How do you feel about Journeys becoming more game accurate?

How do you feel about Journeys becoming more game accurate? Did it ruin it for you, you didn’t care or you liked it this way?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Journeys was shit

    • 10 months ago

      FPBP. It's worse than BW imo

      • 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    I really couldn't have given less of a frick.

  3. 10 months ago

    Ironic that the season called "Journeys" is the one season that has no journey

  4. 10 months ago

    They should have made a pokemon masters anime instead of this half assed tournament

  5. 10 months ago

    It felt incompatible with what came before it

    • 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    >ORAS contest outfits
    Missed opportunity for Ash to wear Brendan's. Instead we get 3 of May's, including May herself.

    >Iris as Champion
    Felt the like death of her character. Evolving your mascot is taboo, and Haxorus lost any personality he had as an Axew. Makes me glad Dawn's Piplup chose to eat an Everstone, he was right to be worried about evolution affecting his demeanor.

    Terrible. Pokemon Go's capture mechanics are lazy as shit and Goh barely develops any attachment to his actual team. There's no effort for the majority of his captures, he just chucks a ball and that's all. And no using other balls too, it's just bland Poke Balls. Where's the Fast Ball use on speedy Pokemon? Heavy Ball use on larger Pokemon? If you're gonna have a character whose goal is to complete the Pokedex, then you gotta go all the way, not Go's "catch 20 duplicates and then trash all but one for candy".

    >Egg generalization
    Boring as all frick. I hate it. Go's eggs are ugly as sin and can't compare to the unique, cool egg designs of before. Hell, even Togepi's gimmick doesn't work, as Togepi's egg becomes part of its body when it hatches.

    • 10 months ago

      >Missed opportunity for Ash to wear Brendan's.
      Because Brendan exists in the universe, as shown in one of the AG movies.

      • 10 months ago

        So? May's outfit got reused for both Koharu and Serena, in addition to May herself and Lisia. If you're gonna do a showcase of Hoenn's contests, do it properly.

    • 10 months ago

      >Still seething about Goh

      • 10 months ago

        Why would people not bring him up in a discussion about why Journeys was bad? You're not the brightest.

  7. 10 months ago

    It's nostalgia bait that doesn't work because it basically shits on the anime canon. Yes Iris was champion in B2W2 but that doesn't make sense for the anime. Her dream was to become a dragon master. It would've made more sense for her to have became the gym leader after Dryden. It be like if all of a sudden Gary was a kanto gym leader/champion just because Blue/Green does it in the games.

    • 10 months ago

      Why does it make sense for her to become a Gym Leader more than a Champion!m? How does a Champion clash more with being a Dragon Master than Gym Leader?

      • 10 months ago

        >why does the established dragon gym leader in the dragon city, who's also the only known dragon master in the region, asking her to take over his dragon gym make more sense as a step on the way to becoming dragon master than fighting some random other gays and getting some unrelated title?

        • 10 months ago

          Lance is a Dragon User and is also a Champion. Furthermore Drayden still trained Iris as revealed in her return episode. How is wanting to be a Dragon user in conflict with Dragon Master when Lance is a known Dragon Tamer and Iris is now stronger than Drayden who is a Dragon Master? Wyd anon?

          • 10 months ago

            >some random champion in some other region uses Dragon Pokemon, that means it makes more sense for an aspiring dragon master to become champion as a step on the way instead of taking over a dragon master's dragon gym
            homie what

            Lisia also specializes in dragon Pokemon, do you think Iris should've become contest master too?

            • 10 months ago

              No she doesn’t. She has one Dragon Type. And it turns into a Fairy/Dragon Type. Can you explain how wanting to be a Dragon expert conflicts with Champion when Lance is both?

            • 10 months ago

              > taking over a dragon master's dragon gym

              I think what anon is saying is that becoming a Gym Leader of a type specialist Gym was never an indication you’re closer to becoming a type expert. Is Misty a Water Master now? The Elder of Iris village seems like she’s a Dragon Master but is not a Gym leader so that’s not the end all be all. Iris is a free spirit and therefor being trapped in a Gym doesn’t seem like her. There is a reason why Misty is looking for an excuse constantly to leave hers.

              You can argue you don’t like her increase in strength but a Champion with a lot more wondering freedom than being stuck a Gym is way more in character for her.

              • 10 months ago

                Dragon Master is an actual title, and the only person we know of that holds it is Drayden. Misty's "Water Pokemon Master" thing is just some shit she made up, so she can decide herself when she's met that goal.

                And yes, succeeding a dragon master as dragon gym leader of the traditional dragon gym in the dragon city is a much more logical step towards becoming a dragon master yourself than becoming the champion of New York because the champion of Tokyo has a Dragon Pokemon on his team.

              • 10 months ago

                But becoming the a Gym Leader isn’t a requirement for being a Dragon Master and it’s very clear he still ended up training her. Even if she didn’t run his Gym he was her primary teacher. How is taking over his Gym makes her a Dragon Master?

              • 10 months ago

                Dumb ESL brainlet

              • 10 months ago

                >how is becoming a Dragon Master's personally appointed successor in his specifically dragon-related field more of a step towards becoming a Dragon Master yourself than doing some unrelated bullshit that has nothing to do with Dragon Masters or dragons in any way

                Are you even reading the dumb shit you're writing?

              • 10 months ago

                You still didn’t answer my question. What is the difference between the Gym Leader training over a type specialist and eventually having her over power him and becoming stronger than her taking over his gym and most likely staying on his level?

                “Dragon Master” isn’t even something explicitly mentioned in the games and if it is it’s no different than Water users or Paychic users. The closest we have to that is “Dragon Tamer” which Lance is and a Champion in the games and anime.

                This just sounds you cringing and b***hing about an “undeserved power up” while not explaining your points.

              • 10 months ago

                Different anon but didn’t the anime imply as early as BW that taking over the Gym is just one route and she didn’t have to take over it if she didn’t want to? I don’t think they ever implied that was her only option or golden opportunity to progress in her goal. Seeing as she still doesn’t see herself as a Dragon Master after being higher than Drayden and having her Dragon power shit, I don’t think being a Gym Leader would’ve made much of a difference.

                Dragon Master is an anime-original concept, and it's an actual TITLE handed out by the Dragon Village. It's not something you "see yourself as", it's something you're awarded if you're considered worthy by the guys that award it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Dragon Master is an anime-original concept, and it's an actual TITLE handed out by the Dragon Village. It's not something you "see yourself as", it's something you're awarded if you're considered worthy by the guys that award it.

                Citation please. You said Drayden is the only known Dragon Master despite not even being from the Village of Dragons. So why wouldn’t the Elder be one? The head and who is shown to be more knowledge than anybody with Dragons.

                Why didn’t the Elder inform Iris that taking the Gym Leader role is the best option instead of letting her follow her own path?

                >It's not something you "see yourself as",

                Iris quite literally said “Even though I am Champion I don’t SEE myself as a Dragon Master yet anyway so I participated in the PWC”

              • 10 months ago

                >It's not something you "see yourself as", it's something you're awarded

                Citation form my part of the argument. It wasn’t “I wasn’t acknowledged yet” but instead “I don’t think I am”. It’s self defined.

              • 10 months ago

                Different anon but didn’t the anime imply as early as BW that taking over the Gym is just one route and she didn’t have to take over it if she didn’t want to? I don’t think they ever implied that was her only option or golden opportunity to progress in her goal. Seeing as she still doesn’t see herself as a Dragon Master after being higher than Drayden and having her Dragon power shit, I don’t think being a Gym Leader would’ve made much of a difference.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why isn't Drayden the champ like Lance or Iris?

              • 10 months ago

                >Well you see anon being a Gym Leader means she’ll become a Dragon Master cause it’s a Dragon Gym in a “Dragon City” (despite Gym’s being liable to change typings all the time like Jasmine from Rock to Steel).

                >Dur type specialist shouldn’t be Champions despite Steven, Wallace and Lance specializing in Steel, Water and Dragon.

                Don’t try to make sense of seething anon.

  8. 10 months ago

    I really don’t like how they tore down all the Kanto gyms in SM and JN and made them all almost identical looking. I guess I get Misty wanting to make her gym a proper one now that she’s in charge, but did they have to the same with Surge’s gym? And did Erika have to rebuild her gym to be so boring looking? The thing I hate the most though is how much they tried to make moves look identical to their game version. Swords Dance on top of the stat boosting visual looks so stupid, and the same goes for bite attacks.

  9. 10 months ago

    This is why I like OG anime. I liked when the anime didn't just rip everything exactly the same as from the games; it had its own identity.

    • 10 months ago

      >OG anime was one of the best examples of how to adapt a video game setting into an anime, by taking it for granted that the video games are a loose approximation that needs to be heavily expanded on where it made sense
      >even had an early episode where a cotd thinks he's hot shit for being good at a "battle simulator" that looks exactly like the video games, but then gets his ass kicked in a real battle because reality isn't driven by a bunch of stats and percentages
      >ended up becoming exactly what it was mocking
      It's sad.

      This shit started with SM, which fanboys claim COULDN'T have been a travel-centric show like the earlier series because "Alola is a really small region", as if there was anything stopping the anime from adding 50 new anime-original cities and areas to it the way they did in EVERY other region. Frick Tomiyasu.

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly, I prefer the anime to not deviate from canon. But at that point it would be so much better if they created an anime exclusive region (akin to Orange Islands) with its own canon, towns, etc.

  10. 10 months ago

    >Watching the Ashime

  11. 10 months ago

    I hated it. It was unnecessary and uncalled for pandering to gamegays.

  12. 10 months ago

    Soulless because they would only copy from the sanitized whitebread FRLG

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, LGPE has the best designs for Kanto and yet they stick to the bland FRLG and HGSS versions of Lance and Erika.

  13. 10 months ago

    It was extremely souless and felt forced as frick. It clashed like crazy with everything before it.

  14. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Makes people seethe

    • 10 months ago

      needed 3 Pokémon just to defeat Cynthia's Milotic

      • 10 months ago

        >Ace shotted Milotic with one attack. Notice how Cynthia needed two Pokémon to take out Haxorus. A Pokémon Cynthia has been raising since she was a child.

    • 10 months ago

      .. sucked Alders shriveled wiener to get the position

  15. 10 months ago

    I haven't watched the anime for like 15 years and back then I'd always imagine how they would put stuff from the anime into the games, like bigger cities, Pokemon contests with battles or special colored eggs

  16. 10 months ago

    The Irisgay is still here lol.

    • 10 months ago

      How is does Iris triggers you gays so much that being mentioned in a simple picture with three other things dominates the whole thread? You guys need a mental evaluation. Journeys broke some people.

      • 10 months ago

        Triggered? No, I just find it hilarious how this gay is just Famon 2.0. Guy is on here 24/7.

        • 10 months ago

          >25 IP account posters

          Claiming it’s just one Irisgay

          Sounds triggered to me

          • 10 months ago

            It is just you, anon.

            • 10 months ago

              If you say so. There are probably four different posters arguing and you’re claiming it’s just one person despite the numbers literally being again you. Sounds triggered

    • 10 months ago

      Noooo you summoned him what did you do ohnonono be more careful for the sake of /vp

      • 10 months ago

        >Noooo you summoned him
        he comes here evey day after school regardless

  17. 10 months ago

    I'm glad Ash and his shitty anime is dead

  18. 10 months ago

    >contest outfit
    Fine. It's just an outfit.
    >Iris Champion, Haxorus
    Fine-ish, though it really should've been set up as a goal for her during the final stretch of BW. Haxorus also feels like a completely different 'character', in that it barely has one. Then again, Axew as a character was rather forgettable in spite of his prominence during BW, so it's not a big loss.
    Horrible. The raids were dumb and did not fit the anime world at all, and despite the old English tagline, 'catching 'em all' does not really work the same way in the anime, where it is constantly stressed that each Pokémon is a unique individual, not a checkmark to be captured, and the bond between a trainer and their Pokémon is a central theme. Yes, it's more accurate to the games where one should strive to capture them all, but going on a capturing spree to build a collection at the pace of Goh seems like something a villain would do in the anime.
    Unfathomably terrible. Eggs being unique to each species was something memorable about older seasons and making them generic eggs is pointless, bland and a quintessentially soulless decision. I really wonder who pushed for it.

  19. 10 months ago

    Don’t care about the rest but eggs being taken back to the “mystery egg” is an improvement. It was always moronic in the anime that every egg was patterned like a specific pokemon and you would still get lines like “duhh what will hatch out of it???”

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