How do we make the gaming community more welcoming to LGBTQ+ folks?

How do we make the gaming community more welcoming to LGBTQ+ folks?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >How do we make the gaming community more welcoming to LGBTQ+ folks?
    No! get the frick out.

  2. 3 months ago

    More video games need intimate relationships between siblings. Don't pretend you have a progressive mindset if you disagree.

    • 3 months ago

      >More video games need intimate relationships between siblings. Don't pretend you have a progressive mindset if you disagree.
      Might as well say the truth.
      Anyways, progressive these days means doing the oppiside of what you did before.

    • 3 months ago

      >More they/them but also more twincest
      Sounds like a good trade off to me tbh

    • 3 months ago

      Incest isn't bad, that's an anti-white lie. Meanwhile outbreeding and gaybsex destroy your genes.

      • 3 months ago

        get out phoneposter

      • 3 months ago


        Why did I read this as gay bear sex

        • 3 months ago

          because you have a serious case of terminally online.

    • 3 months ago

      We have been underrepresented for too long.

  3. 3 months ago

    That data doesn't feel quite right, are they counting every console game ever made?

  4. 3 months ago

    By making everyone woke, gay, and sucking wieners for a living.

    But the real answer is you don't make them welcome. They're fake gamers.

  5. 3 months ago

    Sports, Sims, Gacha, and Mobile "gamers" don't count.

  6. 3 months ago

    Less than 2% of console video games have LGBTQ Representation.
    Well if you want representation I know a platform that can give you that. It's called PC Gaming. They even have RGB.

  7. 3 months ago

    we don't

  8. 3 months ago

    We don't. The alphabet cultists are why shit is so bad in the western game industry at the moment already as it is. No one wants more of it. You reptiloid cultist freaks need to be gatekept from our hobby.

  9. 3 months ago

    I play as female characters despite being a man (Metroid)
    I play as black characters despite being white (GTA)
    I play as gay characters despite being straight (Overwatch)
    Why can't LGBT freaks need to have characters that are literally them to enjoy games?

    • 3 months ago

      Metroid isn't a man?

    • 3 months ago

      Black dudes can empathize with goku of all things but black woman can't empathize with anyone that doesn't have their nappy ass hair or skin color.

    • 3 months ago

      This is just a ragebait repost but what the frick

      I'll make it easier. If you want to have a chance to rhetorically defeat their claims you have to do better. Here's what they'll say
      >Oh in a tiny handful of games you play the least offensive versions of people not like you in some way. Then you go back to th eleventy billion white,, cis, hetero, male protagonist heroes when you feel like it. You have an absolute wealth of them available to you. "We" only have a handful of examples and you complain if we only get one more. Many of them may not even feel identifiable to us, and we don't have the option to slip back through a catalog of hundreds of straight white men and decide if you want a long gray/white haired handsome vampire/monster hunter , a bald space marine, or a brown haired smirking edgelord.
      If you want to beat them, know how they'll reply and address it because otherwise they can just decide you're le queer hater chuderino if you don't have a cogent reply that 3rd parties listening to both of you think a good reasonable answer to their assertions.

      • 3 months ago

        >"We" only have a handful of examples and you complain if we only get one more.
        To anyone like this, I say; They get games that include LGBTQ but they crash and burn cause said gays make no money and/or don't play actual video games anyway. We said nothing about the first few instances of them, we left it alone. It took root and resented the rest of the vidya hobby cause we didn't like what they like and fund the SLOP they enjoy while their broke asses don't spend a single cent. Queers can't keep the things that "represent them" afloat anyway but yet this shit keeps spreading like a virus to the point you cannot find a single good normal person game anymore cause for some reason.

        And now we're here. Spiteful queer cultists out here bluntly saying they want to destroy our hobby cause we didn't rally behind their shit games and be converted into their fricking zog cult and prop their utter dogshit slop higher than it ever deserved to be. Frick off from this hobby already. You had your chance and you couldn't even keep the initial wave of things made for (You) freaks afloat yourselves and lashed out when it sunk and blamed us for straight up just not paying attention to it. And that lashing out and further infecting of our hobby is why we now openly profess our hate and disdain for this garbage cause just letting you have your own spot next door didn't work. You came over and screamed at us for not supporting YOUR version of it and now want nothing but our complete destruction for not slurping down the brainrot koolaid. Get out.

        • 3 months ago

          You need to rephrase that or they'll just say
          >Oh see, you have such animosity for queer people that you think they can't be gamers too and are there to "ruin' gaming for you! The narcissism and queerphobia and /misc/ rhetoric zog cultism, you're nothing but the hateful little manchildren that Sarkeesian claimed you to be years ago and you hate queer people as much as you do women!
          Frick man, you've gotta do better than that. I was looking for an actual argument not an imageboard rant - if that's how you act then no wonder people are losing. There are other ways to change the conversation. Talk about stuff like th increasing amount of indie gay games or whatever the frick , reframe the conversation around how they want things to change even in games made for other communities, yet freak out when they think anyone is against games made by and for them. Nobody is coming to Sayonara Wild Hearts and demanding it turn into a hetero dating story etc. Be reasonable so that people listening will think they're the ones making unreasonabl demands.

          • 3 months ago

            are you expecting people in the scene to start playing exclusively lgbt orientated games? how can you be reasonable without soaking yourself in that kind of nonsense every hour of your life? thats just extra stress for creatives.

            • 3 months ago

              No, the argument when dealing with off the rocker
              >There needs to be more LGBT+ representation, beauty standards, everything etc.. .
              is that there's already a place for that. Kinda like when they yell "go make your own games" and we do and they get pissed at Snoot, or Wani, or Kawata Shoujo, or whatever the frick else we need to be mature that when they "make their own games" - including stuff like Boyfriend Dungeon or Sayonara Wild heart etc.. that we say "see, you have those. They can coexist. What's not okay is you demanding that Samus be a transwoman or whatever the frick, or the whole GGStrive nonsense etc. You don't have to soak yourself in that shit constantly but the same way the resetera crowd goes and knows exactly which games have problematic shit, you need to do 'opposition research' too. Many of the game aren't bad either necessarily bad, but frames their arguments - there is just nothing for "them' unless traditional games ugly up Aloy or whatever the frick, - as wrong. Like when someone yells abut no games startting black protags then you say "The Journey Down? Dandara?" and they look like idiots because the argument is now "we want big blockbuster with 400lb transmale hero with mastectomy scars as the GOTY. Change whatever other games until we have that!" and people ee them as nuts.

              They'd find a way to spin it regardless until we cave in. Trying to make them concede doesn't work, they will not concede, they will scream out in a hurricane and say it is sunny and pleasant outside. They will scream against the very truth of reality in favor of their delusions until you side with them. This is how the cult works. Force is the only answer now.

              Its not for them, its for the others listening to them. They on their own can't do anything. They can only get others who don't know that it not raining outside to feel bad for them because in the past they had no umbrellas etc. You aren't trying to get them to recant an say OH I WAS SO WRONG YOUR LOGIC HAS SLAIN ME, you want the devs and publisher watching on social media to go "oh yeah, look there aactuall a lot of these games that sell well for indies and find their audience...clearly we don't need to do what they say, its just from trauma etc..."

              • 3 months ago

                anon, you also forget that there's a lot of wannabe industry devs out there that exclusively play retro vidya. many of them don't have the hr skills to deal with lunatics in that kind of way or literally want to make this stuff in peace. if lgbt folk feel at peace making this stuff, then let them.
                but if other folk feel at peace making games without this stuff, they shouldn't be forced to, because thats creating friction when its not needed in the industry. not everyone making a game has the money to afford spening tuition in an overpriced college for half a decade learning gender theory. there's a lot of players who come from poverty who just want to make a fricking game.

          • 3 months ago

            They'd find a way to spin it regardless until we cave in. Trying to make them concede doesn't work, they will not concede, they will scream out in a hurricane and say it is sunny and pleasant outside. They will scream against the very truth of reality in favor of their delusions until you side with them. This is how the cult works. Force is the only answer now.

    • 3 months ago

      >playing overwatch
      You sure you aren't closeted?

  10. 3 months ago

    Destroy the industry by putting your buttsex symbols throughout all future games. Lmao.

  11. 3 months ago

    Continuing what we have been doing so far. Continue banning people who spam hate in games. In fact, you should be required to sign up a social media account with your real name to play games. That way if you are hateful, it can be traced back to you personally.

  12. 3 months ago

    Post the methodology. Of the research.
    The methodology. I want to see it.
    I just need to see the methodology.
    I can't discuss this without seeing the methodology.
    I think the numbers don't say anything until I see the methodology.
    The methodology. Post it.
    The methodology please.

  13. 3 months ago

    despite only 17% of the gamers being queer
    100% of Ganker is completely full of fricking homosexuals

    • 3 months ago

      no one on Ganker play games so implying they are part of that 17% is wrong

  14. 3 months ago

    This doesn't mean anything without context.
    What percentage of console games have non-LGBTQ representation?

  15. 3 months ago

    for them to stop being bigoted buttholes and accusing everybody else of it

  16. 3 months ago

    as a literal gay, gay characters don't "represent" me. heroes like link, barrett, and cloud represent me. liking dick isn't a trait. i can go beat off to all the smut of hot dudes any time i want, which will always beat out seeing a homosexual kiss in the background. representation is gay as frick.

  17. 3 months ago

    A publication that only talks to queer people claims a large percentage of people are queer.

  18. 3 months ago

    >17% lgbt


    • 3 months ago

      careful, anon
      you might alredy have the gay uuuuuuuuuhhhhooohhh

  19. 3 months ago

    Games have never been gayer, I fricking hate these disingenuous homosexuals so goddamn much, you don't care about video games, get the frick out of my hobby.

  20. 3 months ago

    How do you know that some of the random mooks you kill don't suck wiener? It's not like every gay character needs to say IM GAY

    • 3 months ago

      i assume everybody who isn't explicitly straight is gay, so you do too
      that's your bias btw, not mine

  21. 3 months ago

    god i'm so sick of this pandering shit.

  22. 3 months ago

    >I want more people who look like ME in my media
    we don't bigots

  23. 3 months ago

    Make your own games.

  24. 3 months ago

    >ask 1,000 people at some gay vidya convention
    >think that represents the entire industry

  25. 3 months ago

    do they count all the demons in doom or is that just one game/one representation?

  26. 3 months ago

    >17% are queer
    not even the biggest gays in the world would believe this clear lie

    • 3 months ago

      That part is probably closer to truth than 2% of all games part

      • 3 months ago

        Guaranteed about 99.999% of that "17%" are trend-chasing morons and kids (ala

        17% of Gamers aren’t homosexuals.
        17% of Zoomers are.
        Go the frick back and join the 41% you disgusting wienersuckers. The world doesn’t need to change to accommodate newbies, they need to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around them. The sooner the better.

        ) who don't even fricking know what they're saying, are possibly being forced to claim so, or are doing it entirely for lip service/benefits.

        • 3 months ago

          Many kids are also essentially brainwashed by teachers and by therapists into having mental issues.

          • 3 months ago

            so majority of these LGBT gays aren't actually queer, but are people with psychiatric problems as a result of being groomed?
            colour me surprised.

            maybe instead of giving shit to homos, maybe people should instead try and address the psychiatric disorders people have instead that result in them displaying lgbt traits. (and no, harming them won't fix it, sorry to anyone psychopath's that might be reading this tred).

        • 3 months ago

          17% of Gamers aren’t homosexuals.
          17% of Zoomers are.
          Go the frick back and join the 41% you disgusting wienersuckers. The world doesn’t need to change to accommodate newbies, they need to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around them. The sooner the better.

          Or the research team deliberately tainted the survey with loaded questions that either discourage straight kids from answering or give false positives or both, so that they get the results that they want to see and/or were paid to produce by their LGBT advocate financiers. Sociology is a pseudoscience and 70% of sociology research results can't be reproduced, even by other sociologists. Never, ever trust anything a sociologist claims, especially if there is a political or financial benefit for making the claim.

  27. 3 months ago

    never ever make any video games ever again
    you will never make a game that appeals to more than the one single LGBTQAA2WRXBKGZ that gets a personal self insert character, and that will come at the price of offending the rest of the LGBTQAA2WRXBKGZ community so much they cancel your whole dev studio

  28. 3 months ago

    If the percentage of LGBTQ people in gamers is so high that it is higher than the percentage of LGBTQ people in the population, then clearly LGBTQ people enjoy gaming as it is despite and don't need more LGBTQ representation to enjoy games.

  29. 3 months ago

    Aren't they extremely biased?

  30. 3 months ago

    >snake oil sellers say theres a lot more snake oil users than thought before, but not enough snake oil
    Wowie, thanks for bringing this important fact to us you disgusting homosexual, have a nice day

  31. 3 months ago

    More playersexual characters

  32. 3 months ago

    homosexuals get 2% and furrychuds get 0.01%

  33. 3 months ago

    17% of Gamers aren’t homosexuals.
    17% of Zoomers are.
    Go the frick back and join the 41% you disgusting wienersuckers. The world doesn’t need to change to accommodate newbies, they need to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around them. The sooner the better.

    • 3 months ago

      >Zoomers suddenly turned gay in 2020

      • 3 months ago

        its what 3 years of a global lockdown does to a mf. unironic prison gay.

    • 3 months ago

      >17% of Zoomers are.
      honestly i dont believe that.
      im pretty sure most of that is people just saying it to either exploit the system for benefits or not be ostrisized by "lgbt" people in power such as teachers forcing it on students.

  34. 3 months ago

    The actual problem is that the homosexual pandering isn't done by people who represent the majority of homos. Most homos just want some aesthetically pleasing characters and gay romance bait, same as anyone else. The people clamoring for overly obnoxious virtue signaling tokenist characters are primarily Californians who want to show off how progressive they are.
    All you have to do to prove this is look at the games the homos actually go for.

    • 3 months ago

      All people in califorina are part of the alphabet soup, if they aren't yet they will be soon.

      • 3 months ago

        Even if that's true, they still don't represent anything close to a majority. You see all these games that go for aggressive tokenism and yet the characters that remain the most consistently popular among the "LGBT" crowd are characters that were written to be actual good characters or be generally aesthetically appealing, rather than the ones made specifically to appeal to them. This is because what most homos actually want is, again, the same as the rest of us: fanservice, and tokenism is directly antithetical in its purpose than fanservice.

    • 3 months ago

      >thinks this pandering is exclusive to Californians
      American hands typed this post.

  35. 3 months ago

    Hardcore explicit anal sex scenes in E-rated games.

  36. 3 months ago

    >Despite 17% of Gamers Being Queer
    Where? In California?

  37. 3 months ago

    >doesn't explain the methodology behind these "statistics"
    Yes, totally believable

  38. 3 months ago

    Stop forcing people to accept it.l, of it's as normal as they say it is, they don't need to force shit.

    • 3 months ago

      >Stop forcing people to accept it
      this, I mean look at the gays they tried to force it, immediate push back, toned it down after getting gay marriage passed and now look at em. Trannies need to be euthanized for targeting children though, i dont give a frick about going after people your own age, but going after kids should be an instant death penalty

      • 3 months ago

        irony is that even gays themselves are getting shit. every villain is now a homosexual or a buckbroken heterosexual or somebody with blatant autism labelled as homosexual tendencies. its fricked up.

  39. 3 months ago

    The lesbians I follow on twitter only play Japanese games and care more about the girls being shippable than the girls actually being gay.

  40. 3 months ago

    now do african population vs representation
    maybe they can trim a few redguards for more bulldykes

  41. 3 months ago

    The question you SHOULD be asking is 'do we really have to do anything to make gaming more welcoming to queers?'

  42. 3 months ago

    Jesus, if recent releases (not including boss bad b***hes, b***hes with man face, and more of that sort) have only been 2%, what the frick would another 15% look like?

  43. 3 months ago

    >2% of console games
    So like, a handful of non-Snoy exclusives compared to every queer indie title on Steam?

  44. 3 months ago

    Are they dumb? The answer is in the question: Why make a game for the 17%?

  45. 3 months ago

    Shirtless guys?

  46. 3 months ago

    What more do they want?

    • 3 months ago

      I want Fire Emblem to have better writing and more femboys. The writing in the last game sucked.

  47. 3 months ago

    It will never be enough. Not like it's a hobby worth sticking around with these days anyway.

  48. 3 months ago

    every multiplayer game has like 80% homosexuals though

  49. 3 months ago

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