How do you guys feel about Gen 5?

Gen 5 is such a strange mixed bag for me.
I love B2W2. I think it's probably the best game in the entire franchise. It has the best feature ever (the Pokemon World Tournament). It also has tons of other content that I enjoy.
I also really like the human characters of Unova, I think they're some of the most interesting characters in the franchise.
The plot is also very good, with BW probably having the most interesting plot in any Pokémon game.
My main problem with Unova is that I hate the Gen 5 Pokemon. I think they're the worst batch of Pokemon that we've had sofar. Most of them look like Fakemon to me, for some reason. I do like some, but I dislike the vast majority of them.
Other than that, I also find the Unova region itself a bit meh, compared to Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Alola and even Galar and Kalos. I don't think Unova is a bad region, I think all Pokemon regions have been good sofar, but it's just lower on my list.
The music is good, but not my favorite either. Some songs just don't sound like Pokémon music, but they feel like they have been taken out from other franchises, like Zelda for example.
So yeah, that's my opinion of Gen 5 in general. How do you guys feel about Gen 5?

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  1. 7 months ago

    who asked

    • 7 months ago

      i asked

      • 7 months ago

        you need to take your meds

    • 7 months ago

      It’s my least favorite gen behind gen 4.

      Not even necessarily because it’s bad, but because it does literally nothing well. I can’t think of a single thing in Gen 5 I wouldn’t get better experience of from just playing Gen 6 or 7 instead. Also it’s the ugliest gen in the series (yes even uglier than gen 9) because the sprites are fricking painful to look at.

      Dogshit that almost permanently killed the franchise
      It's irredeemable trash and all of the SOVL in Pokemon died here
      Thread ends here btw, no need to continue when I answered OP accurately

      The pokemon designs are disgusting and bottom of the barrel. The dex is a bloated mess full of James Turner dogshit, forgettable Kanto clones, and moronic objectmons.

      The region is a shitty circle with a random desert biome thrown in the middle that makes no sense.

      The battle facilities are piss easy sloppage

      The characters are either gays like N or Black folk like lenora

      It brought absolutely 0 changes to the gameplay formula

      Overall, the worst gen with zero redeemable qualities.

      Sharty thread

      >don’t get any responses in the other thread
      >make a new one
      saged and hidden

      >Announcing a sage
      you'd better fricking get temp b& for that

      • 7 months ago

        Oh, and every single fan of Gen 5 is a schizophrenic Black person that thinks anyone that shits on their garbage games is part of some grand conspiracy


        • 7 months ago

          If it isn't some weird raid stuff then gen 5 objectively gets discussed the most of any gen on this board, making it the most interesting gen to talk about. There are literally 5+ unova threads made per day.

        • 7 months ago

          explain how it’s not a raid when there’s suddenly 5+ Unova and Sinnoh hate threads every day as well as a bunch of replies that bring up Unova out of nowhere
          it’s also ALWAYS Unova vs Kalos, never any other regions

          • 7 months ago

            well maybe shittoh and muttnova aren't that good

            • 7 months ago

              and there you go saying Shitnoh and Muttnova
              you seethe over them so much that you can’t even say the actual names
              but you’re definitely not a mentally ill raider because…you just aren’t somehow

    • 7 months ago

      Who asked you to chime in

  2. 7 months ago

    >don’t get any responses in the other thread
    >make a new one
    saged and hidden

  3. 7 months ago

    It’s my least favorite gen behind gen 4.

    Not even necessarily because it’s bad, but because it does literally nothing well. I can’t think of a single thing in Gen 5 I wouldn’t get better experience of from just playing Gen 6 or 7 instead. Also it’s the ugliest gen in the series (yes even uglier than gen 9) because the sprites are fricking painful to look at.

  4. 7 months ago

    Dogshit that almost permanently killed the franchise
    It's irredeemable trash and all of the SOVL in Pokemon died here
    Thread ends here btw, no need to continue when I answered OP accurately

  5. 7 months ago

    The pokemon designs are disgusting and bottom of the barrel. The dex is a bloated mess full of James Turner dogshit, forgettable Kanto clones, and moronic objectmons.

    The region is a shitty circle with a random desert biome thrown in the middle that makes no sense.

    The battle facilities are piss easy sloppage

    The characters are either gays like N or Black folk like lenora

    It brought absolutely 0 changes to the gameplay formula

    Overall, the worst gen with zero redeemable qualities.

  6. 7 months ago

    One of the best gend and it gets more attention than any other on this board, so it must be the most memorable.

  7. 7 months ago

    BW only having Unova mons was amazing after seeing so many Machops, Geodudes and Zubats in Sinnoh.

  8. 7 months ago

    If you ever get a chance, pick up the BW2 collector’s guide. There’s alot in that book that I never knew existed, and also interviews. Made me appreciate this gen much more.

    BW1, I don’t have the strongest feelings about. Liligant is cute.

    • 7 months ago

      Thank you!

  9. 7 months ago

    It's overrated and overhated.

    It starts or emphasizes a lot of bad design decisions and tropes that would plague the series later on but somehow unovaborts always ignore them. BW2 is only a top tier Pokémon game because it has so much content and replayability because as a game it's very flawed and has objectively worse game design than all the other gens prior. BW was a nice attempt at doing something different but relies too heavily on previous tropes to work.

    Meanwhile the haters are also autistic.

    • 7 months ago

      >BW2 is only a top tier Pokémon game because it has so much content and replayability because as a game it's very flawed and has objectively worse game design than all the other gens prior
      Could you elaborate? How is BW2 flawed as a game?

      • 7 months ago

        Like I said, gen 5 starts or emphasizes a lot of bad tropes that would plague the series as it goes on.

        There's an excessive focus on story to the point where you're railroaded through a linear region and there are constant interruptions and cutscenes to halt your forward moment. This isn't as bad as later gens because the routes are still well designed with multiple paths and they encourage backtracking, and there's enough content inbetween story events for it not to be as overbearing as, say, Sun and Moon, but it's an issue that starts here. Earlier gens had a focus on non-linearity and exploration and whereas the routes may be well designed in gen 5, the region is linear and you'd have to go out of your way to backtrack. In earlier generations, the regions were designed around interconnectivity. This means that you'd pass through old cities on your way to a new one, but you'd always have the tools to explore new areas inside the routes you'd visited beforehand. In gen 5 you're always moving forward, never revisiting old locations, which makes for a fundamentally different experience. Not only is it less interesting, gives less agency to the player, it also makes each location feel less memorable because you're in there once and leave.

        Unova also starts the trend of having incoherent environmental design of Mario stage theme parks. A forest, next to a city, next to a desert, with obligatory ice and lava levels on the map because of course. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh all had a cohesive biome. Areas flowed well into the next, they didn't feel designed to fit a quota.

        This is to say that both Unova as a region and the approach to storytelling and progression in gen 5 are fundamentally flawed in design compared to earlier games.

        There are other minor aspects such as the infinite TMs (which are a good idea but break the main game and something they couldn't get right until gens 8/9) and early lucky eggs, but these are my major problems.

        • 7 months ago

          also Black folk and all the pokemon are ugly

        • 7 months ago

          Hoenn is absolutely a theme park

          • 7 months ago

            Hoenn is a tropical region that represents 1:1 Kyushu. There is a volcano and while the desert area may be a stretch, there is a volcanic area near the volcano that looks similar enough.

            If Hoenn were designed in gen 5+ you'd have an unnecessary ice mountain somewhere to fill in the ice type quota. Instead they're in a cave because Hoenn doesn't compromise its environment design.

            • 7 months ago

              >Instead they're in a cave because Hoenn doesn't compromise its environment design
              How is the cave not part of the environment?
              How is this city not the epitome of a theme park location?

        • 7 months ago

          What lava level? Reversal Mountain which isn’t in BW1 and only has lava in White 2?
          Cold Storage and the area around it also barely count as an ice level

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks for explaining!

  10. 7 months ago

    just look at the poopy brown desert slapped right in the middle of 2 squalid cities lol. that sums up gen 5 perfectly

    • 7 months ago

      but it accurately represents america doe

  11. 7 months ago

    >Every single Pokemon game boils an entire chunk of a country into 50 buildings.
    >"Muh theme park"
    The frick is wrong with you people?

    • 7 months ago

      >Every single Pokemon game boils an entire chunk of a country into 50 buildings

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