How do you cope with online rage?

I'm 21 and even after all these years and at least 10 permanent bans in a certain online game, I still slip up quite often. I'm really not that edgy in general but sometimes when I play I can't stop it.

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  1. 2 years ago

    seek psychological help
    go outside
    find a gf

    • 2 years ago

      Already tried these

    • 2 years ago

      >find a gf
      so he gets even angrier?
      smart thinking

      • 2 years ago

        If you smack her you won't get banned from the video game

  2. 2 years ago

    only redditors rage

  3. 2 years ago

    Rather than type a bunch of cringe expletives into the chat like a man child, I prefer to channel my rage into sabotaging the game’s community on Reddit. I have half a dozen or so Reddit accounts that I use to push a negative agenda about the game. Inciting drama, circlejerking over problems with the game, and just generally gaslighting the community. I did this for Valorant for a few months and I think I single-handedly destroyed the community on Reddit. The Riot devs don’t even interact with the community anymore (but they still do for LoL). Anyway, I usually feel much better after doing this and it’s a more effective way of spreading the negative emotions I feel to others. This is the point of raging in the first place, right?

    • 2 years ago

      I'd do that too if reddit didn't automatically ban me

      • 2 years ago

        if you can't conceptualize and moderate yourself within boundaries you may be an npc anon because you lack the ability to disconnect your physical actions from your mental state of being.

        I.e you're the kind of person who would yell at the Tv when watching sports.

        • 2 years ago

          I wish I could yell at the tv. I yell at the tv when other people around. What you say is really dissociation which is a bless and a curse. Sometimes I make evil plans like you, but the reality is if you do that you're still being controlled. It's better too just well EAT SHIT and get it out of your system if you can't just deal with it

  4. 2 years ago

    This is another reason why the gaming industry is going to die. No one is actually getting hurt but they are attacking players over their childish feelings.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm 33 years old and I used to attack people in real life due to anger issues, therapy never helped. Nothing anyone ever suggested helped me, you could try to do what I did which eventually did help. Distance yourself immediately from whatever it is that's making you angry. The first sign you start to feel mad at something or someone, just leave. Stop playing, leave the room, turn off whatever it is you're doing and go be on your own for a little while to calm down. It took me about 8 years to finally get a grip on my rage which at the age I am now I understand was really embarrassing. I'd lash out at people over the smallest things, I'm not 100% in control of my anger but I am able to manage and handle it 100 times better than I used to simply by conditioning my brain to work with
    >feeling angry
    >separate myself from what makes me angry
    >calm down
    >think about why i got so angry in the first place
    >make fun of myself for being so pathetic
    >laugh it off
    >go back to what i was playing/apologise to whoever i was talking to or at least try to see reason and/or explain myself
    You're still young, you've got plenty of life in you yet to stop this kind of behaviour and if it translates to the real world like it did with me then you're going to want to fix that as soon as possible because let me tell you one thing, people in the real world get tired of your shit really quickly and it only makes you angrier

    • 2 years ago

      >words are the same as physical violence

      • 2 years ago

        Never once said this in my post, you should learn to control your temper like OP is trying to do

        • 2 years ago

          People shouldn't be getting banned over words. Telling someone to back down over getting angry in a game instead of expressing themselves isn't right. If he's lashing out at people irl then your advice is sound but for a video game it's best to never give them your patronage again.

          • 2 years ago

            >please someone have this argument with me so it can hopefully go like it does in my head, when i invent whole arguments out of my imagination
            Nobody is arguing with you.

            • 2 years ago

              I wasn't looking for an argument. I was telling you.

          • 2 years ago

            >People shouldn't be getting banned over words
            Their product, their rules

          • 2 years ago

            So moronic. You are clearly the person these rules were made to keep out.

          • 2 years ago

            >People shouldn't be getting banned over words
            but freeze peach for hate speech is an entirely different animal. if people weren't so into optics cuckery i would not only slam the door (on top of the fingers of whoever is talking shit to me) but also talk shit back

            >instead of expressing themselves isn't right
            what if i decide that i want to apeshit too and give an spectacle to everyone else watching it then where and when will it end? slamming the door is literally the only logical follow up

            >If he's lashing out at people irl then your advice is sound
            lol because then he would get punched in the face? or recruit people to join his hate speech cause like some skinhead?

        • 2 years ago

          >and I used to attack people in real life due to anger issues
          captcha: GAYGW

      • 2 years ago

        >words are the same as physical violence

        they aren't, but other people act like they are, so the difference is moot anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Used to punch holes in my wall in highschool. I got over it eventually though. It was probably around your age that I started trying to be better. Mainly doing what and

      i channel my rage into exercising

      said. If something was pissing me off in a game, I stopped playing it. I realized that those games that were making me rage...I wasn't having fun with. So I stopped wasting my time in them. Occasionally I still play games but I've realized idgaf about leaving mid match. If i'm not having fun/getting pissed; I just quit. Too old for that shit now and I've got better things to do. I also exercise/lift some weights I've got near my computer when I get angry. Help channel that towards something.

    • 2 years ago

      >conditioning autism instead of simply realizing what anger is
      angry people are optimists with self-imposed expectations
      people who road rage genuinely believe the road is always supposed to be traffic-free. so if they take the 5 seconds to adjust their expectations to situation, it wouldnt be so aggravating when they see the brake lights of the car in front of them turn on and the painful crumble of their expectation collapses on top of them. it wouldn't
      i myself have never gotten (irrationally) angry on the road
      though in any team-pvp game i'd easily find someone to gaslight
      but, i've come to the realization that every game is different
      some games are physically monumental piles of toxic garbage that will take centuries to find enjoyment from
      and others, they are inconsequential, and its much harder to flame someone if points, ultimately, wont matter

      • 2 years ago

        why you get angry is important, not everyone gets angry for the same reasons
        iv personally never punched a wall or anything
        and I never get angry at things or stuff thats happening, its only ever people that get me angry
        its a very specific situation that makes me angry and basically nothing else ever even phases me, basically only when I perceive something as I guess I can best describe it as unfair/unwarranted

        how this manifests in games usually involves someone getting upset at some random slight and starting some shit with me, I tell them they are wrong, and end up arguing with them, pretty much all of my anger just ends up in arguments with people, nothing else really manifests from it, not really much to do about those
        but it can happen in real life too, I remember when I was younger before smart phones were around a few of my friends half jokingly half seriously would say that I get into arguments a lot over trivial things to be right and that I am "always right", simply because I would be very certain of something and effectively correct something someone said about something, and when they told me I was wrong argue it with them, they found it especially annoying since I was pretty much always actually correct, rarely it would be a they are technically not wrong but are still wrong kind of situation, I obviously didn't argue if I wasn't certain

        I completely fixed this behaviour by simply changing my mindset, I don't care if they are wrong, they can refuse my help and remain ignorant, I don't need to push my information on those that don't want it. I still say things, but only ever once, I am not going to argue with people over pointless shit that they refuse to listen to
        its also very enjoyable when this happens and I avoid the argument only for someone else to get into one and eventually someone looks up something and sees that both of them were wrong and what I had said was right

        why am I blog posting

  6. 2 years ago

    i channel my rage into exercising

  7. 2 years ago

    The few times I have got upset at games is only when I am on a losing streak but then I channel the anger to at least make my stats the best in the match even when compared to the winning team.

  8. 2 years ago

    It usually helps me to just analyze why I got angry. And I mean REALLY be honest, like if you got mad and you want to tell yourself you're not mad, but deep down you know you are a bit. Admit it to yourself and ask why.
    Because the more you understand why the more you understand what you actually expected to go differently, and that makes you more prepared for it the next time it happens.

    I think we want to believe you get a thick skin by just being born tough or something, but that's not how it works.
    You get a thicker skin by acknowledging your wounds. You don't have to tell anyone, but you should at least be able to tell yourself.

    It can be hard to face those answers if you're not used to doing this.. Because you may find that sometimes it was your fault and that's really hard for people to admit even to themselves. And perhaps you're trying to pass blame onto others, and getting angry when they don't accept your blame.
    Other times it can just be that you had unrealistic expectations (e.g. do you somehow have the impression that you should NEVER lose a game, and that every time you lose it must be someone else's fault?)

    And in general it can help you better understand why you play online games in the first place.
    For example, I think a LOT of people who get mad at others for "sucking" is because they have a high standard for themselves too without realizing it. It's because THEY care too much about winning that they get mad.

    And the more you understand those things the more it stands out to you when you're playing online and things start deviating from those goals.
    You can see that something is taking your joy away _before_ the rage builds, and then you just go join a different server, play a different game, or do something else altogether.
    If you can't walk away form something, then that something has power over you; free yourself from it.

    • 2 years ago

      >If you can't walk away form something, then that something has power over you; free yourself from it.
      This is the most difficult part for me. I used to make fun of the idea of a manchild yelling at a screen over losing a game when he's by himself at night. Now I've become exactly that.

    • 2 years ago

      Good post

      You've gotta analyze yourself and be actually honest. It hurts but you come out understanding yourself better for it. If you don't understand yourself you won't get anywhere with any of this.

      I'm 33 years old and I used to attack people in real life due to anger issues, therapy never helped. Nothing anyone ever suggested helped me, you could try to do what I did which eventually did help. Distance yourself immediately from whatever it is that's making you angry. The first sign you start to feel mad at something or someone, just leave. Stop playing, leave the room, turn off whatever it is you're doing and go be on your own for a little while to calm down. It took me about 8 years to finally get a grip on my rage which at the age I am now I understand was really embarrassing. I'd lash out at people over the smallest things, I'm not 100% in control of my anger but I am able to manage and handle it 100 times better than I used to simply by conditioning my brain to work with
      >feeling angry
      >separate myself from what makes me angry
      >calm down
      >think about why i got so angry in the first place
      >make fun of myself for being so pathetic
      >laugh it off
      >go back to what i was playing/apologise to whoever i was talking to or at least try to see reason and/or explain myself
      You're still young, you've got plenty of life in you yet to stop this kind of behaviour and if it translates to the real world like it did with me then you're going to want to fix that as soon as possible because let me tell you one thing, people in the real world get tired of your shit really quickly and it only makes you angrier

      This is also the answer. If something makes you feel bad, just fricking remove it from yourself. Why would you do anything else? Learning that removed a lot of unnecessary pain from my life.

      And if it happens in real life, just disassociate lol

  9. 2 years ago

    They give permanent bans now. I got a fair few 3 month bans (nothing as bad as what you posted) and now I'm permanently banned. Literally money = stolen

  10. 2 years ago

    >not that edgy
    whatever you say dogo

  11. 2 years ago

    i was once like you anon
    what worked for me was quitting online multiplayer games for a few years and gitting gud at games like Dwarf Fortress.
    after you get ass-fricked by RNG for the 100th time you start stop giving a shit about winning or losing and just focus on having fun instead.
    also if you insist on playing MOBAs, try
    >turning on anonymous mode and treat every lobby like a bot match (it disables all text/voice communication and even hides the other player's names)
    >playing with good, trusted friends that you know will always be good team-mates instead of playing with literal random filipinos who'll throw the match by d/cing constantly

    • 2 years ago

      If you hate the game, or the people playing the game, just stop playing the game.
      Go lay down and count to 10.
      Go play another game that doesn't have you dealing with shitters online like

      I used to be a CS:GO freak, got to DMG before the rank update so I'm more like GN3 in 2022, but at around 2018 I just stopped playing and went to go play weird shit
      >Project Zomboid
      >Dominions 5
      >X-COM: UFO Defense mods
      >Space Engineers
      >Visual novels
      >Library of Ruina
      >solo Space Station 13
      cheat in those games to get your power fantasy fill but don't cheat in multiplayer games because that's not cool
      Try playing games to have fun, I know it's really hard to do that today because games are shit but there's a reason you made this thread, because you want to have fun.

    • 2 years ago

      >ass-fricked by RNG for the 100th time you start stop giving a shit

      Good point. Try playing Getting Over It with Bennet Foddy. That game is straight up a loss simulator, the whole fricking thing seems to be designed around letting you claw out progress through so much effort only to have it removed in a heartbeat by your own idiocy. I swear that game expanded my perspective on rage and losing, to the point other, regular games didn't seem so bad.

  12. 2 years ago

    stop emotionally investing in the game and just fricking chill
    put some music on, smoke a joint, crack open a beer and have fun you fricking moron it's supposed to be a relaxing hobby just fricking chill jesus fricking christ

    • 2 years ago

      I no longer lash out at people since i started doing the following.
      >wait for someone call me gay or something deemed homophobe by society
      >guy immediately starts back pedaling and apologizes
      >80% if not the 90% of people involved in the match reports the guy
      >days later get a notification that action has been taken against said player
      >not even gay
      Works every time and lets me rage at people freely and with the support of everyone else involved lmao.

      You are a part of what is killing online gaming homosexual. Stop using nuspeak shit to get people banned.
      >inb4 no
      Your mother is a prostitute

  13. 2 years ago

    just fake laugh whenever you get mad and you'll eventually Pavlov yourself into laughing instead of getting mad it worked for mr

  14. 2 years ago

    quit being a b***h

  15. 2 years ago

    I grew up and stopped playing games i didnt find fun. Getting upset over a video game. I just cant understand that anymore. You're playing something you very clearly dont like. Just dont.

  16. 2 years ago

    Stop taking videogames seriously
    Think before you type or something

    Get into several online dramas where you come out as a loser and you know you are a loser - but not because you lost an argument but because you willingly accepted into it and took the same dumb tactics of internet drama your opponent used - and gain experience from it

    idk man

  17. 2 years ago

    hahaha lol
    csgochads, we keep winning

    • 2 years ago

      we won't stop winning

  18. 2 years ago

    Easy, i don't play bad games. If it becomes frustrating to play, no matter how good the core is, i drop and forget it. Easy.

  19. 2 years ago

    I thought it was funny. You didn't even call anyone a Black person. Sounds like a shit community. You really want to play with homosexuals that badly? Online games are pozzed as frick these days, like the rest of this zoomer generation. Return to single-player. Find bros around here that you can call everyone Black folk with.

  20. 2 years ago

    Embrace it. These days everyone is so quiet in multiplayer games that it's refreshing when somebody actually goes to the effort of trashtalking.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah, but now we need games where you aren't banned for chirping

    • 2 years ago

      This is actually sadly a very good take. I've realized I used to play mobas just for that, the chat kept being more or less relevant, or at least available, while in most games you get the botmatch feeling.

  21. 2 years ago

    what i do, is when i start to rage i immediately just close the game or turn off my pc/console and just go out and walk it off. i used to smack my desk a lot to the point where i had to change it every month then i realized what im doing is not healthy for me

  22. 2 years ago

    >yell swearwords into nothingness
    >get banned for being annoying
    Deserved it
    Maybe next time be more productive with being angry at videogames like a fat weeb manbaby you are
    Or better find an actual hobby or a job

  23. 2 years ago

    You know, the highest tier threat that you should have typed was "ggez" and that would be it. Telling someone to "eat shit" and "suck your wiener" behind the other side of the screen when they can't is counterproductive.

    • 2 years ago

      Duke Nukem does it and gets away with it while those reporters laugh when Duke does it.

    • 2 years ago

      This anon is correct. There are better ways to frick with people. GG EZ is a good start. Also just saying "lol" and then team killing is a good way to release some anger. Get creative with your anger and start expressing yourself by ruining the game for everyone. Looks like a shit game anyways. Its just a game. Have fun bud.

      • 2 years ago

        Telling them the truth to why they lost works too.
        Let them know you're better than them.
        >I won because I'm better than you
        They shall rage.
        >You lost because you don't know how to play
        They shall cry.
        >Maybe if you did this instead of THAT you would have stood a chance
        >They shall whine!

        GG EZ works too but it's like dripping water on their foreheads. Only works on the bads and takes time to get a reaction out of them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Be 12 year old me
      >Playing MW2 on the PS3
      >Malding as shit, losing streak
      >morons running around with akimbo M93R's, Rangers, Model 1887's
      >Aim sensitivity at 8 on controller
      >Interlock my fingers for a haymaker and smash my floor
      >Frick up my fingers
      >Well shit, now I can't play the game
      >Go play Castle Crashers instead
      self-harm is dumb as shit, especially over video games

      True, you can type 'your mother sucks wiener in hell', 'Frick you Black person' and no one cares
      Tell someone 'GG EZ' and they will seethe even if they mute you
      >Try aiming
      >Mute me, I always get what I want
      >obnoxiously typing *yawn*'like an anime character
      >Touch grass
      >I invest in NFT's
      >I only had to use x amount of boost/ammo
      >I had 90 health when I killed you
      NFT ownership has a magical property of being universally hated more than furries, guro, and scat fetishists. People can have $1200 commissioned OC furry art, SAO Kirito PFP and no one cares anymore in 2022, have a boredApe/CryptoPunk profile picture and people lose their shit.

  24. 2 years ago

    git gud.

  25. 2 years ago

    When I turned 18 I had a teammate and coach in Counter-Strike who realized I had a rage problem or I would get in my own head and become my worst enemy. As a result, he did this training exercise where I had to watch a whole bunch of videos and not react. There was nothing NSFW, but it was a whole lot of either funny videos or cringe videos, basically YLYL thrown in with mlp of all things (later on I thought this guy was trying to groom me into being a brony, DIDN'T WORK LMAO) and occasional infuriating headlines and news.
    The strange this is that this ended up working and by not reacting to any of that I didn't react to stupid deaths and kept level headed. You should try it sometime, but doing this alone doesn't work as well because your scope of things to watch as practice is only knowable by yourself.

  26. 2 years ago

    Just go find a game that literally does not give a shit about trashtalking / harassments.
    Used to give death threats and demean people using the in-game DMs in this one game I used to play and I never got banned even once.
    But if you must insist on playing a game where the moderators will cuck you out of your money for practicing free speech, I personally just look at random gore videos and pretend that the people dying in them are my useless teammates / that one aimbotter in the enemy team. The Mexican cartel torture / execution ones are the most cathartic imo

    • 2 years ago

      >Death threats
      I legit have gotten hundreds of death threats over fighting games online. Ob xbox live my account's rating even tanked because I was destroying people that badly in MvC2. All it ever did was make me laugh! After a point since the account was already ruined, one of my friends would talk shit over the mic while I kept quiet and focused on the game. It was a great fun time and the couple of times we did that we'd receive even more death threats than normal through xbox live. It was literally a daily occurrence. Sometimes they'd do it over a mic.

      Then in other games like the CoD, Halo, and even Street Fighter franchises I'd get xbox live death threats after games. Never once bothered me and I in fact became bored of them. Though it was on a friend's account and the best part is that even his social rating tanked even though I never talked shit online, and only played to win. Some people be sour about loosing but before I became so good that death threats became daily I lost a lot. Don't be like those people. Just be better than them and by just existing you'll piss them off.

  27. 2 years ago

    just chill out bro

  28. 2 years ago

    I don't have anger issues. Barely anything makes me angry, except people blatantly lying to me, and people keeping me from getting enough sleep. Those are intolerable.

    • 2 years ago

      That and when they suddenly want your attention after you just got done cooking but had nothing to eat yet. Food gets cold and all the work is spoiled. People seem to not understand that when I cook it's because I was already hungry.

  29. 2 years ago

    literally just stop giving a frick
    if that doesn't work, just drink and play video games, not super healthy but it sure as hell works

  30. 2 years ago

    Are you okay?

  31. 2 years ago

    Have you ever tried not to be autistic?

    • 2 years ago

      >not to be autistic?
      read thru this thread and tell me that its possible for these guys
      i do hope that some of them are joking though

  32. 2 years ago

    I don’t think this question is worth its own thread so I’ll ask here. Do you guys sweat while playing games? Especially during ranked modes or any intense moment, even during SP games? Whenever I play my hands, feet and pits get real soaked. It’s been happening to me for the past couple years and I’m getting extremely sick of it so how do I stop?

    • 2 years ago

      Only time I get that is if the concept of time invested is lost in a permanent fashion. A good game, as in near equal skill or one where my team is conquering a stronger one might get a rise out of me but the most I feel is just vibrations. Like adrenaline. However I suspect the guy on the other side of the screen also has his state of mind risen as well unless he does it so much he killed the novelty of it.

      Only other thing that can even come close to that are twitch reacting fps. That and going to a fighting school. Sometimes you fight a stronger opponent and that gets the adrenaline running even though it's a sparing match. however if you fight weak opponents it becomes boring and I'm devoid of life because it's uninteresting. I already know the outcome and it's honestly wasted for both parties. I find in online games I become WORSE if I spend too much time stomping on unranked players. I get bored of the game real quick and substitute its soundtrack with music to keep it interesting otherwise it's just boring and an utter waste of time unless you sell your game accounts or something. Sometimes, people just want access to the entire game like chess pieces on a bored and selling accounts give that to people. Gaming industry should have allowed player trading instead of microtransactions. Their peak player bases would probably still be alive since people tend to look for supplemental income as they grow older. Instead they're doing food deliveries.

  33. 2 years ago

    I just leave and play another game or watch TV

  34. 2 years ago

    Stop playing games that make you angry. I quit LoL a year after it came out because that shit pissed me off more than any other game I played before. Now I play coop shit or smaller squad based pvp games with friends.

  35. 2 years ago

    i never got mad at solo queue team games because ive accepted thta there will always be a tard on my team throwing oe the other dudes are simply a premade

    coh 2 1v1 on the other hand
    yeah it was shitfling matches to see who got the other person mad first and forced a surrender
    the problem wasnt even really the other play, it was how gay it felt to be cheated out by a meme build because unit wise the balance was horrendous

  36. 2 years ago

    cope with what you literal moron

    literally what aspect of gaming requires any coping dumbass

  37. 2 years ago

    Being 21 won't make a difference for how you behave. You just need to grow up if you're still having rage fits over a video game like Rocket League. It's a pretty shitty experience playing with someone who gets toxic but when they are a adult who takes a game to heart and gets all hyper emotional about it is just awkward and weird to be around. Learn to accept you are sometimes wrong or at fault instead of blaming someone for it. You can't just rage and cry you're way through things you can't accept happening. You're being pathetic. No one has a answer and you need to learn this your self and learn to take control.

  38. 2 years ago

    I tend to view every other player as legitimately subhuman so I get absolutely fricking enraged when they kill me. I can't really shake the mindset.

  39. 2 years ago

    You homies are fricking weird

  40. 2 years ago

    Just troll until the rage is gone
    This guy from some clan intentionally teamkilled me in hell let loose, so I ran him over with a truck wildly honking, then headshot him when he respawned. Ten minutes later when he was solo on a deep flank behind enemy lines and was stationary, made him eat some artillery
    It was beautiful

  41. 2 years ago

    You need to calm down and enjoy the time you have to waste on videogames. Or play less frustrating games than team based shooters where your fun depends on you not getting killed over and over.

  42. 2 years ago

    I enjoy taunting your kind
    Surely your games have a muteall option, use it wisely

  43. 2 years ago

    Play games that allow you no opportunity to behave like this. Games with no voice or chat, and or throw away your mic. I haven't used a mic in almost a year and I still have plenty to do. Or play a kid's game like Wizard 101 where you physically can't type these things because it colors them red and refuses to send. Or play Urban Dead where you can say anything you want.

  44. 2 years ago

    Getting that mad at randoms in a video game makes you a pathetic c**t

  45. 2 years ago

    Take a step back and realize that you look like an child having a temper tantrum. No reason to get upset to this point, it's truly pathetic.

  46. 2 years ago

    >I'm 21 and even after all these years
    >after all these years
    you're still a moronic child. i wouldn't worry about it. come back when you're 30, then it'll be a problem.

  47. 2 years ago

    If you still read this thread. I would suggest you to stop typing in the chat. Whenever you angry just shout all the word you want to type. Thus you can raging without getting banned

  48. 2 years ago

    i have the best wanks after getting utterly demolished by someone who is better than me.

    • 2 years ago

      One april fools when the mods were posting, i insulted a mod, he banned me, and then i furiously jerk offd to the thought of his waifu fricking me with her futa wiener.

  49. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Black person

  50. 2 years ago

    Here is the deal. There are people like me that my entire purpose of playing League of legends is to piss people off report them and get them band. You won’t believe the amount of accounts I’ve collected. People like you who spaz out because I’m standing in wrong spot lmao. So just know there are trolls everywhere. I use to play diamond/ plat but silver troll mf ap support in the wrong lane is way more fun. I never talk either and they just go off I report and enjoy BaN!

  51. 2 years ago

    The secret to understanding this is that a woman cannot ban a man in any online community of any sort because women are not capable of any kind of action of any sort without being fully wiener-motivated by an individual man so ultimately, it is only men who chooses who gets banned from what and how and how often and so on

    • 2 years ago

      In less offensive terms, frankly, if you think that someone in your community is both your friend and also lover and also your fundamental enemy who is going to utterfully frick-annihilationriffically frick-destroy you, you are probably in the wrong line of business overall t b q h

      • 2 years ago

        In even less but not necessarily as minimally offensive as most possible terms, the internet was a safe space for basically white men of all nationalities and ethnicities who were generally nerdy and bullied but during my college years or around then it was rape-colonized by women who turned it into what it is now. This is more usual and typical than ever, but never as it typically is at this time
        Thank you for your attention please

  52. 2 years ago

    That's not how to troll people.
    Be "polite" while trying to be an butthole. Don't use any curse words and act just like a Discord moderator.
    Others will still get enraged and BANNED instead of you.

    • 2 years ago

      Mine anus is open unto you, milady, but I think mayhaps ye veer wrongly by saying that one must be polite in an online chat. Ye Olde Internette was much bettre than this new encuckened versione

  53. 2 years ago

    I just shitpost man.

  54. 2 years ago

    I feed off of rage like this. If someone blessed me with this after losing like a homosexual, I'd see it as an additional reward and also egg them on until they got themselves banned if possible.

  55. 2 years ago

    My comp career has gotten to the point where I can't reliably improve anymore and continue to degrade when I play fps. From my experiences, rage is only a byproduct of a decaying person.
    If you see yourself getting better, then you shouldn't have a reason to be significantly mad.

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