How does one build "taste?" Is it simply a matter of experimenting until something sticks?

How does one build "taste?" Is it simply a matter of experimenting until something sticks? I understand that taste isn't something you can "force" to happen(at least, not effectively) but still feel like I don't have it. I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Why don’t to taste your own scrum

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >concerned over typos

        • 7 months ago

          Where is this from?

          • 7 months ago

            Hell. It was made by the devil.

  2. 7 months ago

    Taste is unique to each person, but you can build it by trying many games out. Maybe the slow menus in Ocarina of Time ruin the game for you, maybe you can appreciate them. Maybe the physics in umihara kawase aren't what you expect and it ruins it for you, maybe you become a rubber band lure master, but you must play games to figure this out.

    Perhaps like me, you'll find truck driving games like 18 wheeler and big mutha truckers are secretly insanely fun and that becomes your taste. Maybe you'll only like games with cutesy mascots and struggle to identify with ones that don't have a playable "character" like sky odyssey. That can also be your taste.

  3. 7 months ago

    Taste isn’t earned, it’s intrinsic. That’s neither here nor there though because you shouldn’t be playing games to “build taste”. You should play games for their intended purpose, to have fun. You’re just wasting your limited time on this Earth trying to build credibility to yourself playing old children’s toys.

    Only do things you enjoy, everything else is a waste of time. If you like punch out then there are a million single screen games out there to try.

    • 7 months ago

      >Taste isn’t earned, it’s intrinsic
      I don't know about that. You can't really have proper taste without years of knowledge, research, playing, etc.
      If you've never seen movies and it's that new and exciting medium for you right now, can you really have "taste" as it is right now?
      Also this

      No those anons are just moronic. "Taste" may not be the right word for games but you should build up experience with various genres to expand your gaming horizons. Nobody's playing every genre in existence, why is that? Because you have acquired a taste for some genres and not for others. I haven't played a lot of 4X strategies, so I'm not hugely into them. But if I try to get into them, I'm sure I will. That's what "developing a taste" in games comes down to, learning what the appeal of different genres is and adapting to the unique annoyances every genre has

  4. 7 months ago

    You're doing it backwards. If you make a conscious attempt to have taste, that means you'll be weighing your taste against what other people say. Just play good games you enjoy, that's your taste.
    >I don't really think or care much about games
    Then why worry?

    • 7 months ago

      Not OP, but this reminds me of what some Gankergays told me a decade ago.

  5. 7 months ago

    It's funny that we've lived long enough to see gamers worrying about developing their tastes in games, just like filmgays and musicgays who try to force themselves to learn to enjoy shit that they don't like just to seem cultured.

    • 7 months ago

      How does one build "taste?" Is it simply a matter of experimenting until something sticks? I understand that taste isn't something you can "force" to happen(at least, not effectively) but still feel like I don't have it. I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.

      Yeah what the frick? There's no such thing as TASTE IN VIDEO GAMES, you're just stringing words together

  6. 7 months ago

    In order to have retro gaming taste you need the following:

    >acknowledge that Ocarina of Time is one of the best and most influencial video games of all time
    >Your favourite JRPG is Earthbound
    >aside from those two games, it's not important to care about anything other than 2D sidescrolling action games (that you should all call "platformers") on the most popular handful of consoles. In 2023, no need to care for anything before 16-bit. Computers don't matter, they never did.
    >no need to actually get good at the game or playing, youtube will provide all your needs.
    >If for some godforsaken reason you do decide to play something out of boredom, savestates are your friend. No need to play for more than 3 minutes, it's enough to know that the old popular game is actually jank.
    >90% of all consoles libraries are also jank or slop, that is now a fact

    You're a Retro Gamer now, welcome to the club.

    • 7 months ago

      >it's not important to care about anything other than 2D sidescrolling action games (that you should all call "platformers") on the most popular handful of consoles.
      Since this whole post is sarcastic, what is the correct was to refer to them, or what are examples of when this is inappropriate?

      • 7 months ago

        Well he clearly thinks you should be calling them "2D sidescrolling action games". Yeah I bet he does that a lot lmao

    • 7 months ago

      Here it is: the dumbest post in /vr/ history

    • 7 months ago

      Taste isn’t earned, it’s intrinsic. That’s neither here nor there though because you shouldn’t be playing games to “build taste”. You should play games for their intended purpose, to have fun. You’re just wasting your limited time on this Earth trying to build credibility to yourself playing old children’s toys.

      Only do things you enjoy, everything else is a waste of time. If you like punch out then there are a million single screen games out there to try.

      You're doing it backwards. If you make a conscious attempt to have taste, that means you'll be weighing your taste against what other people say. Just play good games you enjoy, that's your taste.
      >I don't really think or care much about games
      Then why worry?

      So in short, it's a dumb question and It's poser behavior to ask it in the first place?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes. Stop being autistic and enjoy your life and get to know yourself. Do what you enjoy, attach yourself to things that really click with you, and one day you’ll be your own person.

        Wanting to gain credibility with fat old virgins and their electronic toys is a sure fire way to have a stupid worthless life.

        • 7 months ago

          >Wanting to gain credibility with fat old virgins and their electronic toys is a sure fire way to have a stupid worthless life.
          Not to mention that a very loud portion of every board's userbase is comprised of contrarian shitposters who don't even engage in the hobby.

      • 7 months ago

        No those anons are just moronic. "Taste" may not be the right word for games but you should build up experience with various genres to expand your gaming horizons. Nobody's playing every genre in existence, why is that? Because you have acquired a taste for some genres and not for others. I haven't played a lot of 4X strategies, so I'm not hugely into them. But if I try to get into them, I'm sure I will. That's what "developing a taste" in games comes down to, learning what the appeal of different genres is and adapting to the unique annoyances every genre has

    • 7 months ago

      Great post. Also anons from 3rd world countries (anywhere but America) should lurk and post in their own containment threads.

  7. 7 months ago

    >I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.
    Wow man, maybe you just like....have a taste for arcade games? Why are you such an attention prostitute?

    • 7 months ago

      How does one build "taste?" Is it simply a matter of experimenting until something sticks? I understand that taste isn't something you can "force" to happen(at least, not effectively) but still feel like I don't have it. I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.

      >>I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.
      >Wow man, maybe you just like....have a taste for arcade games? Why are you such an attention prostitute?
      Maybe you should try Arcade games and Atari games.
      Maybe you should start playing phone games.

    • 7 months ago

      >>I don't really think or care much about games apart from quick dopamine fests like Super Punch-Out!!! despite trying out the recommendations of this board.
      >Wow man, maybe you just like....have a taste for arcade games? Why are you such an attention prostitute?
      Maybe you should try Arcade games and Atari games.
      Maybe you should start playing phone games.

      Yes. Stop being autistic and enjoy your life and get to know yourself. Do what you enjoy, attach yourself to things that really click with you, and one day you’ll be your own person.

      Wanting to gain credibility with fat old virgins and their electronic toys is a sure fire way to have a stupid worthless life.

      I have tried 'shmups in the past, maybe I should get back into them.

  8. 7 months ago

    Taste is just copying what other people think and feel

  9. 7 months ago

    >How does one build "taste?"
    Play games.
    Find what you enjoy.
    Talk about what you enjoy on imageboards.

    • 7 months ago

      Taste means knowing what you like and why. And it means having a broad understanding of the library in your preferred game style so you are picking the best in that style.

      >Find what you enjoy
      >knowing what you like
      Nah I'd say that's just getting into games. Most people stop right there and keep playing their favorite genres forever. To "build taste" further you need to play the shit you DON'T like and learn why other people like it, and learn to enjoy it as well. Boom, now you've developed your taste, you're not just a shitter who plays the same few genres over and over again like 99% of people calling themselves hardcore gamers who put zero effort into exploring games they're not comfortable with. That's all those people whining about games online, they're bored with their favorite genres but they refuse to put in the effort to branch off into new ones

      • 7 months ago

        >To "build taste" further you need to play the shit you DON'T like and learn why other people like it,
        Okay sure, that's a good point.
        >and learn to enjoy it as well.
        I don't need to learn to enjoy a game to get why people like it. Some genres just aren't for some people, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't care for visual novels, for example, but I get why people like them.

        • 7 months ago

          >I don't need to learn to enjoy a game to get why people like it
          Yeah you do stop being a smartass. Knowing something in theory and actually having it click for you as you play are different things. Give those games you think you hate a chance and you'll see them click at one point, then you'll start loving them. I think expanding the amount of things you enjoy in life is one of the most rewarding pursuits. You're rewarded with new shit that you love, that's pretty good

          • 7 months ago

            youve already made the false assumption that art is only meant to be enjoyed and consumed. whereas it can serve many unique purposes and is often designed as such. theres a world of understanding beyond having things "click" as if they are arbitrary things to enjoy.

          • 7 months ago

            >stop being a smartass
            I think there's a level of nuance my initial post missed. It's good to get outside of your comfort zone and try new things, I'll agree with that. Despite playing MMOs for years, I never realized how much I liked turn-based RPGs until I sat down and played them.
            Expanding your experiences and your tastes is part of growing as a person, but forcing yourself to play something it clicks is a bad way to go about it. There's a reasonable middle ground between "I won't try this because I think I'll hate it" and "I'm going to play this until I like it." That's like how people throw themselves into a game going "Oh this must be a good game because everyone else likes it" and then spend dozens of hours trudging through a game they don't really like, feeling like they're doing something wrong because everyone else likes it.

  10. 7 months ago

    Taste means knowing what you like and why. And it means having a broad understanding of the library in your preferred game style so you are picking the best in that style.

  11. 7 months ago

    One of the big problems of the internet is that it has created this idea that everyone everywhere needs to have the exact same opinions on everything, or else they are "ignorant/stupid/have no taste" or whatever else. Sure, there are bad games out there, but there's nothing wrong with not liking what other people have said is a 'classic'. I can't stand FF7, it's a boring slog to me with unlikable characters. That doesn't mean FF7 is a bad game, or that I have no taste for not liking it. It just means it's not for me. Not everything has to be liked by everyone.

    If you like action-packed arcade-style games like Punch Out, that's fine. Enjoy what you like. DO try new games, but don't force yourself to keep playing them if they don't click.

    • 7 months ago

      its okay to not like things. perhaps you have a different perspective in another field. on the subject of "taste" it just mean building a proper perspective where you could discuss, critique, and argue what qualities are important to you. this applies to all art. there is no universal perspective. you can continue to hone your understanding by engaging with what you like and dont like.

      and this is a great post too. if someone is willing to argue why they dont like thing, it's inherently more interesting critique than the standard slobbery fest the internet has devolved into.

  12. 7 months ago

    That you even have to ask this question is frankly depressing.

    • 7 months ago

      Zoomers don't know what the world was like before the internet, you gotta cut em some slack

  13. 7 months ago

    >don't like video games
    >play video games
    Vidya has some of the worst B2C strategies, worst communities, worst physical and mental engagement, worst reward returns, ... worst everything.
    There's no reason to continue this pastime if you can't enjoy playing vidya.
    Don't play if you don't like it.
    It's ok to not like video games.

  14. 7 months ago

    I don't think I have good taste I just play what I read on recommendation lists until something sticks and I have fun.
    I felt like a poser for a while because I didn't play a lot of 16bit and earlier stuff but then I realized that I just don't like platformers and JRPGs, so like 95% of the supposed good games on those systems I simply won't like. There are exceptions like Chrono Trigger or Earthbound, but I just can't get into any final fantasy or DQ to save my life. I don't think it's a taste thing, more of a preference thing.

  15. 7 months ago

    You have to find an entry point, the one game that opens you up to more games. You have to unlock the passion through trial and error
    tl;dr play more gaems

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