How do I get GW to send me free stuff?

How do I get GW to send me free stuff? Seems they'll send stuff to anyone they're friendly with even if they have like 200 followers. Especially women and... """women"""

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  1. 7 months ago

    Be friendly with them, so youre fricked.

  2. 7 months ago

    Women help sell products. Fat lonely neckbeards like myself like looking at pretty girls doing hobbies we like. It makes us feel less alone for a few seconds. Until the sadness and despair of our modern society sets back in and we remember that modern womyns hate white males for existing.

    • 7 months ago

      Women are subhuman and should never have been given rights. You debase yourself by fawning over them

      • 7 months ago

        >fawning over them
        Watching a video with a woman in it is fawning? You are fricking moronic.

        • 7 months ago

          Please tell me that's not just contrast paint slapped on the vehicles. The image is shit so I can stay in denial a little longer.

          Broadsword seems to think that's how it's supposed to work. Those thumbnails are cringe.

        • 7 months ago

          There's no reason to watch a hobby video with a woman in it otherwise, they have no expertise or skills that surpass men in relation to tabletop games

      • 7 months ago

        you'll get your dick sucked one day anon, i believe in you

        • 7 months ago

          Please tell me that's not just contrast paint slapped on the vehicles. The image is shit so I can stay in denial a little longer.

          Broadsword seems to think that's how it's supposed to work. Those thumbnails are cringe.

          >fawning over them
          Watching a video with a woman in it is fawning? You are fricking moronic.

          Women are subhuman and should never have been given rights. You debase yourself by fawning over them

          Women help sell products. Fat lonely neckbeards like myself like looking at pretty girls doing hobbies we like. It makes us feel less alone for a few seconds. Until the sadness and despair of our modern society sets back in and we remember that modern womyns hate white males for existing.

          All of you are moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      Please consider self improvement.

      • 7 months ago

        Women just don’t tell me what they want. Awful frick holes.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hate white males
      Stop looking at porn and going on /misc/. Every woman prefer whites. Pale complexions have always been historically preferred. Darker people's even write songs about white people. Why do you think the world minority is the group with the most power? Seriously, if you don't believe me; date brown and black people. They literally bash on their own people. I'm tall and white, also have social skills so I'm bias. But the most racist people I have always met have been women. I think Black dudes are like bimbo women for dudes. Maybe you wanna try it, but definitely not keep it around.

      • 7 months ago

        Dunno if that’s accurate man, people are into whatever is different. I grew up in a town full of blonde white girls and a blonde will never get a second look from me meanwhile I loooove dark skinned brunette’s. My soon to be wife is Sicilian Italian and often gets mistaken for being a poo.

        Same interest rule applies for engagement when it comes to stuff like 40K, I’m tired of the neckbearded whiners on YouTube so I’m much more likely to click on ones with a female presenter or a fit dude.

        • 7 months ago

          You're clearly a narcissist so this will fall on deaf ears, but for the sake of anyone you interact with in future I'll try anyway: you are not everyone. The vast majority of people - statistically - are not rabid novelty seekers. They don't want big risks, or difference, or all that much variety. They want the things they like, things they've pretty much always liked, things that are similar to the things their peers and families and cultural group like. The very reason modern idpol leftism is so alien to most people is that most people are not like you and do not have a huge outgroup-preference.

          • 7 months ago

            Jesus people are boring then.

    • 7 months ago

      >Women help sell products. Fat lonely neckbeards like myself like looking at pretty girls doing hobbies we like. It makes us feel less alone for a few seconds. Until the sadness and despair of our modern society sets back in and we remember that modern womyns hate white males for existing.
      Sex sells amirite?

  3. 7 months ago

    >Build a small following.
    >Reach out to them asking if they have any events you can be a part of at your local GW store.
    >Use this as an opportunity to build a relationship with the local GW PR rep.
    >Don't be a total autist, ensuring you hide your /tg/ affiliation.
    >Get free shit.
    It's not hard anon, you only need to do it a few times before you get added to the short list for people when they're looking too do cheap advertisement
    Also, don't shit talk AoS openly is trash sure but that won't help you get any friends in the brand

  4. 7 months ago

    It’s actually very easy
    >order big order
    >claim you never received it
    >get another big box

  5. 7 months ago

    >order finecast
    >wait until you get said item
    >take picture
    >send it to geedubs
    >get another copy of the same item for free

  6. 7 months ago

    >I hope they are nothing like Hipsters of the Coast

  7. 7 months ago

    >Buy miniatures
    >Complain about miscast
    >They send you replacement
    >Don’t even ask for pics
    >Get duplicates of any kits you need multiples of
    GW is garbage but they have pretty solid customer service, which is easy to abuse.

    • 7 months ago

      i did that once but for legitimate reasons as i kept getting miscasts. They didnt like it pretty quickly and theyll stop at the third time then blacklist you. Even if its their fault.

  8. 7 months ago

    Start a YouTube channel called something pretending you're a girl
    >Lady of Paints
    Use a voice changer, show your miniatures on videos, never show yourself or your hands. Post like one video a week and hope the YouTube algorithm will favor you.

  9. 7 months ago

    The number of shills and astroturfing for legions imperialis on jootoob right now is absolutely disgusting.
    What complete turdlets want product so bad that they'll make shitty one off content

    • 7 months ago

      It's genuinely sad what's happened to hobbytube since GW got their hooks in. All the painting stuff is drowned out by morons spouting the same basic-b***h newbie advice desperately hoping the algo will make them the new Duncan so they can cash in. All the people actually trying to post the cool shit they do or real product reviews of stuff they bought for themselves are impossible to find in the sea of "full disclosure GW sent me this product for free" homosexuals and prostitutes. Any of the more recent crop who actually have some talent or ability immediately paywall it with a patreon because the notion of just *sharing* your hobby with other hobbyists is alien to these "influencer/side hustle" parasites.

      God I miss when the internet was devoid of normies.

  10. 7 months ago

    lie and say you are a woman... a black woman

    • 7 months ago

      and be lame and gay

      • 7 months ago

        No black women should be hot and sexy prostitutes like Nicki Minaj do you think GW wouldn’t give models to Nicki Minaj?

        • 7 months ago

          >the joke

  11. 7 months ago

    Remember, the plastic and paper basically cost them nothing. You just have to make yourself a good social media presence that they are looking for. If you only use Warhammer products, and are in shape and relatively attractive, they'll probably send you stuff. Just remember, every single one of their marketing pushes is to try and shake the fat smelly gatekeeping nerd stereotype. If you're a good looking dude with a good amount of followers and follow their rules, they will send you everything you could want.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you're a good looking dude with a good amount of followers and follow their rules, they will send you everything you could want.
      This is clearly not true because I've come across trannies with like 200 followers who barely paint above fingerpainting level somehow getting free product.

      • 7 months ago

        All trannies are part of the special elite club these days. It's no surprise so many men are trooning out when they get special treatment. Look at Esra Miller. He literally committed kidnapping, assault, and other crimes and when the police showed up would shout
        >I'm non-binary you can't touch me!
        Fricking clown world.

      • 7 months ago

        A box doesn't cost them anything, so it's a easy way to say they "support diversity" in their gaming community without doing anything else.

        • 7 months ago

          I bet they get some fricking ESG score from it too.

  12. 7 months ago

    Answered your own question anon, it's time for the snip snip

    Maybe you could fake being a girl online jej

    • 7 months ago

      This post has been overly ignored. The key to getting free shit from GW is to troon out or at least pretend to be part of the alphabet brigade. I've seen them get enormous amounts of free shit just for being gay at my work. For example shifts that are basically doing nothing for three hours from home SOMEHOW all were given to the 2 gay people.

  13. 7 months ago

    Get a 3d printer dumbass. Why the frick would you waste time assembling shitty inferior GW kits?

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine spending all that money on a 3D printer and being so much of a buck-broken GW b***h, you use it to print miniatures for a shitty idiot's game like Warhammer 40k.
      If my son did this, I'd take him out for a hunting accident.

  14. 7 months ago

    you have to have a following (even 200 people is probably twice what most people manage), get engagement - you can see here there's been 1701 views and 28 likes (the retweet and reply may be from the author but multiple retweets and replies would indicate engagement)

    and of course you have to be able to paint in a timely, appropriate and presentable fashion

    you don't have to produce masterworks - in fact for lower-tier influencers your level of ability might appeal to your followers specifically - but you also can't be out there painting nazi shit on your models, only showing off models that were released ten years ago in front of an avalanche of honte grise or fricking around generally

    nobody cares if you said "I don't like this new GW model" six months ago

    marketing cares if you spent the last six months saying "frick this GW model in particular I'll be boycotting it on release and encourage you to do so as well"

    marketing controls the budget that these things are paid from (probably more or less at production cost for the whole box, plus courier cost) so marketing decides where to send them which may well be aimed at groups the company either wants to increase sales to or at particular influencers who have good engagement with those segments of the market

    this is all Very Basic Stuff that most 12 year olds kind of understand and most 18 year olds explicitly understand today, if you want Free Stuff from Company, you gotta build your Personal Brand

    is it a dystopian hellscape? kinda, but it's how marketing has worked since late Antiquity, so frick you, spaceman, this is our planet

  15. 7 months ago

    Spam warhammer content on social media accounts made for spamming warhammer content.

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