How do I find/attract reasonable people on?

How do I find/attract reasonable people on Ganker? I just made a thread not to long asking about something that could make a game more comfortable for me without compromising its mechanics and so many delusional morons flooded it to posture and prove to themselves that they were better than me for using controls that they preferred and that I got filtered? And no, I'm not talking about modern controls, but some people can be deranged about that too.

I just want to have a normal and chill conversations for once on this board where I don't have to wade through a bucket load of mental illness and insecurity where everybody acts like some sort of hiveminded animal with zero agency or self awareness for once, and constantly feel the need to jerk themselves off as being better than zoomers or boomers, or redditors, or snoys, or nintendies etc. It's not even that I don't even agree with some of the criticisms of those groups of people. It's that this place can get genuinely deranged and obsessive about them to the point of even missing the point about basic things, because they want to make everything fit some narrative where they can blame everything wrong with their life on one of those groups.

frick man, I already typed too much. just wish this place was chill or had like a designated "this is for reasonable people" board where I could just ask questions about videogames without fear of having to deal with the mentally insane.

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  1. 10 months ago

    if you want to talk about videogames, join a discord. this board is for getting mad and jerking off to fanart of Mona's ass.

    you let a bunch of internet losers convince you an entire voip platform is for transexuals and its why you cant find anywhere to talk with people.

    • 10 months ago

      >you let a bunch of internet losers convince you an entire voip platform is for transexuals and its why you cant find anywhere to talk with people.

      I've already used discord, it's even more insulated and therefore more cliquey. It's also much easier to get banned for stuff on their. And a ton of people are annoying morons about things like "pings" even though they allow discussions and replies to be clear and particular.

      Man, it just seems like the internet is shit for conversation no matter where you go.

      • 10 months ago

        >I've already used discord, it's even more insulated and therefore more cliquey. It's also much easier to get banned for stuff on their.

        the only people who get banned from discord servers are autists who dont know how to stop talking like theyre on Ganker.

        • 10 months ago

          And here's the power tripping troony trying to pass discord hysterics as normal. And, as usual, failing miserably.

  2. 10 months ago

    /vr/ and /vm/ are usually really good for (mostly) reasonable discussions. But unfortunately /vm/ is a very slow board and /vr/ is only for retro. So if you want to talk about relatively modern singleplayer games then you're kinda stuck in this placr unfortunately.

    • 10 months ago

      >/vr/ and /vm/ are usually really good for (mostly) reasonable discussions.

      eh. You want to know the funny thing about this? I literally went to Ganker after the thread I'm referencing in OP got dogpiled and sidetracked and virtually got the EXACT same response. Lol none of them are good. The only difference is the /vr/ has a WAYYYY stronger circle jerk. Which also makes it so they have a WAY harder time dealing with any actual interesting or diverging perspectives and opinions.

      And they often do cringe shit like "I've played le 1000 retro games here's why my opinion matters even though it's still subjective, and preferring retrogames solely could be considered a bias" It's this weird dichotomy where you can't talk about anything contentious on /vr/ because they're too "chill" and passive/agreeable. But you cant talk about anything on Ganker because they're too deranged and contrarian.

      It's just too sides of a lack of nuance.

      /vm/ tho? never heard of, and they seem to specific of a board to talk about what I like, since I mostly play single player games.

  3. 10 months ago

    Le this is le Redditchan /vee/ - Le Everything Except Le Video Games, le you won't le find le anyone le here except le ebin gentlesirs.

  4. 10 months ago

    Get off your high horse.

    • 10 months ago

      See. It's responses like this. I genuinely don't know how to engage with something like this. I put forth a proposition of problems I see in Ganker. If you disagree you could propose an alternative thread, or whatever that challenges this notion. But instead, it's not about my argument. It's not about whether what I said is right or wrong. Nothing reasonable or logical matters. It's just about people CONSTANTLY projecting their bias, insecurity, or preconceptions onto me and then expecting me to address it without reason.

      Like what does "high horse" even mean other than a subjective perception that is meant to reduce and ignore my entire point to nothing but implicit grandstanding. How can you EVER criticize somebody legitimately, if It will always be deflected by insecurity, as perceived "superiority" when there are legitimate criticisms of character and behaviour being made, and not just lambasting and witch hunting.

      It's just all so tiresome.

      • 10 months ago
        The Sopranos sucks

        A lot of posts here are bots. I don't know if it's for general shitposting reasons or if it's to train ai models for a larger project, but sometimes you will have a shitty post like the one you quoted go back and forth with another one up to ten times, just back and forth.

        Theres no reason a human would act that way. On a forum, sure. But on an anonymous site where you have to move a slider to see a capcha then insert it, hit enter, hope it's correct, reenter it if not, all of that just to talk shit to someone who hasn't even proven they are worth the time to communicate with? Tons of bots.

        Dont get me wrong, there has always been shit talk, especially pre capcha, but it was rooted in actual opinions and ideas, not just automatic robotic insults.

        • 10 months ago

          Stop replyign to yourself, skitzo PIebbitor.
          You're literally crying about getting filtered by a non-casual game some literal kids could beat on their own, 25 years ago.

      • 10 months ago

        >in response to being told get off your high horse he instead mounts a second horse
        Keep typing essays over schoolyard insults you dweeb

      • 10 months ago

        stop using chat gpt it is obvious

  5. 10 months ago

    Youre not gonna find reasonable discussion on Ganker or other internet public places.
    Your best bet is to create a community yourself or join one that is close to what you want.

  6. 10 months ago

    >I just made a thread not to long asking about something that could make a game more comfortable for me
    Yeah, I saw that:


    And you got told.
    Either git gud, or get lost. Vidya is not your safe space, but a self-imposed challenge.

    • 10 months ago

      >point wasn't even about challenge or difficulty it was about a greater fluidity and precision of control that was present with analog, and is LITERALLY what the game is about. Precision.

      >get responses about getting filtered.

      it's all. so. tiresome.

      the idea that I can just never talk about something real or honest, just breaks me man, it feels like I'm speaking with aliens or something. I genuinely don't know how to wrap my mind around it.

      whatever man.

      • 10 months ago

        >it was about a greater fluidity and precision of control that was present with analog,
        This is how you out yourself as an utter skitzo.
        Analog is NEVER more precise than D-Pad.
        TR and many PS1 era games were DESIGNED for the D-pad, and very precise step distances.

        You're just crying that a game made for gamers is not handholding and bending to your weird, weak sensibles.

        • 10 months ago

          oh man.

          this is another problem I've realized with this board. Which is that people aren't just shitposting and trolling by accident. A lot of people are unfortunately and genuinely dumb.

          I'll elaborate:

          Analog controls are INHERENTLY more precise because they have a wider range of access to motion and inputs. You can move more freely and fluidly, because you can just move more in general. The problem though, is that because you have a lot more inputs to manage, you have a lot more mistakes you can make. The simpler the control scheme, the harder it is to frick up. A robot can shoot an arrow, or a tennis ball, or whatever you want more accurately, because more often than not it is designed in such a specific and simplified way that its entire goal is JUST to shoot the ball. But it's much harder for human beings because, not only does it take longer for inputs to travel from our brain to outputs, our muscles. But we have more particular control of things like our fingers, arms, eyes, head, neck etc. The human body is simply more complicated, and therefore has more things to manage and consider, so it's Harder to be specifically and exceptionally precise at something. This is why almost every single animal mogs us in specific capabilities like running or swimming, because they were specifically designed for only that in mind. They're simpler.

          Another thing I want to mention. Even if you think that analog controls are more imprecise...wouldn't that mean that I've been playing both Tomb Raider 1 and 2 on handmode this entire time? How could I get filtered by simpler and more precise controls If that's the case? Wouldn't that suggest that I just have a preference for something different rather than got filtered? See this is the thing, this is the incoherency and derangement I'm talking about on this board. When you don't actuallybthink things through and are biased because you want to craft a narrative that makes you feel superior. You get incoherency.

          • 10 months ago

            Play with dpad or keyboard and stop b***hing.

      • 10 months ago
        The Sopranos sucks

        he told you to get off your high horse because you are bringing you opinions on what the game should or shoouldnt be to it. if the game controls like x or y or z just figure it the frick out.

        • 10 months ago

          >he told you to get off your high horse because you are bringing you opinions on what the game should or shoouldnt be to it. if the game controls like x or y or z just figure it the frick out.

          ??? wtf? did I just bring in another schizo??? i don't even know how to respond to this either? First of all, the prior games already worked with analog control so this point is literally moronic, and second of all, now you can't criticize a control scheme because people will subjectively perceive it as "being on a high horse???" do you guys not understand how moronic this is? Nothing should ever change or be better because people will miss the point to apply their moronic judgement onto it, twisting it into something it's not, instead of addressing what it means?

          frick man, there's just something so fundamentally wrong with the culture underpining this board that makes everybody so genuinely moronic its unbelievable. Fine, I fricking get it, I'll find some way off this moronic board, just leave me alone and frick off with your stupidity and deliberate misunderstanding. It's obnoxious.

          • 10 months ago

            >I'll find some way off this moronic board
            lol he thinks he can leave

          • 10 months ago

            dude, Tomb Raider 3 was the first to have analog

            • 10 months ago

              >dude, Tomb Raider 3 was the first to have analog

              okay. let me explain something to you:

              the year is currently 2023. In 2023 you can play videogames on emulators with controllers. Those controllers can have analog enabled.

              Therefore, you can play Tomb Raider 1 and 2 with analog sticks and have a perfectly fluid range of movement.

              Tomb Raider 3 on the other hand was designed with analog controls in mind. You'd think it would just work normally like TR1 and TR2 (those games didn't have right stick analog to be fair, but thats besides the point since all my problems with TR3 are with the left stick) But instead BECAUSE analog was new and new implemented. They implemented the inputs to be SPECIFICALLY designed. Not generally designed. Which means when you slowly tilt the stick forward, you'll walk instead of run. You might think "that's fine, just don't slowly tilt it" But the problem is that the range of how much you have to tilt it is vague and imprecise, so you'll sometimes just tilt it not fast enough without intending, and that inconsistency fricks with your perception of movement.

              Unlike in TR1 and 2 where it was just "tilt to run" and "press trigger button to walk". The worst part is that this control scheme is SO stupid that TR3 still has a dedicated walk button. There was literally NOTHING wrong with the controls before but they fricked it up trying to be "creative!" with the analog controls by taking advantage of the fact you could tilt slowly, thinking it would be cool. Instead of just valuing precision and consistency over all.

              Did that explain things for you?

              • 10 months ago

                If you are emulating TR1 and TR2 with analog--games that do not support analogue natively--then you are spoofing analog.

                You clearly need to find a way to spoof analog with TR3 if it is possible.

                See if it's possible to disable analog from the TR3 options menus, but keep it enabled from the emulator menu.

              • 10 months ago

                or you could just play it on PC as it was intended.

              • 10 months ago

                wow. finally, some actually fricking help. thank you, I'll try to look for something like that. I think I checked the control settings in the game a dozen times, and for some reason there technically is no mention of the analog stick, even though the game is treating them as if they exist, unlike TR1 and 2, I'll look into it again, but I'm not sure what to do.

              • 10 months ago

                There very well might not be any mention of analog in the options.

                If that's the case, try getting the pc version, which is guarantied to have more options available either in the default menu or through file manipulation.

              • 10 months ago

                >If that's the case, try getting the pc version, which is guarantied to have more options available either in the default menu or through file manipulation

                yeah, this might be the play. Thanks for genuinely trying to help and engage with my issue instead of just dismissing me as filtered or telling me to just play d-pad. I had no idea what I could or should do since I fricked with the settings the entire time Ganker was down. Even if it's not exactly the solution I was expecting, you've given me some direction.

                The ONLY thing I'm worried about is that im pretty sure the PC version of TR3 has no save crystals, and thats something I'm actually a bit worried about since, aside from the controls, I want to play the game as much as it's intended.

              • 10 months ago

                >I want to play the game as much as it's intended.
                With saving whenever you want is what it was intended.

              • 10 months ago

                No. The game was exclusively released to Playstation for years, and where and what it was made for first. Save Crystals and managing them is part of the game. And you'd be moronic to think health crystals were anything but some moron who probably didn't work on the game changing the mechanic.

              • 10 months ago

                >The game was exclusively released to Playstation for years
                Wrong. The games were released on PS and PC at the same time since the first game.

              • 10 months ago

                wtf are you talking about? This is objectively untrue. Why do you morons constantly just make shit up on this stupid fricking board. They LITERALLY signed an exclusivity deal with Playstation until 2000 after Sony saw the success of TR1. This has never been refuted.

              • 10 months ago

                >Why do you morons constantly just make shit up on this stupid fricking board.

                Le because it's le ebin.

              • 10 months ago

                Can you explain to me then how I could have bought the game on PC the same years as on Playstation?

              • 10 months ago

                I can't explain your stupid anecdotal experience moron. Frick off this isn't an argument. This is like grade school fricking logic. Make an objective reference to the fact that it was released on PC the same time as PS1 or frick off. Can't believe I have to baby you morons so hard. You're all genuinely so moronic.

              • 10 months ago


                The PC disc clearly dated 1997.

                Is this good enough?

              • 10 months ago

                don't know what the deal was with this, makes no sense to have an exclusivity deal then release on windows, genuinely stupid, especially since the health crystals were a moronic and redundant addition.

                beats me. I'm not the moronic developers that ported the game.

              • 10 months ago

                I've never heard of this exclusivity deal you're talking about.
                All the version were made by Core Design, there was no third party dev making PC versions.
                The health crystals appear only in TR3s PC version. They are not present in any other game.

              • 10 months ago

                >The health crystals appear only in TR3s PC version. They are not present in any other game.

                yeah and they're shit, and stupidly designed. Save crystals are more consistent with the other games. Honestly the PC versions shouldn't even be considered legitimately. Quick save only existed because core was moronic and lazy and just did what was standard around that time. Just like they mindlessly copied hitscan enemies from doom without thinking about how it fricks with a combat system where you can't aim and don't automatically strafe, so movement is key. Genuinely just stupid decisions. I can't defend stupid and thoughtless decisions no matter how "intentional" they were.

                Save Crystals are infinitely more interesting than health ones.

                >I've never heard of this exclusivity deal you're talking about.

                hunh? coulda sworn I heard it from somewhere...was it a YouTube video or Wikipedia? You could check the TR1 or 2 wiki, I think I saw it there, something about "after the succes of tr1 core signed an exclusivity deal till 2000"

              • 10 months ago

                >Honestly the PC versions shouldn't even be considered legitimately.
                Why? Because you don't like the idea of being able to save whenever you want?
                >Quick save only existed because core was moronic and lazy and just did what was standard around that time.
                Yes a standard on PC for pretty much all games because it didn't lack a hard drive unlike consoles at the time.

          • 10 months ago

            You call a lot of people and things moronic for someone who doesn’t want to have meme conversations. Are you actually looking for civil conversation or is the point really that everyone needs to agree with you?

            Your attitude in this thread is exactly why you don’t have friends irl anymore btw.

            • 10 months ago

              >Your attitude in this thread is exactly why you don’t have friends irl anymore btw.

              meaningless adhom. and you understand NOTHING at all about me. I really shouldn't even respond to replies like this that don't actually care about understanding or engaging with reality and just want to make assumptions that appeal to their biases and preconceptions. It's just tiresome. Like they prove the point with zero self awareness SO consistently you wouldn't believe it. Like do you guys ever just stop to think? To think about why somebody is saying this without twisting it to fit your delude perception? Just try to actually put yourself on the other side, and understand the point?

              No, I've heard that require iq above 80, and would actually require caring about the truth or discussion. Which you've all consistently shown an inability for.

    • 10 months ago

      2013 would actually be a fun game if it didnt have platform magnetism and the character didnt felt like she's moving through molasses.

  7. 10 months ago
    The Sopranos sucks


    TR3 just is what it is, it's the first TR where they tried analogue controls.

    If you play an older game, you just have to accept that the developers are not only trying to tell a story, but figure out what gaming even is. Anything from the 90s to the 2000s is going to have certain types of jank, especially if it's ambitious.

    It's just part of the territory. Use the dpad.

    • 10 months ago

      >If you play an older game, you just have to accept that the developers are not only trying to tell a story, but figure out what gaming even is. Anything from the 90s to the 2000s is going to have certain types of jank, especially if it's ambitious.

      Nobody is denying that. But there have been a dozen of old games that get constantly quality control and make the controls or mechanics not absolutely moronic. All I did was ask for a possible solution. I didn't get filtered, I was literally fricking around in Lara's home. I couldn't lose even if I wanted to. I just didn't like it because it was imprecise and uncomfortable. I don't get what's so hard to understand. Responses like "Just pay d-pad" don't help me because they don't address whether there's a problem or if there's a solution, they just skip over to what they're familiar with or used to.

      • 10 months ago

        What exactly is imprecise with the controls and what situations would need better precision?

        • 10 months ago

          He's a fricking zoomer who thinks he is smart and has no fricking clue controls and movement evolved over time.
          Part of the reason why no one intelligent is going to respond to him, is because he lacks fundamental understanding of games in the first place. Anyone who pleads for hand holding especially in Ganker gets empirically shat on by everyone, rightly so as well.

        • 10 months ago

          Just read the post, it says it all.

          The imprecision comes from unintended inputs that were never a problem with previous analog controls. Walking when you don't want to, even though there's a dedicated walk button (seriously, who the frick thinks of this stuff? there's literally a dedicated button, it makes no sense) same with turning. Sometimes I'll sidestep instead of turning. And before somebody mentions "just press harder" I've already said that anybody who's played fighting games knows how mucu of a strain it is to just force yourself to "press harder" all the time. It fricks with your fingers and you can start to get pains.

          Now, regarding d-pads? It's only 8 directional technically. This means inputs have to be hyper specific and aren't fluid and lenient because they literally can't be. D-pads can't account for as many precise inputs in the 90° range between up and right, as Analogs can. You can do stuff like wiggle left and right much easier, run in a circle much easier. Because analog allows a greater amount of control, it's just harder to control because of that.

          Do you get me? I really don't know how best to explain things like this when they're so based on you having experienced them.

          • 10 months ago

            I asked where when playing TR you need such precision that can not be just as easily achieved with the dpad.

          • 10 months ago

            >It fricks with your fingers and you can start to get pains.
            oh you poor baby

      • 10 months ago
        The Sopranos sucks

        >Nobody is denying that. But there have been a dozen of old games that get constantly quality control and make the controls or mechanics not absolutely moronic.

        Are you playing TR3 on PC as in a PC port?

  8. 10 months ago

    I see what you mean.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah, lmao. I had a feeling this thread would prove itself atleast.

  9. 10 months ago

    have a nice day

  10. 10 months ago

    >reddit spacing

  11. 10 months ago

    >Anon was not content with what we have here. That miserable worm... The old fool... His mind was weak, his body was weak and most of all, he couldn't hold his own against the pressure this place has on people. Without reason, he used to sodomize everyone who stood in his way... That is how he desired to spend his days instead of the true godhood we have here.

  12. 10 months ago

    The trick is to view literally everyone posting in this website as subhuman mouthbreathers and only engage with those that reply or post something you find meaningful and have a nice back and forth. Trying to rationalize every moronic behavior, sentence and ideology you come across here (thought this exact same post can be applied to like, 90% of the current internet) as coming from a normal person like you yourself presumably are is not good for your mental health.

    tl;dr: Everyone's moronic until proven otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      >The trick is to view literally everyone posting in this website as subhuman mouthbreathers and only engage with those that reply or post something you find meaningful and have a nice back and forth.

      You're right and I've genuinely found some cool people like that on this site, but they're like 1 in a thousand, and I promise you, 1 in a thousand feels ALOT more rare on an anonymous board. Also because of the inherent anonymity, it's a lot harder to find those people that could actually engage in meaningful conversation with you, and I find it unbearably cringe to ask for people's discords, so I'm just fricked there.

      >Trying to rationalize every moronic behavior, sentence and ideology you come across here (thought this exact same post can be applied to like, 90% of the current internet) as coming from a normal person like you yourself presumably are is not good for your mental health.

      yeah, I seriously need to stop, but rationalizing it in the hopes that somebody will listen, understand, and change is the only way I can cope with the fact that THIS MANY PEOPLE are so genuinely moronic and deranged. It's already hard enough finding good people, that the only way I can cope is by hoping I can change people to be better. Which is obviously stupid but what else can I do?

      I genuinely like talking about videogames and having indepth discussion. I just care too much and am too passionate about arguing about things I care about, I'm just fundamentally out of tune with a society that doesn't appreciate passion and indepth thought and find any and every word they can to demean it "pretentious", "elitist", "contrarian", "know it all", "high horse", "smart ass". I just can't deal with it. But also have no choice but to, if I want more perspectives on things I like. If I could just talk to myself and be satisfied I WOULD I REALLY would. But I can't.

      • 10 months ago

        Tomb Raider 3 was the first one to use analog, that's why it sucks. People who played TR3 at the time it came out know this.

        • 10 months ago

          FRICKING THANK YOU, so I'm not delusional in saying these controls suck and everyone telling me I'm filtered is moronic and gaslighting.

      • 10 months ago

        >I genuinely like talking about videogames

        Le that is le cringe, and le you don't le belong on le Redditchan /vee/ - Le Everything Except Le Video Games.

  13. 10 months ago

    You say something utterly repulsive and then only engage with the people who completely ignored that repulsive statement, but still chose to stick around.

    • 10 months ago

      whether I said something repulsive is a subjective judgement and means nothing to the relevance of my argument. You're moronic and biased, proving my point and don't even realize it. Leave.

      (also I literally DID respond to everybody that disagreed with me or wait actually "found it repulsive" lmao, how are there so many genuine delusional morons here?)

      • 10 months ago

        >proving my point and don't even realize it.
        What is your point? I stopped reading after the initial question.

        • 10 months ago

          >I stopped reading after the initial question.

          you guys are doing this on purpose right? you're trying to drive me crazy deliberately now right?

          is it just that hard to treat something genuinely and seriously for once? do we REALLY have to be so seeped in irony and posturing that we can never genuinely look at and address valid complaints? even if you disagree with them, atleast engage them and take them seriously and justify yourself. Don't just default to shitposting, trolling, posturing, or ironic comments.

          but whatever. I'm wasting my time aren't I?

          • 10 months ago

            >you're trying to drive me crazy deliberately now right?
            Is it working?

          • 10 months ago

            >is it just that hard to treat something genuinely and seriously for once? do we REALLY have to be so seeped in irony and posturing that we can never genuinely look at and address valid complaints? even if you disagree with them, atleast engage them and take them seriously and justify yourself. Don't just default to shitposting, trolling, posturing, or ironic comments.

            Le but le that isn't le ebin. Le you need to le get lots of le upboats so le you can le be a le ebin Redditchan gentlesir. Le you must be le new here. Le I'm a le oldgay, le I've been here all le summer.

  14. 10 months ago

    Is this your daily complaining about tank controls thread?

    • 10 months ago


      PLEASE SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME THEY SEE WHAT I MEAN? Like this deranged way of viewing reality where everything needs to be interpreted through some narrative or preconception:

      "people that complain about Tomb Raider controls complain about tank if somebody is complaining about Tomb Raider controls...they must be complaining about tank controls!!!, especially if I can view them as zoomers! since in my mind, zoomers can't stand tank controls so ill apply this indiscriminately!!"

      Like it's a bunch of arbitrary associations that validate their biases and presumptions, that look at things without context or nuance. Not a single time did I complain about tank controls. The analog sticks STILL use tank controls. It literally makes no sense. It's an incoherent and irrational reply, but this is SO fricking common you wouldn't believe it. It's not the fact that there are stupid replies that bother me. It's the lack of self awareness and the board culture validating these replies that gets me. Like they don't even REALIZE how genuinely deranged and out of touch with reality they are because of how normalized and validated it is.

      • 10 months ago

        >I stopped reading after the initial question.

        you guys are doing this on purpose right? you're trying to drive me crazy deliberately now right?

        is it just that hard to treat something genuinely and seriously for once? do we REALLY have to be so seeped in irony and posturing that we can never genuinely look at and address valid complaints? even if you disagree with them, atleast engage them and take them seriously and justify yourself. Don't just default to shitposting, trolling, posturing, or ironic comments.

        but whatever. I'm wasting my time aren't I?

        People don't like you. You are a homosexual who belongs on twitter. Why don't you frick off?
        You are not owed our genuine seriousness.

        • 10 months ago

          >You are not owed our genuine seriousness.

          if I'm asking or complaining about something in the first place, then it's already obvious that I'm aware I'm not owed it, or else I wouldn't have to request or advocate for it in the first place, what?

          • 10 months ago

            Yes and with every of your post I am more convinced that I would betray this very board if I would be genuine with you
            You are screaming "don't engage with me"

          • 10 months ago

            Why do I have this nagging suspicion that 4chin is not the only place where you have to trouble finding people who want to converse with you.

  15. 10 months ago
  16. 10 months ago

    Tomb Raider was designed to be played with a keyboard.

  17. 10 months ago

    Well, I'm a reasonable person and I just happened to skim my eyes past your thread. Luck, I'd wager?

  18. 10 months ago

    You want to try vg or just wade into an already bumping thread and make interesting but argumentative points.

    Or better yet leave this place for good

    • 10 months ago

      >make interesting but argumentative points.

      people don't actually care about this, as much as you might believe. Anybody who makes indepth pr argumentative points gets called a schizo or autist, because nobody cares and is either just posting porn or shitposting.

      but I get what you mean generally, it's much easier to make these points in an already existing bumped thread than to start a thread of it yourself... *sigh* unfortunately that means feeding into the culture of this board and shitposting to start or get threads going. Idk how to do that effectively, it's just not in my blood to be that mindless...

  19. 10 months ago


    >recognizing that someone is a homosexual histrionic attention-seeker
    >responding to them anyway
    you're part of the problem

  20. 10 months ago


    While I agree with you and see why this guy is getting bombarded with hate (because he's a c**t that can't just have a normal conversation and has to make small blogs about his life while also insulting those who try to talk to him), you're also a gigantic gay just from quoting every single post of his.
    So I hope you both die.

  21. 10 months ago


  22. 10 months ago

    >Tomb Raider 3
    I decided to play this for the first time with the playstation save crystal system modded back in.

    I'm getting fricked hard, my ass is sore, I'm starting to regret this even though I like the game. They really are not fricking generous with those crystals.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm getting fricked hard, my ass is sore, I'm starting to regret this even though I like the game. They really are not fricking generous with those crystals.

      pull through bro, i will through it with you (how do you mod in save crystals on steam deck?)

      • 10 months ago

        I dunno about deck, that shit is linux right? I did it through the tomb3 decompilation project but I dunno if it runs on deck.

      • 10 months ago

        Also if you are the same guy who was complaining about the analog controls, I just configured steam to make it use the analog stick for the arrow keys. Not quite the same as proper analog controls but it feels better than the game's regular analog vontrols or the dpad

        • 10 months ago

          >I just configured steam to make it use the analog stick for the arrow keys.

          what would be the equivalent for steam deck? d-pad? because I think when I tried that last night it didn't work

  23. 10 months ago

    Anon, most posters on this website are either moronic or shitposting trolls, often both. It is not worth it to engage with them or get this upset about them. Just accept that this place has its shortcomings and don't bother trying to have serious discussions about certain specific subjects because people on here will get too annoying for it to have any value for you. Go to fricking reddit, discord, whatever, this place is what it is and is simply too autistic to handle some topics.

    I get your frustration man, don't let them do this to you. Just know that these are autistic morons talking to you and let their b***hing and shitposting slide right off you. Don't take it serious enough for it to get to you.

    • 10 months ago

      Both you and OP don't belong here. You want to talk down to others and feel superior without having any qualifications to do so.
      tumblr and twitter are for people like you.

      • 10 months ago

        >You want to talk down to others and feel superior
        The frick did you get that from?

        • 10 months ago

          The arrogance is jsut dripping from these posts.

          • 10 months ago

            Le so is le ebin.

          • 10 months ago

            anon recognising that a lot of posters on Ganker are fricking autistic morons has little to do with arrogance, it is just how it is man

            • 10 months ago

              Then fricking leave. Why are you even here?
              You are not an exception. You are no better than every other Ganker poster.

              Every "autistic moron" really is just that way to people who deserve it and ask for it.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm here to shitpost and have fun, and have serious discussions on subjects that don't send half the board into a bloodthirsty autistic rage.
                >You are no better than every other Ganker poster.
                No, but I'm definitely better than some of them. Probably better than you too.
                >Every "autistic moron" really is just that way to people who deserve it and ask for it.
                Of course the autistic morons would say so

              • 10 months ago

                >posting frogs
                you're the bottom of the barrel

              • 10 months ago

                >No, but I'm definitely better than some of them
                actually not. From my perspective of way too many years here you are the lowest tier of poster
                the dunning-kruger tier who thinks he is making good contributions but is actually the worst kind
                of poster

              • 10 months ago

                Oh I guess I should be a seething moron like you?

              • 10 months ago

                I mean you are seething judging by the shitty pictures
                You are a moron given your contribution

                I want you to get rid of your ego. That is the main problem here. You are on a website where it isn't about producing yourself. You have no name nor identity.
                Yet you still act like on twitter where it is all about presenting yourself as superior with no interest in others

              • 10 months ago

                I'm better than racebaiters, incels, the morons who keep bringing up trannies in every thread, /misc/cels who can't shut the frick up about israelites, old game good new game bad gays, namegays, tripgays, the handful of infamous schizoz (alf, socrates, and I'm better than you.

                You seem more experienced with twitter than I am.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm better than racebaiters, incels, the morons who keep bringing up trannies
                absolutely not

              • 10 months ago

                >t. racebaiter/incel/troony poster

              • 10 months ago

                But the difference is they care. They care about what they post more than what they present themselves as.
                And you only care about yourself.
                They care about the topic. Might be a stupid topic but that is a tier above you
                Smart people discuss topics
                Dumb people discuss people

                see how our discussion because of you is entirely about people?

              • 10 months ago

                Our discussion is about people because that is the topic of OP's thread, the people on here. You're such a fricking pseud lmao

              • 10 months ago

                exactly. I call OP just as you as the worst kind of poster

              • 10 months ago

                OP is a crying autist who clearly can't handle this place. I tried to be a bro and tried to tell him why he shouldn't get so upset yet I still see him writing really upset full page replies.

              • 10 months ago

                It is just insane arrogance coming from this guy. He is completely incapable of stepping beside his ego and seeing how really every discussion with him being shit is entirely his fault

              • 10 months ago

                >It is just insane arrogance coming from this guy. He is completely incapable of stepping beside his ego and seeing how really every discussion with him being shit is entirely his fault

                Something fascinating about this board is how fricking like ironic some replies can be.

                When I I make a point about somebody's lack of self awareness I'm never presumptuous or biased: "how really every discussion with him being shit is entirely his fault" It's like people don't understand that the reason I have to type so much is to deconstruct the genuinely inane and delusional shit you all type, and to dissect how much bias it's baked with.

                When I say that somebody is "presumptuous" I mean that they have entered and engaged with the discussion with an idea already of what type of person I am, or how to treat me based on vague and arbitrary associations they have made with me, and things they don't like.

                Aka, when I space my paragraphs, and someone makes the "reddit spacing" association, you're engaging presumably, your are assuming, because of my spacing that I'm from reddit (a site you make negative associations with) you dismiss my arguments and handwave them without any actual sufficient justification why the argument is invalid or improper, since that would be the only relevant reason to dismiss an argument or discussion, otherwise you simply don't value the truth.

              • 10 months ago

                >When I I make a point about somebody's lack of self awareness I'm never presumptuous or biased

                Something fascinating about this board is how fricking like ironic some replies can be.

              • 10 months ago

                lol? ... *sigh* the fact you even think this is a contradiction or hypocrisy is so tiring.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm never presumptuous or biased
                >I am never biased
                says only the most biased person in any and all discussions
                >that the reason I have to type so much
                entirely yourself. Brevity is the soul of wit.
                >because of my spacing that I'm from reddit
                actually wrong. You belong on reddit.
                Your spacing is just like your posts. Not for the reader but for yourself. You are jerking off and in no way taking in what others are writing. Engaging with is about as engaging as engagin with a wall or a redditor.
                I could write this entire thing in notepad and you would respond to it as much.

              • 10 months ago

                >says only the most biased person in any and all discussions

                not an argument. your subjective opinion.

                >entirely yourself. Brevity is the soul of wit.

                doesn't address my point. contextless retort:

                "I need my drugs now, I'm in pain"

                you: "drugs are bad for you! they don't cure the pain" in reply to someone with backpain.

                context is always relevant.

                >actually wrong. You belong on reddit.
                Your spacing is just like your posts. Not for the reader but for yourself. You are jerking off and in no way taking in what others are writing. Engaging with is about as engaging as engagin with a wall or a redditor.
                I could write this entire thing in notepad and you would respond to it as much.

                ironic how you say this, while ranting and raving about your subjective perception of me being incompetent, when I actually grounded myself and my arguments relative to my responses. lol.

              • 10 months ago

                >You are jerking off and in no way taking in what others are writing

                Something fascinating about this board is how fricking like ironic some replies can be.

              • 10 months ago

                >now everyone's doing it

              • 10 months ago

                >You are jerking off and in no way taking in what others are writing

                show me where I did this lmao. I know you won't, because the implication that it's ironic and hypocritical is stronger than the evidence can be, since evidence can be proven wrong, implication and "I think it might be" thoughts can't.

                so manipulative, and bad faith.

              • 10 months ago

                you are doing it right now. The posts you write are written for yourself not for others
                as you have admitted with your spacing.

              • 10 months ago

                >since evidence can be proven wrong, implication and "I think it might be" thoughts can't.

                I don't know what you're even arguing? Who cares about your perspective? Based on any arbitrary perspective you can make anything seem like anything since nothing needs to be grounded or based in reality.

              • 10 months ago

                what does this have to do with perspective? I identified the objective fact that they provided no evidence, and only asserted the implication and their own subjective interpretation of it being "ironic"

              • 10 months ago

                >when I actually grounded myself
                absolutely not. You can't step beside yourself and realize how insanely arrogant you are.

              • 10 months ago

                I think a lot of it is bad social skills, not knowing when people are fricking with you and not having the maturity to shrug off any kind of negativity. He's weak, you can tell that he is easily fricked with and will go all in when he shouldn't. He's the kid that got mercilessly bullied at school because he gave the bullies endless fun and ammo without realising

              • 10 months ago

                I dunno why these kinda morons even come to an anonymous imageboard honestly. If there's one positive thing posting on Ganker teaches you, it's not to be fazed by people throwing mindless insults at you

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah aside from all the schizo incel shit, that actually is a positive and it helped me a lot too. I used to be worse than OP when I first got here lol, I really got put in my place and learned to not be such a homosexual

              • 10 months ago

                I dunno why these kinda morons even come to an anonymous imageboard honestly. If there's one positive thing posting on Ganker teaches you, it's not to be fazed by people throwing mindless insults at you

                Yeah aside from all the schizo incel shit, that actually is a positive and it helped me a lot too. I used to be worse than OP when I first got here lol, I really got put in my place and learned to not be such a homosexual

                nah. you guys are all just losers that learned to fit into generic slots for social acceptance. you just have no principles or passion for anything and are satisfied with whats given and presented to you just because. School can actually be threatening and harmful to you because it's a place you have to return to physically everyday and meet the exact same people and can't avoid harassment. The stakes are infinitely different, especially because it doesn't just carry over from one class, but from the next year, to the next year, to the next year. Imagine unironically being proud for fitting in an online chat board.

                frick off, and I don't care how arrogant this comes off. Do you think Socrates just shut up and gave in when prosecuted? Galileo? Turing? Oldenburg when he was arrested as a spy for talking to foreign scientists to get better perspective to publish better scientific papers? Einstein who's property and books were seized during Hitlers time?

                FRICK OFF. Fitting in such a midwit and shallow way to think about the world. You shouldn't have to constantly capitulate to, and twist and turn yourself to fit in and be accepted by people that can't understand and appreciate your passion and love for things not arbitrarily valued. There's no such thing as being "right" socially. It's all arbitrary and people have been lambasted socially for the stupidest shit. If I constantly concerned myself with what people cared about me, I'd have no identity of my own, and nothing to hold onto. I'd just fit in nicely and conveniently and be like everyone else, choosing nothing of my own. Some people are fine with being thoughtless morons, because the comfort and acceptance is worth no principles. But I'm not.

                Frick off. And I don't care that you morons will interpret this as arrogant. Not a single one of you can prove it wrong.

              • 10 months ago

                >You shouldn't have to constantly capitulate to, and twist and turn yourself to fit in and be accepted by people
                Arrogance. You are not special to twist other people to your liking

              • 10 months ago

                >it's socrates again
                I thought you were a die hard tomb raider fan, I had no idea you never even played 3 before wtf

                This guy is an infanous schizo btw do not engage

              • 10 months ago

                But the difference is they care. They care about what they post more than what they present themselves as.
                And you only care about yourself.
                They care about the topic. Might be a stupid topic but that is a tier above you
                Smart people discuss topics
                Dumb people discuss people

                see how our discussion because of you is entirely about people?

                >actually not. From my perspective of way too many years here you are the lowest tier of poster
                the dunning-kruger tier who thinks he is making good contributions but is actually the worst kind
                of poster

                I don't know what you're even arguing? Who cares about your perspective? Based on any arbitrary perspective you can make anything seem like anything since nothing needs to be grounded or based in reality.

                The point of the OP was that Ganker is antithetical to reasonable and grounded arguments that aren't based around narratives and preconceptions, and become obsessive with anybody they arbitrarily label as an outsider, and care more about their meaningless culture wars against reddit and Twitter than actually being substantively different from them. Since if they did care they wouldn't be as much of a circlejerky echo chamber. You can't even make a reasonable point If you tried lmao. Zero self awareness.

                But the difference is they care. They care about what they post more than what they present themselves as.

                Wtf are you talking about? "Care"? On a board that calls anybody who writes indepth paragraphs "schizo" or "autist" on a board that makes fun of people for calling people out that constantly post coom, anime bait, and culture war shit? Wtf do you care about? It's not actually videogame discussion that's for sure. You're using "care" on a slimy and broad way so as to encompass the multiple ways people can care about anything without understanding the context that is relevant to his or OP's point. In that Ganker has such a low standard of conversation, that genuine indepth discussions about videogames get drowned out for bait, shitposting, trolling, and porn.

              • 10 months ago

                >Who cares about your perspective?
                Cared enough to respond 🙂

              • 10 months ago

                You write way too much. Every time your post is long you are asking people to care way more about you than is warranted
                you don't belong here. Go away.

              • 10 months ago

                >You write too much
                Imagine getting filtered by reading words on a screen. Pathetic. I know you peaked in highschool, but you don't need to remind everyone that posts on this Korean polaroid camera imageboard.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imagine getting filtered by reading words on a screen.
                I don't. You haven't earned so much of my attention. You haven't shown to have a unique perspective or interesting insights.
                I could read pages of an interesting poster.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah I'm sure you can pretend to read.
                Help me out. Read this image and tell me what it says.

              • 10 months ago

                This guy was always right. He's not saying fun games aren't fun, he's saying when discussing the pros/cons of a game, "fun" is completely worthless as an argument. It's the same as people who say games are "comfy" when they just mean something they can hold forward in while watching a stream

              • 10 months ago

                Look how no post on that is several paragraphs of grandiose masturbatory insulting of anyone who disagrees with them.

              • 10 months ago

                >3 minutes
                You gave up that fast? Wow that's kind of sad.

              • 10 months ago

                Gave up what?

              • 10 months ago

                >3 minutes
                You gave up that fast? Wow that's kind of sad.

                >28 seconds apart
                You aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Thanks for giving me the proof I needed.

              • 10 months ago

                Whatever you just confirmed I am happy for you.

              • 10 months ago

                Stop responding to bait. I mean look at this homosexual

                >Who cares about your perspective?
                Cared enough to respond 🙂

                he's just turning everything into a bad faith argument.
                Just learn to recognize this type of posting style and ignore it. The smiley face at the end means they are probably a phone poster that can't upload images. This is an imageboard. Stop replying to people that don't post images. Stop replying to frog images like

                I'm here to shitpost and have fun, and have serious discussions on subjects that don't send half the board into a bloodthirsty autistic rage.
                >You are no better than every other Ganker poster.
                No, but I'm definitely better than some of them. Probably better than you too.
                >Every "autistic moron" really is just that way to people who deserve it and ask for it.
                Of course the autistic morons would say so

                He literally is saying he's here to shitpost and have fun He's telling you he is actively fricking with you. Stop engaging with 2016 election morons.
                Most of them are going to kill themselves when Trump goes to jail anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                Black person I've been posting smileys as bait since before the iphone was even invented

              • 10 months ago

                Thanks for confirming you're a phone-posting moron.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't fricking know how to do it? I already replied to another guy, but nobody knows how to answer my dilemma, If a bunch of people just shit up my discussion I'm just supposed to allow them and wait for the thread to die until what? I make another thread and somebody shits it up again because they realize I actually care about something when they don't and my enjoyment on the board is based on them and a bunch of other random shitters willingness to be fair and reasonable? You might aswell just tell me to never express my feelings again because the chances of me having any genuine conversation is nil. Nobody can handle it, but the difference is that I get made fun of for complaining about it, while they just continue to roll around in shit saying "see! I can handle shit! you wanting to clean up shit is cringe and weak" with zero context or consideration for whether shit is healthy, and worth rolling in at all. It's literally just a response to my criticism. They don't like the idea of me telling themselves to be clean, so they roll around in shit like children thoughtlessly doing the opposite of what somebody says.

                This is what I mean, it's not reasonable or anything, it's just all arbitrary and contrarian, and there's no where better to find discussion. Why wouldn't I just indulge with and atleast prove them all wrong? It's the least I can do. Satisfy myself by atleast reaffirming through "conversation" that I'm right and not delusional. What would you recommend based on what I've said?

              • 10 months ago

                >I don't fricking know how to do it?
                Why did you ask him whether you know how to do it? The fact you're even posting this suggests that you do not know how to do it
                If you aren't asking him, why did you put a question mark after your statement?

              • 10 months ago

                >If you aren't asking him, why did you put a question mark after your statement?

                I am asking him. That is why the question mark is there. Use your brain. context clues are elementary.

              • 10 months ago

                >I am asking him.
                Answer my first question, then

                >I don't fricking know how to do it?
                Why did you ask him whether you know how to do it? The fact you're even posting this suggests that you do not know how to do it
                If you aren't asking him, why did you put a question mark after your statement?

                >Why did you ask him whether you know how to do it?
                Or you can answer this one

                >firstly, my criticism was never about "kneejerk" responses inherently?
                No idea. Why are you asking me what your criticism was about?
                If you aren't asking me, why did you put a question mark after your statement?
                Just a true-blooded redditor. Even in times where a lot of homosexuals crosspost on both sites, someone who is this gay stands out

                >Why are you asking me what your criticism was about?
                I like how you actually stopped using excessive question marks now. Just a year or so of lurking moar and you might even be able to post without having a meltdown

              • 10 months ago

                Use filters. Just realize when someone is creating a bad faith argument and ignore it. I mean you are even analyzing how it works. You're extremely perceptive about this type of behavior. Now you just need to help other anons realize what you did.
                Use filters. Don't respond to frog images. Don't respond to phone-posters using smiley faces.
                >Why wouldn't I indulge with it and least prove them wrong
                You can do that, but also you don't need to turn it into 20 posts long. They will sit here and keep making shit up to keep you engaged. I have seen people argue about shit for 3 hours that started with a simple shitpost response in the middle of a normal conversation.

                Oh and change up your image file-names every now and then.
                These 2016 election tourists started searching up images on the archive to frick with people.
                If you ever posted about something traumatic, or upsetting, they will use it against you. It has personally happened to me, and it happened more and more frequently as Trump started getting closer to his arrest date. Good thing 90% of those posts were fake just to give someone advice.
                People are literally trying to demoralize people that post here. Just normal people like you and me, trying to deal with all this bullshit.

              • 10 months ago

                >People are literally trying to demoralize people that post here. Just normal people like you and me, trying to deal with all this bullshit.
                talk about a persecution fetish
                damn you election tourists are cringe

              • 10 months ago

                Dunno why you're even giving him attention, anyone tying everything he does to politics is a newbie

              • 10 months ago

                It only took you a minute to start projecting that hard?
                That's good to know.

              • 10 months ago

                Dunno why you're even giving him attention, anyone tying everything he does to politics is a newbie

                >2 minutes apart
                Hello, samegay

              • 10 months ago

                damn, thanks for the actual encouragement and help. I can do all this, but only based on one premise...that I have somewhere else to go to express my thoughts and have genuine and indepth discussions about videogames. Because otherwise as stupid as it is, I will literally self harm by continuing to engage with these posts in the delusional hope that somebody actually understands me and changes their perspective lmao. It has ACTUALLY happened more than once, even with a chud, so my brain remembers those moments unfortunately and holds on to the idea that I can find atleast 1 guy to have a genuine talk with. They almost always frick off before the shitposter flood the threads tho. Guess they just don't care for conversation as much as I do and would rather get out of a shitposting thread than try to salvage it.

              • 10 months ago

                >I will literally self harm
                >seething about muh chuds
                This is getting juicier by the minute

              • 10 months ago

                Just remember to help other anons.
                Times are shit. Demoralizing is sky high. Just help other anons when you see it happening.
                Look at the posting style. Use this thread as a way to "study" it. They are too fricking stupid to change their posting styles.
                Remember to use filters. Godspeed m8 I'm gonna go play some videogames

              • 10 months ago

                I hope you share more personal stuff to be hurt you arrogant self-absorbed homosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                >If you ever posted about something traumatic, or upsetting, they will use it against you. It has personally happened to me

                damn, thanks for the actual encouragement and help. I can do all this, but only based on one premise...that I have somewhere else to go to express my thoughts and have genuine and indepth discussions about videogames. Because otherwise as stupid as it is, I will literally self harm by continuing to engage with these posts in the delusional hope that somebody actually understands me and changes their perspective lmao. It has ACTUALLY happened more than once, even with a chud, so my brain remembers those moments unfortunately and holds on to the idea that I can find atleast 1 guy to have a genuine talk with. They almost always frick off before the shitposter flood the threads tho. Guess they just don't care for conversation as much as I do and would rather get out of a shitposting thread than try to salvage it.

                >I will literally self harm by continuing to engage
                Both of you are the biggest homosexuals I have ever seen
                Holy shit you do not belong here.
                I have never seen people who belong here less.

              • 10 months ago

                i'm not reading all that shit. dude if you want a good interaction on this board, you have to put in the work and dig.
                when i'm bored, i'll open a handful of threads relevant to my interest and make some posts/replies to see if anything sticks. helps to use an image on an image board.

                learn to cut your fricking posts down. i have a problem with that sometimes and i'll sit there and revise shit till i get the point across in as few words as possible.

                the next step is to just accept almost no one is going to read your shit and respond. i started just typing shit out to organize my thoughts on a subject like a bastard's journal. i started to post less and waste less time because of this. here forever but i only come here to kill time, everything else is just a bonus. been here 12 years

                you wanna talk? on the weekends, hit up the friday/saturday night motherfricker! threads. make your post and reply to others about theirs. friday is much more popular than the saturday threads. that's the closest you'll get to dedicated socializing here

                lastly. fricking lurk more Black person. god damn. read reply chains, get a feel for how discourse works around here. learn what the kids are into these days. form concise opinions. i browse on my phone on lunch break all the fricking time and can tell you the people who get the most out of their interactions are not long winded homosexuals like you.

                i hoped this helped you be less of a homosexual on the internet

              • 10 months ago

                >complains a post is too long by writing a novel complete with Reddit spacing

              • 10 months ago

                >i'm not reading all that shit. dude if you want a good interaction on this board, you have to put in the work and dig.

                I don't know why people say so many presumptuous things? do they think they're actually making a point even though it doesn't engage with the reality or context of what the person is saying? Beyond the fact of "put in the work" being SO vague and subjective, the fact that I can't seem to find a reason why any of this would be relevant to me when jt reads like a lecture or platitude.

                Like you guys don't even try to be grounded or reasonable. You can always only engage with things through narratives or associations, but you're so surrounded in an echo chamber that you don't even have the self awareness to realize that ME TELLING YOU THAT WHAT YOURE SAYING DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING BECAUSE IT DOESNT MAP ONTO MY EXPERIEMCES. Will make you cry and say "waaaaahhh arrogant!", "waaaaaaah pretentious!", even though it's literally objectively true since what's relevant to me, is decided by me...seeing as I started the topic.

              • 10 months ago

                That is the essence of arrogance.

            • 10 months ago

              Le poasters on le Redditchan are le ebin gentlesirs.

      • 10 months ago

        Hate to break it to you, but plenty of super morons post here and they definitely lower the quality of conversation overall with their moronic antics. Nothing he said was wrong, get over it.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes OP is one of those super morons

        • 10 months ago

          It's not what he said but how he said it.

          • 10 months ago

            breasts or gtfo

  24. 10 months ago

    >How do I find/attract reasonable people on Ganker?
    You don’t. Make threads about what you want to talk about or seek out those threads made by other anons and hope for the best. You can’t expect to have engaging, respectful conversation 100% of the time anywhere on this website or in real life for that matter.

    The moral of the story? Keep making your homosexual threads about whatever homosexual shit you want to talk about, and eventually people who are as homosexual as you are will engage with it. homosexual.

  25. 10 months ago

    we're in daytime america hours, there's some improvement here during euro time

  26. 10 months ago

    Reddit thread but literally

  27. 10 months ago

    sorry guys, OP here, I can't currently argue against all the people making fun of me, or engage with the people agreeing and understanding me because my hand are full with a Popeyes chicken wing right now, I will get back to you guys in a bit!

  28. 10 months ago

    A good start would probably be not calling people who disagree with you delusional morons. Even if you think they're acting like self-centred egotistical morons because people naturally view negative qualities more strongly in others than themselves and the only way to break this cycle is to move past it.

    Since you haven't actually explained what the question you asked was it's very likely this is in fact an age old story of someone (you) being unfamiliar and inexperienced with a game, and thinking that because of their inexperience they are capable of judging what changes would and wouldn't compromise an experience while preaching said changes to people who are already firm fans of the game. If


    is indeed you then you are very blatantly the aggressor here and the one in the wrong, and I would hope you have the humility to recognize that sooner rather than later. To be frank, you should reread that thread and your posts under the lens of someone else because blunt quick answers should not throw you into a multi-paragraph meltdown over two threads where you still refuse to make the adjustment suggested. Upon looking through what is in front of me I'm hard pressed to even take your posts as genuine and I say that with the intent to make you evaluate your approach instead of writing off anything that's slightly uncomfortable or strange to you at the first attempt without practice and consideration, because that is a terrible, self-defeating approach to anything. Especially videogames.

    • 10 months ago

      OP is overly verbose and easily provoked, but:
      first reply:
      >tl;dr ur shill
      second reply:
      >lust provoking image
      third reply:
      >tl:dr skill issue
      fourth reply:
      >tl;dr ur Black person

    • 10 months ago



      is indeed you then you are very blatantly the aggressor here and the one in the wrong

      frick off. this is so tiresome. I don't know how to deconstruct this. But there is one thing I'll say. People that "agree" with you then "criticize" you are almost worse than people that just lambast you, because there's this air that you have to respect what they have to say because "atleast they agreed with you"

      So I just want to get that out of the way and deconstruct everything, and how this guy, despite "agreeing" with me, still proves my point:

      >I would hope you have the humility to recognize that sooner rather than later.

      again. frick off. This shit is borderline manipulative and bad faith. humility has nothing to do with any of this because you haven't even substantiated any reason for me to be humile, my opening post LITERALLY did nothing wrong, I didn't make fun of anyone, lambast, anyone namecall anyone. And worst of all, I bet you don't even understand the context of the videogame im talking about at all and still chose to chip in as if you know anything.

      My complaint was about the analog control scheme being fundamentally moronic, and this being a problem since I used analog with the prior games and they worked fine, and then I elaborated SPECIFICALLY why I didn't want to use the d-pad, I've gone in depth on the problems with it in that thread AND in here.

      >To be frank, you should reread that thread and your posts under the lens of someone else because blunt quick answers should not throw you into a multi-paragraph meltdown over two threads where you still refuse to make the adjustment suggested.

      FRICK OFF? how are you guys so genuinely out of touch with reality? I don't even fricking understand what I'm reading? The reason I went off on paragraphs is because they were lambasting me instead of helping me solve an issue. The "ADJUSTMENT" was PART of the issue moron, like wtf? How do I even have to explain this? are you moronic?.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >Upon looking through what is in front of me I'm hard pressed to even take your posts as genuine and I say that with the intent to make you evaluate your approach instead of writing off anything that's slightly uncomfortable or strange to you at the first attempt without practice and consideration, because that is a terrible, self-defeating approach to anything.

        FRICK OFF. Holy shit you guys are so fricking delusional? So you can never dislike anything or have a problem with it just because? FRICK why am I even talking to you about this? You understand NOTHING about this game or how it controls and you're speaking based of assumptions and vague associations with an idea of "people just not being able to get used to different control" holy frick, my criticism is about imprecision and inconsistency, I never made a single complaint about the mechanics of movement you moron. Do you not realize how fricking stupid it is to imply you can't criticize a control SCHEME because you should just accept things that are different without any context or critical thinking? And supposedly IM the slop eater because I don't want to accept something I have actual argument for why are shit.

        THIS. This Is the shit I hate about this board. None of you actually engage with the arguments, you engage based on your perception of how something looks and the associations you can make:

        "zoomer complaining about controls..."
        "wait it's tank controls..."
        "even though he didn't complain about the tank movement itself and is complaining about control inputs and outputs..."
        "my brain works on a narrative basis, and I know Ganker tells me that zoomers are bad!... and zoomers don't like being uncomfortable...! and zoomers don't like old school games...!"

        "AHA! if my understanding of zoomers is so smart and intelligent and not biased, i can make the association that zoomers are bad! and hate tank controls! because they're from old games and make them uncomfortable!"

        It's all arbitrary.

        The fact this is what your response was exemplifies everything I attempted to say and that you unfortunately have not and refuse to recognize. You remind me of someone who is similarly vehement in their refusal to view anything outside of their own assumed perception and limited knowledge.

        • 10 months ago

          >The fact this is what your response was exemplifies everything I attempted to say and that you unfortunately have not and refuse to recognize.

          lol okay. you have zero self awareness. this is such an unfair response that I won't even bother any longer. I'll just say that: When I say "you're literally proving my point" I go on to actually tie in why the words you spouted, refer back to my initial point to the thread. You on the other hand? Just refer to yourself as "evidence" "exemplified everything I attempted to say" lmao, you don't even have to sell awareness to realize how circular that is, so I have no reason to take you seriously anymore lmao.

          >You remind me of someone who is similarly vehement in their refusal to view anything outside of their own assumed perception and limited knowledge.

          "you remind me"

          yeah, because human memory and subjective referral has been proven to be so effective for arriving at truth. It's not like anybody can't just arbitrary refer to themselves instead of referring to an objective quality or characteristic...lmao. You're not even worth bothering with. I think I've dealt with you enough, at the very least I've proven that your "understanding" and "agreeableness" was fake and manipulative since you haven't actually attempted to engage with my perspective at all and have just dismissed it and referred to yourself for understanding lmao...because obviously to understand SOMEBODY else, you must refer to yourself

    • 10 months ago

      >Upon looking through what is in front of me I'm hard pressed to even take your posts as genuine and I say that with the intent to make you evaluate your approach instead of writing off anything that's slightly uncomfortable or strange to you at the first attempt without practice and consideration, because that is a terrible, self-defeating approach to anything.

      FRICK OFF. Holy shit you guys are so fricking delusional? So you can never dislike anything or have a problem with it just because? FRICK why am I even talking to you about this? You understand NOTHING about this game or how it controls and you're speaking based of assumptions and vague associations with an idea of "people just not being able to get used to different control" holy frick, my criticism is about imprecision and inconsistency, I never made a single complaint about the mechanics of movement you moron. Do you not realize how fricking stupid it is to imply you can't criticize a control SCHEME because you should just accept things that are different without any context or critical thinking? And supposedly IM the slop eater because I don't want to accept something I have actual argument for why are shit.

      THIS. This Is the shit I hate about this board. None of you actually engage with the arguments, you engage based on your perception of how something looks and the associations you can make:

      "zoomer complaining about controls..."
      "wait it's tank controls..."
      "even though he didn't complain about the tank movement itself and is complaining about control inputs and outputs..."
      "my brain works on a narrative basis, and I know Ganker tells me that zoomers are bad!... and zoomers don't like being uncomfortable...! and zoomers don't like old school games...!"

      "AHA! if my understanding of zoomers is so smart and intelligent and not biased, i can make the association that zoomers are bad! and hate tank controls! because they're from old games and make them uncomfortable!"

      It's all arbitrary.

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like this post actually gets to the crux of the issue. I admit that I haven’t played any off the tomb raider games besides the reboots so please correct me if I’m wrong, but the way the analogs are designed sounds deliberate. Modern games have a tendency to have streamlined controls because the vast majority of the industry and player base agree that games feel better in a certain way and old games that lack streamlined controls tend to be very niche nowadays. What OP seems to view as “bad controls” may very well be liked by the few who still play these sorts of games. The absoluteness of OP’s criticism of tomb raider is, therefore, not an objective point, but just OP’s opinion. If OP had been asking for help in a friendly manner, I might be more inclined to sympathize, but the harshness of his post feels like an attack against the game. All things considered, attacking a game because you don’t agree with some of the design decisions is going to lead to you being attacked. What makes OP especially arrogant is that he proceeded to turn around and make this thread where he acts like he just asked an innocent question and got bombarded with hate even though he was the aggressor, all the while behaving in way that can be easily seen as looking down on this board. Then he acts wrongly persecuted when people still don’t like him. Again, I haven’t played the games in question, so if OP wants to defend his original post, I’m perfectly happy to hear it and admit I’m wrong if necessary.

      • 10 months ago

        okay wait guys, I'm not done LMFAO

        >Again, I haven’t played the games in question, so if OP wants to defend his original post, I’m perfectly happy to hear it and admit I’m wrong if necessary.


        EVERY SINGLE POINT IN THIS PARAGRPAH IS BASED SOLELY ON PERCEPTION AND BIAS BECAUSE HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT HES TALKING ABOUT BUT ACCUSES MY CRITICISM SUPPORTED BY ACTUAL ARGUMENT AND REFERENCE AS BEING "INVALID" "becwause me no want to view it as objective! that's bad! you can't criticize controls becwause I might be a big baby and view it as objective and cwy!!! wahhhhh!"

        Okay, that was my last point. Man, I think I feel better now. I really needed this reply to prove to myself finally that you all are truly delusional and moronic, and can only view things through an incredibly narrow and presumption lense. Yeah it really was impossible to expect anymore from you guys, I was too correct from the start *sigh* it is what it is isn't it? The average person really is stupid kehehehehe


        • 10 months ago

          If you don’t want to have a civil conversation, fair enough. Go have a nice day, you self righteous pseud. Jokes aside, I presume your post is not objectively correct because of how people responded. There are almost certainly people in your earlier thread who are genuine fans of the game you insulted. If there are people who do truly like what you seem to view as something that was “fricked up so badly”, I can’t help but think that this is about a subjective opinion. If you are going to go around and insult other people’s opinions simply because you disagree, you are going to be attacked back. In such a case, you are not a victim nor are you better than anyone else. Again, if you want to explain why your post wasn’t subjective and the people in your thread were just denying reality, I’m all ears.

  29. 10 months ago

    Every single community on the internet that’s centered around video games is full of angry spergs. That’s just the way it is.

  30. 10 months ago

    Hey I replied to your TR3 thread in earnest. You just like to talk WAY more than I do.

  31. 10 months ago

    >reasonable people on Ganker
    this is a shitposting containment board, anon, not a "reasonable discussions board"
    I won't list any good places here since I don't want Gankerermin shitting them up. You're gonna have to find somewhere on your own.

  32. 10 months ago

    Sorry OP but since Gamergate the cabal of pathetic people decided this place must be spammed with irreverent worthless garbage until the end of time, as is custom of the little hat tribe.

  33. 10 months ago

    For as much as you hate shit posting you sure engage with it a lot. Just think of the buttholes as free bumps. You don't HAVE to reply to them OP. But maybe you want too. Did you give up on TR3 yet?

    • 10 months ago

      >For as much as you hate shit posting you sure engage with it a lot.

      I don't know where the implication comes from that hating something means you don't engage with it? There are a lot of toxic cycles people get into. I already told another chatter why I continue to engage. Go read this:

      >The trick is to view literally everyone posting in this website as subhuman mouthbreathers and only engage with those that reply or post something you find meaningful and have a nice back and forth.

      You're right and I've genuinely found some cool people like that on this site, but they're like 1 in a thousand, and I promise you, 1 in a thousand feels ALOT more rare on an anonymous board. Also because of the inherent anonymity, it's a lot harder to find those people that could actually engage in meaningful conversation with you, and I find it unbearably cringe to ask for people's discords, so I'm just fricked there.

      >Trying to rationalize every moronic behavior, sentence and ideology you come across here (thought this exact same post can be applied to like, 90% of the current internet) as coming from a normal person like you yourself presumably are is not good for your mental health.

      yeah, I seriously need to stop, but rationalizing it in the hopes that somebody will listen, understand, and change is the only way I can cope with the fact that THIS MANY PEOPLE are so genuinely moronic and deranged. It's already hard enough finding good people, that the only way I can cope is by hoping I can change people to be better. Which is obviously stupid but what else can I do?

      I genuinely like talking about videogames and having indepth discussion. I just care too much and am too passionate about arguing about things I care about, I'm just fundamentally out of tune with a society that doesn't appreciate passion and indepth thought and find any and every word they can to demean it "pretentious", "elitist", "contrarian", "know it all", "high horse", "smart ass". I just can't deal with it. But also have no choice but to, if I want more perspectives on things I like. If I could just talk to myself and be satisfied I WOULD I REALLY would. But I can't.

      if you want to understand. That's all, now leave me alone, and no, I haven't fixed TR3 yet.

  34. 10 months ago

    wondering how worth it is it to respond to some of these posts, because even some of the posts "agreeing" with me are still proving they're so inundated in the culture that they can't look at anything objectively.

    I think I'll do it, just to be right, and then piss off and watch Evo.

  35. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Le upboat!

  36. 10 months ago

    >challenging statement followed by a question mark to make you seem more reasonable
    >"like" added at random
    >reddit spacing
    >multi-paragraph meltdown over every word of criticism
    >cries that everyone else is a delusional moron with kneejerk responses while he's just repeating the same script himself
    I like video games

    • 10 months ago

      lol, unironically sites reddit spacing as a criticism and think he has a point that isn't laden in bias? Why do I even try? This place is so seeped in mental illness they couldn't be self aware even if they wanted to.

      >cries that everyone else is a delusional moron with kneejerk responses while he's just repeating the same script himself

      lol? ... *sigh* the fact you even think this is a contradiction or hypocrisy is so tiring.

      firstly, my criticism was never about "kneejerk" responses inherently? It was about shallow and thoughtless responses laden in bias and genuine delusion/misunderstanding.

      Maybe if people didn't spam knee-jerk responses that expressed an inability to read past responses of mine or just the entire thread for that matter, I wouldn't have to repeat myself? also, it's not even like every response of mine was exactly the same. Like in one of the responses to mine above, the theme was a criticism of people that pretend to be "nice" and "agreeable" them throw out a criticism laden with bias that demonstrates a misunderstanding of my point.

      But this was a worthless reply anyway that was barely serious. I just replied to address the implication of hypocrisy, you're not really worth much else. Frick you.

      • 10 months ago

        >lol? ... *sigh*
        Guys you sure this isn't a meta troll?

      • 10 months ago

        There is no reason to but spacing between stuff like you do to make it more readable. Especially given that quotations are a different color
        So something like


        is overkill.
        The equivalent
        >of this
        is just as readable.

        • 10 months ago

          I don't know why you think you just said anything meaningful? like what?

          I put spaces to make it more readable for me, and to designate different related paragraphs. I don't even know what you're talking about, nothing you said is relevant to me.

          • 10 months ago

            In the post I am quoting you put an extra line between quotation
            Completely unecessary and actually fricking obnoxious. Insanely annoying to see to anyone who likes reading

            • 10 months ago

              are you...mentally sane? I genuinely don't know how else to put it. What is the problem??? no wonder I didn't understand your first response. You didn't even have a point wtf??? it's literally just "I don't like it"? It's literally as clear as possible, separating the greentext from the next sentence????

              • 10 months ago

                Its ugly and reddit

              • 10 months ago

                >It's literally as clear as possible, separating the greentext from the next sentence????
                Why did you ask him whether it was as clear as possible? The fact you're even posting this suggests that you do think it was as clear as possible
                If you aren't asking him, why did you put a question mark after your statement?

              • 10 months ago

                I'll give you an epic pro tip. When people put "???" question marks. it is meant to communicate a lack of understanding. Because if you have to ask a question, it typically means you don't understand something. I'm almost in disbelief that I have to explain this, but you haven't called me names yet, so I'll tolerate it.

              • 10 months ago

                So you refuse to answer why you asked any of the question with a single question mark that are clearly just statements. Thanks for conceding and I'm glad I have taught you not to spam question marks

              • 10 months ago

                lol???? how lacking in self awareness do you have to be to think you compelled me to stop posting question marks lmao??? are you really this stupid? is this the limit of you critical thinking skills? really???

                I can't believe how delusional some of you are, lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                You are completely deranged. Take you meds.

              • 10 months ago

                That's right buddy, you type all those question marks. Ask the most inquisitive question you possibly can, don't let that guy control you.

              • 10 months ago

                >but you haven't called me names yet, so I'll tolerate it.
                See how can you write something like this and think you are not talking down to someone from a position of insane arrogance?
                You don't make the rules. You tolerating or not tolerating something is irrelevant

              • 10 months ago

                >See how can you write something like this and think you are not talking down to someone from a position of insane arrogance?

                lol? ... *sigh* the fact you even think this is a contradiction or hypocrisy is so tiring.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's literally as clear as possible, separating the greentext from the next sentence?
                The coloring already does that

              • 10 months ago

                oh man.

                this is another problem I've realized with this board. Which is that people aren't just shitposting and trolling by accident. A lot of people are unfortunately and genuinely dumb.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon the coloring already seperates quotation from your post. So putting in an exta line does make it worse to read. It reads like reddit

              • 10 months ago

                Baited hard, you might wanna ctrl+f that line he wrote

      • 10 months ago

        >firstly, my criticism was never about "kneejerk" responses inherently?
        No idea. Why are you asking me what your criticism was about?
        If you aren't asking me, why did you put a question mark after your statement?

        >lol? ... *sigh*
        Guys you sure this isn't a meta troll?

        Just a true-blooded redditor. Even in times where a lot of homosexuals crosspost on both sites, someone who is this gay stands out

      • 10 months ago

        >Maybe if people didn't spam knee-jerk responses that expressed an inability to read past responses of mine or just the entire thread for that matter, I wouldn't have to repeat myself?
        lol? ... *sigh* the fact you even think this is a contradiction or hypocrisy is so tiring.

        Maybe if people didn't spam knee-jerk responses that expressed an inability to read past responses of mine or just the entire thread for that matter, I wouldn't have to repeat myself? also, it's not even like every response of mine was exactly the same. Like in one of the responses to mine above, the theme was a criticism of people that pretend to be "nice" and "agreeable" them throw out a criticism laden with bias that demonstrates a misunderstanding of my point.

        But this was a worthless reply anyway that was barely serious. I just replied to address the implication of hypocrisy, you're not really worth much else. Frick you.

  37. 10 months ago

    Make a bait containment thread for all the 2016 election tourists, then make another thread you actually want to have a conversation in.
    Oh, it also helps if you add words like "satanic", "adrenochrome", and other /misc/ shitpost buzzwords into your Ganker filter.
    It is going to ramp up extremely. Yesterday that entire board got shut down for 7 hours a day after Donald Trump made that incriminating post on his website about targeting anyone that comes after him.
    Trump is in meltdown mode, and so are his morons. They are going to come here and try to make everyone else miserable. Avoid posting during peak hours. Use filters. Don't reply to bait.
    If you want proof of this, enter a thread and blogpost about something. Phrase it in a way that shows you are struggling, mad, or upset about stuff.
    Chances are you will get some shitpost, demoralizing replies.

    Take that same post and phrase it in a positive way that shows you are making progress in life, or learned a life lesson or something. They will ignore it, but the genuine anons will contribute, ask questions, and participate.

  38. 10 months ago

    >lol? ... *sigh*
    If this doesn't become part of a copypasta this board is dead to me.

    • 10 months ago

      I like it, but most of his posts are too specific to copypaste cause he keeps bringing up the specific shit he's seething about

  39. 10 months ago

    Accept you're wrong. TR was a game made for D-pad or keyboard only controls, it was never made for analogs. Yes, you can play it on analog, you can also finish Dark Souls on a DDR pad but it's not really the intended method of control so it comes with inconveniences because of course it fricking does.

    More importantly


    You should never have this problem on keyboard or a proper D-pad. If it ever actually happens, call whoever made your D-pad for a refund because it's clearly a hardware problem.

    • 10 months ago

      >Accept you're wrong. TR was a game made for D-pad or keyboard only controls, it was never made for analogs. Yes, you can play it on analog, you can also finish Dark Souls on a DDR pad but it's not really the intended method of control so it comes with inconveniences because of course it fricking does.

      >repeats point that shows they obviously haven't read all the replies on the topic
      >compares analog sticks, a very basic and widespread controller input, to ddr pads

      why do I even bother? can somebody genuinely tell me? I don't know how I keep doing it? how is it possible that I keep going on like this. it's like, I almost want to shed a tear for how stupid these people are. It's like impossible to have any nuanced conversation when I have to explain, contexualizes and elaborate so much because they JUST CANT understand it. They just can't, and they don't realize it. So when I end up typing paragraphs, they don't understand the necessity for the paragraphs because the genuinely can't put themselves in my perspective with everything I've had to deal with.

      it's all so tiresome. lol idk what to do.

      • 10 months ago

        Nobody cares what you've "had to deal with". Y'know, this is probably the root of your problem
        This isn't your personal blog. It's an anonymous site, after this thread ends, I will forget your moronation even exists
        >b-but I proved
        Nobody cares
        >b-but they can't understand
        Nobody cares

  40. 10 months ago
    there u, if u dont like v culture then leave

  41. 10 months ago

    Youd have to go back in time before 2014 for that. Maybe even before 2011. Gamergate and tortanic really killed the discourse on this board

  42. 10 months ago

    you know what guys, OP here. This thread has become redundant, and not a single person has actually been able to make an argument against anything I've said without adhoming and strawmanning. So I think I can finally be done. It would have been real nice If I could have gotten any help with that TR3 thing, but it looks like you all are just too incompetent for that! I think I might genuinely consider trying with reddit. it'll probably be less engagement, but frick it, this place isn't any better right? lmao! peace! till next time maybe!

    • 10 months ago

      If only you would actually leave forever.

  43. 10 months ago

    the small portion of this board that doesn't fall into
    is mostly composed of anons of the "i'm too smart to explain you why you're wrong" mentality so you'll just get one liners of people telling you to go frick yourself and not much else
    just get in to save memes and leave, if you want to talk about videogames make friends with similar tastes, because you won't find meaningful discusison here

    • 10 months ago

      I don't know why people say so many presumptuous things? do they think they're actually making a point even though it doesn't engage with the reality or context of what the person is saying? Beyond the fact of "being too smart to explain why you're wrong" being SO vague and subjective, the fact that I can't seem to find a reason why any of this would be relevant to me when it reads like a lecture or platitude.

      Like you guys don't even try to be grounded or reasonable. You can always only engage with things through narratives or associations, but you're so surrounded in an echo chamber that you don't even have the self awareness to realize that ME TELLING YOU THAT WHAT YOURE SAYING DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING BECAUSE IT DOESNT MAP ONTO MY EXPERIEMCES. Will make you cry and say "waaaaahhh arrogant!", "waaaaaaah pretentious!", even though it's literally objectively true since what's relevant to me, is decided by me...seeing as I started the topic.

    • 10 months ago

      yeah bro, I'm out, seen enough of these to know that I'm not completely delusional lmao, wish it was easier said than done to find cool friends to talk vidya with. I DID actually find one group of friends that were really cool to talk anime with in depth, back when I was still into anime, but man, they're so rare it's unbelievable. I'll figure sometime out I guess, or just continue to coast alone in a sea of meaninglessness.

  44. 10 months ago

    Video games?

    Why are you shouting at eachother?

    What is going on anons?

    • 10 months ago

      tourists making reddit posts
      Don't worry. They are used to getting gold and updoots so they are confused their long meandering doesn't work here.

    • 10 months ago

      I've been trolling OP by copypasting snippets of his own mental breakdowns back at him
      I haven't even played Tomb Raider since 2002 or something lel

  45. 10 months ago

    >234 posts of people feeding attention to a megalomaniacal narcissist
    You guys seriously need to learn that doing this is a bad idea and never leads to anything positive.

  46. 10 months ago

    >Spams threads about a decades old dead and buried game series for weeks
    >Wants others to be reasonable
    One word: Fricking lol.

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