How many aspects of your setting is made up of thinly veiled or not veiled at all fetishes or were added when you got horny one day?

How many aspects of your setting is made up of thinly veiled or not veiled at all fetishes or were added when you got horny one day?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    You don't play traditional games, neither do you want a discussion about them, you just came here to post this image.
    Frick you, I hope your mother gets cancer and dies in your arms.

    • 2 months ago

      You don't either.

      • 2 months ago

        My game log says otherwise.

        • 2 months ago

          The game log in your imagination

        • 2 months ago

          speaking of logs *dumps a massive shit on your face*

    • 2 months ago

      Have a problem with snakes?

    • 2 months ago

      That's not a horrible way to go, getting hugged by your children as you die.
      Kind of wholesome, actually. And while OP would be sad, he was there up to the end, instead of missing it, and regretting forever that he wasn't there.

    • 2 months ago

      You aren't a mod/janny and you never will be.
      The sooner you let go of your desire to control something you will never have any control over, the sooner your life and happiness will improve.

      • 2 months ago
        Anonymous Mogul

        we can be jannies!
        just for one day.

    • 2 months ago

      >I hope your mother gets cancer and dies in your arms.
      weird fetish but I won't judge you

    • 2 months ago

      You don't either.


  2. 2 months ago

    I only think about settings when I'm writing, and I only think about my fetishes when I jerk off.

  3. 2 months ago

    I mean I snuck in my fetish for the BBEG but other than that I didn't

  4. 2 months ago

    None so far. I sublimated it all onto reading all sorts of shit I literally pay more attention to books than women and/or men . I'm not the sort to pull out and Lacan all over my setting.

    • 2 months ago

      You could do some fun stuff with Lacan. Matheme is a fun way to do magic runes. You could literally just copy his explanations of any random matheme and use it as your explanation for an enchantment type spell.
      Fick man I kinda want to make like an enchantment based evil wizard modelled on Lacan now.

      That pic is entirely cringe.

      So are you, but we've all been nice enough to not say it to your face.

      • 2 months ago

        >You could do some fun stuff with Lacan. Matheme is a fun way to do magic runes. You could literally just copy his explanations of any random matheme and use it as your explanation for an enchantment type spell.
        >Fick man I kinda want to make like an enchantment based evil wizard modelled on Lacan now.
        You have something there.

        And going back to this very thread, a gang of wizard students making magical grafitti based upon mathemes to influence a neighborhood into losing inhibitions. The lads don't even know where they're going with this, they just want to turn a smidge of magical learning into power over people. Things go off the rails when the impulses of the locals become stronger than the shames. Perhaps because the street kids liked the drawings and copied it, adding stuff to them. It might go terribly murderous or the best carnival the city has ever seen. Probably both.

  5. 2 months ago

    All of my goblins are sexy. They're all hot shortstacks who live amongst people.

    • 2 months ago

      I bet the smell awful

    • 2 months ago

      Sexiness isn't a fetish.

      • 2 months ago

        But sexy goblins are.

    • 2 months ago

      They're all going to get impregnated by their human masters

      • 2 months ago

        Minimum of twins every time. Five maximum.

  6. 2 months ago

    I have a draconic race that is literally the product of dragons kidnapping princesses

  7. 2 months ago

    I wrote the setting I've used for almost all my fantasy games up while I was deployed in Afghanistan. It wasn't until I got back that I realized how horny I was when I wrote it up.

    • 2 months ago

      Post it

  8. 2 months ago
  9. 2 months ago

    Absolutely no aspect of my setting is made up of thinly veiled fetishes.

    In my WiP setting sexy suit & bondage give magical power, there's a dom/sub stat, there's detailed rules over how much bondage you can afford on your dedicated caster, the game is geared to encourage capture, there's slimes species that serve for clothing, as enemies&symbiote to give the same dynamic to any other creatures, there's a chart for decency and what will get you into trouble with some factions, some of them requiring ropes bondage as a sign of trust.

    • 2 months ago

      any eta on when it will be finished/playable this sounds right up my ally

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly, don't hold your breath.
        I'm still discovering how difficult it is making mechanics that involve movement/melee.
        Also worried of doing a big sum of low-level magic when what anon really care about is "what's the roll difficulty for a tentacle rape spell?"

        At least I have no problem making up scenarios I aim for:
        Newb adventurer go in a trapped tomb to find valuables that come out of ex-wealthy corpse
        Fight sticky slimes, miss a medium one falling from the ceiling, medium bondage
        Stop trying to cut the slime out, slime turn symbiote.
        Use the slime sticky power to walk on wall around trap
        Trigger a runic doll trap, fail rolls, complete rope bondage, surrounded by touchy-plants

        Billions rolls later, back to a jungle faction with peculiar customs.
        Succeed rolls to dominate your slime-kun, they have respect for you owning a slime.


        • 2 months ago

          Honestly it's not the end of the world to me if the combat or something doesn't turn out that well since I or another prospective user of your system could always just Frankenstein the fetish stuff onto a system they prefer already

          • 2 months ago

            Thanks for the motivation.
            At the very least, I do have fun rationalizing why sorcerer/sorceress wear impractical clothes.

            Huge pauldron is easy with magic crystal.
            The dominatrix harness just needed to be given anti-lightning stats.
            The chainmail bikini need a magic shield that isn't broken OP used with something else.
            High-heels is harder until you factor in the magic bonus it give allow caster to almost float.

        • 2 months ago

          tbh I’ve had some thoughts about how to implement the idea as well.
          My best guess was like a Faustian bargain or sacrificing a physical capacity is exchange for power, ala “cursed loot”.
          Will be interested to see ideas.

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly, don't hold your breath.
        I'm still discovering how difficult it is making mechanics that involve movement/melee.
        Also worried of doing a big sum of low-level magic when what anon really care about is "what's the roll difficulty for a tentacle rape spell?"

        At least I have no problem making up scenarios I aim for:
        Newb adventurer go in a trapped tomb to find valuables that come out of ex-wealthy corpse
        Fight sticky slimes, miss a medium one falling from the ceiling, medium bondage
        Stop trying to cut the slime out, slime turn symbiote.
        Use the slime sticky power to walk on wall around trap
        Trigger a runic doll trap, fail rolls, complete rope bondage, surrounded by touchy-plants

        Billions rolls later, back to a jungle faction with peculiar customs.
        Succeed rolls to dominate your slime-kun, they have respect for you owning a slime.


        I think Anon is more interested in fantasizing about making a system than ever completing it.
        Not meant as an attack, honestly. I think every single person on this board has a WIP of something or another that they will never complete.

        • 2 months ago

          Not giving empty encouragement without believing it's in good faith is one thing,
          Calling everyone posers for trying or talking about it before succeeding is an attack,

          one of your quote was Anon.
          here's my sign of good faith.
          It's on topic because slime fetish is a thing

          Spoilered because it's still boring disconnected ideas for now.

  10. 2 months ago

    Well, I wrote a supplemental thing for ACKS that's about the dark elves as I envision them. They're completely infertile, reproduce by kidnapping people and placing them into tubes, their relationships are highly sexual and usually consist of two best friends that just decided to frick, they take slaves and either treat them as pets/property, they can sometimes form a partnership with the lesser races, but there's always gonna be a "thing." They're also hot as shit. You should read my book and then also play the ACKS system. This is only the 2nd draft, I had it edited and will be publishing this by the end of this year/start of next year.

    It's important to note that these aren't drow, because those are gay and copyrighted. These are dark elves.

    • 2 months ago

      I like this dude.

      • 2 months ago

        Thank you! I intend to pay a real artist to make these not suck because frick AI.

        • 2 months ago

          Just use AI, it's literally better then most artists

          • 2 months ago

            Say what you like, but that's patently not true at all.

          • 2 months ago

            Use AI as the next step in placeholders and have an artist base their design off of that, it's what I've done.

            Artist here. Listen to [...] [...] . There is nothing wrong with AI art as long as you don't sell it or claim you actually drew/painted/rendered it. It's a mockup tool at very least. Artists are melting down because they've been told their entire lives they have an almost religious degree of irreplacability and uniqueness and now the machine is doing to them what it did to every other industry in history.

            Don't let them gaslight you into thinking there's something wrong with its existence. They're narcissists being challenged on their superiority. It was always going to end in a meltdown.

            My issue with AI "art" isn't the fact whether it's good or bad - I've seen some acceptable AI illustrations, but that's all they are, illustrations. The word "AI art" is an oxymoron. And I object to it on personal moral principles. I would rather have my product be commercially unsuccessful, rather than support the automatization of something that I generally enjoy, that is, living breathing people creating something new and ostensibly beautiful (even if subjectively so). This book isn't something I did for profit (though when I do eventually put it on Kickstarter or DTRPG, I won't mind it if people pay me money) but at the same time, my draft version is always going to remain free. And since it's a labor of love and self-worth, I want it to have art that I morally agree with.

            But I thank you for voicing your opinions - I mean that genuinely.

        • 2 months ago

          Use AI as the next step in placeholders and have an artist base their design off of that, it's what I've done.

        • 2 months ago

          Artist here. Listen to

          Use AI as the next step in placeholders and have an artist base their design off of that, it's what I've done.

          Just use AI, it's literally better then most artists

          . There is nothing wrong with AI art as long as you don't sell it or claim you actually drew/painted/rendered it. It's a mockup tool at very least. Artists are melting down because they've been told their entire lives they have an almost religious degree of irreplacability and uniqueness and now the machine is doing to them what it did to every other industry in history.

          Don't let them gaslight you into thinking there's something wrong with its existence. They're narcissists being challenged on their superiority. It was always going to end in a meltdown.

          • 2 months ago

            Rapid prototyping for the win. One of my artist friends was super worried about AI replacing her until her commissions shot through the roof with people now being able to just send her an AI pic and be like "this, but for reals."

    • 2 months ago

      what the frick op you absolute legend. I guess this is what the dark pits of /tg/ do to a person.
      also as

      I like this dude.

      the oppressor is an absolute legend.

    • 2 months ago


      My issue with AI "art" isn't the fact whether it's good or bad - I've seen some acceptable AI illustrations, but that's all they are, illustrations. The word "AI art" is an oxymoron. And I object to it on personal moral principles. I would rather have my product be commercially unsuccessful, rather than support the automatization of something that I generally enjoy, that is, living breathing people creating something new and ostensibly beautiful (even if subjectively so). This book isn't something I did for profit (though when I do eventually put it on Kickstarter or DTRPG, I won't mind it if people pay me money) but at the same time, my draft version is always going to remain free. And since it's a labor of love and self-worth, I want it to have art that I morally agree with.

      But I thank you for voicing your opinions - I mean that genuinely.

      Holy shit, anon. This is actually incredibly impressive and I truly appreciate the ethos on display. I don't have time to give this all a read right now, but I like what I've skimmed and now want to actually look into ACKS to understand more. That's also one of the most reasonable exchanges I've seen on Ganker in years, let alone the internet in general. Props, man, you're a mensch.

      >Come to fetish thread
      >Leave with reasonable material and experiences
      Guess the old saying still holds true.
      >Through dick, unity

      • 2 months ago

        >come to a thread
        >contrubute nothing except regurgitating a stale meme from a different board
        le teegers really le gets le shit done amirite

        • 2 months ago

          Wow, did your uncle or scout leader molest you?

          • 2 months ago

            Weird projection/fetish post gaylord

        • 2 months ago

          Fine, frickstick, in my setting I've considered some Elves as infertile with other races without specific requirements or rituals involved so pregnancy isn't as much a risk, because I like the idea of freely blowing loads in a semi-magical Fey bint in a barmaid outfit.

          The powerful and influential vampire nobility reproduce by marrying a human and giving birth to a dhampir who is later turned into a full-blooded vampire when they reach adulthood, this obviously takes much longer than a normal embrace but the resulting child is more powerful than a human simply turned as an adult. I have shamelessly included this because I like redheads, biting, vampires, and impregnating evil women.

          This guy's on the right track, too. That good enough for you, or not enough buggery involved for your sad view of the world?

  11. 2 months ago

    It's incredibly vanilla, but I like cute elf girls, so there are often cute and/or sexy elf chick NPCs.

  12. 2 months ago

    I once came up with a race of creatures who had psionic abilities but only maternally during pregnancy. The mother can view into the future of their child's life and find critical moments of danger, during which they can give them advice and instructions as to what they should do.
    Only time I ever played with it was as a quest where a pregnant member of the race hired the party to protect her son in the future but naturally it went nowhere and was soon forgotten.

  13. 2 months ago

    I dont know if it counts but I had a plot hook about a barbarian tribe that was cursed by a hag to never produce males so they would eventually die out. The shaman tried to undo the ritual but only partially succeeded. Any 'male' born was actually a hermaphrodite. Because of conflicting hormones they were weak seeded and 4 inches was considered hung. Sex was very unsatisfying and the hermaphrodites were not as strong as their original male counterparts which made tribal conflicts harder for the tribe.

    I dont consider it fetishistic because they were genuine hermaphrodites with beards and shit plus I dont like my futas having micropenises.

    Aside from that I had a drider transmuter figure out how overcome her infertility and laid her eggs in humanoids. Totally didnt rip off Aliens with the exception of females being 'reusable' while the males were just crammed full of as many eggs as possible and eaten alive from the inside.

  14. 2 months ago

    What have you included in your own settings? And how can you tell when you’ve gone too far and need to tone it down without just removing everything?

  15. 2 months ago

    Why are you so obsessed with discussing your fetishes on /tg/ when red boards exist? I've literally never understood this.

    • 2 months ago

      Somewhat horny, but don't want to engage with outright pornography? Red boards are also a lot of image spam with little interesting discussion.

      "DM's thinly disguised fetish" is also a meme

      • 2 months ago

        homie there's a lewd general for a reason

        • 2 months ago

          Anon, you make a fair point

      • 2 months ago

        >interesting discussion
        You homosexuals wouldn't know interesting discussion if it wienerslapped you in the face. I HORNY WHEN GORL IN ARMOR is not interesting discussion.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd say recognizing what is a fetish is the first step to know what to send to red boards.
      Once we admit chainmail bikini is stupid fetishism we can discuss cooler looking female adventurer.

      • 2 months ago

        That pic is entirely cringe.

        • 2 months ago

          I recognise the original intent, but women in comprehensive and form flattering full plate is unironically a massive fetish of mine, so you never know.

  16. 2 months ago


    You've never played a game in your life, ND. You don't belong here.

    • 2 months ago

      Neither have you. Who the frick is ND anyways some new enemy of the month for the resident schizo?

  17. 2 months ago

    I have a fetish for virgins

    So every all-female celibate order, every damsel captured to be sacrificed to a demon/dragon/monster, every unicorn granting boons to chaste women

    Thankfully these are all common tropes so nobody notices

  18. 2 months ago


    Because you're a projecting cuck. One of my favorite TRPGs is even a lewd one, I just find these threads utterly pathetic.

    Neither have you. Who the frick is ND anyways some new enemy of the month for the resident schizo?

    >n-neither have you!
    >doesn't know ND's onerous behavior
    And a tourist at that.

    • 2 months ago

      Wait is it supposed to be Nice Daemonette? I thought he stopped posting here years ago.

      • 2 months ago

        He's been plagueing the Battletech threads for ages, we know him as manic/manicanon. Fortunately the jannies have started slapping him with a ban on sight.

  19. 2 months ago

    > /hmofa/ couples are very common on the west of my homebrew continent
    > The main religion is the Church of Venus, they offer the usual services but if you want to remove greater curses or restore limbs, they offer a more sexual service.
    > All females of non- furry and scalie races can grow armpit hair and it is often treated as a sign of maturity in the main kingdom
    > There's a 1/100 chance that a girl, upon hitting puberty, becomes a dickgirl.
    > Every single necromancer has to adquired Lichloved

    Fun fact, the players are only aware of the last part because one of them had a necromancer wizard PC. His character died before anything could happen.

  20. 2 months ago

    Would be easier to list the aspects that aren't fetishes or part of a fetish

  21. 2 months ago

    I'm cooking up an Unknown Armies Adept based on BDSM. It has the hook that you need a second person (who trusts you enough to tie them up) to gather your charges and cast your spells.
    Break that trust, lose your charges.

    • 2 months ago

      where's the symbolic tension and what's the break that leads someone to have it as a school of magick?
      how do they feel about pornomancers?
      and is this for modern-day UA or 90s/00s UA?

      • 2 months ago

        >where's the symbolic tension and what's the break that leads someone to have it as a school of magick?
        Liberation and empowerment via restraint with a trusted person. How the whole thing happened is currently beyond my reckoning I'm afraid.
        >how do they feel about pornomancers?
        Mutual distrust and antagonism, as with all Adepts. Trust leads to genuine affection, which robs Pornomancers of their Mojo. Conversely both participants (also it needs two people, self bondage apparently doesn't cut it) need to genuinely trust each other, if not explicitly love, or else there's no charges and no Magick. The Sect of the Naked Goddess presently doesnr have any but might change their policy. Theoretically a Caster/Focus pair could play out one of Her kinkier movies with a pornomancer, but it'd be a tough sell for all three.
        >and is this for modern-day UA or 90s/00s UA?
        Modern-day, I'm not terribly familiar with the earlier editions.

        • 2 months ago

          One extra gimmick you could include will be making spells all cast through the adept's partner, to further tie into the dependence element

  22. 2 months ago

    Do you guys really play games with your best bros (most likely fat neckbeards) while filling the whole thing with embarassing coomer shit and roleplaying as some rapebait anime bawd? Genuinely what is wrong with you?

    • 2 months ago

      Ew no. Rape bait anime bawds are for fricking. Wanting to be fricked up is a sign of effeminacy.

    • 2 months ago

      idk I just don't make a fuss over it or draw attention and players just roll up characters and play through it as normal. Sure there may be blindfolded monstergirl priestesses and they may steal all powerful magic stones from between the cleavage of a sleeping giantess dragongirl or be stalked through the jungle by a predator expy amazonian oni girl ninja who did a line of Zoanoid shapeshifting, but that doesn't stop things from being as enjoyable as the other stuff in them since I prioritize running a fun game over getting off during it.

    • 2 months ago

      Because we're all adults and know the difference between sexy and creepy and know when it's time to fade to black.

    • 2 months ago

      I've meet most of my DMs and fellow players on various fetish discord servers. If anything, the actual gameplay elements came as a byproduct of the mechanization of horny character concepts.

    • 2 months ago

      >Do you guys really play games
      lol no, that's for nerds. I'm just here for the intelligent fetish discussion.

  23. 2 months ago

    This is where I inform the board that Dave Arneson's of campaign had Gorean style slave girls. DM's disguised objects of lust is as old as gaming

  24. 2 months ago

    All my players are close friends of mine, so they know what kind of degenerate shit I am into, pretty much any time I introduce a female character, especially if they are evil, they ask how big her breasts are. I don't really add any coomer shit into my setting, that I don't think would exist anyway, like the evil witch isn't gonna gonna shrink you down and stomp on you with her stinky feet or some shit, but if you are in a seedy part of town you might see hookers and lurid posters advertising phone sex or strip clubs. I feel that I actually try pretty hard to seem the world feel like it has a natural amount of sex in it, without just going full blown coomer. Right now in my friends campaign I am playing a big titted vampire, but I dont go around trying to frick every character or seduce them or whatever, I just like a good old fashioned vampire bride, and my friend in the same game is playing an old wizard, who is prone to occasional bouts of perversion kinda like master roshi, but again, she didn't make it the characters only trait, its just kinda there

  25. 2 months ago

    My stories tend to go like this:
    >All the women are sexy twenty somethings with big breasts.
    >The men tend to be homely save for the hot shot heroes and bitter old people. Like Korgoth or that one segment in Heavy Metal.
    >Lots and lots of tight-fitting barmaid outfits.
    >Lots and lots of loose togas.
    >Belly dancers too and niqabs whenever the characters wind up in the desert or the middle east.
    >Loose kimonos in the far east.
    >And in the distant south? They just wear those necklaces and nothing else.
    >The villains always show their assets and bare their midriffs, regardless of whether or not it's practical, and always seem to be somewhat sympathetic when compared to their male counterparts.
    Exceptions exist of course:
    >An unattractive or unconventional woman is the sign of being part-nonhuman. See that short petite girl? Cute, but watch out. She's part gobbo. That muscle chick? Shrek went to town. Crazy hill woman? Lycanthropy runs in that family. Lacrosse player? Dwarven gold baby.
    >Kids are precious and innocent... Until they hit around twelve. Then they're absolute menaces, annoying shit stains that bring a tear to the eye. This changes at around 15, provided the shitasses somehow survive the PCs making constant willpower rolls to resist shanking them.
    >Old people (around 55 or so) fall into three categories: Scrooge, senile, or boomer. Scroogs and complain about everything (Example: Robert Freeman), seniles are comically senile (Example: Hey Arnold's Grandma), boomers are hyper successful but painfully out of it (Example: the Boomer).

  26. 2 months ago

    I don't need to.
    One of my players is playing an artificial race specifically designed to be pleasurable slaves that can modify their bodies at will to better suit the interests of whomever they're currently forming a bond towards.

    Then the other PCs are
    >A human mutant who due to random rolls is basically beast from 90s X-Men, super genius, built like a gorilla, furry
    >A half alien humanoid who has become addicted to the engineered PC
    >A human chick who got mind fricked by a tentacle god and got psychic powers as a result

    I can send them anywhere and they'll make it fetishy themselves.

  27. 2 months ago
    This thread sucks

    Are the board numbers really that important?

  28. 2 months ago

    All I can think of is the fact that the emperor has hundreds of daughters and only one son. Half his ‘daughters’ are boys raised as girls to keep their lone brother from killing them to ensure he’s the only heir.

    Even then it’s less a fetish and more a shitpost.

    • 2 months ago

      Ah yes. The clownfish kingdom.

  29. 2 months ago

    God I love Nagas and Medusas

  30. 2 months ago

    My setting was developed through ERP with my GF over the past 12 years. Nearly every idea used in it came from some horny one off thought while ERPing. Then afterwards, I figure out some thin veil to explain why things are that way. One, is that elves are all very feminine, regardless of their sex and don't conceptualization gender.

  31. 2 months ago

    It's actually the blatant fetish elements I always have trouble with.
    There's a hume amount of stuff like femdom, bondage, forceful transformation, and futa in my current setting but none of it actually gets me off. What does is big green muscle women and I can never seem to find a way to add them I'm happy with

    • 2 months ago

      Orcs, anon?

  32. 2 months ago

    The setting? None.

    My personal character an his entourage of cohorts? None on the surface. But I have an entirely parallel set of canon that I consider real but is never even whispered of in his normal gameplay/roleplaying. It's pure fetish material top to bottom without apology or reservation and it would completely change every single character in that group permanently to anyone that found out.

    • 2 months ago

      Tell us more.

      • 2 months ago

        Sure. The character is a life-weaver of sorts that started as a healer and developed into investigating consciousness itself and eventually souls. He built up his own little team that are mostly his own creations; things he 'brought life to'. Plants, animals, machines, etc. Each one is naturally an attractive girl because I said so. It's all very wholesome and they have a little family thing going on.

        Becoming sapient doesn't invalidate the fact they're all subhuman, some are sub-animal, and one is still considered sub-life. This naturally makes their creator their owner, and the 'family' structure exists in parallel with a strict naturalistic caste slavery where the girls are used not just for pleasure but for whatever their 'natural' state would be. Human > AI > Animals > Plants > Other. Compulsory bondage that gets heavier the further down the totem pole they are is a 24/7 given. The animal girls are trained for labor and milked, the plant "girl" is tapped for both pitch and syrup (facilitated by her original species being hermaphroditic, so I decided she's a modestly proportioned futa), etc. And of course, lots and lots of sex between all parties, but almost always with a hefty power imbalance between any two characters. There's extreme exploitation mixed in with absolutely genuine mutual love and affection, and depending on what company they're in and which girl is speaking the owner could be called Sir in the military or slavery sense, Master, Daddy, or even just his name.

        • 2 months ago

          OOoh that's an interesting one.

          • 2 months ago

            Thanks. I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about it, especially how the girls live and treat eachother and under what justifications.

  33. 2 months ago

    The group I am DMing for have been my friends for years, they know my fetishes pretty well.

    I am doing my best to not add them at all into the game.

  34. 2 months ago

    Some. I am primarily writing for myself so I will end up inserting things that line with my interests. For fetish-related stuff I do intentionally keep it to minor details that don't seem unreasonable in a serious setting. Stuff like one of the reasons elves have a much smaller population than humans is that their pregnancies last a lot longer, making the population growth slower.

  35. 2 months ago

    Does anyone have any advice for taking this kind of thing into consideration in regards to creating your religions, especially if you want to avoid going full-on magical realm? I’m asking for a friend, lol.

    • 2 months ago

      well, if you'll look in my dark elf book (

      Well, I wrote a supplemental thing for ACKS that's about the dark elves as I envision them. They're completely infertile, reproduce by kidnapping people and placing them into tubes, their relationships are highly sexual and usually consist of two best friends that just decided to frick, they take slaves and either treat them as pets/property, they can sometimes form a partnership with the lesser races, but there's always gonna be a "thing." They're also hot as shit. You should read my book and then also play the ACKS system. This is only the 2nd draft, I had it edited and will be publishing this by the end of this year/start of next year.

      It's important to note that these aren't drow, because those are gay and copyrighted. These are dark elves.

      ), I have the religion stuff on pg. 14

  36. 2 months ago

    Custom D&D setting.

    >The dragons are all hedonistic shapeshifting hermaphrodites who've enslaved all the humanoid races.

    >Every humanoid race can reproduce with each other and the offspring will always be the mom's race.

    >Some races lay unfertilized eggs that can be safely consumed by other creatures.

    >The elves basically the Na'vi from Avatar. An entire civilization of tall, fit, beautiful, half-naked, tribal warriors/hunter-gathers who live in harmony with nature.

    >Warforged, Autognomes, and other Constructs can serve as sexbots.

    >Bestfolk are extremely common and run the range from anime kemonomimi to full anthro furrys. They also prefer to wear as little as clothing as possible, or just walk around fully nude.

    • 2 months ago

      Not really fetish stuff but I ran a Myconid chef once. It's a lot easier to forage when you can just talk to the mushrooms directly.

      Players caught on that he was using his own fruiting bodies in some of the dishes, and he said "They're expended and there's no sense it continuing to sustain them or let them go to waste."

      My favorite bit was when one of the players asked "why didn't you just feed them to some animals?" and he said "I am."

      I should bring that guy back.

      • 2 months ago

        >"I am."
        Good shit anon.

        • 2 months ago


  37. 2 months ago

    I will just tell you that I like the idea of a girl being taller than me and that I am a tall mother fricker. Then you can just imagine why half orc ladies are pretty common in my setting.

    • 2 months ago

      Actually, for some reason, in a lot of real-life mammalian species, the females are naturally bigger than the males IIRC. Not sure why though.

      • 2 months ago

        Well Anon, sadly, I am a big lad and I am yet to meet a woman irl who is taller than me. I am sure there are some that do exist, but they are rare.

        • 2 months ago

          Oops, I meant to say NON-mammalian species, not sure how that happened.

      • 2 months ago

        It's also almost universal in birds, and common in many other animals as well. Really, biologically speaking there's actually little reason for males to be bigger than females, since females have a minimum size limitation based on having to be able to give birth or lay eggs (the baby or egg has to be at least a certain size to be viable, and the female needs to be large enough to be able to handle that without dying in childbirth), while no such limitation exists for males. In species where males are larger than females it's because males physically compete for females, giving a larger and stronger male an advantage over smaller ones (the reason why it's very rare for male birds to be larger than females is because birds tend to compete for mates with other means like by the quality of their song or the color of their plumage, so there's less reason for evolution to favor individuals based on physical strength).

  38. 2 months ago

    Zero, because I'm not a cumbrained moron.

  39. 2 months ago

    I don't. I love e-girl and I make it a point to avoid including children even as NPCs.

  40. 2 months ago

    Despite being an unapologetic furgay with a laundry list of degenerate fetishes, basically none.

  41. 2 months ago

    It has literally never come up in an actual game and likely never will (because why would it?) but when I put in a pair of opposite-gender siblings there's a solid chance they're having sex behind the scenes.

    (Ironically, there's a large amount of fetishbait that isn't being included for fetish reasons, because they're not my fetishes.)

    • 2 months ago

      what kinds

      • 2 months ago

        >there's an elf-sexual (he's not gay, gay people don't exist in my worlds, but elf men are "just that feminine")
        >elves possibly have four genders, one of which is essentially futa (all of them are, in fact, twinky/feminine) (I haven't decided for sure about this though)
        >elves might go into estrus every now and again? haven't decided
        >dwarves and possibly elves as well work under an avunculocal family structure
        >dwarf lifecycle is a little funkier than human because dwarves start as little maggot things, and dwarf females that are fed a certain way turn into big maggot things (dwarf matriarchs, who birth dwarf children), but male dwarves and female dwarves (gnomes) are normal humanoids
        >goblins (maybe dwarves too?) probably have cloaca or something? idk
        >there's definitely a succubus wandering around
        >one character is male and refers to himself and is referred to as (a) "mother" (he's not trans, trans people don't exist in my worlds, but gender transformation does)

  42. 2 months ago

    My fetish is to play a storied game with polite well presented people in a safe environment for a reasonable amount of time. Frick that's so hot, when people are normal and want to play a wargame, board game or rpg

  43. 2 months ago

    A lot.
    Not tastelessly mind, no straight out lewdness or sexy descriptions (outside of honey traps and relevant attributes to the occasional npc) but I’ve found that if you and your table don’t get sensitive over sexual stuff, it mostly gets ignored anyway in favour of plot and development, and that making things tastefully schexy (not just people, but objects and places as well) is a good way to keep players involved and in the same page.

  44. 2 months ago

    wtf, is this Heroes 3 Naga Queen x Medusa Queen yuri art? Something I never expected to see or even think about.

    • 2 months ago

      I didn't realized it's Heroes 3 art until you mentioned it kek

  45. 2 months ago

    Basically all Monster Girls in my setting are because when I was making my world I had watched Monster Musame. So lamia, Arachnids, and Octogirls were in. Arachnids are matriarchal slavers who reproduce with the captured and enslaved men of other races. They are the only ones who that have come up in the game with any significance. lamia tend to be rather generic tribal people but when the women go into heat they will kidnap any race to reproduce. It is mostly monster girls that inhabit the world but I have a soft spot for the Drow and matriarchal societies.

    Other than that I generally like feminine armor that is more of a style taste.

  46. 2 months ago

    I'm actually quite fond of using fetishes as inspiration for bits of lore or general setting stuff.
    Fetishes ime tend to be from a concept or idea with considerable emotional resonance, manifesting or expressing as a sexual thing.
    I find that you can kinda work in reverse, and bootleg something without direct sexual themes, but still some interesting emotional resonances.
    >A Theocracy who's military might is mostly made up of "Palatines", who are an all-female body of fantasy mecha pilots. They love dueling, and are competitively chivalric as a point of pride, but the process of implanting or extricating the Palatine is a slow process that requires outside hands, meaning the Palatine can actually be very dependent on her support crew, and very vulnerable in the event of an armour breach or being felled.
    >Culturally, Satyr (and some other Fae-swaying) maidens do not wear earings, but instead loop or hang bundles of grapes from their ears or horns, with the practice being especially common in parties. Traditionally this was to symbolize both fertility, and availability. Similarly, eating said grapes (or other physically provided fruits), is in Satyr culture, basically a marriage proposal. Except it's more an admission-assertion or offering-claiming kind of thing.
    >One of the empires, famous for its art and philosophy, is actually Matriarchal, due to a cultural split of jobs where women think, and men do. While this power imbalance (in the wrong way) makes a lot of people balk, the country is renowned for being both highly philosophically progressive, and both men and women being very serious about their "honour as men/women", and doing the duties their sex entails, to the other gender.
    >Most deities involving creation are seen as female, while only a minority are seen as male.
    >Minotaurs wrestle from the horns, and can be made docile if they're controlled or wrestled to the ground via their horns.

    • 2 months ago

      >Most deities involving creation are seen as female, while only a minority are seen as male.
      I would love to hear more about these deities and what they did please.

      • 2 months ago

        They're generally fairly nebulous polytheistic concepts, tied to cities, animals, or landscape features.
        Except the one Creator Goddess, who's very kind, though she's a downright perv and a bimbo by human standards. She both wants people to be happy, but gets bad ideas and requires tard wrangling from her very long-suffering High Priestess (basically pope) so she doesn't do some Warp-Hentai shit to get people to stop doing silly things like war or taxes.
        Though that was a port from an erpg I was in, simply because I liked the sort of primitive concept.

  47. 2 months ago

    >party goes to fantasy Japan
    >intend to give them a few options of groups to work with
    >yakuza, street samurai, and battle maids
    >before I introduce them at all two party members decide to not investigate things and instead go drinking
    >"we look for a muscle maid café!"
    >now the party is working with some very ripped battle maids

    • 2 months ago

      >party goes to fantasy Japan
      >intend to give them a few options of groups to work with
      >throw in an optional sumo side quest just for me

  48. 2 months ago

    My amazons, which I then salvaged by masturbatubg, realizing my mistake, then realizing they're actually filling an important geographic hole, so repurposing them.

    Now they're mushroom lesbians that reproduce via spores.

  49. 2 months ago

    The powerful and influential vampire nobility reproduce by marrying a human and giving birth to a dhampir who is later turned into a full-blooded vampire when they reach adulthood, this obviously takes much longer than a normal embrace but the resulting child is more powerful than a human simply turned as an adult. I have shamelessly included this because I like redheads, biting, vampires, and impregnating evil women.

    • 2 months ago

      >I have shamelessly included this because I like redheads, biting, vampires, and impregnating evil women.

      • 2 months ago
        Anonymous that from the Castlevania show? Jesus, I know what I'm fapping to tonight.

        • 2 months ago

          Yes, but everything after S2 (the red headed vampire is from S3) is a train wreck and mediocre at best, but she is a top tier semen demon.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah, that's what I'd heard so I avoided it. Was entirely unaware of her and her design. This hits notes for me I didn't think were possible. Guess I finally found a waifu.

      • 2 months ago
        Anonymous that from the Castlevania show? Jesus, I know what I'm fapping to tonight.

        Yes, but everything after S2 (the red headed vampire is from S3) is a train wreck and mediocre at best, but she is a top tier semen demon.

        i will never stop being jealous of hector

    • 2 months ago

      >impregnating evil women.
      So you prefer this making them better or them making you worse?

      • 2 months ago

        the fact that there are women so villainous that they aren't improved by this at all really says something about society.

  50. 2 months ago

    There's like one thing, most of it is just stuff I think is cool
    It helps that most stuff I'm into is either super normalgay tier or isn't out of place in a fantasy setting, like muscular barbarian women

  51. 2 months ago

    This seems like the thread for it, so anyone got that one pov picture of the drow sacrifice? I need it for reasons

    • 2 months ago

      I have no idea what you're on about, but I too would like to see it.

      • 2 months ago

        You're in luck: I found it.

        • 2 months ago

          The art is great but man am I not a fan of the subject matter. What's wrong with drawing dark elf bawds just being hot instead?

          • 2 months ago

            I like it because it's got a level of verisimilitude that just them lounging around like pinup models would lack.

          • 2 months ago

            Probably this

            I like it because it's got a level of verisimilitude that just them lounging around like pinup models would lack.

            I know I'm using the middle one as art for default drow in my games.

  52. 2 months ago

    None. I have a world to build and I have a personal responsibility to worldbuild right and not put my personal fetishes in my setting.

  53. 2 months ago

    Only one player has directly mentioned noticing it, and it was the resident autistic girl.
    She noticed that the most powerful mages they've met so far tend to be curvier and bustier, and none of them are men.
    She asked me if it's because mana is stored in the boobs.
    I said yes, and she asked if attuning to a leyline (gives you mana, in setting) would be akin to breast inflation.
    She caught me.

  54. 2 months ago

    Many of the current races were created by spellcasters and artificers of the fallen civilization of the previous age as specialized servants or soldier or other roles; among such other roles included satisfying the tastes and needs of said spellcasters and artificers

  55. 2 months ago

    the whole geography

  56. 2 months ago

    Most of the nobility have elf maids, and have faint elven blood for access to that sweet sweet extended lifespans. Incest isn't common, but its not so rare that the noble class doesn't bat an eye at it, especially for families who are also a lineage of magic-users. Some orc warbands are more like an orc female with her extended harem of warriors.

  57. 2 months ago

    The central conflict in my setting at the moment is between a bunch of demons who are basically in the equivalent of a hell favela due to an accident involving dimensional magic, and totally-not-shub-niggurath who wishes to spread her influence through her brood and allow others to know the miracle or birthing her children.
    I recently established rape trees that drain mages of their magical energy to make fruits.
    There's an island of beastmen and no mention of beast women.
    Almost every weird alien/mutant race finds human women attractive.
    I incorporated an armor system based around armor degradation, as it's necessary to know when a tentacled beast goes from trying to break your armor off to trying to shove things into you.
    The most common pirates in the setting as a group of aliens who are particularly known for their sexual depravity.
    Among the major races of my setting:
    >10/10 super hot humans who have been genetically altered to have elf-like traits and almost no concept for free will
    >purple people of the opinion that the difference between slavery and loyalty is not your willingness but if the master/mistress does more good than bad
    Haven't yet figured out where futa will fit into this, if I decide to include it. Might be a common magic because chicks walking around with dicks is kind of fricking gay, but chicks fricking chicks using dicks is pretty sweet.

  58. 2 months ago

    Black person, the setting started as a fetish short story. Then I eventually build ERP and then just regular TTRPG setting around it.

  59. 2 months ago

    These are all from one game but from wildy different areas of the world. The PCs have only encountered two so far, and may never encounter some of them if they don't explore in certain areas or dig deep into some NPC backstories.

    >bodily age-regression (via potion)
    >brothels hidden behind legitimate storefronts
    >crazed soul-starved succubus (essentially locked in magical chastity without the possibility of dying)
    >futa cloud giant NPC
    >nudism (specific druid circle)
    >amazons (goliath female vikings)
    >femboy over-the-top gay tiefling innkeeper
    >possibility of mindbreaking via slow-acting geas (cursed item)

    Yeah i'm a horny fricker.

    • 2 months ago

      >futa cloud giant NPC
      Have they discovered her yet? And how would the players find out she's a futa?

      >nudism (specific druid circle)
      Try doing it as a joke.

      • 2 months ago

        >How would the players find out
        Not him, but I assume by looking up.

      • 2 months ago

        >dude haha the female giant has like...a giant glistening yummy futa wiener haha... like that's SOOOOO funny
        Never host a game.

  60. 2 months ago

    I'm in two groups atm, the first one was formed due to a thread here on /tg/ talking about giant little girls and how weak size magic is in D&D resulting in someone going "Hey, I'll run a game based on that that" and the second was formed of friends of friends I've made on f-list. Both have been going on for multiple years now

  61. 2 months ago

    Like, probably no more than 25%. More if you classify "cute girls being overrepresented".

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