How do you guys rate your RPGs?

How do you guys rate your RPGs? How do you communicate game quality with others without delving too deep into a literal review
Do you use a 1-10 scale, tier list or something else?

I personally use a tier list of garbage, bad, mediocre, good, god tier

"Garbage" being literally worthless and often unfinished, highly advisable for skipping for example
>gothic 3
>vanilla daggerfall
>vanilla oblivion
>fallout 3

"Bad" being simply media not worth consuming but to it's credit, it gets some things right, advisable for skipping, for example
>divine divinity
>fable 1
>Risen 2
>Risen 3

"Medicore" ones are somewhat decent and you might as well play them if you got nothing else to do (Even tho much better games exist)
>Icewind Dale
>Elden Ring
>Risen 1
>Lords of The Fallen

"Good" games being, well, good but flawed so they are still not quite at the top. Recommended
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Icewind Dale 2
>Temple of Elemental Evil
>Jagged Alliance 1

God tier RPGs being the best gaming industry has ever had to offer
>Deus EX
>Baldur's Gate 1
>Jagged Alliance 2
>Planescape Torment
>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2

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  1. 2 years ago

    I rate them "I like this game" and "I don't like this game". No need for further granulation, as 1st category contains everything I'd play.

    • 2 years ago

      hard to imagine engaging in a discussion with such simplistic descriptions

      Simple explanations like 'Great mechanics, mediocre encounter design, ok plot, killer soundtrack' etc.

      this is good too

      • 2 years ago

        >engaging in a discussion

    • 2 years ago

      This. Also who the frick needs to go into a 45 minute powerpoint presentation for "Is this game good or not?". I get the sensation that OP has never been invited twice by the same people.

  2. 2 years ago

    Simple explanations like 'Great mechanics, mediocre encounter design, ok plot, killer soundtrack' etc.

    • 2 years ago

      it enrages me when people review video games like this, i dont know why. if i see a steam review and it is structured like:
      >graphics: good
      >writing: bad
      >music: good
      it communicates almost nothing about the game or what you actually experienced

  3. 2 years ago

    nah, the best way to communicate these things have always been to use laymen language; ie:
    >"this game is great, the music is stellar, the gameplay is some next level shit"
    most RPGs aren't that^ so they don't even need to be talked about mostly

  4. 2 years ago

    I know it's a meme list, but I am exhausted of seeing Fallout 2 mentioned as a good game. It's the worst main Fallout game after Fallout 3 and 4, full of cringy humor and references you won't unless you are an 30+ years old boomer. Even the developer admitted they went too far with this shit. I played F1, had my fun, and after trying F2 I quit after few hours.

    This is what you get when you base you fame on memes and don't take into account they will, inevitably, get old and become cringy. F2 is a game only for Hardcore fans, other RPG players should avoid it.

    • 2 years ago

      This is low INT grognard bait, almost as bad as a low INT zoomer's. Consider this thread marked for shitposting, you will not have any proper discussion.

      the list is not a meme nor a bait
      It's a rating based off criteria I value, you're free to value something else

  5. 2 years ago

    This is low INT grognard bait, almost as bad as a low INT zoomer's. Consider this thread marked for shitposting, you will not have any proper discussion.

  6. 2 years ago

    I ask myself, "Am I enjoying this?"
    If yes, then "Game is good"
    If no, then "Game is bad"
    If enjoyed a lot then "Game is great"

  7. 2 years ago

    My list is the only objective one so far;
    >good games:
    >Deus Ex
    >Fallout 1 and 2

    >bad games only Gankertard tourists play
    >fable 1
    >Risen 2
    >Risen 3
    >divine divinity
    >Icewind Dale
    >Elden Ring
    >Risen 1
    >Lords of The Fallen
    >Baldur's Gate 2
    >Icewind Dale 2
    >Temple of Elemental Evil
    >Jagged Alliance 1
    >Jagged Alliance 2
    >Planescape Torment
    >Baldur's Gate 1

    If you genuinely like any DnD-derived trash, you do not play RPGs and you should go back to Wrong board.

    • 2 years ago

      >he thinks mediums can be rater objectively as if there were pre determined criteria that objectively mattered
      You have to be at LEAST 18 to post here

      • 2 years ago

        I always find if funny when somebody who enjoys morrowind tries to school people on video games
        you enjoy a single player mmo wikipedia simulator, have some self awareness dude

        Smartest Gankertard tourists.
        Wrong board

        I always find if funny when somebody who enjoys morrowind tries to school people on video games
        you enjoy a single player mmo wikipedia simulator, have some self awareness dude

        You don't know what school is, you never went to school, all you did was sniff asscrack and play isometric homosexual simulators.

        • 2 years ago

          imagine being this mentally ill and angry about an imageboard
          seek help

          • 2 years ago

            Ridiculous, you type like a troony - falseflagging too. Look at yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      I always find if funny when somebody who enjoys morrowind tries to school people on video games
      you enjoy a single player mmo wikipedia simulator, have some self awareness dude

  8. 2 years ago

    I simply don’t rate them.
    This whole “I gotta rate this” or “Noooo it’s not a 9.4 it’s a 8.2 at best” reddit-tier screetching began when millenials and zoomers thought they were somehow superior to others because they played this game or watched this semi-obscure movie and thought they were intellectuals and every single media they interact with needs to be ranked on a numeric scale.
    If you had fun, say it was good and vice versa.
    Simple as.

    • 2 years ago

      ahh yes, the basic human desire to simplify complex things because of the fear of nuance

      never gets old

  9. 2 years ago

    Just a quick reminder, most people here are moronic. Not as in 'quirky,' but as in: they are actual idiots. You cannot explain to them that numeral X/10 ratings are simplification based on certain qualities the person qualifies as important. They will not only not understand, they will screech and seeth at any opinion divergent from theirs. They will not understand why a person would consider Morrowind a better game than Deus Ex, or vice versa.

    A mature, mindful person would discuss how well a game fulfiles its vision, whether its mechanics complement the story and gameplay and how well the idea was executed. All of those things are beyond an average Ganker moron. I wish I knew better places to discuss games than Ganker boards, but sadly RPG Codex isn't that popular, and Resetera is a moron filled hive-mind of Ideollogical Totalitarians.

    Actually, does anyone have any recommendations?

    Btw, I'm curious what was the thought process behind the first category:

    >"Garbage" being literally worthless and often unfinished, highly advisable for skipping for example
    Risen 3, VtMB, Kingmaker could all be considered such games. Oblivion and Fallout 3 are actually decent in their offensive averagness, but definitely not broken, no matter that Bethesda is a meme company.

    • 2 years ago

      You're a pretentious midwit that won't even pass at Ganker. You are not as smart as you think.


      • 2 years ago

        Every person that attempts to make more than a shallow statement is considered pretentious on Ganker. This place is the platonic ideal of crabs in a bucket.

      • 2 years ago

        Smartest Gankertard tourists.
        Wrong board

        You don't know what school is, you never went to school, all you did was sniff asscrack and play isometric homosexual simulators.

        My list is the only objective one so far;
        >good games:
        >Deus Ex
        >Fallout 1 and 2

        >bad games only Gankertard tourists play
        >fable 1
        >Risen 2
        >Risen 3
        >divine divinity
        >Icewind Dale
        >Elden Ring
        >Risen 1
        >Lords of The Fallen
        >Baldur's Gate 2
        >Icewind Dale 2
        >Temple of Elemental Evil
        >Jagged Alliance 1
        >Jagged Alliance 2
        >Planescape Torment
        >Baldur's Gate 1

        If you genuinely like any DnD-derived trash, you do not play RPGs and you should go back to Wrong board.

        take it easy summergay

        • 2 years ago

          Every person that attempts to make more than a shallow statement is considered pretentious on Ganker. This place is the platonic ideal of crabs in a bucket.

          Simmer down low INT gays. Try gaining more EXP at >>>Ganker before you come here.

    • 2 years ago

      the whole list is based of criteria that i personally value
      I can't go into each game in depth atm but basically

      #1 writing (of everything, dialogue, story, characters etc)

      #2 immersion - How believable is the world that surrounds you? How likely is it that characters that you interact with would interact with you in real life the way they do in the game (gothing 1 being my all time favorite game in terms of immersion ever)
      Do you actions have any consequences? Does it at all matter what you do?

      #3 quest design
      How deep are the quests that the game presents to you? Are they in any way connected to each other? Do they have any meaning, consequences if you do or do not complete them? Is there any reactivity in the game what so ever? (This is why I hate everything bethesda has ever released. Their games score a whooping 0/10 in all three of these, in my opinion, important criteria)

      #4 gameplay mechanics (leveling, combat and everything else that goes into this) pretty self explanatory - The deeper, the more thought out - The better

      And that's why I hate the games I hate and I like the games that I like. Of course we could discuss each and every one of these points for each and every game for hours, but that's outside of the scope of this shit stained imageboard

    • 2 years ago

      This post reeks of boomer who can't adjust to games that came out after he became an adult

  10. 2 years ago

    Level of personal enjoyment, rated 1 to 10.

    1. Absolute physical pain. (Wizardry 4)
    Game inflicts physical pain and is an absolute torture to play. Mere mentioning brings down the mood and causes suffering to resurface.

    2. Extremely painful. (Escape from Hell)
    Game is extremely painful to play, leaves bad aftertaste for some time after playing and playing it again is unlikely.

    3. Painful. (Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning)
    The game is unenjoyable and leaves minor migranes but has little lasting effect otherwise.

    4. Bad. (Age of Decadence)
    The game is unenjoyable but doesn't affect you in any physical way.

    5. Bland. (Rouge)
    The game fails to provoke both hatred and enjoyment.

    6. OK. (Elvira 2: Jaws of Cerberus)
    The game is enjoyable but is uneven in its enjoyment, has flaws.

    7. Good. (Pillars of Eternity)
    The game is enjoyable for the majority of playtime, its flaws negligible.

    8. Very Good. (Baldur's Gate 2)
    The game goes beyond being just enjoyable and gives moments of pure bliss.

    9. Awesome (Wizardry 8)
    The game is full of moments that are above and beyond what regular entertainment media can provide.

    10. Life-changer. (Planescape: Torment)
    The game is capable of changing your entire perception on life and media in a way enjoyable through and through.

    • 2 years ago

      based honestly, I agree with every game on your list that I've played

    • 2 years ago

      I don't agree with games choices, but I like your criteria.

  11. 2 years ago

    If it's good it's good if it's shit it's shit. Not there is some bleed over. "A good game with a shit plot" "a shit game with a great OST.

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    >did I have fun, was it interesting
    it's good
    >did it stick with me for weeks or months
    >did I drop it
    not my thing, maybe you would like it though couldn't say

    • 2 years ago

      Wow that's clever. I totally agree. Fussing with principles and objectivity are a waste of time and mental effort.

  14. 2 years ago

    If it's a game you like then it's shit
    If it's a game I like then it's 10/10

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    7/10 quality bait

  17. 2 years ago

    I do literal reviews. Sometimes short ones, but I try to explain myself. Tier lists don't convey much at all. Might as well use numbers.

  18. 2 years ago

    >How do you communicate game quality with others without delving too deep into a literal review
    I just read the context of the discussion and aim to have my comments to be relevant with the appropriate level of detail. I think tierlists are garbage and scores don't mean much without a rubric.

  19. 2 years ago

    >"i enjoy RPGs! I love video games!"
    >first opinion is a list of "garbage" games that everyone should stay away from and never play

    so people just lie?

  20. 2 years ago

    If I don't feel like giving a full out review, I usually go number system. I do 1-10, technically, but I probably wouldn't finish a game that's under a 6/10 and don't like rating unfinished games by principle.

    5: Bad, not worth completing
    6: Playably decent, probably has something going for it but not quite "good"
    7: Good but flawed
    8: Great with minor flaws or has major flaws that are easily overshadowed by the positives
    9: Really great with only minor nitpicks at most
    10: One of my personal favorites tier

    That said, if I'm actually trying to recommend a game to someone, I'm not going to just throw a fricking number at them. People have different tastes. It's impossible for someone to know if they'll like something someone else likes if that someone else isn't willing to explain the positives and negatives of that thing.

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