How do we stop normies from invading?

With BG3 around the corner it seems like every little gay is trying to become an RPG connoisseur in a week, its really tiring

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  1. 11 months ago

    Let them eat shit, I'm not worried. The halls of /trve RPG/ only reveals itself to those who are worthy.

    • 11 months ago

      Not a rpg

  2. 11 months ago

    They wont play any of the good ones because the graphics filter them.

    • 11 months ago

      What would those be

      All good RPGs have at least acceptable visuals, and some like IE games have really good looking backgrounds even today

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          >primitive dungeon crawlers with barely any reactivity or roleplaying

          Take off ur rosetainted glasses, grandpa. Those games are valuable for their historic influence, not for their playability in 2023. Bringing them up is like bring up Ford T and complaining about how Camarro sucks

        • 11 months ago

          That game has appealing graphics, what are you talking about?
          The sequel is ugly, but it also sucks in every other aspect, too.

  3. 11 months ago

    Shut down every rpg discussion board that isn't the codex.

    Even mild exposure to the typical grognard for less than 60 seconds will send the average normie fleeing.

    • 11 months ago

      >"rpg" discussion
      Go back and never return.

    • 11 months ago

      Kek, whiny manchildren that got left behind. Yeah, have fun jerking each other off and going on about your childhood games, boys.

  4. 11 months ago

    CRPGs self-gatekeep. If someone is gushing about or hating on a popular meme CRPG, just ask them to expand on what they're saying.

  5. 11 months ago

    >its really tiring
    frick you
    I don't care what c**ts on the twitter are saying
    I want more games with classes, multiclasses, swords, wizards and shiiiet
    a bigger audience means the suits will pour more money into such type of games
    most will be shit, but ultimately it increases the chances that competent devs who want to do rpgs will get the money as well
    frick you

    and I would rather have newbies discovering and discussing rpgs than having to read another shitpost from some mind-damaged autistic basement-dweller who considers his opinions to have any value because he played morrowind or something on release
    did I mention frick you?
    frick you

  6. 11 months ago

    It's too late.

    • 11 months ago

      Typical hyper focused one-trick pony elitist Hipster mindset. They can't accept newbies in their baby games because they will be bad at the game at first. When newbies are integrated the "oldgays" will go shit and cry in a corner while the newbies will the time of their life doing something new

      >its really tiring
      frick you
      I don't care what c**ts on the twitter are saying
      I want more games with classes, multiclasses, swords, wizards and shiiiet
      a bigger audience means the suits will pour more money into such type of games
      most will be shit, but ultimately it increases the chances that competent devs who want to do rpgs will get the money as well
      frick you

      and I would rather have newbies discovering and discussing rpgs than having to read another shitpost from some mind-damaged autistic basement-dweller who considers his opinions to have any value because he played morrowind or something on release
      did I mention frick you?
      frick you

      The "frick you"s are perhaps unnecessary but I'm in full agreement with that guy

      • 11 months ago

        Did you even read the image? New members in phase 2 is not a problem. They are forced to fully assimilate into the group and become part of it. If it remained in phase 2 the entire time, then there would be no problems. It's phase 3 and after that's the issue. We have been in phase 6 for a long time. Phase 7 has in many cases already occurred with original members preferring exclusively older games which are objectively better.

        • 11 months ago

          Then the problem is newbies who happens to be women or dudebros ? Both are newbies either way

          In addition, if the girl is just coming to get attention, as said in the text. Wouldn't it stand to reason that she is probably going to gtfo from the fanbase when nobody will give a shit about the b***h? The dudebros is just a by-product of the attention seeker so he is probably going to gtfo with the women as well.

          By this logic, it doesn't make sense that they'll stay and ruin the hobby they are temporary partaking in.
          Another problem with this image is that it is not taking into account the fact that the hobby we are talking about is a video game. You could not really differentiate between genuine newb and attention seekers.

          But then my reasoning may be stupid, idk

          • 11 months ago

            Your reasoning is flawed.
            >Wouldn't it stand to reason that she is probably going to gtfo from the fanbase when nobody will give a shit about the b***h?
            The noobs in phase 3 are the ones that simp for them.
            >You could not really differentiate between genuine newb and attention seekers.
            You can if you aren't a moron or you aren't deep into the autist spectrum. .

            • 11 months ago

              I think I get what you mean but there are a few thing that are bugging me
              >The noobs in phase 3 are the ones that simp for them.
              So do you agree with me that the image that was posted is a hit-piece against the noobs, right? Leaving the insults is my initial post asides, the lesson that the creator of this diagram tried to share is "a community should gate keep at the risk of being corrupted from the inside". That's why I called it "elitist". Nobody is immortal so if there is no newbies to a hobby, it end up dying. It's a bit like a language that's not spoken.

              fair point for the reasoning, however, you then have to agree also with the fact that for this image, the problem are all noobs, not simply women newbies and dudebros, unlike what was said here;

              Did you even read the image? New members in phase 2 is not a problem. They are forced to fully assimilate into the group and become part of it. If it remained in phase 2 the entire time, then there would be no problems. It's phase 3 and after that's the issue. We have been in phase 6 for a long time. Phase 7 has in many cases already occurred with original members preferring exclusively older games which are objectively better.

              >New members in phase 2 is not a problem

        • 11 months ago

          Also because I forgot to mention it; have you read the image as well? The green and brow guys, the first newbies end up casualize-ing the game for the other newbs. That's why the core-audiance gtfo. They are a key part of the problem

      • 11 months ago

        Did you even read the image? New members in phase 2 is not a problem. They are forced to fully assimilate into the group and become part of it. If it remained in phase 2 the entire time, then there would be no problems. It's phase 3 and after that's the issue. We have been in phase 6 for a long time. Phase 7 has in many cases already occurred with original members preferring exclusively older games which are objectively better.

        Are you saying brown and femme are the problem

        Then the problem is newbies who happens to be women or dudebros ? Both are newbies either way

        In addition, if the girl is just coming to get attention, as said in the text. Wouldn't it stand to reason that she is probably going to gtfo from the fanbase when nobody will give a shit about the b***h? The dudebros is just a by-product of the attention seeker so he is probably going to gtfo with the women as well.

        By this logic, it doesn't make sense that they'll stay and ruin the hobby they are temporary partaking in.
        Another problem with this image is that it is not taking into account the fact that the hobby we are talking about is a video game. You could not really differentiate between genuine newb and attention seekers.

        But then my reasoning may be stupid, idk

        Also because I forgot to mention it; have you read the image as well? The green and brow guys, the first newbies end up casualize-ing the game for the other newbs. That's why the core-audiance gtfo. They are a key part of the problem

        Your reasoning is flawed.
        >Wouldn't it stand to reason that she is probably going to gtfo from the fanbase when nobody will give a shit about the b***h?
        The noobs in phase 3 are the ones that simp for them.
        >You could not really differentiate between genuine newb and attention seekers.
        You can if you aren't a moron or you aren't deep into the autist spectrum. .

        you anons are focusing on the particular image and over-analyzing it like it's some divine sacred text with unquestionable truths
        in reality it's a twisted perception of some moronic incel

        why don't you focus on the real deal that ruins hobbies
        casualization happens because
        once some hobby business is good it attracts business people
        -> business people start having more say than the creative people
        -> this leads to being focused on making more profits
        -> this leads to casualization in order to attract a wider audience

        any successful hobby goes through this, there is no escape
        in fact this already happened to PC gaming in general and crpgs in particular
        being mad that BG3 supposedly casualizes a genre which was dead in AAA budgets territory for more than a decade is moronic. The worst already happened. Just be happy there is a major AAA crpg being published at all.

        • 11 months ago

          >you anons are focusing on the particular image and over-analyzing it like it's some divine sacred text with unquestionable truths
          I'm not, that's the reason I called it a "mindset" and that's also why I'm writing moronic posts like the moron that I am. Godbell this forum

          • 11 months ago

            (you) are alright kid, (you) are alright

      • 11 months ago

        Are you saying brown and femme are the problem

        Then the problem is newbies who happens to be women or dudebros ? Both are newbies either way

        In addition, if the girl is just coming to get attention, as said in the text. Wouldn't it stand to reason that she is probably going to gtfo from the fanbase when nobody will give a shit about the b***h? The dudebros is just a by-product of the attention seeker so he is probably going to gtfo with the women as well.

        By this logic, it doesn't make sense that they'll stay and ruin the hobby they are temporary partaking in.
        Another problem with this image is that it is not taking into account the fact that the hobby we are talking about is a video game. You could not really differentiate between genuine newb and attention seekers.

        But then my reasoning may be stupid, idk

        Also because I forgot to mention it; have you read the image as well? The green and brow guys, the first newbies end up casualize-ing the game for the other newbs. That's why the core-audiance gtfo. They are a key part of the problem

        you anons are focusing on the particular image and over-analyzing it like it's some divine sacred text with unquestionable truths
        in reality it's a twisted perception of some moronic incel

        why don't you focus on the real deal that ruins hobbies
        casualization happens because
        once some hobby business is good it attracts business people
        -> business people start having more say than the creative people
        -> this leads to being focused on making more profits
        -> this leads to casualization in order to attract a wider audience

        any successful hobby goes through this, there is no escape
        in fact this already happened to PC gaming in general and crpgs in particular
        being mad that BG3 supposedly casualizes a genre which was dead in AAA budgets territory for more than a decade is moronic. The worst already happened. Just be happy there is a major AAA crpg being published at all.

        I think I get what you mean but there are a few thing that are bugging me
        >The noobs in phase 3 are the ones that simp for them.
        So do you agree with me that the image that was posted is a hit-piece against the noobs, right? Leaving the insults is my initial post asides, the lesson that the creator of this diagram tried to share is "a community should gate keep at the risk of being corrupted from the inside". That's why I called it "elitist". Nobody is immortal so if there is no newbies to a hobby, it end up dying. It's a bit like a language that's not spoken.

        fair point for the reasoning, however, you then have to agree also with the fact that for this image, the problem are all noobs, not simply women newbies and dudebros, unlike what was said here; [...]
        >New members in phase 2 is not a problem

        The genre was already casualized in BG1+2. It was over back in 1998. newbies and women ruin everything.

        • 11 months ago

          >seething about casuals for 25 years and counting

    • 11 months ago

      Are you saying brown and femme are the problem

  7. 11 months ago

    Based upon posting patterns on this board, it has already happened and about 75% of posters are normies.

  8. 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago

    Just play single character RPGs, or games like solasta where you create your own party

    The party-based "friendship" "romance" simulators are forever tainted. Thanks Bioware

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