How do you think Rise of the Triad compares to contemporary games like doom or marathon, and to games a few years ahead like Half Life?

How do you think Rise of the Triad compares to contemporary games like doom or marathon, and to games a few years ahead like Half Life?

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    I remember seeing this game a lot in those shareware mail order magazines that came extra with computer magazines, where they also advertised erotic interactive CD-ROMs by Vivid. Never played it though.

    • 7 months ago

      My first exposure to it was via shareware, maybe it came with Duke 3D? I played it for all of two minutes, my impression was that it looked weird and didn't seem like it would be much fun compared to Doom or Duke. I've watched some gameplay of it sense and people talk about how much they like it, but I'm not sure how much of that is legit or inflated because it amounts to liking "the weird third wheel" relative to the game's contemporaries.

      • 7 months ago

        It's a fun little arcade-like shooter.

        It's not the best shooter ever, but it gets by on its fast pace and goofy humor, and a soundtrack which is amazing as balls. The game can be a bit monotonous at times, but honestly not even a fraction as much as Wolfenstein 3D, as the engine can do way more, not needing to drag or be obtuse in the same manner. I don't think there's any outright labyrinth levels, unlike Wolfenstein 3D, which has a bunch of them.

        It kind of plays like a more advanced Wolfenstein 3D, but with a few gameplay elements you'd see in later games like Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, and if you applied a sticky SHMUP-flavored glaze to the entire thing. Has almost a Mortal Kombat kind of humor at times, but is more graphically violent, and gets even sillier.

        I can see why some are put off by how it defies some expected conventions these days, but it's easy to get a hang of.
        Stuff like the limited weapon capacity seems unintuitive for the period, but you need to think of weapons in ROTT as powerups like in arcade games, your bullet weapons are mainly an infinite ammo machinegun, and then you pick up a type of bazooka, or a magical weapon, and you use that to totally annihilate enemies, spraying gibs all around, until the weapon is empty or you find another one (and partially spent weapons stay where you swapped them out, so you can still use them up later). You can blast an enemy to bits with a rocket launcher at pretty close ranges, and the splash damage isn't too harsh on you, so you're encourage to splatter (and there's timed powerups which shield you completely from fire and explosions).

      • 7 months ago

        This game is shit

  3. 7 months ago

    It was viewed as obsolete even when it came out.
    Doom sucked all the air out of the FPS market for awhile.
    You played this when you couldn't play Doom (and you found a way to play Doom).

  4. 7 months ago

    It's... good. A campy style jankyness with a twist of cinnamon and cold blooded murder. Best served on a 486 with a turbo button.

    • 7 months ago

      >486 with a turbo button
      i had these back in the day and always used to have the turbo button pressed in because I thought it made it faster, but I found out many years later that pressing in the turbo button on most computers actually slowed everything down. I guess i didn't notice or something, or maybe had one of the backwards ones

      • 7 months ago

        I think it actually was more common to get normal speed when turning turbo on, and the slowdown (to match an 8088) when turning the turbo off. It was really confusing anyway, but turbo sounded cooler than slowing down the computer.

  5. 7 months ago

    Its nut bustingly difficult

  6. 7 months ago

    had some good tunes that I think were better than doom or duke

    the composer of that track is the same guy who did this one

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, Lee Jackson, one of the best MIDI composers of all time, he did virtually all of the music in ROTT, with a couple of tracks done by Bobby Prince, a guy who's actually a very good musician in his own right, but that gets largely overshadowed by how most of the music he did for Doom and Doom 2 were cribbing from popular rock and metal music (because that's explicitly what iD Software wanted for Doom).

      Lee Jackson did the music for Shadow Warrior (including some very good tracks which never made it into the final game) and also then most of the music for Duke Nukem 3D, including Duke's fabled leitmotif, Grabbag.
      Bobby Prince did a fair few tracks for Duke Nukem 3D too, and some of the best ones, like Aliens, Say Your Prayers. It's kind of a shame that a lot of his fully original stuff is in games which are virtually completely forgotten, such as Black Knight, Abuse, Wrack, and Demon Star.

  7. 7 months ago

    Well, unlike Marathon it's still being developed (Ludicrous Edition came out a month ago IIRC), so there's definitely a community out there.
    I remember 14-y.o. me entering the Comm-Bat menu and being amazed by all the different multiplayer modes. Then realizing I can't really play any of them because I didn't know anybody else who had the game, plus the phone bill (fricking dial-up) would be lolrapeage.

    • 7 months ago

      >unlike Marathon it's still being developed
      Aleph One's latest release was in May this year. Last commit was two days ago.

  8. 7 months ago

    It's extremely repetitive and one dimensional. I can't handle this game for more than 2-3 levels at a time; and yet I don't have this problem with Wolfenstein 3D.

    Only a few months ago I actually forced myself to beat this game. Any other attempt before along the years I'd just give up out of boredom

  9. 7 months ago

    one of the best classic fps, wish more people played it

  10. 7 months ago

    While scrolling I that it titled “Rise of the Tard”.

  11. 7 months ago

    I thought it was a novelty that's maybe fun to play in like 5 minute bursts, but when I boot it up I'm left remembering "Oh right, this game sucks."
    Graphics are bad. Music is annoying. Levels are complete ass and I don't give a shit about "3D" because it doesn't fricking use it for anything interesting. Doom, Marathon, Duke, fricking Wolfenstein all have coherent styles and polish to them. The sounds, the enemies, the feedback all feel amazing. ROTT feels like actual shit to play. I'm convinced that the cult following it got was just tastelets trying to cope that their one game for the year sucks ass.

    • 7 months ago

      >Music is annoying
      All of this post is wrong, but this statement is SHOCKINGLY wrong.

  12. 7 months ago

    I unironically love it and play it about as often as Blood, Duke 3D, and Shadow Warrior. It has that that goofy violent charm that 3D Realms perfected with the build engine games.

  13. 7 months ago

    It had dual pistols and begging enemies, which was enough for me to think it was awesome back in the day. I think it had drunk missiles too? That was also awesome.

  14. 7 months ago

    The level design got progressively worse as the game went on, and some of the enemies had way too much health. The Monks are absurd. The pace and placement of missile weapons was bad, to the point of back tracking rediculous lengths just to grab a missile launcher you passed up before. Or you could spend that time just waiting for Monks to die with your MP5. Either way, time wasted to progress.

    I would rather play Blake Stone.

    • 7 months ago

      Ludicrous Edition halves Monk health by default. You have to enable Classic Monk health via an option in the settings.

  15. 7 months ago

    The devs knew the engine was outdated, so they did their best to make it unique and memorable.
    I think it fares very well if you go into it that with that mindset.
    The gameplay

  16. 7 months ago

    You need a particular mindset going into it. If you can appreciate RoTT for its own idiosyncrasies and disregard the fact that doom is a better overall experience in every way, then it's good but never truly great.

  17. 7 months ago

    It's one of the ugliest games ever

    • 7 months ago

      Nah. It's pure soul.

      • 7 months ago

        Boy, look at that pelvis go flying!

  18. 7 months ago

    Doom pretty much put the rest of the entire FPS genre to shame. Rott is just another also-ran.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Sorry, what I meant to say is ROTT is based and better than Doom in almost every way. Also-ran.

        • 7 months ago

          Lol. I wouldn't maybe say it's better than Doom or Quake, it lacks in available content (sadly), but it's definitely a fun and good game which is undeservedly overlooked.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, Ramesh. It's a common English term for something that's middle of the pack and unremarkable amongst its peers.

        Sorry, what I meant to say is ROTT is based and better than Doom in almost every way. Also-ran.


        • 7 months ago

          >It's a common English term
          never heard of it

          • 7 months ago

            Then you should be embarrassed at your limited vocabulary and maybe try reading a book once in a while.

            • 7 months ago

              lmao get a load of the frickin nerd talking about books in a ROTT thread
              touch gibs

          • 7 months ago

            You’re clearly not a native speaker or someone exposed to much english language content. It’s not a anglicism or americanism, it’s used in any english speaking country

            • 7 months ago

              Not anymore.

              This game is shit

              No, you.

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe it was a common phrase when you were a kid, but we're not in 1967 anymore.

          >It's a common English term
          never heard of it

          Me neither.

          Then you should be embarrassed at your limited vocabulary and maybe try reading a book once in a while.

          It's not a phrase I've come across in any literature or media. Again, this has to be some really old people lingo, you were an adult when the VGS first came to market, weren't you?

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