How has pic related changed multiplayer combat in Minecraft?

How has pic related changed multiplayer combat in Minecraft?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >multiplayer combat in Minecraft
    Who the frick cares?

    • 10 months ago

      Me, I care

      • 10 months ago


        BURY ME
        BURY ME

      • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Ganker isn't about video games, clearly.

      How has pic related changed multiplayer combat in Minecraft?

      don't mind the moron op, i think with Multishot, Quick Reload and Piercing Shot enchants it can be game changing especially agaisn't crowds (with all these three, imagine being able to basically have an automatic weapon). This all is assuming noob, simple pvp not those end crystal hacked client pvp.

  2. 10 months ago

    >asking a question for children to a bunch of (presumably) grown adults

    • 10 months ago

      >you can't enjoy video game because I said so.

      Ganker isn't about video games, clearly.
      don't mind the moron op, i think with Multishot, Quick Reload and Piercing Shot enchants it can be game changing especially agaisn't crowds (with all these three, imagine being able to basically have an automatic weapon). This all is assuming noob, simple pvp not those end crystal hacked client pvp.

      Enchantments are definitely what makes it worth using, especially when fireworks get involved. I've been looking for some kind of first hand experience or footage of modern Minecraft warfare, but I can't find shit about the crossbow. YouTubers will mention enchants or fireworks in passing, but rarely so I see anything about actual combat.

      • 10 months ago

        It's not an issue with minecraft, minecraft is based, but anyone with a developed brain can recognize how shit pvp is. Save it for the 14 year olds on hypixel bed wars

        • 10 months ago

          Minecraft pvp was always shit, I want to know how it's changed. The crossbow adds a substantially higher level of play, and I want to know to what extent it's changed the combat. Not on some shitty modded server with way too many plug-ins. Just your run of the mill vanilla server.

          • 10 months ago

            having a shield equipped is still important since fireworks can do a max of 9 hearts per firework with a direct hit with 7 stars but because fireworks are affected by multishot and have splash damage they can hit behind you even while blocking so it's better to keep up the offensive so they either take self damage or can't load another which means items like fishing rods are a lot more important since you can use it to close the distance and prevent them from running away
            also you can have multiple max firework crossbows loaded at once

            tl;dr having 10 loaded rpgs is strong

            • 10 months ago

              So how do large scale fights typically look? I'm imaging a skirmish phase, leading into a melee phase.

              • 10 months ago

                you try to blast the shit out of anyone who isn't behind cover while you try to preform tunnel based warfare until one side either runs out of explosives or gets their cover blown up by underground tnt
                just like real war, the introduction of guns makes everyone start hiding behind cover

              • 10 months ago

                Based. Can't wait to see the shell shocked players dug into trenches

              • 10 months ago

                I haven't played MC PvP since 2016, but the way it was done on the server is that the community would build a map in creative mode in a 800x800 or 1200x1200 space, the admin would take a snapshot of it, and then we'd play capture the flag or destroy the base for an hour on it before reset.

                CTF was a lot of fun, there was usually two big bases on the map and several smaller places that had command blocks that would spawn armor, better weapons, ladders, or explosives every few minutes. You couldn't break blocks and your items were lost on death, but TNT could destroy chunks of the world so usually after 30 minutes or so it looked like the map had been shelled by artillery for a while.

                Destroy the base wasn't that great, there was a throne room that someone had to place TNT on to win for the attacking side but it usually degenerated into a quick win for the attackers or a complete slog with no progress being made. If an attacker placed TNT somewhere stupid like a bridge needed to get to the enemy base it just shit things up for everyone, even after they added obsidian supports to the bottom of them. I think the destroy the base maps would've been better if defenders dug down instead of up, at least then the attackers could've kept blowing holes in the roof to get closer to the throne as the game went on.

                I remember camping one of the side areas for the few weeks I played, I'd have a full set of diamond armor after a while and could lock it down for my team with an enchanted diamond sword. I didn't even bother with the flag room most of the time, just kept hording all the loot.

              • 10 months ago

                Any idea how it goes now?

              • 10 months ago

                Reminds me when notch promised official ctf

        • 10 months ago

          So Minecraft is fine, other competitive multiplayer games are fine, but PvP Minecraft is bad?

          • 10 months ago

            >other competitive multiplayer games are fine
            Don't put words in my mouth. Regardless, yes minecraft pvp is bad. Better since 1.9, but still awful nonetheless

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Minecraft is for adults.

  3. 10 months ago

    What's a good completely vanilla survival server for Java?

  4. 10 months ago

    i love enchancement's crossbows

  5. 10 months ago

    me and my buddies did an arena-shooter thingy on our server using these with rockets as shotguns and bows as sniper rifles

    • 10 months ago

      How'd it go?

      • 10 months ago

        It didn't, arenas can't walk, dumbass

  6. 10 months ago

    search for "crystalpvp" (no, not with hacked clients)in youtube, I think that is how people do pvp now in new versions.
    crossbow also has its use in this new pvp, in combination with potion arrows.

    • 10 months ago

      Crystal pvp is extremely late game, and from my understanding very limited in a purely vanilla setting, that being just a regular survival server. You'd need bedrock or obsidian just to place it, and have to take self damage just to set it off. It's not a sustainable means of combat in this setting, and likely would be reserved for tournament type settings or targeted player killing.

      the new combat is 60000000% times better than the click spam shit that was before the update.
      Crossbows are more used for burst damage since you can have multiple charges and even use rockets to do area damage.

      I'd believe this, but I can't find a good server to play on to see it.

  7. 10 months ago

    the new combat is 60000000% times better than the click spam shit that was before the update.
    Crossbows are more used for burst damage since you can have multiple charges and even use rockets to do area damage.

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