How would you feel about a gritty humans-only low fantasy setting where it's common knowledge that magic and monsters are omnipresent and demons ...

How would you feel about a gritty humans-only low fantasy setting where it's common knowledge that magic and monsters are omnipresent and demons and God are real, but the truth is, none of those exist and the players never see them?

Players can't be magic-users. You tell the players that there are magic, monsters, demons, and God everywhere, even though they're not.

Basically trying to replicate that authentic medieval Europe feel where everyone knows that magic, monsters, demons, and God are everywhere, but nobody has ever seen.

So it's important to get charms of protection from the CUNNING FOLK every day, lest the players be possessed by demons when they sleep. And if the players refuse charms of protection you ask them "Are you sure?"

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  1. 2 years ago

    you need to go back

  2. 2 years ago

    God is real and so are demons (jinn). Also your setting sounds boring I’d rather play or run a game set in Hyboria where fantasy is as it should be which is gritty and grounded but still fantastical.

    • 2 years ago

      >christgay can't enjoy a game if there is no magic or imaginary friends in it
      Go figure.

  3. 2 years ago

    Your setting is more suited for a short story, the twist isnt juicy enough for hours of gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      The twist is that these "cunning people" are the real magic users who use blood libels and human sacrifice to garner favor with satan. They rely on the forbidden banking magic, usury, to burrow into positions of power and eventually come to control all of Europe. Your job? to find the truth and stop them.

  4. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      fitting considering that C.Clarke really was homosexual

  5. 2 years ago

    >realistic historical setting
    >traveling between neighboring towns takes 3 to 12 months
    >peasants are actually all bastard rape children of the lolcal ruler
    >99% child mortality
    >women who survive childbirth get burned at the stake for being witches
    >peasants diet is 250kcal a week and made entirely of moldy mud stew
    >different households speak different mutually unintelligible languages
    >floating wood and swimming hadn't been invented yet and any body of water deeper than a few centimeters isn't crossable
    >main currency is dysentery, bubonic plague and lynching Black folk
    >social relations are build around filth, rape and shit
    >23 hours backbreaking slavework in the fields 366 days a year (367 days during leap years)
    >main holidays are the weekly 30 years war and daily famines
    this is what realismgays actually believe

    • 2 years ago

      >>main currency is dysentery, bubonic plague and lynching Black folk
      gets me every time

    • 2 years ago

      Long time, no see. It's actually a pity it takes realismhomosexualry shitposting first to meet you

    • 2 years ago

      are actually all bastard rape children of the lolcal ruler
      Prima Noctis wasn't real because peasant women were too filthy and ugly to arouse the nobility, who mostly just raped their servants. Other than that this is 100% accurate.

      • 2 years ago

        the servants consented so it wasn't rape

  6. 2 years ago

    Honestly, I don't know.

    Maybe it would be good.

    But it could go really wrong as well.

    If you made the monsters misidentified, then yeah.

    Like monsters are actually animals?

    I don't know.

    Well, anyway, see you back at Reddit!

  7. 2 years ago

    >This thread for the n-th time
    I feel tired. That's the only feeling this endless shitposting brings after 5 years of endless repetition

  8. 2 years ago

    I like it but
    >but the truth is, none of those exist and the players never see them?
    It should be kept ambiguous. Certain rituals can increase your luck marginally, you could explain it as a placebo effect, people's proof for the supernatural existing could be anything from the sun being real or taking mushrooms.

  9. 2 years ago

    >How do you feel about a "fantasy" setting that's just alt history with the serial numbers filed off?
    If the GM is honest about it - I'd give it a chance maybe if the countries and specific campaign premise and system sound interesting.
    If it was a fakeout? I lose all interest when the takeout is revealed.

  10. 2 years ago
    Andrew Ayala

    You want a 1:1 replica of medieval Europe?
    Don't forget to have the females jam a fish up their cooter for extra CHA points.

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