How comfy is life for the average peasant in your setting?

How comfy is life for the average peasant in your setting?

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  1. 1 month ago

    I don’t play fantasy RPGs anymore because I’ve had my fill of it and want to try new things. In Delta Green it depends on the country, In Traveller and Star Trek it depends on the planet, in Cyberpunk a lot of people are living in shitty pods, cargo containers, and tiny apartments in a mega building, surviving on food that’s barely better than kibble.

  2. 1 month ago

    Thematically depends, it is part of the mood you are painting in the story.

    If the King/Queen is just it is simple bucolic pastoral paradise full of quaint and good hearted people living though summers of plenty and cosy winters like the Shire and Wind in the Willows.

    If the point is for the land to be in turmoil or run by villains and greedy bastards then the peasantry, like the weather and wild life will be cruel, scared, suffering and suspicious.

    • 1 month ago

      The difference between Cottagecore and Mudcore lol

  3. 1 month ago

    The vast majority of people live on hive worlds as envisioned in 80s and 90s sci-fi settings.
    As a result there is currently a crisis because as it turns out when everything can be delivered to your door, you can work from home, and social places as well as hobbies are expensive, a whole 30% of the population doesn't go outside or have non-internet-based relationships, leading to concerns about population decline and people not knowing how to act in social situations!
    I wish I was pulling that 30% out of my ass, but it's a number from one of the books I was pulling from. If only those writers knew how bad it would actually be.

    • 1 month ago

      How do you get your dick wet in a society like that?

      • 1 month ago

        AI girlfriends and specialist tools

      • 1 month ago

        >How do you get your dick wet in a society like that?
        I would be a millionaire if I knew that

      • 1 month ago

        Instagram, tinder, bumble, hinge, jdate, etc.

    • 1 month ago

      Warhammer Fantasy 1st and 4th Edition is extremely comfy for peasants, especially in comparison to .

  4. 1 month ago

    >How comfy is life for the average peasant in your setting?
    Just like in real life for most of human history in general, in the European medieval era in particular (which my setting is mostly based around, especially socially and politically, although gonzo in many other ways), it's pretty damn comfy.

    The central "setting" of my setting revolves around "the new world", so most peasants outside some very specific areas (in particular one fully settled area roughly analogous to Florida) are also pioneers. Life can be hard and uncaring and cruel at times, but they are mostly free and healthy, and communities often have amenities that can pass for modern at the time. While the actual labor done is often grueling, there's plenty of leisure time, and it's common to come upon a village just as some celebration or another is kicking off.

    There are many exceptions, of course, as there always are, but the fact that there's a whole continent means that outside of the most draconian fiefs, lords generally have to treat their peasants fairly well to not have them just frick off if mistreated.

  5. 1 month ago

    The residents of the town are primarily blue-collar working-class salt of the earth types. Generally pleasant and welcoming people who, either through magic or group psychosis, have gone blind to the myriad of horrors plaguing their idyllic hamlet. So while child mortality rates skyrocket and people go missing at an insane rate, everyone can afford their mortgages and there's really no better place to live, until something kills you.

  6. 1 month ago

    Fine, as long as you don't get run over by a war, a plague, or a major crop failure.

  7. 1 month ago

    In my fantasy setting, which focuses almost wholly on one nation and its sub-polities, peasants aren’t so much of a thing. This has pros and cons.
    The pros are that you have a lot more rights and own your own shit. Self defence, petition the authorities, you name it.
    The cons are that there’s no big daddy nobility to come save you from scary things, nor is there a safety net other than your community and kith.
    So it’s overall about as nice as a peasant type life, with possibility for it to be FAR worse or FAR better.
    In addition, the resources are solid the sea is generous and the weather is pretty nice except in the highlands.
    Some neighboring powers have slave and serf economies, so don’t end up there.

  8. 1 month ago

    So have all you morons forgot the word comfortable while eating lead paint and proompting or is it only a subset of dent-headed gaylords that includes OP

    • 1 month ago

      It's net slang

    • 1 month ago

      Quick Googling indicates that the word "comfy" has been in use for almost 200 year. That should be long enough for even you to get used to it, anon, and it's definitely long enough for a word to be considered an established and respectable part of the English language.

    • 1 month ago

      it's just abbreviation for convenience, you know, like using sus for suspicious, or pants for pantaloons, or auto for automobile, English language has been doing this for centuries

      • 1 month ago

        I do not like any of those things you have said. I also have never used "auto" in conversation in my entire life. Where are you even from?

        • 1 month ago

          Auto is a thing I see / hear Anglos and Euros use. Petrol, ‘Ute, ‘Telly. They love it for some reason.
          That said, even before it was slang in the 2000s, comfy itself was well in use.
          According to etymological sources comfy is first attested as a word in 1829 and has been a word in general use since 1900.
          It’s just far more popular now because /comfy/ was a chan meme that got out to the wider internet and is now super common in that niche.

  9. 1 month ago

    The average peasant considers himself comfy, but I don't know how much we'd like it there:
    -The average global temperature is around 27 degree Celsius, so winter does not functionally exist and instead there is; mild-summer, summer, and a long rainy period that lasts 3-4 months. Vegetation grows perpetually because of the weather and most of the continent is covered in dense jungle, forest, and grassland.
    -Most peasanty-types work in the agricultural sector, growing: corn, beans, squash, peanuts, wheat, rice, melons, peanuts, potatoes, cassava, bananas, and herding cattle, pigs, and goats. Fruit and other leafy greens are so abundant that they're typically left alone in messy gardens to grow like 'useful weeds'. The abundance of small game and fish also make hunting and fishing a viable living for other peasants.
    -For entertainment the peasantry spend an awful lot of their free time smoking marijuana, gambling, betting on wiener or giant beetle fights, drinking fermented corn beer and fruit-mash drinks, and playing sports similar to rugby, volleyball, and soccer. Theater and temple prostitution are available, but these cost money.
    -Religious institutions are fairly strong and provide something resembling public welfare and healthcare. Most temples can be expected people who have nothing and heal the sick or injured - the waiting list usually not *too* long.

    With that said there are some things that are shit:
    -It's fricking hot dude. And the humidity is unreal.
    -Some peasants (though it's typically slaves) work on coffee, tea, palm oil, coconut, sugar, or cotton, plantations. Plantations are owned by nobles and they fricking suck. Additionally, sugar plantations are dangerous and people frequently get crushed or get splashed with boiling sticky boiling sugarcane juice that won't come off.
    -Getting killed by a monster is actually very rare, but getting seriously injured, or even maimed, by a giant insect, carnivorous plant, or slime, is not.

    • 1 month ago

      >winter doesn't exist
      That sounds like a nightmarish hellworld.

  10. 1 month ago

    Somewhat comfy, so long as you toe the line and display an appropriate amount of patriotism. If you live on the frontier you don't have as many comforts or safety but you can also say whatever the frick you want.

  11. 1 month ago

    The slopspammer's ban has clearly ended.

  12. 1 month ago

    pretty good for the ones that aren't enslaved and own decently fertile soil. Having the right companionship also helps

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