How many times have your players make the world a worse place?

How many times have your players make the world a worse place?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Every. Single. Time.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, I don't think my group has ever managed to get a net positive outcome.

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    I have tried to "unintentionally" do it. My DM and other party players never caught on.

  4. 3 months ago

    Every time. I can understand though, as every facet of the world is dedicated to kill or maim them. Shop keepers rip them off, every child is either a pickpocket, scout for bandits or a disguised demon, every noble will take all their goods as tax or hire them for a suicide mission, they can't travel more than a couple of miles without some monster trying to kill them, every item of interest is either cursed or a mimic. No wonder they either disengage from the world or try to take it down with them.

    Probem is, whenever I try to run a world that is more friendly to them and might be something worth defending, they are either paranoid as frick and continue to destroy everything they see, or say they are bored and ask to play something more fun next week. Can't please the shits.

  5. 3 months ago

    There was one time easily a decade or so ago during a Dark Heresy campaign, so plenty of the finer details will be spotty at best.

    Short and sweet of it, small system where a ferry was available inbetween the main world and it's two habitated moons. The main world was a hive world with dedicated manufactorum districts while the moons where a refinery world and the last one was a feudal world.

    Until we could find out more of the target we were tracking, the last surviving member of our Inquisitor's retinue that had turned traitor, we decided to set shot on the feudal world for the time bearing while we investigated the old hideout the Inquisitor had used as a study years ago.

    During our investigations we discovered that there was a Khornate cult amongst the nomadic tribes of feral worlders that roamed on the northern plains where we ended up discovering they were waiting for some kind of important holyday.

    So the "thinking" heads of the party got to do their big thunk on what to do with the ritual, while the other half was unaware of such and working on a way to ensure safe passage from the moon to the main world since we had found plenty of clues pointing about some noble from there being implicated.

    Thus, after their big thunk they decided to set their plan in motion. Hitching a Tauros buggy we had on the hideout to go one by one to all of the known tribes in a radious to our hideout to taunt them, throw insults and declaring themselves representatives of other tribes and even shooting a few others. This caused a big uproar amongst the tribes thus speeding up the looming war that Ritual was supposed to start. But once the safe lift to the other places was found they immediatly hitched a ride with the rest of us aswell after their joyride 'cross the moon.

    We would later find out the very jolly Khorne herald we had helped summon. What a lad.

  6. 3 months ago

    In a campaign I'm a player in, very often. Generally as a result of rash decisions and a low-charisma party "face." Since then, it appears to have become a plot point.

    The party works in service to this empire, and in spite of the first mass-casualty incident, we continue to be sent out on missions. The problems we have solved have usually been less dire than the death tolls we caused, which you'd think would get us fired or executed... until you realize that we've been weakening the local governments, militaries, and economies in the process.

    We indirectly caused one region's capital to lose hundreds of soldiers.

    We stopped the plot of a mage mind-controlling a town, but their freedom came at the cost of the massive agriculture he was using them for, and now the entire region is facing famine.

    Most recently, we went to investigate an issue with mines in the same province as the farming village, only to find out the local leader was preparing for a rebellion. Growing food in the capital was outlawed long ago specifically to strip them of their autonomy, and they have had enough. We have since been forced to kill their leader, who has been replaced with a puppet leader. They will not be able to grow food, and the shortage we caused will reach them eventually.

    Fun stuff.

    • 3 months ago

      >but their freedom came at the cost of the massive agriculture he was using them for, and now the entire region is facing famine.
      Your DM is a goddamned idiot.

  7. 3 months ago

    Both times I've run Curse of Strahd, the party gets into a fight with the burgomaster of Vallaki, which leads to them killing *all* the guards in town, which leaves Vallaki defenseless which means either:

    A: Lady Watcher takes over the town with her devil-worshipping cult

    B: The Feast of Saint Andal turns into a fricking bloodbath as the coffin shop vampires descend on the town with no one to protect them.

    • 3 months ago

      Playing Curse of Strahd now. We retrieved St Andral's bones and torched the coffinmaker's shop (and the tied up coffinmaker), but 5 vampires did burst out of the upstairs windows and run off. Theyre still out there somehere. So there's that.
      We also killed the burgomeister and Lady Wachter and the town elected some local guy over our pick (Ireena).

  8. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I was expecting some kind of horrific violation. Thank god he just stabbed her.

    • 3 months ago

      The best part of this is that the others can't even act outraged about it, because they did so much worse shit

    • 3 months ago

      While a good story I doubt this is real, it implies that the rogue player did literally nothing for what could have been months of playtime besides sit around and force the GM to describe an npc doing literally the same thing over and over. At that point he might as well not even play.

  9. 3 months ago

    >"The macguffin is the most powerful artifact in the world, with its might it keeps the land in perfect balance."
    >"Awesome, ..lets go get it!"
    ah SHIT here we go again..

  10. 3 months ago

    Every session
    Sometimes they do something good by accident though

  11. 3 months ago

    You mean how many times have my players MADE the world a worse place?

  12. 3 months ago

    Hardly ever, actually. My players are by-and-large benevolent even when they fumble and bumble their way through their adventures.

  13. 3 months ago

    numbers don't go that high

  14. 3 months ago

    I keep trying BUT THE GM KEEPS FRICKING ME UP. Its been like FOUR FRICKING SESSIONS SINCE WE'VE MADE ANY GODDAMN SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS, ITS BEEN OVER A MONTH! I want to save the material plane but now there's like 300 fricking plot threads all tangled up together and I'm the only person paying attention but none of them matter, I keep finding secrets and none of them matter, my notes keep getting more schizophrenic and I can barely have enough time to do anything, we keep stumbling into bad ends by accident or worse, neutral ones that enforce a worse status quo. I'm so fricking tired of being the stabilizing agent in this entire shitshow.

    • 3 months ago

      A great lesson that the world always moves on.
      It is us and our stuckness in the past and our trying to hold on to something that is unnatural to the world.

      Let it die.
      Let go and let it die. See how it goes down in a beautiful final fiery dance.

      The world never needed any saving. It is always us - tangled in the same old ways not accepting that everything changes and everything ends that think they need saving.

      • 3 months ago

        Frick you and frick your defeatist fate. I am going to try until I die and I might very fricking well return as a revenant too. Hells or High Water, I'm doing my fricking best and your non interferent divine tier ass can let go of your neck already

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