How much do you like to play around with sexual demorphisms when creating your fantasy races?

How much do you like to play around with sexual demorphisms when creating your fantasy races?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Not at all because I'm not a homosexual.

  2. 10 months ago

    blotting out the dryad nipples was stupid, but it's stupid to get b& for it

  3. 10 months ago

    >sexual demorphisms
    What is that, when the genitals slowly reduce to nothing?

  4. 10 months ago

    I like extreme sexual dimorphism in fantasy races like Draenei in WoW or Worgen from the same game, but never created any races myself

  5. 10 months ago

    male and females both have the same size penis
    Like the real world I only have 2 sexes/genders

  6. 10 months ago

    I like very limited dimorphism.
    For example this is a male vesk.

    • 10 months ago

      This is a female vesk.
      The only way you could tell them apart? Females have colorful spots. Their speech, mannerisms, and such is identical. Though females are also slightly larger on average, but not enough for non-vesk to notice.
      Albino vesk have a hard time.

      • 10 months ago

        Do the vesk consider themselves to be majorly dimorphic and think it's weird humans don't get it?

        • 10 months ago

          Not really. They pick up on scents and stuff humans miss, but even they would be taking a shot in the dark guessing one from the other on a black and white TV with audio.
          They never really had a need to get more pronounced characteristics because there is zero social roles. Just join the military and conquer shit. Straight up Klingon mentality.

          • 10 months ago


            Do they have trouble telling humans (or others) apart because the idea of sexual dimorphism is just weird to them?

            • 10 months ago

              No, they recognize other species sexual dimorphism fine. They aren't ignorant of the concept in the slightest. They completely conquered their own galaxy before moving on to the pact worlds after all. At best they might assume different looking sexes are different species until verified through some basic research.

          • 10 months ago

            Interestingly some vesk really have embraced the lifestyle of the denizens of the Pact Worlds and follow cultures and practices found there. The other Vesk view those guys essentially the same way we view webs. Cross species relationships with vesk are incredibly rare though because they don't understand such things usually and, considering it wasn't too long ago that the pact worlds and the vesk were trying to murder each other it's kind of taboo.
            Not completely unheard of, but rare as hell.

            • 10 months ago

              Meant weebs. Damn phone posting.

    • 10 months ago

      This is a female vesk.
      The only way you could tell them apart? Females have colorful spots. Their speech, mannerisms, and such is identical. Though females are also slightly larger on average, but not enough for non-vesk to notice.
      Albino vesk have a hard time.

      Are you sure you don't have that flipped around? At least as far as Earth is concerned when there is a coloration difference been males and females of the species it's the females that tend towards drab and simple while males are more colorful and have more elaborate patterns.

      • 10 months ago

        >At least as far as Earth is concerned when there is a coloration difference been males and females of the species it's the females that tend towards drab and simple while males are more colorful and have more elaborate patterns.
        Any idea why that is? Because if we know why it happens, we can justify exceptions.

        • 10 months ago

          Not a zoologist, but it varies hugely by family and genus. For lizards, if dimorphism is present then the male tends to be more colourful; same goes for passerine birds for instance. But it's the opposite for most spiders as far as I know, and it's not as if many mammals are dimorphic in colour or vibrancy (think of dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. and how they're pretty much identical).

        • 10 months ago

          Most animals dump the duty of sexual selection, in that what is decided as good and desirable onto the female so they are the ones picking and choosing what they like. In reptiles this typically means males get really vibrant and also up to 50% or more larger than the female.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, it's bright colored females, dull green and brown males. Females slightly larger on average.

      • 10 months ago

        Cardinals are like this. I always assumed it because the drab colored females would be sitting in nests while the bright colored males were trying to get spotted.

  7. 10 months ago

    None of my setting's races are humanoid, so their sexual dimprohism js pretty sublte if you don't know what to look for.

  8. 10 months ago

    Last time I created a race I used dice rolls to determine features, there ended up being limited sexual dimorphism.

    The race was similar to humanity in many ways though they had bright red skin and significantly higher base strength, with the biggest changes being based off of the innate elemental abilities they had access to.
    Women of the race were born with access to Air and Water magic, if they didn't use these abilities as they aged they would fade. A woman who used a lot of water magic would have a more androgynous form, sleeker for moving in and out of the water. Meanwhile a woman who used a lot of air magic ages slower, as a result they tend to be many of the elders of the race.
    Men can use earth or fire, similar to women they can eschew both, but if they don't it changes them. Over reliance on earth magic tends to make them larger and harder in every way. Fire magic however has a rather extreme effect, usually resulting in wings, a huge mane of long hair, breasts, and generally womanly features.

    • 10 months ago

      >Fire magic however has a rather extreme effect, usually resulting in wings, a huge mane of long hair, breasts, and generally womanly features.
      >All the gays are literally flaming
      But fire is the best element, keep the feminine features if you must, just remove the breast growth.

  9. 10 months ago

    All intelligent races show human sexual dimorphism because it's the most effective at producing intelligence. Fantasy races should only be human or strongly human-like. Anything else is a monster that shouldn’t have any humanizing qualities other than being a cruel villainous race for the pcs to destroy.

  10. 10 months ago

    So the animal rapist was an ESL all along!

  11. 10 months ago

    My demorphisms are all extremely sexual, yes. Even a single demorphism might have as much as 10 or even 12 sex a day.

  12. 10 months ago

    >Left: dragon (female): ferocious beast that represents the feminine traits of defending nests and delivering large eggs
    >Right: dragon (male): humanoid with dragon-themed cosplay, as it should be

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