How do you feel about using lesser legendaries during main game runs?

How do you feel about using lesser legendaries during main game runs? I often forget they're not 600BST mons so they're even less than pseudo mons.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >sub 600 BST
    >however have moronic OP abilities

  2. 9 months ago

    Their lower stats are supplemented by their abilities.
    The only one I'd want to try is Wo-Chien, because it's not as broken as the two offensive ones and less tanky than Ting-Lu.

  3. 9 months ago

    I don't avoid legends because they're OP. I do it because it breaks immersion and feels cheap. Makes you abandon your bros for a special snowflake god power shit.

  4. 9 months ago

    Using Raikou is kino

  5. 9 months ago

    Playing nugen slop is soulless.

    • 9 months ago

      Take it as an example of a legendary bunch. I've not played SV myself

  6. 9 months ago

    Can you even get these guys in the main game? And if you can, is there even much game left to use them?

    • 9 months ago

      Yes. You can get them easily if you end titan path first

    • 9 months ago

      You can get them as soon as you beat all 5 titans. The only requirement is that you're able to reach the stakes.

    • 9 months ago

      You can get them as soon as you beat all 5 titans. The only requirement is that you're able to reach the stakes.

      they don't obey you unless you have all badges so there's not much of a point
      t. used chien-pao

      • 9 months ago

        One of my gripes with the game, they should have tied it incrementally to overall quest progress rather than gym badges exclusively. I have one titan and two Star leaders left but I'm purposely preventing my guys from reaching mid-40s even though I easily could've by now

  7. 9 months ago

    I refuse to use legendaries/mythicals or even pseudo-legendaries now (last time I used them on an in-game team was Gen 4), regardless of their stats or competitive use.
    There's just a lot more charm and fun in using Pokemon that doesn't make your character "special" or "the chosen one" in any way. Just a normal trainer- that is, as normal as the game lets you be, since the games have always portrayed the player character as a Pokemon battling prodigy.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't avoid legends because they're OP. I do it because it breaks immersion and feels cheap. Makes you abandon your bros for a special snowflake god power shit.

      >be normal person
      >play normal game
      >pick up normal good game
      >enjoy the power fantasy
      >work hard and get sword that has the lore of buttraping a pantheon of gods
      >use it to slay the ultra neo demon king
      >have fun
      >be pokehomosexual on /vp/
      >pretend his kiddy slopshit is some mature statement despite acknowledging it's more power fantasy shit
      >even through this cognitive dissonance weirdly wants to be as pathetic in the game as he is in real life
      >constructs some moronic framework in his head where even though he's mowing down the piss easy as frick "bosses" with shitmons he pretends to feel attachment towards he feels like it's more "authentic" than using strong stuff
      What causes this mentality?

      • 9 months ago

        >What causes this mentality?
        Spending your formative years playing Pokemon and purposely avoiding legendaries because a website pretending to be the authority on competitive battling told you you're a bad person for using them because they're "le banned"

        • 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    I don't really have a problem with using them, its just 95% of the in game battles are generally designed around moronic 9 year olds using shitmons with terrible movesets so using strong pokemon just makes the fights even more trivial

  9. 9 months ago

    >so they're even less than pseudo mons
    At the very end of the game, sure, but for most of it pseudos will be NFE shitmons.

  10. 9 months ago

    I don’t get elitist about what mons me or anyone else use unless people are whining about difficulty being too easy and their team is all meta story mons like Gyarados Garganacl etc

    • 9 months ago

      I shouldn’t have to use a team of 6 Beedrill to have a decent challenge

    • 9 months ago

      Training a magikarp is a tradition for me at this point, if I can get a magikarp for my first run I will have my trusted shrimp blimp snake thingy by the end of the game

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