How do you guys feel about Kingdom Hearts as a whole?

It seems like it’s been a laughing stock for a while now in many communities, and outside of the extreme fans, mostly considered a fun series with inconsistent writing.

It’s probably one of my favorite series, but I never took the story seriously. It’s fun, in that the whole series feels like a very generic battle shonen turned into a video game. As in great action, hype moments, writing not the best department.

How do we feel about the upcoming game so far? Will you tune in?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I didn't try playing the series until my mid-20s, so I obviously didn't get much out of it. KH1 was okay, but KH2 was such an inconsistent mess. On one hand, the combat was a ton of fun, but the levels felt barebones and the story was egregiously stupid to me. And this is coming from a guy who loves simple JRPG plots like that of old Game Arts titles.

  2. 2 years ago

    I recently watched someone play through KH1, hadn't played it since I was a kid. It's still a dumb as frick and cheesy game, but frick if it doesn't have some great emotional highs. The scene right at the end where Sora and Kairi get separated again as the stars in the sky start lighting back up and Simple and Clean starts playing gets me every time.

  3. 2 years ago

    I have a feeling most if not all of the intrigue in the KH series is based off of nostalgia. If we had gotten kh 3 how it is now but like 4 or so years after kh2 it wouldn’t have been recieved so badly.

  4. 2 years ago

    loved it when i was younger so i'll always feel something for it but after the spinoffs and kh3 i just dont care anymore
    kh1 and 2 are still fun games

  5. 2 years ago

    It is, without question, one of the absolutely gayest franchises to ever come out. You seriously had to be there and see the moronic teenagers in their trench coats trying to act like hot shot with this crap.

  6. 2 years ago

    I was 18 when a friend showed it to me, there was a kid dancing and singing with ariel, that was enough for me

  7. 2 years ago

    Gameplay is dogshit. Only a child would enjoy the repetitive slog of pressing X to win.
    Story is asinine 8th grader fanfic snot.
    The OC characters are all boring or unlikeable.
    The graphics and music are pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      >repetitive slog of pressing X to win.
      Post your Critical Lv.1 run.

      • 2 years ago

        I mean even on standard critical you still eat shit if you just attack like an idiot

  8. 2 years ago

    Not RPG. Peak mainstream shovelware that is a magnet for unwashed and low IQ manchildren. The whole game is a crime against artistic integrity. The only positive thing about it is that it is a proof that anything can sell well as long as you have very superficial presentation and a decent amount of marketing budget. Make no mistake, if you are a genuine fan of this series, you have severe brain damage. It is what it is.

  9. 2 years ago

    >How do you guys feel about Kingdom Hearts as a whole?
    I tried KH1 and dropped it after the Tarzan world. It couldn't keep me hooked.
    The OP song was a blast, although I much prefer the Japanese version's lyrics because the English ones butcher the seeming relation to the game's own themes of Light and DARKNESS completely by introducing some weird ass Romeo & Juliet romance sounding bs.

    Also Pancake's meme videos are funny. I'm glad KH exists just because of them.

  10. 2 years ago

    It should've been its own thing from the beginning without Disney and Square content. It really feels like there's two people trying to tell different stories and a kid keeps saying "I want Donald Duck in this story", it becomes especially glaring in the sidequels like BBS.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        This is true, but my point stands. KH1 was a great game, but as the story began to introduce its other elements like Nobodies and the other keyblade masters and so on it just started to become an absolute clusterfrick.

    • 2 years ago

      >Game 1 is LITERALLY Disney animated movies + Final Fantasy fused in a meaningful way
      >It should've been its own thing from the beginning
      What a fricking moron.

      The problem with KH series is that once you get past game one, Disney started doing its wacky IP control and you suddenly had a team who had to do random asspulls to keep the story going.
      As a result, everything post KH1 is basically Final Fantasy + Games OC Donut steel + Disney movies featured to be there as cross promotion with no creative freedom.
      Now, they are still fun games, as fun is fun. But the rest of the series don't hit as hard when the Disney portion isn't allowed to touch the plot, and the OC donut steel has wonky edges.

      • 2 years ago

        Disney could literally offer me a blank check to make a game and I'd tell them that's not worth the hassle of dealing with their narcissism.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd argue even Junction Point Studios found that out the hard way.
          >Be acquired by Disney for the exact purpose of having a inhouse studio with experience making a Mickey series
          >First games artsy side suffers due test audiences disliking game mechanics
          >Second game fizzles out at 1/4 of target sales, somehow
          >Literally recipe to print money if they would bother to keep going due cross media marketing
          >Studio gets closed
          >Disney fail to produce games at any decent volume

      • 2 years ago

        >Final Fantasy + Games OC Donut steel + Disney movies
        Nomura said that FF won't be relevant now from KH4 onward.

  11. 2 years ago

    I like 1, 2, Re:Coded and GBA CoM
    As you can see I don't really give a frick about how convoluted the plot is

  12. 2 years ago

    It was dumb to release a every game on a different console.

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