How the hell do you anons manage to balance video games with your work life?

How the hell do you anons manage to balance video games with your work life? Working 10+ hours every day exhausts me and I barely have the time or mood to even play video games.

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  1. 11 months ago

    >working 10+ hrs a day

    • 11 months ago

      money to not die?

      • 11 months ago

        gee I wonder

        All I'm saying is, have you considered some other line of work that doesn't require as many hours per day?

        • 11 months ago

          I mean it'd be nice, but ultimately if you get paid hourly the more hours =more pay so even if you could offset this by purposely downing your own hours, it just fricks you over.

          Switching jobs entirely is very much easier said than done when all other jobs just offer the same sort of pay around here.

          Usually the 10 hour dudes only work 4 days instead of 5 unless they are mega cucks. I've never tried it, so I'm not sure how it compares.

          I work 5 days a week. it's 8 to 10 hours depending on the day

          • 11 months ago

            Maybe instead of playing videogames you should use your time to find a way out of wage slavery?

            • 11 months ago

              >use your time to find a way out of wage slavery?

              • 11 months ago

                Ask questions
                Take courses
                Investigate. You have the whole internet. There are people everywhere who've done this before.
                There are solutions, you just need to find them. And when it feels like there's none, just keep pushing. Do something. Actually become a part of your life.

              • 11 months ago

                Do americans not have work/college courses
                I did community college to become an electrotechnician and got paid like 1.7k euros a month for 4 days of work + 1 day school.

        • 11 months ago

          >Try to leave my job
          >company sues me to death
          I've seen it happen. When you're moderately profitable they will kill you if you before letting you leave or giving you a raise.

          • 11 months ago

            Can they actually do this in US?
            Sue you for switching jobs?

            • 11 months ago

              You can sue for anything in the US. The only barriers is
              >How strong of a defense the opponent have (Union, goverment backed rights groups, corporations who want to undermine you)
              >How little bullshit the judge and jury is willing to deal with
              >If you can pay the cost
              Of course you can rarely actually make them do anything but pay damages or just make them do some minor thing like never setting foot on your property again.

            • 11 months ago

              >Can they actually do this in US?
              Happened to my uncle, ended up delaying his transfer to his next company by 6 months

              • 11 months ago

                And there's absolutely nothing more to this sincere story you're not telling us?

              • 11 months ago

                Not much, my uncle is rich so maybe this is something you only need to worry about when you make 6 figures. Beyond that I never asked him for much details beyond knowing it was because some person in his old company chud raged that he was leaving so suddenly in his eyes.
                Also, he was working for the electric monopoly companies that usually dominate the infrastructure of a few states, so maybe that line of work has more of those type of shenanigan's, I don't know.

          • 11 months ago

            Time to look up all the board members and kill their children

            • 11 months ago

              Good luck, they're behind 3 gated communities and anonymous addresses
              And it's not like these ghouls care much about their children in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        Are you being paid in peanuts?
        There is no job in the first world where you have to work 10+ hours every day in order not to die. You are probably just wasting it on shit you don't need and living somewhere you can't afford.

    • 11 months ago

      gee I wonder

    • 11 months ago

      Usually the 10 hour dudes only work 4 days instead of 5 unless they are mega cucks. I've never tried it, so I'm not sure how it compares.

      • 11 months ago

        I used to work 12 hour shifts as an emergency call handler for the fire service but the upsides were
        >2 day shifts, 2 night shifts then 4 days off was based
        >night shifts were dead 95% of the time with nothing coming in except automated alarm systems
        >allowed to do whatever the frick you want at your desk between calls as long as you are alert when a call comes in
        >night shift took turns having someone getting to go sleep for half the shift
        frick the 7.5 hour 5 day work week

    • 11 months ago

      At that point you might as well give up entirely on being your own human being and just become a slave to the system. I have no idea how people can tolerate that shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >I have no idea how people can tolerate that shit.
        Most people can't. Why do you think there's so many mass shootings in am*rica?
        Why do you think the suicide rate is so high?
        Nothing is going to get better until the boomers that are holding job advancement and the economy hostage finally retire or die.
        We won't get social security or retirement checks. We won't get good 401k or pension deals. We won't even get affordable housing or actually good healthcare that won't make people choose between staying alive or going bankrupt.

        That's what you get for having ancestors who gave women rights.

        Getting women involved hasn't made things worse. It was letting c**ts like Raegan and Bush and Obama allow tax cuts and allow rich people and mega corporations use tax loopholes to avoid paying anything, or get a slap on the wrist if they get caught, because of the supreme court judges that got easily bribed.
        There are also lots of banking executives and politicians that keep personally financing these things so these specific people stay in power.
        They all need to fricking retire. Before more riots start happening.
        Imagine how fast some reform and change would happen if a bunch of people showed up to wall street and just started rioting?

        • 11 months ago

          >Getting women involved hasn't made things worse
          >doubling the workforce didn't make anything worse

        • 11 months ago

          >Imagine how fast some reform and change would happen if a bunch of people showed up to wall street and just started rioting?
          Occupy Wall Street sure did change things.

          >They all need to fricking retire.
          Pretty sure there's another solution here...

          • 11 months ago

            OWS WOULD have done something if it wasn't subverted and destroyed by useless social divisions that are now actively ruining the West

            • 11 months ago

              unfotunately that was the point from the beginning
              a subversion op designed to show the plebs that rebellion is impossible

          • 11 months ago

            >Occupy Wall Street sure did change things.
            Yes, it gave us LGBTBBQ+ and cancel culture

        • 11 months ago

          >Most people can't. Why do you think there's so many mass shootings in am*rica?
          >Why do you think the suicide rate is so high?
          Not for these reasons, because Monday to Friday 9-5 is a standard in first world countries.
          Your problem is unironically guns combined with racial mixing.

        • 11 months ago

          >Nothing is going to get better until the boomers that are holding job advancement and the economy hostage finally retire or die.
          At this point even this wont make things better, capital is slowly fleeing towards Asia and we will be unable to reverse this. The people in the government have a vague idea to start a giant war with China to reverse it but it will backfire.

          • 11 months ago

            >At this point even this wont make things better, capital is slowly fleeing towards Asia
            Why does it seem like, around this point every century, Europeans run into capital issues and have to war their way to a working economic sham?

            • 11 months ago

              Because I'm starting to realize every other time Europe/US had Capital issues the last 200 years, they just found some area to loot. The problem is, the US can't loot it's South anymore, it can't loot enough of Europe again, and this time our government is hyping itself up to see if it can pull a fast one on Russia/China and call their bluff on nukes. Eventually this gamble will run out and we get a bunch of nukes to the face.

              • 11 months ago

                Try 600.

  2. 11 months ago

    >Work from home and no longer have to commute, can do other tasks with time that would otherwise be wasted
    >NEET up and get autismbux

    • 11 months ago

      This is exactly what I ended up doing, in that order.
      >worked from home when the coof happened
      >job ended, now am NEET living off of golden parachute

      Feels fricking good being able to play video games and simply enjoy life.

      • 11 months ago

        I haven't made the transition to neetbux. I'm still holding out hope that I can turn it around. What did you say you had to get on neetbux?

      • 11 months ago

        are you saying you got a huge payout from your work, or you told the government that you're moronic?

  3. 11 months ago

    >How the hell do you anons manage
    i play DURING work hours
    >tfw comfy WFH job

    • 11 months ago

      10 hours including commute still leaves like 6 hours of free time if you want to get a good night's sleep.
      If you need more time look for work-from-home/hybrid jobs since shaving off the commute/lunch can get you back an hour+ per day. Otherwise focus on shorter games or ones you can easily put down.
      For instance I work 8-5 and generally I have no problem getting in 2-4 hours. This last week I've been playing Dark Souls 2 and I generally put it down because I feel like I've been sitting for too long rather than because I'm out of time


  4. 11 months ago

    Out of curiosity: what do you do during an average day besides work?

    • 11 months ago

      nothing because I'm too tired from work.
      shower, eat then sleep

    • 11 months ago

      I take my dog for a 2hr hike everyday. She has a lot of energy and it's a good way to not be fat

  5. 11 months ago

    Are you a nurse or something wth job is doing this to you

  6. 11 months ago

    i don't because video games are too long and a waste of time and anime is better

  7. 11 months ago

    Just spend less money. Eat less garbage food. Get enough sun. Get a dog. How are we supposed to magically guess why you are getting tired? We don't even know if you have an actual job or just sit around pretending.

  8. 11 months ago

    I think I've come to understand why the work/sleep work/sleep cycle has become so absolutely soul draining and it's not related to "not enough time for games"

    It's my completely empty social life. I have 0 friends. 0 contacts. No significant other. I come home to an empty apartment, to sit in emptiness and do nothing before going to bed and doing it again. I think just being able to go home and either having someone there or having enough contacts to have the option of "hey, want to hang out?" on any given day, or at least knowing the following day I have plans with a friend would go a long long way to make the work day worth going through.

    I literally work just to exist, with nothing to look forward to but existing, to work more. I really wish I could just be normal and have friends..

    • 11 months ago

      That's what you get for having ancestors who gave women rights.

    • 11 months ago

      no shit, now women are doing that slave shit too. society is in a horrible state because no one is connected and entire communities now are filled with isolated people living paycheck to paycheck, looking for any break in their lives to keep believing the lie that the long march has value

    • 11 months ago

      Please help anons, what do I do

      • 11 months ago

        It's not that there's no options for what you should do, it's that you are far too content numbing yourself every day with games/porn/anime instead of doing something about it. Why worry about your life sucking if you can just game and jack off and forget about it all? You can even numb the guilt from numbing yourself as well.
        You're going to need to get used to being uncomfortable. Or you're going to have to wait until you hit some breaking point where you do something impulsive that either makes things better or just ruins your life. There will be no time when things "finally look up" It's either you make it happen or it never happens.

        • 11 months ago

          >It's either you make it happen or it never happens.
          How do I make it happen? every time I fall into the same cycle and never make a stride to do anything. It feels completely hopeless
          >what's the problem?
          no friends or s/o
          >make friends
          >go to places that has people with your interest
          my only interest is video games
          >go to places that gather video game people
          such as?
          I went to one. I was alone the entire time because I have no friends and am a shy moron
          >make friends

          This is hopeless dude. EVERYONE in this fricking city is just ALCOHOL, EDIBLES, CARS, POLITICS, WEED. This is all I hear anyone ever around me talking about. i am not "normal" like these people, NONE of those things interest me

          • 11 months ago

            Sports, table top games, card games, pool/snooker, destruction derby, roller derby
            Low energy levels and lifestyle isnt gonna get you anywhere. People prefer animated exuberance chatterbox's over not that

            • 11 months ago

              >People prefer animated exuberance chatterbox's over not that
              I don't?

              • 11 months ago

                In general, i mean. It means youre friendly and not up to anything, or something
                Getting into peoples personal space with a joke and a smile is more comfortable than distance and indifference
                Im just sayin, you gotta show others you can be normal and interesting if you want to make friends and be a part of strangers lives like that
                Its weird and uncomortable, but you gotta do it

              • 11 months ago

                I feel a case can be said for rather than "being normal" you just sort of want to befriend others that are just similar to you. The truth is that even if I "forced' myself onto normies, I can't force interest in the things their lives revolve around. Where I live is's bad. The people here are just not the people I want to revolve around. It sucks because being lonely and alone, you'd think the answer is to make friends, yet the people around me (aka coworkers) are just not people I can stand on a friendship level.

                The worse part is I will sometimes meet people online (I'm shy, but not 100% socially moronic yet and can speak to others) in like online games or something, and we chat and become friendly enough...but this all amounts to nothign more than online talks here and there. Not a friendship, and it's with someone thousands of miles away. I want friends here, locals, I want to feel like I'm a part of someone's life that wants me around, not just text on a screen from the other side of the states, or world in some cases. Online just lets me easily meet others I mesh with due to how many fellow weirdos exist on here and hover on my interests, but the double edge sword is I can meet them, but it amounts to nothing more than infrequent chats from someone ages away from me

              • 11 months ago

                I feel ya. There were a buncha things i couldve done with a buncha people, but holy hell i just couldnt bring myself to do any of it. All thats left after that is booze and drugs. And i just cant get fricked up with new people anymore
                But dont know what else to say besides, if you want it you gotta put yourself out there until you get what you want. But like i ask myself, you gotta ask yourself: what exactly do you want? And what are you willing to put up with and do to get it?

              • 11 months ago

                >what exactly do you want?
                a friend
                a group of friends
                a significant other

                These are the three things I seem to just accept as "yeah, that'll do"; any of them. I don't know if I specifically want only one of these (or all?) because they all meld and all seem to just be what it will take to make me feel connected and have actual meaningful social contact. Locally, of course, not thousands of miles away.

                I may just need one of those things, or all three. I don't know because I have none of them so idk how I'd feel when I did have one.

                >And what are you willing to put up with and do to get it?
                I'll put up with what it takes, but my problem is I have no clear road clear method or ways to achieve what I want, which is still nebulous to begin with because idk what it is that it will take to make me feel at ease and connected

              • 11 months ago

                iunno, viddy tourneys or non-viddy game game gatherings? Something that involves you being away from your comfy home. Chicks dont like shut ins. For the most part.
                Dating sites? Doesnt have to be about sex right away. Get out an mingle. Maybe work on your 3-pointers and dribbling. Get some frisbee skills on the go

              • 11 months ago

                I have all 3 of these and things were great but now I also have kids and once again have no time for video games.

          • 11 months ago

            >EVERYONE in this fricking city is just ALCOHOL, EDIBLES, CARS, POLITICS, WEED. This is all I hear anyone ever around me talking about. i am not "normal" like these people, NONE of those things interest me
            I think people tend to be more than meets the eye at first. Not always mind you. But usually people are more interesting than you might think based on first impressions. They have life experiences, hobbies, interests, skills, and other people they know that might totally surprise you. I find that a healthy dose of curiosity and genuine interest in other people have landed me many a friendship. Even if I have friends who have interests that don't entirely align with mine, I can learn from these people and rely on their help or advice in some matters. For example I have a few friends who know about cars whom I can consult if my car gets some kind of issue. Sure I don't have much at all to add to discussions about celebrity drama or sports but that isn't always the topic of discussion. Some of my best friends right now are weed smokers and even though I don't really "get" weed we still get along very well

    • 11 months ago

      Don't worry, people that do come home to warm beds with loved ones are still slowly dying from this routine. It seeps beyond all cope, especially if you have the awareness to let it sink in that this is your life until the end. No next stage.

      • 11 months ago

        Friends then. I feel so disconnected knowing I have no one to hang out with, spend time with, everything I do 100% of the time is alone

        • 11 months ago

          maybe you should try doing something about that

          • 11 months ago

            Like? I'm a shy autistic weirdo how the hell do I make friends

            • 11 months ago

              The way I've made friends is by just starting by talking to people. If I'm at the gym or at work for example I can fairly easily strike up some small talk, crack a little joke for example, and see how the other person reacts. If they seem like a fun person I'll introduce myself. That's a start and it will at the very least acquaint me with another person. From that point on we're acquaintances instead of strangers. Talk some more to that person later when you see them again and maybe they'll become a friend. Idk how better to explain this but I know it's something everybody can do. I've been a shy dude myself in the past and I still don't really "fit in" perfectly but this kind of stuff is fairly simple interaction. Once you have a friend or some friends it's also easier to connect with new people. Just don't drop spaghetti all over the floor, take the initiative, and be curious about people and listen to them when they speak.

              • 11 months ago

                >at work
                I don't go to gyms.
                I work with 4 other people in an office, really not the kind of people I care to befriend (we get along fine for the purposes of work, but beyond that we share nothing in common, they're somewhat stereotypical pothead types)

                now what

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't go to gyms.
                How's about you start working out? It will improve your mental wellbeing too
                >but I don't know how, I'll just embarrass myself!
                Perfect time to reach out to one of the resident gymgoers. They will usually be glad to show you the ropes, and there are usually plenty of young people of our age group in gyms. Not necessarily enough to make a friend though mind you

                >we get along fine for the purposes of work, but beyond that we share nothing in common, they're somewhat stereotypical pothead types
                That is not necessarily an issue but if you're very mismatched and you really don't feel like you can connect with them about anything then you'll just have to look elsewhere. Another way to meet people for example would be to take up some kind of non-solitary hobby (in my case gym for example). Or, you can go to social gatherings that match your interests if there are such things available: my brother has made lots of friends in anime conventions and now has met some of his best friends through those spheres.

                One thing I can tell you is certain, you won't make any friends if you just sit around. In your shoes I would probably try to get to know my coworkers better and see if there is more than meets the eye in them. But yeah I don't know you or your circumstances

              • 11 months ago

                I thank you for your time to type all this anon, I considered local anime cons but having 0 friends in an event where everyone goes with friends...

                something about that just sounds damn lonely. I'd be alone in crowds of friends, friends that have nothing to do with me but only with each other. How the heck do i make a friend starting from 0

              • 11 months ago

                Starting from 0 is a bit tough admittedly but if you're able to get it on you might have the fortune of being introduced to others. There are game rooms and parties and stuff in conventions, those are decent places to try maybe. It gets a lot easier to meet people once you have some friends through which you can meet others.

              • 11 months ago

                If you have extended family, try to connect with them. You can try meeting other people off them
                There's book clubs, language classes, carpentry courses; and places where people want to learn something gather, these are great for making friends
                Reconnecting with old school friends can work (thats what school was best for, making friends)

              • 11 months ago

                > I considered local anime cons
                Imagine HAVING local anime cons and complaining about this shit.
                I live in a fricking island. This entire thread is very anxiety inducing.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't go to gyms.
                How's about you start working out? It will improve your mental wellbeing too
                >but I don't know how, I'll just embarrass myself!
                Perfect time to reach out to one of the resident gymgoers. They will usually be glad to show you the ropes, and there are usually plenty of young people of our age group in gyms. Not necessarily enough to make a friend though mind you

                >we get along fine for the purposes of work, but beyond that we share nothing in common, they're somewhat stereotypical pothead types
                That is not necessarily an issue but if you're very mismatched and you really don't feel like you can connect with them about anything then you'll just have to look elsewhere. Another way to meet people for example would be to take up some kind of non-solitary hobby (in my case gym for example). Or, you can go to social gatherings that match your interests if there are such things available: my brother has made lots of friends in anime conventions and now has met some of his best friends through those spheres.

                One thing I can tell you is certain, you won't make any friends if you just sit around. In your shoes I would probably try to get to know my coworkers better and see if there is more than meets the eye in them. But yeah I don't know you or your circumstances

                >lol just talk with random people at the gym

                Don't be that guy. 90's gym culture is long past.

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically move to Japan. I think people like us aren't meant to live in western society where everyone is sociable has friends and whatnot

      • 11 months ago

        that's...not very reasonable for sadly. I have finances, but not enough to make a move like that.

        I guess the only "good" thing about being this solitary is that I stack up $ since I have no one to spend with, spend on, etc. yet again it's a cycle of working for the sake of being alive and being alive just to work.

        I just want friends, anon. Why can everyone else do it but I can't? what makes me so different? why did I have to be this way. I've honestly considered seeking professional help to try and make sense of what is so disfunctionally wrong with me but I can't even find a local psychologist that takes my medical insurance..

        • 11 months ago

          >why can everyone else do it
          psssssssssssssssssst, anon
          psssst, hey, hey anon.
          MOST PEOPLE DON'T HAVE FRICKING FRIENDS. They have people they talk to, but no one they connect with or interact with beyond the superficial. The people you're talking to, in this thread right now are as much "friends" as your average normalgay's contacts.

          • 11 months ago

            >The people you're talking to, in this thread right now are as much "friends" as your average normalgay's contacts.
            I don't think this is true. I feel MOST people, while they have exactly these type of superficial contacts as you say, also have a dedicated group of friends.

            But I never did

        • 11 months ago

          i probably don't live near you but we can shittalk in a discord or telegram room if you want

          i'm in sorta the same situation, no irl contacts besides immediate family

          • 11 months ago

            I don't mind, as you said we are likely not close by but I don't turn down requests to talk. I have either, post me a tg or disc and I'll reach out

            • 11 months ago

              occultdev on telegram :^)

              • 11 months ago

                just realized my TG was so outdated it wouldn't even open, lol..
                feel free to pm me on disc instead

      • 11 months ago

        I can't make friends at home, how do I make friends in japan?

  9. 11 months ago

    I cant find friends online is my problem. Everyone is doing their own shit without me.

  10. 11 months ago

    I am trying to play more games. I stopped playing games for a long time when I was working longer hours and going to school. I always felt like I was wasting my time. I am trying to not overthink all the time so I can de-compress.

  11. 11 months ago

    My contract says 40 hours a week so they get exactally 40 hours. I refuse OT suggestions to my superiors and still get promotions. Weekends, hollidays, and anything after 5 is me time and I maximize it.

    If I could work for myself and only answer to the consumer I'd probably become a workaholic though

  12. 11 months ago

    I gave up on life a long time ago.

  13. 11 months ago

    >I have neither work nor life
    Perfectly balanced.

  14. 11 months ago

    >work / life balance
    Meme. Work IS life. You just have to cope with it. If your job keeps treating you like shit, find a new one.

    • 11 months ago

      spoken like a true slave

  15. 11 months ago

    Well, I get about 240 hours of pto per year, that's about 6 work weeks worth of time. So, I just take a day or two off if I want. Bonus if I'm feeling particularly motivated, I just go in on a saturday or some shit and don't even spend my pto.

  16. 11 months ago

    I just work part time and live with my mom. Spend most of my time playing vidya like when I was neet, work some hours and get money for vidya.

  17. 11 months ago

    I just get used to it and save longer sessions for weekends and shit. It's only bullshit if you perceive it as such.

  18. 11 months ago

    I do not work because my tendons are fricked and I live in constant pain every single day.

  19. 11 months ago

    I'm medically retired.
    Not Autism though. Seizures that aren't epileptic in nature. Essentially my hardware (brain) is fine but my software (mind) has a major glitch making me frick up my speech, movements, balance, and have seizures that I am fully conscious during but cannot stop.

  20. 11 months ago

    >i work way above the regulated legal norm why do i have no time for private life???

    hmmm wonder why is that

  21. 11 months ago

    I do home office 2/5 of the week and just play my map games during company time. Also helps that my GF games too so that its not a problem.

  22. 11 months ago

    working involves paying taxes
    so, no work
    also, no virginal gf, so also no worky

  23. 11 months ago

    >Fully remote government tech job
    >Pays all my bills with plenty left over for debauchery
    >Literally don't even fricking get out of bed to attend meetings
    >Wake up 5 minutes before the first scheduled meeting of the day and nobody is any the wiser
    >Take naps during my working hours
    >Drink during working hours
    >Play video games during meetings where I'm required to attend but not required to do anything
    >Despite this absolutely degenerate working pattern I get more shit done than when I was in the office because I don't have to waste my precious sanity pretending to be a normal human being
    Take the home workerpill

    • 11 months ago

      >Fully remote government tech job
      So you're a pajeet? Being a wienerroach isn't really viable for everyone, but that's cool.

      • 11 months ago

        No, I'm in ops for one of the many bullshit esoteric systems that nobody else knows how to fricking keep running, is 30 years obsolete and bleeds money but nobody will front the cash to build a replacement so they pay me and my buddies to sit on our asses 99% of the time until something breaks and then we have to do a couple of hours of work. Fire us if you like, when it goes down all the stoplights in your city will stop working but I'm sure that's cool with you.

    • 11 months ago

      Even working from home 1-2 days a week is such a gamechanger.

      One day on a Monday / Friday to extend the weekend. One on Wednesday to break the week into two.
      Do all my busy work and administrative stuff on those days / meetings etc., after waking up late and not stressing to commute.

      Then on the other days in the office I'm fully committed to do stuff that requires my physical presence.
      This basically splits the "normal" office job, where you have 2-3 hours of actual stuff to do and 1-2+ hours of busy work into a much more flexible schedule. I also save 6 hours of commuting each week which is synonymous with free time.

      If your job theoretically would work with WFH and your employer just doesn't want you to I would switch jobs.

      I don't think I would ever accept another job that doesn't at least offer 1 day of WFH a week.
      It's such a massive gamechanger and I feel so much happier

  24. 11 months ago

    I don't have work or life, only games and anime.

  25. 11 months ago

    >go to sleep early, wake up early
    >have time to game for a few hours before waging
    Wow that was hard.

  26. 11 months ago

    I left my soul-crushing restaurant management job and just do mildly skilled labor now, no mental stress so I can actually enjoy myself after work. Plus I will start taking 3 days off a week once the fall hits.
    Took a massive paycut but the money isn’t worth it if you’re miserable.

  27. 11 months ago

    We have this thread every week. The answer I've come upon is to buy a Switch and play non demanding and comfy games like Mario Kart etc

  28. 11 months ago

    I play in the morning before work.
    At night, I just watch anime or movie.

  29. 11 months ago

    >Working 10+ hours every day exhausts me
    You can start with sorting this shit out.

  30. 11 months ago

    >before rona my company decides it is time to build a new office
    >of course rona throws it all to shit and everyone goes WFH while construction is slowed down to a crawl
    >it is finally finished at the start of this year
    >my boss asks me if I will come to the office
    >I say no and I will leave if they force me
    >never questioned again
    And then I decided to start job hunting, got an offer that paid 2.5 times more and my boss said "yeah, we can do that", so I get to have WHF, pay increase and comfy cushy job that I just woke up like an hour ago, despite the work starting 3 hours ago.
    Thanks for reading my blog.

  31. 11 months ago

    If you work 10h and don't earn at least 7-10k per month you're wasting time.
    I'm super lazy and work 60% b still get enough to chill (4)

  32. 11 months ago

    >work 7.5 hours a day
    >remote work
    >Play some games in the background, like hearthstone battleground
    >Get paid slightly above average
    Life is good.
    Could be better, but it's good.

    • 11 months ago

      >same situation
      >position opens up as team manager
      >apply to it
      >suddenly wracked with doubt cause it means I'll actually have to put in attention again

    • 11 months ago

      Then go after the judges and lawyers who does the dirty work

      • 11 months ago

        meant for

        Good luck, they're behind 3 gated communities and anonymous addresses
        And it's not like these ghouls care much about their children in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        Judges are just as protected if not more. They're basically part of the elite.

        • 11 months ago

          How protected can they be?

  33. 11 months ago

    Work from home with a long term contract under a business who's model of longer needs you more than 3 or 4 hours a week. Show up and work like a dog those hours, smile and make jokes in the one meeting you have to attend and then go "work remotely" the rest of the week. Get day drunk on your balcony while you watch your neighbors tan at the apartment's pool and frick around on your Steam Deck all day.

    Try to do this if you can.

  34. 11 months ago

    Step 1
    >Children are a blight and if you have one it's over
    Step 2
    >Any moment at work you're not being looked at is a good time for vidya
    Step 3
    > Don't spend time on Ganker

  35. 11 months ago

    Skill issue
    I have both work and a 7 month old son
    >get up at 4:30am
    >get home from work around 4:00
    >make dinner for the three of us (sometimes wife cooks but I do more often then not) , take care of and play with the baby untill his bed time around 7:30
    >vidya untill 11-ish

    • 11 months ago

      >5 hours 30 minutes of sleep
      >this is somehow a win

    • 11 months ago

      >Literally Stu Pickles

  36. 11 months ago

    >there are brainwashed people who legit think this is fine

  37. 11 months ago

    Uninstall Discord, play smaller games

    I work part time but it's still probably close to 40 hours some weeks but I still have enough time to squeeze in a little bit of Tetris and Mario 2. Handhelds are your friends in this case, just find one that's fun and cheap and play it whenever you can

  38. 11 months ago

    Well, every day, I think about it this way:
    >The successful career man spends ~$350/month on an auto loan. He then spends $180/month on gas, and $2,800/month on his mortgage.
    >I ride a bicycle everywhere, and live in the family house
    >I effectively make $3,330/month since I'm already reaping the benefits of his actions/investments. This doesn't count miscellaneous costs like health insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, home repairs, flights, rentals, property taxes, other loans, etc.
    >$3,330/month means 40K of take-home, which, in my area, requires a salary of $57,000.
    I do not have $57,000, but it seems I already spend it, and I get to keep every hour of my day, too. Yippee!

  39. 11 months ago


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