How to get into Pokemon?

How to get into Pokemon?

Long story short, dating this girl who is absolutely obsessed with Pokemon, I only know gen 1 and 2 and nothing beyond that, where do I start to catch up? Which games? Which shows? How the frick do I keep up with 1k+ Pokemon?!

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  1. 8 months ago

    Just play whatever one she's playing with her, that is if she even would want that to begin with.

    • 8 months ago

      She told me to get "Pokemon Scarlet" And play that with her, has a lot changed in the formula since gen 1-2?

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, but there's plenty of tutorials.

      • 8 months ago

        nah, you should be able to catch on
        but use a guide if you can’t figure out how to evolve something

      • 8 months ago

        It's still the same gameplay, there's just more to the mons. Also there's the physical/special split but that's obvious to figure out.

      • 8 months ago

        don't force yourself into an interest/hobby you don't care about just because a partner likes it

        if she's recommending scarlet she's probably a very casual player, don't sweat it

        • 8 months ago

          As a pokeautist I also recommend Scarlet to people who aren’t obsessed with Pokémon. Besides looking like shit it has everything casuals need out of a Pokémon game.

      • 8 months ago

        That's a red flag.

      • 8 months ago

        >has a lot changed in the formula since gen 1-2?
        Yes, but these games are made for literal fricking children, you're not going to have any difficulty figuring shit out.

        Just let the girl you're dating work you through shit, she'll obviously be happy to introduce you to all the new stuff. What are you asking us for when you said she wanted you to buy Scarlet and play that WITH her?

      • 8 months ago

        There's not really any catch up. If you like any of the games you will like the others. If you want something more traditional play ORAS it's probably the closest thing to "classic" pokemon we have without going into emulation or getting your hands on old ass games for more than the original retail price.
        Fortunately I think we're getting a BW remake soon so you can hop onto that fresh with them.

        Same shit different day, only new thing is a super button you can press to win the game and all your pokemon share exp now.
        You can't turn it off. So maybe take advantage of that and switch out your team often try different things try and find some pokemon you remember from back in the day.

        Yes, she's hot and the sex is good, so I don't mind
        Thanks for the advice, I'll start with the latest game and just go from there, Pokemon is pretty much made for mentally challenged kids, right? So I mean how hard can it be to figure out?

        >mentally challenged kids, right? So I mean how hard can it be to figure out?
        Pretty much. Shit's hard to lose. But it's fun to play still. Like junk food.

        Just fricking spend time with her moron. Get to know her THROUGH Pokemon, don't try to know shit about Pokemon FOR HER. Try to put up an effort to get just a bit about what she currently plays and listen, that shows her that you care and display an interest in HER, and not just her pussy.

        Maybe get a Second Hand Copy or Something If you can scramble the Money for it and so stuff about the games locally.

        WHY the frick did you even came onto this board in the first place for this? Most of the known Relationships in regards ober Pokemon are genuinely unhinged or other shit. Joe ignores his wife and other romantic ocassions for even scrambles of TPC's Attention and PL probably got gaslit into marrying a woman probably just as deranged as him.
        >B-but he was a Troll
        That fricking moron literally bought shelfs of Rosalina Amiibos empty for small scaled giggles, kept up a schizophrenic persona up for years and gave artists shit through the aforementioned persona. You can't tell me that this moron doesn't have issues.

        This guys a homosexual. Who the frick gets to know people THROUGH pokemon? Just play the game catch the shit for her she doesn't have in her game and buy the b***h an eevee plush or some shit.

  2. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Yes, she's hot and the sex is good, so I don't mind

      Yes, but there's plenty of tutorials.

      nah, you should be able to catch on
      but use a guide if you can’t figure out how to evolve something

      It's still the same gameplay, there's just more to the mons. Also there's the physical/special split but that's obvious to figure out.

      don't force yourself into an interest/hobby you don't care about just because a partner likes it

      if she's recommending scarlet she's probably a very casual player, don't sweat it

      Play all games in order of release, should take you about a month and a half or two if you have other responsabilities. You could even turn that into a little challenge for you and your date, if she's reallyinto pokémon. If she's just casual about it then dump her... no, actually don't, just pick Scarlet and play that with her. But then you'll know she's not actually into pokémon, she's just a poser. But that's good news to you because pokémon fans are hella cringe.

      Thanks for the advice, I'll start with the latest game and just go from there, Pokemon is pretty much made for mentally challenged kids, right? So I mean how hard can it be to figure out?

      • 8 months ago

        >So I mean how hard can it be to figure out?
        Cynthia will rape you

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Once you decided on your team, look up "smogon sets" for each pokemon and show it to her, also make sure to tell her you "believe genning should be legal".
        b***h will gush harder than niagara falls.

  3. 8 months ago

    Gens 1 and 2 are the only good ones, just stick with them and replay them. There are some good romhacks for Gens 1 and 2 as well.
    You don't have to adapt your entire personality and hobbies and interests for a girl anyway.

  4. 8 months ago

    Play Colosseum, XD, and Clover

  5. 8 months ago

    Play all games in order of release, should take you about a month and a half or two if you have other responsabilities. You could even turn that into a little challenge for you and your date, if she's reallyinto pokémon. If she's just casual about it then dump her... no, actually don't, just pick Scarlet and play that with her. But then you'll know she's not actually into pokémon, she's just a poser. But that's good news to you because pokémon fans are hella cringe.

  6. 8 months ago

    Just fricking spend time with her moron. Get to know her THROUGH Pokemon, don't try to know shit about Pokemon FOR HER. Try to put up an effort to get just a bit about what she currently plays and listen, that shows her that you care and display an interest in HER, and not just her pussy.

    Maybe get a Second Hand Copy or Something If you can scramble the Money for it and so stuff about the games locally.

    WHY the frick did you even came onto this board in the first place for this? Most of the known Relationships in regards ober Pokemon are genuinely unhinged or other shit. Joe ignores his wife and other romantic ocassions for even scrambles of TPC's Attention and PL probably got gaslit into marrying a woman probably just as deranged as him.
    >B-but he was a Troll
    That fricking moron literally bought shelfs of Rosalina Amiibos empty for small scaled giggles, kept up a schizophrenic persona up for years and gave artists shit through the aforementioned persona. You can't tell me that this moron doesn't have issues.

  7. 8 months ago

    >where do I start to catch up? Which games? Which shows?
    I won't add to the other shit about just playing the game with her and letting her show you around, so just have fun. But with the other stuff?

    Ash finally fricking won.

    There's a few short series that are set in the latest games if you want to check out something that isn't just his perpetual journey.
    >How the frick do I keep up with 1k+ Pokemon?!
    With 1k+ mons, just remember the typing and general coloration rules. The games now also have babymode for letting you know if an attack you want to use will be super effective or useless against something, so even that isn't as important anymore.

    Also ignore most of the mobile stuff. New Snap is defanged compared to OG even though it does have more mons and alt routes. And Detective Pikachu game and film are surprisingly good.

  8. 8 months ago

    Google e621 and then search for Pokemon

  9. 8 months ago

    Delete this thread.

    • 8 months ago

      No thanks.

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