How do we fix Space Marines? Why are they so fricking bad?

How do we fix Space Marines? Why are they so fricking bad?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Un-frick oath of moment.

  2. 3 months ago

    Add points back to war gear for all armies.

    • 3 months ago

      To add to this. Make marines points cost more, increase stats.

      • 3 months ago

        This is the one solution, they are elite shock troops afterall
        Nerfing their points is just an excuse to sell more plastic

        • 3 months ago

          >increasing points to require fewer models for an army
          >selling more plastic
          There's a reason they don't actually make a Movie Marines codex.

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry I didn't phrase that properly, nerfing to a competitive player means increasing point cost to reduce options in your lists

            Nerfing to a normal guy playing the game for fun and narrative stuff means lowering the cost of the units to a point they feel as expensive to play as admech

            Decreasing points in an army is a nerf to our wallets, not a buff to the army

            SM are slowly turning into horde.

            That's what I fear, they sell the most so they are making them more like the guard or ad mech than something special

            Primaris are supposed to be tacticool, the second best in the imperium after custodes in term of infantry and tactics, instead we get a fricking horde of blue guardsmen with bolters and some characters that are busted

            It's just not fun

        • 3 months ago

          SM are slowly turning into horde.

      • 3 months ago

        This. Marines should have the statlines Custodes currently have and the size of a marine force should be appropriately small. Custodes meanwhile should be relegated to Horus Heresy slop and special narrative scenarios like the Emperor intended.

        • 3 months ago

          I'd also like to note that Auspex's newest video (which OP's pic is from) noting SoB win rate at 60% is ridiculously misleading. SoB had, if anything, overall slight nerfs during the dataslate, yet went up +10% in their win rate. There's little positively impacting the win rate from a rules standpoint, it was just really good play from a handful of players If you're being a slave to competitive win rates week-to-week, you're a fricking goober. Necrons are still the top faction (as was expected after CSM and Eldar nerfs) but aren't super oppressive (C'tan spam is fricking gay though).

          They're never going to do that (at least this edition), the change was a core component of the "simplified but not simple" ethos for 10th.
          I'd be fine with making SM a little more of an elite army, considering that tabletop balance has never allowed them to be anything near as strong as they *ought* to be lore-wise.
          There are certainly more ways than one to play SM right now. Competitive players are just flailing around right now trying to do something other than spamming Inceptors. I think with how good they've been they gave some people brain rot and have made people loathe to replace them or even just reduce their presence in their lists. The only concern I have going forward is that we might start seeing a lot of very vehicle heavy lists (even moreso than before), which imo just lacks flavour.

          What I find personally funny is the announcement that they're gonna be tuning Necron/AdMech so soon after the data slate because people have been screeching about it.

          I love how in the lore the space Marines are supposed to be an elite army with relatively small numbers compared to other races armies. But instead of buffing up stats and rising points to balance they just lower points and are slowly turning the space marines into a Horde Army.

        • 3 months ago

          This is absolutely how it should be. Delete Custodes from 40k and have Marines inherit their stats and costs.
          Not that this will ever happen: GW can't sell you hundreds of boxes if you only need a handful of units.

          • 3 months ago

            SM are the poster boys. Most new players use them. They want to sell boxes and boxes and boxes. Not a small elite army which you only spend a couple hundred.

            • 3 months ago

              Oh yeah, I know. But this is how it -should- be.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh I agree 100%. It just sucks that SM are starting to be a horde army and they have the stats of a paper solider.

            • 3 months ago

              This is absolutely how it should be. Delete Custodes from 40k and have Marines inherit their stats and costs.
              Not that this will ever happen: GW can't sell you hundreds of boxes if you only need a handful of units.

              Have you tried NOT playing 40K?
              For less than the cost of ONE understrength troops choice box of 40k, a box of BATTLETECH gets you an entire "army."

              For the cost of one battle box / combat patrol etc. Of 40 K, BATTLETECH gets you a HUGE list.

              • 3 months ago

                >hey do you enjoy <game>?
                >well you should play <entirely different game with wildly different mechanics, themes, aesthetic, etc>
                I actually do quite enjoy Battletech as both a game and setting (ignoring everything past 3067) but do you understand why your suggestion is both moronic and completely unhelpful?

              • 3 months ago

                >this Y is too expensive and not fun
                >have you tried X which IS cheap and also VERY fun?

              • 3 months ago

                I wish there were battletech players in my area, I have only meet 3
                One is an insufferable attention prostitute I don't want to be in the same building with and the other two just collect stuff with the first having quit playing because he had to play with the insufferable b***h king of the c**t kingdom while the other one just does dioramas and doesn't even play any game, surprisingly he is the nicest one of the 3 BT stooges

              • 3 months ago

                >Keep hearing how cheaper battletech is
                >No one around me plays it
                >They also look fricking ugly

              • 3 months ago

                Thats old sculpts. From the fricking 80's. Old GW shit looked as bad. The new sculpts are fricking hot.

              • 3 months ago

                Nice modern website with clearly labeled links that makes things easy to navigate m8

              • 3 months ago

                Have you tried NOT paying for figures?
                For less than the cost of ONE box of BATTLETECH gets you an entire "3D printer."

                For the cost of one box of BATTLETECH 3D printer gets you LITERALLY INFINITE models.

              • 3 months ago

                Battletech fans ADVOCATE printing since CGL are fricking morons who hate the players.

                Nice modern website with clearly labeled links that makes things easy to navigate m8

                Frickers are incompetent morons. Use STL's of their sculpts and print your own.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd also like to note that Auspex's newest video (which OP's pic is from) noting SoB win rate at 60% is ridiculously misleading. SoB had, if anything, overall slight nerfs during the dataslate, yet went up +10% in their win rate. There's little positively impacting the win rate from a rules standpoint, it was just really good play from a handful of players If you're being a slave to competitive win rates week-to-week, you're a fricking goober. Necrons are still the top faction (as was expected after CSM and Eldar nerfs) but aren't super oppressive (C'tan spam is fricking gay though).

      They're never going to do that (at least this edition), the change was a core component of the "simplified but not simple" ethos for 10th.

      To add to this. Make marines points cost more, increase stats.

      I'd be fine with making SM a little more of an elite army, considering that tabletop balance has never allowed them to be anything near as strong as they *ought* to be lore-wise.

      Marines aren't bad. Everything except like one way to build marines is bad. This means the marine players will buy those units, changing their armies. Then they nerf those units and rules, and make different ones better.

      The marine players that aren't WAACgays never care, and probably aren't playing against tournament lists in the first place so they don't notice. GW gouges WAACgays, and people you actually want to play against aren't impacted. It's just smart.

      There are certainly more ways than one to play SM right now. Competitive players are just flailing around right now trying to do something other than spamming Inceptors. I think with how good they've been they gave some people brain rot and have made people loathe to replace them or even just reduce their presence in their lists. The only concern I have going forward is that we might start seeing a lot of very vehicle heavy lists (even moreso than before), which imo just lacks flavour.

      What I find personally funny is the announcement that they're gonna be tuning Necron/AdMech so soon after the data slate because people have been screeching about it.

  3. 3 months ago

    Why is GM letting the poster boys being so bad?

    • 3 months ago

      Marines aren't bad. Everything except like one way to build marines is bad. This means the marine players will buy those units, changing their armies. Then they nerf those units and rules, and make different ones better.

      The marine players that aren't WAACgays never care, and probably aren't playing against tournament lists in the first place so they don't notice. GW gouges WAACgays, and people you actually want to play against aren't impacted. It's just smart.

      • 3 months ago

        >Marines aren't bad. Everything except like one way to build marines is bad.

        • 3 months ago

          It's not true though, so, chill out.

          Reroll all failed Saves, To-Hit & Damage Rolls after all other rerolls have been made for Space Marines. This is justified by Space Marines being literal supersoldiers, with plenty of edge & grit, and gallons of "The Right Stuff" flowing through their veins, granting them preternatural celerity, combat preflexes, et cetera. You know it to be true. This is the way.

          Well yeah, Space Marines are super soldiers, don't you know there are only 1,000,000 of them in the entire galaxy? Considering that they've held off or conquered every other xenos race for thousands of years, there's no reason that a unit of 5 intercessors (with an attached Lieutenant, obviously) shouldn't be able to absolutely wreck 1000 points of Tyranids without a single Marine dying.

    • 3 months ago

      1. They don't need to make them OP to move stock (unless the models look like shit - see the desolation squad)
      2. If they made them OP then the game would be unplayable, as marines are by far the most played faction

      • 3 months ago

        Anon, all the primaris models look like shit.

        • 3 months ago

          return to Oldhammer containment thread


        • 3 months ago

          Some of them look decent, but a lot of the earlier Primaris range were far too heavy on GWs take on what a 40k version of the nu-age high speed, low drag operator aesthetics.

          • 3 months ago

            Nu-40k and AoS always reverts to the same cope “sure last weeks stuff was trash, but this weeks stuff is okay and next weeks stuff will be great!”. All the primaris stuff looks like bland tacticool trash, dumb GI Joe shit or is straight up a remaster of a previous model.

            • 3 months ago

              I don't know what the frick you're talking about, AoS releases are 90% bangers.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon, if you enjoy the AoS aesthetic I fully encourage you to continue playing that game with those models. I do not enjoy their “modern” aesthetic and I would rather not have it in the games I play.

        • 3 months ago

          The desolation squad looks moronic, but intercessors mog the shit out of old marines in everything but helmets.

          • 3 months ago

            Then why do HH marines look so much better?

            • 3 months ago

              I don’t think they do except for their helmets but I can respect your opinion. Looking at my old marines I just can’t bring myself to play them alongside primaris.

        • 3 months ago

          Yes, from the perspective of a grog with based sovlfvll firstborn marines
          However for nu-fans there are varying degrees of shit, which forces GW to print broken rules in order to move stock then errata them a week later

          • 3 months ago

            All I have left are disinterested shrugs. If this is the type of game you want to play and the type of people you want to play with, I wish you all the best with that.

            • 3 months ago

              I play with my friends at our houses with the systems, models and terrain we feel like using
              Sorry you have no one to play with

              • 3 months ago

                My friends and I play better games than nu40k, anon.

              • 3 months ago

                When did I say I played nu40k?

              • 3 months ago

                You did, when you got defensive about me implying nu40k is a bad game that attracts a bad type of player.

              • 3 months ago

                When did I do that? The only modern GW game I play is the latest edition of kill team

              • 3 months ago

                When I said
                >this is the type of game you want to play
                refering to nu40k, as displayed in

                Yes, from the perspective of a grog with based sovlfvll firstborn marines
                However for nu-fans there are varying degrees of shit, which forces GW to print broken rules in order to move stock then errata them a week later

                And when I said
                >>the type of people you want to play with
                refering to compgays, as displayed in

                Yes, from the perspective of a grog with based sovlfvll firstborn marines
                However for nu-fans there are varying degrees of shit, which forces GW to print broken rules in order to move stock then errata them a week later

                Leading to you becoming defensive, as displayed in

                I play with my friends at our houses with the systems, models and terrain we feel like using
                Sorry you have no one to play with

              • 3 months ago

                You are clearly autistic
                If you actually had other people to play with you wouldn't be seething so hard
                Good luck making some friends

              • 3 months ago

                lmao your pathetic ad-hominem is accepted as the intellectual concession it represents

              • 3 months ago

                Warhammer players generally have friends but most of them don't have friends that play warhammer, so they go to game stores. Game stores run tournaments on a schedule. Stop being obtuse. Stop being gay.

              • 3 months ago

                10th edition isn’t more broken than any of the other iterations, I will embrace the term nu40k only when GW makes female space marines like what they did to stormcast eternals.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm genuinely unable to feel bad for these people. Like frick man I'm making my marine army with the units I like because I like them. They may be shit but I can't be arsed to care I'll just do the best I can and they'll look awesome and eventually rules will change anyway. Who they hell spends hundreds of dollars meta chasing in 40 fricking k.

            • 3 months ago

              The idea of competitive gaming breaks some peoples brains especially hard. It’s something about getting to feel like a winner when every other aspect of your life makes you feel like a loser. Americans go for it especially hard, since their entire lives seem to revolve around picking winners and losers.

          • 3 months ago

            >troony flag in profile
            every single time.
            >TRANShuman physiology

            • 3 months ago

              troons are often the ultimate consoomers, believing that even gender identity is a commidity that can be purchased

          • 3 months ago

            >troon fields soulless army

        • 3 months ago

          Honestly, if they didn't change the bolters I think I'd be on board.

      • 3 months ago

        I like these stupid models. I' tired of pretending I don't. They are so OTT

  4. 3 months ago

    They're not bad, they're fine, even in competitive settings.
    The thing morons don't seem to comprehend is that Space Marines have so many different ways to play (how many different detachments exist?) that most of them will not be top-tier competitive but are absolutely fine for over 99% of the player base. Gladius, Ironstorm and Vanguard are all still competitive if we're looking at tournament stats. Aggressor and Inceptor spam (especially Inceptor) was incredibly gay and did need to be toned down (Scouts were fine though imo). Black Templars are obviously quite strong right now and have a very good win rate; considering that they don't run the same kind of lists as other chapters, they kind of escaped most nerfs. Competitive balancing affects literally about 1000 on earth, who gives a flying frick? Stop being a cringelord meta-chasing minmax homosexual and play your dudes. People play Grey Knights, have +50% win rates in their local groups, and have loads of fun despite being one of the objectively worst factions in the game.
    And nobody is as bad as AdMech right now and I'm *still* doing fine with SM, so stop complaining.

  5. 3 months ago

    Reroll all failed Saves, To-Hit & Damage Rolls after all other rerolls have been made for Space Marines. This is justified by Space Marines being literal supersoldiers, with plenty of edge & grit, and gallons of "The Right Stuff" flowing through their veins, granting them preternatural celerity, combat preflexes, et cetera. You know it to be true. This is the way.

  6. 3 months ago

    By copyrighting them, James

  7. 3 months ago

    imagine thinking the latest edition and meta chasing is what the hobby is about.

    people that are playing the current edition deserve everything they get.

  8. 3 months ago

    marines are bad because they're played by marine players (bad players)

    • 3 months ago

      This is unofficially true. Marine stats are juked because there's a huge population of people with them as their first army, and those people just aren't very good players. Oaths of moment alone is enough to make them top tier when combined with their durability, shooting, and melee. They're able to cover all facets of the game with their lists and other factions are only able to best then by leaving into one aspect at the expense of others.

      Really, the only way to make SMs suck is to have a sucky player. Pretty sure GW themselves acknowledged this in some past statements.

      I don't know what the frick you're talking about, AoS releases are 90% bangers.

      >90% bangers
      The "heroic scale" proportions are gross as frick and the bleed over into 40k is just as bad. MESB models don't have it and look fine on the table top, but GW artists are into bowlegged characters running around with yaoi hands and everything is 5 inches (to scale) thick.

  9. 3 months ago

    Why? Because GW cycles which is the winning faction though nurfs of old lines and powercreep of new ones it wants to sell. All the lore and stat boosts/nurfs are sales tactics designed to encourage consumers to constantly purchanse the current thing being released.

  10. 3 months ago

    >all the noobs play space marines
    >their win rate is low because of that
    >the few decent players keep the win rate above 0%

  11. 3 months ago

    Total tourneygay death

  12. 3 months ago

    They try and make everything super-focused instead of having any broader units that can cover more than one specific goal, it's like giving you a box full of specialist tools and telling you to take the ones you need. Some work well for a variety of engagements, like deep strike shit, but then others are basically useless in the majority of situations. That, and the detachments are so narrowly designed that it kills a lot of potential flexibility. Hell, if you want a Stormlance detachment, half of the enhancements and stratagems only affect mounted vehicles, and there are two units with that keyword.

    • 3 months ago

      >Space Marines
      >The jack-of-all trades with all the tools to make them versatile enough to fight the entirety of the galaxy
      >Their only minus are low numbers
      >Currently lack in versatility
      The irony...

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