, are the map pieces. They're marked on your map from the get go. So you mark them on your map, and then you can put more markers on your map to mark other map pieces and dungeons with bosses you've fought 5 times against before.
    What a stupid fricking game.

  69. 4 months ago

    Didn't you make this thread dozens of times already?
    Why are soledrones so victimised?

  70. 4 months ago

    The most lazy frick I know wanted the most brain dead job he could get and became a Ui/UX dev

  71. 4 months ago

    hacks who make things the way they think they're supposed to be made, rather than based on their own design decisions

  72. 4 months ago

    Partially because there was so much hype over what was just Big Dark Souls IV. Mostly because it didn't follow their arbitrary rules of game design, which out them or their teachers as frauds.

  73. 4 months ago

    He said why. Corporate UI design is absolutely worthless.

  74. 4 months ago

    Because modern devs are worthless subhumans and the only UI they're able to shit out is the same old dogshit mobile game-tier Middle Earth: Shadow of God of Star Wars of Witcher 3.

  75. 4 months ago

    Cheap as frick and made money like it was GTA
    Their entire life is convincing some corporate overlord that they need more time and more staff

  76. 4 months ago

    racism, unironically

  77. 4 months ago

    I really like simple UIs that manage to create their own cool atmosphere by just having a few cool borders, a good font selection, and effort put into the icons

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      As if indieshits are any different from their AAAAA+ kin. They're the same rancid bunch.

      • 4 months ago

        we get it, you hate videogames

      • 4 months ago

        you say that but im able to recognize those games by their interfaces alone. god knows you can't do that with AAAAA games

  78. 4 months ago

    People who think Elden ring has a bd UI/UX need to play a Paradox 4x.
    Much as I love them those games can have fricking AWFUL interfaces which is a shame since the entire game is interacting those interfaces.
    CK3 in particular is really bad with navigation to certain elements as well as pop-ups covering up the information they are trying communicate.
    And that's for games that are still good/playable despite some issues, there are far worse games out there.

  79. 4 months ago


    just tell him that Allah will frick his ass for playing videogames

  80. 4 months ago

    trannies and losers cucks know deep inside they are goddamn fricking hacks that preach and push stupid shit that ruin the world of videogames and society in general to create troons losers so they don't feel lonely.

    When they see success of others they get so petty because they'll never achieve it without being a cheating hack and buying reviews.

  81. 4 months ago

    salamatizm's set to protected. fragile homosexual.

  82. 4 months ago

    UX Is the sweet baby inc of UIs

  83. 4 months ago

    its simple. they hate everything japanese

    • 4 months ago

      why is there such a hatred for the japs of all asians?

      • 4 months ago

        some amerimutts especially whites/anglos actually really hate japan . probably its because they always feel threatened by japanese.

  84. 4 months ago

    isn't that the shit they have the diversity hires do so they can pretend they are part of the team?

    • 4 months ago

      Kinda, UX is a real thing but it should already be part of the design process for the UI guys in particular, but every should be mindful of it really. it shouldn't be a separate thing or a separate role.

  85. 4 months ago

    Pretty funny how this guy hid his twitter account and made a big rant about the fromsoft community, and he'll never know he was getting shit because people kept posting this on Ganker

  86. 4 months ago

    UX people don't just tell how shit should be, they're also the ones in charge of keeping in touch with users to gather their reactions and feelings to improve the experience and usability by organizing sessions and interviews.

    t. someone that actually has a job

    • 4 months ago

      until that meeting next week

    • 4 months ago

      Get a real job.

      one requires significantly more art assets and work to make than just a list of items
      its not free to make the inventory better, depending on how important it is and how much time you spend in it you need to consider if its worth making that much better instead of something else
      there are also obviously easier ways to make it better and many degrees in between, but its not equal amounts of work to make them, obviously botw has a better inventory when it has that much more work put into it.

      Ok but we are b***hing about AAA games priced at $70 (basic edition) + tip+dlc+battlepass. Is this the best they can do with infinite budget?

      • 4 months ago

        Programming is not a real job now?

        • 4 months ago

          Show me your code.

  87. 4 months ago

    >it's a Ganker blames UX designers for things that aren't in their job description episode

  88. 4 months ago

    It sold a lot despite not having a propaganda focus. This is why BG3 was a saviour for western devs like those.

    • 4 months ago

      >BG3 was a saviour for western devs like those.
      BG3 also resulted in seethe anon.

  89. 4 months ago

    Because they play it safe and churn out barely edible and ultimately forgettable slop so when they see a game that is a smash hit that people like despite doing it "wrong" they feel a searing jealousy and hatred. They know they'll never make anything like that by necessity of their position as just another cog in a giant slop game company. They'll never have people reference them by names as video game auteurs. They'll always be "I dunno he works at ubisoft and did the cape physics or something minor like that."

  90. 4 months ago

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