How was I supposed to know?

How was I supposed to know?

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  1. 9 months ago

    You can see it, moron.

    • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Negative iq

  3. 9 months ago

    >Plays Crash
    >Doesn't jump on a lone box on the ground to check if there's another box above it
    You failed the IQ test.

  4. 9 months ago

    you don't need to know
    get the green gem, holy shit

  5. 9 months ago

    OP, you playing stupid (If you already aren't) has allowed actual idiots to plague this hobby and this board.

  6. 9 months ago

    I mean, there's an indicator that the greem gem shows up there once you get it, and it's natural you'll revisit a level where you didn't get the gem after you do it on the other ones, so when you do get back here with the green gem, it should open up.

    I don't get your point, OP.

  7. 9 months ago

    Actual fricking smoothbrain

  8. 9 months ago

    >can get up on the bounciy nox even without the gem
    >cant reach the boxes still

    I've seen people do it gemless even without the mask to break the boxes for you but I have no diea how they do it

  9. 9 months ago

    I know what all you guys are thinking ITT, but it's nice to see a Crash one instead of the Mario 64 ones that get infinitely repeated.
    crash 1,2,3 do actually have a FEW non-bait
    >How was I supposed to know?
    moments. some that come to mind:
    >crash 1 - high road secret at the beginning
    need intuition about invisible shit from earlier in the game, because there is no fruit marker here
    >crash 2 - un-bearable secret path
    threw myself into the chasm out of frustration after endlessly replaying the level and staring at those 3 boards
    >crash 3 - dino might secret exit
    this one is pure, 100% can-only-get-it-by-accident bullshit.

    • 9 months ago

      nvm, there was a fruit marker for the high road. you just needed to figure out that you needed to keep jumping toward the screen to land on the next set of boards.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah Dino-Might was moronic, there's zero hints and you have to try to get hit by those pterodactyls. Wasn't it in a secret path too? If you were good enough to reach it you weren't just going to walk into it.

      • 9 months ago

        the only tell is the aerithdactyl is facing the wrong way, normally they face away but this one faces crash as he's oncoming.

        • 9 months ago

          >this one faces crash as he's oncoming
          don't quite see what you mean. here is a video of the yellow gem path at 3:13. it looks like all 3 pterodactyls in that area are facing him initially, and so are the ones found later on the regular path.


          there are a few pterodactyls in the Bone Yard (level 4) that face away from crash as he's oncoming, but even more that face toward him, so I don't think their direction tells us anything.

    • 9 months ago

      >crash 2 - un-bearable secret path
      there is a microscopic clue; unlike other levels where the boulder/bear breaks a bridge of wooden planks and falls down, there are some planks left at the edge of the hole. this is to entice you to head back

      • 9 months ago

        that's the thing that made me finally jump in, but even then I thought it was kind of bullshit for them to hide something like that in a pit.

    • 9 months ago

      >crash 2 - un-bearable secret path

      The chase levels don't really have much in the way of exploration in them, when you know there's a secret SOMEWHERE then if you aren't being chased pretty much the only thing you can do is just throw yourself at anything vaguely interesting.

      I think the first time I played the game I found the secret exit before the secret area because I started checking around the end of the level and realized you could make that jump back to the path.

      • 9 months ago

        >I found the secret exit before the secret area
        same, I even think that they intentionally made the secret area harder to find exactly for that purpose, so you would go back and start looking. otherwise, since there is no specific in-game indicator that un-bearable has a secret exit, it would be very hard to figure out where the last secret warp room is if you have to consider every level in the entire game.

        so I really can't blame for doing that. it all fits together quite well.

  10. 9 months ago

    Crash 1 is so fricking bad, I cannot believe it ever got sequels or a cult following. Playing this shit game turned me off anything crash related after

    • 9 months ago

      I mean, you might not like playing it, but calling it bad is just not true, there's a reason why it didn't stop there and spawned sequels that defined the PS1 for most people... it was good. It took pretty much all of the 2D platforming sensibilities we all knew well enough by that point, and made it into 3D. It didn't reinvent the wheel like Mario 64 had done, instead it played pretty much how classics in 2D platforming did... but in 3D. Of course, the move set is basic on the 1st entry, getting 100% can be tough... but while it isn't perfect, I'm still unable to see what's so bad about it. Why do you dislike it so much, anon?

    • 9 months ago
  11. 9 months ago

    You get the strategy guide, homosexual. Or were you too poor to buy it?

    • 9 months ago

      crash 1 guides were actually pretty rare I think. although I remember the Big PlayStation Book had some pretty useful Crash 1 and 2 sections.

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