How do I play this game

Why am I getting my ass kicked by random dipshits on the streets?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Listen to the advice the npcs give you: join a camp.

  2. 2 years ago

    Invest in 1h weapon skill and get some armor

  3. 2 years ago

    >How do I play this game
    You don't. It's bad.

    • 2 years ago

      this but unironically, being a nobody instead of an almighty hero and getting your ass kicked by random bums is the main selling point of this game, after starting like act 3 it turns into the usual forgettable rpg and theres no reason to play it anymore.
      you've already experienced all gothic has to offer OP

      • 2 years ago

        Fricking filtered

    • 2 years ago

      It's better than any game you like

      • 2 years ago

        found the Kraut.

  4. 2 years ago

    but first 10 lp into 1h fighting

    suddenly it's actually easy

    • 2 years ago

      Wait how do I put in skillpoints? Im level 2 already and see no option to do so

      • 2 years ago

        you go to a trainer and learn the skill

        in the old camp the guy in the arena scatty can teach you fighting skills

        also go to the smithy in the swamp camp and pick the chest there, no one gives a frick about and you get a Axe that does 30 damage fore free

      • 2 years ago

        looks like 12 year olds can do it, why are you here asking these questions?
        look up a manual you ding dong.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Why am I getting my ass kicked by random dipshits on the streets?
    because you're just some dipshit loser thrown in the colony, the others have probably been fighting for survival for months

  6. 2 years ago

    learn lockpicking
    steal shit from all houses of miners in outside ring or old camp

    now you have easy mode

  7. 2 years ago

    Get a bodyguard and let him kill the enemies for you, when you have enough xp. buy a bow and gg. Then you can star practising with your sword.

  8. 2 years ago

    Diego can help you pump strength up, visit him after you learn how to use a sword. By level 4 you should be strong enough to handle anything, by lvl 5 you can join a camp and move the story forward.

  9. 2 years ago

    Is it just me or is this game vastly overrated? People act like it's the end all be all of RPGs but it's just an adventure game with leveling up like The Elder Scrolls but with less and arguably worse overall content.

    • 2 years ago

      it has an incredibly well designed map and it's one of the few RPGs that actually gives you a real meaningful feeling of progressing and getting stronger. I love how grounded this game feels with no magic items until very late into the game and where armor is extremely rare and valuable and kind of acts like a status symbol among the prisoners. There just isn't any game quite like it, but if you haven't played it back in the day, I can see why it would be almost impossible to overlook the janky controls and the clunky combat.

      • 2 years ago

        Judging by this post it's because Gothic fans don't play very many RPGs. This is the same kind of shit TES fans say. They tell you about the shallow RPG mechanics and how amazing they are because they've barely had any exposure to the genre. Gothic is a half assed action adventure game with half assed RPG mechanics.
        >I can see why it would be almost impossible to overlook the janky controls and the clunky combat
        I didn't say anything about the combat or controls. In fact the combat is extremely easy once you understand it which doesn't take long if you stick with it.


        this came out before Morrowind and it does so many things better than it

        all that radiant AI bullshit that they pushed with Oblivion was already there in G1 and done better

        also the game is fully voice acted and when your in the game there is't a single loading screen ever

        >video focuses mostly on combat
        Embarrassing. It's shit in both games you moronic tribalist.
        >all that radiant AI bullshit that they pushed with Oblivion was already there in G1 and done better
        No it wasn't, the schedules/AI in Gothic were a lot more primitive.

        • 2 years ago

          >They tell you about the shallow RPG mechanics and how amazing they are because they've barely had any exposure to the genre.
          What are you even talking about? What other vastly superior open world action RPGs were you playing at the time besides Morrowind and Gothic?

          • 2 years ago

            Another TESgay talking point.
            >but there's no other RPG that's EXACTLY like this!
            No, but there are much better RPGs. I wish the cRPG community would realize Gothic is just a shallower TES, but no, I have to put up with it cause Gothic is obscure nostalgiagay eurojank which means it gets a pass.

            • 2 years ago

              >Gothic is just a shallower TES
              Literally and unironically kys zoomie

        • 2 years ago

          still G1 and G2 feels much more alive than even Skyrim with its 5 house main cities

        • 2 years ago

          >No it wasn't, the schedules/AI in Gothic were a lot more primitive.
          Name one thing the Oblivioin NPC AI would do that the Gothic NPC didn't do.

          • 2 years ago

            Gothic 1 (2001):
            >NPCs react verbally (their set generic voice lines changes) and visually (their facial expressions change) depending on what camp you joined and your rank in it
            >NPCs react to you randomly going inside their homes or other places you're not allowed to, the type of reaction also depends on your faction and standing in it. If you're a random, they warn you verbally, if you're from a disliked faction, they draw their sword out and tell you to frick off.
            >NPCs react to you randomly fighting nearby NPCs, depending on your rank and faction in it. You can either get ganged up on or cheered for such actions
            >NPCs react to you randomly sneaking around for no reason.
            >NPCs have different reactions depending on your faction and rank when you attack them and lose the fight. If you're a nobody you get beaten and robbed (they also react if they find no money on you). If you're a high rank in the same faction you get beaten but not robbed. If you're a high rank in a hated faction and start a fight, if you go down, they kill you.
            >NPCs react to you or other NPCs attacking/killing animals or members of other faction
            >NPCs have natural schedules, they go to sleep, they wake up, take a piss behind some tree, go cook something on a stove, etc, it's all fluid and seamless
            I could go on.

            Meanwhile in your favorite latest TES remake:
            >Some NPC: "Oh it's 20:00? Time for me to teleport to my house"

        • 2 years ago

          >the schedules/AI in Gothic were a lot more primitive.

          Bethesdrones got literal brain damage confirmed

          • 2 years ago

            I could already tell from the implication that Gothic is similar to tes in any way aside from both being open world and having levelling

    • 2 years ago


      this came out before Morrowind and it does so many things better than it

      all that radiant AI bullshit that they pushed with Oblivion was already there in G1 and done better

      also the game is fully voice acted and when your in the game there is't a single loading screen ever

    • 2 years ago

      >People act like it's the end all be all of RPGs
      Because of the nostalgia.

      • 2 years ago

        the game was groundbreaking for its time and if you play it today, it's actually shocking to see that the NPC daily routines and their AI and how they react towards your character for stealing, sneaking, drawing weapons etc is still pretty much on par or better than what any modern triple A open world game has to offer.

    • 2 years ago

      >he Elder Scrolls but with less and arguably worse overall content.
      Less? maybe. Worse? totally not. Morrowind has quantity, Gothic has quality. Almost any sidequest in gothic 2 ends being way more interesting than the shitty morrowind fletch quests

      • 2 years ago

        Not even the quantity, Morrowind has a large map but with nothing in it other than cliff racers.

    • 2 years ago

      Leveling is nothing like TES the frick are you talking about?

  10. 2 years ago

    I fricking love gothic I and II bros, is there anything like it?

    Nowdays everything has such a shitty progression and feels so soulless. I only liked witcher 3 but only due to excelent story and music, game is too easy.

    fricking captcha piece of shit

    • 2 years ago

      The Elder Scrolls killed the genre, The Witcher 2-3 have nothing in common with Gothic

    • 2 years ago

      Elex and its sequel if you want Gothic: Leider Geil Edition.

      • 2 years ago

        The Gothic 1 prequel

        Play Archolos. Maybe Elex. And play TW3 with the enhanced edition mod.

        I fnished archolos. It was pretty damn cool.

        And elex from what i saw is trash. Both visually and writing wise. Watched some streams to check it out and the dialogue was such a tragedy.

        • 2 years ago

          The non-German versions were for some reason rewritten during translation and entire plot points and character motivations differ from it in them.

    • 2 years ago

      The Gothic 1 prequel

    • 2 years ago

      Play Archolos. Maybe Elex. And play TW3 with the enhanced edition mod.

    • 2 years ago

      Can't believe no one suggested Risen yet, it's surprisingly decent, though the early parts where you're underpowered and just chat your way through quests can drag on, and past a certain chapter you'll go from being a b***h to being able to kill near everything real quick.

      • 2 years ago

        only 1st one is good, but not as good as gothic

      • 2 years ago

        First 2 chapters are good but then it's just terribly lineal. After chapter 3 I just wanted to finish the game for good because it becomes really dull with those shitty dungeons. Then, in the final boss fight, there's an onscreen text which tells you what you have to do in order to kill the boss, instead of letting the player figure it out by himself. That was totally unnecessary and cringe af (I suppose it was included for console players)

        2:36 is pure soul btw

  11. 2 years ago

    blocking is pretty sick against human enemies, you can even kinda spam it

  12. 2 years ago

    I played this when I was 15, 23 now. You just suck at games

  13. 2 years ago

    I just want more Gothic bros...
    There isn't more comfy rpg game out there
    Also the way they did open world is great and shame nobody else is doing, now everyone just copies ubisoft/skyrim
    All secret loot hidden out of beaten path, harder enemies in areas you are supposed to avoid at the start
    Just like in Gothic 2, the further you stray from roads and civilization, you meet stronger and stronger enemies. And no level scaling, no random loot, no generated enemies, all placed by hand

    • 2 years ago

      >When you realize that gothic doesn't have enemy level scaling but has exp scaling per chapter
      ohnono gothic bros not like this

      • 2 years ago

        at least only from quests
        and don't spread that secret, I've learned lately that people don't actually know it

      • 2 years ago

        Except it doesn't, but okay bro.

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