How does?

How does Ganker feel about games that makes themselves easier the more you die?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Most of those people don't even know Resident Evil 4 did it.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, I died from a big fish like that about ten times, and on my eleventh try I killed it in one phase. I thought it was super weird.

  2. 10 months ago

    Dynamic difficulty based on how good you are sounds pretty cool

  3. 10 months ago

    How do you even die 7 times against a boss in Forgotten Land?

  4. 10 months ago

    Kid Icarus did it right

    • 10 months ago

      did sakurai patent this or why has seemingly no one else done this? its a brilliant way to tackle the difficulty question yet its only in kid icarus and smash ultimate afaik. dont know of any other game that did it but a lot would certainly benefit from it

      • 10 months ago

        Anon, you dense? Ever heard of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from '06 or were you too busy being a casual? Had a difficulty slider, not that you'd know. Not like Kid Icarus or Smash Ultimate, but crank it up and face real enemies, get better loot. Guess it's too nuanced for your normie taste.

        • 10 months ago

          never played elder slop but it sounds nothing like the cauldron in kid icaurs.

          >Did it right
          >Brilliant way
          Please explain how Kid Icarus' difficulty setting was good.
          I fricking hated how it would automatically drop the difficulty rating if you died. Especially when there were challenges that demanded you beat levels at 9.0.
          I don't mind the idea of needing to beat a stage on one life as part of a challenge, but having to manually quit out of the stage to restart back at 9.0 is annoying as frick. Not only that but it costs hearts too so you can waste a ton of hearts just attempting to do a challenge.
          This isn't even getting to how bullshit some of the stages are at 9.0 difficulty. Nothing like having your controls get randomly fricked up for no reason during an air section, dying and then the game lowers the difficulty as if it's babying you as if it's your fault.

          the difficulty automatically dropping down is just a small issue that you could simply remove and it would ultimately change nothing about the core aspects of the cauldron.
          the whole point is risk and reward. you have some arbitrary currency, hearts in this case, that allow you to increase the difficulty. frick up and you loose your currency, win and you get massive pay outs.

          • 10 months ago

            >the whole point is risk and reward. you have some arbitrary currency, hearts in this case, that allow you to increase the difficulty. frick up and you loose your currency, win and you get massive pay outs.
            This doesn't translate to anything other than an annoyance though.
            What this really does is that if you have the goal of beating a level on 9.0, then you'll just end up wasting tons of hearts trying to beat it if you die. If you run out of hearts then you have to go grind on lower difficulties to get your money back, which is stupid.
            The concept of playing on harder difficulties to get more money/loot/etc isn't a unique concept, but having to "Risk" money is, and it's not a good one. You already have a risk when you play on higher difficulties, it's called losing.
            Plus, what's the point of "Gambling" your hearts anyways? Is it to try and deter people who want to play on harder difficulties until they practice on lower difficulties first so they know they can beat 9.0? I can only assume that the devs just really thought people would get upset and mad at the game if they dared play on a harder difficulty and lost, so this acted as nothing but a barrier to prevent people from playing on hard mode too fast (And it failed at that).

    • 10 months ago

      did sakurai patent this or why has seemingly no one else done this? its a brilliant way to tackle the difficulty question yet its only in kid icarus and smash ultimate afaik. dont know of any other game that did it but a lot would certainly benefit from it

      >Did it right
      >Brilliant way
      Please explain how Kid Icarus' difficulty setting was good.
      I fricking hated how it would automatically drop the difficulty rating if you died. Especially when there were challenges that demanded you beat levels at 9.0.
      I don't mind the idea of needing to beat a stage on one life as part of a challenge, but having to manually quit out of the stage to restart back at 9.0 is annoying as frick. Not only that but it costs hearts too so you can waste a ton of hearts just attempting to do a challenge.
      This isn't even getting to how bullshit some of the stages are at 9.0 difficulty. Nothing like having your controls get randomly fricked up for no reason during an air section, dying and then the game lowers the difficulty as if it's babying you as if it's your fault.

      • 10 months ago

        >if you don't beat hard mode without dying, you don't get to play on hard mode

        • 10 months ago

          Also yes, this is part of it too.
          When I pick the hardest difficulty in a game, I EXPECT to lose and I expect to get game overs. I expect the game to be hard enough that I'll fail multiple times, and then after I get better at the game I will finally overcome the challenge and win. Losing is part of the fun because it shows that I'm being challenged.

          Kid Icarus' difficulty automatically dropping is the anti-thesis to that. It's the game immediately assuming that the player hates losing, and making it very clear that it believes the player thinks this way. It doesn't want the player to get better, it's trying to make sure the player can win even without improving by making the game easier until they can.

          Like think about it, if a player is having difficulty beating a part of a game, why not give them the ability to lower the difficulty themselves? There's going to be people who play on hard, realize it's too challenging, and decide to switch the game to normal, that's fine. That said, there's going to be people who play on hard, realize it's challenging, and love it. Kid Icarus' difficulty slider does nothing but piss off people who actually like harder difficulties by making it as annoying as possible to actually play on hard by making the assumption for them.

          Like seriously, why celebrate Kid Icarus' difficulty slider when it straight up removes player control? If you want a 1CC challenge as part of harder difficulties then just make it so playing on 9.0 and dying is an actual game over.

  5. 10 months ago

    every game does that, it's called learning

  6. 10 months ago

    I don't like it if it's involuntary
    I should have to improve. It's fine to have it as a choice, but it should be a choice, not something that tries to hide itself.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't like it if the game asks me if I want to lower the difficulty after I've died a few times in a section, but I don't like if the game tries to hide it either.
      Maybe they should just have dynamic difficulty to be a toggleable option when you're selecting difficulty before you start a new game.

  7. 10 months ago

    Trash, I ain't gonna bother with that shit.

  8. 10 months ago

    Dark souls does the opposite. As you die, your max health decreases

    Just don't be like dark souls

    • 10 months ago

      Thats demon souls

      • 10 months ago

        they may have also been thinking of dark souls 2 that has a nerfed version of that mechanic.

        • 10 months ago

          dark souls 3 is much harsher than 2 in this sense as well, taking away all of the health an ember gives you at once

    • 10 months ago

      demon souls not only halved your health if you died but if you kept dying eventually it would make the world your in harder and spawn in more enemies, good times.

      • 10 months ago

        >Enemy damage increased by up to 50%
        >Extra black phantom enemies with even more jacked up damage and health
        >Even invading player black phantoms get a damage boost
        Demon's Souls was a special game.

        • 10 months ago

          >Artificial difficulty
          Yeah a special kind of shit game

        • 10 months ago

          They should bring back dark world tendency as a covenant of champions style challenge mode

    • 10 months ago

      >the world has shifted to dark

    • 10 months ago

      Like Border Down, but shitty.

  9. 10 months ago

    I dont mind if they ask or there's a quick way to go back up ala god hand taunting but games where they force the difficulty down are shit

  10. 10 months ago

    >Dynamic difficulty only affects combat
    >Only deaths are from shitty platforming sections
    >Game becomes too easy

  11. 10 months ago

    im okay with it overall, but i feel like it should be an option that could be turned off.

  12. 10 months ago

    Protagonist canon power: infinite respawn.
    The MC learns from his mistakes...YOU learn from your mistakes...
    The enemy being weaker is a reflection of inherent immortality of the MC...
    most won't understand the deeper implications

  13. 10 months ago

    It's very bad when it's obfuscated or there isn't a difficulty mode that keeps it locked.
    God Hand is still the king of dynamic difficulty because it's a very transparent system: you know exactly what raises and lowers the difficulty, always know what its set to, and can lower it in ways other than eating shit.

  14. 10 months ago

    >game becomes easier the more you die, potentially undermining the challenge for those who are struggling
    >game becomes harder for more skilled players, meaning it can consistently challenge even experienced players
    I'd prefer a difficulty select with several static difficulty levels like dmc, but I can see the appeal of dynamic difficulty. However, I'm not okay with it when it's just an excuse to railroad players with no intent of replaying or improving onto baby mode.

  15. 10 months ago

    it makes me feel like a b***h every time i reluctantly accept the pity debuffs

  16. 10 months ago

    there's no benefit to increasing difficulty, even elden ring made it easier than ever to just cheese every boss for the people who want to play on easy mode

    you want money? you make sure EVERYONE crosses the finish line. even competitive games focused on multiplayer have learned to drip feed content via battlepasses because most people (even the ones who only want to play for 'fun') want to win. the 'struggle' people claim they want is bullshit. it's not profitable.

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