How would this game have been recieved if it came out in 1996 instead of 1999?

How would this game have been recieved if it came out in 1996 instead of 1999? That means it releases with the N64 alongside Super Mario

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  1. 6 months ago

    Even when it released in 1999 it was lauded as astonishing. Are we all just pretending like DK64 didn't get top-10 scores across the board and sell like gangbusters?

    • 6 months ago

      Would it have been bigger than SM64 if it came out at the same time?

      • 6 months ago

        Probably. It had better graphics, better soundtrack, more of a story with more cinematic quality. But it didn't.

        • 6 months ago

          And it came with a free Expansion Pak™!

      • 6 months ago

        Maybe at first during release, but it would fare the same criticism it gets nowadays as the time passes on, hell it probably would be a similar situation between DKC1 and Mario World.

    • 6 months ago

      let's not pretend game reviews ever meant very much, there are lots and lots of cases where a game is heavily marketed and then mysteriously gets super high critic scores despite being hated by fans.

      DK64 was pre internet and also played nearly entirely by kids so its a lot harder to gauge what the general reaction to it was but it's obvious a lot of people didn't like it as a kid judging by what people say now.. You'd have to dig up some archived forums from the early 2000s to find what people thought of it.

      • 6 months ago

        >DK64 was pre internet
        Hmm i get what you mean but by 1999 the internet wasn't as obscure as in the late 80s
        I don't think people hated it, although maybe, it was an era where 3D platformers seemed like they were the "default" 3D genre. Funny how that quickly changed as gta3-style thug simulators took over during the next gen and 3D platformers became niche or morphed into edgy TPS games.
        DK64 was "hates" during the "jaded internet critic" era of the mid to late 00s but then dk64 came out on virtual console and a lot of people were vocal about loving it.
        I'd say, with how 3D platformers ended up being not really a big genre after all, it's nice to have dk64. It also filtered younglings with arcade DK si that's based

      • 6 months ago

        >DK64 was pre internet

        ok zoomer.

        I started browsing the web in 1996.

        By 1999, i found out about hentai and porn, so i ended up torturing the family PC by giving it every virus imaginable

      • 6 months ago

        >and also played nearly entirely by kids
        This is 100% false in every single way.

        Why did you think that?

      • 6 months ago

        > there are lots and lots of cases where a game is heavily marketed and then mysteriously gets super high critic scores despite being hated by fans.
        I think there is an element of "I sure hope these insane nerds don't harass me and call a swat team to my house" to this phenomenon which is unfortunate

        • 6 months ago

          Somebody gave BOTW a 7/10 and they harassed the shit out of them

    • 6 months ago

      DK64 was lauded as it was in 1999. Don't let zoomies revise history

      yes, zoomies are turning on a lot of 90s/2000s classics like DK64, Banjo-Tooie, and Jak & Daxter and proactively saying they were bad

      • 6 months ago

        Zoomers LOVE the GoyCube and it was hated when it was relevant. That image is full of crap.

        • 6 months ago

          Agree. Starfox Adventures was heavily underrated when it came out, I should know because I was one of those people online defending it against people saying it was disappointing. Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog were never that well received, Sonic Adventure sure.

          DK64 has always had people who loved it and people who hated it. It's a love it or hate it game.

          The Lost World was never that well received. It was just considered good.

          The United States was NEVER well-received.

          Die Another Day was never considered good for a Bond film, though I would agree that the internet likes to crucify it more than it deserves.

          I hugely doubt anyone is saying you should hate Duke Nukem 3D, Titanic or Independence Day.

          So yes, garbage image.

        • 6 months ago

          >it was hated when it was relevant.

          Depends on who you ask. I’ve noticed that Brits in particular seem to have this bizarre, irrational hatred for the Cube.

          • 6 months ago

            Brits in general seem more down on old Nintendo stuff.

          • 6 months ago

            >I’ve noticed that Brits in particular seem to have this bizarre, irrational hatred for the Cube.
            Nothing bizarre, or irrational about it.

      • 6 months ago

        Agree. Starfox Adventures was heavily underrated when it came out, I should know because I was one of those people online defending it against people saying it was disappointing. Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog were never that well received, Sonic Adventure sure.

        DK64 has always had people who loved it and people who hated it. It's a love it or hate it game.

        The Lost World was never that well received. It was just considered good.

        The United States was NEVER well-received.

        Die Another Day was never considered good for a Bond film, though I would agree that the internet likes to crucify it more than it deserves.

        I hugely doubt anyone is saying you should hate Duke Nukem 3D, Titanic or Independence Day.

        So yes, garbage image.

        Yeah it's clearly a meme bait image. It mixes a few good examples in with stuff that already got hate or was controversial when released. Including obvious stuff like Shadow the Hedgehog, Terminator 3, Star Wars prequels, Matrix sequels, etc. We still got excited for the prequels and went to them, but they got shit at the same time (especially Jar-Jar).
        Goldmember was considered weak compared to the first two movies, but some people call it the best. It definitely has great moments.

        It's true that there's things getting shit now that people mostly enjoyed back then. Pokemon Red and Blue's bugs weren't ruining the experience for most people like some assume now. In fact, being able to find Missingno and mess around with them was part of the fun. Other bugs like Hyper Beam not recharging after a kill made the game better not worse. Focus Energy not working was lame, but that was one move and easy to ignore. There's other stuff involving status effects and stat increases, but very few people battled competitively enough to care. Nobody was saying the games were unplayably buggy or anything.

        >The United States was NEVER well-received.
        America was better received in the 90s than after Iraq. And American culture dominated.

    • 6 months ago

      >Even when it released in 1999 it was lauded as astonishing.
      >Overall, reviewers were more impressed by its visuals than by its other elements, such as gameplay.[53][6]

      • 6 months ago

        What the hell is this post supposed to be? You're a moron.

    • 6 months ago

      sorry but the millennial retro gaming youtubers said it aged poorly because you have to collect a lot of stuff with different characters so now that's the universal opinion.

  2. 6 months ago

    GOAT status. 3 years was a lot of time for game design back then. Also why no one gave a shit about Crash Team Racing 3 years after MK64 (besides it being way too easy)

  3. 6 months ago

    It would have done worse. It wasn't a system seller. People would be thinking THIS is what the N64 is going to offer? It's only because the N64 had an install base due to legit killer apps like Mario 64 that this game had a chance of selling.

  4. 6 months ago

    That game is called Donkey Kong Country 3, for the SNES. It even references Mario 64 at some points. HOWEVER, this does propose an even more interesting question... what would DKC3 be like as an N64 game? It came out after the N64 released, so technically it was totally possible. With the expanded RAM, color palette, 3D effects and other visuals, maybe they could've crammed more stages, characters, or other features into it. Very interesting to think about...

    • 6 months ago

      I love the DK trilogy on the SNES, but it would've been cool to see a transition to the 64. If they kept the same CG character and enemy models with higher resolution and more frames and used 3D environments and other effects I could imagine it'd look pretty great! They also could've either done an All-Star thing where the combined all 3 previous games, or they could've kept the story going.

    • 6 months ago

      I love the DK trilogy on the SNES, but it would've been cool to see a transition to the 64. If they kept the same CG character and enemy models with higher resolution and more frames and used 3D environments and other effects I could imagine it'd look pretty great! They also could've either done an All-Star thing where the combined all 3 previous games, or they could've kept the story going.

      would have been interesting to bundle all three DKC games together on the N64
      back then games would sell at stores for like $100 too so it would make sense for a near congruent release of DKC3 on SNES

      It would have done worse. It wasn't a system seller. People would be thinking THIS is what the N64 is going to offer? It's only because the N64 had an install base due to legit killer apps like Mario 64 that this game had a chance of selling.

      >People would be thinking THIS is what the N64 is going to offer!

  5. 6 months ago

    Same with CV64 life cycle

    • 6 months ago

      And it's funny how some other games had the opposite happen to them.
      I remember I always evaded Mega Man Legends/64 because at release it was panned, or at least not too well received. But then around the mid 00s, I started seeing a lot of people on the internet fricking loving it to death.
      Good thing I decided to give it a try because it's a pretty charming game.

      • 6 months ago

        Atmospheric games too

  6. 6 months ago

    Effectively killed the platformer genre as far as the public was concerned lol. Nintendo always put their eggs in the dk basket in the 90s but dkc was never great, people loved it for the graphics and it was a pack in, dk64 rode on the wave of nostalgia from dkc and rare delivered a total turd. After this point the door was wide open for gta and open worlds to become the next big thing, dkc64 basically killed platformers going forward.

    • 6 months ago

      Thanks for posting this, brings back memories. Looks a lot worse than it does in reality but the quality still shines through.

      The whole point of having to change characters is that you have to always be thinking ahead and strategizing who you're going to switch to when. It makes for interesting "ordering things" problems for who you're going to switch to when. But your e-celebs have their meme talking points so that's what you'll believe and you'll take this one small part of the game that there could be potential criticism for an expand it to try to claim it ruins the whole game.

    • 6 months ago

      >Effectively killed the platformer genre as far as the public was concerned lol
      Why do people keep posting this blatant lie? The genre kept going well after Dk64

  7. 6 months ago

    I was 15 in 1999 so I’d probably aged out of games like this, but Rare’s N64 platformers never did anything for me even before DK64. The graphics were great but the gameplay always had that stink of Eurojank compared to SM64.

  8. 6 months ago


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