How did Pokemon monopolize the monster-catching RPG genre?

No other franchise has fans that are as utterly repulsed by competing games as Pokemon fans are. CoD fans can like Battlefield, Fire Emblem fans can like XCOM, and Street Fighter fans can like Guilty Gear. But Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang, or ANYTHING that doesn’t have the Pokemon name on it.

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  1. 6 months ago

    I started with Pokemon but also enjoy Digimon. What does that make me?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      the fat kid

  2. 6 months ago

    Honestly Digimon games aren't great, you need to be a fan of the designs and the world to get enjoyment out of them. World 1 is probably the best of the bunch and that's something you play more for the novelty of its uniqueness rather than for amazing gameplay.

  3. 6 months ago

    >But Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon
    I enjoy both franchises but most part of digimon games were pure shit for so many years . it could be good if all th games were based in vpets or like the first digimon world but not, bandai and their ''we always do different'' fricked everything

    they didnt made animes to promote the games, how the hell they expected the games selling?

    • 6 months ago

      Digimon is primarily a vpet franchise, not a video game franchise. All the video games are just spinoff products from the actual main part of the franchise.

      • 6 months ago

        They need to focus on the vpet more. Give me a digimon on my phone, let me battle people with it online, maybe do some personal assistant stuff. Digimon is perfect for that environment, they fricking live there already. Also your cute pet can digivolve to be strong in battle and just go back to being cute when you're done so you get the best of both worlds

  4. 6 months ago

    >Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang, or ANYTHING that doesn’t have the Pokemon name on it.
    The hell are you talking about? Monster Rancher 2 and Digimon World are both in my top 3 games of all time.

    • 6 months ago

      I only care about MR because I want to get my butthole eradicated by Tiger's barbed knot.

  5. 6 months ago

    I had fun with DQ Monsters Joker game for NDS.

  6. 6 months ago

    I enjoy Pokemon, and then I had fun with Digimon World DS. And even I tried SMT 1, and I'm playing Kyuuyaku Megaten.
    As for games like Tem Tem or Coromon: if I want to play a wannabe Pokemon, I'd just play romhacks.
    But for Monster Rancher, well, I like to train my monster and make it cool, but I don't like to give it up after 5 or 6 years. I want to keep fighting with him. I still had fun with it, but never properly "finish" it.
    I also played that one cart/monster crafting Dragon Quest game for the GBA, but I kind of give it up in the middle because my game went from fun caravan adventures to "grind monsters so you can make an even bigger monster! And don't forget to keep an eye on your caravan's weight, otherwise it will have less team members". I still had fun. It was cool to fill one with merchants so I had great discounts in goods, or one filled with Map Makers, and had a 100% perfect map to travel.

    I feel those who can't "let go" are just too stuck, or have a massive ego problem where they know they aren't having much fun, so they have to point and say "your game is shit!" so they kind of Ludovico themselves their game is better.
    For example, I'm a massive GTA fan, and I would actually argue that I had more fun in Saints Row 4 than in GTA 5.

  7. 6 months ago

    Give me a good monster tamer

    • 6 months ago

      Monster Sanctuary.

      • 6 months ago

        Digimon cybersleuth was fun didn’t bother with the dlc. Kaiju Pokémon are my favourite so there was a lot I liked.

        Great game never bothered to go back to it after I finished the main story. The post game battle tower seemed to have a lot of depth but the difficulty spike didn’t seem worth coming back to. Also some of the evolutions triggered my autism not having as many 3 stages haha

  8. 6 months ago

    As I lay in bed with my phone unable to sleep I'm nagged by the same question. What makes pokemon great and how long is it going to remain sustainable. Will people still be playing Pokemon either in video game or card form in 100 years? What would that look like? Would it still have the same gameplay? Pointless questions but enough to interrupt my sleep.

    • 6 months ago

      You have to be very careful how you frame and word this inquiry, because asking a normalgay to identify any of the mons in picrel that aren't regionals is like asking them who the current champions are in major wrestling promotions.

      • 6 months ago

        What if I know the pokemon but struggle with their names? I'm like that with real life, I've known my neighbour for 13 years but still couldn't tell you his name

    • 6 months ago

      It's the Pokémon designs

    • 6 months ago

      It depends. Look at marvel. They lasted until they were bought out by Disney. Now their name is mud.
      I think the games will probably have the same gameplay in the same way that the new mario game is just the same as it ever was, but with new gimmicks.
      It's gonna be turn based, but probably more flare and dynamic options perhaps?

      You have to be very careful how you frame and word this inquiry, because asking a normalgay to identify any of the mons in picrel that aren't regionals is like asking them who the current champions are in major wrestling promotions.

      I think it's roman reigns. But that homosexuals been champion for over 3 years.

      • 6 months ago

        >It depends. Look at marvel. They lasted until they were bought out by Disney. Now their name is mud.
        I fricking wish it never happened. I still like comics, they have a long history, I still like capeshit, but I don't care about the movies even though that's the main reason people hate these things now. Same thing happened to Star Wars. Now it's embarrassing to bring them up in "nerd spaces"

  9. 6 months ago

    Because it’s the most accessible game. The designs are friendly or easy to draw. You have cards and toys for every monster in the catalogue. The main games serve as entry level RPGs, never too demanding. Most of all by now it has such a cultural force that even people who never played video games will know at least Pikachu or Jigglypuff.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Same reason 2D Mario is so popular despite being a literal run and jump A to B platformer that people somehow call the best platformer of all time when stuff like Pizza Tower and Rayman Legends exist

  10. 6 months ago

    >How did Pokemon monopolize the monster-catching RPG genre?
    >No other franchise has fans that are as utterly repulsed by competing games as Pokemon fans are.
    >Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang, or ANYTHING that doesn’t have the Pokemon name on it.
    Pokemon understood that people want pets and the "monster" portion is flavor text. Having human designs and extremely blatant human elements like Digimon does thus proves inherently repulsive to someone committed to that premise.

    Another thing is how "tasteless" such design philosophies are. I even hate Blastoise because the cannons are literal cannons slapped randomly into its shell. Very low tolerance for "lazy" design like that, which doesn't attempt to be naturalistic with the design.

    To a Pokemon fan, particularly those who aren't introspective, it's just visceral how much "worse" other series's designs are---fundamentally unpalatable. We even shit on fanmade Pokemon / fakemons---shouldn't we actually theoretically be more sympathetic to those? But we aren't.

    Pokemon has a secret Krabby patty formula thing going on, and Plankton Digigays just can't comprehend it and believe it's some sort of willful conspiracy.

    • 6 months ago

      They're barely different, Digimon just tend to have more details.

      • 6 months ago

        I like how you had to compare them to Unova mons

        • 6 months ago

          I'm just picking random things with similar origins, anon

          • 6 months ago

            Pokemon was able to capture the eyes of people of all ages and sexes somehow. Digimon always came off as a boys cartoon to me and probably a few other girls I knew felt the same.

            They're barely different, Digimon just tend to have more details.

            designs on the right are easier on the eyes, simpler, and marketable its just that simple

            • 6 months ago

              >Digimon always came off as a boys cartoon to me and probably a few other girls I knew felt the same.
              Digimon was very specifically created to be the boys' counterpart to Tamagotchi, which was always heavily marketed towards girls in Japan. So that's intentional.

            • 6 months ago

              >Digimon always came off as a boys cartoon to me
              Gee I wonder why. Have you seen some of the more human themed female Digimon?

              • 6 months ago

                true, but also applies to anthros

              • 6 months ago

                Furries had a heyday with the amount of fanservice Digimon gave them in their recent anime.

            • 6 months ago

              >designs on the right are easier on the eyes, simpler
              I'd say Sunflowmon is simpler than Sunflora, it has fewer petals, and limbs that seem overall easier to animate / make toys out of. Tanemon and Palmon are no more complex than Oddish and Maractus. And hell, Meowstic is MORE complex than Gatomon if you ask me.

              • 6 months ago

                Sunflowmon does have more going on, even Tanemon and Palmon are many more colors including gradients, they have dinosaur like features, they have ridges on their leaves.

                Its not like theyre incomprehensibly detailed like a Black Metal bands logo but it is off-putting to nonfans. I myself like Digimon but I can see how it could be unappealing especially to women and girls.

            • 6 months ago

              >Digimon always came off as a boys cartoon to me
              Because it simply is. Digimon as a whole was created as tamagotchi for boys and to this day it still holds on to that idea where all of them either are rugged monsters/dinosaurs/dragons, cool or/and edgy knights/mecha/cyborgs or sexy women (basically all things explicitly and stereotypically appealing to boys)

              • 6 months ago

                And it has plenty of barashit too for the homos

              • 6 months ago

                I know people think they're boring, like with the future paradoxes in pokemon, but I'm just a sucker for the mechas/knights.

              • 6 months ago

                the "sexy" women are disgusting
                as little kids most are repulsed by the idea of women in their games

              • 6 months ago

                I think you are just gay. Sorry you had to find out this way.

              • 6 months ago

                Speak for yourself homo, I loved them

              • 6 months ago

                The beach episode awakened my love for upshirts.
                Thanks Digimon.

              • 6 months ago

                Frontier is one reason why Digimon fell off for a while…The switch to human transformation never took off. Like that one Pokemon manga.

              • 6 months ago

                The real problem was the lack of partners, which happened because the digi-spirits were originally going to be able to speak to the children but then Shaman King came out and they were afraid Frontier would be seen as a ripoff.

              • 6 months ago

                I never got why. I guess not having a mon partner is a big deal breaker, understandably but the characters and the digital world still made up for it. Plus it was already kinda teased in Tamers with biomerge
                >Like that one Pokemon manga
                I think the problem was that it was also pretty generic too

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                >I think the problem was that it was also pretty generic too
                The problem was mostly how absurdly blatant it was that the guy just dusted off a previously rejected manga and replaced the original fantasy creatures in his concept (or animals or dinosaurs or whatever they originally were) with Pokemon. The Pokemon just feel really awkwardly slotted in.

              • 6 months ago

                Those aren't for the little kids.

            • 6 months ago

              Digimon has a huge female audience thoughever

          • 6 months ago

            Snimon has always been really cool to me as a kid who loved mantises.

            • 6 months ago

              Shame that it doesn't really have a "canon" digivolution.

              • 6 months ago

                Okuwamon is the closest we've got because it too is a faceless bug mon with a jaw. Bug mons need more variety as far as ultimates go.

              • 6 months ago

                There's also Scorpiomon but he shows up in stuff even less than Snimon. israeliteelbeemon isn't bad either if you can get over it being israeliteelbeemon.

              • 6 months ago

                Jewelbeemon really needed a full bug head ala Stingmon to tie his design together.

        • 6 months ago

          >Two unova mons out of 5
          >homosexual still brings up unova out of nowhere.
          What is this mental illness?

          • 6 months ago

            it’s called terminal Discord/Söyjak brain rot
            either that or it’s just plain attention whoring

        • 6 months ago

          ah yes oddish my favorite unova mon

      • 6 months ago

        Polemon designs are toyetic. Far easier to make plush or cheap toy than most digiman.

      • 6 months ago

        that explains why maractus is so wife

    • 6 months ago

      >Another thing is how "tasteless" such design philosophies are. I even hate Blastoise because the cannons are literal cannons slapped randomly into its shell. Very low tolerance for "lazy" design like that, which doesn't attempt to be naturalistic with the design.

      I’d say ”naturalistic” designs aka generic animals with elements are much, much more lazy design philosophy than mixing completely different stuff into one thing.

      • 6 months ago

        No, naturalistic means seamless
        Blaziken's feathers *looking* like a gi rather than being one

    • 6 months ago

      >doesn't attempt to be naturalistic with the design
      You lack both knowledge and imagination.
      >Pokemon has a secret Krabby patty formula
      That is nothing but mindless brand loyalty, specially evident with the disdain for fakemons. Also, Plankton didn't know the formula but he knew that it existed. Idiot.

      • 6 months ago

        >Plankton didn't know the formula but he knew that it existed
        it was not implied otherwise, digicuck

        • 6 months ago

          You clearly did, idiot. You compared digifans to Plankton for believing in a conspiracy instead of understanding that Pokémon has a secret formula, as if you wanted to be EXTRA wrong.

  11. 6 months ago

    I hate this ugly chink tuber

    • 6 months ago

      You take that back! Jaiden is peak hapa Eurasian beauty)

  12. 6 months ago

    Most monster catchers are just legitimately shit. Digimon could make good games but they for some reason just choose to produce garbage. I enjoyed Cyber Sleuth but it was the most generic JRPG possible but with a Digimon coat of paint. Monster Rancher is dead sadly. Coromon is just mid. Temtem had potential but it went the battlepass route and focused on appealing to hardcore players too much, The only ones I can think of that came out anytime recently are Monster Sanctuary and Cassette Beasts but they're both indie titles that are never gonna have the same reach as Pokemon.

  13. 6 months ago

    as someone who enjoys other tamer games the first obvious reason is the nostalgia. people are just content with pkmn as long as they can play with something from THEIR childhood. im pretty sure many of the digimon fans we have right now wouldnt exist if it wasnt for nostalgia. the designs can play a role too. its easier to digest something like pkmn because early pkmn just looked like appealing simple animals with an element attached. i cant really tell someone to get into digimon because their little dino evolves into a knight thing with a gun or yokai watch because everything is so quirky and full of japanese people yokai. its off putting to normies. and then when someone tries to do normal animal designs they are too bland. arcanine or pikachu are better executed than hare or tiger from monster rancher. aside from that the mechanics are more comfortable for normies. pkmn is very casual and something they are used to so its even more comfortable. you dont have to evolve your monster and then evolve it back like in in digimon. it doesnt die like in digimon or dragon quest. its always the same get badges become champ loop. you know what you get with a fighting game. you dont know what you get with a tamer game. even the genre can be COMPLETELY different. a tamer game can be a freaking rhythm game instead of a jrpg. honestly most people dont like monster tamer games which is why they dont look at other stuff. they simply dont need to. they have no interest in cool mechanics or the games improving. they just like a casual game from their childhood that happens to have some cartoon characters they are attached to. the pokemon fans who do like monster tamers are already playing other games. you only see these negative insane reactions of people that have some crazy brand attachment to pkmn. which some have and its definitely immaturity/autism.

    • 6 months ago

      Nostalgia is such shit considering the majority of people playing it are kids. What isolated world do you live in that you think people your age still play Pokemon? People have kids and maybe you can argue nostalgia is what parents use to buy these games for their kids, but Pokemon's biggest success is the fact there's a brand new 8 year old every single year.

      • 6 months ago

        It's both dude. If it was just new 8 year olds, Pokemons popularity waxes and wanes like other franchises. The increased popularity growth we've seen since Gen 6 cannot solely be attributed to pokemon magically nailing that audience extra hard suddenly after 25 years.

        • 6 months ago

          I think you and a ton of people here underestimate how many children versus adults eat this shit up. There's not an "increased popularity growth", Pokemom has remained popular this entire time. From Ruby/Sapphire until Sun/Moon, the franchise has never sold less than 15 million, with the most sold being around 18 million. The sudden explosion to over 20 million is multiple factors. The Switch removed the "handheld" stigma and the Switch being the run-a-way success it ended up being contributed a frick ton. More people are also buying games today then even 10 years ago. It's not and never been a "increased popularity growth", it's just as popular. Though, I do agree it's a combo of both, but it's very much sustained by a majority of brand new kids getting into gaming every year.

  14. 6 months ago

    I would like Coromon more if it had a more distinct identity than being "Pokemon, but with Digimon's type system". I'm sure it's an okay game but nothing I've seen of it fills me with confidence.

  15. 6 months ago

    what i don't like about the other monster-taming games is the level of detachment they have. take monster rancher for example: your monsters have a limited lifespan and you're encouraged to minmax to get the most out of that time. that's just not enjoyable.

  16. 6 months ago

    DQM is good.
    SMT is good.
    Digimon stumbles a bit, it's ok overall.
    >Street Fighter fans can like Guilty Gear
    lol no they don't. Fighting game fans segregate anime fighting games from glorious Street Fighter. Way to expose yourself as another ignorant pokegay OP.

    • 6 months ago

      I never got the SF snobism, like, SF is fun and all but the whole franchise doesn't even have the energy of something like Tekken, much less wacky shit like Darkstalkers or GG.

  17. 6 months ago

    Frick you and your hyperbole, I like DQM, SMT, Digimon, Monster Sanctuary and even Yokai Watch, despite getting into Pokémon first.

    For Digimon in particular, I love the grindy DS games that let you create super OP mons with the correct dedication, he'll you can create baby levels with 999 in every stat. I also love the satisfaction you feel when you finally get the mon you want from a convoluted method and it's just as OP as you hoped. I also like that with the more recent RPG titles, you can take Digimon down a lot of evolution paths, meaning your Digimon could start from Tentomon and end up at Dorugoramon. This is even incentivised by having harder battles post credits that require you to partially minmax your party.

    I like YW because it doesn't take itself seriously and it leans into the absurdity of its premise in the perfect way to not be off-putting.

    I like DQM because I like DQ monster designs and Akira Toriyama's overall art style for the games.

    I love SMT because mythology is cool and the deck is pretty much stacked against you from the start, making you think about strategy, using buffs/debuffs right out of the gate.

    The indie titles I like often bring the same Pokémon feel to them but add something that is sorely missing, which is different depending on the game you pick up.

    "People" seem to dislike these other franchises because they're not Pokémon, I like them for that exact reason, they're not Pokémon.

  18. 6 months ago

    Hating on Digimon is Poketroons' easiest way to get engagement online

  19. 6 months ago

    Because Pokemon is the only JRPG a lot of people can/will play because it is literally designed for mouthbreathers and always has been. That's why Pokemon exploded in the first place: it was an RPG that was so simple compared to its peers mechanically that anyone could play and beat it.

    • 6 months ago

      hard rpgs are never popular

      • 6 months ago

        Why would they be?

  20. 6 months ago

    Monster catching genre is not popular these days Pokemon and digimon are alive because nostalgia and they are stablished brands now the rest died or never get popular people like catching waifus and husbando in gachas now like fgo genshin impact etc..

  21. 6 months ago

    Why do you say it? Because it sell more? Lol cod sell more than battlefield fire emblem than XCOM and sf than gg, and the monster franchise you posted most of them has been dead since 2000, the genre always sucked, still waiting for the botw monster game with good graphics 1000 monster etc..maybe Palworld?

  22. 6 months ago

    Digimon and monster rancher are diferent concepts but fun games the others are just forgotten pokemon clones

  23. 6 months ago

    There are two different genres called "monster-catching RPG". The first are the monster raising sim games. The Monster Ranchers, Digimon Worlds, Chao Gardens, Tamagachi ect. Those have frick-all in common with Pokemon beyond both being about having monster pets. Hell, they have more in common with Princess Maker than Pokemon.

    The other are the Shin Megami Tensei/Dragon Warrior 5/Pokemon style "RPG where your party consists of monsters" type thing. What make Pokemon stand out among these is that the game is almost entirely built around multiplayer. There are 150 Pokemon to encourage people to trade. The in-game enemies all follow (mostly) the same rules a human opponent would have to. The battle system is built in a way to have more PvP strategy than just "choose your strongest attack".

    Most of the Pokemon clones either rip Pokemon's ideas wholesale with weaker designs and/or mechanics, or they completely miss some aspect of it. Yo-kai Watch, for example, had a combat system that was obviously built for the single-player campaign, then awkwardly adjusted for multiplayer after the fact.

  24. 6 months ago

    I like megaten, the others just don't interest me because I like too many Vidya franchises at this point to really want to get into another

  25. 6 months ago

    most sane Pokemon fans do like other monster collectors like Digimon and SMT, and this board is proof of that. It's only domesticated shill Pokemon fans like Jaiden that froth at the mouth at them either because they're too different from Pokemon (I-I don't know what's going on!! this game sucks!!) or too SIMILAR to Pokemon (I-It's an evil ripoff!!)

    • 6 months ago

      Jaiden did nothing wrong. She likes Digimon designs, Dawn/Dusk are just filled with problems and bad design decisions.

      The worst ones are the ones who think Pokemon design is the epitome of design and that everything else that has any amount of detail are automatically shit. They base their entire art rubric on Pokemon design guidelines.

      • 6 months ago

        >Jaiden did nothing wrong.
        Her sin was asking what Digimon game she should start with, being given decent and reasonable recommendations and then saying frick it and going with the general everyone told her was a bad introduction
        >The worst ones are the ones who think Pokemon design is the epitome of design and that everything else that has any amount of detail are automatically shit. They base their entire art rubric on Pokemon design guidelines
        Absolutely fricking agreed. That's the problem with this genre, people expect pokemon and some people can only make cheap not!pokemon. You see it in Who Did it Better threads. People get confused and shocked that not every mon is a recolored animal, it's why Digimon designs get so much hate for having humanoids or made with teenage males in mind. SMT gets the same heat sometimes too

  26. 6 months ago

    None of the digimon games are pokemon clones. With that said id love a digimon game that's a true Pokemon clone. I remember playing Dusk on the DS and loving it. It kind of just throws you into it's world without explanation but it wasn't hard to understand. Also I remember when Cyber Sleuth came out and I'd go to the gamestore and hearing people praise it. I got the double pack or whatever on Switch and again it's not a Pokemon clone it feels more like SMT. Digimon fans are worldwide but not as prominent as the King of Monster Taming, Pokemon

  27. 6 months ago

    I personally love both franchises. I just wish Digimon had more games to play. I adore the world style games the most.

  28. 6 months ago

    I love Pokemon but SMT and Digimon are much much better monster catching team builder RPGs

    • 6 months ago

      My first SMT game was Devil Survivor. It's a spin off but it was still great. My first real SMT was SMT 4 and it blew me away.

      • 6 months ago

        Devil Survivor is probably in my top 3 SMT games of all time.
        Absolutely love the gameplay and narrative of it.

        • 6 months ago

          Also the guy who made the art for Devil Survivor also did the art for Digimon CyberSlueth. Really like his style

        • 6 months ago

          Also the guy who made the art for Devil Survivor also did the art for Digimon CyberSlueth. Really like his style

          SMT is basically the Megaman of the Monster Catching genre.
          You have the mainline, yuou have Persona, you have Devil Survivor, Devil Summoner, Majin Tensei, Demikids, SMT if, SMT NINE, SMT VX.
          Holy frick, the original game has been more ported than any other SMT game. You have the OG SNES game, the PSX, the PC Engine, the Megadrive, the GBA, the IOs.

          Frick, shove your hand in the bag, you'll find anything.

  29. 6 months ago

    Pokemon has the best balance of accessible gameplay and good monster design. It's also kept the gameplay incredibly consistent considering how long it's existed. I see little reason to get invested in a whole nother franchise when I can just play a new romhack with the same skillset and also play in an active competitive scene. I will say, even though I've never been huge on any of the Digimon anime or video games, the current card game is incredibly good. That's why been my primary interaction with the franchise for the last few years.

  30. 6 months ago

    Because they can't enjoy something without thinking about Pokemon and not only Pokemon fans

    • 6 months ago

      They play another game and "oh no Pokemon should be like that game" "this game is better than Pokemon I wish Pokemon had the same shit" "this is the Pokemon killer" etc..

  31. 6 months ago

    The ultimate digimon game would mix elements from the original digimon world and re digitize (the vpet aspects) and mix it with things like Dawn/Dusk and CyberSlueth

  32. 6 months ago

    I want to make AI-generated porn of CandyEvie Jaiden and her mom getting mass-raped by every single Pokemon in existance, is there any decent LORA golem created specifficaly to help me fulfill such task yet?

    • 6 months ago

      Damn, you jerk off to THIS?

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        Not him but I sure fricking do. Especially imagine her autistic personality too

      • 6 months ago

        >Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang
        I don't give a frick about any of the designs from those series. That being said, if they replaced the gen 1 designs with the gen 9 designs, I probably would have never gotten into Pokemon as a kid in the first place.


      • 6 months ago

        Built for sylveons

  33. 6 months ago

    I don't even like Pokemon that much. But you should probably just accept that Digimon and most competitors really aren't anywhere close to as good. Which says more about their lack of quality than it says about the supposed quality of pokemon.

    Telefang is based though. Cool of you mention it.

  34. 6 months ago

    >But Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon
    No you just have autism. When I was younger I enjoyed both but now that both franchises have gone down the shitter I enjoy monster hunter instead

  35. 6 months ago

    This is because pokemon games are simplistic, while the others are convoluted as frick in an effort to be different.

  36. 6 months ago

    I feel bad for these people. The limit themselves greatly by not giving these other monster hunting games a chance. Digimon, and Monster Rancher are great.

  37. 6 months ago

    The monster genre just doesn't have good games. It's a very difficult genre to work with. And if you don't have good games, what do you have?
    Designs. Pokemon gets by through having the most marketable designs and that alone carries it.

  38. 6 months ago

    The Fossil Fighters games (barring Frontier) are some of my favourite moncap games out there, but you almost never see anyone talk about them. Not even Pokemon fans.
    Telefang's also pretty based. Monster Racers is another entirely forgotten yet pretty good one. Afraid to try any SMT because I feel I'd be too smoothbrained for one, tbqh.

    • 6 months ago

      >that last spoiler
      start with Persona 5, it’s a good way to get introduced to the series if you can handle all the weebshit

      • 6 months ago

        No it isnt, at all. That game is 80% vn, you dont even get gameplay until 4 hours in.

        • 6 months ago

          Did we play the same game because this is an outright lie.

          • 6 months ago

            Ok true I forgot the opening in the casino but it barely has gameplay

            • 6 months ago

              Even then I know you get to the first combat at a decent pace and still have other less prominent gameplay elements beforehand. Unless you're actually a super slow reader or something. But it's a JRPG, it's kind of expected you have to read a bit. The only way I see this being true is if you mean "combat where you aren't being outright tutorialized" which yeah fair complaint that takes ages to get to.

        • 6 months ago

          Did we play the same game because this is an outright lie.

          He said SMT not Purseowner you weeb
          Honestly SMT IV is the best introduction.

          but it has the negotiations from mainline SMT, it’s almost like the whole game is a tutorial for the real series
          now if only you could skip the story

          • 6 months ago

            >it has the negotiations from mainline SMT
            Negotiations in P5 don't work anything like the ones from SMT so that's still bad advice.

      • 6 months ago

        He said SMT not Purseowner you weeb
        Honestly SMT IV is the best introduction.

    • 6 months ago

      Smt isnt hard you just hit weaknesses like in pokemon you just have to follow the basics a bit closer like having a dedicated healer/debuffer

    • 6 months ago

      Nocturne(it was my first shin megagay tensai game) is so easy even smoothbrains can beat it as long as they understand that buffs and debuffs are mandatory for basically every boss besides like Mot who you have to blast into chunks before its AI decides its time to stop playing around, which is why they gave it a weakness to electric attacks, newer SMT stuff is even easier.

    • 6 months ago

      Play the first one, run LCK build (20 points minimun), get up to level 4, run away from encounters except hoodlums and yakuzas.
      Intimidate them.
      If you are lucky (or abusing the savestate function), you'll start the game with a Nameless katana and 1 MP5 SMG that shots Shotgun Shells.

      SMT can be a bit hard if you speedrun, but can also be fricking broken if you know where to exploit.
      And be careful in the Demon Only rooms. There's a 1/256 chance an optional boss appears and rapes your ass, because you started, and these guys are level 100.

      • 6 months ago

        You can also cheese 1 hard with Zio, fricking stunning the thunder god himself with it

    • 6 months ago

      SMT is simpler than Pokémon, to be honest with you. Like

      He said SMT not Purseowner you weeb
      Honestly SMT IV is the best introduction.

      said, you should start with SMT IV. Just so you know, every SMT game has a filter boss, but Minotaur is one of the hardest. Prepare yourself for him if you start with IV.

  39. 6 months ago

    I wish these could come back, even as a shitty coombait gachashit like it happened with Medabots
    Yes, that *IS* Cyborg Kuro-chan

    • 6 months ago

      Robobon's dev team got literally kidnapped by Nintendo ninjas, with the lead dev being missing for 20 years.

  40. 6 months ago

    Monster Hunter Stories 1 and 2.

  41. 6 months ago

    God, imagine if she's actually a huge bawd irl and is begrudgingly doing her fake persona and once she's done recording she goes into her room and sucks a guys wiener yelling as much curse words as she can while wiping cum off her with fan art.

  42. 6 months ago

    The reason they fail is because they are ovecomplicated grindfests. I swear i cant get into any of them because they are such a slog to progress through, compared to Pokemons relatively decent pacing.

  43. 6 months ago

    >But Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang, or ANYTHING that doesn’t have the Pokemon name on it

  44. 6 months ago

    Thematic cohesiveness.
    Something they're not sticking to as religiously now, and it shows.

  45. 6 months ago

    I like both THOUGH.
    I can't imagine being "loyal" to Pokemon.

  46. 6 months ago

    By being good
    Im a digigay too but holy shit are the games awful except for like 2 of them on the ps1

    • 6 months ago

      Pokemon games are shirts rpg's
      What got this franchise kicking was the marketing and the world it was able to sell you

  47. 6 months ago

    I’ve never tried Digimon but at some point someone told me Torterra looks like a Digimon, if that’s true then Digimons are based.

  48. 6 months ago

    Digimon fans are the first to tell you most Digimon games aren't very good tbh. Usually the praise is just for World 1 and very recently with Survive. Even for Cyber Sleuth a lot of the hype has died down, people only cared enough to use the game to dunk on SwSh, now that gen 8 has passed people can see how mediocre CS is on its own.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah I see digimon as a toy ip first and pokemon as a game ip first
      I get digimon merch toys and cards much more often than pokemons

      • 6 months ago

        >pokemon as a game ip first
        He says as barely-functioning games are repeatedly rushed out the door just so toys can be made at a regular rate

      • 6 months ago

        Digimon exists to sell tamagotchi for boys, which is a kind of toy, I guess.

        • 6 months ago

          Basically this. Tamagotchi was a smash hit with girls, they decided they wanted something popular with bots, drew the Digimon to appeal more to that demographic, and by the time they got the designs and released them with the first digivices, Pokemon had come out in between projects and was able to attract both genders. To Digimon's credit, it isn't a completely dead monster raiser franchise, but it is niche. Still makes money.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, like the only other monster tamer franchises still alive alongside pokemon are what, digimon, DQM and Youkai Watch? Maybe Medarots is still ticking, haven't heard about any new game since the one where the setting was a bunch of girls in a posh school using medabots to compete.

            • 6 months ago

              Medarot is rotting in gacha hell, a cruel fate

              • 6 months ago

                The Medarot IP rights for the west got somehow bought by some NFT grifter and the original IP holders to fight over it back. I don't know what else happened

          • 6 months ago

            >it isn't a completely dead monster raiser franchise, but it is niche
            That is because its owners hate it and are basically trying to kill it. Digimon could easily be as big as Pokémon if it was managed better, which makes people believe there is probably some corporate frickery going on by TPC.

            • 6 months ago

              Digimon has no chance being tied for the best grossing franchise of all time. Pokemon would have to royally frick up and come down to Digimon's level rather than Digimon going up that high. That being said, I do think there's some TPC corporate frickery going on.

              • 6 months ago

                Why not? Digimon is already pretty popular despite all the things wrong with it. If done right, it could finally live up to the rivalry meme. Heck, it's already more popular than Pokémon in some countries (supposedly).

          • 6 months ago

            >Pokemon had come out in between projects
            Pokemon predates tamagotchi.

            • 6 months ago

              Nobody tell him.

    • 6 months ago

      >Digimon fans are the first to tell you most Digimon games aren't very good tbh
      We laugh at them now but if the current trend keeps on we’ll be in the same position as them in a few years. 9 - 5 = 4

  49. 6 months ago

    Wait, what's wrong with monster partners that can communicate with you the same way people can? Is being against it just something Pokemon normalized or has it always been a thing?

    • 6 months ago

      The pokemon anime bypasses that all the time so I don’t think it comes from pokemon

    • 6 months ago

      >Is being against it just something Pokemon normalized or has it always been a thing?
      It's a Pokemon thing for sure. Pokemon are pets, moreso than digimons vpet approach. Even in SMT's more tamer moments like in Soul Hackers 1 where you gave them drinks and influenced their mood, demons talked back to you

  50. 6 months ago

    i like pokemon and digimon, but for digimon i mainly just enjoy the anime

    i did try to play dusk because my boi gaomon was on the cover, but i just couldn't finish it. idk.

  51. 6 months ago

    Because the designs are cuter and the music is catchy and because it has pretty idiot-proof mechanics that even toddlers can play with it

  52. 6 months ago

    Pokémon wasn't even the first to do it.
    What set Pokémon apart is:
    >1. Solid identity; a unified, appealing aesthetic, setting and rules
    >2. Great, almost "elemental" creature designs that are both simple but seem archetypal rather than extremely specialised and situational
    >3. Accessibility; if you didn't have the game you could buy the card; if you couldn't buy the cards you could watch the TV show; many different pillars of media meant everyone could interact with it in whatever way they choose
    >4. Appropriate for all ages; as detailed by the previous point, different points of interface provide different levels of stimulation; for example the video games provide strategy; the TCG provides collectability; the TV show requires no major investment other than time
    A lot of it was dumb luck, but they capitalised on it early and managed to co-ordinate a huge media campaign.
    Since then, technology and other things have moved on whilst Gamefreak follow the same old formula of "make more characters, change nothing else". So it lost its lustre because there's never anything truly new.

  53. 6 months ago

    Honestly you’re all wrong.
    The reason why pokemon worked is because of rarity.
    Some pokemon being hard to evolve. Some being trade exclusive. Some being hard to find or catch. Legendaries being in hidden optional areas. And of course, Mew.
    Everyone had the game but not everyone had these rare coolmons everyone wanted.
    Gen 2 took it a step further by introducing shinies, but also breeding which allowed players to get good moves on their mons, making them rarer than their caught in the wild counterparts.
    Rarity carried this franchise and they only started making everything easy as shit to get once the franchise was already big. If SV was gen 1 the franchise would have failed hard

    • 6 months ago

      That's not correct.
      There are plenty of Pokémon fans who haven't even touched the games and therefore don't know how rare some evolutions or Pokémon are.
      Eevee isn't popular because you only get one per game; it's popular because it's cute.

      • 6 months ago

        That came later once the franchise was already established. That’s not what made it popular in the first place

        • 6 months ago

          Okay, you're absolutely wrong.

  54. 6 months ago

    Persona 5 gameplay is what I like to call fake depth. It technically has all these mechanics but they're just surface level bullshit for powerups. I can get it tricking people into thinking it's oh-so deep.

    • 6 months ago

      The core of SMT stuff since the PS2 era has been buff, debuff, hit weaknesses if there are any, use focus/mind charge and your strongest attacks if there aren't, ailments are basically completely useless as are instant-kill attacks outside of like Apo where dark and light are damage elements that get instant.kill properties if you've got smirk, it doesn't really need to be any deeper than that, you aren't playing fricking Wizardry.

  55. 6 months ago

    >How did Pokemon monopolize the monster-catching RPG genre?

    >Short Answer
    Pokemon was innovative unlike Digimon and Monster Rancher.

    Long answer
    It was made as a dragon quest like game with innovations like the trade system which a lot of you take for granted because you can't make friends but at the time connecting games, connecting worlds, was mind blowing. Battling monsters was been there done that, but trading them, with some of them even getting stronger from it was a whole new ball game.

  56. 6 months ago

    As a child I liked both Pokemon and Digimon, but my preference soon started leaning towards Pokemon and I stopped liking Digimon.
    Digimon designs are not my cup of tea and that's the main thing that pushed me away. Sure there are many cute and simple designs in their early stages, but upon digievolving, most of them become too much for my taste, either too complex, or absolutely unappealing (the skeleton ones for instance, or the insect-based ones that literally gross me out) or plain fanservice (I dislike waifumons that play too hard in Pokemon,let alone in Digimon where they're unapologetically big boobed women).
    This is what always gave it a very blatant boys-oriented edge compared to Pokemon, which has always been planned to try and appeal to everyone.

    Tajiri and Sugimori specifically looked for and hired a girl (Nishida) to give some designs a cuter and more feminine touch and vision of the Pokemon project.
    I think Nishida's involvement and the way the og working team's opinion on each design via weekly polls was crucial to deciding which design would've made it to the final Pokedex and which wouldn't, played a massive role in how the design philosophy came to be and led to extremely palatable Pokemon designs that can truly appeal to anyone.

    Tajiri wanted the game to be extremely accessible for any kind of player on the surface but more complex/fascinating if you dig deeper and as a consequence the monster designs also had to be palatable for potentially anyone.
    This is the difference with what Digimon generally does because in Digimon the cute designs are more of a ring in the "weak to strong" storytelling chain, which is a typical boy-oriented trope (where cute=weak, cool/scary/complex=strong) rather than a tool to try and appeal to the average girl/casual.

    The way Digimon designs work is more of an acquired taste and, paired up with games that are a lot less user-friendly, I believe that's what made it lose to Pokemon.

    • 6 months ago

      As for other games, I personally didn't mind Yokai-Watch's approach to monster design, I never bought any game but I did enjoy the demo of the DS one. The battle system felt a bit weird though, I didn't really get into it.
      The way you found Yokais was pretty nice though.

      If I had to put the three of them (I don't know Monster Hunter and Shinmegami enough, and stuff like Coromon are just soulless clones) on a scale of preference, it'd be:

      Great design philosophy, simple but engaging premise, excellent battle system (user-friendly but complex if you dig beneath the surface).

      Nice designs, interesting and appealing hunting+catching system, weird battle system I didn't really enjoy.

      Unappealing design philosophy, confusing evolution system, way too grind-y, interesting premise, confusing battle system, lack of consistency between games, a very blatant average male teen audience in mind which axed their potential to be universally well-received.
      (I'm not saying female Digimon fans don't exist, but the franchise itself doesn't go out of its way to appeal to them specifically)

    • 6 months ago

      Ok woman
      But yes the reasons you dont like digimon are the reasons I do
      Do you like tamagotchi? I think it goes too far into the cute direction

      • 6 months ago

        >Do you like tamagotchi?
        I never got into it, I'm quite neutral to most of their designs.
        As far as cute mascots go, I prefer Sanrio characters (my favourite being Cinnamoroll).

        I’m not even a digimon fan but man why does every single time a woman tries to formulate an opinion it ends up being garbage

        Dunno, maybe because the moment you learn it's a woman who wrote it, the sexist button in your brain is automatically triggered and makes you write unnecessary replies like that.

        • 6 months ago

          >the moment you learn it's a woman who wrote it, the sexist button in your brain is automatically triggered and makes you write unnecessary replies like that.
          That’s wrong though, I don’t hate women, it’s just that their opinions are always bad, especially when it comes to pokemon for some reason
          Hell, the DP bad meme was started by a woman

          • 6 months ago

            >the DP bad meme was started by a woman
            NTA but could you explain that?

            • 6 months ago

              It’s a female youtuber that originally made a video shitting on it in 2017, the redditors who shit on it now all reuse the same arguments from that video

          • 6 months ago

            It was still an unnecessary reply though?
            You could've disagreed with me and it'd be absolutely fine, but it's pretty stupid to make it about my gender.

            • 6 months ago

              NTA but Unnecessary and I don't like it aren't synonymous.
              Everything you shit out is clearly foid pseudo arguments visible from miles away. It's useless to try and argue with anything you say when you're literally controlled by a different brain to spout shit opinions.

              • 6 months ago

                Women going in threads to talk about shit they have no business talking about is always like this. It sounds and reads like the same narcissist babble that makes you want the time you wasted reading it refunded, it's such a drawn-out waste of human time.

                It's like when an European talks about American politics. And sure, it's not their fricking business, shit doesn't affect them, but at least they have a fricking opinion. When a woman talks about something that isn't for them that's the ENTIRE point she makes. 2-3 paragraphs of exactly that expressed in different ways.

                She has no opinion because it's not for her, because it's about HER and how SHE feels. Because she's sooo left out. Even though we're not discussing her because nobody gives a shit about random slags. And it's always in a derisive manner, like they'd "want" to like it but can't. And that's somehow the thing's fault for not being made for them.

                Imagine if guys came into 50 shades discussions and were like "It's really well written and I'd like it and everything but it's sooo girl-oriented. It's really off-putting and I could never get into it. I think that's why guys like me might have a problem liking the book and movie. It uses so many female-made tropes and stuff. Let me say a variation of this 32 more times so you really understand how I feel about this subject."

                Sure, maybe they do do that. I don't go into 50 shades of gray threads to check. But if they do they should be told off like this reeking c**t.

                Nobody gives a shit about you, you vapid prostitute. Your "opinions" are you seeking attention from Ganker virgins.

              • 6 months ago

                To be fair american politics affect the entire world.

        • 6 months ago

          >prefer sanrio
          another thing pokemo is more popular designs are sanrio tier especially since gen 2 and they get most merch, search pokepeace on google

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              Oh cute, thank you!
              I came across the Scorbunny plush some time ago but I didn't know there was a whole collection in that style. Love the pastel colors.

              Even if GameFreak lowkey hates Gen2 for having followed an artistic direction that had merchandise in mind, I think it did play a big role in setting Pokemon apart from similar franchises when it comes to the range of merch they can afford to aim at different audiences.

              They probably weren't much aware of where it'd lead to back then, but this decisive deal was sealed the moment they decided to appeal to anyone and hired Nishida.
              Even Gen1 Pokemon like the 5 Base Starters, Jigglypuff, or also other round and simple ones like Poliwag and Psyduck have "food for merch" written all over.
              And it's far from being a bad thing, considering how well it played in their favor since Day1.

        • 6 months ago

          >the moment you learn it's a woman who wrote it, the sexist button in your brain
          Its the other way around, your writing style makes it very clear it comes from a female and it compounds with the post being bad and makes us groan and say "of course" to ourselves because the stereotype was confirmed once again.
          This is NOT what happens: "oh wow what a nice post, wait a woman wrote it reeeeee I hate it now reeee" literally nobody is like that. We dont dislike you because of your sex we dislike you because the way you think and articulate yourself, this is why dudes cant stand women talking for long irl either generally, its not your fault, our brains are just different.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm a guy and I love Tamagotchi. My favorite waifutchi is Meloditchi.

    • 6 months ago

      I’m not even a digimon fan but man why does every single time a woman tries to formulate an opinion it ends up being garbage

    • 6 months ago

      Literally saved the franchise before it began. Designed all 5 Kanto Starters.
      >games that are a lot less user-friendly
      this is what killed digimon. They couldn't (and still can't) get their game design right and had to ultimately make a cookie cutter jrpg with the Story series. World is too convoluted for anyone and Survive is a VN and boys hate being literate.

  57. 6 months ago

    Pokemon's the most popular because it's designs are the most broadly appealing and that's literally it. Digimon has a very specific target audience it hones in on and makes no attempts to stray from that, which is why it's artstyle has been pretty much locked in since inception. Even in Pokemon's first gen there was a far wider range of cute to cool to weird to gross Pokemon among the roster, and that's what ended up giving it a lot of universal appeal.
    Also Digimon's games have a high chance of not only being dogshit, but being completely different from the last one you just played. Pokemon's quality isn't exactly a high bar either, but it's consistent in it's experience and you have an at least "rough" idea of what to expect, and, contrary to what morons on the internet say, more people like that than not.

  58. 6 months ago

    big marketing others failed or werent not big enough

  59. 6 months ago

    Anyone telling you it was the designs or games are shitting you
    The games were fricking half baked outdated RPG's on a dying handheld. If you went back in time and switched tailmon and voltorb, 20 years later people will use it as an example of why pokemon designs are so better.
    What made pokemon so popular was the marketing, it had major Nintendo money backing it and this ties with the anime. Pokemon was huge in places where barely anyone had a fricking Gameboy but everyone was crazy over the show. It's why normies still mix anime and game lore and kids would name the MC Ash. The anime definitely sold the one thing Pokemon has over other mon titles which is the setting. The Pokemon world is just ours but with pokemon being ubiquitous, the anime establishing that every kid like you can go out there and be a trainer when they're ten. Digimon's focus was too narrowed on the digidestined and the Digital world being a place you don't want to be in.
    It's ironic considering Digimon is the better anime, but the more episodic nature of Pokemon is what makes it easier to consume and jump into

    • 6 months ago

      >What made pokemon so popular was the marketing,
      Hey moron, some things had to happen before it would be decided that an anime would be made, yeah?
      That's what we're talking about.

      • 6 months ago

        Hey, you literal moron, he is saying that Pokémon would have been just as niche as all the other games mentioned ITT if it wasn't for the anime-- and he is right.

        The anime is what sold it to normies. It's the main reason why Digimon isn't as popular in the USA, as they got the worst dub.

        • 6 months ago

          >he is saying that Pokémon would have been just as niche as all the other games mentioned ITT if it wasn't for the anime
          Except for the fact that pokemon was already a giga hit in Japan before the anime even came out which makes him wrong.

          • 6 months ago

            So was Digimon and all those other things. What really made Pokémon what it is today is being a hit in America. Even the people behind the franchise say so in many interviews.

            • 6 months ago

              >So was Digimon and all those other things
              No, no they weren't. Pokemon was on a whole other level.

              • 6 months ago

                He's right. The Digimon card game was fricking huge on Japan to almost being the biggest pillar of the franchise. It's why Tamers featured cards so much. Of course it's not "pokemon huge" but it was bigger than how it was treated here. Probably because japs didn't care about brand wars

          • 6 months ago

            Pokemon became a hit slowly in Japan. The thing that actually made it popular is unironically what

            Honestly you’re all wrong.
            The reason why pokemon worked is because of rarity.
            Some pokemon being hard to evolve. Some being trade exclusive. Some being hard to find or catch. Legendaries being in hidden optional areas. And of course, Mew.
            Everyone had the game but not everyone had these rare coolmons everyone wanted.
            Gen 2 took it a step further by introducing shinies, but also breeding which allowed players to get good moves on their mons, making them rarer than their caught in the wild counterparts.
            Rarity carried this franchise and they only started making everything easy as shit to get once the franchise was already big. If SV was gen 1 the franchise would have failed hard

            said, but specifically people hearing about uncatchable pokemon in different versions and rumors about Mew. It's another way that makes the pokemon world so engrossing. But I don't think you can have a huge phenomenon on that alone, not everyone has a gameboy. The anime then comes in to keep you invested in the world and attract new viewers. It's a toy commercial cartoon, it's not rocket science. The He-Man toys, Transformers, GI Joe, all were shows that were to shill toys that alreadyed existed and give you a world and story to play with
            The same thing actually happened with Yokai Watch. The game sold okay at first in Japan, then the anime came out and it became a huge success almost beating pokemon for a while. Maybe if the English dub was done better and it wasnt distributed on Disney XD, it would've done better

  60. 6 months ago

    Consistency. And multi media products.
    Having something come out every single year. Having constant shows and manga and toys and cards. It was all something to keep people entertained. Even at the lowest level these other games couldn't keep up with the content machine that is pokemon.

    Digimon, is great but it releases to slow and no two games are the same.
    Yokai watch burnt out and couldn't escape the jap bubble.
    Monsterhunter stories is great and has monsterhunter to fall back on, but has zero merch outside of limited run plush and models.
    SMT/DQM release to slow to stay in the publics eye.

    >Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon, or Monster Rancher, or Coromon, or Robopon, or Telefang, or ANYTHING that doesn’t have the Pokemon name on it.

    My favorite monster catching series is monsterhunter rise. Coromon is pretty fun. I picked up patch quest and that's great.
    My biggest problem is so many of these great games release one and never make any more. I'm pleading with the vidya gods above to give me another fossil fighter game.

  61. 6 months ago

    Does DQV count as a monster trainer game?

  62. 6 months ago

    Because pokemon had some concrete ground rules that even today the main games strictly adhere to.
    If I ask you what a pokemon game should play like, you immediately know.
    If I ask you what a digimon game should play like I'll get a dozen different answers because theres no concrete rule of what a digimon game "should" play like.
    Granted there are pokemon games that are turn based rock paper scissors monster tamers, but those are spin off that only exist because the mainline games were so popular.

  63. 6 months ago

    I'm going to abandon pokemon starting in 2024.
    What video game franchise would be the ideal replacement?
    >game without Fairies
    >I hate RPG's
    >anti-pokemon game
    >non-competitive game
    >Franchise that all its games are single player
    >game whose target is totally opposite to that of pokemon
    >franchise without metagame
    >I play on emulators of sega master system, genesis (Mega drive) atari consoles, Playstation 1, PSP, GBA and 3DS

    • 6 months ago

      We told you SMT for several years already

      • 6 months ago

        In SMT there are fairies too. and I want a video game without fairies and where fairies do not exist

        • 6 months ago

          Are you that afraid of finding out you're gay?

        • 6 months ago

          The SMT Fairy race aren't pink like Pokemon fairies. Mythological and literary fairies aren't pink and girly like the pop culture idea of them. Why else would you cry about them

  64. 6 months ago

    By having the most insane marketing campaign the late 90's had ever seen. The closest we ever got again was Shrek.

    • 6 months ago

      >The closest we ever got again was Shrek.
      Was it

    • 6 months ago

      Besides like pixie and high pixie the rest of the fairy race are things like trolls and women.

      Medarot is rotting in gacha hell, a cruel fate

      Going through my library of PS1 JRPGs a good amount of them have been turned into shitty gachas that died like a year into their lifespan so I'm not surprised.

  65. 6 months ago

    because all sucks, monster catching genre is still the shittiest genre they cant make some pleased and goodlike breath of the wild, let chinks make a pkmn clone a la genshin impact because japantroons cant

    • 6 months ago

      Congrats anon, I genuinely can't tell if you're esl, brain damaged, or some combination of both.

  66. 6 months ago

    We could've lived in a timeline where YKW was bigger than pokemon
    We almost did

  67. 6 months ago

    I'd throatfrick that girl weekly if it would get her to stop posting her bullshit.

    • 6 months ago

      Pretty sure you'd throatfrick anything with a pulse if it let you, anon.

      • 6 months ago

        Nah not you.

        • 6 months ago

          Oh, what a horrible loss.

      • 6 months ago

        Nah bro, I just wanna put delusional b***hes back in line kek

  68. 6 months ago

    What game did she play? I could see someone hating it if they picked the wrong one.

    The most kino digimon experience is still the keychain virtual pet.

    • 6 months ago

      Dawn iirc.

    • 6 months ago

      She played Dusk specifically after people told her that was a bad game to start Digimon with

      • 6 months ago

        Most Digimon games assume you have a guide around which is annoying as shit. Playing world can be downright miserable.

        Even likes of classic SMT games are straightforward with progress and mechanics.

  69. 6 months ago

    the games always talk about how much your pokemon loves you and that youshould treat them well or you are evil or something, and that battling is a good thing to do
    This will make players have a bond with data, kind of like what virtual pets did, but without pokemon dying or needing to be fed or take care of them in other ways

    • 6 months ago

      Digimon honestly does the friendship stuff way better mechanic wise. And I thought they just reverted to egg form instead of dying

      • 6 months ago

        Its inconsistent in some media/games what you said happens, in others they only revert to eggs when they die of old age and not in battle, and in others they always die and never revert back.

      • 6 months ago

        Digimon turning into an evil monster that eats you if you treat it badly is really cool, like in the anime

  70. 6 months ago

    >sell game on handheld that was easy to understand (fire is strong against grass)
    >handheld itself only cost like 70-90 bucks when other handhelds were going for 300-500 bucks
    >unique name with an accented e allowed parents to hone in on that product without needing to understand much about it; thus making their children happy with the least amount of effort
    a mystery, i'm sure.
    it was cheap and it shut your kids up. the end.

    • 6 months ago

      >accented e
      Most 'mericans still call them "poogeymans".
      >unique name
      Pretty sure the moronic brand war with Digimon is specifically because of the similar name.

      • 6 months ago

        Which is ironic because last time I looked at the timeline, Pocket Monsters didn't have the name Pokemon until localization, which was after Digimon came out.

  71. 6 months ago

    I wish there were more Pokébugs who look like Digibugs.

    • 6 months ago

      KoKabuterimon is a very cute little dude and I wish he was in a game already.

  72. 6 months ago

    If you can about anything about Digimon outside the animes, the digital pets, the card game and the world games, you are a tryhard moron, I'm sorry! You might as well be the autistic kid who defends shovelware era Sonic

    • 6 months ago

      We're on fricking /vp/, no one here has the moral highground to criticize anyone on anything.

  73. 6 months ago

    That's because most people who try to make a Pokemon clone try to half ass the designs and think it'll be okay. Digimon would've been more palatable if the evolution trees actually made sense, but it's far too chaotic for the immersion. I didn't feel any personal connection to the Digimon that I had because there came to a certain point where I forgot what they were to begin with, but Pokemon's simplicity actually makes sense and gives room for sentimentality. Other genres like Yokai Watch or Monster Ranch have ugly designs.

    • 6 months ago

      I feel more attached to my living mistake than the average pokemon purely because I have to make sure it reaches the toilet in time or it'll turn into a living turd.

      • 6 months ago

        Can't relate. Never got into Tamagotchi because I couldn't leave it alone for 15 minutes without it dying, and even had to cut some guy out of my life because I couldn't leave him alone for 15 minutes without begging for attention either. Even babies aren't that bad.

        • 6 months ago

          I feel more attached to my living turdchild than I do actual people so that's not a problem for me.

          • 6 months ago

            I can change that, cutie

    • 6 months ago

      Digimon designs are far from half ass, the biggest criticism is that their overdesigned
      Also I don't give a shit about evolution trees making "sense", the best feature of the games are branching evolutions, something I wish even SMT had sometimes

      • 6 months ago

        Evo on SMT is half arsed, and lot of games lack either way.

        Fusion is main appeal since forever and they hammer on you that demons are tools not your pet.

        • 6 months ago

          There's that Onkot>Hanuman>Wu Kong tree in Nocturne I thought was cute because it's just one monkey growing to become the alpha monkey, the only other evo thing I remember liking in SMT was the Divine line in Apo being just one long chain where you can take any random Angel you recruit through the whole racial list all the way to "Angel but this time it's the Nocturne version", there's kinda no point in doing that though since it's not like fusing Nocturne!Angel is hard by the time you can evolve into her.

        • 6 months ago

          Yes I know that shit and I'm not expecting them to expand on it. But since it still exists in it I still am left with wanting more in the setting, since the series has always had a thing with how gods are connected in different cultures and its how you get one of the most popular demons Cu Chullain

          • 6 months ago

            I sometimes play old SMTs and compare the demons with each other.
            I hope that if we ever get a remake of the first two, or a new Kyuuyaku, we get a Demon Library to see all available demons to be made.
            Also, port the exclusive ones, Atlus! I want to play SMT 1 with Megadrive graphics (it had graphics for every interesting room, all 8 enemies filling up the screen, and over 17 EXCLUSIVE demons to get). the PS1/GBA controls (I found them the most tight), and an arragement of the best tracks from every console (SNES Kychikoji, PC Engine Ikebukuro, PS1 Hall of the 4 Devas, GBA Ending).
            And cutscenes! If the PC Engine had them, now make them for all the key moments in the game + Visionary items!

            The perfect SMT remake can be done.

  74. 6 months ago

    it's mostly to do with the weird ways monsters are implemented in other monster collection franchises along with other odd choices like differences in gameplay
    the monster designs also help a lot

  75. 6 months ago

    Dunno. Despite being a Pokemon fan I somehow ended up with the PS1 Digimon game long before I could get Pokemon Red on my GB.
    Loved the game at first, despite not giving a frick about the anime.
    Just at some point the mechanic of your mon dying of old age every 5 minutes and having to re-train it entirely made me shelve the game.
    Then I finally got a game with Charmander and it was so much fricking better on every point except the infinitely worse graphics.

    My main problem with Digimon is just that it take itself too seriously, the world is neither comfy nor awe-inspiring, and the evolution lines are fricking moronic.
    >but it's p-programs and data, they can be anything!!
    Look, I'm a code monkey: if my socket API turn into a text editor after I change a line of code, I will call bullshit on that too.

  76. 6 months ago

    They fell on the Japan exclusivity meme back then, that deal alone destroyed every single Japanese competitor that Pokémon had.

    • 6 months ago

      Im still mad we got next shitty order ported to PC instead of redigitize
      Give me my hats back

    • 6 months ago

      this, medarot did it too and fell into oblivion to the point of currently reducing itself to only sell toys and japanese switch ports

      • 6 months ago

        Medarot got in some legal bullshit.

        Some moron got IP rights since they expired and used to sell NFT. They only solved that recently.

        • 6 months ago

          >Some moron got IP rights since they expired and used to sell NFT.

          • 6 months ago


            Long story.

        • 6 months ago

          I believe that's finally settled now.

    • 6 months ago

      The human designs were made by the sevil survivor guy, right? I can tell by the subtle sexy details on female characters ike the exposed are near the nipple on the pink haired girl

      • 6 months ago

        Yes Yasuda did human designs on story well as few Mons.

  77. 6 months ago

    normalgays is not going to give a shit if ts not pikachu charizard and the 151 mememons

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, we need to face the facts that aside from gen 1 pokemon basically every monster tamer thing is niche as frick.

    • 6 months ago

  78. 6 months ago

    Man i've been hating on dawn/dusk for a long time and thank god someone agrees that they are trash.
    Fricking digimon world dc is better, at least you feel a sense of progression when you mons learn new special attacks. The sprites look better too, although i assume it has less digimons and no fusion, if i remember right. But there was a stimulus to evolve your digimon into different forms to collect traits

  79. 6 months ago
  80. 6 months ago

    Everything else was shit, too niche or overly complicated

  81. 6 months ago

    Because normies only cares kanto that's why is still relevant, they make new designs ugly and shit for milk Kanto forever that business works well for them

  82. 6 months ago

    >ut Pokemon fans will NEVER enjoy Digimon,
    I do
    >Monster Rancher
    It is great
    see above
    >Robopon, or Telefang

  83. 6 months ago

    Is Monster Crown any good?

  84. 6 months ago

    >he wasn't around for Pokemania where literally anything you could think of had Pokemon on it

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