How much research/metagaming do you do when starting a new RPG with all sorts of stats and attributes and shit? Do you...

How much research/metagaming do you do when starting a new RPG with all sorts of stats and attributes and shit?
Do you...
>Just wing it and design your build with no outside influences?
>Do a modicum of research to ensure you at least don't make any catastrophically bad decisions?
>Straight up follow an in-depth character creation guide?
I assume most of Ganker is in the first camp but I'm just curious.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't play RPGs anymore because I always want to make an optimal character that can do everything on my first playthrough. Then I get overwhelmed and quit in the starter town.

    • 2 years ago

      I just use common sense

      That's because you are autistic

      • 2 years ago

        Guilty as charged.

      • 2 years ago

        That's just another way of saying "Wing it".
        There's no "common sense" when it comes to video games, Anon.
        What class in school taught you to take 10 Agility on your first Fallout playthroughs?

        • 2 years ago

          you´re a moronic zoomer who doesn´t understand common sense because you frickers abolished it.
          your MO is more like "spoonfeed me or i´m out" and that´s why you frickers lack the ability to toroughly read the important parts.
          common sense is simply reading and paying attention.
          in the case of F1&2 it´s obvious, if you click on the ability you get a rough summary, and if you add or substract a number of points, you get the exact changes like bigger HP with END, more carry capacity with STR or getting more AP with AG.
          fricking zoomers

          • 2 years ago

            calm down moron
            if you didnt know what the game was like on your first playthrough you wouldnt know that action points are king

          • 2 years ago

            You did nothing to disprove his point. Common sense doesn't tell you that tagging energy weapons is worthless for the first 30% of the game. Or that putting points into endurance to raise poison/rad resistance is a complete waste.

            • 2 years ago

              >tagging energy weapons is worthless for the first 30% of the game
              >not maxing gambling and buying plasma rifle in a matter of few days

              • 2 years ago

                Maxing luck and getting a ray gun or bb gun before you even reach the khans is great

              • 2 years ago

                >not doing both
                My first playthrought went excatly like that and i was wondering why the rifle i found at the start of the game was more powerful than any other gun i found

          • 2 years ago

            Looks like other Anon's chimed in for me and called out your moronation.
            I thoroughly read the entire manual along with every description during character creation. Nothing gives you the slightest hint that taking 10 Agility is nearly a requirement.
            The manual and descriptions explain all the abilities but they don't give you any idea of how useful they, or if they become useful at a certain skill lvl, or if they're useful for even 7% of the game regardless of skill lvl
            >Fallout 1 and 2
            >Here's a bunch of abilities
            >Now shut up and take 10 Agil, Small Weapons, Unarmed/Melee, Big Weapons/Energy Weapons
            Fallout 1 and 2 are great but creating a character has always been fricking moronic.

            • 2 years ago

              >but they don't give you any idea of how useful they, or if they become useful at a certain skill lvl
              It tells you your AP is dictated by agility.
              AP is super important for combat.
              I don't know what else you need to indicate more is much better than less.

              • 2 years ago

                >It tells you your AP is dictated by agility.
                >AP is super important for combat.
                You literally do not know that until you start the game. I did the exact same thing, started Fallout 2 blind, create full character, see combat with 4 agility in a completely forced combat encounter, immediately restart and put 10 into agility.
                Honestly its only so dogshit because Fallout 2's start is so shit

              • 2 years ago

                >You literally do not know that until you start the game
                It is in the instructions, and in a turn based game there is almost always a mechanic that defines how much you can do per turn and the more you can do per turn the better.

              • 2 years ago

                >It is in the instructions
                Does it say "a very high agility is vital to your combat performance", or does it say that agility is useful.
                >in a turn based game there is almost always a mechanic that defines how much you can do per turn
                Yes but better balanced games make it so agi gives you bonuses to make you better, and not scale your AP directly to your fricking stat. Theres nothing to defend about the system and its dogshit that you need to invest so many stats not to feel like a cripple

              • 2 years ago

                >Does it say "a very high agility is vital to your combat performance", or does it say that agility is useful.
                you tell me.

              • 2 years ago

                >page 118
                dude youre just trying hard to win an argument at this point.
                no one in this world is autistic enough to read a hundred page manual before they boot up a game
                and also you still wouldn't know how hard and essential AP in combat is without playing it in the first place. Maybe 4 or 5 AP is enough for everything and 9 is overkill? Who knows?

              • 2 years ago

                >Maybe 4 or 5 AP is enough for everything and 9 is overkill? Who knows?
                You certainly don't you fricking illiterate.

              • 2 years ago

                Dunno what you two are arguing about but that information doesn't help me if I don't know what most characters' (especially enemies') agility is like

              • 2 years ago

                still doesnt tell you how much AP is enough for a normal gameplay
                just frick off you autistic moron, here, have my concession, push your shit in with it holy shit talking to you must be infuriating

              • 2 years ago

                >AP is derived by agility, here is a list of example actions and how much AP they cost
                >I'm not gonna read all that
                anon if you're scared of reading then why the hell are you playing a cRPG

  2. 2 years ago

    I usually start blind and then a few hours later restart when I have a better handling on the mechanics and what I want to do and how to go about doing it

  3. 2 years ago

    More than I should honestly. I should try getting into the habit of just seeing what attributes(ie charisma) are traps and leave it at that,

  4. 2 years ago

    Your average RPG is fairly simple with regards to making characters, that being said I like solving most things with dialogue options so I just usually build charisma/persuade characters in games

  5. 2 years ago

    Just go to youtube and watch hours of guides obviously, this is a one for FO2:

  6. 2 years ago

    >game is incredibly difficult without metagaming and having prior knowledge
    >people who played before the game added a lot of very difficult enemies will tell you it's ez and you can solo it without outside help

    • 2 years ago

      Game was just hard enough to be entertaining at normal on my first run. If you chose a higher difficulty despite being told by the game itself its for people already familiar with the game then you're dumb

      • 2 years ago

        The final boss is a damage check so if you didn't focus a lot on your damage output you just can't beat it, you also need to bring TNT if melee and the scanners can kill you very fast, the tentacles are effectively RNG if you decide to melt them, otherwise you have to bear the full brunt of a powerful tentacle for every damage type in the game. The whole area is also impossible to leave from until you beat the final boss. First time I've played it on Normal I was stuck with a shitty makeshift build and had to start a new run because the alternative was loading to the last Arena save dozens of hours prior and with the new knowledge in hand I could at least make a more solid build. Since then I've beat the game several times including on the DOMINATING difficulty.
        Most of the game is challenging but a lot of the challenge is optional and you can do it at your own pace, taking as much time as you need to prepare, it's the forced segments like everything up until Depot A and the entirety of DC that are shit and poorly-paced. At least DC makes up for it in kino, but it's unnecessarily brutal for a new player. It doesn't help that it was a few years prior that many of the most bullshit enemies in the game were added and sprinkled throughout the game. Death Stalkers, Azuridae Goliathus, Greater Coil Spiders, Hunchback Mutants, they didn't exist before the update that added DOMINATING, and they all have awful little gimmicks that give a lot of trouble. They don't even have their own unique oddities, it's like they're asking players to play on Classic (I mostly played on Oddity).

        It's your fault anon. The game gives you the option to wear heavy armor and use assault rifles, you're moronic if you play anything else.

        Assault rifles are outdated, SMGs still rock.

        Underrail is one of my favourite games of the 2010s.

        It's fun, I had a blast with it but I wouldn't recommend it to someone.

        • 2 years ago

          Here's to hoping Underrail: Infusion addresses some of these issues, especially how much of a slog some areas (DC) are to play.

          • 2 years ago

            Me too man, now that Styg has a lot more experience with game development I hope he can make it real smooth. Most of the game that was made early on still feels incomplete and mute after all this time.
            >nothing about Omega other than the implication that some of the ex-members went on to become Ironheads
            >Scrappers don't have their own takeover mission for Junkyard
            >forced to seek out the armadillo drill circuit board to unlock the open world
            >no alternative way of dealing with the Beast
            >secretive organization doesn't have any more missions after finding Wit Nosek
            Compare this to the sheer interactivity of Expedition and the things they added later like Mit Draper or being able to get to the Black Sea without going with Aegis. At this point I'm a lot more hyped for Infusion than any other Underrail updates.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah I think Styg and the team have learned a lot since Underrail first released. Following along on the dev blog is going to be cool.

        • 2 years ago

          >The final boss is a damage check so if you didn't focus a lot on your damage output you just can't beat it
          I agree that the entire last area was pretty bullshit not letting you go back to surface and so on, if you arent prepared you can get fricked kinda easily.
          For me as an assault rifle/sniper goy the final boss was very underwhelming since it was literally just 4 shots and it died with my sniper

    • 2 years ago

      It's your fault anon. The game gives you the option to wear heavy armor and use assault rifles, you're moronic if you play anything else.

    • 2 years ago

      Underrail is one of my favourite games of the 2010s.

    • 2 years ago

      >people who played before the game added a lot of very difficult enemies will tell you it's ez and you can solo it without outside help
      In underrail, it's all psy homosexuals who played before the nerf (psy was fricking busted there was no way to frick up a psy build unless you were an actual moron)

    • 2 years ago

      >play underrail
      >get to the swamp
      >mfw im playing melee tincan
      ended up skipping the entire area as I couldn't be arsed to throw a billion nades at everything

      • 2 years ago

        i remember one steam review where he described how he plays a reasonably done armored sledgehammer character but hes getting fricked up by bandits in leather jackets and knifes
        made me not buy the game until months later and yeah, he wasnt kidding. Crippling strike is fricking moronic, enemies can spam it to drop your strength so low that you cant swing your hammer anymore, and that debuff stacked and lasted I think 3 turns.
        Legit bullshit in my opinion

        • 2 years ago

          very few games let you spy monk, and i tried it 4 times just to get stuffed at the depot for having no trap skills.

  7. 2 years ago

    I do some research so I properly understand what everything means and look up if the build I have in mind is viable (ie. putting all on luck or something like that).

  8. 2 years ago

    >>Do a modicum of research to ensure you at least don't make any catastrophically bad decisions?

    This one. Specifically, I do research to figure out how to optimally make the build I want. I don’t min-max, but I do want to make the build I usually play in all RPGs.

  9. 2 years ago

    I just play the game

  10. 2 years ago

    i go through several characters for trial and error

  11. 2 years ago

    I just play the game

  12. 2 years ago

    i don't start new rpg's because i know they're a waste of time

    • 2 years ago

      Was there any sense of self awareness when you typed this?

      • 2 years ago

        Not him and I would say that but not because the game is bad but because I know I wouldn't have fun with them.

  13. 2 years ago

    I had to force myself not to look up anything, nor not to abuse saves for a best outcome when i was playing pathfinder Kingmaker and goddammit that was one of the most fun playthroughs i ever had
    Metagaming is a trap, blind runs is the way

    • 2 years ago

      pathfinder is dangerous. nevermind metagaming, you always want to restart with a new class and WoTR even moreso with the mythic

      • 2 years ago

        Oh you have no idea howmuch willpower did u have to conjure for the start of that playthrough
        But it got easier as time went on
        I recommend it to everyone

      • 2 years ago

        nta, but I found pathfinder kingmaker really frustrating in a strange way, the 'main plot' or whatever just kept jerking your around with a dozen hidden doomtimers, and long ass fricking travel times it's incredibly annoying to play without prior knowledge (and so incredibly long that moreso than other games I am extremely disinclined to restart), my last save was somewhere around after beating the 'barbarian king' or whatever and then I just never actually returned to the game, I remember the 'forced party member' sequences that came out of the blue, and out in the field to be incredibly frustrating; particularly that one where you need to use the cleric dude during the lich cyclops tomb thing where he was like 3-4 levels behind the rest of the party and in starter gear (because my PC was cleric, so never used him) and that whole place was just a chain of level drain effects and bullshit that I had to savescum before practically every single battle, but the main issue being that they popped him up with 'oh yeah you gotta use this dude for htis dungeon' when I'm like a month's fricking walk from home base or anywhere I can buy him some gear or some shit and if I decide to walk back then like half a dozen doomtimer events are going to go off

        even knowing what I know now, I'm not particularly motivated to restart because there's so many goddamn things happening it's like you'd need a flowchart or playbook to not waste time exploring, or knowing who you can assign to what events because of what other 'much more important' events are popping up around the corner that you need to de-assign and re-assign with like 3 days left to completion on the first thing

        I know some people absolutely "love" all these 'consequence heavy' everything going horribly wrong all the time chaotic experiences, but I feel pfkm went a little too far. combat and stuff's fun tho

        • 2 years ago

          I hate segments where you're forced to play as a particular party member, especially without warning. KOTOR 2 managed to do this right and wrong at the same time, you can get so fricked up in the Atton and Handmaiden segments if your aren't ready for them but it also has the cool segments Dxun and Goto's ship where you assemble a party without your main character which is cool, especially in the case where you have to divide your party and use a secondary group. It should always be done in the latter way as it's interesting rather mostly frustrating like the way of doing it.

          • 2 years ago

            they did well, but it's fricking rare

          • 2 years ago

            I don't like those that much either, you're right about kotor's being pretty tolerable, and most of them in kingmaker were tolerable as well, it's just that particular one where you're deep in the fricking mountains incredibly far away from any potential resupply base and about to do a 'main story' dungeon that's fairly challenging on its own that they suddenly force you to use some dude on top of all the event doomtimers that make returning to 'civilization' where all of your gear is stashed (thanks fricking carry weight) or you could buy more, on top of the guy being a cleric, and you only get like one other npc cleric (the drwarf guy who I was using as main party member, and had set up in the support role with all the heals and shit, while my pc cleric was offensive setup) and that dungeon is a fricking status bonanza... it wasn't a softlock, I did it, even the whatever challenge boss in the hidden room or whatever, but by god was it a massive painful slog... mostly by having that dude stay way the frick back in combat and just use his shitty lower leveled limited slot heals and clears between fights because he was an outright liability if actually used in combat since he'd just get 1-2shot and then need to be revived. it was practically a fricking escort mission through a poison swamp where you're down an escort, and the escort you're down WAS THE MEDIC

    • 2 years ago

      >How much research/metagaming do you do when starting a new RPG with all sorts of stats and attributes and shit?
      None. I build my character myself with the knowledge I have of the game either from playing it previously, or from educated guesses. If my character is designed around skills or features that exist on the character screen but not in the actual game, I delete the game and never play it again.
      I don't let people eat my food, play with my dog, or frick my girlfriend, why would I let them play my game? Following guides will never grant you the experience to play a game on a competent level.

      >Pathfinder Kingmaker
      The problem with these games are that Owlcat just randomly stuffed really, really shitty options into the game, following no pattern or sense of reason. The character creation screen is riddled with traps. Someone might think it's a traditional RPG and choose to play a tower shield specialist fighter because "I want to be a tanky warrior!", completely unaware that it's objectively inferior to a default fighter in every single category, including survivability, and doesn't even change the way the class plays in any capacity. There are entirely too many options like this in Owlcat games. I had an easy time making a fun, flavorful, and capable character, but I can't imagine what it was like for anyone who didn't have years of TTRPG experience.
      Not every character has to be min-maxed, but character creation should never be a minefield of downgrades.

      >increasing your action points is always overpowered
      How does it keep happening?

      Devs refuse to admit that tying core attributes to AP is a horrible idea. They're afraid that agility/speed stats will be worthless otherwise, when there are at least a dozen ways to keep the statistics viable.

  14. 2 years ago

    >check out new rpg
    >looks cool I might play it
    >check out youtube reviews and metacritic to see if its any good
    >check out "howlongtobeat" to see if the price/length ratio is worth it
    >google "most efficient builds in the game"
    >open up a tab for dungeons, overworld, towns, items and npcs
    >spend 5 hours in character creator
    >open a 2 hour podcast for background noise
    >play for 5 minutes
    >google "when does the game get good"
    >play for another 2 minutes
    >close the game
    >cry in bed
    another successful gamer day

  15. 2 years ago

    I'd say that it's mostly the first option, but if things are unclear I can look up their meaning. Normally I'd search for such information after starting and noticing that something is off, like when I created a character with low dexterity in Atom RPG and had to restart during the first town.

    I'd say that the second option can be sensible because you simply can't know what's good and what's a complete waste, making the game less fun and interesting for you. Just look at all the people who struggle with the sewers in VTMB, I recently finished the game twice with completely different builds and had no problems at all. What I mean is that when it comes to these more complex RPGs it might be better to get a little familiar with the systems and the demands of the encounters.

    It goes without saying, but none of this applies to "RPGs" such Fallout 4 and Dark Souls where your build doesn't matter all that much and you can easily adjust while playing.

    • 2 years ago

      Another rather extreme example of trying to play completely blind is Age of Decadence in which you can easily get completely stuck if your build isn't optimized for your chosen route. While I appreciate that you have to be dedicated to a route and playstyle, it shouldn't be that extreme while pretending to give you a nuanced choice.

      • 2 years ago

        Fallout 2 is also a good example as agility is the god tier stat and creation engine players whine about the tutorial temple that the ants are fricking them up

        • 2 years ago

          People were crying about the temple of trials since the game released.

          • 2 years ago

            my point is that in creation engine fallout you can still beat it with player skill with good accuracy and pause menu to heal
            not like if you dont have enough action points, youre fricked

        • 2 years ago

          >increasing your action points is always overpowered
          How does it keep happening?

        • 2 years ago

          At least Fallout 2 gives you plenty of overpowered buffs scattered around the map to counteract a poorly built character. I hate having to restart.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah that's moronic, you have to increase specific skills to specific levels or you're stuck and you have no way of knowing it until you get stuck. It feels less like an RPG and more like an adventure game with multiple scenarios

    • 2 years ago

      >people who struggle with the sewers
      The worst part of the sewers is figuring out where to go.
      Everything down there is blind as shit with a short distance they will follow so anything you cant sneak past you can run from.

  16. 2 years ago

    RPGs are usually fine to play on normal mode even if you made a "bad" character so I don't usually research on a first playthrough

    But if I like the game and want to play on harder diff, I look up what stats do and that's enough from there

    I have never ever read fricking moronic books or watched 3 hour videos on how to make a character

  17. 2 years ago

    Any RPG that gives you tons of build options while having some of these builds be straight up not viable is a badly designed game.

    There, I said it.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree. Frick underrail. I remember I made a melee character and the game is bullshit on purpose, but melee character get their shit pushed in hard unless you know exactly what you are doing. The game is around 100 hours long with sidecontent and at around 50 hours I literally could not go further because the enemies completely annihalited me and I couldn't a damn shit about it
      Had to reroll to an assault rifle dude and wow amazing, I can play the fricking game

    • 2 years ago

      This is a stupid post. Or are you going to blame that on the game too?

    • 2 years ago

      I loved underrail but
      >designing the game around the specific damage output from perk synergies that the game tells you nothing about is bad.
      >The fact that you need to know specifically the stats you need for the specific type of gear you'll be using throughout the entire game before you even play it is bad.
      >The fact that you need to play with as much throwables (poisoned caltrops, throwing knives, flashbangs) as a trapper regardless of your build to effectively take out groups is really, really bad.

      An effort could have been made to even lightly steer the player in the right direction at the very least, so that they don't have to look shit up, but there's not even that.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly, all of those points are what make Underrail appealing to me. But I'm extremely autistic and a compulsive minmaxer, so for me a game that doesn't become a breeze when I minmax is actually good.

  18. 2 years ago

    i just look up what not to do since i've been blindsided by enough games by now i don't want to find out the hard way anymore

  19. 2 years ago

    There are basically no games made since the year 2000 in which you can frick yourself over in a way that makes beating the game impossible, looking up anything is ruining the experience for yourself

    >played New Vegas on Very Hard
    >most of the game was a breeze
    >highest level, maxed out all combat skills except Unarmed and Explosives
    >get to the dam
    >can't kill anything before being overwhelmed
    >think I fricked up my build
    >discover Unarmed is hilariously overpowered through experimentation
    >scour the wasteland for every copy of Pugilism Illustrated and Boxing Times and a Ballistic Fist
    >mow through the endgame like a hot knife through butter while taking smoke breaks to read magazines when they wear off

    • 2 years ago

      the only thing difficulty affects in 3d fallout games is how much damage you deal and gets dealt to you, it's basically meaningless to play on anything other than normal where it's 100% damage both ways

      • 2 years ago

        Running out of bullets and having to improvise with whatever trash I had on hand to fight, and having to eat whatever I could get my hands to heal on in certain situations was fun, but that wore off 1/3 into the game. I played F3 on Normal and was never forced to drink toilet water or use RadAway, so having to do that in NV was nice.

        • 2 years ago

          if you had to resort to eating food and drinking toilet water in new vegas unmodded then i don't know what to tell you
          both it and 3 and piss easy even on "very hard" and with hardcore enabled

          • 2 years ago

            Refer to my original post where I said most of the game was a breeze, but there were several early game encounters where you still don't have any real weaponry, ammo, or healing items but are expected to clear out 20+ enemies, I could've fast traveled to a town to restock, but I never fast traveled as a rule and was hell bent on finishing everything the same time I started it, for example the NCR Correctional Facility.

            Like I said I have experience with Bethesda games and know how I have to play them in order to make the game more fun.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem with comparing "action" RPGs where player skill is a rather large factor is that you can easily compensate a poor build with skill or just by cheesing the game. In New Vegas you can always keep shooting someone in the head until he dies, but in a cRPG it might be essentially impossible to get through an encounter if your botched your build too much.

    • 2 years ago

      >There are basically no games made since the year 2000 in which you can frick yourself over in a way that makes beating the game impossible
      One of the things I really liked about the xcom reboot (never got around to playing 2) is that you could put yourself in a no win situation through lack of skill, foresight, or just really bad luck.

    • 2 years ago

      >he didn't armor piercing ammo

  20. 2 years ago

    You should know what the stats do and how the mechanics work. RPG's use to have 50+ page manuals that told you everything and you were expected to read it before starting the game. That's my reference. Looking up optimal how to builds is too much.

  21. 2 years ago

    I do a modicum of research just to not get shrecked in the early game, but if I start seeing in-depth guides right off the bat, then I'll read them.
    One game I wish I read an in-depth guide for was Underrail, that game is brutal in difficulty, it mostly boils down to your build, which is why people kept saying "just do psi, brah" because most of the other skills are damn near useless except for crafting, which is how I learned that Underrail is a crappy game.

    • 2 years ago

      that's a lie and psi users are moronic homosexuals

      • 2 years ago

        You're right, I'm being very hyperbolic, I actually did enjoy Underrail, the difficulty was rather refreshing, and I also didn't try psi stuff because by the time I beat the game I didn't feel like playing it again.
        I might play it again soon though.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Just wing it and design your build with no outside influences
    >end up starting over 20 hours later as I realize I fricked up

  23. 2 years ago

    I'll usually spread my stats out to get a feel of what playstyle I like in the game, then either use an in-game respec method or start over if I ever reach a point where my build is so unspecialized that I can't progress.

    If I can finish the game with my generalist build, if I like the game enough I'll do another playthrough with more focus

  24. 2 years ago

    >not going into an rpg blind the first time

    Just ruining the experience for yourself, you should always play blind the first time and learn from your mistakes. The second or third playthrough is when you can start doing min-max autism and research on the perfect char you want to play.

  25. 2 years ago

    I just play suboptimally and have fun
    if it's some shitty old cRPG where you have to min-max to finish the game then I'll cheat

  26. 2 years ago

    >Do a modicum of research to ensure you at least don't make any catastrophically bad decisions?

    This. Taking the original fallouts as an example. When I made my character in fallout 2 I assumed that attributes effect skills like in most RPGs and that keeping charisma at 1 would make any speech attempt pointless. I ended up making a worthless character with 4 agility.

    • 2 years ago

      Fallout 1 and 2's speech checks are so bad it's funny.
      Funny as in you can tell how dorky the devs are since you need more Int than Char for most speech checks.

      It's as if they're saying "when the apocalypse comes I'LL be the one on top because I am smert"
      Someone post the int meme please.

      • 2 years ago

        found it

      • 2 years ago

        what? wasnt my experience at all with a high charisma character. for some you need intelligence as well but certainly not most

        • 2 years ago

          charisma is literally useless in fallout 1 other than barter prices

          • 2 years ago

            okay dont know about 1 but charisma in 2 was pretty useful

            • 2 years ago

              Take a look at the wiki to see just how little speech checks use charisma and speech alone, and just how many of them use either a combination of regular char with high int.
              Mostly anything that involves lying is Int based.

              Unrelated but I also forgot to mention just how indispensable int is outside of speech checks too since it directly affects how many skill points you get by leveling up, and it's by an enormous margin.

              • 2 years ago

                Doesn't Fallout 2 tie max party members to charisma? Because the party members are really fun in 2.

              • 2 years ago

                Party members are fun through the early to mid-game but they will not carry you through the end game.
                Especially not the non-human ones you can't give armor to and become basically paper bags full of water that still rush head-first into enemies.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't remember the end game being that difficult tbh

              • 2 years ago

                doesnt charisma even open up the dialogue option that checks int in the first place?
                i only ever play with at least 6 char and 6 int so i dont notice what you are describing

    • 2 years ago

      the only fallout game in which charisma affects speech attempts is fallout 3 lol

  27. 2 years ago

    These days where an RPG can take 80+ hours of your time, I do research on building a proper character first, but I still try to make it my own.

  28. 2 years ago

    The first because I want to have fun, and don't care about min-maxing stats or skills.

  29. 2 years ago

    > "alright, next time i will try melee or charisma-"
    > end up making a 10 AGI/10 PER/10 INT sniper glass cannon anyway
    their fault really

  30. 2 years ago

    >These days where an RPG can take 80+ hours of your time
    >These days
    Did you just wake up from a coma, when was the last time a proper RPG was released?

  31. 2 years ago

    I always look up a beginner's guide for building a base character so I don't inadvertently make a shitty build that can soft-lock me out of completing the game.

  32. 2 years ago

    option c if the game is notorious for being difficult, otherwise option b because my autism just won't allow me to completely frick up my stats

  33. 2 years ago

    i see if there’s any attributes that plain don’t work but otherwise wing it because that’s what ur supposed to do

    • 2 years ago

      >missing out on the "seeing a useless stat as a dumb underachiever son you're stuck with" part of the experience
      You can't into fun

  34. 2 years ago

    i just read the manual

  35. 2 years ago

    >pick class that sounds fun
    >an hour in, think about how that other class sounded fun too
    >delete save
    >start over with other class
    >repeat 10 times

    • 2 years ago

      >me when I find out yet another hack-n-slash rpg

    • 2 years ago

      Just have 10 different characters that you cycle through

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      frick, i really need to replay fallout 1, i like how the Luck stats gives you 12k bottle caps at the crashed Cola truck if you have 10 luck, or it gives you 1 bottle cap if your luck is 1.
      pic related is how i finished the game last time.

      i will give you the solution, never restart because of your choices, even if it doesn't turns out how you like it treat it like real life, you are stuck with this character and your choices until the end, you will appreciate game more this way.

      • 2 years ago

        Luck is my favorite stat in Fallout games. Especially with the critical eye hits in 1 and 2

        • 2 years ago

          yep i wish luck was good in other games was as good as it was in Fallout 1 and 2, extremely fun and gives you many build ideas.

          >the solution to restarting is to not restart
          No shit, genius

          you need to learn discipline, you need to have control over impulsive urges before it's too late.

          I have never ever used luck at all in any game. Should I try a FO1 luck run?

          yes, Luck pretty much have an effect in everything inside Fallout 1, but it won't be easy.

          • 2 years ago

            Luck is great in NV too. Makes robbing all of the casinos really easy and there are several guns you can get 100% crit rate with, even without magazines.

      • 2 years ago

        >the solution to restarting is to not restart
        No shit, genius

      • 2 years ago

        Luck is my favorite stat in Fallout games. Especially with the critical eye hits in 1 and 2

        I have never ever used luck at all in any game. Should I try a FO1 luck run?

        • 2 years ago

          Make sure you tag gambling too.

        • 2 years ago

          10 Luck and Jinxed is the prerequisite to having fun when playing FO.

          • 2 years ago

            10 agility, tag small guns, energy weapon, repair
            Thats it
            And why are people filtered by a rope?
            Literally just search towns for a vendor who has them and thats it

            Actually take 9 agility, you can upgrade it later to 10

            • 2 years ago

              The BOS implant requires time and money you probably finished most of the game by the time you get it

            • 2 years ago

              Generally speaking you never want to start with 10 in a stat since you can get 1 or 2 free points for any skill during the game.

        • 2 years ago

          Heres a bit of min maxing to save some points
          >Pick 8 luck
          >visit boneyard
          >talk to the card guy in the tent
          >ask for advice till you get +1 luck
          >ask him about his job and get another +1

    • 2 years ago

      I dropped PIllars of Eternity after 50 hours with a Paladin to restart as a Cipher. I'm 30 hours in to my Cipher playthrough and I think I'm going to stick with it. Frick this post and frick me for behaving this way.

  36. 2 years ago

    I can't do this amount of autism, especially when most of it doesn't actually mean anything. Also i don't do second playthroughs, im not playing the same 20 hours to see 1 hour of new content.

  37. 2 years ago

    I don't do any of that. Instead, I do SOUL-SEARCHING
    >do I want to be a dragon ninja in this game, or chimpanzee warlock?
    >hmm, what do warlocks eat? What's their tax policy?
    >*reads ADnD corebook*
    >*watches Conan the Barbarian*
    >*reads all Gene Wolfe*
    >*watches Gormengast DVD collection*
    >maybe I should play as dwarf prostitute?
    >*shitposts in /tg/ at 2 am*
    >*joins nazi furry discord*
    >*gets AIDS from bareback gay sex*
    >that's it, I've decided: human male warrior it is.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Always like the idea of going a build based around using grenades/mines
    >It's always either so slow or expensive it's not even worth the novelty of it and I just go for a more normal build every time
    Is there a game out there where grenades/mines build is not only doable but actually fun?

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe one of the Borderlands games

      • 2 years ago

        only really for NVHM and TVHM after that grenades are only good if you have a healing one or a slag singularity. I'm pretty sure you cane make one viable in 3 with moze but in 1, 2, and the presequel they all fall off hard

    • 2 years ago

      Arcanum had grenades have more efficiency than actual guns and from what I remember Molotovs are extremely cost-efficient, have great utility (breaking doors and chests) and carry you even through the final fights due to insane knockback and damage outputs. There's a variety of that shit too, like flash grenades, smoke grenades and other shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Isn't that the game where magic gets completely outshined by guns?

        • 2 years ago

          It's basically Industrial Revolution/Victorian Era in a fantasy world: heals don't work where you have guns, while a gun will break down if you're a mage. Many people say that magic is much better than guns gameplay-wise, but not having to worry about fatigue costs/potions and being able to snipe enemies across the entire map is quite great too. While you don't have Molotovs or just don't want to go with anything else, there's an entire skill category built around using boomerangs, chakrams and throwing knives as throwing weapons so there's no running yourself into a corner.

      • 2 years ago

        I always used the stun grenades on the half ogres at the bridge. First time I played as a 12 year old I tried to make a half-elf gunslinger who also does magic on real time combat so I struggled a lot until I finally grasped RPG mechanics.

    • 2 years ago

      Takes awhile to get going but doesn’t new Vegas have a grenade you can make that’s cheap and strong?

    • 2 years ago

      Underrail, but mines/traps builds are definitely slow since you have to scout out the enemies position and then lay down your killfield.

    • 2 years ago

      Grenades are never fun just because you have to keep looking at your grenade stocks and half the games make them rare-ish

    • 2 years ago

      Underrail, which has been brought up a few times ITT. I had a fun character where I specced into both grenades and explosion psionics and it was a blast. Just melting crowds of people.

  39. 2 years ago

    I'm exposed to it when it comes to most old games before I even play it. Like with Fallout 1/2 I knew to dump CHR because of Fallout 3/NV and to pump AGL because of threads like these.

    For new RPGs, none.

  40. 2 years ago

    I love RPGs with lots of customization

  41. 2 years ago

    I downloaded a mod for Wasteland 2 DC that fixed the descriptions for what an attribute point actually gives you, so that it mentions things like every 4 points is another +1 AP.
    Besides that I looked up what luck did because in every RPG ever it's either a dump stat or must have.

  42. 2 years ago

    >Just wing it and design your build with no outside influences?
    This is a very basic thing I do. Never really go wrong with it.
    Though I find myself doing more unga bunga builds than anything, because my name is Grug and I do the big smac

  43. 2 years ago

    How much research/metagaming do you do when starting a new RPG with all sorts of stats and attributes and shit?
    Do you...
    >Just wing it and design your build with no outside influences?
    >Do a modicum of research to ensure you at least don't make any catastrophically bad decisions?
    >Straight up follow an in-depth character creation guide?
    I just play the game, i'm not homosexual to metagame since it's a singleplayer game and i'm supposed to become overpowred some time anyway.

  44. 2 years ago

    How can i NOT get filtered by fallout 1? I left the game after the big stinky hole gave me covid and didn’t knew where to go since i didn’t had enough rope to visit that abandoned place

    • 2 years ago

      > big stinky hole gave me covid
      Do you mean Vault 15 or the Glow?

    • 2 years ago

      10 agility, tag small guns, energy weapon, repair
      Thats it
      And why are people filtered by a rope?
      Literally just search towns for a vendor who has them and thats it

  45. 2 years ago

    I ignore the rpg bullshit and click the stat buttons for bigger damage. When I hit a wall I use cheats. If the game was at least a bit fun to play with cheats maybe I will run it again in a year or two on a legit playthrough.

  46. 2 years ago

    I like doing my own experiments, only falling back to guides when I don't understand why something doesn't work the way I thought it would work. Which means I start over a dozen or so times to get something that looks good early game, get my ass handed to me later, look up a guide, and start over.

  47. 2 years ago

    i had to use school computers with webcrawler as the default search engine on internet explorer to learn what was good and bad in fallout 1
    and the fact if you level up with chems on you can unlock perks and keep them after you come down

    • 2 years ago

      You want to do it the other way around. Take drugs and wait for your stats to TANK then dump points into it.
      Also a good tip for skill books since they stop being effective above 95. But if you can get drunk and lower perception it lowers small guns, and if it goes under the threshold read the guns and ammo, get the skill points and wait to recover.
      Or once you pump a skill past 100 it takes 2 points to raise it 1 point, so you can use the same trick to lower it so you get back to a 1:1 ratio.
      You can also lower the difficulty if you have a skill check you just barely miss since the stat check is modified by the difficulty. So if you want the best brain for skynet without commiting to science skill of 125 try dropping it to EASY before interacting with the panel, then reset the difficulty right after.

  48. 2 years ago

    Nah I try to learn it myself as much as possible. These games do tend to explain pretty much everything, it just needs a lot of reading. It also leads to fun first playthroughs where you get issues unique to your character that you can search the world trying to solve. In my first Fallout playthrough I made my character only have 3 strength because I only planned to use small guns and not fight with melee weapons, only to learn that strength is absolutely fricking essential because everything weighs a ton and even the smallest guns require at least 4 strength to use properly. So I spent half the game being barely able to carry anything more than my armour and my gun, which I could barely even use properly. Finding the Brotherhood and learning you can gain +1 STR from surgery and another +1 from power armour basically made my character into a god with how powerful I had managed to become previously while essentially playing with one hand tied behind my back.

  49. 2 years ago

    I just do what seems to make sense, assuming that the game is well-balanced to accommodate basic, non-gimmick builds. If I assume wrong, the game was poorly made and I will not attempt to finish all of its content. Case in point: Path of Exile. My very basic ranger build was not compatible with the standard campaign final act, let alone literally any of the endgame content. So, I just killed the final boss by dying 30 times, donated all of my items and never played the game again. That game is unplayable without external guides, therefore poorly balanced. The standard content should be playable with an average build that an average player ends up creating. It's the ultra-hardcore endgame content that should require hyper-specialization and absolutely perfect equipment setups that you've traded or farmed for for aeons.

  50. 2 years ago

    i'm just picking whatever i like at the moment, usually i go for kind of handyman/crafter if possible, sometimes dex-oriented fighter with brains. if game doesn't let me play the game in satisfactory manner with my initial choices, i either slowly adapt different playstyle or cry and drop it forever

  51. 2 years ago

    blind first run, then research after. the right way

  52. 2 years ago

    The most I do is look at spell tier lists for wizard because I always play wizard. I don't do that consistently before starting the game, though, nor do I ALWAYS do it. But it always disappoints me because every spell tier list for every cRPG is always some fricking variation of

    >Spell of Raping Their Mouth And Instakilling Every Enemy In the Universe At Once
    >D tier, really bad, there's no real point in ever using this

    >Spell of Summon A Wet Rope
    >SSS+ Tier, take with EVERY build, you can solo the game with this

  53. 2 years ago

    >google every stat and skill to see exactly what it does
    >procced to make my own build from there
    there are so many cases of stats doing hidden things,doing nothing or doing the opposite of what they tell you that im not going to trust the game itself ever again.

  54. 2 years ago

    I call myself an RPG fan but I haven't actually played a lot of RPGs people talk about like Witcher, Dragon's Dogma, OG Fallout, Arcanum etc nor do I really intend to

    • 2 years ago

      >nor do I really intend to
      Why not?

      • 2 years ago

        As it happens I have more interest in playing the games I already have installed than different games, and whenever I go on a binge of playing different games I often leave some of them unfinished because I start playing the other games and I don't feel like trying to remember everything from an on-going playthrough so I lose interest in the games whose playthroughs I started. Right now I am almost solely playing Dota 2, for scratching the casual-competitive itch but at some point I'll tire of that and pick up some other game/s. Of the last 13 singleplayer games that I installed in the last month or so I only finished Katana: ZERO.

        • 2 years ago

          Eh I know that feel
          Personally, it helps to stick to one game of a type (one RPG, one action game, one strategy game) and not start another one until you finished that

    • 2 years ago

      I like to think that JRPG and strategy are my favorite genres but I have played disappointingly little of the former and none of the latter over the last few years.
      Been better with cRPGs though, Kingmaker was good but I still need to play the sequel.

  55. 2 years ago

    This isn't really too bad with most modern RPG's but as late as the 2000's looking up what stats is or isn't trash is borderline essential. Every pre 2010's, especially in the 90's, had at least one or two trap skills that exist soley to waste your skill points and frick you over by the end.

  56. 2 years ago

    Am I a gay for doing research before playing Baldur's Gate 1 and 2? I just wanted to make a decent paladin build.

    • 2 years ago

      Baldur's Gate is pretty badly designed when it comes to combat so knowing that bow spam > everything else is pretty important

  57. 2 years ago

    I go blind unless the game has dialogue hidden behind stats with no clue about it and its not made with replay value in mind, for example kotor 2 if you are not going sentinel with high INT to get as much skills points per level to increase awareness you are going to miss a lot of unique dialogue while no other stats or skill have unique shit tied to them other than skipping steps on a quest. Meanwhile something like Disco elyssium is made with the intention of spending your stats any way you want

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