How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?

How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    >announce FFVII remake
    >make people wait 10+ years for it
    >Ok guys here's your FFVII: "REMAKE" (devilish grin)
    >what the frick Toriyama? This isn't a Remake at all, this is Final Fantasy XIII again!
    >hon hon (twirls mustache) stay tuned for part 2!
    I don't know anon, it's a mystery!

    • 1 month ago

      Turns out shit games don't sell.

      The remake you want is never happening, and 7R3 is happening. You should really get over it already instead of this living rent free in your heads 24/7.

      • 1 month ago

        NTA but that's not really a good argument in a thread about the game flopping.
        >They aren't making the game you want, get over it
        >*doesn't buy it*
        >Why are sales low?

        • 1 month ago

          You expect a Stillbirth fan to have an argument?

        • 1 month ago

          then they should get used to getting less and less sales ^_^

          >The remake you want is never happening
          We know, and SE is dying because they keep making stupid decisions like these.

          >Sales aren't that high totally because they didn't make the game I wanted!
          You're only saying that because said remake you want/cry for isn't ever happening, so there's zero way for that belief to ever be confirmed nor tested true. I can think of many reasons they aren't high. Saying it's because of your butthurt vendetta over being "betrayed" is wishful thinking from manchildren.

          >They could have made a proper remake
          But why? Why do they have nor need to do that in any way whatsoever? Just so you can jerk off your nostalgia, go "OMG X thing/scene like how it was 20+ years ago!", then move on because there's nothing more to talk/care about? Are you one of those "people" who will buy TTYD remake, something that has zero reason to exist nor does anything to justify it's existence, and the only reason anyone would consoom it is because "thing past, must buy"?

          • 1 month ago

            That is an exceptionally long post to piss, shit, cope and cum in your pants about how you got BTFO

          • 1 month ago

            >then move on because there's nothing more to talk/care about?
            Black person shill, go back to tell your boss that the fans are autistic enough to talk and wait for the remake for 10+ years ever since the tech demo reveal.
            We can talk about it again and again for the next 30 years.
            Good job for making us to shit on it for the next 30 years though. You made your shit bed, now sleep in it.

      • 1 month ago

        >comes out coping
        What a sad existence it must be to be a Remake-project fan these days.

      • 1 month ago

        cool, still not buying 7R

      • 1 month ago

        >The remake you want
        Only gays and zoomers want demakes

      • 1 month ago

        >7R3 is happening

        • 1 month ago

          But it will, happen, and the ending will be so fricking stupid that anyone asking for another FF remake will be considered an idiot.

      • 1 month ago

        They could have made a proper remake but this point.

      • 1 month ago

        then they should get used to getting less and less sales ^_^

      • 1 month ago

        >they aren't making the game you want
        ok np, I'll just continue not buying square games and they'll continue flopping. let's see who wins this game of chicken.

      • 1 month ago

        >The remake you want is never happening
        We know, and SE is dying because they keep making stupid decisions like these.

      • 1 month ago

        >The remake you want is never happening
        I know. I just won't buy anything Square produces ever again out of spite, and shit on their games on every opportunity possible.

        • 1 month ago

          You can do that. The incessant crying and shitposting you all do over this though is insanely childish and pathetic. Acting like Nomura or whoever personally slighted and betrayed you over not getting the game you all wanted. All this childish crying over an anime story at that.

      • 1 month ago

        >You should really get over it already instead of this living rent free in your heads 24/7.
        But people got over it and accepted the fact that they'll never get a proper remake, which is exactly why they aren't buying this shit anymore.

      • 1 month ago

        In part, because it wasn't enough to push PS5 sakes
        Also, remake sucked so much that many didn't see rebirth worth the trouble to pursue

        >The remake you want is never happening
        That's fine, at this point, I'm having more fun replaying the original. I'll just have a good hearty laugh when R3's sales numbers end up just as pisspoor
        Sometimes the best answer is the most simple one, and square decided to go complicated, and they're reaping what they have sown

      • 1 month ago

        >7R3 is happening
        Yes, as a reduced budget gimped game with twice as many minigames as Rebirith to pad out run time and hide the cutbacks on the rest of the game. Enjoy your monkeys paw.

        • 1 month ago

          The entire REtrilogy is a monkey paw

        • 1 month ago

          thanks I will enjoy videogames.

        • 1 month ago

          cope troon

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      whenever I see gameplay of this fricking game its always some time-wasting bullshit. A shitty cutscene, stupid minigame shit, qte's, whatever the frick this webm is supposed to be. Jesus I have literally zero desire to play this it just seems like a giant waste

      • 1 month ago

        >I have literally zero desire to play this
        Wait, what? But it's Final Fantasy 7. That's CLOUD in that webm, dude. How are you not excited for that? It's Final Fantasy 7, for goodness sake.

        • 1 month ago

          I didn't play FF7 when I was a kid. I was a ff9 chad. Wake me up when they remake that game and hopefully they don't frick it up like they did here

          • 1 month ago

            Based. Can't wait to see Beatrix genocide a race of furries in full 3d.

          • 1 month ago

            You know they will, no point in pretending.

            • 1 month ago

              I know but a man can dream

          • 1 month ago

            All they have to do is make 9's battles not take 3 fricking minutes to load

          • 1 month ago

            >taking pride in favoring the worst PS1 FF

      • 1 month ago

        It’s 80 hours of stuff like this. The combat is ok, but it’s north to make up for the bad open world and mini games.

      • 1 month ago

        its so poorly done

      • 1 month ago

        Welcome to modern vidya, enjoy your stay.
        It's gotten so bad that I'm actually getting angry whenever those time wasting sequences happen. And I used to never get angry about anything. But enough is enough.

    • 1 month ago

      Toriyama did nothing wrong.
      See X-2 when he tried to save the single player FFs by reintroducing jobs.

      • 1 month ago

        >See you can change jobs by putting your Barbie’s into different dresses!!!

        • 1 month ago

          moron. Dragon Quest 3, FF5, FFT, all the most iconic games where job choice mattered.... Holy shit! You could visually tell at a glance what class a character was. Wow, mind-blowing.

        • 1 month ago

          lel and he kept doing it. The only Toriyama games I liked were X-2 and LR but ye I agree, it was gimmicky to people who were into jobs.

          It was funny to see the VII & X players turn their noses at X-2 because of sequel & dressspheres. Even funnier to see those same people eat up the compilation games and beg for years for a remake.

        • 1 month ago

          What, you didn't want magical girls? HERE IS MY WAIFU FOR THREE SHITTY GAMES.

          • 1 month ago

            I love that XIII-2's concept is redeeming lightning and giving her a second chance but starts with a retcon and then Lightning disappears. Fricking kino move, the sequel, the third game? Perfection.
            Toriyama is a god.

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      What the frick is that webm? I assume you have to do this a lot in the game

    • 1 month ago

      Why does this exist? Just to waste the players time? Or maybe they know the gameplay is boring, and they have to distract you with something even more boring?

    • 1 month ago

      >endgame farming
      what's wrong I thought you wanted to breed chocobos

    • 1 month ago

      The last FF game I played was FF6, what the frick is this travesty?

    • 1 month ago

      >this is what qualifies as a 90+ metacritic game in 2024
      Same score as the original btw, not kidding. Higher user score too.

    • 1 month ago

      >this is a better game than stellar blade guys!

      • 1 month ago

        i don't think anyone is saying that

        • 1 month ago

          only a moronic asiaticslop shill would even try to make such a ridiculous comparison. stellar blade is a PS2 bargain bin game with an insidious marketing campaign that preys on the naivete of chuds

          • 1 month ago

            please don't ever reply to me again

            • 1 month ago

              take your witch craft back to the moonie cult threads, shill

    • 1 month ago

      TPBP. They're going to take 20+ years plus 5+ generations to remake a game that was made in like 2-3 years on a 32-bit system.

      Frick Square, they died after FF12: International: Zodiac Job System, their magnum opus.

    • 1 month ago

      TPBP. They're going to take 20+ years plus 5+ generations to remake a game that was made in like 2-3 years on a 32-bit system.

      Frick Square, they died after FF12: International: Zodiac Job System, their magnum opus.

      Square was given so much to work with on this game and they fell so far short of fan expectations. They should have and could have just made a single part game that was faithful to the original, but that idea scared them because they could only do it once and they wanted FFVII Remake to be a cash cow with fan theory channels on Youtube and all that other bullshit, where fans make poggers game every time a new bit of info about the next chapter comes out.

      Only 30% of people who bought the first Remake game actually finished it. That's according the the Playstation trophy data, which I believe to be accurate. Whether those people got bored to tears by all the padding or they lost their enthusiasm due to all the meta nonsense added to the story, they weren't going to buy the sequel. Remake was not as well liked as Square fanboys like to think it was and I called it from the beginning that the trilogy was going to have a diminishing returns problem, I just didnt't realize just how bad the damage was going to be.

      I wouldn't be surprised if Requiem or whatever they call it has to cut a bunch of corners out of fear of not being profitable. They might drop the open world aspect for the most part and just let you choose locations for the Highwind to land at from a map screen. That sounds like the kind of thing Square would do.

      • 1 month ago

        >Whether those people got bored to tears by all the padding or they lost their enthusiasm due to all the meta nonsense added to the story, they weren't going to buy the sequel.
        Stretching Midgar to fill an entire game was insanity. The Midgar sequence is packed full of action and memorable moments in a short amount of time and ends precisely when you start getting tired of being locked into a single city in the world.

        When it finishes, you're hooked to continue playing the game and figure out what's happening for real, which you can do IMMEDIATLY if you want to, and you've been playing this game for what? Between 4 hours and 5 hours, 6 hours tops?

  3. 1 month ago

    Turns out shit games don't sell.

    • 1 month ago

      Third post, best post

    • 1 month ago

      > Turns out shit games don't sell.
      Shit game sell all the time.

      • 1 month ago

        hello sir

    • 1 month ago

      More like PS5s can't sell games. Square Enix is definitely going to give up on Sony at some point probably before the PS6 rolls out lmao

    • 1 month ago

      third post best post

    • 1 month ago

      true, which is why like a homosexual 8 and persona 3 demake sold less than suicide squad.

      • 1 month ago

        What’s homosexual 8?

        • 1 month ago

          Like a Dragon is what the Yakuza series is called now

      • 1 month ago

        Why would any one BUY persona 3? It's overpriced while being on Gamepass.

  4. 1 month ago

    Real shame, Rebirth was honestly fantastic. Makes sense though, given the fact that the only people who are gonna play it are the people who played Remake.
    There are probably also people waiting for the PC port, which is understandable.
    The trilogy format really hinders the presentation, because each game is a separate entity with its own gameplay systems and we won't get a cohesive "complete" package ever

    • 1 month ago

      I don't buy propaganda.

      • 1 month ago

        I played for 80 hours and didn't even see these NPCs.
        I won't try and convince you to play it, but I think that's a pretty shitty reason to not play ANY game.

        • 1 month ago

          Proof you didn't play the game. There are gay Black folk in Junon, Costa del Sol, Gold Saucer, etc. npc designs outsourced to pajeets even lol

          • 1 month ago

            there's no way you didn't see the Black person Chocobo farmers. there's no way you didn't see the Black person shop keepers. there's no way you didn't see the gay Black folk. you are lying.

            I was too busy having fun
            Like I said, don't play the game if you don't want to, it already flopped. Just embarrassed to share a board with you is all.

            • 1 month ago

              Finished the game in its ubisoft towers entirety, its trash and apparently I'm not alone in that sentiment.

              • 1 month ago

                Not everyone has the same opinion about something, damn crazy!

                These people think they're profound for going against the grain or some shit vs having actual criticisms. I can't stand these homosexuals they're as bad as chainsawman posters on Ganker.

            • 1 month ago

              you don't need to post all that we know you have shit taste

          • 1 month ago

            NTA but buzzword racist shit doesn't mean you're automatically right, it means this is the only place you say that shit because noone likes you in person. you're an unfrickable, that's why you're b***hing over pixeled colored folk. that BBC living rent free in that unemployed cranium. that is the apex of your life, telling someone they didn't play a video game because there were some mixed race couples in a 100 hour video game and it didn't cause them to start the 4th reich.

            • 1 month ago

              holy seethe

            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                BANG BANG BANG
                PULL MY NEO TIGGER

            • 1 month ago

              You should call your father and try to make amends. That's your only chance at having a man care about you instead of just pretending for sex. This assumes he's willing to put up with that goblin you got stuck with. Do you ever think back to that first guy you were serious about? Too bad you were afraid of settling there, huh?

        • 1 month ago

          Maybe. And maybe you did because you have an agenda to push? Either way I'm not buying slop.

        • 1 month ago

          there's no way you didn't see the Black person Chocobo farmers. there's no way you didn't see the Black person shop keepers. there's no way you didn't see the gay Black folk. you are lying.

          • 1 month ago

            Frick man. I'm glad I'm not this redpilled yet.
            Wonder how much longer until I see it everywhere though.

            • 1 month ago

              the first Chocobo farmer in the grasslands you meet within the first 5 minutes of the game, Oliver, is the same race swapped, Black person/not Black person as this one

              I don't buy propaganda.

              the Black NPC's are so egregiously lazy, it's kind of unreal to me that the Japanese developers would willingly put the game out like this. Remake had better, less distracting copy and pasted NPC's. This game literally has the same 5 Black person character models spammed around every corner in every single city and town in the entire game. I enjoyed the game A LOT, but the filler NPC's were almost Starfield level bad. Gay, black, race swapped with White hairstyles, and ugly as shit. There is ONE, i looked all over the game, ONE, Asian woman NPC in the entire game. She isn't spammed everywhere either, you have to keep your eyes peeled to see her. There is not one Asian man NPC in the entire game. There are literally HUNDREDS of Black folk though.

              • 1 month ago

                >we're now breaking down the races of pixels

                How far are you in mein kampf, anon? Also imagine the smell of this creature, shit's crazy typed a whole paragraph about how he stared at every npc in a 100 hour game. what the frick is wrong with you people? How is it everyone else other than people here seems to just play the game and never even brings up nigg nogs once in their criticisms.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't buy propaganda.

                anyone with eyeballs can see it.
                there isn't one group of NPC's that doesn't have a black NPC
                there isn't one town that doesn't have 3 Black folk waiting for you at the entrance

                Black folk are jarring, unnerving, seeing Black folk causes even other Black folk to not relax, brother. nobody wants to see Black folk with gold chains and speaking with a White voice actor in a JRPG. They don't fricking belong. Especially GAY Black folk and Black person LESBIANS. Barrett and Myrna don't count and you know it. Not one of the Black NPC's is fleshed out in any way. They are almost all literal race swapped character models that have had their skin artifically darkened. You can see it clear as day. Some of them look like Black folk, some of them look like the default white guy character model with shit skin. you can tell the skin was swapped because there's no vibrance or pink skin on their palms. they literally darkened the skin on half the NPC's on the RGB color wheel

              • 1 month ago

                >he stared at every npc in a 100 hour game.
                Are you serious? Looking at NPCs is part of the immersion. They exist in the game to make the world seem more real, but if they are copy pasted it ruins that feeling.

              • 1 month ago

                >diatribe about black people

                Can you stop being a maniac for 1 minute and let people make fun of the game without being associated with your pathetic psychobabble?

              • 1 month ago

                >doesn't address the fact that 50% of the ugly ass NPC's in the game are copy and pasted race swapped Black folk
                it's literally the worst part of the game, bar none.

                NPC designs are quite literally PUTRID.

              • 1 month ago

                >Remake had better, less distracting copy and pasted NPC's.
                Remake was already extremely shitty with this so getting worse is quite an achievement.

              • 1 month ago

                >the Black NPC's are so egregiously lazy, it's kind of unreal to me that the Japanese developers would willingly put the game out like this. Remake had better, less distracting copy and pasted NPC's.
                13% of the effort but making up 60% of the NPCs is actually really well-researched and deep lore.

        • 1 month ago

          post rarest trophy or have a nice day

          • 1 month ago

            This means nothing. My rarest trophy is 300% stagger, and I got it on chapter 4, aka not that much into game.
            Am currently at ch 10

        • 1 month ago

          I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say it's a good reason.

      • 1 month ago

        I don't like the way these outsourced NPC models look. You could probably find these exact same models on FFXV, they look so weird and out of place in the styling anime world.

      • 1 month ago

        The west has fallen...

        • 1 month ago

          Japan is the far east you moronic Black person

          • 1 month ago

            Japan is to the west of America. Didn't you know that we are on a globe?

            • 1 month ago

              We have the western and eastern worlds. Japan is as far east as you go in this dichotomy you moron Black person.

              • 1 month ago

                New Zealand? A hundred islands in the pacitific? Papua New Guinjea? Vanuatu? New Caledonia? Russia?

              • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        >wutchu lookin' at Nibelheim boy?

  5. 1 month ago

    >FF16 had the YoshiP boost
    >FF7R was shit killing all excitement for part 2
    >FF7R part 2 was also open world slop without any effort into making it good like Dragons Dogma or Zelda
    >Of all the Modern action RPGs (Souls, Dragons Dogma, MonHun etc) it has the worst gameplay and least customization
    I wonder why it flopped, Final Fantasy is now an AA tier genre not AAA.

  6. 1 month ago

    Remake drove buyers away even more than PS5 exclusive.

  7. 1 month ago

    It's a sequel that expects you to have both played and beaten the first part. That fundamentally limits the audience.

  8. 1 month ago

    >It really did undersell 16
    Fanboys destroyed. The series is as dead as Aerith. Been noticing we've been getting far less pajeet marketer threads after this news broke.

  9. 1 month ago

    It's somehow worse than XVI, which is an accomplishment and a half. Nobody buys JRPGs so they can indulge in Eva-tier autistic shipping wars or spend 50% of their playtime on terrible minigames.

  10. 1 month ago

    >previous game was on PS4
    >if you get the Remake+Rebirth bundle for 70 dollars, you still gotta want to play through Remake
    >FF7 is advertised as a way more anime game with the stigma that comes, while FF16 could get normie streamers like Asmongold or Lirik to full play them
    16's demo was a masterclass in marketing, hook and bait cause the rest of the game is not like that.

  11. 1 month ago

    >New entry vs part 2 of a trilogy
    >FF7R is boring as sin to play through anyway
    >Weird story nonsense and time-jannies just making a worse version of a 20+ year old game
    They should have just remade the original with a coat of paint, split it in 2 parts if they were that insistent on dragging it out and watched the money come in. Also XVI dropped the ball too but at least the intro was pretty good so they managed to rope a lot of people in, FF7R is just bad nearly immediately with the game basically being a corridor simulator.

  12. 1 month ago

    Square games are not killer app enough anymore to be limited to one system and I have no idea what they are gaining anymore from being so in bed with sony

  13. 1 month ago

    FF16 was Actually Good.
    Rebirth released right next to Dragon's Dogma 2, a game that appeals to the same demographic. People have bought one and will buy the other once they've finished with the first.
    Simple as.

    • 1 month ago

      16 was the definition of mediocre and one of the main reasons for Rebirths poor sales, that bland pos was the final straw for the consumers confidence in Final Fantasy as a brand

      • 1 month ago

        I think that's unfair, you're correct that 16 was mediocre but Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1 was so far from mediocre it was laughable, if anything shook the confidence in Final Fantasy as a brand it was that. 16 had a chance to redeem the brand and clearly didn't but I don't think any amount of success for 16 could have saved the shit show that is Rebirth.

        • 1 month ago

          Remake was worrisome at the time, especially when considering the losing streak SE was on. Then 16 came out and reinforced the notion that SE is a dead studio. Nobody expected Rebirth to be as good as it is and the sales reflect that

          • 1 month ago

            >Nobody expected Rebirth to be as good as it is

          • 1 month ago

            >Nobody expected Rebirth to be as good as it is and the sales reflect that
            Rebirth is not good what are you talking about? The gameplay is still 10 years behind its competitors, the story is a mess, there's an excessive amount of cringe cutscenes inflating the budget for no reason.

            • 1 month ago
              • 1 month ago

                >Ignores the arguments
                >Collect some cards
                >More Chadleys simulator instead of handcrafted areas that make sense
                Hmm.. I think not

              • 1 month ago

                you have nothing of merit to discuss my doomsissy friend, just lies and seething. it's been years since I found you to be interesting

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but what was a lie? The gameplay is worse compared to other action RPGs or open world games and the story pleases no one. The only thing it has going for it is nostalgia for the main characters which is one of the few things they did a decent job of adapting

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but I agree with him, doomers like you sound like you didn't even play the game
                >action RPGs
                This is what I mean, Rebirths real time-with slowdown-ATB combat shits on all other systems. Me thinks you are too poor to own a ps5

              • 1 month ago

                >Rebirths real time-with slowdown-ATB combat shits on all other systems.
                I truly believe that you believe this, but as you clearly think owning PS5 is something to brag about I suppose your taste in games is as expected. I'm sure you're the kind of anon that thinks Souls-like combat is bad while Elden Ring has more concurrent players years after release than FF7R had peak. I have no desire to "doompost" about Final Fantasy. Nothing would make me happier than to sell it sell tens of millions but it has to radically improve to hit those numbers and Square is failing on all fronts currently so I don't see it happening in the near future. I am cautiously optimistic about Visions of Mana being good but that IP is so niche I'd be surprised if the numbers were good

              • 1 month ago

                Souls-like combat
                Elden Rings open world is laughable. You run miles and miles to press circle to dodge roll. There's no towns, no npc's to find, no story. Souls has no reason to be open world, tendie

              • 1 month ago

                I don't disagree with you but it's undeniable Elden Ring was successful. I'd rather have Nioh 3 or DS4 than Elden Ring 2 but overall Souls-combat is the standard for action combat these days. There's room for other kinds like Monster Hunter or Dragons Dogma but they're both more similar to souls than typical hack and slash action combat let alones FF7Rebirths slop

              • 1 month ago

                your mom's slop is miles better then them all

      • 1 month ago

        I think more people probably have FF7R on there mind when considering whether or not they are going to buy FF7R2.

        • 1 month ago

          Clive Rosenstein killed FF like it was a Palestinian child staring down an Israeli APC, RIP Final Fantasy

          • 1 month ago

            why do people like you pretend to care about a conflict that has been going on this forever
            it's like suddenly spamming threads about a videogame from the 70s that none of you even played

            • 1 month ago

              because current thing moron are you moronic moron? holy fricking moronation moron you moronic moron moronicly moroning all over this moron thread with your moron sentiment!!!!!!!!

              • 1 month ago

                it's not current. they've been killing each other before you were born and they'll keep killing each other after you're dead. americans are stupid as hell lol
                atleast pretend to care about a shit videogame instead of some irrelevant conflict in some shithole country

              • 1 month ago

                current news cycle moron

              • 1 month ago

                >watches the news
                >thinks others are the moron
                oh no no no

              • 1 month ago

                You asked why people care all of a sudden. Because of the media. Has nothing to do with me moron.

            • 1 month ago

              I was Clive Rosenstein posting before the latest desert conflict started, it's fortunate for my memetic purposes. If you shitsteeners keep trying to vindicate your worthless 7/10 game by gloating over Rebirths poor sales(that your trash pile game is partly responsible for) then I will return to full yoshitpiss posting

  14. 1 month ago

    >another shit thread about sales

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        It is, and it will be.
        Nobody is gonna consider it not a GOTY because of sales.

        • 1 month ago

          Are you high? Kingdom Come 2 is going to destroy this soulless trash.

          • 1 month ago

            Not with that combat system
            >they will totally change it!
            >the lock on system won't be there this time!!

        • 1 month ago

          Going to Helldivers 2 based on sales. Black personbirth is done.

        • 1 month ago

          Stellar blade beats it in every category aside from brand recognition

          • 1 month ago

            That game outsold Redditbirth as well.

            • 1 month ago

              it didn't

              • 1 month ago

                >nice bait bro

          • 1 month ago

            Doesn't matter journalist determine GOTY and they love rebirth.


            How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?

            I WISH it was because people were finally taking a stand against censorship. I assume the actual reason is something else though.

            • 1 month ago

              >FF7 Remake
              >Stellar Blade
              Sony is really on a roll lately with censorship
              hope i live long enough to see their gaming branch go out of business

            • 1 month ago

              >Rebirthtroonies will now defend """journalists""" to prop up their dead game
              You hate to see even these miserable shills sink so low.

        • 1 month ago

          >It is, and it will be.
          !remindme 280 days.

    • 1 month ago

      >Another fanboy seething about the game's poor sales

  15. 1 month ago

    same dogshit combat

  16. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Was kino until he started swinging his sword like an autist

      • 1 month ago

        thats his victory animation from the original ff7 you dingus

        • 1 month ago

          It pretends to be, but it's not.

          • 1 month ago

            like you pretending you even played ff7

        • 1 month ago

          It pretends to be, but it's not.

          Zack stole Cloud's signature victory animation in Rebirth

          • 1 month ago

            The floor looks like something out of FFXIV

          • 1 month ago

            Cloud genuinely looks like a tard here

            • 1 month ago

              Well, Cloud is an autistic tard, so that's completely in character for him.

            • 1 month ago

              That webm is sum up everything wrong with Zack characteristic
              His characteristic basically stole everything cool from OG then claming his.

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        robbed for best VA, I'll never get over it

        • 1 month ago

          Is that what it's from? I just thought it was a funny expression.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah they cut straight to his face when they announced the BG3 dude as the winner for best VA

            • 1 month ago

              Damn. I thought Clive was pretty well-voiced. BG3 had some amazing voices too but I liked Clive's lines better. Either way, I didn't mean to shit on the guy, I just thought the image had that nice "soulless stare".

        • 1 month ago

          Still can’t wrap my mind around it. Clive’s VA is probably the best FF-related achievement since X.

        • 1 month ago

          >robbed for best VA, I'll never get over it

          Expect it, the game awards are all about giving the GOTY as many awards as can it feasibly be given. Best VA Performance is basically just a freebie award for the winner unless the GOTY is by Nintendo or something.

    • 1 month ago

      Some of you guys nitpick stuff too hard sometimes

      • 1 month ago

        What is an example of not nitpicking in your opinion?

        • 1 month ago

          Forced minigames and character gimmicks, like Cait's box throwing used in literally one part of the game that is also a pacing disaster and the worst area. Even if you like the minigames, as I do, it obviously should not have been forced to do costa del sol shit for beach access or the corel prison shit for the greens.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah, give a finger, right?

      • 1 month ago

        I don't even care about the diversity, I care that the gameplay is dogshit, there's no character customization and yet they spent an awful lot of money animating this slop

    • 1 month ago

      It doesn't bother me that he tries, it bothers me that he does it so well with the sword on his back and the fricking waving of the sword in the end is cringe as frick.

    • 1 month ago

      It's not so much the diversity, it that all the NPC are supper dormie looking. even original Remake has this problem.
      Pic relate is basically the opposite approach to Rebirth.

    • 1 month ago

      holy cringe

    • 1 month ago

      WTF? I love black people now!

      • 1 month ago

        yea, they are so lovable, every house should have 1

    • 1 month ago

      Utterly soulless

  17. 1 month ago

    Yoship is just that good

  18. 1 month ago

    >How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?
    nobody has a PS5

    • 1 month ago

      50 million people do.

      • 1 month ago

        PS5 has no games and no sales.

        • 1 month ago

          Fifty. Million.

          • 1 month ago

            don't. buy. any. games

        • 1 month ago

          Is XVI and Rebirth on PC?

          • 1 month ago

            No. PC didn't help Remake sell more, and it won't for those two.

            • 1 month ago

              What system are they on then?

              • 1 month ago

                The one with no games, of course. You're done, wrap it up.

              • 1 month ago

                >the system with no games has games no other system has
                erm, what the flip??

              • 1 month ago

                PS5 has no games and no sales. PC won't help Stillbirth. I can't make this any easier for you, anon.

  19. 1 month ago

    wordofmouthbros...what's happening??? you told me it will sell gangbusters compared to soulless shartasy 16

    • 1 month ago

      Turns out Ganker is full of SE shills (janitorial level, doing it for free).

  20. 1 month ago

    I love both XVI and Rebirth and am pretty terrified that this new golden age of FF is gonna get killed off right as it's starting to peak.

  21. 1 month ago

    I platinumed both XVI (didn't play DLCs) and Rebirth. XVI was more fun and less pozzed than Rebirth. Yes, I'm aware there's literal homosexuals in XVI; that's how pozzed Rebirth is.

    • 1 month ago

      tbf Dion was cool and was probably the most well written part of the story anyway

      • 1 month ago

        I liked how he autistically called everyone by their eikon name

    • 1 month ago

      I don't know how someone could like 16's combat more than Rebirths. Cloud legitimately has more depth with his basic combos than Clive does because all Clive has is 4 string attack combo, then magic burst weave. Hold square for strong attack, hold square and release while jumping for launcher. Fricking Cloud and Yuffie both have more depth than that before abilities, and their abilities aren't cooldown based with some being like over 20 seconds long.

      • 1 month ago

        Its not about combat, it's just another race obsessed american
        Look at this shit

        the first Chocobo farmer in the grasslands you meet within the first 5 minutes of the game, Oliver, is the same race swapped, Black person/not Black person as this one
        the Black NPC's are so egregiously lazy, it's kind of unreal to me that the Japanese developers would willingly put the game out like this. Remake had better, less distracting copy and pasted NPC's. This game literally has the same 5 Black person character models spammed around every corner in every single city and town in the entire game. I enjoyed the game A LOT, but the filler NPC's were almost Starfield level bad. Gay, black, race swapped with White hairstyles, and ugly as shit. There is ONE, i looked all over the game, ONE, Asian woman NPC in the entire game. She isn't spammed everywhere either, you have to keep your eyes peeled to see her. There is not one Asian man NPC in the entire game. There are literally HUNDREDS of Black folk though.

        It's the only thing he cares about

        • 1 month ago

          >mentions americans out of nowhere

          • 1 month ago

            As if your entire moronic country wasnt filled with this race shit garbage. Fix your fricking traumas.

            • 1 month ago

              I'm not american and you are obsessed. fix YOUR bizarre america-induced trauma, anon.

            • 1 month ago

              >fix your traumas
              Jews shipped Black folk here en masse.
              they no doubt shipped them to your country too.
              this isn't our trauma. it's theirs. they just need to get the frick out.

              you explain to me why there are so many god damn ugly Black person character models spammed in Rebirth? we are supposed to believe that all of the planet Gaia is totally mixed race, gay, multicultural hell?

              this is the planet we're supposed to save?

              it's fricking DISTRACTING and it's SHIT.

              XVI didn't have ONE Black person.

        • 1 month ago

          ugly, disgusting, sub human, race swapped, trash heap looking NPC's spammed literally right around the corner from one another hurts the game. there's not one town you can explore without being FORCED to look at these ugly Black folk and listen to their WHITE VOICE ACTORS.

      • 1 month ago

        >no jumping
        >no jump cancels
        >rpg mechanic bloat kills any and all flow from the action elements
        16 is better as an action game ironically because it’s rpg elements are non-existent. Rebirth is the better rpg though.

        • 1 month ago

          >jumping mattering when there is barely any combo difference because you have so few attack options
          Both games have a launcher, and both games let you get in the air quickly. Once you get past 16 having worse basic attack variances, you also run into the very slow additions of Eikons which means way less toys to play with and abilities that have 20-30 second cooldowns with accessories that drop it by 10% which is frickall. Just remembering that Rising Flames is a 20 second cooldown at the base level is fricking wild to me.

          • 1 month ago

            >Jumping mattering
            Ignoring the fact that having a jump is another defensive option and opens up any game cause your feet isn’t glued to the floor, having jumps (and by extension jump cancels) means even a basic four swing combo can get varied with a bunch of other shit. Just staying within clive’s small moveset, you can jump cancel charged magic into charged sword to get extra height and more damage, limit jump cancels it and keep going. As for the cooldowns, I’ll admit it’s lame, but having parry shorten cooldowns anyway, and having ways to still deal a lot of damage without it means you’re not relying it constantly, assuming you know what you’re doing

            • 1 month ago

              The first minute is almost entirely of dumping and cycling through the 6 abilities. FF16's combat honestly felt like a direction they could take an MMO. Very basic b***h combat with rotational cooldowns where think about making a "build" around. Like Lightning Rod is my shit cause I liked cannon in Dragon's Dogma, so anything that could activate it was always fun to get.

              I think at this point it also comes down to if you want a combo juggling game ala DMC or not cause jump canceling multiple times with the accessory so a bland enemy could get juggled sounds extremely boring.

              • 1 month ago

                It sounds more fun than 99% of games bolting your feet to the floor for some arbitrary reason.

        • 1 month ago

          >jumping mattering when there is barely any combo difference because you have so few attack options
          Both games have a launcher, and both games let you get in the air quickly. Once you get past 16 having worse basic attack variances, you also run into the very slow additions of Eikons which means way less toys to play with and abilities that have 20-30 second cooldowns with accessories that drop it by 10% which is frickall. Just remembering that Rising Flames is a 20 second cooldown at the base level is fricking wild to me.

          >16 is better as an action game ironically because it’s rpg elements are non-existent
          >you also run into the very slow additions of Eikons which means way less toys to play with and abilities that have 20-30 second cooldowns
          The RPG elements are so non-existent and the Eikon abilities so lame that there is literally zero elemental damage bonus or resistance. It’s basically just different stances. There’s also only one weapon path in the whole game, the next weapon you can craft or buy is always flat-out better than the previous one with no added abilities or stat tradeoffs. The side quests are the most boring pointless filler bullshit I’ve ever seen in a game, and I’ve actively tried staying away from open world games for like a decade now because of the saturation of those mechanics. I got to the time skip after Clive becomes nu-Cid and realized it just wasn’t going anywhere as far as gameplay despite being a really awesome story with great characters and depth. Dropped it and probably won’t go back to it. I’d go back to FFXII in a heartbeat. Shit, even 13. but definitely not the emo k-pop simulator with an unfinished story that is XV. 16 is better in almost every way.

          • 1 month ago

            >literally zero elemental weaknesses
            Good. Having to switch to shiva to kill a bomb would be moronic.

  22. 1 month ago

    >selling less than a game that sold 3 million IN A WEEK is bad

    Barry, you are looking worse every day

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah that's pretty awful.

      • 1 month ago

        >That non-stop consistent decline

    • 1 month ago

      That's lifetime sales. Debirth is losing.

  23. 1 month ago

    they won.

    • 1 month ago

      The better game, unironically.

  24. 1 month ago

    total clive victory (he actually has sex with his love interest, too)

    • 1 month ago

      he fricked his dog? thats kinda messed up but love is love

      • 1 month ago


        The better game, unironically.

        I had a lot of fun with 16, despite its obvious shortcomings (lack of enemy variety, basic sidequests, no big cities, etc). The ff7R demo was so fricking boring, and then I got to the part where you have to slowly limp through town as everyone stood by waiting for Seph to kill them, despite having guns pointed at them. What a shit show, so glad i avoided it from the beginning

  25. 1 month ago

    I blame its naming more than anything. FFVII: Remake Intergrade, FFVII: Rebirth, then God knows what stupid name they'll give part 3, probably another "R" to make it even more confusing like FFVII: Requiem. I don't think anyone even knows Rebirth exists outside of hardcore fans. Whereas Rebirth had a clear "ok this is the new one" at that time.

    • 1 month ago

      oops I meant "Remake", i wasn't even memeing, that's how fricking moronic their naming is

  26. 1 month ago

    Rebirth fails as a remake, fails as something different, and fails as a FF game.
    Really not rocket science.

    • 1 month ago

      To think that FF7, that gave the company great success in the late 90's, would wind up causing its downfall decades later with a Demake. Its very sad.

      • 1 month ago

        This game probably doesn't have the insane budget you think it does. Like, do you think this single game cost 300m like Spider-Man 2 did? They got this shit out in 3 years.

        Square's problem, which is shown about them cutting losses the other day, is fricking awful management and greenlighting so much shit that just could not even make money back. Rebirth under-performed, but alot of shit just doesn't perform at all like Valkyrie Elysium, Forspoken, GOTG etc. GOTG game is actually solid, and is a better game overall than Deus Ex HR and MD so I don't mind their new DE game got canceled

        • 1 month ago

          Don't forget the Sweet Baby partnership and SE retaining Forspoken devs and putting them on the Rebirth team. Huge tells that this game would fail.

      • 1 month ago

        If they didn't split it into three parts and actually did a faithful remake it would have sold gorillions.
        The 7m people who fell for the Remake scam thought they were getting an actual remake.

  27. 1 month ago

    The non-stop consistent decline of final fantasy

  28. 1 month ago

    Maybe if they made it 1 whole game instead of trying to milk it

  29. 1 month ago

    >Promised a remake that's been begged for since FF8
    >Delievers some kind of re-imagining that assumes knowledge of FF7, the film, and a spin off
    >Stretches a small section like Midgar out to almost 100 hours and announces it's part 1 of 3
    >Gameplay isn't even turn based anymore if you liked that
    >Part 2 assumes completion of part 1, which is on a different console, on top of the stuff Part 1 assumed
    >Open world shift with nothing inspiring
    >Yellow paint meme on full display

    Even ignoring the other stuff, releasing a game in parts, especially accross different platforms is going to almost guarentee loss in sales between each installment as interest wanes and only a small core remains.

  30. 1 month ago

    Let's think about this logically, FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made, part 3 already has the vast majority of its assets made, they've kept like 80% of the same team for all 3 games, 3 lots of sony exclusivity money(I assume for part 3_, EGS exclusivity money(I pray to God just for intergrade), yet people still think the FF7 remakes are flops?

    Do you morons even know the definitions of word you use? Fricking. Morons.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made

      Why lie? FF7 Remake took place entirely in midgar, apart from character models they literally won't have had any of the assets for Rebirth's big open world and settings.

  31. 1 month ago

    You stupid fricks do realise that white people are the global minority right?

  32. 1 month ago

    You're all tasteless and senseless. It's like pearls before swine.

    Look at pic related and tell me it isn't the most impressive remake of a beloved classic, before you go onto the rest of your idiotic day.

  33. 1 month ago

    Splitting it up into 3 games was a terrible idea. You strike when the iron is hot with nostalgia and the first game did that. Normies were like hey cool wow FF7!! I remember that! but they all moved on now they don't really need to see the story conclude, hell they even got the epic Sephiroth fight in the first game.

    • 1 month ago

      literally, if you're a casual fan, there's not a real hook at the end of the game to make you continue the story whatsoever. it's not a cliffhanger, it's just a straight up ending that asks you to come back later. ONLY the original fans knew what the frick was happening and even then, it was totally wrong. they just teleport away from ruined dream Midgar and they are already on the outskirts of the desert.

      as far as they know, that was the ending, and our heroes are going to go off on their own adventure now after defeating fate.

      • 1 month ago

        >as far as they know, that was the ending, and our heroes are going to go off on their own adventure now after defeating fate.
        Lol I believe it anon.

    • 1 month ago

      Only half the people got the trophy for beating the game in 7R, people generally do not finish games. I think a 3 game split was the only way this was going to be made. Build the framework of how systems, combat etc would work and the scope is somewhat small in Remake. This lead to them padding shit to make people feel like their 60 dollar game had its money's worth at the expense of pacing and filler. Then Rebirth benefited from the work done on Remake to speed up the development and the game is so much larger and full of enemy variety, bosses, side content etc. The next part is just finishing the game but still has alot of major content plus the big goal of the Highwind being pilotable

      • 1 month ago

        It's only 3 games because some suit had dollar signs in his eyes and it seems to be backfiring lol. They are probably kicking themselves now that they are roped into another one of these games and possibly discussing if they can out of it.

        • 1 month ago

          Nah, just one look at them recreating ALL the boss fights in a big showy way, all the old enemies you can see why its split up. God of War 2018 is a good comparison of a big shift from past games, and its got pitiful boss count, dogshit enemy variety, one playable character with two weapons total. Its like saying Sony should have been able to fit 2018 and Ragnarok into a single game. After XV, Forspoken and FF16, Square finally got world design be like other major players but also not too big where its overly bloated like Ubisoft with like 20 outposts to capture

          • 1 month ago

            Midgar is the definition of bloated
            It was a fricking tiny stop in the original

            • 1 month ago

              Yeah I said Rebirth. Midgar is bloated to justify it being a 4-5 hour area turned into 40-50.
              >go fetch my fricking cats
              >go do some jessie shit
              >stupid ass crane shit on the way to wall market
              >we turned the train graveyard into a 40 minute area
              >go back to the sewers
              >hojo's lab/the drum

        • 1 month ago

          >It's only 3 games because some suit had dollar signs in his eyes and it seems to be backfiring lol.

          It's more than 3 games. There was that FFVII First Soldier mobile game that shut down after 11 months, FFVII Ever Crisis which will probably shut down once interest wanes and the Crisis Core remake.

          Square thought FFVII could become its own franchise bigger than the rest of Final Fantasy put together. Then Remake sold about as well as FFXIII, so now its all imploding on itself. They're having to complete the trilogy while the Playstation exclusivity agreement ensures that there's no way to even attempt to reverse the sales decline until after the hype dies down for each game.

          • 1 month ago

            Damn I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole was. There's a Crisis Core remake?? lol no wonder Square lost $150 million last year or whatever it was.

            • 1 month ago

              that remake must've cost like 50 bucks to make
              it's only a slight upgrade in gameplay and a downgrade otherwise
              probably made by 3 indian and 3 chinese dudes

          • 1 month ago

            >Square Enix is terminally bleeding money on wildly expensive FF7 spin-off garbage
            >the exact same thing that killed Square the first time

          • 1 month ago

            >FFVII Ever Crisis which will probably shut down once interest wanes
            As someone who's playing it since day 1, the game is nothing special for a gacha and has very intrusive mtx pop ups whenever a new update comes up, Fricking Brave Exvious is still making the same amount of money or more than Ever crisis

            • 1 month ago

              Frick BE, square killed record keeper, and on RK's social media they pushed BE like it was a good natural segue
              If RK players wanted BE, they already would've by that point. RK was the only gacha I really got into, but thanks to square's frickery, I'm so disillusioned after losing years of progress, that I haven't played a gacha since, and likely never will again

              • 1 month ago

                RK was the first gacha i ever played before i even knew wtf a gacha was, i had a good amount of fun with the game and i was coming back to it before they closed global servers...

              • 1 month ago

                It hurts, because I grinded daily, like, in the 4ish+ years I played, I might've missed anywhere from 4-11 days total
                I would pay $70+tip for a standalone non-gacha console version of it (and no, I don't consider WoFF to be that)

      • 1 month ago

        >Then Rebirth benefited from the work done on Remake to speed up the development and the game is so much larger and full of enemy variety, bosses, side content etc.
        Like Fort Condor?

        • 1 month ago

          >optional weird minigame in FF7, then becomes mandatory in disc 2
          >optional weird minigame in Rebirth
          Are we pretending Fort Condor's minigame doesn't exist in Rebirth at all?
          >no I literally must be able to go up 2 ladders and talk to like 4 people or its not the same

          • 1 month ago

            Of course it's not the same, it's about the location not the minigame itself. Adding in a bunch of recycled XIV minigames is not an equivalent for what we had in the original game.

            • 1 month ago

              Considering you can see the fricking bird and area constantly, you will go there when its plot relevant. Might as well whine that you can't take the tiny bronco to Wutai like you could in the original.

              • 1 month ago

                Yes that is another negative and you also touch on what's wrong with the remakes compared to the originals. The original was fairly well paced with much of the lore hidden away as optional knowledge, replaying the original 7 and finding all the lore about Zack/Cloud escaping that they expanded into their own games and OVAs was amazing. Meanwhile the pacing in the remakes sucks ass because they force feed you everything then realise they haven't given you enough gameplay and drop in lazy shit like the detatched minigames or "VR" missions instead of making it feel like part of the world. Another big problem is that the gameplay is just terrible, compare it to other action RPGs like Souls-likes, Monhun, DD2, Zelda etc and it's embarassing that Square even released it. Even the mana games, pic related, have significantly more character customization compared to what we get in Final Fantasy. But if you look at the other mentioned RPG series things like armour/gear being visually shown on your character is standard, each of those has hundreds of armor pieces that are visually represented on your characters and yet in what was once the greatest RPG series of all time, we get frick all. Everyone involved in the remakes should be fired, especially the writers but really anyone who had any kind of decision making needs to go

              • 1 month ago

                >even this specific game I am using to prove my point
                DQ has and will never show armor on characters, and DQ11 sold extremely fricking well. P3, P4, and P5 would rather sell you DLC skins than show equipment on characters and all of them do very well. When you said customization I thought you were going to go off on actual gameplay shit, not dress up.
                >other mentioned RPGs
                Which ones in this thread, because its probably a anime game trying to sell waifus and sex because there is nothing else going on in the game. Like Visions of Mana is coming out soon and I do not think that game will let equipment/stat items change how your character looks.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm talking about both, you're right it won't but like with the previous example each character will have significantly more visual options and gameplay options than characters in FF7R because each of those "outfits" is a new class. Dragon Quest XI is a good comparison because even that only sold 6 million copies, which is decent but not amazing for an AAA title. Dragon Quest XI also had the balls to stick to turn based gameplay and to release a complete game. Final Fantasy had the option to innovate on turn based RPG gameplay or to make an action RPG game, they picked action and yet the action gameplay is worse than all its competitors, like the ones mentioned in the last post. And does not have a fraction of the character customization as those games both visually and gameplay related. On top of that there's really nothing innovative about it at all, you could argue there's a lack of gameplay variety in Zelda but the 3 layers, vertical exploration and contraption building is plenty innovative enough to make it stand out.

  34. 1 month ago

    >tell everyone you're remaking FFVII
    >sub title the game FFVII Remake
    >fans are excited for a remake of a great game
    >turns out it isn't a Remake but a multiverse sequel
    >no one cares anymore
    That's all there is too it. Anything about PS5 exclusive is cope.

  35. 1 month ago

    FF16 is a new standalone game.
    FFVII Rebirth is the second game of a trillogy
    It doesn't take a genius to figure out why Rebirth sold like shit, it could never sell more than Remake, and a lot of people who bought Remake feel burned it was only 33% of a game they played 20 years ago and decided to wait for the Final Mix compilation.

    • 1 month ago

      >only 33% of a game they played 20 years
      Midgar was only like 3 to maybe 5 hours (if you were really taking your time). It was maybe like 10% of the game, if that.

    • 1 month ago

      I have doubts that there is a huge audience willing to wait 10 years just to buy the FF7 trilogy bundle on PS6.

      • 1 month ago

        There isn't. Who the frick is going to play what essentially will be a 150-200 hour RPG trilogy back to back?

  36. 1 month ago

    Remember that JRPG on the PS2 that got split into 4 parts? Ho, boy sells sure didn't take a nose dive after 2 and have almost nothing for 4.
    Sure would be wacky to recreate that expierence but with an insane budget.

    • 1 month ago

      Yeah frick .Hack I was furious after Mutation was a literal copy-paste. Utter waste of money

  37. 1 month ago

    Sick of homosexuals just regurgitating shit they've READ about the original, knowing none of them have played it.

  38. 1 month ago

    >remake game
    >significantly different, alienating autistic fans
    >make it separate full retail releases over the span of who knows how many years
    >filter even more people
    >initial wave of social media and YouTube shills didn't even finish the first

    • 1 month ago

      actually, it's significantly different alienating fans, but it is also so extremely reliant on the audience knowing the FFVII story bit by bit that it loses the new players too
      so many suspenseful moments in VII:R are built on your expectation as someone who knows what's about to happen
      if you're a completely new guy these moments will fall completely flat for you
      it's a trilogy for nobody

  39. 1 month ago

    For me Final Fantasy is about new characters, new worlds, new adventures. I thought the open world demo of Rebirth was fun, but I just don't give a shit about VII anymore. I'm sick of Cloud and Sephiroth. That's why I didn't buy it even acknowledging how fun it was. They're milking a corpse and I'm just not interested.

  40. 1 month ago

    Nobody that loved ff7 wanted ff7:starfield collard green hoodrat fiend ass Black person edition.

  41. 1 month ago

    Tooooo many bl**k characters that act white. Bl*cks in Nibe*lh*im acting civilised made me turn off the game. Bl*cks should only exist in GTA. Also the game is shit, I mean, actually shit, garbage. Its terrible. It makes me sad.

    • 1 month ago

      I said I enjoyed the game. I enjoyed it A LOT. It's obviously the best Final Fantasy gameplay wise in a very long time and much better than Remake. I put in around 150 hours. It's just a fact that the NPC's are almost all exclusively ugly, garbage, uninspired, boring, Black folk, who don't actually look or act like real Black folk, which makes their inclusion completely superfluous. They only exist to check the DEI box. Look at all our Black NPC's! 50% of ALL NPC's in the game world are Black folk! Thanks for the shekels Mr Stein. Asian NPC's? In a Japanese game? Huh? What's that? Literally ANY human races, other than White or Black? Nope. Where the frick are the Wutaiains? Where are the Japanese people? It SCREAMS "outsourced to Indian pajeets" because they can't design Asians. And the fricking hack devs took one look at the Black person spam and their endless hordes and said "good enough" and moved along

      • 1 month ago

        >150 hours
        I put in less than 30 mins. Sad times man. I should've known better once I played remake and I hated what it did to my soul. I watch a bit of a playthrough whilst working as background noise, and when I saw the bl*ck farmer Oliver, I think it was, I swore to never go anywhere near this game again. Lesson learnt.

  42. 1 month ago

    I have never given a shit about FF

  43. 1 month ago

    XVI is significantly better than Rebirth. How is any of this surprising?

  44. 1 month ago

    Lots of reasons, but the one I would point out is that Remake and Rebirth are fundamentally different games that come from a very different place than the original game.

  45. 1 month ago

    Imagine if they announced it would be a part series at the E3 announcement. People would have been furious. Maybe it would have made things different...

    • 1 month ago

      i think you a word

  46. 1 month ago

    Because everyone with pattern recognition saw what they did to part one.
    They aren't as good at it as the folks who bailed when they learned it was going to be episodic.
    But, at least they aren't as stupid as the ones who still bought Rebirth after the demo dropped with the Janitor segments.

  47. 1 month ago

    >How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?
    XVI provides a stand-alone, complete experience.

  48. 1 month ago

    I couldn't believe when they pushed Chadley onto the player even more this game. Square is very stupid now they have no idea what they're doing anymore.

  49. 1 month ago

    The PS5 is an overpriced piece of shit and everyone knows it.

  50. 1 month ago

    Barry won.
    YoshiP lost.

  51. 1 month ago

    Long time fans were alienated by the time janny bait and switch.
    Casual players who have never played FF7, perhaps any FF, were bait and switched by Part 1 being Part 1. Most of them bought it thinking they were in for the full story of FF7. In addition, after spending 40 hours in Remake they have no need for a direct sequel four years later. They got their fill of FF7 in 2020.

  52. 1 month ago

    >not just calling the games ff7 remake 1, 2, 3 etc
    Rebirth remake refrick I have no idea which one is which or when they released if they released wtf

  53. 1 month ago

    Final Fantasy 16 while a flawed game, is at least original.
    It is more western fantasy influenced while still retaining the core final fantasy aesthetics. It has some great world building too and it's a shame that we're not going to see more of it outside of the two DLC.
    Fantastic soundtrack as well.

    It's a game I can actually see myself coming back to in a few years and replaying it, unlike the FFVII remakes which honestly are a complete and utter slog to play through.

    The flaw of FFXVI is how cutscene heavy it is and how the actual "open world" if you can even call it that is pretty tiny and you never really get to explore all that much of the world, which honestly really sucks. There could have been so many more things to do, they should have at least given us a chance to explore some of the cities and settlements. For example, the only time you ever go into the Imperial city is a cutscene and then short mission, you only ever get to explore that small gatehouse town and a few other small towns, never the actual cities.

    Every time you do get to a city, everything's in disarray and it's for a story mission.

    • 1 month ago

      If we are talking about just playing the main path and not skipping cutscenes, I don't know how you wouldn't think 16 is a worse slog to go through. Just remembering the downtime of useless fricking shit between Titan and Bahamut is staggering
      >gotta build Mid's ship
      >but instead of getting all 3 objectives at once, they give it to you 1 at a time and lore dump you why THIS part is super fricking important like anyone fricking cares
      >go to an area you already have been to, which is near fallen ruins which are never explored and beat a Hunt-tier enemy
      >go back to Mid and repeat twice
      >THEN fricking go to the big crater which didn't get real explanation in the main game only to find out big Hodor lost his traders pass oh noooo
      >go talk and run around and fight enemy types you've already fought and interact with characters who literally do not show up again just to access the town for a sneak mission
      >but shit goes to hell anyways so it was pointless

      Then like the characterization of Jill is shit, even in "her" chapter about the people who had controlled her for the time Clive was a slave. FF16's biggest downfall is doing a time skip on parts that would have been interesting. Like Clive being apart of the branded Bastard squad and the political shit going on and power struggle post-Rosaria. Or the second time skip where Clive has to take over from Cid.

      • 1 month ago

        Remake and rebirth does literally all of this but actually adds slow and annoying “minigames” and fricking walk and talks
        >the boat section getting bloated with a card tournament when it was just a jenova fight originally
        >costa del sol in its entirety
        >gongaga stretched out
        >Second niblheim and cait sith section
        >Temple of the ancients was already tedious in the original game, but it’s somehow worse here
        Without even getting into story changes, rebirth is just a segment of a 1997 game stretched out unnaturally long. At least in 16 I can skip sidequests and only have to worry about mid and goetz bullshit dragging on far too long. In rebirth, almost everything felt like it overstayed it’s welcome.

        • 1 month ago

          >Without even getting into story changes, rebirth is just a segment of a 1997 game stretched out unnaturally long.
          Sums up the entirety of the remakes when you consider most people are out of Midgar within 8 hours and yet somehow it's an entire game. VR missions are unforgivably soulless

        • 1 month ago

          >Without even getting into story changes, rebirth is just a segment of a 1997 game stretched out unnaturally long.
          Uh, but they spent 10 years on it! You can't say that!

    • 1 month ago

      lol, they didn't even have any original summons in a game that focused on the summons

    • 1 month ago

      >retaining the core final fantasy aesthetics
      get out

    • 1 month ago

      >added in literal homosexuals and put a little boy in a dress
      Frick that game, won't play it

  54. 1 month ago

    I don't know anyone who plays final fantasy any more. I don't know the appeal.

  55. 1 month ago

    If that's true then all I have to say is frick you doomsissy homosexuals, I hope your balls wither and die, whatever game it is that you love will NEVER win GotY like Rebirth s going to

  56. 1 month ago

    Who is Barry?

  57. 1 month ago

    I'm not sure why they thought they could turn 7 into its own franchise. Nobody with a functioning brain would think that would work.

    • 1 month ago

      The geniuses behind the FF7 compilation still work at the company and apparently they still think it's the best idea ever.

    • 1 month ago

      >try to make an FF7 expanded universe
      >it's all embarrassing fanfiction-tier garbage
      >craters into obscurity within a few entries
      >shelved for over a decade
      >try, again, to make an FF7 expanded universe
      >it's based on the old expanded universe (that failed)
      >it fails even faster because now it's based on unfinished $70 titles, DLCs, and gacha shit
      And nothing will happen because seniority trumps everything. The board will sit on their hands and smile while Kitase refuses to retie, and continues to write blank checks for Nojima and Nomura.

      • 1 month ago

        >Kitase refuses to retire
        It really puts everything in perspective when you realize that Sakaguchi bowed out after one colossal frick-up. Meanwhile virtually every team at Square outside of their MMO shit has been in a state of constant disaster and business carries on as usual because tax loopholes and gacha whales have insulated them from actual consequences.

  58. 1 month ago

    Total Barry Victory

  59. 1 month ago

    13 was mid
    13-2 was good
    13-3 was mid
    14 was mid
    15 was bad
    7R was bad
    16 was bad
    7R2 is probably bad, didn't play yet

    that makes 1 good game since 2009 (15 years)
    7R3 and 17 will be bad btw

    • 1 month ago

      frfr no cap SE ain't bussin' who let lil bro cook sheesh :skull:

  60. 1 month ago

    Rebirth is the best!

    • 1 month ago


  61. 1 month ago

    Because people don't want to wait 3 fricking years to beat the game.

  62. 1 month ago

    Don't turn one game into three, especially at full price for each

    • 1 month ago

      if it was just full price I think people would be more fine with it, stillbirth is way more expensive than a normal game

  63. 1 month ago

    part 3 will be a direct to dvd sequel like advent children, bringing the compilation homosexualry full circle and dying without dignity, but with balance. screencap this

  64. 1 month ago

    FFXVIs demo did very very well, Rebirths didn't. Choosing to show off the rather badly done and LINEAR flashback as the initial Rebirth demo was another hilariously incompetent decision from SE tbqh.

    • 1 month ago

      >flashback was one of the most kino parts of the original
      >somehow bad in the 20 year later big deal remake

  65. 1 month ago

    Rebirth is a success that put the faith back into the company
    It can still produce masterpieces. SE stock rising
    Salesjeets need not reply

    • 1 month ago

      Blessed post

    • 1 month ago

      both scores and the sales should be higher tbh

    • 1 month ago

      both scores and the sales should be higher tbh

      Aren't the sales numbers coming on May 13th? Tick tock. Imagine if Dragons Dogma and Stellar Blade both outperform a remake/sequel for the most praised Final Fantasy game of all time, that would truly be the icing on the cake

      • 1 month ago


        is the only number that matters to me. Rebirth has already won

      • 1 month ago

        SE doesn't announce sales numbers in their financial reports.

    • 1 month ago

      $140 million loss thanks to Rebirth. Return to India, pajeet.

      • 1 month ago

        lurk more tendie, you have wrong info

    • 1 month ago

      >metacritic scores
      scores don't give the company money and aren't a metric of success

  66. 1 month ago

    You lost, Barry.

    • 1 month ago

      he lost at losing, yes

  67. 1 month ago

    FF15 is the patrician FF

  68. 1 month ago


  69. 1 month ago

    Bring back turn based combat
    There I fixed final fantasy

    • 1 month ago

      The combat is the one thing these "remakes" are getting right.

      • 1 month ago

        not as long as they don't get rid of st*gger

  70. 1 month ago

    Didn't that game die cause they gave into the whiners and made a mode with no pvp

  71. 1 month ago

    >Unfinished game
    >need dlc of first part
    >released a remaster of a psp spinof you also need to play

  72. 1 month ago

    >take too long in between parts
    >call first one a remake when it's more of a sequel
    >time shenanigans

  73. 1 month ago

    Reminder once again that BarryGOD won

    • 1 month ago

      when people think of final fantasy.. they think of noctis

      • 1 month ago

        Not anymore, now they think of how shit the FF7 remake was and that the Italian government canonically jerks off to Tifa

        • 1 month ago

          >the Italian government canonically jerks off to Tifa
          what did he mean by this

          • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          >Not knowing what actually happened.
          They were having a meeting through zoom and someone managed to get in, it wasn't any of the Italian senate, as funny as that would be it's funnier that some random guy was able to get INTO a meeting of the Italian senate.

      • 1 month ago

        the king

        >this is the 2nd time this year alone this noctis burger meme clip went viral with over 100k likes
        >not a single ff16 meme has ever gone viral let alone exists

        memes keep games in the publishing consciousness
        its how 7 lasted so long
        16 is just dead

        • 1 month ago

          >look at comments
          >"There is an FFXV anime?"
          >"What’s sasuke doing here"
          kek most people arent seeing it as something related to FF they just think it's a funny meme with anime boys

          • 1 month ago

            This lol. The meme isn't viral because it's FFXV, it's viral in spite of it.
            If it was the exact same scene with different characters, it would have done just as well

          • 1 month ago

            This lol. The meme isn't viral because it's FFXV, it's viral in spite of it.
            If it was the exact same scene with different characters, it would have done just as well

            >n-no they don't like the clip they... just like the clip and find the xv bros relatable!?

            where's the ff16 memes?
            ben starr cross dressing as tifa isn't a ff16 meme btw


            2024 and not a single ff16 meme yet multiple xv memes went viral in 2024 alone

            • 1 month ago

              barry your brain is literally fried with social media and reddit and twitter spam that you think this is making FF15 look better
              please stop embarrassing yourself

              • 1 month ago

                HKmoron you're so buttblasted because nobody likes ff16 and ff16 has no cultural impact

                Theresa like 5 fricking upcoming games ripping off XV's entire aesthetic and shit

            • 1 month ago

              this post looks like it came from the gay catty side of twitter which isnt surprising of FF15 or you specifically ,troony fricker

              • 1 month ago


                >ff7r won more awards*

                xv has more va and jp va awards and an ai award

              • 1 month ago

                Barry everyone knows you're some brown fat guy who faps to trannies, dont pretend anyone thinks youre white or even remotely attractive, you have no high ground

                if anything you shilling FF15 makes the game itself 100 times worse than this literally who Black person in a shirt

              • 1 month ago

                >xv has more va and jp va awards and an ai award
                post em

            • 1 month ago

              >n-no they don't like the clip they
              they do. what they don't like is FFXV

        • 1 month ago

          Ff15 had unironically the most fun combat of any FF15, and was utterly let down by the fact that the game was partitioned into fricking DLC and then THEY DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THE FRICKING ALTERNATIVE ENDING BIT THEY MADE IT INTO A BOOK REEEEEEE.
          It was basically monster hunter, it ocukd have maybe been a bit more polished in that it showed cracks on the things you were hitting as you tried to break them, but goddamn those breaks amd warpstrikes were satisfying when you got past the cap.
          I reinstalled it recently, did every dungeon, hit 120 on ng+, and now have nothing left to do but AP farm for dumb shit like gladious double pickup or bullshit fishing stuff I dont want or need and it makes me sad.
          I really loved the multiplayer brotherhood too, shame it required grinding lazer sensors for the best stuff but man, killing omega was satisfying.

          Ff7R had aids combat in comparison, it literally felt like a letdown after coming for 15.

          I like turn based old ff7, I like action games, but I hated whatever jank Ff7 turned out to be.

          • 1 month ago

            >Ff15 has the most fun combat of any FF15
            Well I guess that's not wrong but how many ff15s are there? Doesn't have the best of any FF thoever.

            • 1 month ago

              Wrong. The endgame dungeons you hold O to dodge you die like a dog.
              Same with brotherhood.
              Best combat system, pure satisfaction sex, and I've played every single FF game bar this abysmal 7 remake mk2.

          • 1 month ago

            warpstriking is fun but let's be real here, 15's combat has no stakes when you can heal whenever you want with no penalty. it also had no depth and needed something like the materia system to flesh it out. the adamantioss boss fight is one of the worst boss fights in vidya history

    • 1 month ago

      >dollar sales
      >not unit sales

      • 1 month ago

        Even in unit sales it'd be the highest in the us you moron
        also the fact that its in dollar sales means xv made more money

        • 1 month ago

          >Even in unit sales it'd be the highest in the us you moron
          As far as I know Square Enix haven't broken down FF7's 14 million sales into regions, so there's no way to know this for sure
          >it made more money
          FFXV retailed at $60 when the original FF7 retailed at $50, FF15 could be under FF7's in unit sales but still be #1 in dollar sales for all we know

          Fact of the matter is FF7 was one of the best selling games of its generation, FF15 can't say the same.

          • 1 month ago

            at least 4 million of ff7 is japan alone
            xv outsold every ff in the US

            xv is literally outpacing every FF in history and is SE japans best selling game since becoming square enix

            • 1 month ago

              FFXV was a fricking bait and switch.
              Everyone was expecting an amazing Romeo/Juliet type game across two nations at war with each other.
              I have no doubt that it was one of the highest returned games to suppliers and caused Gamestop to go bankrupt

              • 1 month ago

                XV was exactly what was promised
                a roadtrip with bros

              • 1 month ago

                I really like it for this myself. I want more fantasy road trip simulators.

      • 1 month ago

        that's even worse for rebirth since it's a $70 game compared to the $50 that was the original FF7

    • 1 month ago

      Barry said FFXV sucked

      • 1 month ago

        Barry won

        the man is the genius behind the best selling Final Fantasy, XIV and critically acclaimed XVI. Of course he got promoted.

        Nozue? Promoted
        Hamaguchi? Promoted
        Asano? Promoted
        Yoshitpiss? same job he already had since 2013, not promoted

        xvi also lost $140m

      • 1 month ago

        It appears he was experiencing severe schizophrenia during this period and began blaming others on a videogame sales messageboard while forgetting what he himself wrote

        • 1 month ago

          >HKmoron samegayging again

          • 1 month ago

            take your meds

            • 1 month ago


              reddit space
              are both dogshit and have destroyed Final Fantasy as a brand. it's shame for Rebirth but I suppose this is what Square deserves

              16 killed ff
              15 saved ff only for 16 to kill it

  74. 1 month ago

    >rip off one of Anno's shittiest ideas
    >don't realize that your game from 1997 that most people only know as the game where that one b***h dies isn't as big as the TV show that has defined Japanese pop culture for like 30 years
    >do not profit
    pretty simple

    • 1 month ago

      >rip off one of Anno's shittiest ideas
      What anno idea?

  75. 1 month ago

    xv keeps utterly mogging ff16


    • 1 month ago

      with the DLC, this background made less sense to me
      >I was this nervous nerdy fat ass kid and had to lose weight in order to talk to people and make friends
      >also, i'm nothing more than a young genetic clone of the bad guy's science officer
      i did i miss something?

      • 1 month ago

        he was abducted as a baby then given to a regular lucian family who raised him
        he got fat due to overeating cause his adoptive parents were barely around and he grew insecurities over himself

      • 1 month ago

        iirc a soldier from Insomnia infiltrated the bad guy's lab during a mission, found the baby Prompto, rescued him, took him to Insomnia and decided to raise him as his own son
        He then lived a normal life and became a fat kid

  76. 1 month ago

    >Saves a franchise that outsells XV and eventually gets promoted to Studio Head
    How did he win so hard?

    • 1 month ago

      >gets promoted
      He wasn't.

      • 1 month ago

        the man is the genius behind the best selling Final Fantasy, XIV and critically acclaimed XVI. Of course he got promoted.

    • 1 month ago

      >xvi flopped so hard they promoted the luminous/XV staff to make ff17 while yoshitpiss lost power as producer and only retained his studio head position and cs3 is confirmed to not be making ff17

      xvi was such a flop it literally caused the restructure and cancellation of shit to begin with

    • 1 month ago

      Hes carrying Square on his back with 14 revenue single handedly and even then XVI under performed compared to expectations. Rebirth without the YoshiP boost is just shameful

      • 1 month ago

        xvi flopped so hard it tanked SE and led to them cancelling shit and losing $140m
        he isnt carrying shit
        mobile is carrying SE

        • 1 month ago

          >mobile is carrying SE
          Mobile is not carrying SE they cancelled most of their mobile projects and their gacha games are all going EoS

          • 1 month ago

            mobile is still carrying SE

    • 1 month ago

      yoshitpiss was already studio head of cbu3 you moron
      he wasn't promoted he literally still has the same job as studio head he already was since 2013, they just changed the name of the studio and the titles again from cbu3 to cs3 just like they did in 2019 from bd5 to cbu3

    • 1 month ago

      >slightly change studio names
      waow.. this will surely save us

    • 1 month ago

      yoshitpiss was already studio head of cbu3 you moron
      he wasn't promoted he literally still has the same job as studio head he already was since 2013, they just changed the name of the studio and the titles again from cbu3 to cs3 just like they did in 2019 from bd5 to cbu3

      Hes carrying Square on his back with 14 revenue single handedly and even then XVI under performed compared to expectations. Rebirth without the YoshiP boost is just shameful

      >xvi flopped so hard they promoted the luminous/XV staff to make ff17 while yoshitpiss lost power as producer and only retained his studio head position and cs3 is confirmed to not be making ff17

      xvi was such a flop it literally caused the restructure and cancellation of shit to begin with

      >gets promoted
      He wasn't.

      >slightly change studio names
      waow.. this will surely save us

      going from creative business unit to creative studio is a downgrade

  77. 1 month ago

    FF16 is a $70 game. FF7 is a $140 game

  78. 1 month ago

    Power of the PS5 - anything can fail on it. Anything.

  79. 1 month ago

    15 was a critical flop
    16 was a soulless missmash of boring ideas
    you're both fricking losers and your shit games aborted Final Fantasy as a powerhouse brand

    • 1 month ago

      XVI a critical and financial flop that is hated by everyone and stopped selling at launch and won less than 1/4 the awards xv won
      XV a critical and financial success that is beloved worldwide and keeps on selling and won more awards than any ff before it

      • 1 month ago

        >a critical success

        • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            >1 comment in 35 minutes
            notcis bros...we have been forgotten

            • 1 month ago

              also he tried to hide that its a Kotaku article. kek.

              • 1 month ago

                It's not what it looks like, barry just stumbled into Kotransku

              • 1 month ago

                He gonna start posting the XV gay porn fanfic numbers soon

                >This is the only thing FFXV devs will be remembered for

                >xvi-kun malding again

              • 1 month ago

                He's stumbled onto ResetERA and its offshoots more than a few times.

              • 1 month ago

                >HKmoron still asiaticing out

              • 1 month ago

                Imagine getting this obsessive over a corporate product from almost 10 years ago
                Most people aren't that zealous over their own children

              • 1 month ago

                Still not as bad as the 'Hanako was raped' guy, who's been in every single Katawa Shoujo thread for almost 12 years now.

              • 1 month ago

                qrd? and do you think he'd be my friend??

              • 1 month ago

                Only if you're a two-faced kind of guy :^)

              • 1 month ago

                He's stumbled onto ResetERA and its offshoots more than a few times.

                >June 2018
                >August 2023
                fricking hell.

                >hkasiatic malding again

                Oh great now we're going into the awards song and dance again.
                Feel free to post em and we can do the usual back and forth where people point out 7 Remake has more awards if you'd like

                >moron can't read

              • 1 month ago

                I'm aware you said FFXV had more awards than prior FFs, it's really funny that you needed to specify that because it lost to 7R which came out after

              • 1 month ago

                >ff7r won the same amount of awards as xv yet sold significantly lower than xv

                xv won
                nevermind xv has more than any mainline ff
                7r is not mainline

              • 1 month ago

                >ff7r won more awards*

              • 1 month ago

                >June 2018
                >August 2023
                fricking hell.

            • 1 month ago

              also he tried to hide that its a Kotaku article. kek.

              xvi-kun on suicide watch

              also he tried to hide that its a Kotaku article. kek.

              >coping because its true

      • 1 month ago

        15 was the greatest betrayal in the history of video games. It betrayed the people who bought it and the man who created it without being allowed to finish it. 15 was a third trimester abortion

        • 1 month ago

          15 delivered what it promised and is beloved and widely considered to have the best ending in the series

          16 is a betrayal which is why everyone says the first 2 hours of 16 is the only good part aka the demo

          • 1 month ago

            reddit space
            are both dogshit and have destroyed Final Fantasy as a brand. it's shame for Rebirth but I suppose this is what Square deserves

      • 1 month ago

        Barry won

        Nozue? Promoted
        Hamaguchi? Promoted
        Asano? Promoted
        Yoshitpiss? same job he already had since 2013, not promoted

        xvi also lost $140m

        can anyone ever defeat barry?

  80. 1 month ago

    XV won commercially
    Remake won commercially + in awards
    Rebirth won critically + first FF GOTY
    XVI is a good game I guess

  81. 1 month ago

    >XV sperg replies 3 times to a single post because he can't stand seeing YoshiP succed while Tabata failed

    • 1 month ago

      Why did yoshitpiss fail so hard he tanked SE and lost $140m... ff16 caused that...

      now in 2024 as a result they promoted Tabata's guy Nozue to head FF17 as cs3 is banished to ff14 xpac and kiddy shit new ip zone

  82. 1 month ago

    The moment I heard that levels and materia were reset from Remake I completely lost interest in the game. I spent hours and hours leveling everyone, unlocking all weaponskills, leveling all my materia and killing all superbosses to see none of that shit carried over.

    • 1 month ago

      One of my friends said the exact same thing actually

  83. 1 month ago

    Behold the face of a man who just got a big promotion AND raise surrounded by his coworkers celebrating the joyous occassion

    • 1 month ago

      yes Nozue and Asano in that picture got promoted
      sure is nice of yoshitpiss to celebrate Nozue and Asanos promotion and Nozue making ff17 with the Luminous staff from cbu2, seeing as he was one of the og Luminous devs and creative director of Agni's Philosophy on luminous engine

    • 1 month ago

      ruh roh

  84. 1 month ago

    what did he mean by that?

  85. 1 month ago

    16 was marketed a lot more. That's not surprising.

  86. 1 month ago

    Because it wasn't a remake of 7, and people knew that this time.

    New potential players have no emotional involvement with Cloud because they've never played Final Fantasy 7.

  87. 1 month ago

    >critical success
    I think Barry failed a knowledge check.

    • 1 month ago

      over 40 awards
      every FF before XV
      less than 25 awards
      XV has higher critical acclaim

      • 1 month ago

        Oh great now we're going into the awards song and dance again.
        Feel free to post em and we can do the usual back and forth where people point out 7 Remake has more awards if you'd like

  88. 1 month ago

    Well mate, FF16 didnt build expectations, in FF7 I expected Tifa to have big boobs, but the California happened, so FF7 cant be FF7 no more.

  89. 1 month ago

    He's stumbling through his folders and spamming the same images now.

  90. 1 month ago

    >How did Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16?
    *Only at launch in the US
    Big deal, both of these games are still selling well

    • 1 month ago

      >Big deal, both of these games are still selling well
      We bought them at launch!
      *sprays Tifa's breasts with jizz*
      PC can't play, has to watch.
      *busts nut between Eve's uncensored buttcheeks*

      We like exclusive, Sony should keep doing it! Doesn't matter if they loose money, we want exclusive.
      Up next: Death strand 2, Venom, GTA6, Wolverine

      • 1 month ago

        those guns are a masterpiece, armon. use them to crush all tendies and xbots

    • 1 month ago

      Interesting how Metaphor looks better towards its release day while P3reload started looking worse and worse before launch.

  91. 1 month ago

    He gonna start posting the XV gay porn fanfic numbers soon

  92. 1 month ago

    >This is the only thing FFXV devs will be remembered for

  93. 1 month ago

    Wow I'm glad I am getting such a factual thread everyday. So I can choose to believe whether XV or XVI won.
    If I don't get enough evidence I change my mind

  94. 1 month ago

    does this mean they are gonna finally stop raping FF7

  95. 1 month ago

    >Rebirth sell even LESS than FF16
    Both are good games, wait for goopy sloppy seconds on Pc

  96. 1 month ago

    I maintain the opinion that XVI has the foundation of a genuinely amazing action RPG, that hopefully with Creative Studio 3's next title we'll see it. People complain about the side content feeling too MMO like but I feel like they should just steal the raid story and 8 man stories from XIV in terms of scope and just make that the way they do side quests. A bundle of say 10-20 high budget multi part quests that are optional with a super boss or side dungeon with decent rewards as the content. No fetch quests no kill and collect. High budget curated boss battles is something the DLCs did well, and something CBU3 has always done well play into that. I think a job system is perfect for the battle system too. Take magic off the triangle button, make it special action and reduce the DMC level aerial gameplay to a more Dragon's Dogma level outside say like a dragoon job or something. Magic is now its own set of skills a job can unlock and every job can unlock with a standard skill tree and abilities can now have elemental effects or do the dragons Dogma approach of weapon coating with a chosen element (FF literally has En- spells that do this just use that). Take the cities from XIV and Rebirth and make them the standard. Structure the world more like XII have hidden areas, secret dungeons, high level boss type enemies in the overworld. Take a lead outta Rebirth's party banter. Use the accessories from the DLC as a basis for all gear, have weapons and armor with secondary effects or buffs to encourage more playstyles. That's like my ideal FF sequel based on XVI's skeleteon, I think it's got the potential if they take the DLC feedback and "No RPG elements" no exploration feedback to heart for their next game. Also more combos per weapon, one is just insane idk who greenlit that.

    • 1 month ago

      What really got me was them saying there was a version of the game at one point that had Clive swapping jobs and they just took it out

      • 1 month ago

        I think the Odin, Leviathan, and Ultima skillets are my idealized version of the eikons = jobs thing. They're clearly meant to be that. I could see a monk for example with variants of titans skills + its own base combo set like how Leviathan is a essentially a machinist with water themed skin. The DLC's movesets unironically make me really excited to see the next AAA entry from them because it's got potential to be amazing if they base it on some of the design philosophies behind Rising Tide. Kujiraoka did a good job for having a self admitted skeleton crew.

        • 1 month ago

          As long as they frick up the performance as bad as they did with 16 I can't get excited for anything they will produce. Giving you the option of either an intolerable 30fps mode in a fricking action game or the constant fluctuation with their so called "performance" mode, due to how it only forces 60 fps in combat while running at noticeable worse 40 fps outside of it is just laughably bad and seems very incompetent. But then again, the options in Rebirt somehow feel and look even worse so I really wonder what's up with Square Enix and optimization in general since it seems to be a general issue with their FF studios.

        • 1 month ago

          Yup, love leviathan’s ground movement and I’m interested in what they do next. Hopefully they get ryota suzuki and kujiraoka together for it again

    • 1 month ago

      >Also more combos per weapon, one is just insane
      What defines a different combo for you?
      Are you not weaving your charged melee and magic attacks or does that not count?
      If you mix your basic abilities like your charged attacks,lunges and downbursts with your eikon abilities together does that not constitute a combo?
      I cant tell if people just didn't think to try out mixing these things up together because the devs were morons and made the normal mode too easy or if my definition of a combo is wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        I think for me that's good but I want like a combo with pause commands. The magic burst strings aren't bad but I think there's more they can do is all.

  97. 1 month ago

    Two reasons. Remake happened which already burned tons of people who were expecting a faithful adaptation, by turning a 5 hour segment into a 60 hour mess of compilation slop and filler. It's only natural that the target audience of the sequel to this shit will be smaller. FF16 on the other hand was something new, so more people were willing to give it a chance, simple as.
    If Squenix would have openly communicated what they were doing with the Remake in the first place and not mislabel it, then I'm sure that less people would have bought it too.

  98. 1 month ago

    Are people even able to buy PS5 consoles yet? Regardless, FF7 Rebirth is actually amazing.

  99. 1 month ago





    • 1 month ago


  100. 1 month ago

    because ff16 only has homosexuals, but rebirth has Black folk and homosexuals.

  101. 1 month ago

    ff16 really was a failure

    • 1 month ago

      Is this really the metric youre going for now barry? that FF15 has more funny reddit moments than 16?

      • 1 month ago

        the ff16 reddit which was the last bastion of defence for ff16 shills is now shitty on ff16 hard as frick...

  102. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      >HKmoron the zoomer asiatic yoshiP troon is still projecting about looking up troony porn on /gif/

      • 1 month ago

        Boy, that low res screencap of a tweet of a picture of posts sure says a lot.
        At least post the compilation image, homosexual.

      • 1 month ago

        >107 views tweet from a year ago
        >somehow because someone on twitter posted the image from here it's invalid
        how many twitter accounts do you make daily to falseflag and deflect?

  103. 1 month ago

    Luminous is dead and everyone was fired.

    • 1 month ago

      nozue from luminous and agni and xv was just promote btw
      and all luminous staff were assigned to CBU2 which are now staff giving to Nozue for the new AAA team that will be making ff17

  104. 1 month ago

    Rebirth getting a better score than XVI but selling worse than it is by far the best outcome we got kek.

    It put FF7gays in a sense of complacency to build up smugness and pride only for it to get completely curbstomped when it's shown Rebirth, the supposed OMG RETURN TO FORM, is one of the worst selling FFs so far.

    • 1 month ago

      Rebirth is winning game of the year, moron bro. These doomer sales threads are your coping mechanism

      • 1 month ago

        Helldivers MOGS IT. Especially once they drop the new enemy faction later this yeae

        Sorry bro.

        • 1 month ago

          I like Helldivers, it's a nice little Star Ship Troopers inspired L4D clone. It's not even half the game Rebirth is and probably won't even be nominated because everyone knows that fashy chuds love it

  105. 1 month ago

    Some funny shit in the archive. Like the times XV-kun wandered in RDR2 threads to flamewar about which game had better graphics

    • 1 month ago

      Jesus I'm not even a rockstar guy but it's undeniable that RDR2 was a technical masterpiece and labor of love. Barry brings nothing but shame upon all of us

    • 1 month ago

      >the water in rdr2 is literally generic blops
      So this is the literacy of a FFXV fan...

    • 1 month ago

      Jesus I'm not even a rockstar guy but it's undeniable that RDR2 was a technical masterpiece and labor of love. Barry brings nothing but shame upon all of us

      xv still mogs it

      • 1 month ago

        I think this is the perfect post to show how delusional you are barry
        I dont think ANY person would say FF15 looks graphically better than RDR2 not even normalgays would side with you so I whole heartily support you spamming this.

        • 1 month ago

          that image objectively proves rdr2 looks worse and is achieving less
          no giant roaming monsters
          just humans and regular animals
          there's no artistry to rdr2 like there is xv

          • 1 month ago

            >there's no artistry to rdr2 like there is xv
            again continue spamming this and prove me right. you really will not convince anyone, hell it might really be your worst argument to date

          • 1 month ago

            Ah yes, I'll never forget FFXV's world of copy pasted diners and clone inhabited streets
            True artistry on display

            • 1 month ago

              >200 hours of playing I never noticed
              Shows how much it matters really when you never talk to them.

            • 1 month ago

              those are brothers you racist frick

  106. 1 month ago

    >I stumbled across it

  107. 1 month ago

    barry won
    xvi kun discord brigade lost

  108. 1 month ago

    doomposting ff is just free wins

    • 1 month ago

      Says series who's recent entry literally also saw a massive decline game to game?

  109. 1 month ago

    the explanation is really simple

    a minority of ff fans including square themselves think theyre making the lord of the rings trilogy
    when everyone else can see that theyre just making the hobbit

    ff7r is the hobbit

    • 1 month ago

      >a minority of ff fans including square themselves think theyre making the lord of the rings trilogy
      >when everyone else can see that theyre just making the hobbit

      Yeah, this is it. Final Fantasy is a very overvalued franchise.

  110. 1 month ago

    Ive noticed maxishillian dood has been all quiet and is avoiding the news of this game flopping

  111. 1 month ago

    I think Barry is just desperate to talk about XV/Forspoken by any means necessary. It must suck to be a fan of the most meh FF in history.

    • 1 month ago

      but xvi is the most dogshit ff
      nobody ever talks about it

    • 1 month ago

      Im convinced he likes XV so much because its about hanging out with your best bros while on a cool roadtrip and he does not, in fact, have any friends

    • 1 month ago

      Does the guy even play vidya anymore
      People kept pointing out he bought Strangers of Paradise and didn't finish the first mission, he then put his profile to private before Forspoken came out
      I can only assume he won't change it back because then it'll reveal to everyone he's a phony and has spent more hours posting about it rather than playing it

    • 1 month ago

      the mentally insane abo just can't help himself.

    • 1 month ago

      if shitting/dunking on it counts as discussion I guess. it's not like anyone is even going to mention that abortion of a game without him anyways

  112. 1 month ago

    i dropped rebirth after seeing johnny again in the beach area

    • 1 month ago

      that was in the og

      • 1 month ago

        i know but im just done with the game since its kinda overwhelming.

  113. 1 month ago

    will they abandon part 3? lmao imagine that. those greedy fricks not just recycling an old game, but splitting it into 3. finally greed gets punished, usually gamers love to eat shit

  114. 1 month ago

    >I stumbled across it

  115. 1 month ago

    The remnants of Final Fantasy Versus XIII made XV this successful

  116. 1 month ago

    Notcis trannies
    Sterrar Brade shills
    Dragons Flopma shills
    These cornball sales threads are your coping mechanism. You know that Rebirth is your 2024 GotY winner, the stink of desperation is palpable on all of you

  117. 1 month ago

    It's going to sell 10 million when it's released on PC with tifa nude mods

    • 1 month ago

      >most popular mod removes Black folk (like how it was in starfield)
      >2nd most popular mod enhances Tifa and makes all of her costumes usable from the beginning

    • 1 month ago

      Remake didn't sell remarkably well on PC, this will do worse. Gamers just don't want FF7 games anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      >It's going to sell 10 million on PC
      Just like Remake, right?

    • 1 month ago

      why would anyone care about that when there's already porn with that exact same model on the internet?

      • 1 month ago

        10 second loop vs going on an adventure with a speaking Tifa for 80 hours

        • 1 month ago

          there's enough 10 second loops out there to have more than 80 hours of tifa porn tho. I'd wager that they'd also have a better sorry than rebirth but that's not that difficult. also I wouldn't even have to put up with the travesty that is

          >announce FFVII remake
          >make people wait 10+ years for it
          >Ok guys here's your FFVII: "REMAKE" (devilish grin)
          >what the frick Toriyama? This isn't a Remake at all, this is Final Fantasy XIII again!
          >hon hon (twirls mustache) stay tuned for part 2!
          I don't know anon, it's a mystery!

  118. 1 month ago

    I don't even care about the original FF7, and I felt insulted by the remake.
    >Let's take the 3 hour tutorial section and stretch it to be it's own fricking game
    I got all the way to the end and just dropped it because of how fricking awful the final act was.

  119. 1 month ago

    both sold worse than smrpg (turn based (nintendo))

  120. 1 month ago

    none of those homosexuals have actually numbers so this thread and you are both full of shit.

    • 1 month ago

      The lack of sales numbers 2+ months is also telling, maybe not as definitive as hard numbers, but square sat in their tower taking for granted that rebirth would sell well, and can't bear to publicly announce "how mistaken the consumers (not them)" are

    • 1 month ago

      we have the rankings already and it's not only behind DD2, which we know sold 2.5 million, but we also have this

      Reminder once again that BarryGOD won

  121. 1 month ago

    Imagine going back in time to when the PS3 FFVII Remake teaser dropped, and telling people that it would get mogged on release by a Dragon Quest spinoff

    • 1 month ago

      >have the ability to go back in time
      >waste it arguing about vidya
      why not do something cool like stabbing hitler or telling hitler how to win WW2 or shooting hitler or becoming a professor at the art college hitler applied at and making sure he gets enrolled or running hitler over with a car or getting hitler pregnant

    • 1 month ago

      why would i imagine going back in time to repeat doomer head canon?

  122. 1 month ago

    Will I be missing out on anything if I mod the FFVII to always have repel on and OHKO everything?

  123. 1 month ago

    >make game for console that hates japan
    >japanese decide to simply not buy console or any of its exclusives anymore
    japanese gamers are chads who boycott properly

  124. 1 month ago

    now keep in mind that part 3 of the VIIRemake will sell even LESS than part 2

    • 1 month ago

      >Releases TIFA edition and Aerith edition
      >The highest sold version becomes canon ending in a DLC
      >Billions sold

  125. 1 month ago

    >For Playstation AND Xbox
    Xbox has been spouting multiplatform ever since the Xbone debacle.

  126. 1 month ago


  127. 1 month ago

    FF direct sequel always sell less than mainline

  128. 1 month ago

    why do people play final fantasy again? this shit franchise has quite literally never been good.

    • 1 month ago

      It used to be good if you liked turn based RPGs. But unfortunately basically every other RPG has progressed and it's 10 years in the past

      • 1 month ago

        It's hard to progress if they take a decade to make each entry and don't get experience and feedback from releasing titles and seeing the reception.

        • 1 month ago

          That's not entirely wrong but you can also see what the competition is doing and when you're obviously falling behind in most areas you need to emulate at least some of it while having someone who can be confident in the direction of your game. People criticise FFXIV for having a very rigid development style "3 raid tiers, 2 ultimates, 2 treasure dungeons, 1 deep dungeon" etc per expansion, that it feels like they have a checklist of tasks to do for each expansion and stick to that plan with no soul. I think that's also the problem with development on their single player games, they come up with a check list for what they need to do and rigidly stick to that. Which is how you end up with Chadley and VR missions instead of putting content in the game in a more RPGesque way

    • 1 month ago

      it's a jrpg, what do you expect?

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