How do I git gud at Tenchu?

How do I git gud at Tenchu?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Is it even possible to avoid being spotted by this guy? He just paces back and forth in front of that wall, and the only time he stops is to look in my direction every so many cycles. I don't get it. There's a scorecard at the end of this training stage that suggests I should be able to avoid detection entirely for a perfect score.

    What do?

    • 2 years ago

      Run up and kill him. You can move a lot faster than you think.
      Double tap forward and jump, and you'll cover that distance easy.

    • 2 years ago

      Use the grappling hook to do a ceiling drop on him?

    • 2 years ago

      I played this decades ago on a pirated japanese version so I'm not sure if it's this way for you but here's what I noticed: all enemies have a pattern that they walk on, but sometimes they stop suddenly and look directly at you. I noticed they do this about every 10 seconds so you can plan around it. I think this is a very lame thing that the developers made and it made me lower my rating for the game a bit. It's still great though, 9/10 for me

      • 2 years ago

        Played the NA release, and I can confirm. There's essentially two kinds of sentries. One moves exactly the way you describe, patrolling back and forth over the same area, and periodically turning to face in your direction every 10 seconds or so. The other kind is stationary and randomly turns left or right randomly in 30 degree increments. The trick is just to sneak up and watch them, and then exploit them when you know their back will be turned.

        As for other advice, the most important items in your arsenal aside from the grappling hook are health potions, grenades, shuriken, and poison rice. Grenades can tear large chunks off of bosses, but are otherwise not advisable. Shuriken can one shot dogs, but will just piss off everything else. Poison rice is good for instances in which there may be an overlap between patrolling guards, but it's usually more beneficial to get in there and slit throats quickly. You get special items for earning Grand Master on the stages, but the only one that's really useful is Ninja Armor, which you get for GM rank on stage 5.

        Also, crouch alot. You can turn diagonally while stepping backward in a crouch, which helps you with reorienting your direction, especially if you're lining up a tricky jump.

      • 2 years ago

        Played the NA release, and I can confirm. There's essentially two kinds of sentries. One moves exactly the way you describe, patrolling back and forth over the same area, and periodically turning to face in your direction every 10 seconds or so. The other kind is stationary and randomly turns left or right randomly in 30 degree increments. The trick is just to sneak up and watch them, and then exploit them when you know their back will be turned.

        As for other advice, the most important items in your arsenal aside from the grappling hook are health potions, grenades, shuriken, and poison rice. Grenades can tear large chunks off of bosses, but are otherwise not advisable. Shuriken can one shot dogs, but will just piss off everything else. Poison rice is good for instances in which there may be an overlap between patrolling guards, but it's usually more beneficial to get in there and slit throats quickly. You get special items for earning Grand Master on the stages, but the only one that's really useful is Ninja Armor, which you get for GM rank on stage 5.

        Also, crouch alot. You can turn diagonally while stepping backward in a crouch, which helps you with reorienting your direction, especially if you're lining up a tricky jump.

        >but sometimes they stop suddenly and look directly at you. I noticed they do this about every 10 seconds so you can plan around it
        Lol what shit gameplay design

    • 2 years ago

      I'm really liking this game a lot but boy do I suck

      This frustrates me too; it seems like the enemies can see you a mile away before you even know they're there. The ki meter helps a bit, but not that much. Oh well, such is early 3D.

      Happy to say that after much fooling about, I finally killed this fatass.

      play at original resolution, YEESH.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll happily play without texture correction, I even eventually wen't back to 4:3, but I will not accept low resolution.

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    step one: turn on perspective correction

    • 2 years ago


      i bet you use non-CRT smoothing filters for pixel art too

  4. 2 years ago

    Master the understanding of the KI meter.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm really liking this game a lot but boy do I suck

  6. 2 years ago

    I played this recently. The view distance sucks.
    How are you supposed to sneak up on or avoid enemies when you can't see whats 5 yards ahead of you ?

    • 2 years ago

      This frustrates me too; it seems like the enemies can see you a mile away before you even know they're there. The ki meter helps a bit, but not that much. Oh well, such is early 3D.

      Happy to say that after much fooling about, I finally killed this fatass.

    • 2 years ago

      This frustrates me too; it seems like the enemies can see you a mile away before you even know they're there. The ki meter helps a bit, but not that much. Oh well, such is early 3D.

      Happy to say that after much fooling about, I finally killed this fatass.

      By not being blindsided by modern technology.

    • 2 years ago

      If you go into first person the view distance should increase a bit.

    • 2 years ago

      This frustrates me too; it seems like the enemies can see you a mile away before you even know they're there. The ki meter helps a bit, but not that much. Oh well, such is early 3D.

      Happy to say that after much fooling about, I finally killed this fatass.

      The alert distance is lower than the view distance. If you hear the heartbeat just crouch and roll away by double tapping a direction. To quickly turn around press crouch and jump or in combat walk backwards and turn. The controls work surpsingly well once you got used to them.

  7. 2 years ago

    Custom Level (ePSXe)
    Tenchu 2:

  8. 2 years ago

    How does this compare to thief? Never played it before.

    • 2 years ago

      Thief is way harder

      • 2 years ago

        But who'd want to play as some lousy thief with no honor?

        • 2 years ago

          Wait are thieves the dishonorable ones compared to killers now? I thought of the two, thieves were regarded as the ones with honor and assassins the ones who discard it.

          • 2 years ago

            Heard of honor among killers? Yeah me neither. Thief even mocks killers as amateurs.

  9. 2 years ago

    You gotta learn how to enjoy the nice~ night~.

    • 2 years ago

      Just finished it. Very satisfied. Final boss was a shithead with his stupid stunlocking lightning attack.

      Frick dogs in this game holy shit. I don't understand how I can ever best them. They ALWAYS see me before I can even get close enough to throw shuriken.

      I had to hold back a chuckle the first few times I heard this in-game.
      Nice~ night~!

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