How to I stop endless rebel spam?

My provinces have 5-10% revolt risk chance each year but seem to revolt every year or two. Sometimes 2 rebel stacks appear at once. I have full mercantilism which should grant spy defence.

I got vetting spy defence national idea and it only helped a little bit.

I haven't been able to wage a prolonged war of expansion in like 70 years (which as you can see I need because my prestige and legitimacy is in the gutter) because every AI country sends spies to cause rebels. Also my primary culture is Kyrgyz because I started as Chagatai and I need to Wecternise still and kill China before 1650.

Wat do?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >open EU3
    >remember about cascading alliances
    >close EU3

    • 8 months ago

      Cascading alliances aren't so bad. You just have to rush the war leader so they sell out all their allies and peace out.

    • 8 months ago

      Am I weird for liking alliance cascades?

      In 4, the AI refuses to Ally people at war, so you never get interventions.

      in 3 the sides of a war can change dramatically, as people join in or peace out.

  2. 8 months ago

    More info please
    You should invest in government buildings

  3. 8 months ago

    >declare war on someone
    >WW1 starts
    I don't know how anyone played this shit back in the day.

    • 8 months ago

      >people unironically (just like with hoi4) shilled this for the first four years of euiv existing.
      >some people unironically went back to euiii and hoi3 because of these shills

      • 8 months ago

        HoI3 is fun tbqh. This isn't. I fell for the "LOL EU3 IS MUCH BETTER" around when Mayo in Texas came out and tried it. It's just map-painting. More so than 4.

    • 8 months ago

      >open EU3
      >remember about cascading alliances
      >close EU3

      Shouldn't modding out cascading alliances be easy?

      • 8 months ago

        From what I remember from back when EU3 was still frequently discussed (on /gsg/), the impression I got was that cascading alliances were hard-coded. Victoria 2 also had them, but then they changed how the AI worked in Heart of Darkness so now only the allies of a country can jump into a war, not the allies of allies that would cause a cascading alliances situation. They kept this (to my knowledge) as the default behavior for their AI's ever since, which is why you can easily cheese HOI4 by declaring on the puppet of a country you want to invade so that you only have to deal with the puppet and its suzerain.

        To give you a simpler answer, I think either Stellaris or HOI4 was Paradox's first game in which you could mod the AI because its behavior is defined in scripts somehow (I never modded anything newer than Vic2, so I don't know exactly how the newer games work). Before that, you were stuck with whatever the devs gave you as far as a game's AI goes.

        • 8 months ago

          vic 2 should have kept the cascading alliances for great wars tbh
          it's weird having """great wars""" between say britain and france vs russia and usa and most of europe isn't even involved

        • 8 months ago

          Either pre-Divine Wind or pre-HTTT versions of EU3 didnt have the alliance issue

          • 8 months ago

            It's pre-DW. And final patch to HTTT is the only playable version of EU3, as previous HTTT builds were crashing like crazy. They've worked on EU3 for 5 years and it was only ever playable for less than 4 months.

  4. 8 months ago

    You don’t. That’s the actual worst part of eu3, that and the AI spamming spies to cause rebellions at you.

    Cascading alliances aren’t shit, if you are even slightly competent at this game, you will absolutely rape the ai in anyway even if outnumbered by 80k. Just slap them around a bit and they beg for peace, hell, just survive for a year or two and they will white peace,

  5. 8 months ago

    > complain about cascading alliances
    > remember Italian wars, Thirty Years War, Seven Years War, French Coalition Wars, so many others

    Filthy casuals

    • 8 months ago

      EUIII had too many giant wars, EUIV had too few (to the point they had to hard code in the 30 years war or something similar would never happen).

      • 8 months ago

        It really doesn’t have too many. You didn’t play eu3, you’re just repeating the opinions of e-celebs and forum cucks.

        The way it usually works is
        >you declare war on liege, they bring in burgundy who becomes the war leader and brings in 2 more little Dutch HRE states

        • 8 months ago

          I did play it and I have a better opinion of it than EUIV. The number of large pan-european wars even in the 15th Century is too high.

  6. 8 months ago

    One thing I really liked about EU3 were the cores. In EU3 it was your country's actual core territories and to get a new core you had to hold a province for 50 years without it changing ownership (or via random events). It was also a big deal when you got new cores when forming a country. "Core" lost all of its meaning in EU4 onwards, it's just provinces you hold for 2 years after spending some admin mana.

    • 8 months ago

      agree, cores actually stood for something
      it also served as natural anti-blobbing, sure you can annex shit ton of provinces and quadruple your territory, but you won't get dime out of them for 50 years, and you have to fight rebels every 5.
      In contrast to hard limit of EU4, where you can only take 3 provinces per war, and have meaningless cores

  7. 8 months ago

    South Asia is not meant to be united. That line of thought is just another leftover of Angloid interference. Let the people be free.

    • 8 months ago

      Browns are built to be ruled over enmasse by brown Muslims or white chads, with all the browns clumped together with their barbaric cultures and religions erased. It’s amazing how Muhammad was somehow 10000x more destructive to brownoid way of life then the white man who built civilization for them and asked for some resources (that they weren’t using anyway) in return

  8. 8 months ago

    First time playing EU4 and this is my first EU game, can you give me some tips? I seem to be getting my army/navy destroyed when I'm double the enemy numbers in a defensive battle. The only reason I can see for this is my units were never drilling.
    Also Naples doable if I'm new?

    • 8 months ago

      There are multiple factors that go into combat and it's pretty obtuse to learn for a new player.
      If you're just getting wiped out by an army half your size it's probably a tech issue as discipline and quality bonuses typically don't get big enough to do the same until mid/late game when everyone is finishing their ideas.

      • 8 months ago

        Tech was equal, is cav worth it?

        • 8 months ago

          Depends. Cav is strong before the cannon meta takes over but how strong depends who you're playing as. Hordes get strong cav, can make full cav armies and get combat bonuses on steppe tiles. Poland gets many cav quality bonuses so by taking cav centric ideas you can make cav heavy armies that shred anything else. Cav costs are generally prohibative and anyone without built in cav bonuses are better off just using a few per stack so they don't cross over the maximum cav/inf ratio.

    • 8 months ago

      Having leaders with good stats makes a huge difference even more than techs. Also don't forget cav and cannons are important

  9. 8 months ago

    >>5-10% revolt risk
    I miss revolt risk, EU4's approach is moronic,
    >you know years in advance where, and when the rebels show up

  10. 8 months ago

    Which version of Divergence should I play?The one by capitanloco6 or DeNuke?What are the differences?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah I'm a moron.Wrong thread.

  11. 8 months ago

    >plays as mughals
    >doesn't own indus valley or afghanistan
    That's like playing as Germany and have your capital in Bonn

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