how the frick are they still around. all they have are a bunch of shitty mobile games, shitty aa/aaa games and shitty mmos

how the frick are they still around
all they have are a bunch of shitty mobile games, shitty aa/aaa games and shitty mmos

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    what the frick is "content abandonment loss"

    • 1 month ago

      cancelled games. but that won't stop schizos from seething at FF and making headcanons

      • 1 month ago

        If you don't understand corporate double speak, keep your fricking comie mouth shut.

        • 1 month ago

          >A: I want to improve our profitability. I see ample room for improvement in our operating profit margin and would like to start by working primarily on our HD games. In addition, rather than solely attempting to create brand new IPs, we intend take a nuanced approach to investment whereby we also identify existing IPs with the potential to be upgraded to AAA status, taking ROI into account as well. In so doing, we hope to establish greater depth to the layers of our portfolio.

          >As our customers’ needs and the types of devices available have diversified, we have tried to produce hits by developing a wide variety of titles rather than by focusing only on certain ones. I believe that this has resulted in the splintering of our resource pool. Meanwhile, there have been clear winners and losers among the major titles released recently in the gaming market, and it has become possible for even indies titles to make their presence felt. The market is increasingly polarized between blockbuster and indies titles, but I feel that we have developed many titles that fell somewhere in the middle. I want to make clearer distinctions going forward.

          >Mr. Kiryu, who took over as president of Square Enix H in June last year, has indicated a policy of reducing outsourced development and focusing on developing large-scale games in-house, with the goal of improving game quality and profit margins. At a conference call held yesterday, he said, ``We are reviewing from scratch what the organizational structure is to materialize the contents of the pipeline, and what is best.'' As for the specifics of the new system, he said, ``We will announce it at least this spring.''
          nah but lets blame something like rebirth or xvi.

    • 1 month ago

      Tons of smaller project being cancelled.
      They lost a shitton of money by greenlighting shitty projects like various daylife, Valkyrie Elysium, etc.. on top of having a lot of other similar smaller scale projects getting canceled even before any announcements. So yeah thy lost a lot of money and will now refocus on AAA mostly.

      • 1 month ago

        >They lost a shitton of money by greenlighting shitty projects
        This isn't referring to projects who got released and bombed. The loses on those reported in the fiscal quarter and fiscal year reports.
        This is
        >Plan DLC or game
        >Decide on a sales goal for the project and calculate how much money it'll make
        >Cancel the DLC or game
        >22 imaginary billions of yen that we never had but we were planning on making out of the canceled shit is now """"lost"""
        Literally it. They might have also lost a few millions here and there in the case that those projects begun pre-production, like a few months worth of wages but that's literally nothing. It's not like what they worked on will be completely thrown out. It will be repurposed in some way as always.

        • 1 month ago

          They have to announce those losts since their stock si affected by road maps wherein those cancelled things were going to exist.

      • 1 month ago

        >They lost a shitton of money by greenlighting shitty projects like various daylife, Valkyrie Elysium
        I'll give you various daylife but Valkyrie Elysium was actually good, the frick are you smoking?

        • 1 month ago

          >but Valkyrie Elysium was actually good
          >literally has a Black person valkyrie in a norse setting

      • 1 month ago

        >shitty mobile games, shitty aa
        These are the exclusive reason they are staying afloat.

        >various daylife
        That was a port of a phone game, it probably cost them next to nothing.

        • 1 month ago

          >These are the exclusive reason they are staying afloat.
          Yet they have terminated service for many of them.

          • 1 month ago

            To be fair from a business standpoint, it's better to just kill off your mobile games if they don't get picked up. Most of the money you make will be during the first couple years and after that it's like trying to get blood from a stone. And mobile game users have proven they don't care and never learn. All those people burned by gacha games or whatever just hop to the next one because they're addicts.
            You can shut down mobile game after mobile game and still be highly profitable despite that seeming like an awful business practice on paper.

          • 1 month ago

            Thats mobile games though.
            >Release shovelware with egrigious monetization
            >fish for some whales
            >bleed them dry
            >shut the game down once the profit becomes lower to push whales to your next slop
            rinse and repeat, because gachacucks never learn

      • 1 month ago

        >you will witness the death of Square Enix in your lifetime

      • 1 month ago

        >They lost a shitton of money by greenlighting shitty projects like various daylife, Valkyrie Elysium,
        >Valkyrie Elysium
        >shitton of money
        >Valkyrie Elysium
        >shitton of money
        >Valkyrie Elysium
        >shitton of money

        • 1 month ago

          They've released like 50 AA games I'm the last 2 years that flopped. Front Mission remakes, Tactics Ogre, Foamstars (Sony paid for that), SaGa, Mana remakes, Star Ocean,Balan,
          Final Fantasy is pretty much the only thing that sells.

      • 1 month ago

        >They lost a shitton of money by greenlighting shitty projects
        The main 3 money losses are Flopspoken, FF7R and FF16. The tiny shovelware they released is nothing compared to these 200 mil+ Budget disasters.

    • 1 month ago

      Flopspoken 2, also fudged numbers so Final Fantasy never faces a loss

    • 1 month ago

      They are abandoning certain projects and recognizing all the money they wasted on those projects as a loss on the financial statements.

      • 1 month ago

        This. Which can also mean nothing and everything at the same time, for all we know it can be a combination of 5 medium budgeted games or 10 small budgeted ones.
        Either way, it's almost a nothingburger, people arguing the company is going bankrupt are tortanicking as usual.

    • 1 month ago

      Canceling AA sized games, like say Strangers of Paradise 2 or another Valkyria Chronicles game. They've put out a ton of games over the last few years and alot of bombs.

      • 1 month ago

        squares exclusivity deals and marketing are killing any chance of success their games have.

        if final fantasy came out to pc and xbox day one, the series would be selling 4-5 million more copies out the gate.

        • 1 month ago

          >if final fantasy came out to pc and xbox
          Has nothing to do with that, why is Ganker hyper fixated on the wrong shit all the time?

          • 1 month ago

            Square Enix wouldn't have to restructure if final fantasy was meeting expectations. These smaller releases don't create large losses. Especially since square has already been giving these studios shoe string budgets. Every AAA release has underperformed after ff7 remake.

            Guardians of the galaxy flopped, had to sell the studio and its ips for a bargain. FF16 was underwhelming in sales. Forespoken was a colossal flop. Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is far behind where it should be (great reviews, renowned ip).

            square enix is spiraling like a plane, these smaller studios are the parts being ripped off. Eventually they'll reach impact.

            • 1 month ago

              16 was the fastest selling PS5 game before SM2, the problem is the legs were not there. The word of mouth dropped people's interest in the game big time. Similar to Dragon's Dogma 2, its got great sales but mixed reviews and people talk about how little content it actually has.

              The goal for FF17 should be copy Remake's combat system and the world structure of Rebirth with less filler. Rebirth feels like a modern open world game, for better or worse, but that means its got a breathe of biomes and feels like a real world unlike alot of post-PS1 FF games.

              • 1 month ago

                I hope they give it a samurai cowboy setting.

              • 1 month ago

                Fastest selling PS5 is still not saying too much when the install base isn't nearly there to make it count.

              • 1 month ago

                >16 was the fastest selling PS5 game before SM2

                Until SM2 literally had no competion other than Ratchet & Clank or Returnal everything else was cross-gen.

              • 1 month ago

                and games should still have been cross-gen. Rebirth having the PS4 install base would have been huge for it.

              • 1 month ago

                Imagine how fricking shit the open world would've had to look if it was on ps4. Thank God they didn't do that

              • 1 month ago

                It still looks, okay at best. Witcher 3 with an update is absolutely much better looking than Rebirth. I think it was possible to just lower the resolution and maybe remove some ground clutter just for the PS4 version. Rebirth doesn't look better visually than say Forbidden West and that runs on PS4.

                If you are taking Sony money, just get this shit running on a PS4 once exclusivity is up.

              • 1 month ago

                I didn't say it looked good, just that it would have looked worse than it does, which like you said is okay at best

              • 1 month ago

                Sony was hoping it would be a system seller. They probably paid a lot more for it to be PS5 exclusive and not on ps4 because SE would known they're forfeiting like half their sales

              • 1 month ago

                >Thank God they didn't do that
                why is it a problem? so it looks like shit on PS4? so what? PS4 players are already used to their games running and looking like shit, they'll still buy it. and if anything it would probably motivate them to upgrade to a PS5 when they see how much they're missing out on in comparison.

              • 1 month ago

                I think the thought process is that if they were still developing the game with PS4 in mind then it would've made the PS5 look worse

              • 1 month ago

                The "open world" isn't even that impressive in ff16

                anon Dissidia was 16 years ago. at this point you are the unwanted nugay here

                I need a true real third Dissidia game

              • 1 month ago

                The fastest selling PlayStation 5 game doesn't mean shit.
                Bro, even Sony has now figured out exclusivity kill profits. Drop this console warrior act already.

              • 1 month ago

                No what kills profits is ballooning dev team size from workers who get paid a ton of money in cities like LA/SF or Vancouver putting out an iterative game that somehow costs twice as much to make. The Insomniac leak was so damning for the state of the industry/AAA games. Spider-Man 1 did not suffer at all being exclusive to PS4. Zero Dawn sold 10m as a PS4 exclusive new IP.

              • 1 month ago

                Games don't sell if they look like Wii games, you fricking moron.

              • 1 month ago

                SM2 barely looks better than SM1 for it to cost twice as much to make with small profit margins. No one is talking about Wii games, PS4 games looks fine. Does a game really need to look better than Uncharted 4, where the only things you needed to fix are resolution and framerate aka just done by better hardware not years of mocap and Chinese asset farms.

              • 1 month ago

                >No one is talking about Wii games
                Except squenixes low budget games look like wii games. Octopath looks like shit, triangle strategy, various daylife, all of that stuff looked like absolute fricking ass: because it had no budget or staff

              • 1 month ago

                The Insomniac leak genuinely makes me feel bad for the people having to put up with these moronic corporations.

                Imagine being told by some nitwit in a suit you'll make more money for them with less demanding shit "No.", while they earn 10x your salary and the damage they cause will never matter to them because if they're ever fired they get dozens of millions of payout. I don't know how these fricks don't leap across a table and strangle one of these brainless buttholes.

              • 1 month ago

                What I remember being downright hilarious about the leak is that even they didn't seem to know where the money went. I can only imagine this is basically how any big company works. Once you get past a certain threshold you're dealing with so many zeroes that not even accounting can't tell where it was spent.

              • 1 month ago

                The goal of exclusivity is to draw people into your ecosystem so that they start buying third party games on your system. It's considered worth it to sacrifice some sales on first-party titles to do it. Sony is only doing day-one releases for multiplayer games because they know it would kill the games to not have them playable on all target systems day-one with crossplay.

              • 1 month ago

                And that's their most successful game in a while. Cheap, fun to play and day one on PC. GaaS are what people want to play.
                The why the frick was Foamstars released only on PS5?

              • 1 month ago

                >The why the frick was Foamstars released only on PS5?
                It was never going to do well so they may as well take the Sony bribe. As you said, GaaS is what people want to play...but only a few of them can be successful.

              • 1 month ago

                Foamstars is also on PS4 but yeah

              • 1 month ago

                >FFXVI is the fastest selling PS5 game
                >Such a flop that it kills multiple SE games
                Jesus Christ Sony really fricked up with the PS5

              • 1 month ago

                when it was impossible to get one and they did nothing to help that and instead took smug pride in it, it killed the entire playstation brand.

                I'm serious. They can't ever get back on top. Everyone has moved to phones. Consoles are dead.

              • 1 month ago

                FF16 is also the lowest selling FF in the last 30+ years.

            • 1 month ago

              Its too bad about that Gaurdians of the Galaxy game. That was actually a really fun title but after the abysmal Avengers game released the same year, no one wanted to give it a chance and I dont blame them. Square has always been moronic when it comes to consistent quality.

          • 1 month ago

            You're out of your mind if you don't think missing out on the PC base with all these ps5 exclusives isn't hurting these games. The ps5 install base is a drip in the bucket compared to PC.

            • 1 month ago

              Releasing it on PC would increase the potential/hypothetical profit quota which if they didn't meet it would end up as real loss

            • 1 month ago

              Still spending time portbegging?

        • 1 month ago

          Most of the AA games are multiplatform, if not all of them after some months. Square took Sony money to make up for the sales they wouldn't get on Xbox/PC, and based on how much Epic was paying for games probably means Sony had to pay up for a big game like Rebirth.

          • 1 month ago

            Sony is definitely not paying enough. Square is not known for making great deals. They sold 2 great studios, deus ex, tomb raider for a total bargain.

            They totally underestimated the growth of PC in the past 5 years.

            • 1 month ago

              >two great studios whose last few games all underperformed/bombed.

              • 1 month ago

                >They sold them for 300 million
                >Embracer then sold the MOVIE rights to Amazon for 600 million within a month
                It was just Jap boomers blaming the Westeners in the company to cover for their own incompetence

              • 1 month ago

                unfortunately money isn't just about games mate. like the other anon said they sold m,ovie rights for more than what square sold them entirely. also did you see how great the fallout series was for the games?

          • 1 month ago

            >Most of the AA games are multiplatform, if not all of them after some months.
            yes, and they're all wildly overpriced as well as just not that good
            i'm sorry it doesn't matter how hard they want octopath or triangle strategy to be worth £50 they just aren't, they're not even worth half of that.
            just shallow games with shoestring budgets and barely any content or depth to the systems in them
            they won't make good games, they will just make shit games then complain nobody buys shit games for more than a tenner

      • 1 month ago

        Also probably cancelling further development of some live service titles likes Babylon's Fall.

      • 1 month ago

        You mean valkyrie profile. Valkyria chronicles is Sega.

    • 1 month ago

      Probably cancelled live service slop.

      • 1 month ago

        it's square so they probably cancelled all the good games so they could release more shitty games

    • 1 month ago

      Why are corporations so hard for jargon? Just say canceled projects ffs

      • 1 month ago

        But that sounds bad

      • 1 month ago

        Softening the blow when reporting to shareholders or being purposefully vague so things aren't as bad as they appear. If they just reported game bad in financial reports then people would panic sell, stock goes down, etc.
        A lot of financial work in a business is finding a way to linguistically spin literally everything into a positive light.

      • 1 month ago

        >I count money
        >I program
        >I program
        now everyone has a real job

    • 1 month ago

      Canceling the 80 AA games nobody buys or plays

    • 1 month ago

      Basically the sunk cost of cancelling a project + potential revenue the project could have brought

      • 1 month ago

        In this case, DQ12.

      • 1 month ago

        >potential revenue the project could have brought
        So that's why AA was chosen as scapegoat, put in the books that AA should bring 10x as much revenue as production costs, can it and mark the expected profit as loss and use the smokescreen for the mainline titles.
        It all makes sense now

    • 1 month ago

      Buzzword that the public will use to sound more professional, just like the people who use the word content to sound more professional when talking about video games with colorful characters and visuals deemed as childish.

      Why are corporations so hard for jargon? Just say canceled projects ffs

      Because video games are still deemed as childish and this is a way of making it less childish and more mature.

    • 1 month ago

      basically means they cancelled a frick ton of projects that will now never see the light of day that they've been working on.

  2. 1 month ago

    square enix has to cut back a ton of games because final fantasy keeps underperforming.

    STILL no sales update for ff7r

    • 1 month ago

      It keeps underperforming because these asiatics make these games exclusive to Playstation. Sony is killing this company.

      • 1 month ago

        Spiderman 2 sold 10 million on PS5 AND was a sequel. This destroys any argument that Rebirth sold badly because muh PS5 and muh sequel. If there is an audience, it will sell. Remake lost half the audience due to it being a fanfic tier rebuild padded to death. You don't have to work that hard to sell a good product, normies will queue outside stores to buy shit sometimes if they want it enough. Remake simply was a flawed game and FF as a brand has lost good faith after 15 and 16 also being mixed turds.

        • 1 month ago

          >spiderman 2
          not interested in your argument when it's using a game that has been bundled with the console since it's release and each of those console sales they count toward a purchase for SM2. It's about as disingenuous an example you could use for an exclusive selling well.

  3. 1 month ago

    22 billion yen is only like 200 bucks.

    • 1 month ago

      >22 billion is nothing for SE, a Japanese game developer! SE has all the money IN THE WORLD, since they're richer than Google and Microsoft COMBINED (like all Japanese game developers), and they can burn 22 billion during a global recession like it is nothing!
      Honey, wake up, a new cope just dropped!

      • 1 month ago

        >they can burn 22 billion during a global recession
        Also yen at its lowest value ever lol.

  4. 1 month ago

    Final Flop 7: moronic
    Has really done them in, huh?

    • 1 month ago

      They should change their moronic authistic vision from psx of ff games being a high budget cinematic piece of shit for massive apeal and sales

  5. 1 month ago


  6. 1 month ago

    >how the frick are they still around
    Heavy hitters like this game have them showering in cash.

    • 1 month ago

      >i bought this at release thinking they wouldn't tarnish DQ's prestige
      i was wrong i'm a fricking idiot

      • 1 month ago

        >DQ has never had shitty spin-offs before

        In this case, DQ12.

        DQ12 isn't getting cancelled because SE doesn't control its development cycle.

        • 1 month ago

          >DQ12 isn't getting cancelled because SE doesn't control its development cycle.
          It absolutely will be. They're not going to release a game without Toriyama. Armor is a subsidiary of Square.

          • 1 month ago

            >It absolutely will be. They're not going to release a game without Toriyama.
            Toriyama's work on the vast majority of DQ releases for the past 20 years has been key art. He rarely does promotional art, new monster art, or in game art like the wedding photos in XI. His studio does the majority of that.
            What Toriyama does would've already been done before he passed, as he does lead character designs primarily.
            >Armor is a subsidiary of Square.
            It isn't. It is a separate company that has an exclusive contract with Enix, now Square Enix. This is why all main DQ games up until 9 and a majority of the spin-offs had been developed outside Enix / SE despite that company publishing them.

          • 1 month ago

            It's not getting cancelled. It's in dev hell because the SE big wigs want it to be another Final Fantasy (le mature and edgy story, dropping turn based system), while everyone else involved doesn't. Square REALLY wants it to be successful.
            They'll begrudgingly shit it out like Square Enix wants and it will flop.

            • 1 month ago

              >dropping turn based system
              So not DQ? Great I don't care anymore. Go under pls.

              • 1 month ago

                It's unconfirmed what they'll do with the DQ battle system. All we know is that they're going to "change it up", which almost always means actionslop.

              • 1 month ago

                I'm going to believe this game is a disaster behind the scenes until I see evidence proving otherwise

              • 1 month ago

                That is probably wise.

            • 1 month ago

              >It's in dev hell because the SE big wigs
              The most moronic rumor.
              Perhaps it was in dev hell because the creative lead not only had one of his friends (and the lead composer of the franchise) die only a few months into development, and then all of 2023 was spent worrying that his other friend (and lead artist of the main games) had brain cancer.

              • 1 month ago

                Bro XI was released 7 years ago, and considering this is a long established franchise some prelim work should have been started before that.

              • 1 month ago

                You know these guys work on other shit right.
                They also aren't quiet on when a game is in dev hell- that's how DQ Treasures was even created, it came from DQM3 being dev hell.
                Yuji Hori has also been more involved with side projects since DQXI (even ignoring that work on XI only concluded five years ago).
                It wouldn't be a surprise if XII only entered development in 2021 considering all the DQ projects going on and the reworking of Erik DQM3.

              • 1 month ago

                Well I don't know the inner workings og an AAA game company but I expect that at least working on their main series mainline games would be a permanent thing.

              • 1 month ago

                Not really.
                Most DQ games since 5 have spent years in development, and it wouldn't be surprising to consider that maybe, when you dev team is comprise of people in their 70s to 90s, you should work on smaller projects before committing to a mainline title.
                Honestly, this is why nobody here should comment on DQ, none of you even know who owns the IP, you just assume a bunch of bullshit.

                yeah bro it's just a huge coincidence that every single thing we've seen reported of DQXII just happens to make it similar to final fantasy in the same timeframe as the actual FF are flopping, definitely doesn't smell of corporate, Horii 100% decided to just completely change the franchise at its core on his own

                Nothing has actually been reported on DQXII beyond "a more mature story" which is entirely to do with CERO restrictions getting harsher to the point where DQ likely will have to abandon CERO B either way, and "The combat will be different", which they said probably because XI was just a return to form after IX and X were completely different types of games. DQ's combat changed constantly back in the day.
                >just happens to make it similar to final fantasy in the same timeframe as the actual FF are flopping, definitely doesn't smell of corporate, Horii 100% decided to just completely change the franchise at its core on his own
                Reminder that SE doesn't have any creative control over DQ.

              • 1 month ago

                yeah bro it's just a huge coincidence that every single thing we've seen reported of DQXII just happens to make it similar to final fantasy in the same timeframe as the actual FF are flopping, definitely doesn't smell of corporate, Horii 100% decided to just completely change the franchise at its core on his own

              • 1 month ago

                >that every single thing we've seen reported of DQXII
                Isn't all there is a logo or is /vg/ lying.

        • 1 month ago

          Still it feels like the perfect moment to end it. Toriyama is dead, and intended or not 11 works perfectly as a swansong with the referential stuff in the timequest.
          Doubt it will happen tho. Game's been in dev for years (supposedly), Toriyama's involvement may be long over.

  7. 1 month ago

    >just 200 tons of american moneys
    Literally nothing for such a big company

  8. 1 month ago

    lmao, redditbirth was such a flop they're already laying ground for justifying the cancellation of part 3
    the absolute state of goyslopper crowd

  9. 1 month ago

    Life support from Sony and Epic.

  10. 1 month ago

    You know these companies are only around because of ESG dark money from Blackrock right?

  11. 1 month ago

    their mobile shit makes millions

  12. 1 month ago

    The share price has risen with the break of this restructure news today?

    Is Barry and his cultist followers ready to admit maybe they just dont know how businesses operate and that posting jpegs of yoshi-p looking sad isnt evidence?

  13. 1 month ago

    MMO set in the FF7 universe would save them.

    • 1 month ago

      like the fortnite knock-off?

    • 1 month ago

      that's what people said about remake

      • 1 month ago

        Remake shouldve come out 8 years earlier. 2020 was already the absolute final dying embers of ff7 nostalgia and and FF as a culturally relevant franchise

        • 1 month ago

          >Remake shouldve come out 8 years earlier.

          It should have been an actual remake. Releasing it earlier wouldn't have made a difference as long as the whole thing was still built around this moronic sequel/remake/trilogy core idea.

      • 1 month ago

        Remake shouldve come out 8 years earlier. 2020 was already the absolute final dying embers of ff7 nostalgia and and FF as a culturally relevant franchise

        They killed the hype by waiting too long, and stretching the game out. FF7 remake should have been PS4 titles, around 2014. Part 1 and Part 2.

        They add way way way way way too much padding because they thought they could milk this for a decade with DLC and other nostalgia cash grabs, when it just ends up killing it.


        Remove the padding, make FF7 do half of FF7's story and plot, and then make a sequel telling the other half.

      • 1 month ago

        all you had to do is not make it a fanfiction parallel universe nonsense and just make the game in HD like modders have been trying for 20 years thats all you had to do, and release it ALL on ps4 not just part 1 without dlc for 70 bucks and then put it on psn for free the next month?? just to spite me like when you release 15 royal a WEEK after I payed for deluxe edition and didnt release the added content like being able to play as other party members on the store for years, and episode ardyn still 20 bucks or something dont care I dont like 15 anyway. im STILL in chapter 3 after grinding so hard I forgot what the main quest was, save the princess I think.

    • 1 month ago

      Why? There's no actual conflict there and barely an actual setting. The only pre-existing worlds they have that would work for that would be FF9 and MAYBE FF6 or FF4.

    • 1 month ago

      No it absolutely wouldn’t. FF7 remake was supposed to save them

  14. 1 month ago

    U, xivsisters?
    I thought XIV was the biggest mmo in the world that is singlehandedly keeping the entire company afloat, with the most subs and DT had the most preorders out of any mmo?
    What the heck is this?

    • 1 month ago

      XIV probably was keeping them aloat but they cant keep banking on a 10+ year old game to bring them into the next gen.

      • 1 month ago

        Who needs the next-gen?

    • 1 month ago

      XIV probably was keeping them aloat but they cant keep banking on a 10+ year old game to bring them into the next gen.

      • 1 month ago

        2022 had the Westerm Studio sale for 30-40 bil yen.They have been in the gutter since 2022, which is why the CEO was fired. Replaced by the same kind of homosexual though.

      • 1 month ago

        Not sure what youre trying to show.

        That despite Square losing out on apparent billions of dollars in revenue, theyre still making record profits? Why the massive shift in development?

  15. 1 month ago

    What if they downgrade all their games and put them on nintendo switch instead?

  16. 1 month ago

    Big coffers

  17. 1 month ago

    These games were cancelled so you snoys could enjoy FF7Stillbirth and it still haven't sold more than FF16, not to mention both FF7Stillbirth and YoshitPiss16 haven't sold more than FF15 which was released in 2016... It's been 8 years since Square made a success... I'm still suprised how they are still alive.
    >imagine if one of the cancelled games was a sequel of a game you wished it was released...

    • 1 month ago

      It's a nice time to point out how the Switch Zelda games both cost Nintendies less than $50 million and probably more like $30 million each while also being canned lightning profit. Square Enix must be recklessly throwing around a ton of money to try to catch up to the industry. It makes no sense that small games that clearly receive the bare minimum investment could possibly sink revenue this badly.

      Smells like funny numbers to shift the blame away from fundamental AAA failures. They STILL haven't disclosed the sales for FF7R Part Deux ffs

      • 1 month ago

        >Square Enix must be recklessly throwing around a ton of money to try to catch up to the industry.
        It really does feel like SE is led by these old guard boomers that have zero idea what the industry actually wants. All their AA games feel like them being behind 3-5 years on everything else around.

        I wish we could go back to the PS1 era where they pumped out games in 1-2 year time frames but I also understand that the majority of that talent is gone anyway. But it really does feel like they try to follow trends that are way too late for when they actually release shit.
        >height of farming games was years ago so lets release Harvestella
        >GaaS looter shooters were booming years ago, so lets release Babylons Fall

        • 1 month ago

          Did we get the crafting/building survival slop by Square yet or not? Even Blizzard cancelled their project

      • 1 month ago

        Square is absolutely moronic enough to be able to blow millions on stuff like Octopath

        • 1 month ago

          Octopath has done moderately well and brings in money via its gacha, which directly uses assets and environments from the console games and has the overhead of new sprites (10 minutes work) + new anime girl PNG + server costs.

        • 1 month ago

          octopath, live a live, triangle strategy, etc. all their 2DHD stuff recycles the same assets, it didn't cost as much as you think it did.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm not making any claims about how much it costs, just that I wouldn't be surprised if SE somehow spent way more than needed for something like it

  18. 1 month ago

    Anons, if only 5 people have a console and all of them buy a game exclusive to that console, does that make this game a success? Would it help if game was also released on elsewhere like pc for example?

  19. 1 month ago

    they made like a dozen nintendo exclusives and Ganker never complained
    they made like 2 PS exclusive Ganker fricking explodes

    • 1 month ago

      Harvestella, Octopath 1 are still Nintendo console exclusives. PC tribal warriors fanaticism are insane.

      • 1 month ago

        There's even more. Here are some complete switch exclusive without PC port even.
        >Bravely Default II - 2021
        >Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! - 2019
        >Chocobo GP - 2022

        Square enix has never made a single PS exclusive since the fricking PS3.
        There's even fricking Xbox360 exclusives like Infinite Undiscovery.
        Boggles the mind that Ganker claims that square enix is PS biased. Explain this shit.

        • 1 month ago

          Bravely Default II is on pc.

      • 1 month ago

        PC and Nintendo are where you want to be because that's where the most users are. all three of those are on both of those.

        We're talking about games that aren't on systems people own.

        There's even more. Here are some complete switch exclusive without PC port even.
        >Bravely Default II - 2021
        >Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! - 2019
        >Chocobo GP - 2022

        Square enix has never made a single PS exclusive since the fricking PS3.
        There's even fricking Xbox360 exclusives like Infinite Undiscovery.
        Boggles the mind that Ganker claims that square enix is PS biased. Explain this shit.

        What the frick, Chocobo GP isn't? Didn't people complain about that having a shitload of MTX? Why the frick would that one of all things not be on PC too? Switch isn't exactly known to be the MTX haven.

        • 1 month ago

          Square Enix is now consolidating their AAA lineup as per earlier report.
          The most recent report is saying that they canceled a bunch of their smaller games.
          The smaller games are the games exclusive for the switch.

          • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        Consoletardism is melting your brain.
        Both Octopath traveller 1/2 and Harvestella are on PC, on steam even
        Same with Bravely default 2
        Chocobo mystery dungeon every buddy is on PS looks like
        GP, yeah it's a switch exclusive

  20. 1 month ago

    Maybe they should let Final Fantasy actually play like Final Fantasy. Instead of turning the franchise into nothing but MMOs and Action Games.
    >b-b-but final fantasy can be anything and has no gameplay identity!
    Braindead drone take.

    • 1 month ago

      Some gay director from a recent FF said that he'd even support if the next mainline FF was a GAAS Looter FPS

    • 1 month ago

      The problem isn't with the FF series having or not having an identity but with the teams working on it . They simply don't care for turn based/ATB etc.
      Their official stance has been the same for over a decade now, the same exact thing was said by Toriyama, Nomura, Kitase, Tabata and most recently Yoshi-P and that stance is
      >There is no rule that says we should make the game Action or that the next FF can't be turn based
      >Each FF is developed by a different team and the direction it takes depends solely on what kind of game the team wants to make.
      >If the next mainline FF development team wants the game to be turn based, they're free to do so
      This is paraphrased but it's pretty much what all of the above devs said at different points in time the 15 years.

      • 1 month ago

        the past 15 years*

      • 1 month ago

        >This is paraphrased but it's pretty much what all of the above devs said at different points in time the 15 years.
        And it has effectively decimated the brand.

      • 1 month ago

        >The problem isn't with the FF series having or not having an identity but with the teams working on it . They simply don't care for turn based/ATB etc.

        The funniest shit is that Souls has a stamina bar... which is just a modern interpretation of ATB and turn based combat. It should be the model. Instead they went with Devil may Cry and Genshin IMpact for some reason?

        Square Enix has to be the most typical "greedy fat japanese businessman" or zaibatsu corporation in existence. Nothing comes close. Not CAPCOM and not SEGA.

        Just to name a few latest flops:
        >Babylon's Fall shut down few after release. Was a total failure with 1000 player peak and only around 7 people being there for the server shutdown. Only famous for how no one played it and that they brought Platinum Games to make a shitty SaaS title (when they made them NieR: Automata before).
        >Sold their western IPs like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider to Embracer for 300 mil. Few months later Embracer sells TB movie rights to Amazon for 600 mil. Twice as much.
        >What did SE do with that 300 mil though? They funded their NFT project which everyone hated and was a total failure.
        >Now Forspoken, a game that was most famous for horrible writing and that literally no one liked or was excited about. Not even total casul normies wanted to eat that slop.
        >Final Fantasy is in identity crisis where XVI just abandons everything about the series for action western gritty style pandering.
        >FFXIV last expansion was basically end of the giant story and newest one is just completely new adventure, so the hype went down a lot

        I could list more, but it's amazing those morons are even alive anymore. You'd think they would get bought out by Sony or MS or something at this point.

        >Square Enix has to be the most typical "greedy fat japanese businessman" or zaibatsu corporation in existence. Nothing comes close. Not CAPCOM and not SEGA.

        It's a whole company made up of Keiji "Conman" Inafunes. They think they can make this great new IP that will make billions each time. The top of the board are the problem, nto the lower creatives. They keep pushing these huge AAA soulless projects.

        You need ideas and concepts and actual passion to win. You need to gamble on smaller projects.

        • 1 month ago

          FF7R is just Secret of Mana/Seiken 3 in 3D.
          It's less real-time than ATB because bringing up the menu pauses the game.
          They were too cowardly to make the menus fully real-time.

          Souls combat is sloppy garbage btw.
          2FM decimates it.

  21. 1 month ago

    >how the frick are they still around
    They gobble on the ESG/DEI wiener the hardest out of all Japanese publishers.
    Probably artificially kept afloat.

  22. 1 month ago

    Given what ever crisis is like, I honestly don't know.
    Are whales really spending money on that game? It's got the most unappealing, un-showoffable monetization system I've ever seen. What would they even get out of spending money on it?

  23. 1 month ago

    Square Enix has to be the most typical "greedy fat japanese businessman" or zaibatsu corporation in existence. Nothing comes close. Not CAPCOM and not SEGA.

    Just to name a few latest flops:
    >Babylon's Fall shut down few after release. Was a total failure with 1000 player peak and only around 7 people being there for the server shutdown. Only famous for how no one played it and that they brought Platinum Games to make a shitty SaaS title (when they made them NieR: Automata before).
    >Sold their western IPs like Deus Ex and Tomb Raider to Embracer for 300 mil. Few months later Embracer sells TB movie rights to Amazon for 600 mil. Twice as much.
    >What did SE do with that 300 mil though? They funded their NFT project which everyone hated and was a total failure.
    >Now Forspoken, a game that was most famous for horrible writing and that literally no one liked or was excited about. Not even total casul normies wanted to eat that slop.
    >Final Fantasy is in identity crisis where XVI just abandons everything about the series for action western gritty style pandering.
    >FFXIV last expansion was basically end of the giant story and newest one is just completely new adventure, so the hype went down a lot

    I could list more, but it's amazing those morons are even alive anymore. You'd think they would get bought out by Sony or MS or something at this point.

    • 1 month ago

      Sega-Sammy is definitely far worse. You're underselling them massively considering they're a fricking pachinko pimp.
      The trick is that they've taken so many fat Ls the last decade that they can't branch out as much as squeenix. They have to throw away all their eggs at once like the Super Game.
      Squeenix is really only just now shitting the bed and forgetting to change the sheets. The stink's only begun to waft out, and it'll be a couple years yet before people realize they didn't even change their underwear.

      • 1 month ago

        Wasn't that "super game" just journalists making shit up? IIRC it wasn't just one game they were going to bet every cent but rather a bunch of games, including bringing back old properties which they've since announced a few. Their biggest loss in recent memory was Hyenas being so bad it just got cancelled despite being finished.

        >Square bad!
        >No Sega bad!
        What about Konami?

        Konami seem to be an odd case. Ever since they canned Kojima they basically gave up on the AAA market. The most they're willing to do is license off their properties and even then it's not AAA tier budget, just whoever is cheapest. I doubt they even have any old guard devs still hanging around. They're like the japanese equivalent of Atari.

        • 1 month ago

          >I doubt they even have any old guard devs still hanging around.
          They have for their yearly million selelr baseball game and their train board game that keeps selling millions.
          Gotta love how Konami did the absolute right thing, told every AAA hollywood wannabe to frick off and just make big money with modest budget games released on the Switch. The soul remains and it is entirely japan exclusive.

          • 1 month ago

            they also own the Yu-Gi-Oh card game I think which is also some extra revenue

            • 1 month ago

              Yes they always made good money with that and then yugioh master duel was the one that blew up on stema so hard it was 2nd most played game for a while.
              >checks steam
              Twenty fricking thousand people in game right now at super dead hours.

    • 1 month ago

      CAPCOM has only two advantages really:
      >they have passionate and talented devs and veterans, how many times we heard stories about execs wanting some another shitty GaaS title only to be halted by the devs, like with REVII
      >they have a moronic, obnoxious fanboy fanbase and shill e-celebs dedicated to sucking their wiener day and night

      Without those two, they would be just yet another Konami or something.

      • 1 month ago

        >CAPCOM has only two advantages really:
        >>they have passionate and talented devs

    • 1 month ago

      Funny enough, rumor is that Babylon's Fall is such a mess of a game for the platinum games standard, because a lot of the talent jumped ship to Cygames to work on Relink, when they tried to pull a Aliens Colonial Marines on Cygames when it came to Granblue Fantasy Relink, i.e. Platinum Games tried to take cygames money and not actually work on the game, funneling the money to other projects instead

      • 1 month ago

        >Platinum Games tried to take cygames money and not actually work on the game
        Wouldn't be the first time. Lets not forget how they did no work at all on that xbox dragon game while shitting out various shovelware and nier.

      • 1 month ago

        Why would that be a rumor? Could you not just look through the credits of Relink on MobyGames or something and see if that's actually true or not?

    • 1 month ago

      >7 people being there for the server shutdown
      Holy shit. That is so sad and hilarious at the same time, so I choose to believe it.

    • 1 month ago

      >not sega

      • 1 month ago

        Jesus what was Sega even thinking with the Sonic origins gotta buy all these versions of the game to get everything,

        • 1 month ago

          There's your first mistake, anon.

    • 1 month ago

      They should bring Lightning back.

    • 1 month ago

      >>What did SE do with that 300 mil though? They funded their NFT project which everyone hated and was a total failure.

    • 1 month ago

      >XVI just abandons everything about the series for action western gritty style pandering
      They tried to pander to the "younger audience" actually. And it's the right thing to do as a PS5 exclusive.
      The probem is they absolutely do not have the manpower to develop the kind of action game zoomers would love. Zoomers have ADHD, they're not gonna sit through your MMO side quests or dissect your moronic ambiguous ending.

      • 1 month ago

        >The probem is they absolutely do not have the manpower to develop the kind of action game zoomers would love
        Calling bullshit on the man power issue. Most of the side quest just suck. Should have cut most of the side quests. All of that time and resources should have gone into either giving Clive an expanded sword moveset or just more different weapons with their own unique movesets(like a dragoon spear/lance for example).

        • 1 month ago

          >Most of the side quest just suck.
          That's because they're developed by MMO devs.
          They do not have the devs (manpower) to pull off the kind of game they wanted: a dark fantasy action.

          • 1 month ago

            At that point it's more of management/direction issue than a man power issue. Also didn't Square drag in some of the devs from platinum(for like the eilkon icon fights or some shit)? Why not ask them for some tips/pointers? Also didn't the ff16 drag in dmc 5's combat director, was he just standing there with thumb up his ass?

            • 1 month ago

              No, it's manpower, which involves direction as well. They simply do not have the staff necessary to pull off a project like this.
              Genre experience aside, add to that the fact that it's nips working on a game that's supposed to appeal to the west. They wanted to create a game about western characters. A game that feels like a distinctly western fantasy: GoT, LOTR, etc. But make it action. Pic related is better at what they were trying to achieve.
              Koji Fox recently said that he'd been hearing the Japanese team doubting "if they can do this or that" throughout the entire development cycle. To the point that it got overwhelming.
              They're not western people and two and a half western people on the team can't help them. They've had barely any experience with action games and again: 2.5 Platinum/Capcom devs aren't going to make that big of a difference. Their lead writer here is a lore shitter who can't stop himself from creating a million npcs and forgets to write actual dialogue.
              They needed a way better team for this project kek.

              • 1 month ago

                Should I get around to playing shadow of Mordor?
                >Koji Fox recently said that he'd been hearing the Japanese team doubting "if they can do this or that" throughout the entire development cycle. To the point that it got overwhelming.
                >They're not western people and two and a half western people on the team can't help them. They've had barely any experience with action games and again: 2.5 Platinum/Capcom devs aren't going to make that big of a difference. Their lead writer here is a lore shitter who can't stop himself from creating a million npcs and forgets to write actual dialogue.
                So basically the ff16 from it's conception was kind of fricked?

              • 1 month ago

                >So basically the ff16 from it's conception was kind of fricked?
                Kind of. Some teams did pull their weight but the overall result is nowhere near their concept or ambition.
                Giving this game to MMO devs and just letting them do whatever was stupid. They don't even understand what their target audience (aka the young people) wants in their games. Case in point, removing challenge off the bat was absolutely moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                >but the overall result is nowhere near their concept or ambition.
                What was their original concept/ambition?
                >Giving this game to MMO devs and just letting them do whatever was stupid. They don't even understand what their target audience (aka the young people) wants in their games.
                Would a tard wrangler have helped?

              • 1 month ago

                A dark fantasy action that appeals to the young western male playing on PS5. It turned out to be too Japanese, barely dark fantasy, not enough of an action and too easy.
                >Would a tard wrangler have helped?
                You'd need whole departments of them at that level.

  24. 1 month ago

    >Enix will never release a pixel remaster of Illusion of Gaia, Soul Blazer and Terranigma...
    PC chads... thank god we can play old sovl games emulated

    • 1 month ago

      They ruined Actraiser

  25. 1 month ago

    get woke

    go broke

    uh uh yeah

    get woke

    go broke

    • 1 month ago

      they've been making far more frickups than simply going woke

  26. 1 month ago

    >Square bad!
    >No Sega bad!
    What about Konami?

  27. 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >tfw FF hasn’t been truly turned based since 10, 24 years ago
      what the frick

      • 1 month ago

        Yea pretty sure most folks b***hing about muh turn based combat weren’t even alive then

      • 1 month ago

        Does ATB count as turn based?

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          No but even if we did 13 was 15 years ago

        • 1 month ago

          Well the ATB kind where it pauses when the gauge fills may, since it's basically the same shit as a turn order turn based game like Stella Glow or breasts. The ones where it doesn't, I wouldn't consider it turn based, since you have to be constantly paying attention.

  28. 1 month ago


    Insomniac is just massively overhyped really. They never made a noteworthy game that sold anything BUT then got lucky by geting to do a spiderman game at peak spiderman craze and "all hail ps4" brainrot.
    Everyone else could make a spiderman game that successful in the same position. Actually I'd argue anyone else would have made a more fun, indepth and less expensive spiderman in their position.

  29. 1 month ago


    A lot better than anything they've made recently.

  30. 1 month ago


    Kingdom Hearts is Disney so just look at what happened to Marvel after Endgame hype for a fiting comparison.
    For everyone normal the franshise ended with the release of 3. The journey and hype is over and everyone moves on. From now on all you get is superfans who are way too into every nitpicky detail.

  31. 1 month ago



  32. 1 month ago


    >How can Kingdom Hearts sell well?
    if it released like 10 years ago, disney could've just added MCU characters in KH and have shills preorder the Super Deluxe Collector's Edition

  33. 1 month ago

    They've been living on the snoy welfare for too long. This allowed them to fail multiple times but suffer no real financial consequence so they've never felt the need to change or improve. But after nearly two decades of shitty final fantasy games the customer has given up on their AAA franchises and their games don't sell enough to recoup losses even with the welfare cheques sony writes them.

    • 1 month ago

      There's even more. Here are some complete switch exclusive without PC port even.
      >Bravely Default II - 2021
      >Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! - 2019
      >Chocobo GP - 2022

      Square enix has never made a single PS exclusive since the fricking PS3.
      There's even fricking Xbox360 exclusives like Infinite Undiscovery.
      Boggles the mind that Ganker claims that square enix is PS biased. Explain this shit.

      Harvestella, Octopath 1 are still Nintendo console exclusives. PC tribal warriors fanaticism are insane.

      they made like a dozen nintendo exclusives and Ganker never complained
      they made like 2 PS exclusive Ganker fricking explodes

      • 1 month ago


        it is though

        • 1 month ago

          name 1 ps3~5 squeenix exclusive

  34. 1 month ago

    Steps to save SE:
    1) Beg Sakaguchi to come back, give him budget to do a classic ff
    No other steps needed

  35. 1 month ago

    They cancelled XV's Nomura Remake

  36. 1 month ago

    How many nintendo exclusive square enix games were AAA? Is the number comparable to sony exclusive square enix games?

    • 1 month ago

      It's 0 so no

      • 1 month ago

        then maybe that's the case why nintendo exclusives aren't hurting square enix as much as sony?

        >yfw FF7R3 is canceled

        Oh boy, part of me want that to become reality so I can watch the shitstorm...

        • 1 month ago

          I bought Voice of the Cards because it was on sale but you can just tell it's another one of those games that earned absolutely no money.

          The losses being reported has nothing to do with Sony though. It's abandonment losses for IPs that made no money. People want it to be about FF because that series makes them mad but SE puts out so much no-name slop that nobody buys.

    • 1 month ago

      How many Sony exclusive square enix games exists?

  37. 1 month ago

    >yfw FF7R3 is canceled

    • 1 month ago

      It won't be but every excuse in the book will be used to pretend it was successful.

    • 1 month ago

      Good. Frick the Remakeshite and their endless shilling.

    • 1 month ago

      I have 0 interest in what this dead company does, but I would love to watch Barry burn the world for whatever SE have done to piss him off today.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm sad but also glad that it's over. It could only get worse and it wasn't that good to begin with.

    • 1 month ago

      >Squeenix spends 20 years saying FF7 remake is our rainy day get out of jail free card
      >FF7R is now a bloated, boring, slow game and massive financial liability

      Funny innit

      • 1 month ago

        Did SE really say that? I can't believe they still believe out of jail free cards still exist in 2020+.

        • 1 month ago

          Gamers did because they couldnt envision a future where Square managed to frick it up

          • 1 month ago

            >mods actually autosaged the thread pointing out that Rebirth was a bomba in the US
            fricking hell

            Not just frick it up, but frick it up deliberately. It'd be one thing if it was bungled by pure incompetence (and there's plenty of that to be sure in the FF7R project), but this wasn't ignorance. This was explicit contempt against the fans for making FF7 such an enduring hit over the decades (even made them a very unsubtle recurring enemy in the fricking games), and greed. Not just the obvious monetary greed with splitting it up into multiple games, but their personal greed for novelty within the world of FF7, when they already had SEVERAL outlets for new stories in this universe.

            • 1 month ago

              >4th while releasing on a single platform

              • 1 month ago

                Just goes to show how shit games are uniformly selling now.

              • 1 month ago

                I call bullshit on FF7remake
                I'm fairly certain FFX on PS2 sold more in the US

              • 1 month ago

                >lifetime dollar sales
                Not units sold.

  38. 1 month ago

    Sony money and XIV are keeping them alive.

    • 1 month ago

      If YawnTrail underperforms Square will be in trouble

  39. 1 month ago

    I think SE has awful pricing scheme.
    Bad sales, bad regional pricing, everything is at least $60 and $70 instead of $40.
    They over valuate themselves, people won't pay up if they can get much more elsewhere for a lower entry fee.

    • 1 month ago

      >bad sales
      It's why I went back to pirating their shit. Even games that are a couple years old are never on sale for cheaper than 30 bucks. And that's around what they should cost to begin with. Something like Harvestella shouldn't be priced the same as their flagship releases.

      • 1 month ago

        That's what does happen and they end up never selling. As an example, it took 6y for Zodiac Age to move from my wishlist to my library because that's the time it took SE to put it at a price i deemed reasonable.

        • 1 month ago

          70 dollars for the pixel remaster is another mind boggling decision. Like absolutely insane to me that is how they price a barely enhanced version of 6 SNES games.

          • 1 month ago

            Barely enhanced? Worse graphics, worse music, and they took out the gameplay content from the remakes.

            I would've paid 70 for an emulated collection of all of the NES/SNES/WS/GBA/DS games but not this absolute dogshit.

            • 1 month ago

              The only saving grace is PC mods fix everything out mentioned sans the gameplay stuff I believe. Sprites and music can be fixed but it is crazy how lazy it is. Even something as simple as them implementing all versions of sprites from their various FF releases over the past few decades would've been a cool inclusion and instead they just redo all the sprites to one shittier version.

  40. 1 month ago

    FF14 success over the past 2 expansions is unironically keeping the company afloat

    • 1 month ago

      The MMO segment is irrelevant as it only contributes less than 20%, a fraction of SE's revenue.

  41. 1 month ago

    the let the west infect them. had they told the wokies to frick themselves finance would be in a much better position today. japan needs to stop bending the knee to western degeneracy. It's too late for my country but maybe they can still get out of it.

  42. 1 month ago

    Insider here.
    The end of FF7:Re3 will actually cause a universe reset, and then they gonna release the actual FF7:Remake, which is based on the original game.
    It will again be in 3 episodes, and mostly reuse assets from the first 3 REmake games.

    • 1 month ago

      Remake already covers 90% of the original's plot identically, dumbass

      • 1 month ago

        >he didn't play the game
        oh no no no no no no

        • 1 month ago

          that's nice moron

    • 1 month ago

      And nobody will buy it because they will have stopped giving a single frick about the company and the IP.

      • 1 month ago

        Not like square enix ever gave a single frick to the playerbase

    • 1 month ago

      >FF7: Remake 2 - Part 1
      I wish. That alone would be bring me entertainment for years laughing at the shitshow.

  43. 1 month ago

    you now remember the Dragon Quest III remake

  44. 1 month ago

    I just want them to release ff7r2 on steam. I don't have a ps5 nor am I planning on getting one.

    When is the game coming to pc?????

    • 1 month ago

      Why do you want to play that garbage?

      • 1 month ago

        Its GOTY with 0 competition.

    • 1 month ago

      Probably November 2024 at the earliest.

  45. 1 month ago
  46. 1 month ago

    because sony pays them royalties for exclusivity. they can fail anytime as they want

    • 1 month ago

      Sony is not paying anywhere near enough to offset all the losses and brand shrinking. Sony can't even keep themself afloat.

    • 1 month ago

      I would kill to know the financials for Sony and EGS on exclusivity deals. I'm so fricking curious how much they're spending and how much they actually valuate those exclusives

      • 1 month ago

        There was some info in one of those big ransomware leaks over the past couple years. IIRC exclusivity is barely worth $2-5 million so these studios are often willingly limiting sales for short term table scraps. Whether that speaks to greed or how desperate big budget development is, I don't know. Kojima's deal and probably a tiny handful of others are more lucrative because Sony does things like
        >Giving Kojima the Horizon engine
        >Giving Kojima direct dev collaboration with Horizon team
        But it seems that the cash deals themselves are kind of dogshit

      • 1 month ago

        Some supporting info from nintendolife when Capcom got hacked
        >It's already been leaked that Monster Hunter Rise will be coming to PC later in 2021 – although Capcom is yet to officially announce this, we should add – but it's now been revealed that Nintendo paid "around $6 million" for timed exclusivity. Rise launches on Switch in March 2021 and is believed to be coming to PC in October.
        >Interestingly, other documents reveal that Capcom internally discussed the game being totally exclusive to Switch, which hints that Nintendo could have paid more money to totally lock Rise down – but Capcom was cautious about keeping the game on a single system. It is noted that the Switch version will be 'hard to sell' in China, but 'brand-linked' measures would make a PC release there a success.
        >nintendolife /news/2020/12/nintendo_paid_around_usd6_million_for_monster_hunter_rises_timed_exclusivity_on_switch

  47. 1 month ago

    >Small games like Valkyrie Elysium and SO6
    >uniqe af gameplay
    >have the balls to go full DMC in a AAA game with FF16
    >nobody appreciates them
    >mercilessly shittalked by the old senile boomers who can't press more than one button simultaneously
    at this point we don't deserve them. we really don't. and i'm sad we won't get any kino games from them anymore. they will probably shoot for homogenized shit that will sell from now on

    • 1 month ago

      have a nice day

    • 1 month ago

      I agree we don't deserve them.

    • 1 month ago

      SE seems to be in such a weird spot for me. I keenly remember a time in game during the PS1 and PS2 era where B games were alive and well. Now it feels like indie games kind of occupy that space yet SE is still trying to make B games for better or for worse. There isn't a market anymore for B games that are comparatively priced the same as AAA games. I really like a lot of SE games still but they just don't sell that well and they spend way too much money making them so it can't be sustainable for them to keep trying to bring back IPs only for them to be met with middling success due to SE's terrible business decisions.

      • 1 month ago

        it's literally the reason why i love SE so much. they still do little projects like that still and return some of their old IP's every now and then. Capcom on the other hand has no idea what a Mega Man is

    • 1 month ago

      so we have dmcgays to blame for the current state of SE?
      frick off back to capcom and wombo-combo your sandbags for the billionth time

      • 1 month ago

        >so we have dmcgays to blame?
        DMCgays never asked for DMClite. If they wanted a DMClite they'd play DMC5 or the reboot one with El Donte

      • 1 month ago

        sorry grandpa but we are doing wombo-combos in Square games for more than 10 years now. frick off to persona or Xenoblade or whatever else you're claiming is better than Final Fantasy for 2 decades straight now. but you can't. because you're stockholmed and the alternatives are not as good as you claim they are

        • 1 month ago

          how bizarre to post BBS of all games.
          the one where enemies don't stagger consistently.

          • 1 month ago

            says a lot about Square when you can do cool shit in one of their weakest games

      • 1 month ago

        anon Dissidia was 16 years ago. at this point you are the unwanted nugay here

    • 1 month ago

      >NEO TWEWY
      Disappointing sequel with terrible writing & voice acting, needlessly limited combat. ruins the characters too.

      Unplayable. Runs like absolute shit on every system and the combat is only good because of team ninja. Square didn't make that.

      >full DMC in a AAA game with FF16
      I think you mean DMC lite - cinemtic movie game edition. Like any DMC player wants to put up with those fricking cutscenes, padding and sidequest bullshit.

      >nobody appreciates them
      yeah because they make idiotic garbage. They also scammed people with FF7R and destroyed any remaining good faith with fans.

      • 1 month ago

        >he doesn't know how to optimize the game performance
        case dismissed. you are obviously not qualified to participate in this debate

        • 1 month ago

          Show me the forest area running at a perfect 60fps.
          and If I buy a game it should function without mods.

          • 1 month ago

            is this forest enough or do we need more greens? unironic question

            • 1 month ago

              Nice pixels. I'm sure there was a video in there somewhere.

            • 1 month ago

              I'd like to see a frame counter & a video above 240p going through the first forest level.
              because I've seen this shit stutter around 40 & drop down to 20fps on high end rigs.

      • 1 month ago

        you must be running on old information, shit ran like butter for me on linux, much to the chagrin of my friend who ran it on windows with much better specs than me.

      • 1 month ago

        >he can’t read between the lines
        >he doesn’t know how to combo
        How does NEO TWEWY keep filtering morons like this?

    • 1 month ago

      >that """gameplay"
      I thought Ganker mocked Genshin Impact for being schizo character-swapping shit with NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS gameplay and 3 buttons per character? This is exactly the same.

      • 1 month ago

        do you even know what any of those words mean

    • 1 month ago

      >have the balls to go full DMC in a AAA game with FF16

    • 1 month ago

      >NEO TWEWY
      they fricking left the game to die alone and without any marketing push besides a little app in japan, they even put the game on steam days before persona 4's port was out without any notice. the game was done by the original game's team and it probably without any budget but they managed to pull it off and gave us a consistent semi-closure, the higher ups that gave them barely jackshit can get fricked for all i care now.
      same feelings i have towards level 5's handling of the danball senki franchise when they brought it here and decided to prioritize only yokai watch

    • 1 month ago

      Look, I'll spell it out for you because you zoomies just do not seem to get it: Square, and subsequently Square Enix, is an RPG company. They became famous and loved for making RPGs. Classic RPGs were their bread and butter, and their most loved titles. Having an occasional few different titles that strayed away were not an issue. Kingdom Hearts was universally loved. However, they have left that almost completely behind, relegating these classic titles that formed the backbone of their company to AA status and giving them none of the attention they deserve, vis a vis marketing or production quality.

      Square fans do not like to play DMC gameplay with no RPG mechanics. Square fans do not like to play FFXV with a black protagonist in a stale diverse fantasy world. Square fans do not like playing Nioh with job classes (as passably good as that game was). They like classic RPGs with a strong and engaging story, interesting characters, a soundtrack with depth, an addictive battle system with good levels of customization, and if there's anything left over some nice graphics. Unless and until Square goes back to concentrating on their core demographic and stops the endless chase for the next big thing, they are going to continue to fail. No significant portion of people is ever going to invest the money they think for this shit, at least not enough to recoup on the losses they took to make it.


      • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        >Square fans do not like to play DMC gameplay with no RPG mechanics.
        The funny thing is there is more RPG mechanics in Remake than in OG.
        Turn-based/ATB boomers are moronic who don't know what role playing is lmao.

        FFS KH1 had more role playing than any FF ever had.
        At the beginning of the game you are asked a bunch of questions which determine your level up progression and then the game tells you to choose one of the Dream Sword, Rod and Shield and leave one behind which determine your stats and the order in which you learn abilities which changes your playstyle by a lot.

        You literally don't have that kind of role playing depth in any Final Fantasy game, but FF neckbeard boomers still think FF is more of an RPG than KH1 which is funny as frick.

        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago
        • 1 month ago

          Anon you can deny reality and make these insane arguments all you like, but the fact is no one is buying it. Literally. Until Square returns to their core demographic people like me who were loyal customers for decades are going to continue sitting out. Rebirth was the first FF I did not buy since FFVII, before that I bought everything day one. That is saying something since I detested XV, VIIR, and XVI. It seems there were more than a few that shared my sentiment, and that's going to be a common theme going forward until they get back to their roots. Again, deny all you like but this is reality.

      • 1 month ago

        Its the CDPR problem all over again - the talent that made Witcher 1/2/3 were all gone when it was time to make Cyperpunk. There are a few old heads at SE but they are not the ones doing the actual work. Very few long-lived studios have been able to consistently "keep up" with their passion projects from the past.

        • 1 month ago

          Except Cyberpunk is great now. Just that CDPR pushed it out the door 3 years too early and tried making it run on toasters.

      • 1 month ago

        Unhinged post but I agree

  48. 1 month ago

    >people are pretending that square-slop will sell better if it's multiplat
    No one buys PC FF's either, it's just a dead franchise

    • 1 month ago

      >No one buys PC FF's either, it's just a dead franchise
      COVID-19 era when lockdowns were a thing and I couldn't get out and hang out with friends made me watch streamer for the first time and they were playing FF7R because I wasn't in the mood to buy a playstation just for it. Movie game was fun to watch but PC release didn't make me buy it. Same probably with FF16... watched the movie in episodic manner on israelitetube while doing chores at home or playing something else on Deck. PC release won't make me buy it probably... Not even tempted to watch either streamer play Rebirth or its' movie on israelitetube...

    • 1 month ago

      >it's just a dead franchise
      Clearly not if it mogs the living frick out of every other jrpg series

      • 1 month ago

        >Only physical
        >Just in japan
        >It barely manages to outsell armored core
        Paints a grim picture.

        • 1 month ago

          To be fair Fromsoft have a lot of pull these days. Elden Ring sold 23 million in 2 years, FFXV (Square's own fastest seller) sold 10 million in 6 years. And with DLC on the way sales are bound to climb even higher for the former...

      • 1 month ago

        >336k and 262k are the numbers (You) are twerking for.
        You do realize that Final Fantasy, In Japan, used to sell in the millions, right? But everything's fine! SMRPG is outselling Final Fantasy, no worries.

  49. 1 month ago

    >DubBlack person
    >Has shit opinions
    Checks out every fricking time, it's incredible

  50. 1 month ago

    why haven't japanese studios invested into their own AAA PvP FPS? it's been starved for new games for years and I bet they could hire western experienced devs to lead them

    devs say its the simplest cheapest type of game to make but you obviously need high quality gunplay and netcode

    • 1 month ago

      >why doesn't japan invest in a genre that isn't popular at all in their country of origin
      now this is quite the puzzling conundrum

      • 1 month ago

        apex legends and valorant are huge in japan

        apex legends was practicaly revived thanks to japans e-celeb and vtuber tournament community you can go read about it yourself respawn targeted the jp market and made bank

  51. 1 month ago

  52. 1 month ago

    Someone post that webm of Cloud breakdacing with a Black person, i forgot to save

    • 1 month ago

      +1000 Black person score
      -22 billion yen

      • 1 month ago

        god this game is so based

        • 1 month ago

          So based it tanked SE close to the verge of being bought by Sony.

          • 1 month ago

            Yes yes, just two more weeks. Surely this next SE release will be the one that finally puts them under just like FF16 did, just like FF15 did, just like FF13 did...

            • 1 month ago

              >Literally have to kill projects to make room
              >Still refuse to admit that the company is dying
              You are fricking moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                People have been saying SE has been dying since the shift away from Squaresoft. Sorry to burst your fantasy that you are living in but companies take financial losses every single year. The only thing this could potentially lead to is SE being valued low enough for it to become feasible for a larger company to buy them out. As much as you want it to happen, SE isn't going to suddenly go insolvent and disappear.

      • 1 month ago


  53. 1 month ago

    >how the frick are they still around
    The "loss" here is bullshit. They lost zero stocks over it, in fact today they went up significantly again. SQEX' stocks are not too far from Nintendo's stock, so they've been having zero issues in "being around" other than some bad decisions like Foamstars, Babylon's Fall and Marvel's Avengers.

    Don't believe the media. Don't believe Barry. Check the stocks, the're doing fine.

    • 1 month ago

      Anon you're talking to a board of teenagers that doesn't even understand why claiming a loss on yearly financials even means. Most people read the OP and think that SE physically lost 22 billion yen.

    • 1 month ago

      Anon you're talking to a board of teenagers that doesn't even understand why claiming a loss on yearly financials even means. Most people read the OP and think that SE physically lost 22 billion yen.

      Amazon lost $2.7billion in 2022 that must mean Amazon is going under.
      Anon is correct is saying the board is full of teenagers who haven't the foggiest what they're talking about.

    • 1 month ago

      you actually think SE should be valued similarly to Nintendo, at the strongest they've ever been? it's stuff like Japanese pension funds propping that crap up

      the US markets have them valued appropriately, with SE and Sega the bottom two lines here

    • 1 month ago

      Stock prices don't keep the lights on m8.

    • 1 month ago

      >cancel everything
      >gain 5%
      Not making games seems to be their best strategy going forward.

  54. 1 month ago

    >muh stocks
    >muh yearly israeli financials
    Meanwhile back in reality part 3 is on the verge of being canned

    • 1 month ago

      Business terms too difficult for you to understand? You admit to it finally.

    • 1 month ago

      >o nyoooo I can't finish playing my needless $210 remake of a 27 year old game

  55. 1 month ago

    They can afford 1, MAYBE 2 more years of this before utterly and irreversibly failing
    They need an open channel for fan feedback, and fricking listen
    Of course there'll be trolls, and I'm sure there wouod be quality control to filter that out, but trusting their own instincts is NOT working

    • 1 month ago

      >They need an open channel for fan feedback, and fricking listen
      They do for some of their games. Octopath Traveler was one of recent memory where direct feedback from the demo survey was implemented into the main release.

    • 1 month ago

      They're restructuring, this was announced last June. Stop with the pearl clutching you really don't know what this is all about.

  56. 1 month ago

    >stop making exclusives to stupid ps5
    >release them on all consoles so sales happen on all platforms
    >encourage fan base on Xbox
    >everyone gets hyped and talks about your products and give free advertising
    >everyone is free to buy it on the platform of their choice
    >release games people actually want to play
    >port games that you can’t play on old out of date hardware to modern systems
    Look at that, I saved square Enix. That’ll be 172k for my fee.

    • 1 month ago

      >release games people actually want to play
      [impossible challenge]

    • 1 month ago

      >encourage fan base on Xbox
      This seems like such a waste of time at this point. Xbox is pretty much dead as a platform. You'd be better off focusing on PC / Game Pass

      • 1 month ago

        Putting games people want to play on the Xbox will encourage people to get an Xbox. It’s the cornerstone of the Sony exclusivity deals, if they keep system selling final fantasy off Xbox they keep a base from being built and they starve it to death.

        • 1 month ago

          There has never been a point in history where it's been financially worth it to put JRPGs on Xbox. The vague promise that it will sell more xbox consoles just because it will isn't going to convince anyone at SE to go that route. Even during the 360 era when there were a few JRPGs being released on Xbox all the exclusive ones sold like shit

          • 1 month ago

            Well when both the console and the franchise are almost dead you might as well try.

            • 1 month ago

              Normally on a sinking ship you try to plug holes and not poke new ones

              • 1 month ago

                I would see it as getting into a lifeboat that has not got any maintenence whatsoever since the ship was launched. It MAY still float.

              • 1 month ago

                As someone that purchased both Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon on release, I've been on this lifeboat for a while so I get it

  57. 1 month ago

    hope other publishers of the east take notice of what happens if you indulge with burgerstan woke standards

  58. 1 month ago

    Let's think about this logically, FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made, part 3 already has the vast majority of its assets made, they've kept like 80% of the same team for all 3 games, 3 lots of sony exclusivity money(I assume for part 3_, EGS exclusivity money(I pray to God just for intergrade), yet people still think the FF7 remakes are flops?

    Do you morons even know the definitions of word you use? Fricking. Morons. You can tell when it's Australian hours the buzzword usage/reddit type posts go through the roof.

    • 1 month ago

      You clearly don't understand the definition of flop
      >game i like = no flop
      >game i dont like = FLOP

  59. 1 month ago

    >Holy shit, I just cost a AAA company 22.1 billion yen with me mind!

  60. 1 month ago

    I don't get game companies can still get investors to back them. I feel like investing on a shitty south american """"country"""""" is safer than investing on a game at this point.
    Years of development time, close to 7 digit budgets, constant moving standards, and not an ounce of hope for an actual return.

  61. 1 month ago

    SE is interesting in that their problem is the opposite of the problem other companies have
    other companies just endlessly rehash the same game and reskin it with whatever, Square actively refuses to stick with something people like and keep trying to reinvent the wheel

  62. 1 month ago

    September 19, 2023
    >A: I want to improve our profitability. I see ample room for improvement in our operating profit margin and would like to start by working primarily on our HD games. In addition, rather than solely attempting to create brand new IPs, we intend take a nuanced approach to investment whereby we also identify existing IPs with the potential to be upgraded to AAA status, taking ROI into account as well. In so doing, we hope to establish greater depth to the layers of our portfolio.
    February 6, 2024
    >Major game player Square Enix Holdings has announced that it is conducting a fundamental review of its development system with the aim of improving the quality of its works. Representative Director and President Takashi Kiryu made the announcement at the financial results briefing for analysts held on the 5th.
    >Mr. Kiryu, who took over as president of Square Enix H in June last year, has indicated a policy of reducing outsourced development and focusing on developing large-scale games in-house, with the goal of improving game quality and profit margins. At a conference call held yesterday, he said, ``We are reviewing from scratch what the organizational structure is to materialize the contents of the pipeline, and what is best.'' As for the specifics of the new system, he said, ``We will announce it at least this spring.''

    Reading comprehension has dropped on this site hand in hand with the amount of brown subhumans that have arrived.

    • 1 month ago

      >developing large-scale games
      They never learn.

    • 1 month ago

      >We intend take a nuanced approach to investment whereby we also identify existing IPs with the potential to be upgraded to AAA status
      interesting, Nier and Dragon Quest instantly come to mind.

  63. 1 month ago

    Barry won.

  64. 1 month ago

    I can't wait for Square to release their AAAA game like Ubisoft did with Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League

  65. 1 month ago

    >focusing on developing large-scale games
    Flopspoken 2 ikuzo

  66. 1 month ago

    If you're a shareholder how do you participate in the meetings? I want to call YoshiP a Black person

  67. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      I actually had a lot of fun with 1.0 and am kind of sad there's no way to play it anymore.

      • 1 month ago

        sorry for your mental illness

  68. 1 month ago

    Jackbros.. it's so over

  69. 1 month ago

    Frick Square Enix

  70. 1 month ago

    All it takes is one bad prospect and it goes all away. A company success is not it's stock price. There are many cases showing companies worth millions completely losing all their stock value.

    • 1 month ago

      it's cool that you make up fantasy scenarios about companies you dislike going bankrupt to cope
      It really turns me on actually, can I suck you off

  71. 1 month ago

    22.1 billion yen is only like $20 USD tho right?

    • 1 month ago

      Be what it may be, it's 22.1 billion yen more than what the japanese economy grew since 1993.

  72. 1 month ago

    >billion dollar company sees there AA games do badly so they drops them to work onAAA games
    >this costs them 140 million which is like one AAAA games
    >this needs 6+ threads
    I’m confused, why is this a big deal?

    • 1 month ago

      Mostly because they are factually incorrect. Their AA games have a much higher profit margin than their AAA stuff.

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Imagine wasting good trips on being wrong.

          • 1 month ago

            Imagine thinking flopshit like various daylife, bravely default, and live a live made more money than a game that just got a 3rd game greenlit. Stick to shitposting on Ganker while you have no idea about SE's finacials.

            • 1 month ago

              It got greenlit before the recent cancellations. I want you to think about that.

      • 1 month ago

        >Their AA games have a much higher profit margin than their AAA stuff.
        Gone are the days where they pump out a Final Fantasy in 2-3 years. Development bloat isn't just killing SE but the industry as a whole as an enormous problem with it. I wish people would realize that you don't need to spend 100 billion dollars on a game and develop it for 10 years when you could put out decent games with a fraction of the budget. No idea why it got like this.

        • 1 month ago

          This is the wild part to me. They got out 8, 9, 10 and 11 in four fricking years. And those are all (arguably) bangers.

          • 1 month ago

            They obviously have wildly different dev teams than they do now but yeah it's pretty insane to think about how quickly teams used to pump out video games. These 5-7 year dev cycles fricking suck when you end up getting worse quality games more often than not

          • 1 month ago

            >he doesn’t know

          • 1 month ago

            They need a tardwrangler... they let the good one go.

          • 1 month ago

            You want to see something really fricking crazy? Look at pic related. Look at that lineup for a single year. FFT. Xenogears. Saga Frontier. Parasite Eve 1.
            Imagine them being able to put out two classic game and two highly fricking solid games within MONTHS of each other.

            • 1 month ago

              Okay that's actually wilder.

            • 1 month ago

              Only decent games in that list are Einhander the first SaGa Frontier, which was still a rushed mess, it's the same shit they're pulling now but you weren't cynical enough as a kid to see how bad their "classics" were.

              • 1 month ago

                Even a red wine drinking, fancy cheese eating, chateau owning SaGaCHAD should understand the virtues of Parasite Eve. It what FF8 should have become.

              • 1 month ago

                Sorry, I kinda like SaGa but I have no sympathy for the usual industry bandwagoning, PE was just Square jumping on the RE train and delivering another middling and poorly handled franchise that eventually died a very inglorious death, much like both Tobal and Bushido Blade were part of the Tekken/VF3 bandwagon and died immediately the moment the market for 3D fightan consolidated, much like the rest of the shovelware that was Toshinden, Bloody Roar or Xmen Mutant Academy.
                I also don't really care much about Square as a company, truth to be told, they were always middling and desperate to get their fingers in so many different pies, and the management was always ass so I really don't see this supposed golden age people talk about, nothing about them has changed after the merger.

              • 1 month ago

                >PE was just Square jumping on the RE train
                No dumbass, it wasn't.
                PE was basically the original idea for FF7 that was discarded.
                Sakaguchi wanted FF7 to take place in New York and be a detective story etc.
                That idea was re-used for Parasite Eve, which in turn was based on a novel of the same name.

                Bushido Blade was nothing like VF.
                BB1 and 2 were well-liked and popular.
                After that Square did nothing with them and the developer Lightweight made a spiritual successor with the Kengo series.

                Square also did some weird shit like that Racing Lagoon thing which was JP exclusive.

              • 1 month ago

                It was, no matter how much you cope about it.
                >Bushido Blade was nothing like VF.
                Yeah, because it was shit unlike VF, but it was made to jump on the bandwagon of 3D fightan all the same, much like Tobal.
                It was a shittier and uglier Samsho if you wanna be technical, but it wasn't really made with that in mind and nobody cared either, which is the franchise didn't survive the PS1 days and nobody gives a shit about Kengo either, another long dead franchise
                >Square also did some weird shit like that Racing Lagoon
                Yeah, it was more mediocre shovelware nobody cared about and something that would be shitposted to death nowadays just like you're currently doing for shit like Various Daylife or Foamstars, the double standards of you squaredrones are hilarious

              • 1 month ago

                It was not

                >It was a shittier and uglier Samsho
                No it wasn't.
                I'm a Samsho guy(1/2/3 only, especially 3. Everything after that was dogshit), and you are full of shit.
                Bushido Blade was a much more realistic and slower game, which is why it was a turn-off for some but it had its fans.

                Comparing early 3D graphics to some of the best 2D art in gaming is nonsensical and unfair.
                That said if you compare Bushido Blade with the Hyper Neo Geo 64 3D Samsho games it looks about on par.
                Plays much better than those garbage games.

              • 1 month ago

                >Yeah, it was more mediocre shovelware
                Calling it shovelware is bullshit.
                You can watch videos of the game on youtube and it clearly has quite good production values.
                That doesn't mean it's a good game, but shovelware it was not.
                Just like The Bouncer was a bad game but you can tell the production values were pretty good.

                That's the point you're missing. Square back then were trying out shit, experimenting etc. and it's clear they put more effort in each project compared to nowadays and they had more talent + their talent were on their prime.
                Part of this is also because budgets were not as bloated + they didn't have to make HD graphics and stuff.

              • 1 month ago

                >Calling it shovelware is bullshit.
                It's absolutely shovelware and I don't need to watch videos of them because I actually played them, most of them I played back in the days too.
                They were minuscule games with very bad mechanics, no content and more often than not pretty mediocre graphics as well, which is why they were able to produce so many of them in so little time in the first place, at best you can call them tech demos because zero fricking thought was put into shit like Tobal or Ehrgeiz.
                >Square back then were trying out shit, experimenting etc.
                They're doing the same exact shit nowadays, fishing for audience in different genres and making spinoffs and more low budget niche stuff like again, Various Daylife, Dungeon Encounters, SaGa or Foamstars, the amount of effort is the same, you were just a dumb little kid that couldn't actually discern a thing and the difference between early low budget 3D and big production wasn't super steep as it is today where you insist on calling their minor projects trash because they don't have AAA visual production values.
                There's no effective difference between something like Forespoken and Vagrant Story, both are rushed, butchered messes that bet everything on visuals and then crashed and burned, it's just that the latter is glorified by legions of now mid 30's nostalgiahomosexuals who played that shit as kids in a time where cynicism was much lower.

              • 1 month ago

                >It's absolutely shovelware
                No it isn't. You don't know what shovelware is.

                >They're doing the same exact shit nowadays, fishing for audience in different genres and making spinoffs and more low budget niche stuff like again, Various Daylife, Dungeon Encounters, SaGa or Foamstars
                Foamstars is a metoo Fortnite/Splatoon
                Various Daylife is HD2D Asanoslop, SaGa/Dungeon Encounters is just old-timers like Kawazu and Ito relegated to low budget games

                >the amount of effort is the same
                No the frick it isn't
                Most of the games they made in the PSX era were developed in-house and the disparity in budget between projects was nowhere near as big as it now
                Foh with that shit

              • 1 month ago

                Yes they were, and I do know what shovelware is since it makes you so mad that I call it for what it is, you need to accept the truth
                >Foamstars is a metoo Fortnite/Splatoon
                And shit like Parasite Eve was a metoo Resident Evil, much like shit like Tobal was a metoo Tekken or how Chocobo Racing was a metoo Mario Kart64/CTR, you're a fricking delusional drone.
                >Most of the games they made in the PSX era were developed in-house
                Lmao, Front Mission only started being developed "in-house" when they simply bought G-Craft, shit like Tobal, Ehrgeiz or Bushido Blade were all made by external devs, same with many minor games like Sokaigi that never came out of Japan, even FFT was mostly developed by former Quest employees that were bought and absorbed into the company much like Atlus eventually dissolved Careersoft and incorporated their devs into the company.
                A game being developed internally means frickall from a quality point of view because a company isn't a monolith and Square, like everyone else, routinely hired people from other companies like TOSE as temporary team members to help out in certain parts of development, and they still do it to this day.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh yeah, I remember that from a video on YouTube. I'd love to get my hands on a bottle of it. I wonder on whose dime the product was made, though.

              • 1 month ago

                >it's the same shit they're pulling now
                Except the graphics/visuals and art direction were way better than the garbage they put out now
                Saga Frontier 2, Legend of Mana mop the floor with the HD-2D slop they put out now

          • 1 month ago

            This is what happens when we need better graphics and other pointless shit, I just want a fun video games but homosexuals on Ganker will point to stupid graphic stuff and say the games are half made. I’m fine if we had stopped at the ps3 era of game graphics

            • 1 month ago

              Frick that, the PS2 was capable of FF10 and I was fine with the graphics we had in that game.

        • 1 month ago

          >Development bloat
          You mean management being incompetent frickwits, the amount of "crunch" time shows the actual devs can code is decent time it's just executives being morons.

          Rebirth was made in 3 years.

          • 1 month ago

            Isn't Rebirth kind of an unusual case though as a lot of work was able to be carried over from Remake? Not sure it's a completely fair comparison as it's not like those 3 years were them starting from ground zero.

        • 1 month ago

          >No idea why it got like this.
          16k@360fps homosexuals.

          • 1 month ago

            I guess I'm more curious why higher ups at video games still continue to think like this when you end up with shit like minecraft, palworld, stardew valley, etc. etc. Take your fricking pick of random insane hit over the years that was able to just put out a video game without it rendering Tifa's underboob at 24k resolution with individual sweat drops placed by Rajesh during a year long outsourcing session

            • 1 month ago

              Because japs are slow on trends, they still fricking use floppy disks and shit. But I heard they are trying to train new generation of people just in case something happens to the older one now

            • 1 month ago

              Because G9 gimmick is pixel number, and they don't even reach it through real means most of the times.

              • 1 month ago

                >they don't even reach it through real means
                It's fricking wild we live in a world with the juxtaposition of chasing pixel count and requiring dynamic resolution and shit like DLSS anyway because no one has the hardware to actually successfully run it especially consoles. Fricking WHY chase graphics if you will literally never catch it, it's like I'm going insane

        • 1 month ago

          Because when a game ships that isn't 4k 60 fps with state of the art graphics people review bomb it. See Dragon's Dogma 2 and Forspoken.

          • 1 month ago

            Those games don't need more detail. They need to get an appealing artstyle.

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah if your game looks worse than a ps3 game but requiring top tier components and still running like trash is trash

            • 1 month ago

              >using Silmeria
              fricking why
              hands down worst archer in the game

          • 1 month ago

            I think Dragons Dogma 2 was more an instance of it looking really good but being optimized poorly. Most people leaving poor reviews were doing so because they couldn't run it. But that's also glazing over the fact that most people are still running 900 / 1000 series cards and then get upset they can't run games released in 2024.

          • 1 month ago

            Flopsoken was a dogshit Horizon ripoff with an ugly sheboon that nobody wanted to play
            DD2 was filled with microtransactions which is why people criticized it

          • 1 month ago

            >review bombed
            The game is dogshit, if anything its one of the most fairly reviewed AAA titles ever

            • 1 month ago

              If only SE had the money to buy a removal of negative reviews for -every- game. Then we'd not have to worry about scores.

      • 1 month ago

        >the one AA games that were on the switch does well
        Say it isn’t so anon, maybe if the switch wasn’t such shit hardware they could put better games on it, the switch is holding so many companies back

        • 1 month ago

          the hardware isn’t holding back nintendo…

          maybe these studios should prioritize art direction over expensive fidelity. Xenoblade 3 genuinely looks better than recent ff games. the in game cutscenes are beautiful.

          • 1 month ago

            You’re in fricking denial, the switch is fricking ass and so many people hope they release the switch 2 already because it’s ass to work with.

        • 1 month ago

          >only successful console this gen is a 2015 tier tablet
          >holding anything back
          does not compute, games should be made for it.

          • 1 month ago

            It’s kind of crazy how people think the switch is just fine as it is now, I would love to play some of the bigger AAA games on it but it would fricking explode if they did try.

            • 1 month ago

              From all metrics it actually is. 7 digit budget games chasing unreasonable goals is bad for everyone, while developing for a 10 year old PoS breaks records.

              • 1 month ago

                >From all metrics it actually is.
                From all metrics you should be trying to develop an AAA live service game, not anything singleplayer, be it a Sony or Nintendo exclusive.

              • 1 month ago

                >AAA live service game
                Lol no, they either work for a while or flop terribly. The best is actually a gacha.

              • 1 month ago

                Anon, all the most successful live service games right now are AAA.
                And most of them have been around for fricking years.
                If you want to compete with that you need to be AAA, have a good product and maybe get lucky.
                Otherwise, no matter what you release, it'd have no longevity because the average player's time is already taken by those AAA live service games.

              • 1 month ago

                Which live service games are currently successful?

              • 1 month ago

                Anon are you fricking for real?

              • 1 month ago

                Answer the question

              • 1 month ago

                Look it up yourself you fricking moron

              • 1 month ago

                I did and it's just old slop and dead as frick games

              • 1 month ago

                And yea that’s what’s old and popular you moron. Are you being obtuse on purpose or are you just that dense?

              • 1 month ago

                there's nothing there that would qualify as both AAA and currently successful
                Apex and Fortnite are AA games, Destiny is doa

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Fortnite was made on the cheap. People forget it was almost shut down before it stole Pubg's battle royale format. Its success was entirely accidental.

              • 1 month ago

                >People forget it was almost shut down before it stole Pubg's battle royale format.
                Does Fortnite even still have that save the storm PvE mode or whatever? That was the only Fortnite I ever played

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but yea it does

              • 1 month ago

                Fortnite isn’t AA, it has a fricking collab with avatar the last air bender, WWE, Billie eilish, and fricking marvel in the shop right now

              • 1 month ago

                Fortnite sure as frick was AA before it struck gold. That's the weird things about GaaS is they can either die or end up with 100x the budget they started with

              • 1 month ago

                You’re a fricking moron and I’m not discussing anything with a moron calling fortnite a AA game.

              • 1 month ago

                >the only fortnite that has ever existed is the one with heckin keanu reeves and superman!!!
                Alright but you are still a moron even if you run away from this.

              • 1 month ago

                Holy shit hahahahaha

              • 1 month ago

                >this is AAA according to anon

              • 1 month ago

                Bro the latest AAA LS game lasted literal hours.

              • 1 month ago

                Yeah they always do that with whatevers popular. They try to copy it and it fails. His point still stands though, the big live services right now are AAA. Destiny 2 is one of the most popular games right now

              • 1 month ago

                >it'd have no longevity because the average player's time is already taken by those AAA live service games
                >They try to copy it and it fails.
                So it's not a viable market anymore and developing one is stupid? Nice to know.

              • 1 month ago

                idk why they do it, it's like they never learn. not even just with vidya they do the same shit with movies and TV. Just copy what's popular and get somehow surprised that 99% of it fails

              • 1 month ago

                It is a viable market strategy.
                You just need to be truly AAA and have a good product.
                Apex Legends came out after Overwatch. Apex is successful.
                Valorant came out after CS GO. Valorant is successful.
                Fortnite came out after PUBG. Fortnite is successful.
                Yes, those games are derivative, but to be honest, most games are. The point is they have just enough new features - executed well enough - to capture their maximum playerbase and churn out content to keep them around, which is what you need AAA for in the long term for live service products.

            • 1 month ago

              I was hoping the Switch would prove to developers that an entire generation of people don't give a shit about graphics. But they continue to chase it.

              • 1 month ago

                It would take one of three things for developers to slow down on graphics and huge costly games
                >A: A major company (SE, Sega, Capcom, Koei Tecmo, Bamco, etc.) goes bankrupt after catastrophically failures by chasing trends
                >B: GTA VI flops and tanks the AAA industry. (Take Two defintely expects crazy numbers for that game. Anything under 25~30m in like a year is probably a flop in their eyes.)
                >C: Sony shits out the PS6 with the same specs as the PS5 Pro. Xbox comes out with their "biggest technological leap" console and it flops like a motherfricker. Devs run back to the PS6 with the same specs as the PS5 Pro.
                While the option C wouldn't put us back to Switch/Switch 2's visuals, it would slow down things a little. That said, I personally want B to happen the most for a true reset.

              • 1 month ago

                expecting people not to buy GTA is like expecting people to just suddenly stop eating McDonalds

              • 1 month ago

                Don't pretend you were expecting all the games that have been coming to flop and underperform one after the other.
                >PS5's install base as of Dec 20, 2023: 50 million
                >XBSX's install base as of June 30, 2023: 21 million
                >GTA VI will be releasing with an install base of ~71 million
                >PS3's install base in 2013: 80 million
                >Xbox 360's install base in 2013: 76 million
                >GTA V released on an install base of ~ 156 million
                GTA VI is kneecapped, it isn't releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, or Switch 2. VI could be the one big success for this generation, but it's unlikely considering all the other games that came out since the PS5 and Xbox Series were released.

              • 1 month ago

                They are not going to slow down
                They will start using AI

            • 1 month ago

              >, I would love to play some of the bigger AAA games on it but it would fricking explode if they did try.
              Here's the thing, not everyone is a filthy casual like you who needs games that feel like gen 6 shovelware.

              • 1 month ago

                >gen 6 shovelware.
                What does xenoshit have to do with anything?

              • 1 month ago

                Who said anything about Xenosaga?
                Most AAA games play like Disney's cars.

              • 1 month ago

                What the frick are you talking about moron

              • 1 month ago

                NTA but AAA games are made for literal casual scum and are the gaming equivalent of the YouTube baby brain rot Johnny Johnny videos. You shouldn't want them at all if you value your time, money and mind let alone wanting them on the switch.

              • 1 month ago

                All games are casual shit other than like 1% of games and the majority of players like them, no idea why Ganker acts like they are so much better than other gamers. I played helldiver 2 with some of you homosexuals and they were hot trash with 5+ deaths

              • 1 month ago

                >I played helldiver 2
                And you think that makes you "hardcore"? Get the frick out of here.

              • 1 month ago

                Were the frick did I say I was hardcore you stupid Black person? This is the point I’m making I don’t give a frick if a game is hardcore or not aslong as it’s fun and people like you who act like they are hardcore players are the main ones who be shit at games

      • 1 month ago

        What game is this from?

        • 1 month ago

          Left is Octopath 2, top is Triangle Strategy, bottom is Tressa's game (aka Octopath 1).

          • 1 month ago

            I'm kinda shocked TS managed to push through a million units. People are really THAT starved for FFT, huh?

            • 1 month ago

              >People are really THAT starved for FFT, huh?
              That's like saying any tactics game is a replacement for FFT.

              • 1 month ago

                That's pretty much it yeah

              • 1 month ago

                No anon, no one played Disgaea, FE and especially TS just because they don't have FFT.

          • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >>this costs them 140 million which is like one AAAA games
      I heard that FF16 cost 300m to ship, if that's true cutting all of the AA games won't even make another AAA.

  73. 1 month ago

    OH NO

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      The sims 5 looks fricking weird

    • 1 month ago

      Did that article really have that image?
      If so, that author really wasnt being subtle about where and why they lost money kek

  74. 1 month ago

    >22.1 billion
    So like $500,000 in real, non-monopoly, money?

    • 1 month ago

      140 million I think but that’s the cost of one single AAA game hell probably even less now these days. They still will be making star ocean games so I’m happy with that

  75. 1 month ago

    I don't even know what these morons have anymore other than FF. Forspoken? lol

    • 1 month ago

      Kingdom Hearts and publishing contracts with Dragon Quest

      • 1 month ago

        Plus they have like 3 gacha games and their hands on anime and manga, people really think they only work on normal games

  76. 1 month ago

    A worrying trend when a big name like Square not only isn't lucrative but posting record losses. Hopefully it's just immense mismanagement.

  77. 1 month ago

    FF died when they made XI tbh, we are just watching the corpse convulse

  78. 1 month ago

    Maybe they should just stick to making games like they did in the 90s. Those were actually good. All their new games are full of crappy gameplay gimmicks that complicate things and have bland, complicated and unrewarding stories

    • 1 month ago

      >full of crappy gameplay gimmicks that complicate things and have bland, complicated and unrewarding stories
      That is FF8 in a nutshell

  79. 1 month ago

    how are they losing so much money when they have FFXIV?

    • 1 month ago

      Anon a mmo also sucks money besides earning

    • 1 month ago

      Servers aren't cheap, updates aren't free. That's why gachas are successful, moving jpgs is cheap and making new ones is almost free.

  80. 1 month ago

    >how the frick are they still around
    sega is still around, they can do it too. Be the zombie dinosaur company filled with aging boomer executives that somehow survives for some unknown reason

    • 1 month ago

      SE is not only gaymes anon. They have hands everywhere.

      • 1 month ago

        So does Sega

    • 1 month ago

      >sega is still around, they can do it too
      Pretty sure they're on the verge of being on the verge of death/buyout. Plus the only reason they still exist is because of a Hallmark Christmas special tier miracle bailout literally willed to them by their then-chairman right before he died.

      • 1 month ago

        >Pretty sure they're on the verge of being on the verge of death/buyout.
        People have been saying this sincenthey went third party.

  81. 1 month ago

    They still own the Dragon Quest franchise

    • 1 month ago

      Nobody buys DQ games.

    • 1 month ago

      They do not own DQ
      DQ is owned by Yuji Horii and Toriyama family

      Nobody buys DQ games.

      Except millions upon millions of nips
      And the games don't cost as much to produce as Final homosexualry
      So keep coping Final Troon

      • 1 month ago

        I'm glad DQ12 will be the first interesting game in the series. Fricking garbage is the most cookie cutter bland shit in the genre.

        • 1 month ago

          If it ever comes out.

        • 1 month ago

          Join the 41% troonie.

          • 1 month ago

            No one cares about what DQ sissies think. They eat more recycled garbage than yakuza fans.

            • 1 month ago

              You're confusing DQScholars with FFtroonies

              • 1 month ago

                Don't reply to me DQ sissy. Builders is the only thing of value from your copy pasted dogshit.

              • 1 month ago

                Seeth more troonie loonie

              • 1 month ago

                Why would I seethe when 12 will be the first interesting game in that dogshit series?

              • 1 month ago

                Because you are a troony who never played a DQ
                have a nice day Barry

              • 1 month ago

                Played 2 hours of 11 and it wasn't worth my time. Builders mogs that copy pasted slop.

              • 1 month ago

                Don't reply to me DQ sissy. Builders is the only thing of value from your copy pasted dogshit.

                You’re both fricking loser poorgays

  82. 1 month ago

    FF XVI was so bad that it made people skip Rebirth. XVI killed all people's faith in the franchise

  83. 1 month ago

    >SQEX went all in on NFT bullshit
    >it completely flat lined, ruining all the games they were going to include them with
    >other major games people wanted only released on the PS5 for no reason, hurting sales

    But sure, the games that made the company money, just not as much money, is the reason they lost money.

  84. 1 month ago
  85. 1 month ago

    Baiscally confirming that Dragon's Quest, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts is all we're going to get from Square from now on.

    Shouldve already been this way IMO. Square has the worst track history of consistently spreading themselves too thin.

  86. 1 month ago

    Still a nasty report, but it sounds way worse in yen. $139mil is like their marketing budget for a couple games. It would be nice if they managed to pull their heads out of their asses with this, but as has been said countless times on here over the years, if you want to run a successful studio do the opposite of squeenix.

    • 1 month ago

      >f you want to run a successful studio do the opposite of squeenix
      This should hang in their corporate board room above the CEO's chair.
      >"Hey, how about we split FF7 in 3, make it worse, and sell it with DLC?"
      >*someone points to the sign*
      >"Guess not."
      Company would legitimately improve.

  87. 1 month ago

    DQ11 is a dogshit troony ESG game. I just got here. Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet but just in case

    • 1 month ago

      >"troony game"
      >actually mocks trannies

    • 1 month ago

      >FF7R is a dogshit troony ESG game.

      • 1 month ago

        N-no way!

  88. 1 month ago

    >charge $70 for games ($100 in leafland)
    >gamers less willing to buy slop now
    who woulda thunk

    • 1 month ago

      That's why Free-to-play games are winning.

  89. 1 month ago
  90. 1 month ago

    Since Square have always been pushing graphics, to the point where one of FF's hallmarks was looking really fricking good compared to anything else on the console, I'd think Square would be among the first to realize that the ballooning costs for ridiculously strong graphics would be unsustainable. But I guess my logic is flawed there.

    • 1 month ago

      has absolutely nothing to do with costs it has to do with those costs being associated with garbage products that nobody wants

      all they had to do is spend 300m and remake FF7 as one product release on all platforms. 40 million copies sold.

      they're fricking idiots, their culture failed, they can't operate in the modern world because they can't change ideas and they can't challenge seniors.

      japs are basically the worst business runners of all time because of the rules that you cannot ever tell someone above you that they are wrong, you cannot ever suggest a different idea, etc.

      they got into this by being endless yes men and having no sense of what players want...the japanese have an attitude when they are "craftsmen" that they will tell you what you want, rather than asking you what you want

      well, they're wrong. good riddance. company has been dead walking for LITERALLY 25 YEARS.

      Square-Enix was NEVER Squaresoft and only Squaresoft was real "Square"

  91. 1 month ago

    japs are basically the worst business runners of all time because of the rules that you cannot ever tell someone above you that they are wrong, you cannot ever suggest a different idea, etc.

    they got into this by being endless yes men and having no sense of what players want...the japanese have an attitude when they are "craftsmen" that they will tell you what you want, rather than asking you what you want

    well, they're wrong. good riddance. company has been dead walking for LITERALLY 25 YEARS.

    Square-Enix was NEVER Squaresoft and only Squaresoft was real "Square"

  92. 1 month ago

    If only Square treated Tressa's game, Tressa's series and Tressa with the respect they deserved they would be raking in the dough instead of dying like pathetic b***hes.
    Square deserves to die for being morons that don't appreciate the good things they have in their hands.

  93. 1 month ago

    >waste money making some shit games nobody wants or cares about
    >lose money
    >make games people want and care about (older SE titles)
    >print money
    It's that easy

    • 1 month ago

      >make cash shop
      >print money

  94. 1 month ago

    The AA games and manga are basically keeping them afloat due to low profit margins.

  95. 1 month ago

    >having to use different images for your copypasta slop
    Also having assets already made from previous games means jack shit considering Spiderman 2 had assets from Spiderman 1 + Miles Morales and it still cost $100 million+ in dev costs alone (not even including the $200 million+ on marketing).

  96. 1 month ago

    I only care about dragon quest

  97. 1 month ago

    Why does sqenix make trannies seethe so hard? Is it because ffxiv killed wow?

    • 1 month ago

      >Why does sqenix make trannies seethe so hard?
      When did this happen?

  98. 1 month ago

    Let's think about this logically, FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made, part 3 already has the vast majority of its assets made, they've kept like 80% of the same team for all 3 games, 3 lots of sony exclusivity money(I assume for part 3_, EGS exclusivity money(I pray to God just for intergrade), yet people still think the FF7 remakes are flops?

    Do you morons even know the definitions of word you use? Fricking. Morons.

    Rent free already. Still not refuted.

  99. 1 month ago

    >he's still posting his pasta

  100. 1 month ago

    Let's think about this logically, I've bought every Final Fantasy game ever released since I was a child and I'll continue to do so even at my own detriment.

  101. 1 month ago

    so they are just gonna try and do what Capcom does and just recycle the same handful of ips? that shit wont work

    • 1 month ago

      They already do that.

      • 1 month ago

        Not really, Square made or published smaller AA titles. problem is they don't really market them

  102. 1 month ago

    why is japan so poor? they're going to be ethiopia tier by the end of the decade

    • 1 month ago

      It's not that Japan is poor, it's that people are developing standards and no longer want AAA slop.

  103. 1 month ago

    I hope this wasn't World of Final Fantasy 2... I bought WoFF and I deserve a sequel

  104. 1 month ago

    square enix has never made a good video game before lmao

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