PoE Expedition - How is it even possible to frick up this badly?

How is it even possible to frick up this badly?

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  1. 3 years ago

    wtf? what happened? surely this isn't all because of D2R, is it?

    • 3 years ago

      You must be really bad at pattern recognition... you legit have the whole pattern in the very same image you posted.

      • 3 years ago

        >you must be legit bad at pattern recognition
        pot meet kettle. You have the whole thing layed out in front of you, yet you still haven't gotten it.

        • 3 years ago

          It's always funny to me how fricked 3.15's graph looks, it's like seeing a smoker's lungs next to a healthy person's or something

        • 3 years ago

          Again, look at what you are presenting. Don't look at just the little snippet that is convinient for your own argument. The games whole lifetime is a cycle of big jump at new league release, then it slowly fizzles out. Spikes are absolutely random and highly varied as they depend on the league to league reception.

          • 3 years ago

            Not a single spike and subsequent decline was as sharp as expeditions you fricking worthless homosexual. Jesus christ how fricking stupid are you. ITS LITERALLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU

            • 3 years ago

              Ofc, no other spike is the same as any other spike. You can also see the pre 2020 one, where its the same pattern. 2 large spikes followed by an absolute fricking frickup of a league. But waaaah its not the same because its not literally the same numbers. Well no shit sherlock, just as they won't have 2 successes that are the same they will not have 2 failures that are the same, you goddamn babboon chucklefrick.

              • 3 years ago

                other guy wins the argument because you sound like a redditor, sorry bud

              • 3 years ago

                Goddamn you got me there bud. Thanks for telling me, i think imma bail out of the thread before the other guy notices his absolutely perfect victory. And here i thought i had him since you know, he literally posted proof against himself.

              • 3 years ago

                sounds good you can go back now

              • 3 years ago

                >starts convo larping about "pattern recognition"
                >there's a particularly sharp and uncanny decline only notable in expedition league
                >other leagues similarly have slow steady drop offs more in line with one another.
                >somehow this anon can't see this yet see's himself as intelligent
                Denial is one hell of a drug

    • 3 years ago

      >Claimed to have nerfed player damage by around 40-60%
      >On average, builds took hits of around 90% Less damage from all the nerfs, with some taking weaker hits due to minor buffs or being barely affected due to certain mechanics
      >Others actually took bigger hits than that (Slams especially got buttfricked into the abyss)
      >Expedition is a pretty boring League and even if it's fairly rewarding, just feels like shit to play, and getting actual Expedition content (Logbooks) to drop is like pulling teeth
      >Claim they want to "slow the game down"
      >Refuse to fricking slow the game down (all timed mechanics like Incursion, Delirium (technically), Legion, are unchanged
      >Mob damage unchanged, also mob bleeds buffed substantially
      >Made Flasks shittier for some fricking reason on top of all this
      >Creating new skills, then pre-emptively nerfing them because of players getting excited about certain interactions (new skill that lets you throw Flasks as a weapon, unarmed, make it not fricking work with most Unarmed Uniques, was originally designed around being used with Doryani's Fist or One With Nothing, feels like shit to use in general due to AoE being awful on top of scuffed damage)
      They fricked up almost everything this League.
      And on top of all that, they announced that PoE2 will be released "before 2023." Nothing to look forward to, nothing to get excited about, and nothing to enjoy, this League manages to be the shittiest League since fricking Talisman.

      • 3 years ago

        One With Nothing Explosive Concoction would have been insanely fricking fun, I'm still mad

      • 3 years ago

        You also forgot how when Chris was challenged on all this, he opted instead to ban all disscussion of it on all media sites controlled by GGG and spent millions hiring community managers on reeddit, discord and the forums to silence"harmful and inccorect misinformation"

        Then hosted several dozen pr stunt podcasts where he's asked non questions by streamers who depend on him for life

        Then when one of them actually called him out on his bullshit, he insulted them and changed topics.

        He also
        >claims less drops and more grinding with worse values will fix everything (this is hardmode grinding for blue items)
        >claims build variety is better than ever when everyone is only playing two skills
        >players already know that class and skill will be guttted despite only being semi usable
        >with this change nothing will be viable
        >thinks endgame content should be "aspirational" and that 99% of players shouldn't be able to reach it
        >balances his game aroun PVP a mode that no one plays and doesn't translate to the rest of the game
        >uses out of date wiki entries to balance
        >doens't play his own game
        >the playtesters also don't play this game and only play poe2
        >poe2 is 7 acts and only one is done the rest are at 0% complete.
        >had to make an announcement about how he's not losing his job to tencent even though nobody asked which points to him actually being worried about losign his jobn
        >all the chinese players are shitting on him too
        My favorite part was when he said "POE has millions of players, most of them haven't even downloaded the game!"

        You can't make this shit up

        • 3 years ago

          I am actually happy that PoE is shitting the bed this hard.

        • 3 years ago

          >>poe2 is 7 acts and only one is done
          Actually, the last thing said like a month and a half ago was:
          >Acts 1 and 2 are 90% done, the other 5 are all still in planning

          • 3 years ago

            act 2 wasn't 90% done it was like 10-15, so it was easier to say one was 100% done, which in this game means frick all since nothing launches finished anyways.

        • 3 years ago

          Let us not also forget this fricking insult of a graph.
          I penciled in several Leagues for reference.
          >Didn't even talk about what the left bar actually represented, whether it was overall power in a given League, max potential power, average player power at a certain point, or what, just talked about overall power creep
          >Betrayal is a fairly minor increase in power despite giving players a totally reworked crafting system, giving players much easier access to Master Mods (which are now various crafts and Veiled mods and shit), Veiled Mods, and powerful targeted farming methods
          >Leagues like Synthesis which didn't go core aren't properly integrated into the graph as a slight decrease in power (even temporarily) due to not being available at all for at least 1 League, not even Fractured/Synthesized items were in Legion
          >Metamorph is a sizable spike because it introduced the Conquerors, all their influence, and all that bullshit, sure, acceptable, but it needed a marker
          >Delirium is a smaller fricking spike than Metamorph despite adding the absolutely buttfrickingly broken Cluster israeliteels
          >Harvest is a gigantic fricking spike, which is reasonable
          >Heist is somehow a large spike (even fricking bigger than Harvest relative to Delirium) because of fricking Alt Quality that are only particularly relevant on some Auras (and even then only on Aurabots) and a small handful of other Gems in terms of noteworthy power bumps, and a few Replica Uniques I guess, lol, it's awful content too
          >Ritual is almost the exact same power spike as from Harvest... for adding a shitty encounter to maps that lets you pick your loot, but doesn't give you control over what loot you actually find in the window or, god forbid you get an actually good item and defer it cause then it never fricking comes back
          >Oh yeah, Ritual also added back Harvest, I guess Harvest is so strong that it compounds upon itself!
          >Ultimatum killed Harvest and added fricking nothing to compensate and is higher still

      • 3 years ago

        You left out the absolute worst problem
        >Despite all the nerfs/changes to try to slow the game down the tip-top builds/players are pretty much unaffected. The nerfs only hurt middling/bad/lower tier builds and players, thus gutting build variety and stonewalls anyone not willing to dump 6 hours a day into playing it.

        • 3 years ago

          He unironically wants you to play the game like a job because he's a soulless triple digit millionaire who made his money and wants more.

      • 3 years ago

        >The game is being optimized towards maximum playtime
        so you need to play 24/7 to be successful in the game? hasn't poe always been like that?

        • 3 years ago

          It's always been more playtime = better results but they've been raising the floor of that over and over so that it's not possible to get really anywhere unless you put a stupid amount of time into it.

    • 3 years ago

      >game releases
      >people finish game
      >people no longer pray game
      >new game releases
      >people finish game

  2. 3 years ago

    its been going for almost a decade, time to make a new game.

  3. 3 years ago

    It's pure hubris

  4. 3 years ago

    have 0 competition and let the money go to your stupid kiwi head

  5. 3 years ago

    What do you mean? How can you not like years of different systems all piled on top of eachother?

  6. 3 years ago

    Chris's moronic "vision"

  7. 3 years ago

    >China buys out the company
    >Game suddenly starts going sharply downhill
    Every fricking time.

    • 3 years ago

      China has nothing to do with the western version of the game yet. If they had anything to do with the decline it would be because the developers feel more financially secure and don't think they have to give a shit anymore.

      • 3 years ago

        I think the game would be doing a lot better if we had the China-version. Fricking autolooting pets and easier trading.

  8. 3 years ago
  9. 3 years ago

    >Try game for the first time 1 week ago
    >Reviews from players with thousands of hours have disdain for the devs and the direction the game is heading
    >Open game anyways
    >First quest is a fetchquest where I have to find a maguffin.
    >Waste 20 minutes collecting it
    >Open stash, I only get 4 small pages to keep shit in, and no organization tabs
    >Look in the real money "Points" shop, see dozens of options to buy stashes that are not only plentiful, but also have unique stashes well organized for each of the hundreds of maguffins and currencies you pick up.
    3 red flags in like an hour. And nobody likes playing it. Just another "Free-to-play" skinner-box timewaster.
    Also Google "Path of Exile skill tree" if you hate skill trees.

    • 3 years ago

      the skill tree is the only cool thing about path of exile
      that and the fact that you can scam people and not be punished, their stance on it is "wraeclast is a harsh place"

  10. 3 years ago

    Ok but what are the Stand alone clients numbers?

  11. 3 years ago

    >muh muh muh stand alooooonnnnneeee
    -30% revenue bud. Sharpest player decline since the game came out. Fricking cope

  12. 3 years ago

    Did they patch the game to be easier yet?

    Still waiting at act 10

  13. 3 years ago

    what did they do to frick up this game? I've only played a little bit of poe

  14. 3 years ago

    >dumb ass homosexual devs with autism hate people enjoying the game they built and actively sabotage it for some reason

    My only explanation. Why actively make the game unfun? To let 3 aspergers ridden speedrunners feel more accomplished when they do the record or whatever? moronic

  15. 3 years ago

    same question for every league the past 2 years

  16. 3 years ago
  17. 3 years ago

    Chris Wilson is a fricking moron who keeps trying to make the game into diablo2 which means slower everything

  18. 3 years ago

    >keep piling on the power creep for years
    >buff monsters to insane levels to compensate
    >make sweeping, haphazard changes to player power in an attempt to solve the power creep issue in one patch
    >don't touch monster damage
    >game feels like absolute shit with the flask and mana changes
    >monster damage is still insane and there's a lack of defensive options outside of block/dodge so players feel pigeonholed into gladiator, necro, or raider
    >game is bloated as frick. too much micromanaging with endgame maps, huge atlas grind, and like 20 different league mechanics with each having a 10% chance to spawn
    >chris wilson says PoE 2 and a proposed hard mode will fix everything

  19. 3 years ago

    >says they're gonna shake up the metagame and reduce the difference between meta builds and memebuilds by introducing 19 new gems and giving massive buffs to shit skills
    >proceeds to slap a global nerf on everything so metabuilds are more necessary than ever to get anywhere
    >refuses to elaborate
    >half their playerbase leaves

  20. 3 years ago

    >Most of the playerbase goes hard for a few weeks then quit until the next league.
    >This is bad for business because they release MTX periodically throughout the entire league.
    >GGG: Well it's time to deal with the powercreep and "slow the game down to what it was in the good old days".
    >Nerfs damage across the board without touching weak skills.
    >Playerbase gravitates toward the stronger skills/ascendancies exactly like before
    >People complain/quit en masse
    >Chris Wilson: Our internal numbers show that playerbase is still very healthy! If numbers are down bad it's because of other game releases! (Reminder that they delayed a league for a entire month because of fricking Cyberpunk).
    Chris Wilson's obsession with player retention and being "the most hardcore ARPG, aka the ARPG version of DARK SOULS" is why we're here today.

    • 3 years ago

      >>People complain/quit en masse
      >>Chris Wilson: Our internal numbers show that playerbase is still very healthy! If numbers are down bad it's because of other game releases! (Reminder that they delayed a league for a entire month because of fricking Cyberpunk).
      >Chris Wilson's obsession with player retention and being "the most hardcore ARPG, aka the ARPG version of DARK SOULS" is why we're here today.
      You forgot the part where he first tried to say
      >"steam player numbers are vanity metrics they don't matter guize!"
      despite the fact they always bring up player retention and numbers at all times
      and THEN he had the social media platforms ban all talk about the low numbers for this league because it was "harmful to the image of the game and providing an alternate view of events"

      It's like watching a small scale 1984 or a mirror of what current year politics are playing out in a smaller scale, it's absolutely fascinating.

  21. 3 years ago

    I seriously do not get the appeal of this shit genre. According to my very short stint in this thread, POE was bought out by the chinese and really the only other game of note is Diablo franchise with 2 now having a remaster and 3 just simply still being active I suppose. The genre doesn't seem to exist outside these games. All what it is is looting and mindless clicking.

    I want to like them, I want to understand the hype. I just can't understand it though and it never seems like there is a good time for a newbie to get into these games ever.

    • 3 years ago

      >I want to like them, I want to understand the hype. I just can't understand it though and it never seems like there is a good time for a newbie to get into these games ever.
      the one with the best combat was marvel heroes, and that game got killed by Disney, giga israelite Ike Perlmutter, and a literal pedophile stealing all the money.

      The genre is ripe for a new player, but there's nothing in the genre that's worthwhile to play that isn't old shit that's barely an arpg.

      • 3 years ago

        >but there's nothing in the genre that's worthwhile to play that isn't old shit that's barely an arpg.

        Exactly this is the problem. I only ever see POE and Diablo discussed. Apparently there are other games in the genre but they might as well not even exist.

  22. 3 years ago

    there is a very weird disconnect from like, 2013 PoE that Chris is apparently still living, and the actual product and playerbase of today.
    weird, because the devs actually do play the game and stay very connected with the players, yet seem so out of touch at the same time considering its THEIR FRICKING DECISION to do what they do, they turn around and act all disgusted that the game is now a fast power fantasy of blowing up things in seconds instead of a gruelling slog.
    a game where the league expects you to CONDITIONALLY kill different endgame bosses that are RNG and slow as frick to actually progress, but think it should be slower and harder and rarer and just clearing act10 should be a huge achievement, gatekeeping their own content to be reachable only by fulltime twitch streamers who play all 3 months for 16 hours a day.

    the thing is, yeah frick reddit and frick zoomers, but YOU did this to your game. i like the idea of hard mode and rarer items and actually putting effort in, but you can't have that AND the current endgame/league system where it takes 100 hours to just scrape the surface. you can't have that AND sudden 1HKO from outta nowhere instead of balance. your philosophies versus what you actual do with the game are polar fricking opposite and its really started to baffle me in the last year or two.

    also it rubs me the wrong way now how Chris keeps talking all of a sudden about how Leagues are "just an experiment for PoE2 and a chance to mess up now but do it better in PoE2" like no homie, you can't suddenly claim that is a thing. what were you doing for the past decade before PoE2 existed?

    idk why but this all seems to have gone wrong ever since PoE2 was announced. power is bad. choice is bad. players must be neutered and restrained. you WILL pick up the shards. oh but btw you have 3 months to entirely clear the atlas, clear maven, clear sirus, progress Catalina, progress Heist, progress Delve, and complete the new league challenges. enjoy that...

  23. 3 years ago

    At this point, im more excited for grim dawn 2. Remember when everyone thiught chris was the hero to save us from d3 being mediocre. How the times have changed.

    • 3 years ago

      >At this point, im more excited for grim dawn 2
      bro... I'm sorry... Crate is making some civ sim game instead

  24. 3 years ago

    The devs actually have no clue about their game
    They don't even play their game
    They have no idea how to design good mechanics, boss fights, or content
    They insist on making the economy dogshit so people must trade to progress because drops are just so bad. This is a sin in an ARPG because it means you can't reliably play the game solo.
    The game is balanced through TRADING, with MULTIPLAYER for GEAR PROGRESSION. You have to be hyper autistic to play long enough to get desired rares solo or at least mid-grade stuff you can buy for less than 10c for a better version in multiplayer.

  25. 3 years ago

    >This league is beyond fricked, nerf everywhere, players unhappy, balance the worst its ever been, newbros will pick it up get frustrated and quit
    >next league will be slightly less awful in terms of balance, some reversal of nerfs to be expected but not enough to make a difference, player retention will still be shit and players will still be unhappy
    >next league you will start to notice PoE being not quite as shit as it was during Expeditions but nowhere near what it was 2 years ago. Overall balance moving back to not being complete shit but we're not there yet
    >next league and well, you might as well just wait for PoE2.

    PoE is literally dead. By the time they get it back on track, PoE2 will be here and we can only hope that it isn't complete shit. This is why success is a double-edge sword. Success makes devs lazy and when they get lazy they make bad decisions and when they make bad decisions the game becomes shit and when the game becomes shit players quit.

    • 3 years ago

      They also outright announced they will be nerfing Fortify (aimed at non-melee trying to utilize it) next patch. While also not offering anything to fill the gap it makes defensively.

    • 3 years ago

      >PoE2 will be here and we can only hope that it isn't complete shit
      It will be shit because it's not actually PoE2, just PoE1 with an extra campaign and some new ascendancies. The thought of leaving behind all the work done on PoE1 in order to start something fresh has Chris absolutely kvetching and writhing in agony.

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