how to fix square enix?

how to fix square enix?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >fire MMO teams and apologize for the MMOs
    >Remove XI and XIV from existence
    >Make FF XI, a proper JRPG

  2. 10 months ago

    Now that Matsuda is gone it's only a matter of time, Kiryu will save the company

  3. 10 months ago

    make something good that not FF.

    • 10 months ago

      Shit they need to make FF good again

    • 10 months ago

      >make something good that not FF.
      They've been doing lots of that. The major problem with the company is their FF games. And the smartphone games.

    • 10 months ago

      They've been doing that since the beginning, you just refuse to play it.

  4. 10 months ago

    Bravely Default 3

  5. 10 months ago

    Let Yoshi make XVI-2. I want a Jill and Torgal adventure on the Southern Continent.

    • 10 months ago

      How the frick is an XVI-2 going to save SE when XVI itself was barely an improvement over XV?

      • 10 months ago

        I don't know Black person, but I didn't get passed the gas station in the first area of XV before quitting but plantinum trophied XVI. I want to see fricking Jill spread her wings.

        • 10 months ago

          mite b cool since Jill was benched so fricking hard

        • 10 months ago

          Indeed. Jill AKA Stella sexo.

    • 10 months ago

      XVI-2 is very likely given XVI didn't sell well and that they need to earn that money back.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, we are in asset-flip territory with the current numbers.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, we are in asset-flip territory with the current numbers.

        the game did sell well, but negative clickbait headlines are more attractive. It made its money back and from july 1st onward it's all profits. Now it's not a mega-hit or anything. But it's succesful enough

        • 10 months ago

          They said 7R didnt make its money back despite it getting another 2 games greenlit. Almost like Ganker schizos have 0 idea what they are talking about.

          • 10 months ago

            You realize that kind of decision making is made while the first game is still in development, right?

  6. 10 months ago

    >Make FF17 a turn-based JRPG that's available on every single thing
    >Fire Yoko Taro and bring back DoD 2 director
    >Kill all the gachas and that NFT project
    >Let Nomura make the real FF15
    >Kill FF14 and make the MMO team work on non-FF projects

    • 10 months ago

      This is the dumbest shit I've read, sad reality is that Turn-based Black folk actually believe this.

      • 10 months ago

        >sad reality is that Turn-based Black folk actually believe this.
        It's true though. Many people abandoned FF outside of MMO homosexualry because the series keeps trying see what sticks on the wall in terms of gameplay than actually sticking to what made them even popular in the first place.
        No sane person wanted FF to be a DMC clone or a game where you hold a literal single button to win. Or even offline MMO that's basically medieval star wars.
        People literally just want Final Fantasy to properly return, hence why people still are willing to buy rereleases/remasters of FF1 to 10 than the actual new entries.

  7. 10 months ago

    Rewind time to the PSX era, make it so that The Spirits Within was never greenlit.
    The Squeenix merger never happens, and Sakaguchi doesn't leave the company out of shame.

  8. 10 months ago

    >Change name to Squaresoft
    >Make good games
    It's that easy

    • 10 months ago

      The "soft" of Squaresoft already went to Monolithsoft.

  9. 10 months ago

    In terms of profitability, they don't really need fixing. They're in a much better position now than they were under Wada. In terms of reputation and good quality, they need to scale back on AAA and smartphone games. Go back to their old formula of lots of medium budget games over dozens of IPs, rather than milking the same three franchises. A good start would be greenlighting a new Chrono game and making sure the next Mana game doesn't get underfunded.

    • 10 months ago

      >In terms of profitability, they don't really need fixing

      hahahah, what...they just lost like 400 million dollars in 2 quarters

  10. 10 months ago

    It's simple. Make games with masculine characters. How many Elden Ring streamers played as boys in dresses? Only Square and SNK artists know. That needs to get fixed.

    • 10 months ago

      >Make games with masculine characters
      Clive is a literal gigachad and he's hated most among Japanese players because they can't self insert.

      • 10 months ago

        So was Jack btw. This is the problem with making masculine FF protagonists. Japs don't like them.

      • 10 months ago

        The problem with Clive is that he has literal chicken arms. Japs have never seen a man with a good physique in their life since they’re all convinced that exercising is gay.

  11. 10 months ago

    I'll run the company for free... lol just playing... pay me.

  12. 10 months ago

    can't really be fixed, company will slowly circle downward for the next 20 years and then the names of their IPs will be sold off.

  13. 10 months ago

    Make an actual Final Fantasy game

  14. 10 months ago

    Fricking fire Yoshi P or keep him the frick away from game design and just wheel him out to chat with his cultists from time to time.

  15. 10 months ago

    Remove all shareholders who think they know how the company should be run. Hire game designers who actually played games growing up again.
    Make RPGs again.

    • 10 months ago

      >Remove all shareholder

      • 10 months ago

        All of the stock you bought is now ours. We are a private company. Good day.

        • 10 months ago

          it's true that they're the problem, though. shareholders in japan are extremely pushy and trend-chasing


          so their next game should be genshin impack

          • 10 months ago

            >shareholders in japan are extremely pushy and trend-chasing
            They're the same in any region. They're even worse in America, as Disney has found out.

            • 10 months ago

              disneys shit came internally not from shareholders

              • 10 months ago

                It came from both. As well as outside factors like DEI and hedge funds (Blackrock and the like).

          • 10 months ago

            They totally are a problem because many of them are just people with cash you have no idea how to market stuff out of their region at a international level, let alone have the artistic skill to design a video game.

  16. 10 months ago

    Nier 3 or Drakengard 4

  17. 10 months ago

    Fire the entire board and replace them with Atlus's

    • 10 months ago

      >atlus shit eater thinks his opinions matter

  18. 10 months ago

    Fire Nomura.
    Fire Yoshi-P.

  19. 10 months ago

    Brainwash them to forget the Western Market exists, make sure they never learn about it again. Keep them in total isolation.

  20. 10 months ago

    Just stop pandering to the west

  21. 10 months ago

    You don't. You keep saturizing them until their games become worthless and then you wait for someone, aka Sony, to buy them and further break their identity and franchises.

    And then, just then, they could rebuild their legacy that once existed and was destroyed by Final Fantasy XIII.

  22. 10 months ago

    shutdown xiv, start releasing xi expansions again
    fire yoship

    • 10 months ago

      Watch out if you don't like his shitty fricking gameplay he might cry and tell you he worked extremely hard on it.

  23. 10 months ago

    get the original squaresoft teams back together, and ditch Enix

    • 10 months ago

      I really wish Enix could get away from the dead weight that is Square.

  24. 10 months ago

    Bring back the world map + airships

  25. 10 months ago

    The same way you fix every company. Stop making rental MicroDLCtransactions, stop hiring anyone to do voice acting, and scale back project scope until it's actually profitable nearly 100% of the time.

    Then you put Asano with TOSE in control of the main series to continue their FFV based shenanigans and pretend nothing but 1 - 6 and 13 existed.

  26. 10 months ago

    All the "make uh gud FF" ITT.
    You zoomer niglets even know why square was considered a god-tier publisher in the first place?
    It's not because they just shit out games under the Final Fantasy banner.
    They had almost a 10 year run of putting out a bunch of ORIGINAL games every year, with almost every single one being a solid purchase AND setting new industry standards.
    This wasn't the era of a gorillian cheap games bought through an online marketplace, this was "i'm getting one game every couple months and that's probably it outside trading and rentals," and every Square game was a solid choice.

    They did that for 10 years.
    That was over 20 years ago.
    The company has been shit for longer than it was good.

    Everyone likes to blame the FF movie flopping, or the merger, or some other easy-to-spot nonsense, but the simple truth is that they rested on their laurels and stopped making consistently good, original games.

  27. 10 months ago

    fire kawazu

  28. 10 months ago

    sometimes dead is betta

  29. 10 months ago


  30. 10 months ago

    More fanservice, sexy outfits, nipples, sex scenes, boobs jiggle, e-girls and abolishing ethics department. Also more gore, blood. They should get out of T rated garbage but japs refuse too while western games have sex scenes while shit but shilled hard. FFXVI didn't deliver and was safe horny garbage.

  31. 10 months ago

    There is no fixing to be done
    Put it down

  32. 10 months ago

    Remove the Square

  33. 10 months ago

    >Fire the top brass
    One or all of them are corporate saboteurs

  34. 10 months ago

    >how to fix square enix?

    Fixing a company like Square Enix, a well-established and complex entity, involves addressing various aspects of its operations, strategies, and culture. Here are some general steps that could contribute to improving Square Enix or any organization:

    1. **Strategic Vision and Leadership:**
    - Develop a clear and forward-looking vision for the company's future.
    - Strengthen leadership at all levels, ensuring effective communication and decision-making.

    2. **Quality and Innovation:**
    - Prioritize the delivery of high-quality games and content that resonate with players.
    - Foster a culture of innovation and creativity to bring new and unique experiences to players.

    3. **Customer Focus:**
    - Listen to player feedback and engage with the gaming community to understand their preferences and concerns.
    - Regularly update and improve games based on player input.

    4. **Diverse Portfolio:**
    - Balance the portfolio with a mix of different game genres and target audiences.
    - Invest in both established franchises and new intellectual properties.

    5. **Adaptability and Flexibility:**
    - Embrace changes in the gaming industry, including technological advancements and evolving player preferences.
    - Be open to adjusting business models, distribution methods, and gameplay mechanics as needed.

    6. **Talent and Development:**
    - Invest in employee training and development to enhance skills and expertise.
    - Attract and retain top talent in various areas, from game development to marketing.

    7. **Transparency and Communication:**
    - Communicate openly with fans, shareholders, and the gaming community about company plans and initiatives.
    - Provide regular updates on game development progress.

    8. **Ethical and Inclusive Practices:**
    - Promote ethical business practices and ensure fair treatment of employees, partners, and customers.
    - Embrace diversity and inclusion within the company and in game content.

    • 10 months ago

      Did you copy paste this garbage or are you just ESG shill? Pretty much this is how you kill your business list.

    • 10 months ago

      Thanks ChatGPT

  35. 10 months ago

    hire an accountant
    stop writing blank checks
    set strict deadlines with harsh penalties
    regularly audit progress

  36. 10 months ago

    SEs current plan is confusing
    >AAA games are taking ages to come out and aren't selling particularly well
    >Small projects are keeping them afloat
    >Decide to double down on AAA releases
    What the frick are they doing lmao. I understand they had huge success in the 90s with AAA trend setting but the last 15 years have been AAA trend following.

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe we will get good high budget Bravely Default finally and less western slop? AA are just waste of resources and low sales. Also AAA can have bigger market appeal but bigger risk and dropping censored westernized slop didn't help. I hope FFXVI not selling well won't mean more Black folk. I really hope they learned from flopspoken but watching FF7R2 being more censored then they didn't learn. They rather follow their westernized dream and gacha to grave,

    • 10 months ago

      It's just Yoshida is throwing a hissy fit now that his shit game flopped. Remember that he's on the board of directors? He's above criticism. Those losers making AA games within Square? They have zero say within the company and so if Yoshida says he cuts their budgets to prop his turd of a game up with additional marketing they bow and think "can't be helped".

    • 10 months ago

      You must understand:
      More AAA means Quick asset-flip spam using Forspoken and XVI materials

  37. 10 months ago

    Remake FF1 for a 500th time

  38. 10 months ago

    Go back in time to 1995 and tell them they have to support the N64 otherwise they'll lose the Nintendo audience and they'll never recover. Also, don't make The Spirits Within.

  39. 10 months ago

    Kick the ESG and Sony out, stop making games for the global market and focus on Japan only.

  40. 10 months ago

    Go back to the 90s

  41. 10 months ago

    For Final Fantasy, they need to pick an approach and start focusing on building a gameplay identity again. FF7R's combat is good enough that they could take that foundation, tweak it slightly, and apply it to a new setting with a different set of methods for acquiring abilities. Might not be the most profitable thing in the world though because that shit is expensive in terms of the amount of art and programming you need for a single encounter.

    In any event, when you have a bunch of games with nothing in common and the dev ends up spinning around with a thumb up their ass trying to come up with something new only to end up making a generic action game with a few mostly redundant skills in place of jobs, you've got a problem.

  42. 10 months ago

    T A C T I C S

  43. 10 months ago

    make a mainline turn based final fantasy thats a return to form, will sell like crazy.

    • 10 months ago

      IX didn't sell as much

      • 10 months ago

        it has been long enough now that if square did a turn based final fantasy its almost guaranteed to generate hype, no way they don't see the potential especially with all the success turn based games have been having lately.

  44. 10 months ago

    Dragon Quest 9 remake, and release DQMJ3 to the West.

  45. 10 months ago

    Make a ff turn base game Ganker keeps saying they want(AA to save on money/resources). Give it a proper motherfricking marketing budget. Wait for results. Also make a need dissidia game that plays like the psp one(FRICK NT). Also yell at CBU3 for making bland side quest, for having a bland world, for not having a pet Jill mechanic/can't give other party members besides the dog simply commands, and only having Clive have one weapon type(swords). Either make a ff game or make a legit fricking dmc clone with better level design than a dmc game(ifrit in 16 looked more like diabolos' moronic cousin for frick's sake he should have been called diabolos). Also cut most of the ff7 side projects(the remakes are "good" enough). Base on reception of 7remake trilogy remake, remake(no time jannie bs) 8 with 7remake's combat. Also commit to remaking 9 with it's original combat but with some QoL improvements.

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