How would you fix Overwatch anon?

How would you fix Overwatch anon?

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  1. 10 months ago

    not that its worth fixing but...
    >delete half the roster
    >remove role queue
    >de-emphasize the roles of tanks and dps
    >delete battlepass
    >delete competitive
    >delete report system
    and thats just to start

    • 10 months ago

      So Overwatch 1?

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, exactly.

      • 10 months ago

        close. Overwatch 1, but half the heroes, absolutely no competitive, absolutely no report system, and

        ... you know what lets just make it TF2.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, unironically.

    • 10 months ago

      So Overwatch 1?

      Tanks have literally never not been the most important. DPS has always been the least important.

  2. 10 months ago

    make tracer bi
    single player campaign

    • 10 months ago

      you fool, thats part of the reason why overwatch is shit

  3. 10 months ago

    Remove tanks + mercy

  4. 10 months ago

    crossover with

  5. 10 months ago

    porn mods

  6. 10 months ago

    Clothing damage

  7. 10 months ago

    Bring back Year of the Rooster/Uprising patch.

  8. 10 months ago

    fire all trannies

  9. 10 months ago

    Remove all the women and soulweaver.
    There, I fixed overwatch

  10. 10 months ago

    Revert back to 2017 dive but replace Widow with ashe and keep JQ in

  11. 10 months ago

    >Re-release Overwatch as it was on launch day in 2016 or just slightly after (Before Sombra), call it Overwatch Classic
    >No new characters, only the original roster of heros.
    >de-emphasize the esports cancer that caused constant changes to the meta for "balancing"
    >No lootboxes, no microtransactions. All skins are unlocked through challenges, unlocking credits through leveling, achieving high ranks in competitive or participating in seasonal events.
    >Single player fps campaign set during the Omnic Crisis, big set piece missions, showing some of Overwatchs most iconic and dramatic moments.
    >Horde Mode

    >$70 price tag, $9.99 Overwatch+ subscription adding new exclusive maps, game modes, skins
    >Access to an eventual CGI animated Overwatch limited TV Series available exclusivly through the Overwatch main menu 6+ Episodes.

    • 10 months ago

      >$9.99 Overwatch+ subscription adding new exclusive maps, game modes.

      Stupid toad poster
      This is a bad idea and if you were around for the early 360 year of halo and cod you'd know that all this does is divide the player base. A better idea would be having it done through events like you have the normal event and then a premium event with themed crap.

    • 10 months ago

      I really like this idea. Its a shame Blizzard is full of actually genuine IRL morons. A rando on an icelandic forskin cleaving forum shouldn't be concepting a better game than professionals on a 6 figure salary.

    • 10 months ago

      I really like this idea. Its a shame Blizzard is full of actually genuine IRL morons. A rando on an icelandic forskin cleaving forum shouldn't be concepting a better game than professionals on a 6 figure salary.

      horrible ideas
      have a nice day

  12. 10 months ago

    I hate blizz for cata and I hate blizz for fumbling OW1, I never played ow2
    >all players get all characters unlocked
    >remove hidden metric addiction matchmaking
    >bring back unlimited "avoid this player"
    >remove 2/2/2 (1/2/2)
    >non automated ban system
    >seasonal placement matches actually reset ranks
    >mcree useful again (his ult is worse then ashe and his flash was 90% of his kit dealing with dive)
    >give healers more damage (50% discord zen was good)
    >give ana headshots
    >remove 1shots except ults and sniper headshots
    >make mercy/moira/foxthing need to aim like they did to sym
    >give ligma shoes
    >give sym her shield throw back
    >balance per rank chunk
    >get rid of echo (and any other) % based damage (except ults)
    >no ults mode with weak shields, slightly less heals
    >punish 1 tricks
    >OWL players are citizens of the country their team is based in
    >lore in the game not books, comics, youtube

  13. 10 months ago

    >max 12 players per team
    >overall character rework to support the upper change
    >less black characters
    >no forced role queue
    >no character limit, feel free to grab 12 mercys
    >role reworks: dps are dps, healers are healers, tanks are tanks. no more self-healing oneshotting roadhog or meme useless lucio
    >ultimates take around 2,5x longer to charge up
    >much bigger, more complex maps to allow for actual strategy to happen
    >dynamic respawn timer depending on various map factors
    >longer rounds

    >characters actually open their mouth when saying a line

  14. 10 months ago

    I want to BE Mercy!

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        You really want to BE Mercy? You really want to be the bawd healer who's forced to tend to her teammates whenever they demand her to? To BE the one that gets her team's frustration taken out on her by groping her and forcing her clothes off, as they stand around you with huge throbbing wieners dripping precum that YOU'RE expected to lap up? You want to BE Mercy as she takes load after load in her mouth, until her cheeks bulge and she's forced to swallow? Until their gigantic wieners are filling all her holes, until each one of them has pumped her full of cum and impregnated her? And by the time the last one is done, they're ready to go again? You want to BE Mercy as she's relentlessly gangbanged for hours and hours on end, serving as a cumdump forever?

        The duality of Ganker

    • 10 months ago

      You really want to BE Mercy? You really want to be the bawd healer who's forced to tend to her teammates whenever they demand her to? To BE the one that gets her team's frustration taken out on her by groping her and forcing her clothes off, as they stand around you with huge throbbing wieners dripping precum that YOU'RE expected to lap up? You want to BE Mercy as she takes load after load in her mouth, until her cheeks bulge and she's forced to swallow? Until their gigantic wieners are filling all her holes, until each one of them has pumped her full of cum and impregnated her? And by the time the last one is done, they're ready to go again? You want to BE Mercy as she's relentlessly gangbanged for hours and hours on end, serving as a cumdump forever?

  15. 10 months ago

    >focus on casual
    >fun gamemodes
    >remove competitive
    >remove ultimates

  16. 10 months ago

    The real answer is go back in time and stop Valve from largely abandoning TF2 so people wouldn't have projected their hopes for a successor onto it.
    Overwatch is fricking fine. It's a polished competitive MOBA shooter with simple mechanics and rigid team roles. I played TF2 at launch and continue to play it fairly regularly- Overwatch is just something different. There's nothing uniquely offensive about it to me that isn't a trend shared by the rest of the industry.

    Overwatch was never going to be and can never be TF2. I know this (somehow) blindsided a lot of people when they bought the game, but you need to get over it. Valve is never coming back either.

    They should've planned their narrative out in advance, though, I'll say that. The way they handled their storytelling was noticeably awful.

    • 10 months ago

      >They should've planned their narrative out in advance, though, I'll say that. The way they handled their storytelling was noticeably awful.
      They had a 200 page graphic novel Metzen wrote but stopped preorders from shipping out and canceled it and vaulted it and nobody has ever been allowed to say what was in it. I would bet any amount of money that Jeff Kaplan and Michael Chu used that to drip feed "content" for 5 years instead of having to actually work which is why there was such a sudden content drought and Jeff trying to make Titan again and calling it OW2 despite never actually working on anything as we saw Blizzard decoupled pvp and pve and pushed OW2 out and that still had MAJOR things they hadn't finished yet like polishing the physics on the new engine and the hotfix delivery system which are working now but took them months to finally fix up.

      tl;dr make a time machine and prevent jeff kaplan and legacy of steel from ruining Everquest

      • 10 months ago

        >They had a 200 page graphic novel Metzen wrote

        wot? Source?

        • 10 months ago

  17. 10 months ago

    remove homoseuxals. is that easy

  18. 10 months ago

    Basically just completely drop all the esports uber-balancing shit that ruined the game in the first place. Pick a game version from 2016/7 and just use that as a basis to reset Overwatch back to something FUN, instead of tiring and stale.

  19. 10 months ago

    more porn
    less games

  20. 10 months ago

    more goth kiriko

    • 10 months ago

      Kiriko trannies deserve public lynching

  21. 10 months ago

    Remove the MOBA role shit, design everyone to work as a solo DPS but keep their abilities so that they're DPS with either solo or team playstyles that still benefit the team.

    • 10 months ago

      why don't you go play call of duty instead

      • 10 months ago

        Pretty much everyone is. Or CS:GO.

  22. 10 months ago

    By having tracer blow me while dva takes turns and watches

  23. 10 months ago

    Tracer is bisexual instead of a lesbian.

    • 10 months ago

      Scout x Ms. Pauling x Tracer threesome is best I could do

  24. 10 months ago

    Go back to the patch Ana was added and leave it at that.

  25. 10 months ago

    >Lick my wounds. Let' go.

  26. 10 months ago

    >add PvE campaigns as the main way to play the game
    >make PvP the secondary mode
    >remove competitive
    >increase team size to 7
    >remove boring characters
    >make raid-like PvE maps
    >add character progression
    >fricking make the tanks play like tanks
    >fricking make non-healing supports play like supports
    >add horny skins
    that’s it really, it’s a shame how much they wasted overwatch’s potential twice now

  27. 10 months ago

    Of all things, literally just undelete OW1. That game was actually head-turning and people only keep playing 2 cuz they wish it was 2016-17 again.

  28. 10 months ago

    make Classic Overwatch, original roster and maps and rules
    and then put it in maintenance mode

  29. 10 months ago

    >bring back 6v6
    >make the base version of every new hero free
    >make weapon charms/accessories the main 'shit stupid people buy' cosmetic purchase
    >allow for custom sprays

  30. 10 months ago

    >Delete kiriko and whatever the new girl is or fully rewrite these characters' backstories and personalities to fit OW lore better
    >Nerf healing output
    >Nerf ana
    >Revert balance to before OW2 release
    >Remove role-queue and hero lock
    Half of the damage done is fixed

    • 10 months ago

      >Remove role-queue and hero lock
      Open meme and no limits are already in the game and nobody wants to play them. I don't know why people ask for things that are not only already in the game but nobody wants to play and pretend like it would be good.

      • 10 months ago

        fits the narrative that evil competitive balance DESTROYED overwatch when overwatch was designed as a competitive game from the start (unlike tf2)

        hero limits and role queue were both welcome additions imo, you could certainly argue that nobody wanting to play the obligate healer or the team falling apart without a tight comp issues with the game design but the restrictions they added worked better for the game they made

        • 10 months ago

          The people complaining about role queue and 5v5 weren't even playing when they were implemented. Both were necessary and stopped the bleeding because nobody liked the state of the game when you just fricking lost because you got 2 shitty offtanks and the other team had an actual tank mains or nobody wanted to play support and you had 4 people trying to instalock genji and hanzo to go 2-10 and complain about not having a personal mercy pocket.

          The game is still heavily influenced by what the tanks are doing and which one has an actual hero pool but it's not nearly as bad as it was before.

    • 10 months ago

      >dps main thinks his opinion matters

  31. 10 months ago

    >No more forced 5 v 5
    >No more battlepass and forced seasonal progressions
    >Dedicated servers
    >Mod/Workshop support
    >Mod and map tools
    >Less cancerous TF2 style economy model and freedrops
    >Community involvement on making contents while giving their cuts
    >Deliver PVE content either for free (with MvM tickets for loot) or make it paid content but deliver it fully
    >Cut the losses and sell franchise to Valve

    • 10 months ago

      >less cancerous TF2 style
      give me a fricking break, tf2's economy is the worst. I'll take Overwatch 1's model or a flatly monetized store over the steam market any day of the week.

      people always whip out "muh gambling addicts" when they talk about the overwatch 1 boxes when tf2 and csgo are infamous for producing literal gambling rackets surrounding their items because they can be sold for considerable amounts of real money. the second real money is involved player economies are fricked

      everything else you said was fine

      • 10 months ago

        Believe me, I hate TF2 economy system fervently but it's way better than what OW2 has right now.
        Besides you gotta come up with something about against the "noo how they earn money earn heckerinooo" argument

  32. 10 months ago

    arcane quality show instead of PVE so the devs can focus on PVP only. revert to ow1 and backport new heroesto be balanced around 6v. keep battlepasses, seasons and lootboxes. make lootboxes drop ow1 cosmetics only (so unchanged basically) make battlepass give back same amount of coins to purchase, make open queue the default mode and add hero bans

  33. 10 months ago

    You can't "fix" overwatch, it was functionally busted from the get go.

    • 10 months ago

      You can by adding community chaos. That's how TF2 manages to survive despite the valve's janitor being the only current dev.

  34. 10 months ago

    7/24 maps with 32+ players

  35. 10 months ago

    >All these PvP try-hard homosexuals ITT
    I hate the anti-Christ
    I hate the al-Dajjal

    • 10 months ago

      If you want pve go play an mmo or single player game. People who unironically want to turn games into l4d clones are moronic and always drop games in few weeks.

      • 10 months ago

        people who b***h and moan about pvp are honestly kind of insufferable because they always shuffle into pvp games and b***h about how they should change and about how there are no pve experiences anymore when they're absolutely everywhere. there are less big games in general because how development has shifted. that's it

      • 10 months ago

        Dunno man, TF2 done PvE done pretty decently

  36. 10 months ago

    remove gay and black

  37. 10 months ago

    remove gay and black

  38. 10 months ago

    remove gay and black

  39. 10 months ago

    Porn scenes as unlockables

  40. 10 months ago

    remove widow

  41. 10 months ago

    Simply put? Singleplayer campaign for each hero

  42. 10 months ago

    Remove everybody from the roster except for

    >ammo is no longer infinite to compensate for decreased presence of tanks, players have to pick up ammo or get ammo off dead enemies or teammates
    >Tracer gets an increase to run speed
    >Dva loses her "frick you for even looking in my direction" shields but gets rotary cannons as a replacement
    >Junkrat gets more damage, but gets self-damage back and has to reload rounds one at a time, also gets increase to health
    >Pharah gets a boost to health and a shotgun and she can also use her rockets to propel herself around at the cost of health, rockets travel faster, do more damage and have a larger splash radius, but she also has to reload one shot at a time
    >Torbjorn gets a teleporter and can place a semi-permanent installment to heal teammates and restore ammo
    >McCree can turn into map-specific objects or the enemy team as a disguise(he will appear as if he's just wearing a bandana around his face to teammates) and gets a bowie knife for an instant backstab kill, and can also sabotage Torbjorn's buildings by pouring whiskey on them
    >Mercy loses her revive but can temporarily make teammates invincible
    >Zenyatta gets a shotgun
    >matches are now 12 vs 12, duplicates naturally allowed, no role enforcement

  43. 10 months ago

    Looking at the comments and it seems like you all already are thinking about another game in mind...

  44. 10 months ago

    bring back DPS doom
    I hate that his dumbass baby hand does more damage than the literal doomfist gauntlet now
    i miss the rising uppercut

  45. 10 months ago

    You get a Pharah wife shipped you when you buy the game or battlepass or whatever.

  46. 10 months ago

    Reveal D.VA as the secret troony. The game can't be salvaged, but the mass suicide of the waifugays will make me laugh.

  47. 10 months ago

    remove all male characters
    clothes can be damaged
    all females have exposed feet
    coomer skins

  48. 10 months ago

    First off, you make all the characters straight or you never talk about their sexuality. Then you remodel every single female character in the game that's not conventionally attractive and go to town on it like it's some japanese anime instead of some femcel body positivity show shite.

    Then you basically create hundreds of customization options for each character from hairstyle to eye color to clothing and drastically increase the skill system options for each character. Tracer should have 5 options for her E or Q, not one.

    Then you implement a talent system for each character that gets reset every season. Each season should be like 3 months and depending on how many games you win in solo queue, you lvl your character's talents faster than others. Btw there's no competitive at all, just casual play. You have to change the way the characters play too, so instead of healers being 90% healer and 10% damage dealer, they're 30% healer and 70% damage dealer, with the option to do more healing or damage in the talent trees, sort of a hybridization like in WoW with paladins and shamans.

    Then you make the game 3rd person cover shooter so you get to see your skins and stare at the ass of the female characters, or male characters if you're into that sort of thing.

    Then you make the game 4v4 or 3v3 and make it tacticool instead of science fantasy. Make sure the female characters wear sexy skintight suits, if the femcels in the office b***h just throw them through a window, remember this is your jobs we're talking about here. Overwatch needs to be successful again.

    Oh and don't forget about the weapons, you can introduce a grind system for people who like that, you can slap in some pve missions for that as well in which you can get skins for characters and weapons etc.

    tl;dr sexy b***hes in skintight suits, 3rd person shooter like fortnite but with rainbow six siege type gameplay, the pvp stays in but each character is self sufficient now

    • 10 months ago

      Why do sexless losers care so much about the sexuality of imaginary characters?

      • 10 months ago

        It doesn't matter. What matters is that overwatch is tanking because idiots b***hed about soldier 76 not getting enough rectal action. Imagine the fricking CHUTZPAH freaks like you have to b***h about other people caring about sexuell orientationz when you did it first. have a nice day.

        • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Then you implement a talent system for each character that gets reset every season
      Stopped reading right there.
      Talent system should be reset after each match and seasonshit needs to get scrapped

  49. 10 months ago

    make it 6v6 again
    remove forced roles
    let the entire team pick the same characters

    • 10 months ago

      >remove forced roles
      >let the entire team pick the same characters
      You can do this right now.

      • 10 months ago

        you can have a full team of bastions?

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, no limit mode has literally always been in the game and available. Open queue (hero limits but no role queue) has been on the front page since forever. Nobody plays no limit because it fricking sucks and nobody actually liked it and the only people who wanted it back were unironically bugmen koreans who wanted to do the same comp strats for 20 years.

  50. 10 months ago

    no healer/tank mmoshit
    do good game design so people naturally want to switch into the role that will best support the team (I have no idea how to do this, all I know is that valve did it with tf2)

    • 10 months ago

      >I have no idea how to do this, all I know is that valve did it with tf2
      ah yes tf2 the game where people famously love switching to medic and it's not just the most passive aggressive furry troony on the team that does it because they're too spineless to just play 4 demomen 4 scout like the rest of the team

      • 10 months ago

        >beta males gravitate playing the beta role
        i don't see anything wrong with this

        • 10 months ago

          Because you're not guaranteed one on your team or sometimes you get too many. It adds an additional layer of randomness that has no benefit to anyone, might as well have each game start with a dice roll for which team has a 20% health boost. If you want classes you either need something like role queue or make them so they're very similar like Battlefield (the good ones)

  51. 10 months ago

    visible thong lines. whaletails. smaller butts on male characters.

  52. 10 months ago

    Balance the game around fun and character depth blizzard legit ruined the game by standardinzing things like they would an mmo instead of an fps because the mmo trifecta doesnt fricking work for it

  53. 10 months ago

    remove support, not even support its just dps with a self heal

    • 10 months ago

      Mercy unironically needs a 10 sec Uber ult that should be reset after each death. She's nothing but a healbot atm.

      • 10 months ago

        >lets make a healbot thats 0 skill to play an even stronger healbot that takes no skill to play
        How about just remove her and every other parasitic character ever made.

  54. 10 months ago

    Revert to OW1 when it had group finder but not role queue, including removing heroes introduced after that time.

  55. 10 months ago

    make the monetization less cancerous

    that’s pretty much the only problem with the game, the gameplay itself is fine and still a drastic improvement over cc and shield cancer OW1 was.

  56. 10 months ago

    put it in an engine that has movement mechanics and make the networking not some console P2P interpolated feeling mess.

    scale everything up maybe x1.25 and speed it up. higher skybox etc. even Tracer feels like wading through waist high treacle.

    make everyone a "DPS", with utility that leans into support/assassin/brawler instead of strict "FPS/Healer/Tank". like OG Ana was peak. early Paladins is basically what i'm going for, or even like Dirty Bomb but with more crazy fantasy movement and characters.

    it's already pretty good like this i think, it's now an FPS and not... Overwatch.

    • 10 months ago

      >put it in an engine that has movement mechanics
      What the frick does this even mean? OW has more "movement mechanics" than any other MP game I can think of.
      >multiple kinds of teleports
      >multiple kinds of dashes
      >parabolic jumps with tunable distances
      >3D air movement
      >multiple types of flight including one that's based off the distance between you and a targeted ally
      >wall riding
      >wall climbing
      >double jumping
      >concussive force
      >rocket jumping
      >swinging mechanics
      >momentum (rolling)
      >source engine surfing

  57. 10 months ago

    make porn canon

  58. 10 months ago

    Remember Overwatch beta before launch? i had fun back then, that's how you fix it, you can pick same heroes, chat for fun, fun mods, no gay esport, etc.

    • 10 months ago

      I do. The summer of 2016. Playing the Overwatch Beta in the sweltering heat, pulling all nighters, its seriously one of my happiest memories. Shit was cash af.

      And now Overwatch is this... sad.

  59. 10 months ago

    >get rid of ''''''''skill'''''''' based matchmaking
    >get rid of Push
    >fire whoever designs these maps
    >use old concept designs for new heroes instead of a diversity flowchart
    >get rid of the competitive shit
    >bring back lootboxes or fricking just make some non cancer form of monetization if that is even possible
    >add third person mode so I can see the skins they want me to pay for
    >stop with the constant pickrate micro balancing
    >I dont care about PvE but make it free anyway

  60. 10 months ago

    make it back to 6v6 with no role requirements


    not my problem, why force players to stick with a meta ? just makes every match feel samey and boring

    • 10 months ago

      you can play no limits bro

  61. 10 months ago

    whatever happened to that homosexual OP who made shit threads like "play overwatch" accompanied by a suggestive female overwatch character

    • 10 months ago

      still at it

  62. 10 months ago

    12 v 12 min or bust

  63. 10 months ago

    Overwatch x TF2 collab

  64. 10 months ago

    >double the amount of devs and have one half do pve and one half do pvp
    >remove eomm
    >remove all one shots
    >remove braindead degenerate characters like mercy, sombra and lifeweaver
    >tune down the damage of supports
    >remove ults from competitive or pvp entirely
    >make cosmetics cheaper or just bring back the old lootbox system
    >rehire whoever made push
    >rehire whoever made kiriko and illari
    >rehire whoever writes the story
    >make a solos only queue
    >make a 12v12 mode for flashpoint

  65. 10 months ago

    >charge money for the game again
    >bring back lootboxes as they were in OW1
    now for the more controversial changes
    If they want to continue the route of "quickplay is for fun" then they need to subject it to an entirely different sent of rules/balance changes to make it more fun.
    As it stands, Overwatch is MEANT to be competitive and team-based. You don't get the expected level of coordination in qp as you do in comp and when you ask for it then people get defensive.
    You can't take a game that's designed from the ground up to be highly competitive and get upset at the people who treat it as such.
    Either rebalance quick play to make it more "fun" or give it a VISIBLE soft elo system similar to comp and make deathmatch easier for new people to find. Have DEATHMATCH replace quick play for new players.

    Oh and forcing new players to WIN quick play games in order to unlock competitive only exacerbates this problem because, again, winning often requires some degree of coordination which you'll be hard-pressed to find in quick play

    • 10 months ago

      Hell PVE could have been the safety step for casuals, but few casuals are paying for something billed as free right off the bat

      • 10 months ago

        PvE should have never been given the light of day. There should have never been any plans for any PvE related content ever.

      • 10 months ago

        people who play games for pve aren't going to magically like pvp more.

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