How do we reclaim the boomer market, marketerbros?

How do we reclaim the boomer market, marketerbros? they're leaving the industry in droves yet they're the ones with disposable income. Should we make better games or is that too extreme?

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  1. 11 months ago

    No lets just make battle passes and hope zoomies ask their mom for credit card

    • 11 months ago

      Alphas you mean, zoomers mostly have their own credit cards now

      How do we reclaim the boomer market, marketerbros? they're leaving the industry in droves yet they're the ones with disposable income. Should we make better games or is that too extreme?

      Old people don't spend money like 20 year olds do, because they have shit to lose. It's fine.

  2. 11 months ago

    Rossman is like 35, he isn't a boomer, he's literally the average gamer

    • 11 months ago

      >Rossman is like 35, he isn't a boomer

      • 11 months ago

        Words mean things moron, if we're going to talk about the status of the market let's stick to terms that are specific and not meaningless slang slop.

        • 11 months ago

          Hey, the reddit boycott is over, go back.

    • 11 months ago

      >average gamer
      That is between 15 and 25.
      After 25 people focus on their families and friends.

      • 11 months ago

        FRICK I got no friends and no family. I'll buy the rope tomorrow

      • 11 months ago

        There were stats done at several points and the average was around mod 30s. It's why we keep getting remakes, appeal to the older more active consumer base.

      • 11 months ago

        >implying millennials have family or friends
        No, what you focus on is being a slave to work or going full neet

  3. 11 months ago

    >this thread again
    blah blah blah Sagat was not in SF2WW. Go frick yourself

    • 11 months ago

      The cosy per character via DLC in fighting games is extortionate, though. I get Street Fighter is probably one of the better ones as it lets you grind out the currency needed, but some of the others, by the time you've bought a handful of characters, you've basically paid for the game again.

  4. 11 months ago

    >Louis Rossmann
    He's like 35. I really like his videos, although I wish he'd show more stuff about repairs to balance out the right to repair stuff.
    Anyways, he brings up a good point about DLC. I know I got nickel and dimed with Soul Calibur 6, which was NOT okay. Yet, I paid anyway. I think part of it was because I liked Soul Calibur 6 so much compared to 4 and 5 that I was willing to pay more just to have a great modern Soul Calibur entry with everything. I bet if they make a Soul Calibur 7 it'll be even worse.

    • 11 months ago

      Once I seen Soulcalibur 6 charging 35$ for season 2. Which is 4 characters and some clothes I was done. Aint no way I'm paying more than half the base game price for 4 characters im probably not going to even like playing. Its legit scam tier.

      • 11 months ago

        It really is. I'm pretty disgusted by the prices. Making Tira DLC on day one was such a crappy move too. I don't put up with that in other games, but I made an exception for this one. It'll be my last Soul Calibur game.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I waited forever for season 2 to go on sale

    • 11 months ago

      I installed Soul Calibur 6 yesterday and was super disappointed that like 1 fricking 3rd of the roster was locked as DLC, there's nobody on the starting roster that really clicks with me either.
      captcha PSXA4

  5. 11 months ago

    wow even the israelites are upset with modern gaming. You know shits fricked up when the people implementing this shit are even sick of it.

    • 11 months ago

      take your pills dumbass

      • 11 months ago

        thanks I forgot to take my metamucil today

  6. 11 months ago

    Yeah that's kind of what my take is on shit at this point. I don't want to make games into a research task. Just disinvests me.

  7. 11 months ago

    They dislike modern monetization tools, create products that do not have those while catering to their favored genres and nostalgia.

    Military shooters, RTS, open world fantasy, jrpg, action platformers, fighting games, crpg.

    Versions of all of those without heavy battlepass-style upsell currently exist. The older market is being served.

  8. 11 months ago

    The thumbnail is disingenuous. Sagat wasn't included in the selectable roster for base SF2. Arcade owners had to upgrade to the Champion Edition board. I'm tired of seeing this sickly israelite whine about everything not being catered to him. Maybe his life wouldn't be so shit if he stopped b***hing about every little thing, the miserable c**t.

    • 11 months ago

      >gay addicted to getting spit roasted by modern gaming companies is mad that someone is abstaining from wanting his ass turned into swiss cheese as well

      • 11 months ago

        >spend $5k to upgrade an arcade board you already own
        >spend $5 for the character that you want
        Wow that's such a tough decision. But modern gaming is *nothing* like the classics amiright? Just dump a couple rolls of quarters and come back the next week, goym.

        • 11 months ago

          Anon the arcade owners paid for the upgrade, we still paid a quarter or two either way.

      • 11 months ago

        dude, all the street fighters had advanced version you had to buy, did you think that Third Strike was the tittle because it's the third game? it's because it was the third time it got launched with extra shit.
        >You brought Street Fighter 3? well now you better buy Second Impact...and now Third Strike. hope you like it and thank you for your purchase 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      The other thing he neglects is that if SF5 had been like SF2, each DLC would be a separate $60 game not compatible with the previous versions. The overuse of DLC sucks, but he doesn't know how 90s Capcom operated.

      • 11 months ago

        Or he started playing after WW was outdated

        • 11 months ago

          Him being uninformed just makes his argument weaker. I'm supposed to listen to some jerk that didn't even know SF had revisions b***h about the games industry?

      • 11 months ago

        I would guess that kids who had the means and loved playing streetfighter probably spent 60+ dollars on the arcade machines easily.

      • 11 months ago

        I know we just couldn't get patches back in the day like we do now but 90s Capcom was ridiculous when it came to updates and re-releases
        Street Fighter 2
        >World Warrior
        >Champion Edition
        >Turbo Hyper Fighting
        >New Challengers
        >Super Turbo

        Alpha 2
        >Alpha 2 Gold

        Alpha 3
        >Saikyo Dojo
        >Double Upper/MAX

        Street Fighter EX
        >EX Plus
        >EX Plus Alpha
        >EX 2
        >EX 2 Plus

        Street Fighter III
        >New Generation
        >2nd Impact
        >3rd Strike

        And mind they did this for other series.

        • 11 months ago

          the alternative was dropping the games after the initial release, which would suck too.
          they were primarily designed for arcades anyways where the arcade owner would have to hold the cost of upgrades. the console ports were legit afterthoughts.

          this only became inexcusable by the time DLC became a thing. shit like blazblue and guilty gear did this all the way until like 2015 or something.

          • 11 months ago

            Even in the past decade there's still been games that come out in the arcade first, then get an updated/rebalanced version as their console release later

  9. 11 months ago

    I watched this video after seeing it posted so many times. He's right in that games should not be a minefield requiring research the way it does now. He's also wrong to expect Sagat in every SF game. SF5's way of handling DLC that being showing it on the menu and graying it out is what's at fault in his specific example. If you can't use it, it should not be on the menu. I don't think his opinion would be all that sour had he booted up the game to see the vanilla roster.

  10. 11 months ago

    >Buy Sega Rally for the Saturn
    >3 tracks, 2 cars
    wow sure I miss the golden age of gaming...

  11. 11 months ago

    Stick to your shit, rossmann.
    You had to buy a whole new fully priced retail cartridge to access sagat back then, you couldnt get him for $5 or unlock him with play money like in SFV.
    SF2 launched with 8 characters. SFV with 16.

    If you bought all the DLC characters when they came out you ended up paying less overall than it took to keep up with SF2 versions, which peaked with 17 playable characters after over $300 spent on revisions.

    • 11 months ago

      >sfv with 16
      Wot? I used to see lowtier god clips where it was a small roster at launch.

      • 11 months ago

        maybe you should stop being an eceleb watching homosexual.
        SFV had 16 characters at launch.
        by the end it had like 45.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I know it had more by the end. I just could've swore when I saw ltg clips close to launch it was like a box where maybe at best I could count 8 to 12. Never had interest in street fighter at that point so I wouldn't have seen better either way.

          • 11 months ago

            might have been the beta.

            • 11 months ago

              That's probably what it was then.

        • 11 months ago

          God this roster was such dogshit.

          • 11 months ago

            >8 world warriors
            >4 alpha chars that werent used in decades
            >4 newcomers
            optimal split.

            • 11 months ago

              >0 characters that were fun to play as

              • 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    It's funnier when you remember how much Sagat was requested, finally got announced in a trailer that showed him getting rekt, then he came out and barely worked and no one liked playing him because his DP consistently went the wrong way and he had weak tools and no comeback potential.

  13. 11 months ago

    This is what happened

    >Rossman sees SF5 (original) and Champion Edition on the shelf at Gamestop
    >Ignores Champion Edition, goes for original because "WOW! WHAT A DEAL!"
    >.... wa-wa-wait.... Champion Edition has twice as many characters [including Sagat]? I GOT RIPPED OFF, FRICK MODERN GAMING! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THE BASE GAME WOUL HAVE LESS CHARACTERS?!

    • 11 months ago

      yes and this shit is not okay

      • 11 months ago

        Funny thing is that you can turn the base SF5 into Champion Edition by playing for 1000 hours. You can unlock all the characters if you spend enough time playing.

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day

    • 11 months ago

      >buy game
      >full game is not included
      >wonder why gaming is shit

  14. 11 months ago

    People who think like this often do it to themselves without realizing it. They started to play games out of habit, not because they find joy in it (they might do, but it’s no longer the goal).
    I have a friend who’s one of those consider platinumhomosexuals, who buys most AAA single-player releases, and beats them within a month, usually going for the platinum trophy. Then once he does so he (USUALLY) gives his review, and almost always call the games boring, before shelfing them forever and never thinking about it ever again.

    I don’t get the mentality myself, because I consider myself more of an enthusiast of the medium rather than a “gamer” or whatever the frick. If something looks fun I’ll try it out, sometimes it takes years for me to finish a game but I really don’t care.
    The answer to the question is to kill all people who forget that they’re supposed to play games for their enjoyment, not to get all the cheevos.

  15. 11 months ago

    Is this genuinely someone's fricking argument? Does this moron think modeling, rigging, animating, voice acting, gameplay designing and balancing just spontaneously manifests itself? Does he think you can press a button and instantly convert a SF2 character to an SF5 character?

    Is this person human? Am I human? Are we truly the same species?

    • 11 months ago

      Multiple times throughout the video I believe he states he just wants people to be upfront about their pricing. He doesn't even state a date of purchase as well I believe.

      • 11 months ago

        capcom never lied about what they offered in the game.
        even when it launched in an unfinished state they laid out a timeline of when what content would hit.
        furthermore both the box and the online stores tell you exactly whats in the vanilla game. they also always released catchup bundles fairly often to upgrade the roster to the current state.

        there are many cases of predatory DLC but he straight up chose the worst possible example because things were unironically more israelitey in SF2 times.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh no don't worry man I'm not calling capcom malicious here nor am I fully supporting Rossmans statements. Capcom treated dlc a bit better than their competitors in my opinion. I'm just saying that yes sometimes it gets a bit annoying to have to go and look into 40 different kinds of shit to know what you're doing. Hell right now I don't think you can buy a base game street fighter v copy from digital stores so his point is as of right now moot for that game on digital stores. At most I think his comments are better applied to other video games rather than what capcoms been doing for a good while now. I would completely agree he chose the worst example. Especially with their play to earn scheme even if that may take a while.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh no don't worry man I'm not calling capcom malicious here nor am I fully supporting Rossmans statements. Capcom treated dlc a bit better than their competitors in my opinion. I'm just saying that yes sometimes it gets a bit annoying to have to go and look into 40 different kinds of shit to know what you're doing. Hell right now I don't think you can buy a base game street fighter v copy from digital stores so his point is as of right now moot for that game on digital stores. At most I think his comments are better applied to other video games rather than what capcoms been doing for a good while now. I would completely agree he chose the worst example. Especially with their play to earn scheme even if that may take a while.

          You're both missing his points. He shouldn't have to do research like he's at work and the menu should not show shit you cannot use for free. His aggravation is trying to select a character who is on the menu and being told to pay more. If you gave hi SF3 he would not be mad at Sagat's absence.

          • 11 months ago

            i get that. but 3 minutes of reading product information isn't "research"

            • 11 months ago

              Yes it is, you should buy a game and be able to use anything you see. Unlockables are fine too. Back in the day you bought a game and the only research you maybe had to do was cheat codes or unlock conditions.

              Bro if you would have read what that guy was responding to you would have seen that was what I stated originally. I hate the giant cuck buttons on sfv if you don't have a character but they have done a fair amount to try and make it an easier experience for the consumer for what they are able to freely modify. I support the spirit of the statement I'm just agreeing with the guy I'm talking to that it's not the best example. You have to state niche situations that just make him look thoughtless rather than a guy mindfull of his time.

              His ultimate point is an industry wide point so I'm willing to be charitable and just say he's just giving a poor example.

              The example was fine but misunderstood by Rossman. He's not mad at the lack of Sagat, he's mad Sagat is on his screen but requires an additional purchase. Again, had the game showed him the vanilla roster when he booted it up we would not have this video.

              I can at most agree with adding an option to hide the shop icons on unbought characters because that shit is ugly.
              Everything else is moronic b***hing.

              You're a cuck and I hope one day you gain some respect for yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                no one believes you

              • 11 months ago

                shut up moron

              • 11 months ago

                >be a fricktard and buy SF2 world warrior instead of hyper fighting
                >only get 8 characters instead of 12
                >blame everybody but yourself

              • 11 months ago

                Expected someone that likes Luke, enjoys the byzantine structure of modern gaming and being milked dry through it.

              • 11 months ago

                cant read this post because you havent bought the $60 rerelease of it.

              • 11 months ago

                >The example was fine but misunderstood by Rossman. He's not mad at the lack of Sagat, he's mad Sagat is on his screen but requires an additional purchase. Again, had the game showed him the vanilla roster when he booted it up we would not have this video.
                And it's completely autistic to get mad at that. Against, people who actually play this genre enjoy how this shit works now. israeli shit like paid frame data in Tekken 7 causes controversy.

              • 11 months ago

                You're so far gone you've accepted the way things are as a forgone conclusion. You're right, fans know the deal but the deal sucks and maybe it takes an outsider/casual like Rossman to point it out.

              • 11 months ago

                The deal in Street Fighter V does NOT suck.
                If I don't care for newer characters I don't have to spend a single dime. The game is updated for free. What could possibly fund these free updates I wonder?
                Why do you people expect for them to give away software they developed after the game was out for free?
                Fighting games NEED system updates that cost manpower. It's how it's always worked and it currently works in the most accommodating way for consumers.

              • 11 months ago

                It sucks donkey balls. Pound for pound you pay much more for way less in terms of the vanilla game.SF4 had it right. If they wanted to improve on that they'd give balance out for free and otherwise keep everything the same. They're bleeding us dry and you're sucking their dick for it. And yes, opening up my 60$ game and seeing grayed out menu items with shopping carts all over it is inexcusable, demoralizing and bad.

                Black person I watch every one of his videos as of now and used to have his board repair streams in the background as white noise and this is one of his weakest videos he's released recently. He's not even invested that deeply in this video, it's like an offhanded comment. There's nothing to defend here that deeply. He literally said what most people state and just used a relatively bad example. It's nothing special. Please don't make Rossman into one of those ecelebs people act like sycophants for. He has fricked up and admits he fricks up all the time it's not a big deal.

                I'm not a Rossman super fan, I often disagree with him. I just like that he brought this to a wider audience. It does suck. It's shitty to require research to purchase a game. He's right, have some balls and say so.

              • 11 months ago

                >SF4 had it right

              • 11 months ago

                >SF4 had it right. If they wanted to improve on that they'd give balance out for free and otherwise keep everything the same
                What the frick are you talking about? How does IV do anything better than V? V DOES give you balance updates for free. They also offer you the characters in seasons for prices similar to the system updates in IV. There is literally nothing about IV's system that's better for the consumer, specially when Super could only be bought all over again.

                How about you do some fricking math instead?

                If you bought in at vanilla SF4 and upgraded at every given opportunity you'd spend $155 lifetime. If you skipped a version you could get a new one, if you missed out and got in around ultra you could spend 40 and get everything. If you got in around AE you could spend $55 lifetime and get everything. Roster count: 44

                SF5 debuted at $60, Character Pass 1 = 24.99 CP2 = 9.99 CP3 = 9.99 CP 4 = 9.99 CP5 = 24.99 Final price: 140.97

                I'm going to break the rules of Ganker and admit that if you only care about characters, only buy season passes and never individual characters and absolutely nothing else you're right. SF4 costs $3.5 per character and SF5 costs $3 per character.

                If you get into colors, costumes, stages and even silly shit like titles and nameplates that's where SF5 really falls apart. Expensive, often timed and to be on topic. Confusing, obtuse, it's like a mobile game and while SF4, its iterations, its dlc often went on sale during its relevance SF5 enjoyed no such luxury and while SF4's updates were physical releases that dropped in price with time SF5's mostly digital additions rarely did. It's only now after SF6's launch that you can have all of SFV (not even, good luck getting all those timed costumes, CPT stages/costues, etc) for a fair set price. Yes we're absolutely paying more for less all while suffering through fricking f2p mobile game tactics.
                SF6 looks even worse with this shit. You are correct, it is nice to get the gameplay updates for free with no upgrade that is the only positive and could easily be done with the old structure.

              • 11 months ago

                moronic post. literally all wrong.

              • 11 months ago

                How is it wrong? Explain.

              • 11 months ago

                Thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts coherently. Genuinely nice to hear a post that isn't just an esoteric math equation on how to sound smugger than the other man.

              • 11 months ago

                >SF4 had it right. If they wanted to improve on that they'd give balance out for free and otherwise keep everything the same
                What the frick are you talking about? How does IV do anything better than V? V DOES give you balance updates for free. They also offer you the characters in seasons for prices similar to the system updates in IV. There is literally nothing about IV's system that's better for the consumer, specially when Super could only be bought all over again.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't say you were a Rossman super fan I said that you're misapplying the veracity of his statements like it's an internet war and not like he was giving purchasing advice to his audience for something he's not that deeply into. I stressed it's the example that's bad and not the wider point. Your misapplication of the lines of scrimmage on this topic. Where you're isolating the label of fact to the statements of a guy who in the very video you are talking about says he hasn't been doing shit with videogames for years beyond basic shit like Dota. Makes your statements Swiss cheese.

              • 11 months ago

                Black person I watch every one of his videos as of now and used to have his board repair streams in the background as white noise and this is one of his weakest videos he's released recently. He's not even invested that deeply in this video, it's like an offhanded comment. There's nothing to defend here that deeply. He literally said what most people state and just used a relatively bad example. It's nothing special. Please don't make Rossman into one of those ecelebs people act like sycophants for. He has fricked up and admits he fricks up all the time it's not a big deal.

              • 11 months ago

                I see you're all into historical revisionism.
                Street Fighter II: The World Warrior - (1991)
                Street Fighter II': Champion Edition - (1992)
                Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting - (1992)
                Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers - (1993)
                Super Street Fighter II Turbo - (1994)
                Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition - (2003)

              • 11 months ago

                I notice you're into not reading. I don't have the energy to explain cultural differences at the time or the relationship between the arcade and home console markets so I stuck with the SF4 generation for my argument. The one thing I will say for the sf2 games is, no shopping carts. You got what you paid for and the game never wienerteased you the way they do now.

              • 11 months ago

                >Resell old game, buy new game
                >Resell DLC... oh wait I can't.

          • 11 months ago

            Bro if you would have read what that guy was responding to you would have seen that was what I stated originally. I hate the giant cuck buttons on sfv if you don't have a character but they have done a fair amount to try and make it an easier experience for the consumer for what they are able to freely modify. I support the spirit of the statement I'm just agreeing with the guy I'm talking to that it's not the best example. You have to state niche situations that just make him look thoughtless rather than a guy mindfull of his time.

            His ultimate point is an industry wide point so I'm willing to be charitable and just say he's just giving a poor example.

          • 11 months ago

            I can at most agree with adding an option to hide the shop icons on unbought characters because that shit is ugly.
            Everything else is moronic b***hing.

  16. 11 months ago

    Fighters are the only genre that was improved with the advent of DLC.
    Everybody who bought Soul Calibur 3 on console has a fricked to shit version that never got the update that fixed the issues the arcades got because Namco didnt feel like republishing the new version again. And that version wouldve cost another $60 anyways.

  17. 11 months ago

    This statement is equivalent to saying you're done reading because modern books are trash. There's thousands upon thousands of great works and classics and he's to stupid to search them out.

  18. 11 months ago

    That video is him complaining that dlc characters arent free. These gays would really rather them pull the SF2 strategy of forcing you to buy a new game every time an update drops.

  19. 11 months ago

    Stop buying shit. Simple as moron. Shit snow balls fast. Look at bud weiser

  20. 11 months ago

    appealing to boomers outside of indie pc games is a dead and doomed market

    • 11 months ago

      It's been the market for the last decade and it's seen nothing but growth. Maybe it will be like that when zoomers are stuck in the 30+ age range because they've had nothing memorable in their childhood but that's neither here nor there.

  21. 11 months ago

    Street Fighter is the worst possible example because Capcom has always been greedy with characters.
    The difference is back then they released new versions of the same game at full price whereas now they just charge for DLC and give you balance patches for free.

  22. 11 months ago

    There's plenty of vidja still that's not corporate goyslop.
    I would know, I simply do not buy mtx games. At all.
    Louis is a bitter homosexual all he does is upload negativity constantly, I'm amazed you're not burnt out listened to that b***h snivel literally every single day. Especially about NYC.
    Don't subscribe to negative content it'll frick up your mind much like for profitt news media.

    • 11 months ago

      I agree in a lot of ways with what you say but I just look at it like angry customer reports that go somewhere. Eli makes better/more entertaining content.

  23. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I'm not European so I can't understand what he's saying. He comes off like that limmy video about a pound of feathers I thought was funny because I could not understand a word of what they were saying.

  24. 11 months ago

    I feel bad for fighting game fans they have it so bad. They're so exploited. They clearly hate their current predicament. ;_;

  25. 11 months ago

    Just make games that require skill to be beaten in a game in a simple to understand formula instead of the bs now thats coming out.

    LITTERALLY not hard.

  26. 11 months ago

    by not being massive fricking israelites and selling complete products withoutngay Psych grad designed FOMO battlepass garbage
    I swear I spend more and more time on my PS3/Wii just because they're free of that trash.

  27. 11 months ago

    >studios regularly release unfinished games for full price and maybe, if you’re lucky, will have the game in a playable state in approximately 700 days.
    >open alpha/beta for full price
    >absence of new IPs or creative ideas
    >consolidation of the industry into mega corporations that don’t give a shit
    >cringe “journalism”
    >twitch streamer celebrities
    >PC shit everywhere
    >mobile gacha gambling takeover
    >season passes
    >kickstarters for games in perpetual development
    >unrealistic/impossible release dates mandated by higher-ups and shareholders
    >twitch drops

    Yeah, it’s fricking destroyed. Just play old games, simple as. Modern gaming is one of the most cringe things imaginable

    • 11 months ago

      a rather grim state of affairs

  28. 11 months ago

    Targeting old people isnt a good strategy for a medium like video games. It should be focused on teenagers and early to mid 20s.

  29. 11 months ago

    >adults complaining about season passes
    just pathetic
    yeah you pay more for your favorite game when you buy everything
    but there are also games that go on sale for super cheap after a year. who cares

    • 11 months ago

      when your game is pretty much a freemium shit tier fest and you still charge for the game is just criminal
      you're still a fricktard for saying otherwise
      gaming is just devolving for the sake of corporate interest

      • 11 months ago

        Well yeah that's what was always going to happen to a consumer medium once big investor money comes in. There's no way for an investor to know why you like playing monopoly. But you're goyimg to buy the 16th remaster.

  30. 11 months ago

    Reminder his chink gf left him due to his constant complaining.

    • 11 months ago

      and? another hoe bites the dust
      is there anything to be surprised about?

  31. 11 months ago

    >How do we reclaim the boomer market, marketerbros
    Cease with the anti-white sentiment.

  32. 11 months ago

    SF5 steam review sums it all up

    • 11 months ago
      That wasn't so hard. You can find the same shit on PSN

      • 11 months ago

        Think the review predates this but yeah.

        • 11 months ago

          Review says June 5th. Thought the steam ui included year for reviews outside of the present year.

  33. 11 months ago

    Take microtransactions and cash shops out of gaming.

    Since companies will never do that, it's fricked.

  34. 11 months ago

    Rossmann is an idiot who talks out of his ass. One of those morons who speaks without thinking. He should stick to board repair and quit complaining about everything and everyone.

  35. 11 months ago

    Sagat isn't playable Street Fighter II, he's a non playable boss. Why does this fake boomer pretend like he knows what he's talking about?
    He would have been 3 years old when SF2 came out.
    Sagat wasn't playable until SF2 Champion Edition, back then you had to buy a whole other fricking video game instead of a small DLC. Which is why there are so many versions of old fighting games.

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