how do i make online friends to play vidya with for frick sake

how do i make online friends to play vidya with for frick sake
My only IRL friends that play games enjoy different games than I do

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  1. 2 years ago

    apparently discord but i don't use discord so i play forever alone

    • 2 years ago

      problem with discord is finding a server
      On one hand you want to join a server
      on the other, you wouldn't join a server publicly advertised

  2. 2 years ago

    >mange to find a group of people to play games with
    >have fun and they seem cool
    >time passes and get to know them more
    >they turn out to be mentally disturbed degenerates

    Why does this happen? I just want to look for people who act like normal humans.

    • 2 years ago

      if you want to normal humans you need to look for real life, internet has turned into central for mentally disturbed degenerates its not like early 2000s and 90s anymore

      • 2 years ago

        how do you find an IRL friend to play vidya with
        I havent met a single man in 9 years who plays video games

        • 2 years ago

          Go to a local arcade if your city has it. Honestly man it's weird you say that because almost everyone, I know plays vidya. Except most people are casuals. If they're a girl it's The Sims or Animal Crossing. If they're a guy then it's Madden or FIFA.

    • 2 years ago

      This hurts more than it should, they're just online friends but I get warmed up to them too quickly only to find out they're insane to some degree and even worse they're attention seeking drama prostitutes. I'm glad I have a few close IRL friends who are as "sane" as I am but I've only ever met one person online before out of the hundreds who was just a regular person and it was a real woman of all people. Granted she was married and had two kids so it makes sense why she wasn't a raving lunatic, but you'd think with the sea of people out there communicating with other random people online that there would be way more "regular" people to be found especially ones to play video games with

      how do you find an IRL friend to play vidya with
      I havent met a single man in 9 years who plays video games

      I suggest looking into hang outs/meet ups in your area where other guys get together to play video games or something else you're interested in. I accidentally come across many men who play video games and it's a little sad because they seem embarrassed about it when I find out only for me to express my own joy of video games and they become more open to talking about them

      • 2 years ago

        literally none, I searched already

        what games you play?

        used to play dota but I wanted to play otger games like tabletop sim or deep rock galactic or risk of rain

        Find guild/clan, join discord, play stuff
        Find streamer playing Jackbox that is based, join discord, make friends, play other stuff

        thats the issue, I cant find anything like that

        • 2 years ago

          >tabletop sim
          Check the catalog.

    • 2 years ago

      many such cases

    • 2 years ago

      Huh? When anons say they have no friends I usually see them complain about the exact opposite, i.e. encountering normies everywhere and never finding any fellow sick fricks.

    • 2 years ago

      >mange to find a group of people to play games with
      >have fun and they seem cool
      >time passes and get to know them more
      >they turn out to be nice boomer normalgays with busy lives
      >they dont play as much as i do
      >when they do i come to realize they're actually pretty shit at the game
      >they dont get my humor or references
      >we dont have any real common ground on a personal level
      >they think im a bit odd

    • 2 years ago

      >mange to find a group of people to play games with
      >have fun and they seem cool
      >time passes and get to know them more
      >they turn out to be nice boomer normalgays with busy lives
      >they dont play as much as i do
      >when they do i come to realize they're actually pretty shit at the game
      >they dont get my humor or references
      >we dont have any real common ground on a personal level
      >they think im a bit odd

      feeling this big time. friendslist has been empty for awhile now. maybe i'm just too jaded from 4chin or something, but its so hard for me to find people that arent these types, or, the type where they do play and get the references but are way too far gone and are just extremely edgy.

      • 2 years ago

        Where are you from?

      • 2 years ago

        >lost interest in new mp games
        >just wish to play same pre 2015 shit cycling through it like dow, civ5, soase, tf2c, supcom and some others to compstomp and have fun without trying too hard
        >everyone always playing new bland fotm crap
        >no one shitposts for fun, people are genuinely going for reports of they feel offended instead of sucking it up
        I just don't want to accept that golden age is over.

  3. 2 years ago

    just keep looking for in game players until a human shows up.

  4. 2 years ago

    what games you play?

  5. 2 years ago

    Find guild/clan, join discord, play stuff
    Find streamer playing Jackbox that is based, join discord, make friends, play other stuff

  6. 2 years ago

    basically all my online friends i still play regularly with are from the garrysmod/tf2/source engine days
    its too hard making friends on modern games cos everything is built around matchmaking so you never see the same people more than 1-2 times, in the old days you'd just regular on a server and talk to the other regulars and you'd get to know each other over time
    good luck anon it ain't easy out there

  7. 2 years ago

    >join server
    >everyone in server is my friend
    It's that easy. You can do it too.

  8. 2 years ago

    >the only vidya friend I've made online was a furry who helped me ruin a lobby by him spamming furry porn and me shitposting
    >I said I was whacking off to the furry porn mid game and he asked me if I needed "help"
    >actually got turned on
    I'm... I'm still straight, right anons?

    • 2 years ago

      depends, did you take his help?

    • 2 years ago

      That's one thing tho.. just like perusing /b/ don't get psyopped likes this homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it's not gay if it's online

  9. 2 years ago

    Literally go to Google n type "..." discord lol... all of my long term friends I met I game or via discord... only acquaintances irl because irl ppl just frick you over when the opportunity for personal gain presents itself; long dead are the days of some Frodo n Sam tier honor.

    I digress.. it's so easy to meet ppl on dedicated servers, the there's also reddit servers, guild/clan servers, etc... but starting at the games main form of discord (official or non, doesn't matter as long as popular), is the trick to meeting new ppl. He'll, I'm about to finish this shit, peruse the NA LFG for rainbow6 n meme away w/ some idiots... he'll even my frickn everquest p99(green server) guild has a discord

    • 2 years ago

      Not surprised a discord homosexual unironically talks like this, Jesus Christ have some self awareness.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't you have some community outreach to do?

      • 2 years ago

        Self awareness, because I'm charismatic, happy, and have ppl that want to actually be around me?
        >discord gay
        >has no one that cares about him irl or online
        Lol no one likes u, u ugly fat frick.. he's not looking for advice on how to be a lonely moron, but if this is OP..m might be some indication why u have no one to play w/

        • 2 years ago

          man you try WAAAY too hard
          oh and here's your obligatory (you)

          • 2 years ago

            I don't understand what I'm trying for, but if you are as obtuse and egregious as you've demonstrated here... then all I have to offer is my luck & condolences

    • 2 years ago

      Holy shit that new pasta.

      • 2 years ago

        >omg he has friends n he's encouraging me in the right direction to find some myself
        >wat a gay
        I guess turbo-autism isn't hard-locked to /b/... in trying to make more friends n explore different avenues; ur just making the world a shittier place lol

  10. 2 years ago

    what games are you playing? anything with a friends list and in-game voice chat is as simple add to friends -> invite them to play more -> if they cool enough u can move to discord (if they're annoying just delete and never associate with them again it's that simple). tons of people are willing to be friends with you on valorant + fortnite for example if u dont mind an age difference. with all that being said, you're not gonna find friends on dota anymore as civilized people do not really touch the game. it's all 3rd worlders.

  11. 2 years ago

    Depends on what you play, I play SS13 and they all play weird shit outside of it
    Library of Ruina
    Crusader Kings
    Roblox shit, which I do play with them sometimes
    Haven’t once seen anyone talk about Fortnite, APEX, COD, animal farm, they are all freaks and I love it

    • 2 years ago

      love library of ruina and lob corp, I don't have high hopes for the gacha shit though and its killing me inside.

  12. 2 years ago

    just be nice to people and four out of five times they'll like you, this is coming from my hours in csgo though so your results may vary

  13. 2 years ago

    Rule 1: Everyone online is a homosexual
    Rule 2: This includes you
    Rule 3: Expect everyone else to act like a homosexual
    Rule 4: You have the choice to not act like a homosexual

    Just be awesome to others, don't be afraid to talk openly, and avoid real life bullshit like politics like the plague.

  14. 2 years ago

    Play co-op games in public and communicate. Some people will send you friend requests if they think playing with you was fun.

  15. 2 years ago

    Make a fricking normal post/lfg themed thread saying you're looking for ppl to play with.
    List your region, post your games played list, post what kinda games you're looking to play and just wait.
    I've had success with this method, but also some complete nutjobs whom I blocked after 1 game.
    Crying won't get you anywhere

  16. 2 years ago

    at least you have irl friends OP
    i have no friends irl or virtual

  17. 2 years ago

    I just talk shi non stop and then people pick me up cause they know im the heat.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Have two online friends.
    >The two were friends long before I met them, but we ended up like the three musketeers. Bros 4 lyfe and shit.
    >Close enough to consider them like brothers.
    >Bought stuff for each other and steam games. We've sent each other various things, everything from old tech to convention signatures and old PS1 games and a 360.
    >Spend thousands of hours chatting, gaming and generally being close.
    >Over a decade as friends.
    >Friends start spending more time with mutual friends the two had.
    >Figure that's normal, since friends are not stuck together at the hips 24/7.
    >Friends I made after meeting the other two friends that became close with the two are now talking less and less to me.
    >Days and sometimes weeks of silence.
    >They make a discord.
    >Things seem to get better.
    >They invite some other friends.
    >End up being ignored by everyone else.
    >Chat with friend I had made after meeting other two friends. "Oh yeah, we had been talking about you doing that a lot."
    >They've all been shit talking me behind my back for years now.

    I give up. Trusted these lads with so much of my life and feelings and shit, and they did not even have the decency to tell me to my face that they had issues with me. I just hope they are happy now that they've all but ghosted me.

    • 2 years ago

      What were the issues?

      >"Oh yeah, we had been talking about you doing that a lot."
      What did you do, anon?

      tfw also lost a lad I made online, only have 1 friend of the trio but we barely do anything anymore

      • 2 years ago

        Apparently they just found me annoying and irritating in any and all ways I interacted with them, yet never said or did anything about it in the twelve or so years of knowing me. It genuinely hurts knowing they were either pitying me or disgusted or annoyed or whatever for all that time all while shit talking me when I was not around. I just want to know if our friendship was a lie.

        • 2 years ago

          That's rough, anon.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah. Shit sucks and I've ended up with a friend complex. On the bright side I did get a bunch of free games and shit in the process of losing my faith in my fellow man and the bonds of friendship.

        • 2 years ago

          can relate, although in my case I just figured out that they didn't like me, they were finding me annoying and were probably hanging out with me out of spite/habit.
          Honestly now that I understand my situation, Im not as mad

        • 2 years ago

          In nearly 15 years of Gankerning, I've yet to meet one person who will read/watch/play things I like but they all expect me to read/watch/play things they like. I give up. I've been exposed to so much shit now with few-to-no people to discuss it with at all.

          That's shitty, anon. And I've seen too many posts like yours where dumb shitposters act like you're 100% in the fault, able to mind read these monkeys and magically /know/ that you are disliked. You are better off without such sociopaths in your life.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's shitty, anon. And I've seen too many posts like yours where dumb shitposters act like you're 100% in the fault, able to mind read these monkeys and magically /know/ that you are disliked. You are better off without such sociopaths in your life.
            Thanks anon. I'll be the first to admit that I have my fair share of issues and less than appealing quirks, but I'm not such a c**t that I would not try and fix them or improve whatever they would have issues with if told. After I posted

            Thanks to this thread I've effectively pruned my friends list to the bone. Two friends left out of ten I had, most of those ten I barely had any contact with anymore. Former friends of over a decade now unfriended, but the only one that made my resolve falter was unfriending a friend who died in 2017. Ideally I would remove all friends, but that would be an butthole thing to do to the only friends I have left that like me.

            I up and closed steam and I've been feeling so much better overall. A breath of fresh air and all that. The thought of going back on steam and either having messages asking why I unfriended, or no messages at all has me a bit worried though. /blog.

          • 2 years ago

            >I've yet to meet one person who will read/watch/play things I like but they all expect me to read/watch/play things they like. I give up. I've been exposed to so much shit now with few-to-no people to discuss it with at all.
            I feel this, I've got a friend only ever talks about the shit they only like but has yet to actually show interest.

  19. 2 years ago

    what games do you like?

  20. 2 years ago

    I can relate to a lot of this thread and feel for you all.

    >Be me, highschool is shit, lost girlfriend and friends.
    >Decide to find an online comm to not be completely alone.
    >Find some bros playing tf2, all great.
    >Years go by, play loads of games.
    >Eventually one of the guys moves to my hometown.
    >I ask him to meet up and hang
    >Just finds excuses not to, and ends up ghosting me.
    >Grow distant. Years and thousands of hours; yet no meaningful friendships.

    Be much older.

    >Playing fighting games.
    >Make a nice small group of friends.
    >After a few years, they just start being abusive and weird.
    >Again, massive amount of my life lost where I have no good relationships to show for it.

    On the positive, whenever I attend fighting game events offline, I always have a great time - even people I dislike online are usually chill and great to hang out with.

    If you're going to play games to make friends, pick something that has an offline/tournament scene so you can really hang out and experience people at their best. If you are having a good time hanging online, just enjoy each day for what it's worth, and don't expect anything to last.

    • 2 years ago


      I also think Discord in the past few years as been really toxic for building strong relationships online.

      The old McLuhan adage, "the medium is the message". Teamspeak as a medium was incredibly intimate. When you joined, everyone saw you, you had to say hi. There was no real lurking or assessing a server before you joined, in the same way that you can in Discord. Feels like the sum of the platform's tools really benefits egotistical people who want to centre a comm around themselves, rather than a topic or game. You also have situations where servers for a topic or game are absent of all the most authorative and ideal people, because they don't want to be around new players and kids, where Discord will be their first point of call.

      Very much ready for Discord to be replaced by a better technology. It's approaching Twitter levels of toxicity and moronation.

      That being said, I don't miss calling my friends on the telephone to get IP addresses. Life's ok.

      • 2 years ago

        >Very much ready for Discord to be replaced by a better technology
        Discord killed online interactions because it IS that "better technology". It's got so much convenience packaged into one program that game devs are even starting to slack on communication features because why would they? People would rather talk in Discord because it does everything for them. Better technology won't do anything but increase the amount of convenience 3rd party programs give you, the only way to return to pre-Discord days is impossible.

  21. 2 years ago

    you don't

    never had a friendship (if you can call it that, i've got no damn clue what counts as one) online that lasted to this day, i've always kind off drifted away from everyone doing my own thing.

    I prefer playing with randoms, people I don't know or barely know. Organizing together to play a game, finish the mission, kill the enemies etc. with no drama

  22. 2 years ago

    Thanks to this thread I've effectively pruned my friends list to the bone. Two friends left out of ten I had, most of those ten I barely had any contact with anymore. Former friends of over a decade now unfriended, but the only one that made my resolve falter was unfriending a friend who died in 2017. Ideally I would remove all friends, but that would be an butthole thing to do to the only friends I have left that like me.

  23. 2 years ago

    discord servers, community groups, or just meeting them in game is what i met, what games are you playing?

  24. 2 years ago

    Shilling this thread for people who are interested:


  25. 2 years ago

    My experience with discord is absolutely skewed because I have only been active in one scene for two servers for one game and absolutely every single person I talk to on a daily basis is from this community. Almost all my internet friends have ties to this community and I have barely experienced the public discord thing.

  26. 2 years ago

    add losers and filter them out until you get good ones
    here's my steam, add me

  27. 2 years ago

    head to twitch and find somebody with low viewers, type in hey can i join your game and boom you have a new game buddy

    • 2 years ago

      >befriending wannabe streamers
      next you'll say to check furry discords for new teammates

      • 2 years ago

        Yikes. You, please remain alone.
        There are a ton of realistic streamers who know they won't make it huge, but have fun streaming in their little 5-20 person communities.

        head to twitch and find somebody with low viewers, type in hey can i join your game and boom you have a new game buddy

        , it might be worth hanging out for a stream or two before asking to join. Like any rando, some people put on a good first impression only to out themselves as a huge c**t later down the line. Chat a bit, crack some jokes to see if they get your humor.

  28. 2 years ago

    Been getting back into R6S recently, seems like they finally have the game decently balanced. I also play Roblox, Team Fortress 2, Etterna, and Space Station 13 from time to time. You can find my link's here (furgay warning)

  29. 2 years ago

    It's impossible now. Zoomers are soloQ only.

    • 2 years ago

      You've never played a multiplayer game in the last three years moron they're always in a three or four stack and talking over discord or game chat if they're kind enough

  30. 2 years ago

    discord is perfect just get over it boomers
    make your own server
    play games with randoms, be good, add people that you play with that are good
    message them to play again and invite to your discord
    build discord of people worth playing with
    ban whoever you want
    alternatively you ask and you join their discord and meet other anons to play with
    it's really not that fricking hard
    I've done this with many games and am saturated in cool friends to play with
    I'm an openly raciat nationalist that curses israelites, Black folk, and gays
    but once you establish that base line you can talk about life and TV and women and whatever
    just stop being a homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      discord is fricking gay lol enjoy your moronic wasteland game filled with bots

  31. 2 years ago

    wish i had friends so i could enjoy games more

  32. 2 years ago

    I just friend random people within the game's own servers. Sometimes it works.

  33. 2 years ago

    I have the same problem with my irl friends not liking the same Vidya
    >Closest friend's top games look like this:
    >RimWorld 1200 hours
    >Ark 1000 hours
    >Kenshi 800 hours
    >Oxygen not included 500 hours
    >Fallout 4 500 hours
    >Stardew valley 300 hours

    >My top games be like:
    >Souls & friends around 1300 combined including elden ring
    >Hunt: Showdown 1100 hours
    >Killing floor 2 400 hours
    >Hell let loose 200 hours and growing
    >Recently started playing the cycle: frontier as well
    >Of course I have shit like Skyrim with 1500 hours and new Vegas around 600, kingdom come deliverance at 300 etc it's not like I don't play single player games
    >But this mf doesn't play anything multiplayer except ark and that's because his wife dragged him into it

  34. 2 years ago

    >All of my friends are entertainers
    >Legendary banter everytime

  35. 2 years ago

    Idk, luck I guess. I met people on Ganker of all places and we're still in contact, hang around. Some were/are in relationships. This has been going for 5+ years now.
    For games, try joining discord servers in threads where they are advertised. Check reddit and other social media too. Play some games with them and lurk on their server to see if you like it.

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