How do I play this game correctly? What's the best civilization for a beginner and do I have to play extremely wide?

How do I play this game correctly? What's the best civilization for a beginner and do I have to play extremely wide?

Furthermore, how do I get the game to run on 1920x1080? I have it on Steam.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >How do I play this game correctly? What's the best civilization for a beginner and do I have to play extremely wide?

    >Furthermore, how do I get the game to run on 1920x1080? I have it on Steam.

    • 8 months ago


      We can literally walk home, there is nothing better to be posted here

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks. If you were a girl I would frick you (You seem based).

  2. 8 months ago

    Make sure you rush philosophy as a scientific Sci; you get two free advancements
    use that advantage in science and perpetually stay 2 steps ahead of everyone else; sell that shit to them for gold per turn and you're golden

  3. 8 months ago

    Contrary to the newer Civ titles, you need to go as wide as humanly possible. Early game is a delicate balance of settling as aggressively as possible while not getting steamrolled due to overinvesting in expansion. Individual cities are far less valuable, though.

  4. 8 months ago

    When playing the Persians, I am unable to upgrade my Warriors into Immortals when I have a warrior in a town with a barracks and access to iron. Is this a bug or is it intentional?

    • 8 months ago

      >town with a barracks and access to iron
      Does the town itself have access to iron? Check the resource box in the city screen. Also, upgrading warrior to immortal costs 40 gold (60 in Conquests; the rate is 2 (3) gold per shield of difference). Check if you have enough cash.

      • 8 months ago

        Thank you, it turns out that the game doesn't even show you the option to upgrade if you don't have enough gold for it, which means that you have to calculate how much gold you need yourself.

  5. 8 months ago

    >How do I play this game correctly?
    Stop being a nostalgia gay
    Then delete it and install Civ V

  6. 8 months ago

    >How do I play this game correctly?
    raze every forest you see, build roads on every tile

    • 8 months ago

      Damn, what a cool continent. Civ3 maps are still better than any other game ever.

      • 8 months ago

        shame about the roads, sadly civ4 had that problem too

  7. 8 months ago

    >do I have to play extremely wide?
    define "extremely wide".
    If you come from Civ 5 or 6 - yeah.
    If not - nah.
    It's Civ 5 that went full moron and had a 4X without "expand" part

  8. 8 months ago

    "Tall" and "wide" were not terms that were used when Civ3 came out. The tall play style was created for gamers who wanted a more casual Civ experience.
    Terms used on CivFanatics and Apolyton forums when Civ3 came out were things like Rapid Early Expansion (REX), Ring City Placement (RCP) and palace jump.
    Play wide because of REX. Civ 2 was terrible at this. Alpha Centauri got better, but the AI in Civ3 is strong in it. Even in the mid to late game, if you have one tile that is not covered in your culture, the AI will sail from the other side of the world to drop a settler on it. Early game, have a city or 2 pumping settlers.

  9. 8 months ago

    Explore and Expand, or you will be Exploited and Exterminated by the AI. You MUST expand. If by 1 AD you have less than the bare minimum of 10 cities (and preferably 12+), you're fricked. That continent you are starting on? If you don't take it over entirely by 1500 AD, you are fricked. Industrial era? You either have population growing 1 pop/2 turns, or you are fricked.

    • 8 months ago

      Also, Republic is the ultimate government. Nothing comes even close. Nothing.

      • 8 months ago

        >Also, Republic is the ultimate government. Nothing comes even close. Nothing.

        Isn't Democracy better than Republic when you're not at war?

        • 8 months ago

          Questionable in vanilla/PtW, but in Conquests Republic is better because it offers some unit support as opposed to none under Democracy. No matter how thin your forces are, you will pay for workers, transports, whatever defenders you have. Plus, when you actually do build units for a war, you support cost will also rise.

        • 8 months ago

          Zero unit support isn't worth it for less corruption also war weariness is extremely painful

  10. 8 months ago

    On what difficulty level are the player and AIs evenly matched, i.e neither of them has any mechanical advantages? Do the AIs cheat on every difficulty in this game?

    • 8 months ago

      Regent, actually.

      Thank you, it turns out that the game doesn't even show you the option to upgrade if you don't have enough gold for it, which means that you have to calculate how much gold you need yourself.

      Also note that upgrading *from* a unique unit into the next tier is free of charge.

  11. 8 months ago

    Man I really wish the age of sail lasted a bit longer

  12. 8 months ago

    Everything depends on the difficulty.
    Unique units are somewhat irrelevant, the key part of a civ are the 2 traits: the ancient eastern civ tend to be strong(egypt, babylon, persia), you can go for tall science victories as a beginner. If you want to be a pro, the meta is going wide, you pick mayans and shit out cities every turn and own as much of the map as possible(agricultural and industrious is a strong combo).

    When it comes to war, it usually makes sense to wait till you get cavalry(dark age), you want to focus on development until that point, getting all the good early wonders and getting as much unclaimed land as possible so you're able to produce a huge army. Another huge reason is despotism, this starter ideology lowers the value of each tile, to copy/paste the wiki:
    >Despotism has the 'Despotism Penalty' which reduces all commerce, production and food output done by citizen laborers by -1 when they produce more than 2.

    Unless you get a good map and play a civ with a strong ancient unique unit(like getting horses as egyptians for spamming chariots), in that case you can go for early aggression. Hell, if you play a map with neighbours extremely close by and you have iron as Persians, you can get away with spamming some immortals, they are slow but remain strong for a very long time. But overall early aggression will frick you up in the long term.

  13. 8 months ago

    This may be a stupid question but how do I advance to the next era? Do I need to research ALL of the advances of my current era?

    Also, how far away should I settle my cities from each other?

    • 8 months ago

      >This may be a stupid question but how do I advance to the next era? Do I need to research ALL of the advances of my current era?

      Nevermind, I read about it on the fandom wiki.

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