How to Save Gaming

Step 1: Get rid of online multiplayer

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  1. 2 years ago

    >How to Save Gaming
    Stop giving it money and attention.

    • 2 years ago

      What's "it"?

      • 2 years ago

        It's it

        • 2 years ago

          What is it?

    • 2 years ago

      Stop giving predatory games your money
      Be patient for good games
      And VR/AR will save us ofcourse

      • 2 years ago

        >And VR/AR will save us ofcourse
        >falling into memes

      • 2 years ago

        One day

        • 2 years ago

          Was ment for

          >And VR/AR will save us ofcourse
          >falling into memes

        • 2 years ago

          >Didn't pick up for 4 years
          >Sabotaged by normie companies like fb
          >Only increase was for them
          It already failed. Time to move on and appreciate the tech for it happened and wait for the proper entertainment media to develop.

          • 2 years ago

            VR isn't a normie thing. It's meant for flight sim chads, and moronic normies just got baited into funding their hobby. Get rekt plebs, now we can enjoy some actual vydia kino while they "play: kinect tier garbage demos.

            • 2 years ago

              >VR isn't a normie thing.
              >actually believe this when the biggest pushed was Zuckerberg
              Can't tell what's worse; vouching for alienberg or just being stuck with normies around it.

              • 2 years ago

                Who? Pimax are chinks and all other headsets are pure fricking garbage.

          • 2 years ago

            Skyrim VR was the most fun I had in a game in a long time, a pitty I had played the game to it's bones by the time it came out. In a few years if not when starfield comes out in VR it will revitalize VR

            • 2 years ago

              frick off, Todd!

              • 2 years ago

                I'm more optimistic of Wayward Realms. But doubt that would come in the next decade or at all since they're looking for finance. Because Todd's games lately only give the illusion of Roleplay mechanics but really it's an action playing game.

            • 2 years ago

              Bethesda games are on a steady decline and they put little to no effort into their VR ports. I'm considering the idea of reinstalling Skyrim VR largely because of the gradually maturing modding slowly adding features that should have been in the VR port from the start rather than because of the game itself which mirrors the state of Vanilla Skyrim exactly.
              VR can't sink or swim on the promise of Bethesda doing a good job and it doesn't.

              VR will be more likely to succeed as Linux and general open source support gets better with more iterations on the product. If I'm going to pin my hopes on something impossible, I'd rather it be a move away from corporate shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >If I'm going to pin my hopes on something impossible, I'd rather it be a move away from corporate shit.
                This is true, things bloom without corporate meddling, just hints and support from them. Videogames as the biggest example, for the good and bad. The question is; Is there a chance if its conception was 100% corporate?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not saying Bethesda is gonna be the make or break of the genre, but it's what I assume is gonna be where the next big game is gonna come from. I PRAY that a better game comes along. I kind of agree with you of off intuition that I can see it getting better through open source

  2. 2 years ago

    Random matchmaking has progressively killed online scene. You saw the beginning of this shit in games like battlefield 2. Nowadays you just play an fps like a dungeon in wow, it doesn't matter how well you play because noone will ever remember you or even pay attention to you at all. It ain't like back in the day when a server had a clique of users and the drama around who was better became more entertaining than the game itself.

    Like when I dunked on SILA during a karkand match, their whole squad wiped and the only reason they got me was because some random butthole revived one them behind me while reloading. Good game.

    • 2 years ago

      Right. There's no incentive to care about a player or team you don't know. So the majority of players are pay to win teenagers who are bored that day.
      Couch co-op needs to make a strong comeback, but that would require NEETs to leave their houses

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Nowadays you just play an fps like a dungeon in wow, it doesn't matter how well you play because noone will ever remember you or even pay attention to you at all. It ain't like back in the day when a server had a clique of users and the drama around who was better became more entertaining than the game itself.
      lol no, this smells like cope from a dramagay and honestly i'm wondering why you haven't commited seppuku yet for taking a game seriously enough to incite drama in it, dramagays are the morons that caused this spiral into boredom to begin with for frick's sake with clan bullshittery and being fricking loud homosexuals.
      >picrel is mmorpg
      no Black person, picrel is any fricking mmo that allows homosexuals to be homosexuals, random matchmaking simply removed power from the deluded homosexuals and people stopped caring about bending to please some fricking autistic moron, with the addition of battlepasses, cash boxes and a fricktillion other things that will force people focusing their time into to get their character to have these high numbers for them to see it, dramahomosexualry is the least of all and the best thing to have been choked the life out of.

  3. 2 years ago

    Wrong. Just get rid of the normies and the constant appeals to them will stop.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't see the problem with the average person liking something that's objectively good but the online play and loot box pat to win bullshit takes away from the things the devs should be spending thier time on

    • 2 years ago

      all normies play games now, and playing games is the only requirement to be a gamer
      so either all normies are now gamers, or you gamers are all normies now
      which one is going to be?

  4. 2 years ago

    >polshit image
    >mobile image save
    >homosexual post
    go back

  5. 2 years ago

    If a company made double or even single A games in the spirit of pic related, would you buy them or pirate them?
    If buy, how much would you reasonably pay for a "short" game and what would you consider short?

    • 2 years ago

      depends on replayability. if i can be done with a game within six hours (without skipping cutscenes and reading), its short. if it has no replay value, id only be willing to buy it on sale for at most 10 bucks. if it has any replayability merit, id be willing to go higher, 30 bucks if i can play it several times without it getting too monotonous

  6. 2 years ago

    That wont fix anything. "Gaming" has a demographic problem. Our hobby is ruined by casual homosexuals that buy literally anything. So as with most problems on this planet, the solution is to cull the human race

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