How did Nintendo ever greenlight this?

How did Nintendo ever greenlight this?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    They didn’t run it by Treehouse first

  2. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >1 man
      >3 wives

      • 8 months ago

        women can't get cucked?

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          How are they getting cucked when he's fricking all three of them on the regular? You people are as obsessed with cucking as you are with trannies.

        • 8 months ago

          female biology is a 9+ months investment. female strategy is to find the top genes
          male biology is spray and pray. male strategy is to find as many females as possible who will carry to term
          in this scenario everyone won

      • 8 months ago

        The explanation is probably just that anon needs a break from this place because cuckoldry is on his mind at all times

        I still laugh whenever I see this image.
        It made it so its super fans couldn't deny that this was just a weeb anime harem game series anymore

        Yes, this image truly was the gotcha the super fans feared.
        How can they ever come back from this

      • 8 months ago

        The explanation is probably just that anon needs a break from this place because cuckoldry is on his mind at all times
        Yes, this image truly was the gotcha the super fans feared.
        How can they ever come back from this

        >only 1 child
        So who fathered the other 2?

        • 8 months ago

          There are three children. There are three women. There is one man involved. Please connect the dots.

          • 8 months ago

            >he didn't play FR

            • 8 months ago

              What in FR is giving you any ideas contrary to the incredibly obvious implication of the image from the end of 3?

            • 8 months ago

              You know base 3 literally confirmed Mio as Nia's daughter right? With Glimmer and Mio that means Rex has at least 2 kids.

              • 8 months ago

                THREE kids.

              • 8 months ago

                Clearly there's 4 since Mythra is holding one. They're never showcased growing up sadly though people speculate that he is one of the villains in XB3 IIRC.

    • 8 months ago

      They are cuckqueans

    • 8 months ago

      It's only cuckoldry if it's a man being cucked by another man. A man having a harem isn't cuckoldry for the women. You're ignoring that fact that the real reason cuckoldry and female promiscuity is bad is because there's someone inserting themselves into your woman. Women don't penetrate men, so women can't get cucked. Men are meant to have multiple partners but women aren't.

      A key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock.

      • 8 months ago

        >A key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock.
        based. saving this.

        • 8 months ago

          Are you unironically 12?

          • 8 months ago

            Are you unironically trans?

  3. 8 months ago

    their HQ isn't in California

  4. 8 months ago

    The nintendo ninja assassinated abe for this

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        No way gay.

  5. 8 months ago

    It appealed to them, remember Nintendo is pretty hard on what they allow Monolithsoft to do, so they probably approved of this.

    • 8 months ago

      NoJ isnt really that prudent as people think they are, a lot of stuff only gets fricked in localization

      • 8 months ago

        >a lot of stuff only gets fricked in localization
        like the VO quality

      • 8 months ago

        Not really what I was talking about, though I can't find it, there's an interview where Takahashi said that Nintendo doesn't let them work on anything other than Xenoblade anymore.
        Similarly during that time he did an interview with Hashino he said this
        >Takahashi: I wish it were that simple. (laughs) Even if it passes initially, we can be told “actually, no” halfway. I don’t think that’s just us, but all developers. All the products you see on the market are really just the tip of the iceberg.

      • 8 months ago

        The absolute fricking state of the new FE localization lives rent free in my head and I refuse to play it because of it, yes I'm aware that there's a patch to fix it. Yes I'm still going to not play it anyway.

  6. 8 months ago

    I still laugh whenever I see this image.
    It made it so its super fans couldn't deny that this was just a weeb anime harem game series anymore

    • 8 months ago

      You say that like its a bad thing

    • 8 months ago

      Ironically, 3 was the game that most appealed to the left wing pronoun types

      • 8 months ago

        only in the localization thoughever

        • 8 months ago

          That's not true. Juniper/Yuzuriha is non-binary even in the original Japanese.
          Every character in Xenoblade 3 has their gender ID set as either a 0 for male or 1 for female. Juniper/Yuzuriha's gender ID is 2. It's built into the game code. Roc in Xenoblade 2 was the same, just in case you wanna try and pretend like you played that game.

          • 8 months ago

            The poster on wikia lolXD who claimed this never provided any evidence and as far as I’m aware no-one has ever come foward with any either. If it is in fact the case, they ignored that several other characters in 3 who are very clearly gendered (mostly female) are known to be designated as 2 also
            You probably know this already of course, but I thought I’d inform you anyway just on the off chance you’re only misinformed instead of an intentional misleading troony

          • 8 months ago

            NO SHE FRICKING IS'NT. STOP BEING moronic. Juniper is FEMALE
            >b-but the code!
            That code claim ignores two details; the first is that it was never verified, the person who originally said to have found it never provided evidence despite it being requested and to my knowledge no-one else has come forth with it. Second, the claim states she is marked non-binary because she is assigned the number 2 in the code (as opposed to 0 for men and 1for women), but ignores that of the characters actually known to be assigned to 2 all are very clearly gendered with no ambiguity
            So no, she’s not.

          • 8 months ago

            Its fake, dumbass

    • 8 months ago

      The ones who pretend this was a series that had some deep mature story and that it wasn't just coomer shit are the funniest ones

      • 8 months ago

        1,x and 3 didnt have coomer shit.
        What an odd thing to say, anon

        • 8 months ago

          What are you talking about, you literally just proven anon's point
          2 is the odd one out because it went full coomer, unlike the other games in the series

        • 8 months ago

          >1,x and 3 didnt have coomer shit.
          I love how people still tell themselves this blatant lie. Especially about X.

          • 8 months ago

            X has coomer shit as optional side costumes along with dozens of other costumes, 2 has coomer shit as the main designs. Its not comparable you disingenuous homosexual.

            These are the canon outfits for all the characters.

            • 8 months ago

              The optional content in X is basically the main game. Side costumes might as well be main designs frankly.

          • 8 months ago

            They're really just dishonest about it. The truth is:
            >It's fine to have 200 different women lusting after MC for whatever reason, and it's ok even if you have 199 of them never move on, remain in love with him and die alone
            >It's fine to have coomer stuff AS long as it's a villainous or prostitute character instead of the pure heroine, the point is that they are a rival or lesser and they have to be degraded as prostitutes

            • 8 months ago

              >and it's ok even if you have 199 of them never move on, remain in love with him and die alone
              Gotta love how this is the only way haremgays can make their garbage writing sound virtuous, act like theres an epidemic of fictional spinsters

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, that's literally how it is though. I would prefer no love triangle, or harem route, as opposed to a Melia situation.

              • 8 months ago

                You're acting like it's one or other. Just the two options that one singular storyteller has presented you. Maybe, they're both kind of shit when you write them with no greater purpose than to give some fat nerd an erection.

            • 8 months ago

              >1,x and 3 didnt have coomer shit.
              I love how people still tell themselves this blatant lie. Especially about X.

              Okay, I'll condemn all of the coomer trash from all of the games, even from Xenosaga and Xenogears. Infact, your game shouldn't have sexuality period, or emotions, or feelings, and every character should be a blank slate. This would unironically make the games better, since there's distraction from the gameplay.

              Sound good? No inconsistencies.

      • 8 months ago

        These are not mutually exclusive concepts. If you're one of the types who gets "distracted" by character designs, maybe you should just keep your opinions to yourself.

        • 8 months ago

          Mongotari was dogshit, have a nice day

    • 8 months ago

      The only ones who cared about that were the same sort who kept posting about “muh Br’ishism” and pretending it was the only good JRPG series ever made i.e ironic weebs. Anyone who actually liked the games were amazed they actually did it, but they weren’t affronted in any way

      • 8 months ago

        >Anyone who actually liked the games were amazed they actually did it
        Anyone who liked the games, and actually played them, realised that XBC2 made it very clear that Rex married all three of them by itself.

        There was nothing to be surprised about, it was what we already knew. Was nice to see it confirmed, but that's all.

        • 8 months ago

          >Anyone who liked the games, and actually played them, realised that XBC2 made it very clear that Rex married all three of them by itself.
          The only people who thought that we're the ones who believed in the scraps that Monolith left for Nia

        • 8 months ago

          The ending of the game is literally "Boy Meets Girl' you dipshit. They didn't plan ahead. They didn't care. It's not some grander keikaku.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, Anon, they just inserted a conversation between Rex and Nia where he tries to address her confession and she says they'll talk about it later, for absolutely no reason.

            Oh and Rex's number one fear regarding Nia being that he might have hurt her by focussing too much on Pyra? Oh yeah, that didn't mean anything either.

            Huh? Rex has a unique special move where he quite literally joins with Pyra and Nia? Yeah, that doesn't mean anything either, I don't know why they even put that in there.

            Oh and the NG+ ending which quite literally has Nia join in with Rex, Pyra and Mythra- with absolutely none of the other party members or characters included at all? Nah, means nothing, complete mystery why they put that in the game.

            You're right, Anon, there was absolutely nothing in 2 that setup the 3 Wives. Absolutely nothing at all.

            • 8 months ago

              You mean that thing that didn't ship with the game and had to be added an entire quarter later when they'd begun production on the next game?

            • 8 months ago

              >using the NG+ screen put in months later or the teamwork move as proof
              The latter one is funny looking at FR Red only wielding the bootleg Aegis swords
              The rest indicates that he's aware of her feelings, that's about it. He wouldn't feel guilty if he had a proper answer at that point

              • 8 months ago

                If the NG+ screen was just that on its own and they never double down on its implications in 3, you'd have a point, but it's retroactively proof because of 3.

              • 8 months ago

                So what you're saying is they never actually fricking bothered with any of the meaningful development in two 80 hour games, which was the original point being argued.

              • 8 months ago

                Then doubling down on something slapped on later doesn't make it proof

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, Anon, they just inserted a conversation between Rex and Nia where he tries to address her confession and she says they'll talk about it later, for absolutely no reason.

          Oh and Rex's number one fear regarding Nia being that he might have hurt her by focussing too much on Pyra? Oh yeah, that didn't mean anything either.

          Huh? Rex has a unique special move where he quite literally joins with Pyra and Nia? Yeah, that doesn't mean anything either, I don't know why they even put that in there.

          Oh and the NG+ ending which quite literally has Nia join in with Rex, Pyra and Mythra- with absolutely none of the other party members or characters included at all? Nah, means nothing, complete mystery why they put that in the game.

          You're right, Anon, there was absolutely nothing in 2 that setup the 3 Wives. Absolutely nothing at all.


          Stop being moronic

          Post-Battle Dialogue
          Rex :"Hey, Nia. About that thing you said that one time... I, uh, well..."
          Nia: "Huh? Oh, right! Hehe! You're asking now? Now's not the time, we can talk later."
          Nexus Force
          Nia: "This is where I belong."
          Rex: "All together now!"
          Pyra: "Our bonds are as one!"
          Union Sword
          Pyra: "We move forward together!"
          Rex: "We fight for our future!"
          Nia: "With these hands, we'll seize it!"

    • 8 months ago

      >implying I've ever tried to deny it
      Pretentious homosexuals like you who think simple wish fulfilment in fantasy, the literal escapism genre is too low brow for you are only deserving of my contempt.

      • 8 months ago

        >implying I've ever tried to deny it
        That at least makes you better than 95% of the Xenocancer on Ganker, who think they're philosophical geniuses for playing a game where the story had themes and symbolism.

    • 8 months ago

      Wait so this image is real? I thought Pyra and Mythra were the same person, how the frick does this work?

      • 8 months ago

        The answer is:
        >expecting answers from Xenoblade 3

      • 8 months ago

        No one knows. I played the game and at the end, they just split without any explanation.

      • 8 months ago

        They aren't the same person. They're 1 person split into 2 separate people.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah what I meant was one body.

          The answer is:
          >expecting answers from Xenoblade 3

          No one knows. I played the game and at the end, they just split without any explanation.

          don't think too hard about it, the writers of the franchise sure as hell didn't.

          That's really fricking funny

      • 8 months ago

        don't think too hard about it, the writers of the franchise sure as hell didn't.

      • 8 months ago

        Rex fricked them both into existance

      • 8 months ago

        They split into two so they could both be pregnant at the same time (parallel processing)

    • 8 months ago

      Oh no, the protagonist really was based as frick all along and claimed his three wives, how will I ever recover?

      • 8 months ago

        >Needing to hold a fictional man's life on a pedestal because you haven't got one of your own

        • 8 months ago

          It's not that deep buddy. I'm simply implying the guy I replied to is moronic for thinking that picture was some type of "own" on fans of the series when most people were thoroughly entertained that they actually went that route. I am going to call you moronic now for forcing me to explain incredibly obvious shit to you.

        • 8 months ago

          >Needing to hold a fictional man's life on a pedestal
          do you understand the phrase 'heroic myth'

    • 8 months ago
      Fair-minded anon

      >It made it so its super fans couldn't deny that this was just a weeb anime harem game series anymore
      Yes, a man with three wives? Surely such a thing could never occur in popular media, or literature!

      >googling Wheel of Time now features a bunch of disgusting diversity uggos from the Amazon show

    • 8 months ago

      It's impressive how much this truthful post made xenocancer seethe
      Except for the few who fully admitted that it was coomer shit and were okay with that.

    • 8 months ago

      Kinda like Fire Emblem lmao

      • 8 months ago

        Fire Emblem fans don't pretend that they're intellectuals for playing a weeb game and applying their Psych 1 course knowledge to it.

    • 8 months ago

      One game that has a harem ending doesn't make it a harem game series. XB1 and XB3 have clear couples with no polygamy (which is a plot point in a side quest in XB2 I believe).

  7. 8 months ago

    Nintendo wants boys to have sex

  8. 8 months ago

    Nintendo fears Takahashi, they know if they don't appease him he'll pull a square enix and leave with a significant portion of Monolith which would frick up multiple Nintendo series, most notably zelda.

  9. 8 months ago

    By censoring all the designs and putting 2 troony characters in the game to compensate

    • 8 months ago

      Where are the uncensored designs?

      • 8 months ago

        >Where are the uncensored designs?
        In 1 and 2

        • 8 months ago

          Many many characters in 3 aren't in 2 and 1. Be more specific

          • 8 months ago

            >Literally post an outfit from 2 that objectively got censored for 3
            Another mentally ill 3gay

    • 8 months ago

      you're mentally ill if you see female woman with functional womb as trannies

  10. 8 months ago

    Japan needs children

    • 8 months ago

      >Abe psyops continue posthumously
      >The ghost of schizo abe is real
      It would be easier to convince leftists that israelites are actually crab people from outer space than it is to get weebs to interact with a 3DP.

      • 8 months ago

        Abe shall ascend as a god, his death was necessary in this transformation

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Abe himself died childless.

      • 8 months ago

        Abe discovered his wife was infertile after marriage but decided not to divorce her. Abe may have no biological children but his brothers did have children so at least, Abe became an uncle who had nephews and nieces.

    • 8 months ago


  11. 8 months ago

    Whoever was supposed to review whether Xenoblade 3 follows guidelines probably couldn't play it all the way to the end because of how boring it was and never got to the ending as a result.

  12. 8 months ago

    Remember when they greenlit this character in their flagship franchise

    • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    >only enabled the worst part of the Xenoblade fandom (the part that only cares about porn self-insert fantasy)to be louder and more obnoxious
    Everything after X was a mistake. And that’s not even getting into 3’s story itself being ego-driven garbage for Takahashi.

  14. 8 months ago

    Xenoblade must be one of the most obvious governmental psyops ever made. Have sex & procreate.

    • 8 months ago

      >fans are all still shut-ins with porn addiction who would rather pretend that the protag is them than socialize with actual humans
      Seems like a failure if that was the case.

      • 8 months ago

        They'd need a full on government intervention to make it work. You could drag a nerd into a prison cell with a woman and make sex the condition for leaving, and they'd still stay in that room for the rest of their lives somehow.

        • 8 months ago

          Because sex is gross

      • 8 months ago

        >xenoblade fans are exactly like Gankerirgins

        So why do you constantly attack your own?

    • 8 months ago

      i wonder what the original line says. i want to think it has to with something i learned while learning some vocabs

      • 8 months ago

        I always thought this was used around the world as well.
        Now I wonder where I learned it from.

  15. 8 months ago

    what's wrong with it, specifically?

  16. 8 months ago

    >Obviously, Pyra's child
    >Inherit bratty attitude from Mythra instead of her mother


    • 8 months ago

      >obviously pyra's child because... she shares the same hair colour!
      >nevermind the fact that the entire point of the aegis was to collect information on everyone

      2gays confirmed for being braindead and not even understanding their own game's story. Nevermind the fact that Pyra was literally created by Mythra as some kind of Tulpa after the events of her fight with Malos... indicating that yes she has the information with red hair inside of her.

      • 8 months ago

        Are you implying that Glimmer is Mythra’s kid?

        • 8 months ago

          the point is that she could be either since both pyra and mythra are aegis and contain all the information that would be required for glimmer to be born. there is no actual way of knowing who is her mom afaik

          • 8 months ago

            >implying Takahashi is smart enough to think of that when almost every other kid/descendant we meet is just a lazy parent clone

            • 8 months ago

              >implying his wife doesnt write stuff too
              >implying his wife isnt responsible for all the good writing

              • 8 months ago

                Hasn't his wife been fairly hands-off with these games for ages now?

                Is it true that Rex talks about troony shit in the DLC?

                Alvis is retconned into a schizo hermaphrodite now so they can wring more shitty waifubait out of 1's corpse.

    • 8 months ago

      She's clearly got traits from both of them (which makes sense, since all three of them would have raised the kids). She's bratty and forthright like Mythra, but she's kind and caring just like Pyra too. Look how she reacts when she thinks Rex is in danger or hurt.

      >obviously pyra's child because... she shares the same hair colour!
      >nevermind the fact that the entire point of the aegis was to collect information on everyone

      2gays confirmed for being braindead and not even understanding their own game's story. Nevermind the fact that Pyra was literally created by Mythra as some kind of Tulpa after the events of her fight with Malos... indicating that yes she has the information with red hair inside of her.

      >Nevermind the fact that Pyra was literally created by Mythra as some kind of Tulpa after the events of her fight with Malos
      Imagine saying people don't understand the game's story, and then saying this.

      Pyra is the parts of Pneuma that Addam didn't draw out. Mythra only created her in the sense that she brought those latent parts out as a new personality. Pneuma is literally both of them joined together, the two parts combined. They even spell this out with the whole coffee and milk thing.

  17. 8 months ago

    with a little help.

    • 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago

    It's a completely innocent photo to any sane human being.
    Unfortunately, most of you are batshit crazy. Especially the loudest of you.

    • 8 months ago

      Clean the cum socks off your floor

  19. 8 months ago

    Rex is just doing his biological duty to spread his genes as far as possible

  20. 8 months ago

    >2 daughters (possibly 3)
    *hits pipe*

  21. 8 months ago

    Pyra and Mythra should've died for real at the end of 2 so this moronic image wouldn't exist.

  22. 8 months ago

    Nintendo probably saw this

    and thought that whoever made this video is making fun on Nia, and said
    >FRICK IT! He now has three wives! Yes, three. You heard me.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Dub is cancer, but everything is better than listening to something that sound like it's coming from 3yo
        >oniiiii chaaaan
        That's when I uninstall, delete, and destroy.

        • 8 months ago

          Okay dubBlack person

          • 8 months ago

            You know I'm right.
            I would bet that you don't watch foreign movies with subtitles.

            • 8 months ago

              >I would bet that you don't watch foreign movies with subtitles.

              • 8 months ago

                Americans, everyone

                >exactly 1 minute apart
                Really, anon?

              • 8 months ago

                concession accepted

            • 8 months ago

              >not only a dubgay, but a live-action dubgay
              wtf anon, I assumed your sort was a myth

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not sure if my message was not clear enough, or if you are baiting me.
                I was saying that every person who praises japanese voice acting is a hypocrite who refuses to watch movies that are not in their native tongue. This is a fact, especially if that person comes from USA, Germany, or France.

              • 8 months ago

                Only boomers watch live action dubs you moron no one under the age of 40 does this anymore.

              • 8 months ago

                Who the frick said anything about live action? You don't know that Germany does dub for every movie?

              • 8 months ago

                I haven’t watched any film (animated or otherwise) in anything but its original language track since I was a child, and it’s baffling that you would assume otherwise especially if someone does the same for video games

              • 8 months ago

                Would English happen to be your second language? It would explain much of the confusion, at the very least

        • 8 months ago

          You know I'm right.
          I would bet that you don't watch foreign movies with subtitles.

          Americans, everyone

        • 8 months ago

          As opposed to the constant spew of "OI REX MATE CHU GO' A LOISENSE FOR THAT BLADE GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BOB'S YOUR UNCLE" shit?

          • 8 months ago

            Yes; they only like the dub for the accents but the irony is lost on them

        • 8 months ago

          As opposed to the constant spew of "OI REX MATE CHU GO' A LOISENSE FOR THAT BLADE GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BOB'S YOUR UNCLE" shit?

          You both could benefit from being more open-minded with regards to how people from other cultures speak.

      • 8 months ago

        have a nice day racist troony pig

    • 8 months ago

      I'm glad Nia got a happy ending, and then grew up to be even hotter.

      • 8 months ago

        >I glad that she's fourth wheel and that also we completely skipped the actual romantic relationship build-up to get to this point
        XC3 could've just been actual shit pressed into a game box, and you gays would still defend it's half-assed storytelling decisions. So long as they throw a sexy lady at you, and she's interested in some boring frick that you relate to.

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >Seething that his slant-eyed Bible-fetish Senpai can't actually write worth a shit

        • 8 months ago

          >becomes queen of the world for no reason
          >Rex suddenly loves her just as much as Pyra
          >her daughter is the main heroine of 3
          I wonder if some psychotic catgay threatened to shoot up Monolith Soft's office

          Stop being moronic

          Post-Battle Dialogue
          Rex :"Hey, Nia. About that thing you said that one time... I, uh, well..."
          Nia: "Huh? Oh, right! Hehe! You're asking now? Now's not the time, we can talk later."
          Nexus Force
          Nia: "This is where I belong."
          Rex: "All together now!"
          Pyra: "Our bonds are as one!"
          Union Sword
          Pyra: "We move forward together!"
          Rex: "We fight for our future!"
          Nia: "With these hands, we'll seize it!"

          • 8 months ago

            And she became queen because....?

            • 8 months ago

              The answer to almost every bone-headed decision 3 makes to tell its magnum anus of a story
              DON'T ASK QUESTIONS

            • 8 months ago

              The answer to almost every bone-headed decision 3 makes to tell its magnum anus of a story
              DON'T ASK QUESTIONS

              morons. Take a look at the political landscape at the end of 2:

              no official leadership now that their previous leader has been exposed as a greasy noppon. An interim governing force has been instituted but that was always meant to be replaced

              Shitty king who lied to his subjects for his entire life, carrying on a lie that was perpetrated by his ancestors. Allowed his kingdom to be plunged into an ice age because he would rather give in to a blackmailers demands than admit he isn't related to some dude from 500 years ago. Unfit to be ruler of anything.

              >Mor Ardain and by extension Torigoth
              ruled by a child who got the role through nepotism. Barely has control over his own country as the nobles do shit behind his back all the time, almost inciting a war in the process.

              The only nation with a functional government, but also the only government that does very little to actually aid in the saving of the world. The only Urayan who helped was a mercenary that didn't align himself with his own nation, so in terms of the new world government they would not have much power.

              Meanwhile Rex (literally the latin word for king) saved the world and united the nations, then married 3 women and you are suprised one of them is called the queen.

              • 8 months ago

                >only story elements
                >no gameplay elements
                This is why Xenoblade turned me off so much. I'm basically a passive observer while the game happens in the background. Where's my agency?

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >Where's my agency
                You as the player uncover the noppon scheme and liberate argentum
                You also uncover the phoney king from Tantal
                You also clean up the mess caused by Mor Ardain nearly inciting a war (also you save the emperor's life)
                You also save the world, through gameplay. Not sure what agency you think is missing here.

                >literally 'muh heckin' Rexarino was the bestest choice'
                I suppose grasping the greys of political structures IS too much for your average 2homosexual.

                Who would be a better fit by your estimation then? Seems like you don't have any answer to this, you just cry that it shouldn't be Rex despite all the factors that point to it. I didn't even think these needed mentioning before but he is literally best friends with major political powers in all the major nations (except Uraya, where his role with the mercs is more of a minor connection, but again they are the least relevant nation), and is also a descendant of the legendary hero Adamm, who is so important in this world that Tantal is in it's current predicament because they are afraid to admit they AREN'T related to him.

                >all this headcanon
                Just admit it doesn't make sense. Even the writers didn't try to make it make sense.

                which part of it isn't an objective fact? Every single point I made is directly from something that happens in game, there's no subjectivity to any of it.

                That's cool but they have zero reason to fuse together, hero or not

                2 nations were already fused together (Mor Ardain and Torigoth), Tantal's leader is a sham who has no rightful claim to the throne, Argentum is a nation that only exists to trade money so they have no reason not to merge if everyone else is doing it. In the end only Mor Ardain and Uraya have any reason to remain separate. And there's no reason for them to do so in the new world, so merging into one unified nation is not at all out of the question, especially if they are led by someone idealistic like Rex.

                >Barely has control over his own country as the nobles do shit behind his back all the time,
                And those nobles suddenly started behaving themselves once Nia the 15 TP brainlet took over?
                How does that make sense?

                Outside of Nia being queen (and by extension Rex being king), we know nothing of the new governing system in xbc2's world, so there's no way to know what became of those nobles. Any answer would just be speculation based on nothing.

              • 8 months ago

                >You as the player uncover the noppon scheme and liberate argentum
                That's not good enough. I want to kill all of the nopon and burn Argentum to the ground. Hell, I want to burn the entire game world to ash, because the NPCs mean nothing to me. I'm expected to be their slave for the entire game, and I'm supposed to be happy about that?

              • 8 months ago

                >and by extension Rex being king
                He's never referred to as the king, not even in FR when they talk about Nia. That's speculation too.
                >Any answer would just be speculation based on nothing.
                Your entire answer is speculation is based on nothing. Monolith avoided addressing it because they themselves knew it doesn't make sense. They just needed to have a parallel to Melia being the queen in her world, that's the sole reason.

              • 8 months ago

                >the man that is married to the queen being called king is just speculation
                >your entire answer is speculation
                no my answer is an objective view of where every nation in Alrest lies politically at the end of the game. They all either have no ruler or a shitty ruler, with Uraya being the only exception, because the entire nation is an afterthought in 2. They only exist to have Mor Ardain be in tension with someone, they have no agency in the actual plot outside of this. I've demonstrated several objective facts that paint Rex as a viable candidate for a leader in a post xbc2 world, which is not speculative.

                >Tantal's leader is a sham who has no rightful claim to the throne
                What claim does Nia have?

                Is married to the true descendant of Addam, and is also a daughter of a noble family from Torigoth (only kind of since that was actually the real nia and not the blade nia that we know)

              • 8 months ago

                >I've demonstrated several objective facts that paint Rex as a viable candidate for a leader in a post xbc2 world
                And yet FR doesn't ever refer to him as such. So that's headcanon

              • 8 months ago

                >is also a daughter of a noble family from Torigoth
                Being a minor noble of one region =/= queen of the entire world

              • 8 months ago

                >Tantal's leader is a sham who has no rightful claim to the throne
                What claim does Nia have?

              • 8 months ago

                >And there's no reason for them to do so in the new world, so merging into one unified nation is not at all out of the question,
                All of those nations have their own cultures. I doubt they would all willingly give up their autonomy to become one kingdom under Rex and Nia the 15 TP idiots. Now THAT would be hack-tier writing.

              • 8 months ago

                >does nothing but speculate, just in a way that rims Takahashi’s lazy ass that shat out 3’s story

              • 8 months ago

                >And there's no reason for them to do so in the new world,
                It's just more land. These nations all have a strong identity and beliefs, them becoming notJapan is moronic.If anything Gormott has no reason being under Mor Ardain anymore
                Also Rex is irrelevant, Nia is the sole ruler

              • 8 months ago

                >literally 'muh heckin' Rexarino was the bestest choice'
                I suppose grasping the greys of political structures IS too much for your average 2homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                >all this headcanon
                Just admit it doesn't make sense. Even the writers didn't try to make it make sense.

              • 8 months ago

                That's cool but they have zero reason to fuse together, hero or not

              • 8 months ago

                >Barely has control over his own country as the nobles do shit behind his back all the time,
                And those nobles suddenly started behaving themselves once Nia the 15 TP brainlet took over?
                How does that make sense?

              • 8 months ago

                And all of these nations wouldn’t immediately join together once the land problem was fixed, only Uraya and Mor Ardain were fighting over the resources. Those two would still exist as individual countries. Tantal was isolationist and Zeke is next in line to rule even if his family’s claim to royalty is a lie, he still has all the knowledge necessary to rule a country. Leftheria didn’t have a major government that we know of, so that one is up in the air. Niranira is the actual chairman at the end of the story so the trade guild is not disorganized like you say it is.
                The only nation that didn’t have a working leadership is Leftheria, and that’s only because they aren’t relevant to the story so we don’t learn about if there is one. That’s the only one that Nia could have become a queen for, not all of Alrest.

            • 8 months ago

              because she would be a cool counterpart to Melia
              there's no other reason

      • 8 months ago

        >becomes queen of the world for no reason
        >Rex suddenly loves her just as much as Pyra
        >her daughter is the main heroine of 3
        I wonder if some psychotic catgay threatened to shoot up Monolith Soft's office

        • 8 months ago

          His name was Tetsuya Takahashi, he got over his red-haired mommy fetish with a little toxoplasmosis.

  23. 8 months ago

    They can't contain Takahashi's fetishes.

  24. 8 months ago

    Is it true that Rex talks about troony shit in the DLC?

    • 8 months ago

      Not really. Ontos or Alvis was predicated on Logos and Pneuma who were male and female. So after they were gone, Ontos split into a male and female.

  25. 8 months ago

    imagine the daily triple blowjobs

  26. 8 months ago

    you must procreate

  27. 8 months ago

    Rex became a jacked chad. What'd you expect?

    • 8 months ago

      >Nooo! You have to like my amazing character! He's actually super-duper cool, all the girls suck his dick, and he's even the strongest party member in the sequel!

      • 8 months ago

        Spotted the incel. Rex became a jacked chad and fricked the 3 women that were lusting after him and impregnated them. Does that make you seethe, little man?

        • 8 months ago

          >Spotted the incel. Rex became a jacked chad and fricked the 3 women that were lusting after him and impregnated them. Does that make you seethe, little man?

        • 8 months ago

          Hello, snoy

    • 8 months ago

      That yup, he's some lonely Jap's self insert fantasy.

      • 8 months ago

        Natalism spewing old frick. Got what was coming to him.

        I haven't been on Ganker in a while. Very happy to see the harem end made Boco mad.

        • 8 months ago

          Not mad, disappointed.

          • 8 months ago

            Same thing really. As long as I see that seethe

            • 8 months ago

              At the game? Nah.

              That old fart Abe? Yeah, frick him.

  28. 8 months ago

    My own question is how did Nintendo greelit the final boss and that whole encounter. I almost had an anneurism yesterday when i lost in the second phase

  29. 8 months ago

    >not one single person cares about the gameplay
    >every single thread is just talking about the porn and waifus

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, welcome to the Xenoblade fandom post-2017. It fricking blows, and serves as little more than an argument for eugenics.

      • 8 months ago

        Honestly i prefer the fanbase to go towards X and 3 rather than the abomination that 1 was. I really don't understand what people liked about that one, its really really bad leveling and questing wise. IMHO people accept universally that it is such a God game but actually playing it for the first time last year and it was pain

        • 8 months ago

          >literally the only one of the four where they gave a shit about telling a story from beginning to end
          >an abomination

          • 8 months ago

            I can experience the story on youtube as well. I don't have to suffer through side quests that become mandatory because the moment an enemy is 4 levels higher than you it is impossible to finish an encounter.

    • 8 months ago

      But I do. My current goal is to reach floor 140 in Gauntlet mode on hard without meta build like Seraph or FMJ

      As you can see from my screenshot, everything is going well

      • 8 months ago

        >it took 100 posts of waifu and idol worship before someone posted a single game screenshot
        >and only after being prompted

        Forced gameplay discussion.

        • 8 months ago

          you say that but the gameplay was discussed to death on release and also most threads outside of Armored Core 6 are do the same shit if not worst when it comes to actual gameplay discussion. Even fricking wrpg gays do this although its understandable with the Witcher 3

          • 8 months ago

            >you say that but the gameplay was discussed to death on release
            Talking about which waifu you'd sleep with is not gameplay discussion.

            >also most threads do the same if not worse
            Because most games are shit. Your point?

          • 8 months ago

            You say that like the haremshit didn't comprise 2/3 of threads on release. This is Xeno's fandom now. A bunch of perpetual jerk-offs who see the IP as nothing more than a source for Rule 34.

            • 8 months ago

              >you say that but the gameplay was discussed to death on release
              Talking about which waifu you'd sleep with is not gameplay discussion.

              >also most threads do the same if not worse
              Because most games are shit. Your point?

              > complaining about muh male gaze but trying hard to fit in
              you could probably find some nice gameplay discussion on reddit, that seems more your speed

              • 8 months ago

                >muh male gaze
                That has nothing to do with the discussion. I hate waifushit for the same reason that I hate western political propaganda. While you're making me sit there and watch your idiot waifu talk about her feelings, or while a western game makes me sit down and listen to a strong queen talk about white privilege, I'm being denied gameplay. Simply put, I'm not having fun when the game is spewing propaganda at me.

              • 8 months ago

                >Would rather REEEE about dangerhairs and transdykes, then clean up the fandom
                No arguments then?

              • 8 months ago

                > fix the fandom
                thats a lost cause no fandom is good or can be fixed, be grateful for the times you can discuss what you want and try not to be a homosexual and force it

              • 8 months ago

                We had decent fricking threads before these dopamine-addicted morons jumped on. People could actually embrace the sex appeal of the games without making it the only thing they'd talk about.

              • 8 months ago

                >We had decent fricking threads before these dopamine-addicted morons jumped on
                sucks to see it happen but its seems inevitable much like with Shantae and god forbid you like Klonoa for its gameplay

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, that hasn't been true at any point in the entire Xeno series. Even xenogears was nothing but people jerking off how totally better it is than final fantasy, and how the waifus are heckin cute and valid, to the point where they blatantly excuse the lazy second disk that's just 50 hours of exposition.

            • 8 months ago

              And on the opposite side of that are the serial shitposters shouting over each other about how much they hate the latest game in the series repeating the same points ad nauseum.

              • 8 months ago

                What about my posts? am I not typing out my grievances in a respectful manner? You act like I'm posting wojaks and calling people trannies. All I'm saying is that the games could use less story and cutscenes, and this pisses people off. I don't get it.

              • 8 months ago

                >am I not typing out my grievances in a respectful manner?

              • 8 months ago

                Please elaborate.

        • 8 months ago

          >Thread starts discussing a plot point

      • 8 months ago

        Do you know you can save scum in the Gauntlet
        Just Home your way out of the game if you die
        Trust me it works

        • 8 months ago

          I'm aware of that, the problem is I can barely keep my healers alive in boss fights. They keep spamming AOE shit that deals insane damage to my entire party that can't be avoided even if I can keep all aggro to myself as a tank

          • 8 months ago

            That's because the game is shit and threw out actual systems from 1 and 2 that worked. Then they decided that only healers can revive, but made it so aggro doesn't actually matter. It's bad change after bad change that only resulted in DPS being the only thing that matters in a game where enemies have 3x the bloated HP over 2, even in the very early bits of the game. Making every single encounter feel exactly the same from beginning to end.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, welcome to the Xenoblade fandom post-2017. It fricking blows, and serves as little more than an argument for eugenics.

      It's a single player JRPG. What the frick could possibly be left to say?

      • 8 months ago

        It's not even a year old. You can't possibly have fun out of things to talk about. I can still talk about Minecraft and that's over a decade old.

        • 8 months ago

          3 released in July 22 but I was actually referring to 2. 3's gameplay is too boring to talk about for me

      • 8 months ago

        I dunno, ask OP.

    • 8 months ago

      I like the gameplay of Xenoblade. I like how they've generally kept it pretty fresh with each new entry, though they all have issues as well.
      I generally like the class system from 3 a ton just for how it uses gameplay to express the individual traits of each character

    • 8 months ago

      Obviously people care about the gameplay, Future Redeemed was a fricking blast to play, and the Superbosses were the best in the franchise, maybe after 2's.

      But this thread is clearly about the characters and story, why are you surprised that people are talking about the characters and story? Why do morons like you always insist on posting this ridiculous bad-faith garbage?

      • 8 months ago

        When was the last time any of you pencil-neck homosexuals made a thread for Xenoblade that wasn't a combination of self-insert fantasy and wankbait?

        • 8 months ago

          A few hours ago. Where were you?

        • 8 months ago

          I remember a good thread having a mix of gameplay and plot discussion one week ago

          • 8 months ago

            And how many threads that are either this or smut as the OP have we gotten in interim?

            • 8 months ago

              I dunno, I don't often come on this board. Apparently there was a good one recently if that anon above is to be believed, I wish I came here earlier

      • 8 months ago

        >Thread starts discussing a plot point

        >But this thread is clearly about the characters and story,
        Except this is supposed to be a video game, and not a marvel movie? Why does a video GAME have characters and story to begin with, let alone to such an extent that it encompasses any discussion of gameplay? If the gameplay was so good, you wouldn't need these things.

        People have been psyoped into thinking that games should be marvel movies or telenovela romance films. i expect this from other fandoms, but it pains my heart seeing even Nintendo succumb to this. You know, the gameplay company, whose subsidiaries and licensed out dev teams should share their GAMEPLAY-centric vision. At least that's what should've happened.

        • 8 months ago

          >He's still posting this
          >Literally years of posting this exact same comment, over and over again
          >Doesn't even matter which game, he just posts this exact copypasta in any and every thread
          >Still expects to be taken seriously

          • 8 months ago

            If it is not worth consideration, then surely it should be trivial to prove it wrong. What separates a JRPG from, oh say, a western walking sim? You clearly don't care about the gameplay, and entire threads exist to lament how there isn't a button to skip the gameplay. People just want to talk about the waifus and the romance and the heckin deep wholesome lore. the only people ITT to have even mentioned the gameplay only did it because I called the fandom out on not discussing it, hence the posts were made in bad faith. No authenticity whatsoever.

    • 8 months ago

      The gameplay is dogshit, like an MMO mixed with a mobile game

    • 8 months ago

      Unfortunately to talk about gameplay we'd need to talk about how outdated the switch hardware is and how badly it's holding back games which is a rabbit hole of bullshit which I'd rather not get into.
      Also 2 has the best combat. They should've figured out how to handle the complexity better instead of just simplifying it.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't hate pyra and mythra but they mostly seen as porn characters at this point its like the Yumi of senran kagura

      • 8 months ago

        They must have known while creating them that these characters would result in hectoliters/month of semen coomed.

  30. 8 months ago

    I remember Ganker said Sora was a better protagonist than Rex.

    • 8 months ago

      Neither is good. Nips who are too obsessed with the expanded multiverse of their stories don't know how to write protags worth a damn.

      • 8 months ago

        >t. gay sex addict

        • 8 months ago

          >meme arrow and t.
          Yes, I suppose you are quite a homosexual considering how badly you bungled that.

    • 8 months ago

      Neither is good. Nips who are too obsessed with the expanded multiverse of their stories don't know how to write protags worth a damn.

      The ideal protagonist would be this:

      >never talks
      >never shows emotion
      >gets the job done
      >*IMPORTANT* does not simp. If a female character smacks him or gets in his face, he viciously backhands her in a show of equality, the same as he would do to any man who gets in his face

      The problem with JRPGS is waifu and idol worship. You can't feel disgust at a waifu character who smacks you and treats you like shit because "oh she's just tsundere". No, she's a b***h, and if you let her walk all over you, then you have no integrity of character.

  31. 8 months ago


  32. 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    Mandate from the government to get the population up.

    • 8 months ago

      Natalism spewing old frick. Got what was coming to him.

  34. 8 months ago

    By letting based Takahashi cook.

    • 8 months ago

      Go back to twitter, zoomie

  35. 8 months ago

    Xenoblade 3 was a mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      Anything past 1 was

  36. 8 months ago

    >unironic dubshitter
    >accusing anyone else of racism

  37. 8 months ago

    Sequelslop. The goyim demand to buy the same game 4 times for some reason.

  38. 8 months ago

    Bait a little better in the future, will ya? Half the fun is guessing if you’re actually moronic or not, being obvious about it spoils the fun

  39. 8 months ago

    I feel like I need to replay 3 after playing FR but I kinda just don't wanna play 3 again for a long time probably.

  40. 8 months ago

    Over six years later and this game is still sending Gankerirgins into multi-daily shart-blasting fits of autistic moron rage. The state of humanity.

    • 8 months ago

      Well the current trend seems to be morons still grasping at straws to try and justify their NTR headcanons despite Takahashi sending the very obvious message that Rex has three wives and he impregnated them all.

      • 8 months ago

        >you either have to like Haremshit or full-on NTR
        >also we're only going to discuss these things and never the game again because 'something, something own the libs'
        Eat a fricking bullet, please.

    • 8 months ago

      Where's the gameplay discussion?

      • 8 months ago

        The story is a component of the game. This is the video games board, not the gameplay board.

        • 8 months ago

          That's ACgay, he despises everything in games that isn't the gameplay.

        • 8 months ago

          >the story is a component of the game
          That's just hollywood gaslighting. We've had countless games that didn't need story in the slightest. To even call it a component of a good game is giving it more credit than it deserves.

      • 8 months ago

        hey ACgay

      • 8 months ago

        >plays waifu simulator
        >expects “gameplay”

        • 8 months ago

          I hear Nintendo fans praising it up and down as an amazing masterpiece, so I was just shocked to be met with a cinematic experience that's 90% story and hallways and cutscenes.

  41. 8 months ago

    Before giving the greenlight, they consulted the Based Department for their thoughts on the content.

  42. 8 months ago

    It was a pretty based decision.
    I loved seeing people seethe about Rex having 3 wives, lol.
    Too bad it also gave new energy (without any legit reason, of course) to the tards who think Nia scissors Mythra and Pyra, but hey, you can't have everything in life.

    • 8 months ago

      So you don't care about the gameplay in the slightest?

      • 8 months ago

        We are talking only about that specific picture, are we not?
        What does gameplay have to do with it?

        • 8 months ago

          It's all people care about in the Xenoblade series. You'd rather talk about how people are seething over a harem, then the game itself. Hell, it's why the thread was made.

          • 8 months ago

            I talk about what the thread is about. I wouldn't talk about Rex's harem in a gameplay thread. If you want to talk about gameplay, that's ok. Usually i'd say you should just make a thread about it, or a thread about XC3 in general (or whatever Xenoblade game you want to talk about), and we can talk about that.
            But if you insist, i'm fine to talk about gameplay in this thread too.
            Which XC is your fabourite, from that point of view?

            • 8 months ago

              Stop engaging ACgay.

            • 8 months ago

              XCX is the only one that has a fun premise, gameplay-wise, since I like piloting robots across the environment. But I'm not a big fan of any of them, because they have the trappings of many JRPGs that turn me off.

              >NPC mouths off to me
              >I'm not allowed to burn down their whole city to set an example

              If they speak to me like trash, then I'm supposed to smile and be happy about it. Being unable to backhand Mythra after her stupid crap was aggravating.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah, XCX is the one i didn't play. But i like XC games' gameplay. Both exploration and combat. I guess XC2's combat would be my favourite among them, though the game itself is also the one with the biggest issues.

                >If they speak to me like trash, then I'm supposed to smile and be happy about it. Being unable to backhand Mythra after her stupid crap was aggravating.
                Yeah, well, JRPG are like that. The MC is not "you". I guess normal RPGs are more to your liking, then.

            • 8 months ago

              3 by far has my favorite combat system, but the world was underwhelming, I think making all the human settlements into mobile military camps was a terrible decision. 1 and 2 had so many cool cities and towns in them, while 3 has one, followed by a shitton of copy/pasted campsites with big robots hovering over them. I guess you could consider the area outside Alcamoth as a town too, but it's pretty small and basically just a shittier Alba Cavanich.

              • 8 months ago

                XC3's combat system is more streamlined and polished, but XC2's is the best one imho.
                Also, XC3's chain attacks are fun, but they fell like a "win" button. At least in XC2 you had to build up your chain attack during normal combat, and keep your team alive to keep the gauge charged. In case you didn't kill the enemy, you would put yourself in danger by having depleted the gauge, too.

              • 8 months ago

                I prefer 2's chain attacks, but 3 having 6 equipable skills that don't require you to swap between weapon playstyles to access them, plus fusion arts are way more fun to me. The chain attacks and ouroborous modes are pretty lackluster, admittedly. Somewhere in between the 2 games would be the ideal combat system for me.

  43. 8 months ago

    The two types of girls
    >Harem member #3

  44. 8 months ago

    Felt like a cheap way to avoid another Melia situation

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much, they're essentially telling you that they will never have a love triangle situation ever again, and thank god for that

  45. 8 months ago

    >tfw ywn be rex and have three gorgeous women who love you and have your children

    • 8 months ago

      How could someone resist to their instinct shouting at them to impregnate her?
      It's just not possible.

      • 8 months ago

        Sure it is.

        • 8 months ago

          I mean, if you are not a homosexual...

          • 8 months ago

            Look man, I don't care how hot the b***h is, I loathe children.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, i never said you have to stay around and raise them. That's the woman's job.

              • 8 months ago

                >ditching your kid
                What kind of man are you?

              • 8 months ago

                I will provide for the family. Raising the kids is the woman's job.

              • 8 months ago

                I'd make a "black guy" joke here, but Family Guy already did it.

  46. 8 months ago

    >How did Nintendo ever greenlight this?
    surely the big N wasn't coerced into a harem ending by a higher power

    • 8 months ago

      Go back to being dead, you useless old frick.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          First make a good video game that isn't a visual novel.

        • 8 months ago

          Frick you, you natalist spewing asiatic.

          • 8 months ago

            >This is your standard of a nationalists.

            • 8 months ago

              this israeli guy managed to arrange the mother of all promotional photos for his book about foreskin-stem-cell-derived immortality balm

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            public proposals always take balls because if things go south it's just a whole extra layer of humiliation

            • 8 months ago

              Typically couples discuss marriage before hand.

  47. 8 months ago
  48. 8 months ago

    I wonder why so many people assume everyone in the world will know Rex saved the world.
    Most people didn't know what he was doing, and i don't think he would care to tell everyone.
    Mythra and Pyra would probably prefer not to.

  49. 8 months ago

    there's no explicit proof that those are his children

  50. 8 months ago

    polyamory is good for you
    or are you wholesome family guys forgetting how many wives david and solomon had

  51. 8 months ago

    I just want Melia to be happy FRICK AIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE

  52. 8 months ago

    Is it possible to have a Xeno thread without droves of shitposters showing up?

    Half the people in this goddamn thread haven’t played any game in the series beyond XC2 and/or XC1, much less engaged with other Xeno media.

    You guys fricking suck.

    • 8 months ago

      I haven't shitposted once. Every thing I've said was true.

    • 8 months ago

      >Is it possible to have a Xeno thread without droves of shitposters showing up?
      Yeah, but not that one. Now leave and make better use of your time

    • 8 months ago

      No, coomers and LGBTards basically killed all discussion

    • 8 months ago

      First time on Ganker? It's impossible to talk about nintendo related IPs on a playstation board

      • 8 months ago

        projecting much

    • 8 months ago


      First time on Ganker? It's impossible to talk about nintendo related IPs on a playstation board


      • 8 months ago

        First time on Ganker? It's impossible to talk about nintendo related IPs on a playstation board

        If this is a playstation board, then shouldn't you agree with me that games should have less story and cutscenes? You can't complain about this being a playstation board, while wanting games to be movies.

    • 8 months ago

      There was a Eunie thread last week that was pretty chill

      • 8 months ago

        Eunie's just that cool.

    • 8 months ago

      Reddit still loses their fricking mind over 2

      • 8 months ago

        but 2 is the most popular xeno game on reddit, so wouldnt that make it a reddit game?

      • 8 months ago

        No they don't. Redditors love XC2.

      • 8 months ago


  53. 8 months ago

    Name a more annoying group of anime fans than haremgays. No really. Haremgays are porn obsessed morons. Harems should only be used for hentai, not actual romance.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Shonengays? Romcomgays?

      • 8 months ago

        >Thinking Dragon Ball hispanics are worse

        • 8 months ago

          they are

    • 8 months ago

      People always complaining about how anime is ruined
      though admittedly I’m not generally a fan of harem either

    • 8 months ago

      Twitter tourists

  54. 8 months ago

    Who Is the acgay?

    • 8 months ago

      ACgay is the designation given to anyone who *gasp* thinks that gameplay is more important than story and waifu discussion. It's an absurd notion that angers everyone, so people hate it.

      Caring about gameplay? What insanity is this?

    • 8 months ago

      Self-obsessed shitposter who has gone clinically insane over the whole “movie game” thing. He hates pretty much any usage of complex narrative, cutscenes, QTEs, or non-interactive segments in games, no questions asked.

      He considers stuff like the ending poses Mario does in his 2D platformers at the conclusion of a level to be too cinematic, just to give you an indication of how looney he is. He would legitimately prefer it if games went back to visuals on par with the Atari 2600.

      He’s been derailing threads for around a decade now and took a particular hatred to Xenoblade once he played Definitive Edition and didn’t understand the combat. He now goes out of his way to enter most every thread he recognized to stir up shit, paint himself as some kind of martyr, and generally make everyone’s day worse.

      • 8 months ago

        >He would legitimately prefer it if games went back to visuals on par with the Atari 2600.

        >games would no longer become bloated 500 gb messes with 1000 hours of uncompressed audio and dialogue
        Sounds based to me.

        • 8 months ago

          You aren’t fooling anyone, dipshit

          • 8 months ago

            So modern AAA games aren't a horrifically bloated mess of uncompressed textures and audio files? We should just be content buying a single terabyte hard drive for every game bought?

            • 8 months ago

              Never said that. I just said you’re a dumbass for attempting to pass yourself off as a neutral party erring on the side of ACgay (yourself).

              This is my last reply.

              • 8 months ago

                >Never said that. I just said you’re a dumbass for attempting to pass yourself off as a neutral party
                I don't recall ever saying that.

  55. 8 months ago

    >who *gasp*
    holy reddit batman.

  56. 8 months ago

    Shinzo Abe's final wish
    Have sex and reproduce cowboy

  57. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I suppose after this she would grab Rex and give it another few tries.

  58. 8 months ago

    Why hasn’t ACgay been rangebanned yet? Surely he’s had enough flame war violations to justify it

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not flame warring though. I've played Xenoblade, and just don't understand why people feel such an insane attachment to, to be frank, 1 dimensional characters.

  59. 8 months ago

    Go back to your movie game, acgay
    And tell your fellow fans to discuss more gameplay and less allmind porn

    • 8 months ago

      They get a pass because they never let those discussions ruin the gameplay discussion. I'll never be shitposted against for criticizing the game, for example. No matter how much people jerk off to Allmind or Ayre, people will still agree to listen to criticisms like the poor weapon balance, or some missions being lopsided in difficulty.

      I just wish for the same for Xenoblade threads. I shouldn't be called a homosexual because I want the game to have some of its problems fixed, like terrible framerate or empty overworld, or combat that becomes boring after a while. Why is criticism such a horrible thing?

      • 8 months ago

        Because your idea of “problems” are aspects of the game’s appeal that most people actually like, they just aren’t for you, yet you insist on every game catering to your taste. Emphasis on storytelling, MMO-lite gameplay, and character moments aren’t the objective flaws you believe them to be.

        Also you are a homosexual.

        • 8 months ago

          >Because your idea of “problems” are aspects of the game’s appeal that most people actually like,
          Most people like the terrible framerate of Ocarina of Time, it's still an objective flaw that should be addressed. Is it really making the game better if you spend 50+ hours sitting in one place while exposition is thrown in your face? I've personally gone through the game and experienced this. Just look at the story in Xenoblade and how much is thrown at you

          And mind you, this isn't taking into account the walk-and-talk segments, or the special arts that are just giant cutscenes.

          >They get a pass because I'm biased
          We know

          Meanwhile, this video is false advertising, since 90% of it is gameplay without there even being text in it. Always do your research first.

          • 8 months ago

            Framerate problems and a game having cutscenes aren’t even close to the same.

            Yes, the focus of the game is the narrative, the narrative needs to be told in a certain way to be expressed, so the hours spent on dialogue and cutscenes is necessary and bolsters the appeal of the game in that regard. Again, it’s what people come for.

            People don’t come to a game for a bad framerate, and most of the time the low framerate isn’t an intentional design decision made during the planning phase of development or an advertised feature. It’s a concession made as a result of technical limitations.

            Narrative direction and cutscenes are decided on from the outset, they are intentionally weaved into the game and advertised heavily as one of the main draws of the title. Watch any trailer for the Xeno series and you’ll notice that almost all of the footage is from cutscene sequences and emotional story beats. People like Ocarina of Time DESPITE the frame rate issues; people like Xenoblade BECAUSE OF the story.

            These are fundamentally different qualities, and I can’t believe I just wasted time out of my day explaining it to you.

            • 8 months ago

              >Yes, the focus of the game is the narrative, the narrative needs to be told in a certain way to be expressed,
              Games for decades have been able to have a natural narrative without hours of cutscenes being pushed on them. There are far better ways of doing this, and Monolith is just taking the easy way out. Why can't I find this to be a negative? Mario doesn't need hour after hour of narrative exposition. People have just been gaslit into needing narrative and story because it's what the modern trend says to do. Games can't just be whimsical adventures anymore. Now they need to be deep like a hollywood epic. And what good has come of it? The very limitations I spoke of earlier. You have to shove millions of hours of dialogue and audio and story events and triggers, and what happens is a poor optimized game. Tell me, after 6 years, has Xenoblade 2 been fixed to run at a proper 60 FPS? Was that ever a priority in the dev's mind? They have the time and the money, so surely they could spend a little of it to fix the game's objective problems, and yet all they did was focus only on the story.

              >most of the time the low framerate isn’t an intentional design decision
              You say that, and yet they've never once fixed the issue. After a while it kind of does become intentional. Just like with Zelda. When BOTW released to a horrendous framerate, you could excuse it as them venturing into new territory, but then TOTK had the same problem, which says that it's intentional. They want it to run poorly because the quality isn't a priority.

              >Narrative direction and cutscenes are decided on from the outset,
              Which is a huge problem in game development. GAMEPLAY should be the focus, not the narrative. Otherwise you end up with a sloppy game. And just like with the framerate example mentioned earlier, they purposely choose to make it run bad out of laziness, and this is proven by them never fixing it. Where's the time and money going?

              • 8 months ago

                Do you have any idea how game development works? Seriously, some of this shit is absolutely mind-boggling to read.

                Yes, frame rate problems are a thing, and can hamper an experience, but some games legitimately cannot run higher than 30fps on certain hardware and still achieve their desired quality in the gameplay and visual departments. The world of BotW/TotK is the fundamental basis for which its gameplay is built, and the primary appeal for the game, but a world that large is not possible on Switch hardware without cranking down the framerate a bit to accommodate and remain stable. This isn’t a case of devs simply being bad at their jobs, if anything the fact that TotK runs as well as it does on Switch is a technical miracle on its own.

                >Games can’t just be whimsical adventures anymore
                There it is. Again, you’re conflating your own personal preferences with what games should be with objective quality. Yes, there are plenty of games that have very limited story and lack cutscenes as a result. These sorts of games are still popular and made quite frequently these days (Super Mario Wonder and Sonic Superstars literally just came out). (1/2)

              • 8 months ago

                That being said, games can go in other directions given the flexibility of the medium and the breadth of developer skill in the industry. Your argument is inherently limiting to what the medium is capable of.

                This is the rhetorical equivalent to arguing that movies shouldn’t have sound simply because the medium primarily relies on visuals to convey itself, or that books should never have pictures.

                Games don’t necessarily all need narrative, I agree, plenty can exist without one and be just fine. That doesn’t mean all games shouldn’t have one, or that it’s wrong for a game to try and do so.

                A story like Xenoblade could not be conveyed through gameplay alone, it’s simply impossible. The cutscenes are necessary to fill in the gaps that the gameplay cannot cover. And no, before you say it, you can’t just add more gameplay systems on top of one another to replace those cutscenes in specific instances; it would cause file and development bloat the likes of which have been previously unseen.

                These choices aren’t made out of laziness, it’s pure necessity to fulfill the creative vision of the developers on the team. Any creative project is a balancing act, and less-than-optimal sacrifices need to be made in service of said vision, which does change through the course of development. Those priorities may not align with what you personally enjoy, and that’s fine, but that’s not the discussion we’re having here and it’s frankly egotistical at its core to expect every game to cater to your preferences alone.

                As someone who has worked in the games industry for years now (going on roughly eight) and has worked on titles both simple and cutscene heavy, I can assure you very few decisions during the development process are made as the result of laziness or apathy. Nobody actively seeks out to make a product that runs poorly or contains blemishes in noticeable areas.

                This is my last reply to you. (2/2)

              • 8 months ago

                Why are you bothering answering seriously to fricking ACgay, the moron that genuinely argued chess is a movie game because there's nothing you can do on your opponent's turn? You might as well be talking directly to a brick wall, nothing you argue could ever change that autist's mind, he's made his "crusade" on "movie games" his ENTIRE life and personality for over a decade now.

              • 8 months ago


                I made it more out of frustration than a genuine attempt to convince him of anything. I’ve had a rough day and needed to just yell at someone for a bit, and he’s an easy target

                I just wanted to punch down at a moron for a bit for my own sake. He’s probably going to spin his gears for a bit attempting to argue that this isn’t a matter of personal preference, but that was kinda the whole point.

              • 8 months ago


                >This is the rhetorical equivalent to arguing that movies shouldn’t have sound simply because the medium primarily relies on visuals to convey itself, or that books should never have pictures.
                I unironically hold these viewpoints when movies and books abuse their positions. Like when a movie has no idea how to properly take advantage of sound design, and what should be a quiet horror scene is filled with background characters burping and expelling all manner of bodily noises, your ambience is now completely destroyed. Yet the director defends it as "artistic license". On the contrary, I just think he's lazy. Or like when a book is nothing but pictures, but the pictures make no sense, they're not even in order, so it's just random imagery. There's no attempt whatsoever to make it cohesive, so at that point yes I would argue against using pictures in books. I'm sorry if one bad apple spoils the bunch, but if every apple thinks it can get away with it, then you have a rotten apple pie for everyone.

                >That doesn’t mean all games shouldn’t have one, or that it’s wrong for a game to try and do so.
                What I'm arguing is that every game should minimize the narrative. Gameplay should always take center stage. That effectively means permanently discarding certain elements from the medium, like "win in the fight, but lose in a cutscene" moments. If you want your bad guy to come back another day, you're gonna have to come up with better reasoning, and better gameplay to accomodate it. Gameplay-story integration shouldn't leave you frustrated.

                >A story like Xenoblade could not be conveyed through gameplay alone
                I staunchly disagree. You just need to rip apart the story and characters. The gameplay is still salvageable, but it too needs to be worked on. For starters, it should employ more elements from games like Rogue Galaxy, where verticality matters more and jumping plays a vital role in-combat. (2/2)

              • 8 months ago

                Do you have any idea how game development works? Seriously, some of this shit is absolutely mind-boggling to read.

                Yes, frame rate problems are a thing, and can hamper an experience, but some games legitimately cannot run higher than 30fps on certain hardware and still achieve their desired quality in the gameplay and visual departments. The world of BotW/TotK is the fundamental basis for which its gameplay is built, and the primary appeal for the game, but a world that large is not possible on Switch hardware without cranking down the framerate a bit to accommodate and remain stable. This isn’t a case of devs simply being bad at their jobs, if anything the fact that TotK runs as well as it does on Switch is a technical miracle on its own.

                >Games can’t just be whimsical adventures anymore
                There it is. Again, you’re conflating your own personal preferences with what games should be with objective quality. Yes, there are plenty of games that have very limited story and lack cutscenes as a result. These sorts of games are still popular and made quite frequently these days (Super Mario Wonder and Sonic Superstars literally just came out). (1/2)


                If I'm next to an enemy who uses an AOE attack, for example, i should be allowed to dodge it regardless of my stats. Infact, in a non-turn based game, my stats really shouldn't matter as much as my ability to physically dodge an attack coming my way. I shouldn't have to just step out of an enemy's range, I should be able to dodge the attack regardless, assuming I have the reflexes to dodge.

                >you can’t just add more gameplay systems on top of one another to replace those cutscenes in specific instances
                THat's because you're not thinking outside the box. You think these will just be tedious minigames because you don't know how to integrate them properly. Hell, the Mario RPGs did it better, and that was back in 1997. I'd rather have a minigame than a cutscene.

                >These choices aren’t made out of laziness, it’s pure necessity to fulfill the creative vision of the developers on the team.
                And sometimes the creative vision needs to be slightly culled to fit a better gameplay experience. Otherwise you end up with weird avante garde games like YIIK, where the creative juices end up drowning out everything else.

                >but that’s not the discussion we’re having here and it’s frankly egotistical at its core to expect every game to cater to your preferences alone.
                I try to be flexible with my preferences. I don't expect every game to be an open world sandbox with giant robots and RTS elements, but some things are just consistently better for the medium, and are better for every genre. Like having a higher difficulty curve.

                >Nobody actively seeks out to make a product that runs poorly or contains blemishes in noticeable areas.
                Then you haven't worked in the industry long enough. Do I need to point to devs like Epic games, who purposely refuse to add features to their storefront out of spite, or who purposely destroy the linux versions of games because they hate Valve? Spite is sadly a common factor in the medium.

              • 8 months ago

                >Do you have any idea how game development works?
                I do know that games like Minecraft and Terraria can have filling and vast adventures without all the cinematic accompaniment of a modern hollywood AAA game. So clearly they must have some secret that most game devs don't have.

                >but some games legitimately cannot run higher than 30fps on certain hardware
                That's just making excuses. Every game can run at 60 FPS on switch, the question is what sacrifices you're willing to make, to achieve it. If you want a clean 60 FPS, then maybe you have to cut the graphics, cut the story, limit the polygon count on environments and NPCs. I'm not asking for a hyper realistic game with le epic PS5 level graphics. Infact, if you could pull off a game that looked like a PS2 title, you'd still be in the green. But you should still be willing to make that sacrifice. My favorite game, Terraria, runs at 60 FPS even on the switch, and that's because fancy realistic graphics were not a priority, neither was scripted cinematic storytelling. It limits these things, and because of it, the game is allowed to shine in the game department.

                That being said, games can go in other directions given the flexibility of the medium and the breadth of developer skill in the industry. Your argument is inherently limiting to what the medium is capable of.

                This is the rhetorical equivalent to arguing that movies shouldn’t have sound simply because the medium primarily relies on visuals to convey itself, or that books should never have pictures.

                Games don’t necessarily all need narrative, I agree, plenty can exist without one and be just fine. That doesn’t mean all games shouldn’t have one, or that it’s wrong for a game to try and do so.

                A story like Xenoblade could not be conveyed through gameplay alone, it’s simply impossible. The cutscenes are necessary to fill in the gaps that the gameplay cannot cover. And no, before you say it, you can’t just add more gameplay systems on top of one another to replace those cutscenes in specific instances; it would cause file and development bloat the likes of which have been previously unseen.

                These choices aren’t made out of laziness, it’s pure necessity to fulfill the creative vision of the developers on the team. Any creative project is a balancing act, and less-than-optimal sacrifices need to be made in service of said vision, which does change through the course of development. Those priorities may not align with what you personally enjoy, and that’s fine, but that’s not the discussion we’re having here and it’s frankly egotistical at its core to expect every game to cater to your preferences alone.

                As someone who has worked in the games industry for years now (going on roughly eight) and has worked on titles both simple and cutscene heavy, I can assure you very few decisions during the development process are made as the result of laziness or apathy. Nobody actively seeks out to make a product that runs poorly or contains blemishes in noticeable areas.

                This is my last reply to you. (2/2)

                >That being said, games can go in other directions given the flexibility of the medium and the breadth of developer skill in the industry. Your argument is inherently limiting to what the medium is capable of.
                I disagree. I am looking at a game that loves piling cutscenes ontop of eachother, and I see potential being wasted. There are so many times you could have the gameplay be an active participant, but the devs can't be bothered, so they just turn it into a cutscene, like any time two characters are fighting, that could be a fight or a boss or anything interactive, but the story just can't restrain itself. It HAS to go a specific way. That sours the whole experience. Like in Xenoblade 2, when Malos fights Pyra. That's a boring cutscene. It should've been more gameplay oriented. Isn't that the whole point of the medium? (1/2)

              • 8 months ago

                >natural narrative
                What are you talking about?
                >without hours of cutscenes being pushed on them
                Yes, and movies got along just fine before they introduced sound to them. But we still introduced sound to movies and nobody went around saying "UGH, I DONT GO TO THE MOVIES TO LISTEN TO PEOPLE TALK!"
                It sounds like you're really attached to the idea of games-as-toys, wherein their sole focus is gameplay to entertain in the moment.
                > There are far better ways of doing this, and Monolith is just taking the easy way out
                False assumption that cutscenes and storytelling through gameplay are at odds with each other. They can be additive, both contributing to the way a story is expressed to the player

              • 8 months ago

                >What are you talking about?
                Environmental narrative, IE the reason why you do something without needing a cutscene to tell you to do it. Like a metroidvania that just lets you explore because you're naturally curious for adventure. I don't need a princess to rescue, I just want to explore and climb that mountain, and collect a brand new powerup that might be there.

                >Yes, and movies got along just fine before they introduced sound to them. But we still introduced sound to movies and nobody went around saying
                I'm starting to doubt this, because of the ever-ballooning budget that movies have. They can't just have sound, but now they need fancy cinematic orchestras and fancy voice actors, and before you know it, you're spending 10 billion dollars on the next marvel movie. Is it worth it to waste that money? If it meant the destruction of modern hollywood mannerisms, a return to silent films would unironically be a good decision.

                >False assumption that cutscenes and storytelling through gameplay are at odds with each other.
                There are several times when they conflict, like in a previous post mentioned where you beat a boss, but the game decides that you lose because the boss has to come back later. Like said before, there are so many better ways to do this. I've even seen shmups handle this better, where you fight a boss early on, and then when you beat him, his armor comes off and shows a second form, and you fight that later. The game doesn't artbitrary decide that you lose and then kill your character in a cutscene. they're a little more clever about it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't need a princess to rescue, I just want to explore and climb that mountain, and collect a brand new powerup that might be there.
                Okay, what if the dev wants to tell a story about you saving a princess then? How would they do this through 'natural narrative'?

              • 8 months ago

                No cutscenes, no story, just have me see the princess in a cell or a cage somewhere REALLY early on, and have it so rescuing her gives you a powerup. Kind of like how a metroid game will tease you with a powerup early on, but you cannot obtain it until you have a specific move that lets you reach there. Give me GAMEPLAY incentive to care.

                >I'm starting to doubt this, because of the ever-ballooning budget that movies have
                >a return to silent films would unironically be a good decision.
                AC-gay, defender of silent films

                Yes, unironically. I'd bet dollars to donuts that even the earliest silent film would still be better than the latest slop being made for hollywood audiences that gets dropped right onto netflix.

                >man falls on banana
                >he falls over
                >haha how hilarious


                >here's 50 celebrities that we're each paying 100 billion dollars for, so they can make snarky quips throughout 5 hours of the film

                That silent film is looking pretty nice.

              • 8 months ago

                Adding onto this, without voice acting, Xenoblade would be better as a series for the sole reason that we'd no longer have sub versus dub wars. no voice acting means you'd just be reading the same text as the JP users. Whether you get a dubber on par with Intelligent Designs is another story.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm starting to doubt this, because of the ever-ballooning budget that movies have
                >a return to silent films would unironically be a good decision.
                AC-gay, defender of silent films

      • 8 months ago

        >They get a pass because I'm biased
        We know

  60. 8 months ago

    Why did Nia give the cloudkeep key to her daughter who is a Meobius instead of Glimmer, Nikol, Panacea or Linka in the City?

    • 8 months ago

      Because as a Moebius, M would live as long as needed until the day she would awaken

      • 8 months ago

        First off, M literally dies before Nia wakes up lmao.
        Second, the key ends up in the City anyways because M gives it to Ghondor before the party even meets her. So why not just put it there to begin with instead of giving it to M, where N and Z could potentially steal it?

        • 8 months ago

          >First off, M literally dies before Nia wakes up
          Likelyincorrect. Considering Mio has the Moroboros iris. Indicating that they fused similar to Noah and N. N also has lines indicating Mio is housing M within her which could be metaphorical but both of them appear again at the end of the game.
          >M gives it to Ghondor before the party even meets her. So why not just put it there to begin with instead of giving it to M, where N and Z could potentially steal it?
          While we don't have an exact timeline of events we know there was a period of time where Moebius was running the world and the city was burned to the ground. So you can't take it for granted that there was even a city when M received the key. It's also worth remembering that Ghondor is a descendant of M and M likely a descendant of Nia. In other words it's parents entrusting shit to their descendants.

          • 8 months ago

            >In other words it's parents entrusting shit to their descendants.
            Glimmer is basically Nia's daughter, why would she not give Glimmer the key? She's not on the bad guy's side like M was.

            • 8 months ago

              >Glimmer is basically Nia's daughter, why would she not give Glimmer the key? She's not on the bad guy's side like M was.
              Yes she was until FR anyway.. And you can't take it for granted that there was even a city when she gave M the key. But as far as why Mio over Glimmer that's not playing favorites. She leads the interaction basically telling her don't commit suicide so she wanted to give M as reason to keep living and a way to oppose Moebius. But Nia never says outright so insert whatever you want.

              >the homecoming scene didn’t happen, m most likely didn’t die
              I know 3 goes for feelings instead of a logical narrative but every character treats M as dead. You see her die.
              >m and n appear at the end of the game
              Considering that the following scene is a literal metaphorical scene since the party doesn’t actually go to a grassy field with Melia, Nia and Ghondor those are metaphorical representations of them.

              >every character treats M as dead. You see her die.
              Not Mio really. Because she frames it as M's voice becoming hers and other we fused implying crap. She has the Moroboros iris, which Noah gets and when asked if N died Noah responds that N is fine. It's just applying the way N and Noah worked to the way M and Mio worked. By all accounts it's works exactly the same based on what's is shown. Even down to gameplay with them getting a talent art related bonus post fusion. It's also presumptuous to say the Melia,Nia and Ghondor were metaphorical. Because there's nothing indicating that the sequence occurred in the character's heads. And when that happened previously Shulk at the end of 1 Alvis told Shulk it was all a simulation. They would've said it was a simulation if it was a simulation. You can say a special space was created after Z's defeat to allow the characters to talk things out a bit but all of that definitely happened. Taion did give Eunie the book. They definitely promised to meet up again.

              • 8 months ago

                >But as far as why Mio over Glimmer that's not playing favorites.
                I mean.... It kind of is.
                >She leads the interaction basically telling her don't commit suicide
                >commits suicide 1000 years later anyways

              • 8 months ago

                The suicide is questionable because moroboros iris and then there's the very nuanced difference between jumping off a cliff in a middle of nowhere and giving your clone a lease on life to fix your frick ups,

              • 8 months ago

                >there's the very nuanced difference between jumping off a cliff in a middle of nowhere and giving your clone a lease on life to fix your frick ups,
                If Nia had just given the key to Glimmer then no, there wouldn't have been much difference in the grand scheme of things

              • 8 months ago

                >If Nia had just given the key to Glimmer then no, there wouldn't have been much difference in the grand scheme of things
                No? M gives the key to Ghondor who later ends up in prison resulting in the prison sequence. If Glimmer had the key probably wouldn't have ended up with Ghondor in time for her to serve time and set off that whole chain of events.

              • 8 months ago

                >M gives the key to Ghondor who later ends up in prison resulting in the prison sequence
                Nia couldn't have possibly known any of that. You're basically saying "it happened that way because the plot needed it to happen that way"
                If Glimmer had the key, then her house would've just kept it safe for 1000+ years or whatever and then gave it to the party when they reached the City.
                The contrived shit with Ghondor and the prison exists solely to set up the execution scene through forced melodrama

              • 8 months ago

                The only reason I brought up future events was because in the grand scheme, things aren't the same if the key is given to Glimmer. And Nia is giving M the key based on the trust she has in M specifically. You can't take it for granted that Glimmer had her house at that time because the timeframe is "after N wrecked the first city". It's not even necessarily after FR because we know M was immediately active post first city wipe. Even we take say the new city and houses were already established. She gives the key to her descendant who she knows isn't a Moebius by choice and has deep-seated regrets about the whole thing. It's not like she gave the key to Dirk.

                And I have a huge problem with Mio getting the Moebius eye because the entire swap falls apart with a bit of scrutiny.
                >If Noah is interlinking with M then he should see M's memories since the interlinkers don't get to pick and choose what memories they show. Since Noah is extremely observant he would have noticed but we hear nothing from him during the battle.
                >Also on interlinking, how is M able to interlink with Noah in the first place? Interlink partners for Ouroboros are set in stone, and M isn't Mio. If it's just Mio's body that's required for interlinking similar to how Moebius powers are tied to the body, then how is Mio able to interlink with Noah using M's body? If being Ouroboros is tied to the soul and not the body and M and Mio and Noah and N are considered to be the same soul, then why don't all four of them have the Moebius and Ouroboros eye the moment Vandham hits the stone?
                >Where is Mio's Moebius core? She doesn't have one on her model after the swap.
                The game breaks its own rules to make the swap work. I don't have a problem with N fusing with Noah because that one really straightforward.
                >Noah and N fight, talk it out and agree to walk together.
                >They grab hands, both of their Irises light up and they literally start glowing.
                After that N disappears. However for Mio and M, that fusion conveniently doesn't happen until after the Homecoming because, once again, their Irises are still the normal ones before M dies.
                Also why are you talking about the ending scene of the worlds separating? That scene wasn't what I was talking about and isn't relevant, it's just the scene where everyone is looking at the two worlds in the grassy field. If you're saying that it was a space created, then how did they get there, who made it, and how do they get back?

                Since Noah is extremely observant his attention is on the silver and gold consuls he's fighting and not picking out oddballs in a swarm of memories.
                >Where is Mio's Moebius core? She doesn't have one on her model after the swap
                I'm not sure what you mean here. There's no outfits that doesn't obscure Mio's upper-body outside of the DLC swimsuits. Which are DLC swimsuits and don't have any weight to the canon. So you don't see a Moebius core on a part of the body you're not meant to see I'm assuming. What's the surprise?
                M and Mio also talked it out and reached an agreement. It's also not convenient that they fuse after homecoming. They don't fuse while the two are still existing different bodies.If there was a time to fuse it would happen after one of the bodies fades away. We also don't actually see N and Noah's fusion process since it's cuts to Noah T-posing and his iris changing. Based on the what the other characters say N up and faded away. Might be presumptuous but maybe into motes like everyone else who dies since Eunie asks if N died. This is a stretch but I think when N and Noah fused N became motes like M did. When she "died" and fused with Mio.

              • 8 months ago

                >You can't take it for granted that Glimmer had her house at that time
                You're getting too caught up on the details. Glimmer would've just kept it herself until she died and then given it to her kids, then it would've passed to her grandkids, etc until it just became family tradition.
                >She gives the key to her descendant who she knows isn't a Moebius by choice
                Bit of a tangent, but Nia knowing this makes no sense even though the script obviously makes it seem like she does know. She wasn't hooked up to Poppi during this time so how would she even know that? Was she always just secretly stalking N and M from the shadows?
                >It's not like she gave the key to Dirk.
                N, X, Y or Z still could've found it at anytime. Honestly it's kinda shitty writing that she kept it a secret for centuries. Like where did she hide it when N was anally raping her?

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw XC3's plot requires you to believe that Nia was such a moron that she'd rather take a far more risky option when two entire worlds hang in the balance solely for the 'muh bio dautter' angle
                >tfw haremshit fanservice actually caused XC3 to have long-term story issues
                But remember guys, they had all of this super planned out right after Xenoblade 1 wrapped!

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw XC3's plot requires you to believe that Nia was such a moron that she'd rather take a far more risky option when two entire worlds hang in the balance solely for the 'muh bio dautter' angle
                >tfw haremshit fanservice actually caused XC3 to have long-term story issues
                But remember guys, they had all of this super planned out right after Xenoblade 1 wrapped!

                Something else to consider is that they had to keep Glimmer a secret until the DLC came out. But retroactively this does make it seem like Nia was making really moronic decisions.
                There's another example of this shit where the "we can't reveal [thing] until FR comes out" made a weird inconsistency - for some reason Linka names her house "Cassini" instead of her actual last name (von Genbu)
                Obviously the real reason is because they couldn't put the name von Genbu on the City statues, or it would spoil part of FR's reveal. But in-universe, I guess Linka chose a different name because she just hates her real last name? I have no idea, it's so fricking dumb. XC3's existence is a mistake.

              • 8 months ago

                Noah is able to pick out that Mio is fighting to the Agnian offseeing tune the first time they fight, he does notice the small details. And there aren't an "oddball of memories" that are swarming around when he's interlinking with M, it's an entirely different set of memories. As for the costumes, that would be the same as saying that Taion's core crystal isn't canon either because we don't see it outside of the dlc outfits. If we were never meant to see it, then why model it in the first place? Same with Nia in 2 before she reveals her Blade form. We never see Gormotti Nia with her core crystal but it's implied to be there, and it's visible on her swimsuit outfit. All Moebius have a core. Mio is now Moebius, therefore it should be on her body.
                You're right that they're existing as separate bodies prior to M's death, because they are separate people at that time. Then M dies, and suddenly Mio has the Moebius eye but didn't have it at any point prior to that. I don't care about what you're assuming with N because if he did turn into motes they would have shown some motes, you're assuming what's happening to make it somehow bend to fit the previous nonsensical fusion.

              • 8 months ago

                >She gives the key to her descendant
                But Glimmer is also her descendant. People are always going on about how the harem is just a huge happy family and the kids have 3 moms and blah blah blah. So wouldn't Glimmer be a better candidate than M, considering Glimmer isn't part of the enemy faction? Or is Takahashi actually saying that blood + marriage relationships are the only ones that matter and Nia is actually a spiteful c**t?

              • 8 months ago

                Just one more point to add onto the 'Xenoblade 3 isn't a Good Story' pile.

              • 8 months ago

                A lot of XC3's story feels like a first draft that got rushed into production.

              • 8 months ago

                And if it were a standalone story, I could live with that. But the fact this game is piggybacking on two established stories that had very in-depth worlds and lore, make all the braindead plot choices and times where the answer to something lore related is "it just works that way, Alien Magitech Purgatory Rules" completely aggravating.

              • 8 months ago

                Wasn't Nia already in deep sleep long before the time Glimmer got liberated from her flame clock?

              • 8 months ago

                >M gives the key to Ghondor who later ends up in prison resulting in the prison sequence
                Nia couldn't have possibly known any of that. You're basically saying "it happened that way because the plot needed it to happen that way"
                If Glimmer had the key, then her house would've just kept it safe for 1000+ years or whatever and then gave it to the party when they reached the City.
                The contrived shit with Ghondor and the prison exists solely to set up the execution scene through forced melodrama

                Well obviously the only explanation is that Nia was just b***hy and spiteful about Pyra/Mythra to the very bitter end. Because the only other explanation is that it's a shitty plot hole because they didn't plan out their 'epic story trilogy finale' near as much as they hyped it up, and didn't realize that their heckin' epic sex harem actually caused story issues that don't make sense.

              • 8 months ago

                And I have a huge problem with Mio getting the Moebius eye because the entire swap falls apart with a bit of scrutiny.
                >If Noah is interlinking with M then he should see M's memories since the interlinkers don't get to pick and choose what memories they show. Since Noah is extremely observant he would have noticed but we hear nothing from him during the battle.
                >Also on interlinking, how is M able to interlink with Noah in the first place? Interlink partners for Ouroboros are set in stone, and M isn't Mio. If it's just Mio's body that's required for interlinking similar to how Moebius powers are tied to the body, then how is Mio able to interlink with Noah using M's body? If being Ouroboros is tied to the soul and not the body and M and Mio and Noah and N are considered to be the same soul, then why don't all four of them have the Moebius and Ouroboros eye the moment Vandham hits the stone?
                >Where is Mio's Moebius core? She doesn't have one on her model after the swap.
                The game breaks its own rules to make the swap work. I don't have a problem with N fusing with Noah because that one really straightforward.
                >Noah and N fight, talk it out and agree to walk together.
                >They grab hands, both of their Irises light up and they literally start glowing.
                After that N disappears. However for Mio and M, that fusion conveniently doesn't happen until after the Homecoming because, once again, their Irises are still the normal ones before M dies.
                Also why are you talking about the ending scene of the worlds separating? That scene wasn't what I was talking about and isn't relevant, it's just the scene where everyone is looking at the two worlds in the grassy field. If you're saying that it was a space created, then how did they get there, who made it, and how do they get back?

          • 8 months ago

            >the homecoming scene didn’t happen, m most likely didn’t die
            I know 3 goes for feelings instead of a logical narrative but every character treats M as dead. You see her die.
            >m and n appear at the end of the game
            Considering that the following scene is a literal metaphorical scene since the party doesn’t actually go to a grassy field with Melia, Nia and Ghondor those are metaphorical representations of them.

  61. 8 months ago

    I feel bad that someone is making effort posts in response to fricking ACgay but I guess this is how people learn.

    • 8 months ago

      I made it more out of frustration than a genuine attempt to convince him of anything. I’ve had a rough day and needed to just yell at someone for a bit, and he’s an easy target

      • 8 months ago

        Hope you got it out of your system then. And hopefully at least someone else read it and learned something because you know ACgay didn't.

        Honestly it's this kind of shitposting that ruins Ganker more than anything else because people who are trying to have discussions in good faith just end up getting burned out until discourse devolves into everyone realizing you can only call ACgay a homosexual and move on with your day. But then that robs people of the opportunity to actually engage in interesting topics because bad faith shitposting poisons the well.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, it’s out.

          I honestly feel bad for the guy in some ways, because after years of seeing his posts I’ve come to the realization that he is unable to comprehend the actual process of creation and intent.

          As I noted in my post, I like to consider myself decently knowledgeable about the games industry given that I’ve been employed in it for almost all of my professional life (I’m a UI/UX designer and associate producer at a support/port studio). It’s always annoying to me when people flaunt their ignorance as fact on this board, and ACgay perfectly embodies the worst aspects of it. The average Gankertard is truly an insufferable specimen.

          That being said, it’s equally funny when he attempts to lecture me about the game design process he considers himself an if in due to his time playing fricking Terraria.

          • 8 months ago

            >That being said, it’s equally funny when he attempts to lecture me about the game design process he considers himself an if in due to his time playing fricking Terraria.

            What's wrong with Terraria?

  62. 8 months ago

    Stop feeding "him" for fricks sake.

  63. 8 months ago

    Everyone is still on brand as ever i see

  64. 8 months ago

    I wish I could have multiple wives

  65. 8 months ago

    What is it about these games specifically that left them saddled with a fandom made up predominantly of people that hate the genre but apparently believe these are an exception to the rule? I’m not just referring to the dubhomosexualry and such, but many of the most contended elements of the games individually and as a series are the ones that seem to remind the audience “oh yeah, this was made in Japan” more than some are comfortable with

    • 8 months ago

      You must've confused this for the SMT thread.
      I've never heard of Xenogays disliking the genre.

    • 8 months ago

      It's a couple of things
      >Being a JRPG published by Nintendo
      there's a subsection of the nintendo fanbase who have really specific associations to the company. There are some people who associate it with the sort of child-like whimsy of cartoons and Disney and the like. There are others who associate it with being a gameplay-first centric publisher whose games are entirely focused around gameplay and eschew story almost entirely.
      Both of these types of nintendo fans hate Xenoblade for being a story-centric, anime-styled game
      >Shift in art-style from 1 to x to 2 to 3
      The fact that each game has mostly shifted in aesthetic and outfit-design sensibilities compared to the last has basically created a sort of FF or Zelda cycle: people who come in or end up liking the most recent game the most get mad that the next game isn't just more of the same.
      This sort of goes back to even before XB1. When that game came out, a lot of Saga and Gears fans disliked how light it is on the heavy philosophizing and lore-dump exposition, whilst other people (especially newcomers) liked how much more character centric it was.
      Then X came out and some people loved how refined exploration and side quest writing was while other people hated how oddly paced the main story was.
      Then 2 came out and some people attached to its more broad emphasis on the whole cast (as opposed to just 1-2 main characters) and world building while other people hated the more overtly anime-aesthetic (people who thought that XB1's art-style was meant to be more 'realistic' and inspired by WRPGs).
      Then 3 came out and tons of people loved its even deeper focus on character writing and the class system, as well as the rebalance of combat around the core Arts while just as many people disliked how the character designs shifted again from 2's more fantastical slant to a more grounded aesthetic, or how the world building was less oriented with national cultures and more the colony's micro-societies

    • 8 months ago

      he looks so cool

  66. 8 months ago

    Do you even meet those kids?
    I still laugh at the fact that this image was created because people didn't like Rex and called him a homosexual and that hurt his creators feelings

  67. 8 months ago

    Japan has been trying to get gamers to settle down and procreate already.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, what a private store in the West chooses to sell and how they choose to organize it is representative of the Japanese government and people.

  68. 8 months ago

    >Project Exodus
    >Earth-life Colonization Project
    >Dimitri Yuriev

    Just what did Takahashi mean by this really?

  69. 8 months ago

    While we're on the subject, why did Ghondor take the key from M in the first place? How did Ghondor know it was really the key to Nia's hideout? Surely she must've considered that it was a Moebius scheme to get a remotely detonated super-bomb or some shit into the city. Hell, M literally attacks them as they escape the prison and she STILL takes the device back to the city. Of course the attack was a ruse but Ghondor didn't know that until later.

    • 8 months ago

      M told her

      • 8 months ago

        Well no shit, Sherlock. M is a Moebius, how does she know M is telling the truth?

        • 8 months ago

          she didn't

          • 8 months ago

            So she just took a device she received from Moebius, their sworn enemy, back into the city when she knows nothing about it? Seems like shitty writing or Ghondor is just moronic.

            • 8 months ago

              M asked for Ghondor help

              • 8 months ago

                This conversation is going in circles.

              • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              She is related to a guy that wanted to name his son baby of the end.

            • 8 months ago

              >Seems like shitty writing or Ghondor is just moronic
              It's both.

              • 8 months ago

                But that's just what M did.
                The poppi surveillance system existed before she went into hiding. But if you assume she only used it after hiding out, I guess she just picked up on the subtext. Inferred after recognizing M is being moody and suicidal.
                And that bedroom was 100% dead. N never left the couch. Also N, X, Y and Z could've found the key no matter where it is. A lot of things are predicated on Z being Z and sticking to his let the flow decide mantra. So when it comes to opposing Z it's less about being sneaky and more about feeling unironically. If the right people don't get the key, it might as well not exist at all.

                Noah is able to pick out that Mio is fighting to the Agnian offseeing tune the first time they fight, he does notice the small details. And there aren't an "oddball of memories" that are swarming around when he's interlinking with M, it's an entirely different set of memories. As for the costumes, that would be the same as saying that Taion's core crystal isn't canon either because we don't see it outside of the dlc outfits. If we were never meant to see it, then why model it in the first place? Same with Nia in 2 before she reveals her Blade form. We never see Gormotti Nia with her core crystal but it's implied to be there, and it's visible on her swimsuit outfit. All Moebius have a core. Mio is now Moebius, therefore it should be on her body.
                You're right that they're existing as separate bodies prior to M's death, because they are separate people at that time. Then M dies, and suddenly Mio has the Moebius eye but didn't have it at any point prior to that. I don't care about what you're assuming with N because if he did turn into motes they would have shown some motes, you're assuming what's happening to make it somehow bend to fit the previous nonsensical fusion.

                It's the same set of memories because they shared memories with the body swap.
                And the difference is that you're talking about the absence of something. They had to add the core crystal to the model. They didn't make a pre-chapter 6 and post-chapter 6 version of the swimsuit costume. Those are different. Even if you don't care about any assumptions regarding N, the fact that Mio didn't have the Moroboros iris prior doesn't matter. The first time we see the iris is after M fades into motes and there's no longer two instances of Mio existing at the same time. If there was a time to fuse, it would when only one Mio remains.

                >She gives the key to her descendant
                But Glimmer is also her descendant. People are always going on about how the harem is just a huge happy family and the kids have 3 moms and blah blah blah. So wouldn't Glimmer be a better candidate than M, considering Glimmer isn't part of the enemy faction? Or is Takahashi actually saying that blood + marriage relationships are the only ones that matter and Nia is actually a spiteful c**t?

                M also isn't part of the enemy faction. She isn't there by choice. She spent incarnation after incarnation fighting Moebius and ended up as Moebius after supremely unfortunate events. If M was going around wiping colonies for fun there'd be a point but she wasn't. We know she wasn't because one of the things she did early as a consul was allow soldiers to reach the end of their 10th term and die

              • 8 months ago

                >M also isn't part of the enemy faction
                She literally is.
                >She isn't there by choice
                Sure, but she still had to feed off innocent soldiers to continue existing. And the bigger point is that N or another Moebius could've found the key during the 1000+ years where she was just stashing it in their HQ. I guess it might be to show how stupid Moebius are, but that's a really dumb way of doing it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I guess it might be to show how stupid Moebius are
                If you need your villains to be absolute bumbling morons in order for your plot to work, you can't also depict them as an almighty organized empire that your heroes look like insects trying to fight.

              • 8 months ago

                >If you need your villains to be absolute bumbling morons in order for your plot to work
                But enough about Torna.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't see why it has to apply to just one Xenoblade 3 just has it infinitely worse, because the villains there are the empire that actually took control of everything, where in 2 they're a terrorist faction.

              • 8 months ago

                pretty sure N and Z did all the work where as the rest of mobius are a bunch of chuuni larpers who Z just lets run around making fools of themselves for the lulz because he got bored. he doesnt care about any of them at all other than N after all.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think it's ever clearly stated how long it takes for Torna to form up properly from the end of Golden Country to when we meet them in 2's Main Story.

                It was just a half dead Malos and Jin at the start. Even with how strong they are, they couldn't take on the whole world in that state. At some point, they find Mik, then recruit the siblings and later Nia. To be clear, for most of that time, they were just searching for Mythra, and once they found her, only then did they bother grabbing Rex to open her seal.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh I agree, Moebius are fricking awful. IMO the whole concepts of Aionios and Moebius in general isn't an interesting premise, and the execution doesn't do anything interesting with them either. Whole game just feels like a slog

              • 8 months ago

                It was great actually, designs were cool

              • 8 months ago

                Plenty of games have good designs and are superior to XC3

              • 8 months ago

                It looked cool doesn't excuse dogshit writing. We're not talking popcorn flick, we're talking about an extensive 80 hour story that was supposed to act as an ending to two other 80 hour stories. In that regard, the story might even be worse than X, because at least that had the excuse of 'Maybe the sequel (lol) will address some of this'.

                holy SOUL

              • 8 months ago

                holy COPE

              • 8 months ago

                holy COPE

                X has coomer shit as optional side costumes along with dozens of other costumes, 2 has coomer shit as the main designs. Its not comparable you disingenuous homosexual.

                These are the canon outfits for all the characters.


              • 8 months ago

                >Worthless twat knows he has no argument, but must defend BRAND

              • 8 months ago

                >Worthless twat knows he has no argument, but must defend BRAND

                >The theater room isn't an HQ based on how Mio talks about it. The Moebs don't know where they are or that they're in Origin. Z controls all of that.
                Why does that matter? The point is that she keeps the key in the same place where all the other Moebius are. It would obviously be safer in the city.
                >Z isn't performing cavity searches
                But N is
                lmao gottem

                boop that snoot

              • 8 months ago

                >concept art cutscene

              • 8 months ago

                boop that snoot

                but 2 is the most popular xeno game on reddit, so wouldnt that make it a reddit game?

                pvre KINO

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sorry, but this fight was kinda dumb, and a bit selfish upon reflecting on it

              • 8 months ago

                It looked cool doesn't excuse dogshit writing. We're not talking popcorn flick, we're talking about an extensive 80 hour story that was supposed to act as an ending to two other 80 hour stories. In that regard, the story might even be worse than X, because at least that had the excuse of 'Maybe the sequel (lol) will address some of this'.

              • 8 months ago

                It was great actually, designs were cool

                >Moebius are fricking awful.
                Tokusatsu love letter=Cool

              • 8 months ago

                >The referenced the thing I recognize AND I CLAPPED!

              • 8 months ago

                Empty comment with no argument.

              • 8 months ago

                Just like every piece of praise you levied at XC3?

              • 8 months ago

                I don't recall praising XB3's main story, I like everything else about the game down to the aesthetic, music, character writing and concepts but I definitely found the plot lacking after I beaten the game. But I'm able to accept that the game's majorly flawed in that regard and appreciate the weird shit I do like, like Moebius. I'm in the minority and I saw what they were doing with Moebius midway through the game with the goofy hammy villains contrasting the melodramatic seriousness of the party's struggles and I came around on it once I got the writers' intention. If you think that's cope, then whatever.

              • 8 months ago

                >If you think that's cope, then whatever.
                I do because you posted those things in response to criticisms of the writing, as if good aesthetics magically make the writing okay. Just make a separate post if you wanna gush about the aesthetics being good.

              • 8 months ago

                They're not depicted as an almighty organized empire. They're depicted as outrageously powerful but so is the main party. O&P basically rant about how the ouroboros six are too OP please nerf. N actually says Ethel and Cammuravi have power that exceeds some consoles. Colony quest like colony 11 is entirely about how the consul doesn't have as much control over the colony as she think she does. The organization is shown to be pretty lax on the upper level. With their power coming from how stacked they are. They can wipe out entire colonies with pure brawn. They have mind manipulation to keep soldiers in line. The status quo persists not because of sure supply. They have an infinite supply of soldiers, infinitely replacable moebs, and primarily human nature on their side. Because Aionios as it is was a product of humanities survival instinct kicking in and origin responding.

                Eh, the fact that the key ends up in the city anyways kinda proves that even the writers know that giving it to M is just a tangent that doesn't really make sense in the story's context. It's just a detour because they want to force their boring drama.

                No it doesn't. Since it's part of M's redemption.

                Even if Mio and M shared memories M's memories are still swimming around in both of their heads. Again, Noah would notice that there's suddenly new memories, memories of him when he interlinks with M. I don't care if you're saying that Taion's core crystal was added in, it's a part of his body just like how Mio's Moebius core is a part of her body. Details matter, and it should be visible on her. Mio and M's Irises do matter, as well, you can't just shrug off these things saying they don't matter when you then show another scene where you see it happen and just expect the player to roll with it when there's clear differences between the two.
                Xenoblade 3's story starts about 12-20 years after the events of 1 and 2 depending on what events you're looking at. That's when Noah and friends are at the party in town. Then Origin starts up, creates Aionios where all of the events of the game take place over the course of at least 1,000 years, maybe more, and then Origin finishes and time resumes back to right before Origin started up except now the worlds are fused.

                The problem with that you would never see Mio upper body to confirm whether a Moebius core is there or not. Unless you got the DLC swimsuit costumes which are swimsuit costumes. Her not having the Moebius core isn't because she doesn't have a Moebius core, it's because they you're not meant to see it and they didn't make multiple models for the swimsuit DLC. It is purely meta and there are no lore implications to it.

                >The poppi surveillance system existed before she went into hiding.
                But Poppi was only feeding Nia information while she slept. That's why she was hooked up to the machine while sleeping. How would Poppi even send info to Nia while she's awake and running around Aionios? Does Poppi have a 5G wireless connection to Nia's brain??

                Was she running around Aionios? We know she made stones and we know she gave M the key but aside from that she's unaccounted for. She would only need to have been hooked up to see the city get destroyed and maybe some other N and M related events. Why is it strange that she used it, saw shit went foobar, met M and gave her the key and then went full hermit. Her having more freedom of movement prior would give her more information not less.

                Oh and I forgot
                >Inferred after recognizing M is being moody and suicidal
                somehow Nia instantly knows this means M is having boyfriend issues?

                I guess not that it matters. She's moody because she's regretful about being Moebius. Nia gives her the key so she can subvert Moebius.

              • 8 months ago

                >Was she running around Aionios?
                Yes? We see her standing on some random fricking cliff.
                >Her having more freedom of movement prior would give her more information not less.
                How so? Poppi can scan the entire world. That's obviously a more efficient method of gathering information than doing it on foot. Like, do you think she was sneaking into KevesAgnus camps to gather Intel?? I genuinely don't understand what you meant by this
                The only friendly factions for Nia would've been the city, which we know she didn't visit, or the Liberators, but Rex acts like he hasn't seen her either

              • 8 months ago

                She on the cliff to find M specifically. She's on that cliff with a clear purpose. 95% of the information Poppi gives her is worthless. Like Zeon interation 205 having a spongy shrine is entirely useless. To frame is another way considering how this is about contrivance, With more freedom of movement and access to Big Poppi she would know that Noah #6 adopted a vloff and named it vloff of the end but conveniently miss the turning point in Aionios history where the ouroboros that reached Z multiple times switched sides wiped the last bastion of resistance to Moebius and almost guaranteed Z's eternal rule. Why would she miss that, out of everything else.

                >Since it's part of M's redemption
                So you admit it happens because the plot needs it to happen, not because it happens organically

                Everything in every plot happens because it needs to happen though. Why is Rex descended from Adam? Why did Mumkhar become a face mechon? Isn't it awfully convenient that Shulk and co arrived in Makna woods around the time Melia was fighting a telethia. How Nia entrusting her kid with a really important mission any less organic than any of the aforementioned events?

                >you're not meant to see mio's moebius core so we won't model it
                >you're not meant to see taion's core crystal but we will model that
                Also it's interesting how you're fixated on this when it all stems from the shitty swap. Xenoblade 3 is a fine game if you approach everything with a "don't sweat the details" mindset and you just want some emotional moments but a lot of things in the game don't add up.

                They would need to make a pre chapter 6 and post chapter 6 model. They only need to have one model for Taion with the core crystal.

              • 8 months ago

                >She on the cliff to find M specifically
                And she knew how to find her there because....? Feelings I guess?

              • 8 months ago

                >trying to equate backstory and happenstance story events to characters making dumb choices because the plot needs certain things to happen

              • 8 months ago

                >How Nia entrusting her kid with a really important mission any less organic than any of the aforementioned events?
                Because none of the things you mentioned involved delivering the special victory Macguffin to the enemy faction

              • 8 months ago

                M isn't an enemy. She never was an enemy. Ironically Mio is more antagonistic because eshe's the one that played the evil Moebius role that one time you fight M

                >She has free access to Big Poppi.
                Nothing indicates she can communicate with Poppi while she's not hooked up in the sleeping pod.

                Because she can't find M, get up from the sleeping pod to give her rat a key item in subverting Moebius?

              • 8 months ago

                Does Nia have the ability to just teleport to anywhere in Aionios? Or was M just sulking on that one cliff for weeks while Nia hiked across the continent to find her?

              • 8 months ago

                She's part of the enemy faction. No matter how you slice it, Nia was stupidly taking a huge risk by giving it to M when she could've given it to Glimmer instead. She risked the entire existence of 2 worlds just because of her daughter.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's fine that there's a plot hole because the devs were lazy
                Since you went full moron I'll address your point about why plots happen and why the events in 1 and 2 were fine but in 3 it falls apart.
                >why is rex descended from addam
                Because Addam wanted to build a village away from all the conflict after the Aegis war. After several hundreds of years, Addam's blood is in practically every Leftherian. Jn and Malos specifically requested a Leftherian, not Rex, for salvaging Pyra. It was pure coincidence that Rex took the job.
                >why did mumkhar turn into a face mechon
                Egil was turning all of the captured Homs into Face Mechon to siphon the Bionis' food. Mumkhar is another victim of Egil's actions.
                >isn't it convenient that shulk arrived in makna around the same time melia was fighting a telethia
                Yes, it is a coincidence, since both parties were in the same area at the same time. It's also a coincidence that the party in 3 were the ones to get hit with the Ouroboros stone. Generally chance events like that are used to introduce characters in stories or to kick off the plot.
                >how is nia entrusting her kid with a really important mission any less organic than any of the aforementioned events
                Because at the time there's a really reliable group called the City that's either just starting up and is known to oppose Moebius or has been thriving for several years and hasn't been annihilated. Nia should know about the City, so there's no reason to place an important object like that in the hands of someone who is a part of Moebius since that's much riskier than giving it to the City who can protect it. Considering that M ends up giving it to the City as well, giving it to M was pointless.

              • 8 months ago

                It's a dlc costume that would primarily be used by people who already beat the game and takes the piss out of everything because Noah fighting Z in swimwear is a bit of a tonal clash. There is no universe where the swiumsuit costume being inaccurate for final 2 chapters of the game is in anyway a major. Not even minor. It's one of those things that only comes up when you're taking the piss.
                And also the part Moebius someone was a member of the original city. Fought Z on several times, and failed which is still a pretty good track record, and is shown to be extremely reliable across multiple incarnations.

                Well that would've been a real useful ability in the fight against Moebius, how weird that she never used that on-screen. Really activates my almonds.
                >Maybe she been to the same cliff more than once .
                So Nia just camped out nearby for a few days and waited for her next sulking session?

                Realistically she could make the track there in less than an hour depending on where the cliff was in relation to where she was at the time. All she needs to know is where might M be right now, or where might M be on the day I go into hiding. And the day she goes into hiding and the day she finds are probably aligned intentionally. This isn't a crazy feat. You could do itwithout Poppi. M isn't on the run from anyone. Her location at a given time isn't erratic. She found a person who isn't trying to hide from her.

              • 8 months ago

                >Realistically she could make the track there in less than an hour depending on where the cliff was in relation to where she was at the time
                I'm sorry, what? Are you saying you can reach anywhere in Aionios within 1 hour? That is blatantly untrue, the party takes several days to venture across the regions.
                >M isn't on the run from anyone. Her location at a given time isn't erratic. She found a person who isn't trying to hide from her.
                M being "on the run" isn't the point. Rex and Shulk spent several centuries in Aionios, yet they only stumbled upon Glimmer and Nikol during FR, which was close to the end of their time there. So Nia stumbling across M on the exact same day she decides to go into hiding is a huge plot contrivance.

              • 8 months ago

                Assuming Nia had to venture across regions to to reach a cliff. If you prefer the idea that Nia camped out for days or that M stared at a cliff for days that's fine if that works for you. But you're over-complicating the extremely simple phenomenon that is finding someone and meeting them.

                >member of the original city. Fought Z on several times, and failed which is still a pretty good track record
                So did N but I wouldn't trust him with an important item.

                Yeah because N massacred a city of innocents. If N was forcibly made into a Moeb against his will and you know he'd do anything to end it all. Suddenly he's way more viable.

                >tonal clash
                Yeah, the series never would let you have tonal clash during a story. That's never happened in Xenoblade before. It is a minor detail, but it's still something they fricked up on where somehow every other Moebius has a core, aside from M for reasons unknown. They were lazy and didn't bother to give Mio a Moebius core in her swimsuit outfit because they didn't think about it, and it's just another thing that shows the lack of thought that went into 3's story.

                It's not even a minor detail it's a nitpick. Do you seriously think the swimsuit costumes were meant to have implications regarding 3's story. No they were just fun costumes used to justify dropping additional money on the game.

              • 8 months ago

                They shouldn't have written themselves into a corner with the body swap then. If the game shows me details and then suddenly ignores them I will question it. Every Moebius prior to M had a core. Even N has a core and he also uses super special MC Moebius armor. But then M doesn't, or it magically disappears from her body for no good reason. Nobody in game addresses it, but they did bother to address other details like how Mio isn't able to use her Moebius powers after the swap is finished, so I would expect them to cover everything. All they would have needed to do is have one line talking about it, or to have it appear on Mio somewhere. But they didn't because they were lazy and wanted to rush to the end of the story at that point.

              • 8 months ago

                >But you're over-complicating the extremely simple phenomenon that is finding someone and meeting them.
                Again, FR's story makes a point to say that Rex and Shulk spent a very, very long time wandering around Aionios before they found their kids. That's not me making a big deal of it, the game is doing that. So yes it is a plot contrivance for Nia to find M so easily

              • 8 months ago

                >member of the original city. Fought Z on several times, and failed which is still a pretty good track record
                So did N but I wouldn't trust him with an important item.

              • 8 months ago

                >tonal clash
                Yeah, the series never would let you have tonal clash during a story. That's never happened in Xenoblade before. It is a minor detail, but it's still something they fricked up on where somehow every other Moebius has a core, aside from M for reasons unknown. They were lazy and didn't bother to give Mio a Moebius core in her swimsuit outfit because they didn't think about it, and it's just another thing that shows the lack of thought that went into 3's story.

              • 8 months ago

                >She's moody because she's regretful about being Moebius
                Which is directly intertwined with her boyfriend drama.

              • 8 months ago

                >Since it's part of M's redemption
                So you admit it happens because the plot needs it to happen, not because it happens organically

              • 8 months ago

                >you're not meant to see mio's moebius core so we won't model it
                >you're not meant to see taion's core crystal but we will model that
                Also it's interesting how you're fixated on this when it all stems from the shitty swap. Xenoblade 3 is a fine game if you approach everything with a "don't sweat the details" mindset and you just want some emotional moments but a lot of things in the game don't add up.

              • 8 months ago

                Literally is functionally isn't. Every action she takes subverts Moebius in some form or fashion. Also Moebius doesn't have an HQ. The theater room isn't an HQ based on how Mio talks about it. The Moebs don't know where they are or that they're in Origin. Z controls all of that. The closest is the castles. But that doesn't really matter M isn't flashing the key everywhere she goes. Z isn't performing cavity searches. The organization seems super lax, with Moebs being able to do whatever they want.

                Wasn't Nia already in deep sleep long before the time Glimmer got liberated from her flame clock?

                Maybe. It would've had to happen within during the time Matthew and A were making a name for themselves as Moebius hunters. Which is definitely possible but in no way confirmed.

              • 8 months ago

                >The theater room isn't an HQ based on how Mio talks about it. The Moebs don't know where they are or that they're in Origin. Z controls all of that.
                Why does that matter? The point is that she keeps the key in the same place where all the other Moebius are. It would obviously be safer in the city.
                >Z isn't performing cavity searches
                But N is
                lmao gottem

              • 8 months ago

                It matters because Moebius don't live in dormitories where they stash they're personal belonging. Irma has a cave on some random corner of the cadensia. Dirk has heads stored in some unknown spot. They don't have shared living spaces where they can go through each others belongings.
                And dead bedroom. The only searches N is doing are cat videos on irishub.

              • 8 months ago

                Eh, the fact that the key ends up in the city anyways kinda proves that even the writers know that giving it to M is just a tangent that doesn't really make sense in the story's context. It's just a detour because they want to force their boring drama.

              • 8 months ago

                Even if Mio and M shared memories M's memories are still swimming around in both of their heads. Again, Noah would notice that there's suddenly new memories, memories of him when he interlinks with M. I don't care if you're saying that Taion's core crystal was added in, it's a part of his body just like how Mio's Moebius core is a part of her body. Details matter, and it should be visible on her. Mio and M's Irises do matter, as well, you can't just shrug off these things saying they don't matter when you then show another scene where you see it happen and just expect the player to roll with it when there's clear differences between the two.

                >But they HAD to have that 'super-mindfrick' about things actually being barely a decade in the future in reality
                maybe i missed something, and maybe im just really moronic, but what do you mean its only been a decade in the future? How is that even possible? N and M have been doing their thing for literally hundreds of of years.

                Xenoblade 3's story starts about 12-20 years after the events of 1 and 2 depending on what events you're looking at. That's when Noah and friends are at the party in town. Then Origin starts up, creates Aionios where all of the events of the game take place over the course of at least 1,000 years, maybe more, and then Origin finishes and time resumes back to right before Origin started up except now the worlds are fused.

              • 8 months ago

                >The poppi surveillance system existed before she went into hiding.
                But Poppi was only feeding Nia information while she slept. That's why she was hooked up to the machine while sleeping. How would Poppi even send info to Nia while she's awake and running around Aionios? Does Poppi have a 5G wireless connection to Nia's brain??

              • 8 months ago

                Tora install new data transferring function into Poppi after building Origin! Tora inspired by Nia and Melly talking through light waves, so Tora make Poppi also able to communicate through light. Now Poppi can transmit video feed of beddy time dance directly to Tora's brain, and wakey-wakey song at sunrise!

              • 8 months ago

                Oh and I forgot
                >Inferred after recognizing M is being moody and suicidal
                somehow Nia instantly knows this means M is having boyfriend issues?

        • 8 months ago

          >how does she know M is telling the truth?
          MIO, IT'S FEELINGS

  70. 8 months ago

    There is literally nothing wrong with polygamy

  71. 8 months ago

    who the frick is the gray hair girl? is she even a main character or just some random person that got added at the end?

    • 8 months ago

      Nia? She's the first party member you get even before Pyra and arguably the third most important character in the game story-wise behind Rex and Mythra

      • 8 months ago

        then why is the yellow and red girl the only ones everyone know and talk about (and want to sex with)?

        • 8 months ago

          Lots of people talk about and want to frick Nia, the frick are you on about?

          • 8 months ago

            where? prove it. i dont even know about Nia

            • 8 months ago

              She's got the 3rd most porn of all the females in the whole series, behind, you guessed it, Pyra and Mythra.

              • 8 months ago

                you just anti-proved your cause with that data. I knew i was right and not delusional now I don't feel confuse (although im still confuse who is Nia)

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm just pretending to be moronic!

            • 8 months ago

              who is Nia anyway? i never see anyone talk about her

              why do you keep coming back to this thread

              • 8 months ago

                because I want to know who is the gray hair girl. no one cared who she was until OP posted that pic

  72. 8 months ago

    >there are legitimately schizophrenic anons with more autism than chris chan ITT who have created an ocean's worth of copium headcanon in order to justify the plot holes created by the lack of information needed to justify how things from from xenoblade 2 to 3

    Why cant you morons just... admit that they made things so far into the future so that they didnt have to be super specific and could kinda wash their hands of trying to connect 2 and very well. Its more than a fricking thousand years later, do you think that was just arbitrary?

    • 8 months ago

      If it was ACTUALLY a massive timeskip I wouldn't care about all the plot frick-ups. But they HAD to have that 'super-mindfrick' about things actually being barely a decade in the future in reality, and that creates the vast majority of my questions about how most of this shit happened.

      • 8 months ago

        >But they HAD to have that 'super-mindfrick' about things actually being barely a decade in the future in reality
        maybe i missed something, and maybe im just really moronic, but what do you mean its only been a decade in the future? How is that even possible? N and M have been doing their thing for literally hundreds of of years.

    • 8 months ago

      >admit that they made things so far into the future
      It's not that far into the future. Rex's children are quite young when Aionios forms. It has been less than 1 generation.
      Sure, several centuries pass in Aionios, but everything gets reset at the end so that doesn't matter. It just goes back to where it started at the beginning of the game.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, you can't even argue that Xenoblade 2 has a poor framerate without people freaking out and attacking you over it. Criticism is a sin here.

  73. 8 months ago

    Isaiah 4:1

  74. 8 months ago

    Nothing against big boobs, but I don't give a frick about Pyra and Mythra.

    Really I'm just overjoyed that Nia got with Rex

    • 8 months ago

      who is Nia anyway? i never see anyone talk about her

  75. 8 months ago

    there's a toad in SMRPG that tells mario he's standing in shit. probably the best joke nintendo has ever told

  76. 8 months ago

    >actual problems with XC3's story start getting discussed
    >posters immediately show up to start dumping game screenshots with no actual contributions, with others trying to steer discussion into pointless tangents about Reddit
    Really activates those almonds...

    • 8 months ago

      Make your falseflagging a little less obvious, I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        >calling out bad writing in a game is false-flagging
        The Anal Angry is strong in this one.

  77. 8 months ago

    I know the Japanese have been subliminally trying to get their population to make more babies, but didn't think they were this blatant. Wow.

  78. 8 months ago

    Unironically, I hope this is what Xenoblade 4's UI looks like. Just for laughs.

    • 8 months ago

      >2 minimaps

  79. 8 months ago

    They don't have a hard leash on Monolith unlike other devs in regards of story bits, probably cause they actually do lots of heavy lifting work supporting other dev teams inside Nintendo, most notably for the two most recent Zelda games.

    Remember this are the guys who developed the first ever open world Nintendo game back in 2015 (Xenoblade Chronicles X). Their work and expertise is important for them, thus why they allow them this kind of shit to slide.

  80. 8 months ago

    What are they reacting to, Ganker?

  81. 8 months ago

    >Pyra wearing shorts under her dress
    C'est fini.

  82. 8 months ago

    >xc2 thread on Ganker
    >exact same meaningless b***hing and whining, acgay tardposting, frothing incel rage as every other thread

    Same as it ever was
    Same as it ever was
    Same as it ever was
    Same as it ever was

    • 8 months ago

      You could say we're trapped in an eternal cycle. Doomed to repeat over and over again. In this march of time stilled for eternity. The endless moronation.

      >She on the cliff to find M specifically
      And she knew how to find her there because....? Feelings I guess?

      She has free access to Big Poppi. 1984 tier surveillance system and you're telling me she couldn't find M.

      >trying to equate backstory and happenstance story events to characters making dumb choices because the plot needs certain things to happen

      It's not a dumb decision. She's trusting the person who made it to closest to Z across several incarnations with a key integral to defeating Z. Who also happens to be kid.

      • 8 months ago

        >She has free access to Big Poppi.
        Nothing indicates she can communicate with Poppi while she's not hooked up in the sleeping pod.

      • 8 months ago

        But now she and her boyfriend are working for Z, so maybe giving them the key is a dumb idea.

        • 8 months ago

          Why because M is going to walk up to N and flash the really important item she got from the queen. I never got the impression that Mio likes showing off swag. To compulsive levels.

          Does Nia have the ability to just teleport to anywhere in Aionios? Or was M just sulking on that one cliff for weeks while Nia hiked across the continent to find her?

          Sure or maybe you know, she's not constantly hunting for new cliffs to sulk on. Maybe she been to the same cliff more than once .

          • 8 months ago

            Well that would've been a real useful ability in the fight against Moebius, how weird that she never used that on-screen. Really activates my almonds.
            >Maybe she been to the same cliff more than once .
            So Nia just camped out nearby for a few days and waited for her next sulking session?

    • 8 months ago

      >Acgay tardposting
      Criticizing a game does not make you a tard. stop getting angry over words on the internet.

      • 8 months ago

        like shining the Batsignal

  83. 8 months ago

    Nintendo is kino my Black person, get in homosexuals we're saving vidya

  84. 8 months ago

    Is this the best roster for some sort of Xenoblade spin off?

  85. 8 months ago

    I'm glad Future Redeemed gave Rex an actual personality.

  86. 8 months ago

    >donkey hate this game because there's no one to "keep saying it" And protagonist have three wives and childrens

    • 8 months ago
  87. 8 months ago
  88. 8 months ago

    >oh shit someone's actually making a solid argument about XC3's story being bad
    >better bring up some homosexual e-celeb and hope it diverts everything

    • 8 months ago

      It really is a shame since the entire game was built around the Homecoming scene, so everything before that point is just buildup to it and everything afterwards is a wet fart. Hopefully with Xenoblade 4 or whatever comes next the story is unrelated to 1-3, and I mean completely unrelated.

  89. 8 months ago

    I commissioned canon foursome art
    you'll see it this week probably

  90. 8 months ago

    This ending still makes no sense. Not only does a manlet get 3 whole b***hes, but he doesn’t run off with the milk like a real sigma male.

  91. 8 months ago

    Love to see my man happy

  92. 8 months ago

    Chad Rex is more gigachad than any Japanese MC ever, including those from dating sim games like Fire Emblem.

    • 8 months ago


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