How would the 40k universe be different if the Incubators existed as a civilization during the War in Heaven?

How would the 40k universe be different if the Incubators existed as a civilization during the War in Heaven?

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  1. 7 months ago

    They'd probably either have their souls annihilated by eldar superweapons, be stripped from reality by the necrons and ctan, or be hunted to extinction by the enslavers in the post-war period. So little is known about the war in heaven that they easily could have existed and been destroyed dozens of times over and we wouldnt even know

    • 7 months ago

      The reality-warping catweasels aren't threatened by any faction in 40k. At all. Have you not seen PMMM? They can grant powers much greater than any of the chaos gods can offer and do so much more casually. They don't need champions to prove themselves for the best magic toys. They give superpowers out like candy because they ensuing violence will hold off the eventual heat death of the universe, the only thing that actually threatens them.

      • 7 months ago

        >They give superpowers out like candy because they ensuing violence will hold off the eventual heat death of the universe, the only thing that actually threatens them.
        Technically they don't give the power, their contracts just let young girls access Magic.
        Something about it being fueled by emotional turmoil means the Incubators themselves can't use it...

        They'd immediately try to figure out a way to game the Warp for infinite energy to negate entropy.

        >They'd immediately try to figure out a way to game the Warp for infinite energy to negate entropy.
        ...So yeah, they would probably try to put the Chaos Gods into Hamster Wheels...

        Magical sisters of battle. Muscle girls in frilly dresses with magic, of course.

        >Magical sisters of battle. Muscle girls in frilly dresses with magic, of course.
        BUT WHAT IF...

      • 7 months ago

        Madoka sucks

        • 7 months ago

          It doesn't actually thoughever.

          • 7 months ago

            Wasn't the first deconstructive mahou shoujo, had some of the best names in the biz but didn't make anything special, wasn't even as "influential" as evangelion which in itself was just an Ideon ripoff, and was horribly paced with tons of plot holes.

            • 7 months ago

              3/4 of your complaints are literally just "I don't like that its so popular", b***hing about the conversation around it rather than the show itself.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, and?

              • 7 months ago

                Hating something because too many people like it is a very stupid reason and means that you have no internal ability to critique a work yourself, you only define yourself in opposition to popular opinion to feel special. If that's how you want to live your life, i can't stop you. But it makes any contribution you try to make to discussions worthless, because you are hollow. You don't even believe what you say, you just feel obligated to say it.

              • 7 months ago

                Cool. Show still sucks bro

              • 7 months ago

                Cool. Show still sucks bro

                Alright y'know what fine I'll let myself get countertrolled and write you a frickin book. Nothing better to do at work right now anyway.
                My biggest problem with Madoka is that it's not good. And what I mean by that is, Hidamari Sketch is my favorite anime l and Shaft is my favorite studio. I love Gen Urobuchi to death, I think Shinbo is one of the masters of the medium. Ume Aoki's work is fricking fantastic. All this talent got together to make something and it turned out fricking mediocre. Now if you're fine with settling for mediocrity so be it, but I expected to be blown away, ESPECIALLY with the hype surrounding this shit, and I wasn't. I just wasn't.
                You completely didn't even bother to respond to my "wun outta foah" complaint, which was actually two, and I'll start with those. I don't blame those working on it for the pacing issues. Madoka should've been a two cour anime. It had a decent act 1, they fricked around for act 2, and act 3 felt like a goddamn whirlwind. As for the plot holes, I barely even remember the plot at all since I saw this shit probably more than ten years ago at this point but I'll try my best. How the frick does Kyuubey's plan make any sense? Emotional energy? If you're planning on combatting entropy simply converting one source of energy to another doesn't fricking do anything because it's still the same amount of energy in a closed system.
                As for the rest of it, the music was fantastic and I'll move on. Visually you had Shinbo behind the "cinematography" (I know that's a misnomer for animation but whatever), but it wasn't his best work. Let's talk about the fricking baddies. I don't even remember what they're called. But I get the idea of making them a scrapbook aesthetic, and they're quite unsettling to look at, but it struck me as lazy. It's like South Park. Sure it's unique but it's not "good looking" if that makes sense. Otherwise the fight choreography was pretty bog standard, and the palettes felt like a (1/2)

              • 7 months ago

                Retread of Bakemonogatari. Shinbo was at his best with that, and Hidamari Sketch for instance.
                And really let's talk about Hidasketch. Madoka is kind of a reflection of Hidasketch; whereas Madoka is something which seems like it should be amazing coming out mediocre, Hidamari Sketch is what happens when a bunch of talented people take something kind of standard and put their hearts and souls into it, which makes it come out amazing. Every fricking sequence in that show is breathtaking. Those characters are absolutely precious and you give a shit about their predicaments. Whereas I could give two shits that Mami couldn't get ahead, Miyako's bubbly energy exudes through Mizuhashi Kaori's voice work, and I'm left feeling both jubilant to share her zest, yet subtly but poignantly touched by wondering what her life was like before. Hidamari Sketch was a passion project and Madoka felt paint-by-numbers.
                I guess at the end of the day Madoka isn't bad. It's just disappointing, and honestly, I think that's fricking worse.

                Thank your for coming to my TED talk. You fricking homosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                Retread of Bakemonogatari. Shinbo was at his best with that, and Hidamari Sketch for instance.
                And really let's talk about Hidasketch. Madoka is kind of a reflection of Hidasketch; whereas Madoka is something which seems like it should be amazing coming out mediocre, Hidamari Sketch is what happens when a bunch of talented people take something kind of standard and put their hearts and souls into it, which makes it come out amazing. Every fricking sequence in that show is breathtaking. Those characters are absolutely precious and you give a shit about their predicaments. Whereas I could give two shits that Mami couldn't get ahead, Miyako's bubbly energy exudes through Mizuhashi Kaori's voice work, and I'm left feeling both jubilant to share her zest, yet subtly but poignantly touched by wondering what her life was like before. Hidamari Sketch was a passion project and Madoka felt paint-by-numbers.
                I guess at the end of the day Madoka isn't bad. It's just disappointing, and honestly, I think that's fricking worse.

                Thank your for coming to my TED talk. You fricking homosexual.

                Also I'm not fricking crazy and Urobuchi worked on Saya no Uta right? If not disregard, I haven't watched anime in nearly a decade.

              • 7 months ago

                >if you're fine with settling for mediocrity
                Sir this is a thread about preteen anime girls on /tg/. Mediocrity would be ambitious

              • 7 months ago

                Pffff nice

              • 7 months ago

                Retread of Bakemonogatari. Shinbo was at his best with that, and Hidamari Sketch for instance.
                And really let's talk about Hidasketch. Madoka is kind of a reflection of Hidasketch; whereas Madoka is something which seems like it should be amazing coming out mediocre, Hidamari Sketch is what happens when a bunch of talented people take something kind of standard and put their hearts and souls into it, which makes it come out amazing. Every fricking sequence in that show is breathtaking. Those characters are absolutely precious and you give a shit about their predicaments. Whereas I could give two shits that Mami couldn't get ahead, Miyako's bubbly energy exudes through Mizuhashi Kaori's voice work, and I'm left feeling both jubilant to share her zest, yet subtly but poignantly touched by wondering what her life was like before. Hidamari Sketch was a passion project and Madoka felt paint-by-numbers.
                I guess at the end of the day Madoka isn't bad. It's just disappointing, and honestly, I think that's fricking worse.

                Thank your for coming to my TED talk. You fricking homosexual.

                I think you're wrong and a homosexual because this shit is subjective (I loved the scrapbook aesthetic and I think the haphazard storytelling of act 2 was intentional and good because it showed how damaged the frickasses were). So you're a c**thomosexual HOWEVER, I appreciate the fact that your opinion is at least backed up by a well-stated argument, even though you're a gay.

              • 7 months ago

                Fair enough. I think the reason I have such a big problem with the conversation surrounding Madoka is that it, along with its pedigree, raised my expectations, and the show promptly failed to meet them. It rankles me that people point to Madoka as the crowning achievement of the artists, overshadowing what I think are far superior works. Also while I think it's fair to apply authorial intent to the pace of act 2, I would argue it doesn't make it not a problem. Evangelion is at its core a show about how shitty people are to each other, and it succeeds at that, but I would argue it doesn't make it fun to watch. And at the end of the day every critique about art is subjective anyway because what a piece of art imprints upon an individual is inherently unique to that individual, so art is by definition subjective. Now, that isn't to say that technique can't be critiqued with a measure of objectivity, but that mostly misses the point. Objectively some of the key frames look goofy and it's choppy because it's animated on threes, but that's hardly unique to Madoka or even Shaft so I disregard it.

      • 7 months ago

        No they cant? The power granted is proportional to the emotion behind the wish, which is 100% chaos town. They also cant do dick on their own or they'd just mop up the dangerous angels themselves to avoid damaging their energy farm. We never see them actually achieve anything other than not dying, there's no reason to assume they cant just get mind-warred to death, warp corrupted or just have their projection/regen tech jammed

        • 7 months ago

          >which is 100% chaos town

          They aren't affected by emotion.

          >They also cant do dick on their own

          They grant the wishes in the first place and just soak in the resulting energy. They've already done everything they need to.

          >they'd just mop up the dangerous angels themselves

          Why? The witches aren't a threat to the operation they're an integral part of it. You think the catweasels care if non-catweasels die in the process? Their powers span all galaxies not just one. An entire world full of people is infinitely more valuable to Chaos or the imperium than it is to them.

          • 7 months ago

            >They grant the wishes in the first place and just soak in the resulting energy.
            They free girl's inherent karmic potential. Girls grant their own wishes, incubator is just there to initiate the process. They might not even be able to refuse a wish once contract is initiated, considering the last episode.

      • 7 months ago

        Orks would still krump em and basically, you're a pedophile.

  2. 7 months ago

    I feel like these things would drink Warp like water. Nothing kills them permanently, I think its more or less hinted they're instantly projecting their consciousness into reality from a distance so vast it can't be fathomed. They're more widespread than Tyranids in their iteration of the universe and the byproduct of their infinite energy scheme is reality warping living nightmares that range from being difficult to combat using magic to world ending threats. They can grant time control powers at a whim.

    I think it would be pretty much exactly the same. They'd have pulled the strings to ensure the angst of the 40k universe powered their anti-entropy engine.

  3. 7 months ago

    They'd immediately try to figure out a way to game the Warp for infinite energy to negate entropy.

  4. 7 months ago

    Magical sisters of battle. Muscle girls in frilly dresses with magic, of course.

  5. 7 months ago

    Well, lets see:

    Galactic civilization, so they must be big in scale.

    Utterly immune to falling to Chaos, because they canonically have no emotion. Their warp presence must be equivalent to like a stone.

    They have technology that lets them convert emotional energy into reality-warping power, and they can apply that power at universe level scope. Harvesting some teenagers on Earth was enough to let them delay the heat death of the entire universe. Once they become aware that the warp exists, mining it for energy will become their top priority. And given their resourcefullness and intelligence, we should expect them to succeed.

    The only thing other than that we know for sure is that the cat-things are not the actual aliens. They are just some kind of remote drone they use on Earth for contracting Meguca and collecting grief seeds (they have a goddamn HATCH compartment in their back, you can't convince me these things are natural). This also explains why they are not concerned when Homura destroys a few of them, and i doesn't even meaningfully interrupt the conversation: literally the same guy on the other end of the line kept talking, he just had to use a different speaker. No number of phones you smash threatens the guy talking through them.

    Everything beyond this is extremely hard to pin down, not even hinted at really. Its hard to get a sense of what their civilization is really like. But what little we do know makes them one of those threats that you early dedicate yourself to wiping out ASAP, or they become unstoppable in the endgame. These guys could conceivably bootstrap themselves up to Time Lord tier powerlevels given the chance.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd argue that they'd essentially be an entire race of Blanks. Even being near an Incubator would probably be agonizing for any psyker.

    • 7 months ago

      >Harvesting some teenagers on Earth was enough to let them delay the heat death of the entire universe. Once they become aware that the warp exists, mining it for energy will become their top priority. And given their resourcefullness and intelligence, we should expect them to succeed.
      By that same token though, if a few teenagers getting emotional gives them everything they want, they will barely have to do anything to the Warp at all. Nudge one cultist in the right direction or open one tiny rip in the veil and there's more emotional turbulence than dozens of teenage girls could generate. They wouldn't have to deal with anyone else's shit.

  6. 7 months ago

    I dunno, ask /40kg/

  7. 7 months ago

    >off-topic tranime cringe
    Dial8 and then 41% yourself

  8. 7 months ago

    don't have a horse in this race but people replying "chaos corrupts them" to all of these crossover things are funny. chaos should have already corrupted every single thing in the universe by that logic, when canonically entire factions are completely immune to chaos for extremely filmsy reasons

  9. 7 months ago

    Frick boring ass Incubators, I want to see some space marines go up against some increasing BETA threats from Muv-Luv

    • 7 months ago

      BETA are only a threat because muv-luv tech is shit.

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