How would you fix this shit?

How would you fix this shit?

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  1. 2 years ago

    more than 5 enemy types
    things to find in the open world

    • 2 years ago

      good one. also no unbreakable weapons and better combat in general. also better bosses.

    • 2 years ago

      That and a slew of other things like remove durability in favor of real weapon variety and depth. Botw is kind of fricked on a fundamental level and would need a complete overhaul to be truly fixed.

      • 2 years ago

        >remove durability in favor of real weapon variety and depth
        Only people who don't understand the game say this shit. BotW would be far worse without weapon breaking.

        • 2 years ago

          If weapons didn't break I wouldn't have avoided battles. If I saw a mob in Genshin or Elden Ring I ran to fight it. BOTW I ran past it because I didn't want to trade for some shittier weapons. It actively made me enjoy the game less.

          • 2 years ago

            >I didn't want to trade for some shittier weapons

            What did you do with your weapons?

            • 2 years ago

              Stockpiled them like I do with elixirs in FF or first aid sprays in RE.

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough. I played a second playthrough in BotW where I opted NOT to fight anything. I just snuck around everywhere like MGS. It was fun.

          • 2 years ago

            The combat is shit in BotW and not the point of the game. Only fighting when you need to or want to is the goal. Sneaking around or running past a bunch of Moblins but smacking down some Bokoblins harassing townsfolk on your way over the next hill to find the fishing town you heard about from a villager is the heart of the game.

            I'll never understand people who think combat is the only meaningful engagement with games.

            • 2 years ago

              the combat needs reworking
              let enemies use smarter strategies instead of waiting to hit you and being brainless damage sponges
              the game has elemental weapons but they feel useless or unnecessary when you can just spam regular weapons

              the easiest way to fix both the weapon durability and the enemies/combat is by removing durability and making it so certain enemies can only be harmed by some kind of elemental damage
              instead of having recolors of the same sword, they can introduce some more variety in elemental weapons

        • 2 years ago

          only couple of shitters like you still defend a shitty mechanic
          most of the players want it gone

          • 2 years ago

            >Source: Trust me.

    • 2 years ago

      adding to this:
      real time healing
      fixed capacity for cooked foods
      more than 3 melee weapon move sets
      actually decent bosses that have more than 3 moves

    • 2 years ago

      >more than 5 enemy types
      Even this one alone would've made things more interesting

    • 2 years ago

      What are some enemies you'd like to see in the sequel?
      I'd like to see more enemies that require a specific item to beat like we had in a lot of tjhe 2D games

      • 2 years ago

        >I'd like to see more enemies that require a specific item to beat like we had in a lot of the 2D games

        Isn't that... a little limited? What are we gaining out of that?

        • 2 years ago

          Variety and actually needing to use your runes in combat aside from spamming bombs

          • 2 years ago

            Lock and key combat and puzzles are all trash. Making enemies easier or giving different ways to take them down with tools is good, but "you need X item to act as a key here" is always shit.

            • 2 years ago

              I don’t give a frick. If they aren’t going to make enemies that actually encourage fancy tactics then they should go back to lock and key combat.

              • 2 years ago

                >If they aren’t going to make enemies that actually encourage fancy tactics
                They do. They're more fun to fight with those tactics. If you don't like fun gameplay and need a game to railroad you into using every option you have, then stick to level based games with one weakness bosses.

              • 2 years ago

                >it’s not the game’s job to be fun on its own!
                Yeah, sorry, no. It is. Giving players more options once you’ve established fun and varied gameplay as a baseline is fine, making the bare bones “functional gameplay” this fricking boring is a sin. If I wanted to make my own fun with physics and moronic enemies I could be fricking around in gmod or something.

              • 2 years ago

                >game bad until it TELLS me to put blue key in blue door, then same game good!
                Fricking glue sniffer.

              • 2 years ago

                >there are only two ways for a game to be, basic color matching and zero-guidance zero-rules clusterfrick
                If that’s not moronic I don’t know what is.

              • 2 years ago

                You literally said you want enemies who can only be defeated with a specific item. What are you even trying to argue at this point?

              • 2 years ago

                I said if they aren’t going to give an actual gameplay incentive to get any more fancy than “hit it until it dies” then they may as well go back to lock and key enemy design.

              • 2 years ago

                >making the bare bones “functional gameplay” this fricking boring is a sin.

                Compared to what? Previous Zelda games? Are you shitting me? Its been 5 years since BotW launched and no game has came anywhere close to its "bare bones functional gameplay”.

              • 2 years ago

                >no game has came anywhere close to its "bare bones functional gameplay”.
                Running up to an enemy and hitting it until it dies with minimal resistance is in a ton of games.

              • 2 years ago

                >Running up to an enemy and hitting it until it dies with minimal resistance is in a ton of games.

                Thats a sure way to break your weapon in a game with a clear resource management aspect. The game actively tries to teach you NOT to do this. But morons gonna button-mash I guess. You got filtered. Go play a shitter game.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh really it does? Then WHY IS THE GAME CATERED TO moronS? If it’s supposed to be punishing to lose all your weapons because you aren’t fighting smart, why is it near impossible to run out of weapons?

              • 2 years ago

                Because they know knuckle daggers like you exist.

              • 2 years ago

                If the game allows you to play like a moron with no real penalty other than being slower, then it is designed like shit. Give me a hard fail state and I’ll actually change my tactics. Simple as that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Admitting to being a moron who slams his head against the wall and then complains his head hurts.
                For frick's sake.

              • 2 years ago

                Wait wait wait, do you actually think that the game remaining playable, just being slower and less fun, is an adequate punishment for playing wrong? Seriously? I thought people like you only existed in Xenoblade 2 threads.

              • 2 years ago

                >do you actually think that the game remaining playable, just being slower and less fun, is an adequate punishment for playing wrong
                That's been a thing since Zelda 1.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, but Zelda 1 will also prevent you from progressing if you get too stupid. BotW doesn’t really. If you die you can just avoid an encounter entirely 99 times out of 100, the divine beasts are incredibly easy and intuitive to navigate, and short besides, and most of the shrines center on one gimmick that you can get a handle on fairly easily. The biggest combat test in the game is calamity Ganon, which is fair enough, but even that is just… way too easy and forgiving.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean it's like you said: by design everything but Ganon is optional. I'll agree that he's too easy, but part of that is Zelda's target demographic.

              • 2 years ago

                And I'm saying that the design of "make EVERYTHING optional" is innately flawed if you're also going to have moronic children in your target demo. It's cool in concept, it makes for a very interesting concept piece, but I just can't abide by a game that spends so much time making the player responsible for whether it's any fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >it’s not the game’s job to be fun on its own!
                The gameplay is fun. Shitposting has rotted your brain.

                >If I wanted to make my own fun with physics and moronic enemies I could be fricking around in gmod or something.
                Post your gametime in Gmod to prove you aren't a moronic shitposter namedropping games you know nothing about.

              • 2 years ago

                I played it for a while, most of that time is from a few years back at least. The only gamemodes with reliable population these days don't really entice me, though.
                I just don't find it fun to frick around in sandbox mode.

              • 2 years ago

                >I played it for a while
                Then you should know that what the 2 games do and the level of polish between them isn't comparable.

                >I just don't find it fun to frick around in sandbox mode.
                So you don't actually care about interacting gameplay systems and only care about the objective a game forces you to do. You don't like fun.

              • 2 years ago

                I care about interacting gameplay systems plenty. I know they have differing levels of polish but my core point is the same, the whole "just make your own fun!" argument relies on the idea that games can't do both. You can have a game with strong objective-based design and player-set goals on top of that.
                >So you don't actually care about interacting gameplay systems and only care about the objective a game forces you to do.
                No, I care about interacting gameplay systems, I just don't find them any fun in isolation. A physics engine is not all I need to have fun with a game. It needs to give me some shit to do, it needs to not make every interesting goal a thing I do purely for fun.

              • 2 years ago

                >the whole "just make your own fun!" argument relies on the idea that games can't do both
                Good thing BotW has lots of quests and npcs and shrines.

                >No, I care about interacting gameplay systems, I just don't find them any fun in isolation. A physics engine is not all I need to have fun with a game. It needs to give me some shit to do, it needs to not make every interesting goal a thing I do purely for fun.
                You say that, but it's very clear that you don't give a shit about gameplay even if the game gives you context for it. You like railroading. There are plenty of games for people like you. Play those.

              • 2 years ago

                Too easy. Not overarching enough. Don’t require you to apply any of the interacting gameplay systems for the most part.
                >you don't give a shit about gameplay even if the game gives you context for it
                What the frick? Where are you pulling this from? Just because I don’t feel some inexplicable urge to style on Bokoblins?

        • 2 years ago

          What? No. It’s “limited” that every enemy is designed to be dealt with by your incredibly limited and boring swordplay alone. You have infinite use runes and not one enemy REQUIRES you use them! Come the frick on.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have infinite use runes and not one enemy REQUIRES you use them!

            You have a wealth of combat options. This is good. Especially if you're smart.

            • 2 years ago

              I like that the options are there but dislike that literally every enemy that you actually have a full set of options against is braindead moronic in a straight fight.

            • 2 years ago

              There is no compelling reason other than saving durability to do this rather than fighting them head on. And if durability is a concern you’re probably better off just avoiding a fight entirely.

              • 2 years ago

                >There is no compelling reason to have fun!

        • 2 years ago

          With the Magnesis rune, you could add an enemy like the oracle games that requires their magnetic manipulation

      • 2 years ago

        All I've got is Darknuts, Dodongos, Gibdos, Redeads, Wolfos and some form of dragon.

        BotW actually covers all the expected archetypes, you just spend 60% of your time fighting Bokoblins.

        • 2 years ago

          You could add things like Floor/Wall Masters.
          Like-Likes would actually be good too and your stuff is permanently destroyed in a set amount of time if you don't kill it before it digests your item.
          More flying enemies would make sense if the floating islands thing is true. Peahats (from OoT) and Kargarocs (or something similar that flies but isn't massive) from WW would be good

          • 2 years ago

            >You could add things like Floor/Wall Masters.
            Good point, they should have been in the shrines.

            They would be absolute cancer in a game like this and decentivize you ever equipping anything you actually enjoy using for fear that a Like Like would pop out of the ground and frick you. It's good in theory but awful in practice.

            One of the few Z1 enemies excluded for a reason. Bad fit for open world.

            Now this is a good idea.

            • 2 years ago

              >They would be absolute cancer in a game like this and decentivize you ever equipping anything you actually enjoy using for fear that a Like Like would pop out of the ground and frick you. It's good in theory but awful in practice.
              So kill it in time before it destroys your shit

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, it's cool in theory.
                It's fricking trash when you consider you can be climbing any given mountain when

                >Like Like pops out of ground
                >Spits Link out off the fricking mountain
                >Link literally can't get back in time no matter what he does
                >Item destroyed

                It's an enemy type only reasonable in a controlled environment, not an open world.

              • 2 years ago

                Pretty sure they can control where certain enemies spawn; I don't think Lynels can spawn in starting area of BotW for example

              • 2 years ago

                That's true, but once you introduce this enemy you have to consider how players will react and play based on this experience. They have no assurance that the game will be reasonable.

              • 2 years ago

                True, Nintendo manchildren don't respond well to any sort of innovation in gameplay

              • 2 years ago

                Just let the player hear some lore that will teach them that like-like spawning will be reasonable.
                Say for instance, “Like-Likes grow to fit their surroundings, but if they get too big they can’t support their own weight. They almost exclusively hang around in tight spots.”

              • 2 years ago

                The literal children that play these games can't read and the literal manchildren that play these games are too moronic to make note of this

              • 2 years ago

                That requires the player to encounter this signposting in a non linear setting.

                I'm not against it in principle, but doing it right would be a fricking b***h.

            • 2 years ago

              >decentivize you ever equipping anything you actually enjoy using for fear that a Like Like would pop out of the ground and frick you.
              You mean like how everyone constantly has to put their “good weapons” away to deal with fricking bokoblins again?

              • 2 years ago

                You can choose not to fight a Bokoblin.
                You can't choose for a Like Like to not ambush you.

            • 2 years ago

              >One of the few Z1 enemies excluded for a reason. Bad fit for open world.
              Big ones from OoT would actually be good for big open-air battles

              • 2 years ago

                That's fair. I can see it working as a mini boss. They'd be awful as common enemies.

      • 2 years ago

        a good start would be adding a ton of classic zelda enemies

        darknut/iron knuckle
        anti fairy

        • 2 years ago

          They more or less have those in BotW

      • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Cancel it and make a TP sequel using the Zelda U demo footage we got

    • 2 years ago

      TP is ass

  3. 2 years ago

    open source it

    • 2 years ago

      Piracy is evil. Open source is a form of piracy.

  4. 2 years ago

    smaller open world with more focus on unique dungeons. Also less survival elements like disposable weapons and crafting. Basically I just want OoT with physics. I really don't want another BOTW.

    • 2 years ago

      >smaller open world with more focus on unique dungeons
      Absolute garbage taste.
      >Basically I just want OoT with physics.
      That explains it.

      -Remove cutscenes and voice acting; all story is told through NPC interaction
      -Reduce the number of weapons Link can carry by a factor of 3, but increase each weapons durability by a factor of 5
      -Replace the 120 Shrines with an interconnected underworld and dungeons
      -Replace Korok seeds with overworld quests that, upon completion, increase your carrying capacity
      -More overworld puzzles and events
      -Return to traditional item progression but because it's free roaming, you can beline it straight to whatever item you want. Want the Mirror Shield first? Go for it. If you can survive the area it's in. Just like in Zelda 1.
      -Better music; you can have "atmospheric" music that still has themes and melody. Not just four note riffs you can barely hear (and don't meld with the games SFX sounds or the tone)

      All that said, I actually like BotW. Most of these ideas are things I'd actually suggest for the sequel.

      >Remove cutscenes and voice acting
      Stopped reading there.

      • 2 years ago

        Go back to your beloved shrines kiddo

  5. 2 years ago

    >different tiers of gear so legend stuff doesn't break
    >real dungeons
    >more things to find in the open world
    >make a hard mode without the bullshit regen health
    >nerf food

    • 2 years ago

      What if they make it so Link can get "full" and it has a cooldown before you can eat another meal?

      • 2 years ago

        I think it needs to be across the board. Or limit when you can eat. Easy access to food that fully heals you and gives buffs makes a lot of the game trivial

  6. 2 years ago

    Can't improve perfection.

    • 2 years ago

      >Can't improve perfection


      I would love any of the zoomers here to waltz into any game design studio and claim they know how to "fix BotW".

      They would get laughed out the fricking door and escorted of the premises by security.

      • 2 years ago

        If the studio were populated by people who actually liked videogames that wouldn’t happen.
        So unfortunately it would happen in every large studio.

      • 2 years ago

        Only because there’s no one thing that would “fix BOTW” in the first place. There’s a lot of little decisions that make it far less than it could and should be.

      • 2 years ago

        Zoomers see their favourite youtubers latest 'BOTW is BAD? And heres why...' video and just parot their egoraptor-wannabe. Claiming they know good game design and structure then go back to playing the gacha game of the month of their dads tablet.

        • 2 years ago

          >Zoomers see their favourite youtubers latest 'BOTW is BAD? And heres why...' video
          Post five (5) youtube videos released in the past months that fit this description

          • 2 years ago

            >"Those don't count, and here's why..."
            Yeah, Don't think I'm not fully aware of where you're going with this.
            I obviously hit on a raw nerve so I'll accept your defeat right here and now, zoomie.

            • 2 years ago

              No dipshit I'm asking you to post them so you can actually substantiate your inane ramblings
              The idea that every person who disagrees with you has to fit into this made-up category of people is such a pathetic mindset

      • 2 years ago

        Zoomers see their favourite youtubers latest 'BOTW is BAD? And heres why...' video and just parot their egoraptor-wannabe. Claiming they know good game design and structure then go back to playing the gacha game of the month of their dads tablet.

        Boomer here. Botw has always been a piece of shit. Zelda has been getting worst and worst since the gamecube. Nothing to do with zoomers. Botw is just garbage

        • 2 years ago

          >getting worst and worst

  7. 2 years ago

    Add a feeding Zelda minigame

    • 2 years ago

      add a minigame where you actually play zelda

  8. 2 years ago

    More dungeon variety instead of most of them being sheikah tests

  9. 2 years ago

    Trick question. You can't fix perfection

  10. 2 years ago

    Smaller overworld with less of a square shape
    More enemy types
    Dungeons with unique bosses that aren't all Ganons
    More music variety between regions, it's still ambient but instead of relying on a piano for every region there would be a unique instrument for each respective area
    Better voice acting/direction

  11. 2 years ago

    remove save stating
    remove being able to pause and eat in the menu
    remove being able to carry unlimited healing items to begin with
    make it so that enemies cant just one shot you to compensate
    add some more swordplay mechanics that reward skilled players

    there, its fun and challenging now

    • 2 years ago

      I'm just gonna take a moment here and appreciate that you don't design video games

  12. 2 years ago

    More like Hyrule Castle.

  13. 2 years ago

    No need, it's the best game ever made which will only be surpassed when the sequel comes out.

    • 2 years ago

      >No need, it's the best game ever made which will only be surpassed when the sequel comes out.

      Thread should have ended here.

  14. 2 years ago

    Turn it into Ocarina of Time

  15. 2 years ago

    Add in eight dungeons like Ocarina of Time had, and have the rune skills as a reward for them each instead of just getting them for shrines. Add in a blacksmith that you can pay in materials and money to remake a weapon that broke before, or even re enforce a weapon to last longer. Add more enemy types so there doesn't need to be so much copy and paste.

  16. 2 years ago

    Actual variety in the weapon types.

  17. 2 years ago

    Okay here's a serious list of stuff

    -Increase all weapon durability by at least 200%, maybe 300%

    -Increase framerate, fix hitching and stuttering in areas like Korok Forest

    -Balance food and expand elixirs

    -Less quantity and higher quality of Shrine dungeons

    -More overworld bosses

    -More full scale dungeons

    -More enemy variety

    -Make the Master Sword not worthless trash

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >more is better
      the game is already a 70 - 100 hour playthrough, and you want the game LONGER?

      • 2 years ago

        70-100 hours, only 20 of which were spent doing anything engaging or interesting.

  18. 2 years ago

    -Remove cutscenes and voice acting; all story is told through NPC interaction
    -Reduce the number of weapons Link can carry by a factor of 3, but increase each weapons durability by a factor of 5
    -Replace the 120 Shrines with an interconnected underworld and dungeons
    -Replace Korok seeds with overworld quests that, upon completion, increase your carrying capacity
    -More overworld puzzles and events
    -Return to traditional item progression but because it's free roaming, you can beline it straight to whatever item you want. Want the Mirror Shield first? Go for it. If you can survive the area it's in. Just like in Zelda 1.
    -Better music; you can have "atmospheric" music that still has themes and melody. Not just four note riffs you can barely hear (and don't meld with the games SFX sounds or the tone)

    All that said, I actually like BotW. Most of these ideas are things I'd actually suggest for the sequel.

    • 2 years ago

      >remove...voive acting
      >increase each weapons durability
      >interconnected underworld
      >replace korok seeds with overworld quests
      >traditional item progression roaming
      BotW 2 needs this, or at least most of it.

      • 2 years ago

        oh yeah, there should also be
        >an in-game list that tracks which korok seeds you've already found if you do decide to try and get them all. With over 900 in BoTW alone it's incredibly difficult to remember which ones you already have.

        • 2 years ago

          They should just remove the extra Korok Seeds when you get as many as you need to complete the inventory

          • 2 years ago

            >koroks all gather for a “seed festival”
            Boom there’s the lore.

    • 2 years ago

      >Better music

      BotW's sound design and score are probably the best and most reliable pleb-filter in all of gaming.

    • 2 years ago

      >Better music; you can have "atmospheric" music that still has themes and melody.
      It has all that. You just got filtered. Listen to it from beginning to end and tell me there is no melody

    • 2 years ago

      Make it more like Terraria.

      >already adding sky islands and underground exploration, courtesy of Terraria's influence
      >remove all fast travel, force the player to work for their ability to travel, force them to invest in fancy parlor and mounts. if they want fast travel, they can create it or invest in something like a railway system, or maybe something akin to Terraria's town pylons. Now the player will appreciate the ability to zipline anywhere
      >you can keep the weapon durability, it wasn't that big of a problem
      >get rid of the voice acting and cutscenes. Zelda is a game, not a movie
      >remove the ability to save outside of towns or other safe zones. Punish the player for thinking they can just run into a camp and kill everyone
      >what said regarding weapon and item progression. Let it be freeform, but don't do what Link Between Worlds did. Make the dungeons increasingly harder instead of letting them all stagnate at the same amateur level of skill
      >remove flurry rushes and cinematic slow-mo from the game. Make the player earn their combat prowess, no shortcuts or handholding
      >no mandatory tutorials at the beginning of the game
      >give every single item you can find multiple uses. IE if you find korok seeds, let them be used for something other than just inventory upgrades. Once I got about 50 of them, I stopped caring and actively regretted finding new ones.

      Really, BOTW's problems stem from it being afraid to challenge the player. It's probably the easiest zelda game in the entire series, since it carries over every poor game mechanic from prior games, from instant autosaves to that silly parry mechanic from Wind Waker, but even easier to pull off. Nintendo shouldn't be babying their audience, make Dark Souls look like a sissy game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Make it more like Terraria

        2D? No thanks lol

        • 2 years ago

          >Terraria can't inspire Zelda

          Zelda sisters.... we got too wienery...

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe one day the makers of Terraria can make a real game as good as BotW? Hmmm?

            • 2 years ago

              >Maybe one day the makers of Terraria can make a real game as good as BotW?
              I don't think that'll happen, since their one game was already better than BOTW.

              • 2 years ago


                BotW is considered one of the greatest video games of time.

                Terraria never will be. By anyone.

                This is the reality you can't cope with.

              • 2 years ago

                >BotW is considered one of the greatest video games of time.
                Not by me, and my opinion supercedes the whole industry.

                >b-but what about the blue haired twitter users who work at kotaku
                lol not my problem

              • 2 years ago

                >Not by me, and my opinion supercedes the whole industry.

                No it doesn't. You're just an NPC screeching into a hentai trap pedo image board echo chamber. You have achieved nothing and you are reaching noone. You're only trying to convince yourself.

                BotW is considered one of the greatest video games of all time. By the entirety of Planet Earth.

                Terraria never will be. By anyone.

                When we make contact with Alien life and we want to show them video games, we will show them games like Breath Of The Wild. Terraria won't be in the selection.

                If you didn't care about anyone else's opinion you wouldn't have wasted 6 years of your life seething about BotW every hour of every day. Its not that BotW is a better video game which bothers you, its the fact that everyone else on the planet thinks so too.

              • 2 years ago

                I believe you actually think that, tendie.

              • 2 years ago

                >No it doesn't
                Yes, it does. I don't need my opinion validated by a single person on this planet. Infact, I lovingly type up a unique response every single time I post in these threads, because I love Terraria so much that I can create endless discussion about it, despite the game being over a decade old. You can even copy and paste my sentences into the archive search bar, and you'll rarely, if ever, find a single copypasted post of mine. I'm not even here to sway opinions, I just love talking about Terraria and how Zelda can learn from 2d indie kino.

                Meanwhile, you're so insecure in your viewpoint that you need to continually fall back on fallacious thinking. "If my opinion is shared among alot of people, that means it's right" "if I bring up metacritic and game journo articles, that'll teach those mean haters" "I don't have to think for myself because someone else can do the thinking for me". Even your posts are just copypasted almost word for word. You rely on the same reaction images in every thread, the same arguments, you even reddit space the same way. Tell me, are you secure in your belief that BOTW is an unrivaled masterpiece? Your constant remarks against other games that could potentially take away attention from the game speak volumes about your insecurity.

                >someone brings up Elden Ring
                >someone brings up Minecraft
                >LOL AUTISTIC BLOCK LOVING homosexualS
                >someone brings up Terraria

                Your excuse, of course, is that you have a right to shitpost like this, because you were wronged in the past by snoys or some other discreet group. It's okay to attack others and their viewpoints because you're the good guy, right? It's impossible that someone could simply disagree with you. Even now, I know there are people who genuinely like Zelda over Terraria, and that's okay. I still like Terraria more, and I am happy to argue why. Can you?

              • 2 years ago

                >I still like Terraria more, and I am happy to argue why. Can you?

                Yes. For a start BotW is in 3D.

              • 2 years ago

                >Metroid Dread is now a bad game
                >Super Mario World is now a bad game
                >the original Zelda titles on the NES and SNES are bad games
                >why? They're all 2D

                Cool gaslighting, resetera.

              • 2 years ago

                who are you quoting? Nobody said those games are bad.

                We're comparing open world games. Its ridiculous to compare simplistic 2D stuff to 3D.

                I would't even compare Mario World, Metroid or 2D to each other let alone BotW.

                Just how fricking moronic are you? You have no argument here or at any other time over the past 6 years. Your responses are always pepe greentext lies and gaslighting.

                BotW is considered one of the greatest video games of all time.

                Terraria never will be. By anyone.

                When people want to play an open world game they will play BotW or Elden Ring or even fricking Skyrim

                Nobody on this green earth would even consider Terraria as legitimate alternative. The idea is laughable.

                You won't even respond to this directly. You'll greentext more bullshit and invent a new argument. KYS ACgay, it will be 2023 in a few months.

              • 2 years ago

                >who are you quoting? Nobody said those games are bad.
                You, several posts ago.
                >Terraria is shit because it's 2D

                >When people want to play an open world game they will play BotW or Elden Ring or even fricking Skyrim
                Funny you say this, when in every zelda thread prior to this you called Elden Ring "troony shit" because in your words, the fans had the audacity to compare it to BOTW. You sure pulled a 180 on that. Sorry pal, some of us have memories that aren't on par with a goldfish. Now, before you throw another shitpost at me, I recommend you cut down on the reddit-spacing. Your poor enter key is gonna break under all this stress.

              • 2 years ago

                >Terraria is shit because it's 2D

                Yawn I said no such thing.

                >Funny you say this, when in every zelda thread prior to this you called Elden Ring "troony shit" because in your words, the fans had the audacity to compare it to BOTW.

                Yawn I said no such thing.

                BotW is considered one of the greatest video games of all time.

                Terraria never will be. By anyone.

                Find a way to cope.

              • 2 years ago

                >BOTW fans chastise me for obsessing over BOTW, to the point where they claim that I'll stay in a thread for hours on end just to seethe
                >decide to go do some errands after my last post here
                >come back several hours later
                >the guy I was arguing with is STILL here, obsessing over BOTW critics to the point where he has to respond to every single one of them, calling them knuckle-dragging snoy visual novel lovers

                But why? Didn't you say that nobody cared about the opinions of people in this armpit of a website? Why must you obsess over anyone who says BOTW isn't perfect? Don't you have a life? I mean geez, I assumed you'd just go do something more productive with your time, like I did. Instead you kept sitting in here. What did you accomplish?

              • 2 years ago

                It's just what 2016 election tourists do. Most of them are NEET homosexuals who can spend every day shitposting for hours.
                It's not worth it, anon.

              • 2 years ago

                ACgay annihilated by Arthur again. Love to see it.

              • 2 years ago

                >When we make contact with Alien life and we want to show them video games
                Tendies delusional as usual and think their hobby obsession is important

            • 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    Make it less empty

  20. 2 years ago

    make elden ring w/ climbing and gorons

  21. 2 years ago

    Make it Elden Ring: Hyrule edition

  22. 2 years ago

    Even more world interaction

  23. 2 years ago

    get rid of durability as a mechanic and put in some real fricking dungeons instead of shrines.

  24. 2 years ago

    What makes you think that?

  25. 2 years ago

    I'd make it so it can emulate pc games

  26. 2 years ago

    > More overworld and dungeon enemies
    > More emphasis put on Link helping to repair the world after Ganon's attack, physical changes to the settlements
    > Rework Tarrey Town to be more open allowing it to vary between players based on which "-son" characters they brought to the town
    > Greater variety in wandering travellers
    > Greater Sub-environmental variation (i.e. Hot Arid West Death Mountain and Active Volcano Death Mountain)
    > Switchhook, the answer for the Hookshot dilemma
    > More magic options for Link
    Ok so this last one's a bit more to explain, basically my idea is that similar to how the dungeons tend to be focused around a different theme/element the same could apply to the Sheikah Mini-Dungeons but relate to some mechanic of gameplay whether that's Runes (as most shrines are) or Stamina or Combat or Wind or Electricity or Fire, etc. In addition instead of just having the shrines be randomly scattered, have shrines be lumped into groups based on their primary mechanic, when you enter a shrine of a particular mechanic it will always go in the order of the shrines in that mechanic from easiest to hardest, that way the player isn't randomly walking into Major Tests of Strength and just having to leave. The shrine does become set though so once you enter a shrine its interior will not change.

    In addition this would help focus the shrines and allow for natural difficulty escalation with each mechanic, testing the player in more challenging ways since the developers would know the player is more than likely to have tackled the easier shrines of that same mechanic. This could even extend to the dungeons, having the dungeons act as sort of final exams for each game mechanic with the expectation that the player has at least tackled most dungeons of that mechanic before trying and would have familiarized themselves with the mechanic to expect when attempting to breach the dungeon in the first place. Also some more side dungeons like the Yiga Hideout.

  27. 2 years ago

    Zelda playable with that desert dancer outfit

    • 2 years ago

      >Zelda playable
      I've got a better idear.

  28. 2 years ago

    Game is so fricking overrated. It's a testament to why much of humanity needs culling.

    • 2 years ago

      Easy there edgelord, remember you need to be at least 18 to post here

  29. 2 years ago

    Remove durability
    Add Music
    Add Dungeons
    Give Link a sniper rifle

  30. 2 years ago

    A shit game that launched a shit console for shitty normies.
    The shitch has NO games. It's fricking pathetic.

  31. 2 years ago

    >remove/increase durability

    • 2 years ago

      No voice acted dialogue/monologue.
      Link is left-handed.
      Mostly remove climbing in favor of every other mode of transportation.
      Include actual swimming/diving.
      Create more enemy types without any of the damage sponge recolors.
      Have actual dungeons.
      Strip out most of the weapons if they don't add anything, leaving mostly just rusty swords and wooden spears.
      Move the game back to being a Wii U showcase with a realtime menu.
      Supplement the melee combat with intense combat littering and consumable buffs, AKA the kind of shit that doesn't work when the menu interface isn't always available. Enemies should need varied approaches to be taken down, possibly with multiple avenues of attack to strip away layers of protection or expose vulnerability.

      Durability exists to enable the stripped down weapon system and its progression treadmill. It loses its real point when the player isn't only throwing around shitty weapons that exist just as much to spread fire and electricity as they do to hit enemies in the face.

    • 2 years ago

      Ganker is absolutely TERRIBLE at games. This should not surprise you

      • 2 years ago

        >Ammo with melee weapons.
        Durability is the one thing melee has over ranged. BOTW is a worse game for including it. Elden Ring is infinitely better solely because Nintendo did this.

      • 2 years ago

        Its tedium. I dont like shit like mmos or rpgs. I like ACTION games like OOT and MM and WW and TP.

  32. 2 years ago

    It's amazing how much people got filtered by breakable weapons. Like, jesus christ. Are you that bad at the fricking game?

    Perhaps go back to Wind Waker or TP with the toddler difficulty, should be more your speed.

    • 2 years ago

      >this dumb argument every time
      nobody got filtered by it. its just boring and tedious

    • 2 years ago

      >See it's not that the design is shit, it's just that your bad

      • 2 years ago

        He's right. You're a moron. Maybe cry about it for another 6 years?

        • 2 years ago

          good counter-argument

          • 2 years ago


  33. 2 years ago

    Allow weapon repair
    Infinite durbility on master sword bo cool down.
    More dungeons
    More enemy variety

  34. 2 years ago

    Therr is only one problem with it. Needs more enemy types. Other than that. 10/10 game.

  35. 2 years ago

    I would start by not being a contrarian homosexual whining about highly acclaimed games on Ganker

  36. 2 years ago

    Variety created by the game and not just the player.
    The environmental variety was nice but it needs to be less stretched out. Less massive open plains of no points of interest. More micro-biomes a la the Plateau.
    More enemy types. Especially more enemy types that are threatening. Lynels are a good start, make more encounters like them and less like “tearing through random bokoblin encampment or campless bokoblin horde #84”.
    Make the weapons more varied. None of them really control all that different from each other, you can easily just dodge and flurry rush with all of them. Replace the Flurry Rush on axes with a power attack and replace it on spears with a twirl or something, I don’t know.
    More esoteric secrets. Add a random cave that’s just a narrow drop into a chamber full of super reflective crystal like an OoT grotto. Have some Koroks leave notes intended for other Koroks rather than just hide themselves in an area. Do weird shit.

  37. 2 years ago

    Just have all the Shrines that are placed at the end of mini-quests removed and replaced with something else. You don't even have to change the rewards or anything (although you should), just have it so maybe it's a small little sheikah statue that squeezes out the orb or something but is otherwise in an appropriately themed spot. I know it sounds petty or something, but each time there was a shrine at the end of many the world's side quests, it practically sucked all the uniqueness out of them and reduced the focus/memory of it to being about the shrine. Fighting the third dragon to purify it and the spring that Zelda went to wasn't about the spring, it was all about the shrine. Finding a labyrinth off the coast wasn't about solving the maze, it was all about the shrine. Hidden alcove in the mountains that you find by following rumors at the nearby stable? Every other bit of it is cool, but then you get to the shrine and it's like, blegh

    It's ironic, since the system is in place so you're meant to focus more on the activity instead of what you get at the end of it, but having the shrines be generic endcaps for practically everything ends up taking so much away. Again, it's not even about the rewards: take any place that rewards a shrine and instead add a few loose chests and spirit orbs in a rewards "cave" or room or whatever and you're golden.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree though I didn’t want to suggest such a radical change. The fact that you go to a specific type of area every time you get an orb, and one is placed at the end of so many quests, and the fact that they all look and sound the same, is just… it really feels soul crushing.

    • 2 years ago

      The game is pretty meta about having almost all of its content created by in-universe Japanese game designers and interns.

      • 2 years ago

        Worldbuilding and lore is not BotW's strong suit

        • 2 years ago

          >Worldbuilding and lore is not BotW's strong suit

          BotW's world building and lore was so rich they made an entire spinoff out of it.

          • 2 years ago

            A spin-off that contradicted half of the lore that was so “lovingly” made and didn’t elaborate on anything people really wanted to hear about.

          • 2 years ago

            You mean the spinoff that had to include time travel and retconned BotW's backstory to even make itself work?

          • 2 years ago

            BotW was just a filler arc. The beach episode of the Zelda series.
            They're reusing so much stuff for BotW2 because they still had unused ideas that they deliberately saved instead of dumping them in the rushed, retooled multiplat which would have been a massive waste and might have shot the Switch release in the foot.
            BotW is so barebones so that everything could be reused and what could not be reused was so minimum effort that it could be discarded entirely.

            • 2 years ago

              >They're reusing so much stuff for BotW2 because they still had unused ideas that they deliberately saved instead of dumping them in the rushed, retooled multiplat which would have been a massive waste and might have shot the Switch release in the foot.

              lmao @ this mentlly ill head canon

              • 2 years ago

                BotW has so many vestigial tablet elements that it practically screams "Gutted Wii U showcase game". Combine this with the fact that so much content is pretty much placeholder and that they're releasing a new game that reuses most of its non-placeholder content while also referencing early BotW concept artwork (like link's weird hand thing) and it's pretty much a given that BotW was just filler.

        • 2 years ago

          That's not a great sign since it did those better than most Zelda games.

        • 2 years ago

          This is the one thing i felt BOTW was lacking. Lore and real world building. I love games like Shadow of the colossus where everything is so ambiguous that you can turn the game off and just wonder about how things come to be. What was the forgotten lands original purpose? Who created the colossi? Who was Dormin? Who made this temple and for what purpose? I wish botw had a world like that.

  38. 2 years ago

    by fixing your brain

    • 2 years ago

      >fix your brain to find doing the same shit dozens of times fun

  39. 2 years ago

    Dungeons, Dungeons, Dungeons

  40. 2 years ago


    It doesn’t have any glaring flaws other than being too easy. A perfect version of BotW to me would have carry weight limits, harder survival, more towns to rebuild and houses to buy, more crafting other than just food, no fast travel without first climbing to the top of a tower or building your own teleporter in a town, and the game’s story progression would be gated by overworld puzzles you can tackle in a free order like The Witness instead of terrible dungeons that people want for some reason, plus maybe having to rebuild the kingdom to a certain level to get the true ending or whatever.

    • 2 years ago

      I mostly agree, but I want more dungeons too. Why do you think dungeons are bad?

  41. 2 years ago
    Not my pastebin but there's enough shit in here to make a whole new ass game out of

    • 2 years ago

      BotW is a near perfect video game. It does not need "fixed". This lunacy stems from a seething inability to cope with the overwhelming acclaim and success that the game, quite rightly, received.

      BotW is a modern masterpiece. And every time you moronic tweens try to offer up "fixes" or "improvements" it only exposes your laughable immaturity, ADHD mindset and complete lack of understanding of video games.

      You are literally screeching into an echo-chamber on an hentai pedo image board and have been for years.

      • 2 years ago

        The words "fix" and "improve" are not stated once in that pastebin. You are quoting words that don't exist. You are schizophrenic.

      • 2 years ago

        >a near-perfect video game has like five types of enemy behavior, the most common of which being “get in close and swing a weapon”
        >a near perfect video game has over half of the meaningful rewards reduced to happening in one setting and coming from one source rather than spreading shit out and letting you feel variety
        >a near perfect video game shows itself capable of making interesting content-dense settlements and areas with intentional design… while choosing, intentionally, to make these incredibly sparse
        I don’t buy it. It only got acclaim because people are sucking the “muh freedom” dick right now.

        • 2 years ago

          I read this post 3 times and can't make sense of it.

          • 2 years ago

            My point is that the game genuinely does have flaws and calling it near perfect is only denying their existence, not disproving them.
            The lack of enemy variety is an objective flaw. I know I can make variety in fights myself, I appreciate that, but I don’t like that it apparently came at the expense of most fights being designed as anything more than “here’s a bunch of enemies in an area”.
            The overuse of a singular environmental style, the shrine, is an objective flaw. It just kills any sense of adventure or variety if you’re constantly returning to ground that looks and sounds the exact fricking same.

            • 2 years ago

              >The lack of enemy variety is an objective flaw

              No it is not. You are just INVENTING fricking nonsense to conplain about.

              Considering BotW is running on a fricking Wii U it completely puts most open world games to shame. Especially ever other open world game in 2017 running on far more powerful hardware and even games which have come after.

              Lets look at other open world games around this time....

              Every c**t in the game is a gun wiener who looks and behaves exactly the same way. Dead eye to win.

              Every goon in the city looks and behaves exactly the same. Bam Ham Spam to win.

              Far Cry 5:
              Literally two fricking enemies in the entire game who behave exactly the same. Rooty Tooty Shooty to win.

              BotW is teeming with variety by comparison with a roll call of unique enemies which all look and behave differently and require their own strategy to beat. Complaining about enemy variety in BotW is barrel-scraping desperation for a criticism. An argument which holds no fricking water whatsoever.

              • 2 years ago

                How hard would it be to have an enemy block my fricking attack more than once in a blue moon? OoT Master Quest’s overuse of Stalfos Knights is unironically better design than 99% of combat scenarios being easily solvable by running up to the enemy and flurry rushing until they die. The “variety” presented by BOTW is a fricking farce. Stop making every bread and butter combat encounter comprised entirely of lizalfos, moulins, and bokoblins.

              • 2 years ago

                Most open world games are marketing team hype dreams that have a massively bloated scope the developers can't keep up with even when using significant shortcuts that worsen the experience.
                You would have a point if we were talking just about open world games but we're discussing a much broader category.

              • 2 years ago

                >You would have a point if we were talking just about open world games but we're discussing a much broader category.


                You have no argument other than the one you are inventing your own head.

              • 2 years ago

                Other Zelda games do every strong point BOTW has other than raw scale better with less resources.
                The biggoron sword alone feels more impactful than literally every cool loot weapon you can find in BOTW.

              • 2 years ago

                >Other Zelda games do every strong point BOTW has other than raw scale better with less resources.

                Yeah good luck trying to convince anyone of that.

              • 2 years ago

                I don’t need to “convince” anyone of objective truth. They either see it or they don’t. And if they don’t, it’s their own fault.

              • 2 years ago

                >objective truth.

                BotW fricking mindbroke this board. Jesus Christ it will soon be 2023.

              • 2 years ago

                BOTW was fricking SHIT. It has NONE of what anyone with taste values in a game. It drops all its chips on fricking “muh freedom” and FREEDOM IS THE MOST TERTIARY POSSIBLE THING TO GIVE A FRICK ABOUT IN A GAME. You want enough to make a playthrough feel distinct, THAT’S FRICKING IT.

              • 2 years ago

                >You want enough to make a playthrough feel distinct

                I'm pretty sure everyone's playthrough of BotW was pretty distict. Its sort of the point of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah no shit Sherlock. And the game is worse off for offering as much freedom as it does. The effort spent on making the game huge and nonlinear could’ve been spent better.

              • 2 years ago

                >the game is worse off for offering as much freedom as it does.

                I can't understand this mindset at all. Especially in an Adventure Game.

              • 2 years ago

                This is literally Gerudo Town requiring you to cross-dress

              • 2 years ago

                >This is literally Gerudo Town requiring you to cross-dress

                No. You don't need to visit Gerudo Town. You don't even need to visit the desert.

              • 2 years ago

                >You don't need to visit Gerudo Town. You don't even need to visit the desert.
                I can also skip the entire game by just playing something else instead
                If I want to actually play the unique content in BotW then it's worthwhile to actually go to the desert and get into town, and in a game built on nonlinearity there should still be multiple options that allow you into a given area. The fact that you can't even infiltrate the Yiga hideout without first starting the quest is the exact kind of option limiting shit people got upset at pre-BotW Zeldas for

              • 2 years ago

                >see enemies
                >enemies are designed in such a way that I am “free” to fight them in many ways
                >this means the enemies do not present a unique problem with a unique solution on their own, it is up to me to make encounters unique
                Of course this doesn’t apply to everything… just every enemy type Nintendo littered the world with. The unique stuff is much more limited.
                >see puzzle
                >the puzzle is centered on the chemistry system
                >there are like eight ways to completely ignore the intended solution and just brute force it instead
                I don’t mind lateral thinking, but I would prefer if every problem couldn’t be thought right past without engaging with the original problem.
                >see overworld puzzle
                >every single one of these, with a single digit count of exceptions, will reward me with a Korok seed
                >despite that there are near a thousand of them, there are less than 30 basic templates for what a Korok seed requires of you, leading to extreme repetition
                If there were only 100 or so Korok seeds, only at the most unique and conspicuous locations, I’d be happy as a clam. The openness just makes it feel more repetitive when I run across another fricking circle of rocks I have to complete.

              • 2 years ago

                >this means the enemies do not present a unique problem with a unique solution on their own, it is up to me to make encounters unique.

                This isn't true at all. Most enemies will engage you in a specfic way. Its just that you now have a wealth of options to approach combat. And unique situations and encounters will arrise depend on your resources. Trying to fight a Lava Talus without any ice weapons is whole different story. This is where the player gets to use their own wits and resources. You can try and tell me this is bad. Its not. It fricking massacres every other open world game.

                >Of course this doesn’t apply to everything… just every enemy type Nintendo littered the world with. The unique stuff is much more limited.
                BotW had far more unique content than any other game in 2017.

                >there are like eight ways to completely ignore the intended solution and just brute force it instead
                This is just more nonsense. What puzzles are you "brute forcing"? You're just making shit up. Allow the player the freedom to create their own solutions based on their own wits and resources is fantastic. Thats what an adventure game should be. Far better than a simistic lock/key puzzle with one solution. What happens when I get to a puzzle that requires fire arrows and I don't have any? What if I don't even have a bow? Time to get creative...

                >I don’t mind lateral thinking, but I would prefer if every problem couldn’t be thought right past without engaging with the original problem.
                >see overworld puzzle
                >every single one of these, with a single digit count of exceptions, will reward me with a Korok seed
                1) korok seeds are probably the collectable in any vidoe game. They're very useful. Nintendo doesn't waste your time with useless collectable trash. They have streamlined the pointless less bloat that plagues other open world games. Plus I found them very rewarding.
                2) there's tons of over world puzzles which will lead to shrines. So stop talking shit.


              • 2 years ago

                >What happens when I get to a puzzle that requires fire arrows and I don't have any?
                The game provides them to you because this is a Nintendo game and they've done that shit for years
                I don't think there's a single shrine where you'd have to enter, realize you don't have the right equipment, then leave to obtain it unless it was a combat test and you were personally low on weapons

              • 2 years ago

                You can stop lying at any time.


                What a laughable nonsense image. You conveniently ignore the gulf in AI, animation and behavioural routines exhibited in BotW.

                You can literally sit on a hilltop and watch a Bokoblin go about his daily routine.

                He will wake up, scout the horizon, hunt for food, run from danger, eat food, dance around the campfire and settle back down to sleep.

                This is all without you even interacting with them. This is every enemy in the game. And this doesn't even include the vast amount of interactive wildlife which DOES NOT EXIST in other Zelda games.

                Seek help lmao you've been malding for SIX YEARS.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can stop lying at any time.
                Name some shrines where what you need isn't provided to you the moment you set foot in them

              • 2 years ago

                >Name some shrines where what you need isn't provided to you the moment you set foot in them

                None them do. You have to make do with what YOU take INTO them.

              • 2 years ago

                >You have to make do
                incorrect, the shrines are either always designed with the runes in mind or will provide you items based on what challenge they are, like fire-related shrines giving torches the moment you enter
                as stated previously the only exceptions are combat shrines which depend entirely on how much you engage with combat in the first place

              • 2 years ago

                Nope incorrect.

                Shrines are designed to challenge you or test your knowledge of the game's mechanics. Implying that having your runes already is somehow bad is nonsense. Thats the point. And also you do NOT just get handed what you need. If a shrine does include resources you need, these too are usually behind some kind of puzzle or hidden chest.

                You keep going round in circles and trying to force these ridiculous nonsense empty arguments that the game some needs fixed. Its going to be 2023 in a few months.


              • 2 years ago

                >Shrines are designed to challenge you or test your knowledge of the game's mechanics.
                >Implying that having your runes already is somehow bad
                I wasn't, I'm saying that you're never unprepared because the game has already handed you most of the keys to any challenge it throws at you
                >also you do NOT just get handed what you need. If a shrine does include resources you need, these too are usually behind some kind of puzzle or hidden chest.
                That's called handing you what you need, since those chests are bound to be in the very first room of the area
                >You keep going round in circles and trying to force these ridiculous nonsense empty arguments that the game some needs fixed.
                It's more like speculation at this point considering the sequel is bound to fix problems the first game had, though to what extent is unknown.
                >Its going to be 2023 in a few months.
                Yes, that's when BotW2 drops unless it gets delayed again. Durability, shrines, armor and weapon balancing, music, etc. are definitely getting reworked based on feedback from BotW1, it's inevitable

              • 2 years ago

                >the sequel is bound to fix problems the first game had

                BotW doesn't have any problems. In 6 fricking year of mentally ill shitposting not one person on this board has provided a single convincing argument against BotW. Not one.

                You're so completely consumed by this bizarre irrational seething jealousy over the game that you keep trying to force this laughable psychosis that BotW is somehow broken and needs to be "fixed".

                Who the frick are you trying to convince? Its almost 2023.

              • 2 years ago

                Fighting the most common enemy types is incredibly fricking dull

              • 2 years ago

                >Fighting the most common enemy types is incredibly fricking dull

                This is (you) problem. I had tons of fun. You might as well say this redundant horseshit about any video game.

              • 2 years ago

                Wow look at all that shit that was barely any more fun than just walking up to them and hitting them, infinitely more risky, and slower.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                objectively good is when a game doesn’t make you make your own fun. BotW is 100% “frick you, do it yourself, we aren’t going to design this encounter to be fun on its fricking own”.

              • 2 years ago

                >BotW is 100% “frick you, do it yourself, we aren’t going to design this encounter to be fun on its fricking own”.

                What absolute drivel. Its painfully obvious you don't even fricking understand the point of video games - of ANY video game. You just sit there consuming entertainment in a completely superficial fashion. You're too stupid understand on any kind base level what the intention of game design is or how your brain is being engaged by it.

                Its become increasingly apparent over the years that BotW haters are genuine fricking ADHD morons who don't understand video games at all and are playing them for all the wrong reasons.

              • 2 years ago

                >nooooo you just don’t get it!!!
                Anon. I am going to make this very clear for you.
                An encounter does not have to be a blank canvas on the lowest level to give players freedom on the highest level.
                This assertion you keep making that you just don’t have a attention span if you aren’t willing to do literally all the work for a game is inane. You do realize that the point of games is to be entertaining, right? That if the low level interactions aren’t fun in their own right it is an objective failure? Mario 1 is a great game because running and jumping is fun and the courses you do it in are the right balance of fun and challenging. It’s not great because it’s a blank canvas that never dares challenge you.

              • 2 years ago

                >BotW is 100% “frick you, do it yourself, we aren’t going to design this encounter to be fun on its fricking own”.

                What absolute drivel. Its painfully obvious you don't even fricking understand the point of video games - of ANY video game. You just sit there consuming entertainment in a completely superficial fashion. You're too stupid understand on any kind base level what the intention of game design is or how your brain is being engaged by it.

                Its become increasingly apparent over the years that BotW haters are genuine fricking ADHD morons who don't understand video games at all and are playing them for all the wrong reasons.

                Funny thing is you're both right. Players should have a lot of freedom as to how they would like to approach a fight but there really should be way more unique settings and scenarios that are set for the player as well, including things that limit what you can do or types of debuffs that may occur from you doing it a wrong way. Who knows, many countless ways to improve the formula but BOTW is fundamentally a very fresh and free game.

              • 2 years ago

                Its a sandbox game, if you feel the game dull its not the game, its you boring piece of shit zoomer who use guides for everything

              • 2 years ago

                >BotW doesn't have any problems.
                Bullshit, the final boss fight against Ganon is abysmal, that's easily the biggest problem and even people who love the game to death can admit it falls flat
                >You're so completely consumed by this bizarre irrational seething jealousy over the game
                Why do you assume everyone who voices complaints over the game must hate it? I liked the game well enough, it's not my favorite Zelda but it's definitely better than the other post-N64 3D games. If you can't handle reading the opinions of others, what the frick are you doing on the internet?

              • 2 years ago

                >the final boss fight against Ganon is abysmal

                1) the fight with Calamity Ganon is great
                2) the final battle with the big pig monster is just a cool spectacle finale
                3) how does this subjectivity convince me or anyone else that BotW didn't deserve its acclaim or success?

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you treating it as an insult to the game's reception and not an exchange of ideas between people

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not.

                The argument here is "the game is OBJECTIVELY flawed."

                That is utter fricking nonsense.

              • 2 years ago

                The "argument" is that I wish the game did some things differently and you're treating it like anyone who dares to disagree with the game's praises is making a personal attack on you and your beliefs

              • 2 years ago

                Uh no? I simply said this notion that the game is "objectively flawed" is nonsense. The level of contrarian delusion is legandary at this point. Simple admitting Nintendo made a great game is too hard.

              • 2 years ago

                Point out where I said the game is "objectively flawed"

              • 2 years ago

                I have seen someone play far cry 5 several times and that is a flat out lie.

                >I have seen someone play far cry 5 several times

                Sums Ganker up perfectly.

              • 2 years ago

                What are you talking about moron?

              • 2 years ago

                And yet when you actually engage them in combat directly without trying any gimmicks, the depth of Bokoblin behavior is:
                >try to hit link
                >try to hit link

              • 2 years ago

                they don't even try to hit him accurately

              • 2 years ago

                The behaviour only applies to three (Bokoblins, Moblins & Lizalfos) enemy types and BotW's enemies suffer from being pretty lackluster in their battles. The combat against a Bokoblin in BotW is the same as it is in WW, keep hacking away until it attacks then dodge/block and counter-attack. Only a few enemies offer variation such as the effectiveness of bombs against Pebblits and some of the additional interactions with Lynels & Guardians (who the game treats generally on par with Hinox, Taluses and Moldugas).

                In general it would've been good to have enemies where using Magnesis or Cryonis was the means by which to defeat them, and enemies with more combat elements.

              • 2 years ago

                >Most enemies will engage you in a specific way
                Most enemies are bokoblins or lizalfos who will not engage you in a specific way at all. They’re there to walk up to you and then try to swing their weapon.
                >Trying to fight a Lava Talus without any ice weapons
                Taluses are a unique enemy type, a miniboss. If the game used them more it would be a stark improvement over what we got.
                >It fricking massacres every other open world game.
                And loses out to OoT. OoT’s basic enemies are just as simple as BotW’s, but it doesn’t use its basic enemies every half hour at most.
                >Allow the player the freedom to create their own solutions based on their own wits and resources is fantastic.
                Puzzles with specific solutions that take effort and logic and sometimes skill to arrive at are the ideal. I will admit that past Zelda games erred more towards lock and key, but I personally don’t find this style of puzzle where everything is up to you all that engaging.
                >They're very useful. Nintendo doesn't waste your time with useless collectable trash.
                I don’t disagree with this, I just feel like they’re not useful enough for how unfun and annoying they are to get. There isn’t enough variety in the process.
                >there's tons of over world puzzles which will lead to shrines
                There are 120 shrines and most of them are just sitting there. And finding a neat open world puzzle only to be “rewarded” with a trip down into the land of generic puzzle ambience is misery.
                >there's always variations within these types and their locations in the world make no two encounter the same.
                Not enough and not enough. I cannot recall a single specific Korok location because they all fricking blend together. They feel the same to come across and solve, every time without fail.
                >Its far design to collect 100/900 than 100/100
                I would prefer a game where you collect 11/100 over a game where you collect 100/900 assuming it took the same effort to do both.

              • 2 years ago

                I was going to respond to each LIE and completely MADE UP bullshit point. But why bother?

                Everything you wrote is utter horseshit. You've been seething for 6 fricking years now. Pic-related.

              • 2 years ago

                >YOU’RE JUST LYING!!!
                I am telling the truth. If you believe I’m not being honest we must have played entirely different versions of the game. Can I see footage of your copy? I wish I got to live in the world where BotW wasn’t Bokoblin Whacking Simulator.
                I wish I got to play a version of BotW where the koroks were all unique and enjoyable.

              • 2 years ago


                >despite that there are near a thousand of them, there are less than 30 basic templates for what a Korok seed requires of you, leading to extreme repetition
                Redundant nonsense there's always variations within these types and their locations in the world make no two encounter the same.

                >If there were only 100 or so Korok seeds, only at the most unique and conspicuous locations, I’d be happy as a clam.

                This is a terrible idea and proves that you don't understand the game at all. Its far design to collect 100/900 than 100/100

              • 2 years ago

                literally desert town

                >pull up to the front gate
                >whatever, I'll just climb these walls then and avoid being seen by the guards

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah that was pretty bullshit, I thought they were gonna have a call-back to OoT's Gerudo Fortress where you'd need to sneak through the settlement making use of tunnels and what-not. It does feel like the plot progression during the Vah Naboris section could've easily worked with this, you'd be unable to enter the city normally so you'd have to sneak in through a secret passage, there'd be evidence of the Yiga having made the secret passage explaining how they stole the Thunder Helm and once you retrieve the Thunder Helm you'd be properly welcomed into Gerudo Town with Riju making an exception for Link not because he's the Goddess' Hero since I get the impression that likely wouldn't mean much to the Gerudo but rather for helping them in the present.

              • 2 years ago

                >Botw is the best videogame
                >But look at how little enemy variety it has
                >Other shitty modern open world games that are more marketing budget than game have less enemy variety
                >But we're not talking about shitty modern open world games, we're talking about video games in general and compared to those BotW has poor enemy variety, even older open world games manage to have greater variety
                >You don't have an argument

              • 2 years ago

                Genetic devil's curliest hair.

              • 2 years ago

                I have seen someone play far cry 5 several times and that is a flat out lie.

              • 2 years ago

                Dont know what you're arguing about but you're a fricking homosexual with shit taste. Botw is a shit kids game. Sit down and shut up little boy

              • 2 years ago

                Boomer here. Botw has always been a piece of shit. Zelda has been getting worst and worst since the gamecube. Nothing to do with zoomers. Botw is just garbage

                >NPC screeching intensifies

      • 2 years ago

        Twilight princess was way way better
        Breath of the wild is soulless

    • 2 years ago

      Good enemy list but I would also throw Dodongos and Gohma(s) in there, the lack of classic Zelda fauna in BotW is a huge misstep

      • 2 years ago

        >dodongo dislikes smoke
        >we finally have a game where we could try using SMOKE against a dodongo instead of explosions
        >but none are in the game
        Wasted fricking opportunity

      • 2 years ago

        >dodongo dislikes smoke
        >we finally have a game where we could try using SMOKE against a dodongo instead of explosions
        >but none are in the game
        Wasted fricking opportunity

        BotW has some of the best enemies in the entire series. Gaurdian Stalkers, Hinox, Talus, Moldulga, Lynels, Yiga Warriors.

        There is NOTHING in any of the previous Zeldas any near as good as fighting these guys. Apart from maybe Dark Nuts.

        • 2 years ago

          Great, so why not add more to that list?

        • 2 years ago

          Guardians are kind of fun but the two “right” ways to kill them are just an accuracy check and a timing check. I do appreciate destructible body parts though.
          Hinoxes are fricking boring. I can genuinely not recall a specific fight with even one.
          Taluses are novel but I feel that they’re sort of limited by the one on the plateau. They’re forced to be “look! An enemy, but you need to climb it!” so they can’t really do much of note.
          Molduga is pretty good but too localized.
          Lynels are unironically top tier and I wish we had a fight on their level with a swordplay system like TP’s.
          Yiga Warriors are boring to me. It was neat to be attacked on the roadside once or twice but beyond that? Eh.

  42. 2 years ago

    If there exists a universe where BOTW is the size it is but with presentation and worldbuilding more akin to OoT I am going to fricking kill someone to get there.

  43. 2 years ago

    Make it a new ip with no connection to lelda, imagine the potential.

  44. 2 years ago

    Put actual usable items which act as keys in the world, make puzzles less sidesteppable.

  45. 2 years ago

    Reposting the same copypastas ad nauseum for years on end should be bannable

  46. 2 years ago

    >no no you see BOTW actually has variety because every other open world game has even less than it!
    All open world games have frick-all for variety.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes ALL video games are shit. This about the only stance you can take to hate BotW by proxy. Simply admitting Nintendo made a great video game is too hard.

      • 2 years ago

        I love the Zelda series for the most part. I hate BOTW. It’s not about Nintendo, it’s not about Zelda, it’s not about any fricking brand or ideology. Your sacred cow is shit. The fundamental gameplay is so boring and repetitive that you have to expect the player to introduce a million distractions just to not give up on it the second the plateau ends.

        • 2 years ago

          This is a (you) probelm. Go play a shitter adventure game.

          • 2 years ago

            It’s a problem with me that I enjoy when the game actually expects me to resolve a problem in a specific way rather than sidestepping it? It’s a problem with me that I don’t like doing the exact same single step “solution” to a “puzzle” in the overworld for the same reward presented in the same way by an identical looking character over a hundred times? It’s a problem with me that I don’t like sifting through hundreds of identical weapon drops and would prefer for my offensive abilities to be directly proportional to my effort?
            Then I think I like my “problems”.

      • 2 years ago

        >ALL video games are shit
        no, just open world games, they never manage to balance the content variety with their scale properly

  47. 2 years ago

    Increase frames per second. Increase screen resolution. Increase graphic draw rendering distance. New voice acting for Link`s non-word sounds; like grunting and yelling. Virtual reality and first person view. No slow motion during archery. Can coop with a second player. Second player can play Zelda. Have an item to call an inventory carrier. Can be magic inventory carrier, but must solve the phat loot weight endurance problems. Impossible inventory weights must be explained.
    Fix all known glitches anyway.

  48. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I miss ghost enemies

  49. 2 years ago

    some actual content that required you to use things gathered in the overworld for starters.

  50. 2 years ago

    BotW fans seem to operate on this insane, narcissistic logic where doing basic shit is more fun because they chose to do that basic shit. I can only assume this is why so many things with daily quests offer multiple dailies, that illusion of “choosing” which option to do out of three boring and shitty option just SMASHES their dopamine receptors.

  51. 2 years ago

    I never realised how obnoxious BoTW fans are until now

    • 2 years ago

      How? They’ve been doing the same demented routine for years.

      • 2 years ago

        I never bothered enetering Zelda threads till now as I’m going through the games at the moment

      • 2 years ago

        >They’ve been doing the same demented routine for years.

        Dude its almost 2023 and you're STILL trying to push this argument that BotW didn't deserve all its success and acclaim?

        Its OVER. It was over fricking years ago.

    • 2 years ago

      How? They’ve been doing the same demented routine for years.

      Arthur is a differently level of demented than your average obsessive Zelda fan

      • 2 years ago

        Who the frick is arthur

        • 2 years ago

          the guy that writes all the long copypastas

          • 2 years ago

            What a fricking tool

  52. 2 years ago

    Take your meds, BOTW schizo

  53. 2 years ago

    In order
    1. Do not make the player feel like the equivallent of opening the last chapter of a 500 page book and then try to tell the important bits of the story through flashbacks. Engage the player with the story more instead of 'everything already happened expect for the last thing you need to do after figuring out what is'
    2. More enemy variety
    3. Fewer, more challenging and longer dungeons that do not resolve around techdemo gimicks
    4. Have a library in the tutorial zone that is a repeat of everything the old guy should tell you. Cus at one point mine bugged out and I never got the cooking tutorial/tips.
    5. The GUI made me want to claw my eyes out
    6. Just get me a recipe book and select the stuff I want to make or an option to repeat recipe by single button press, for frick sake, picrel.
    7. Make weapon destruction more palpable if you insist to use it. For fricks sake Summon Knight Swordcraft Story had sensible weapon destruction figured out in 2003.

    • 2 years ago

      >3. Fewer, more challenging and longer dungeons that do not resolve around techdemo gimicks

      Not realizing all zelda games are just techdemo gimmicks.

      • 2 years ago

        Listen here you little shit. I like techdemo stuff, but when just the whole gyro block puzzle appears 10 times in your game BECAUSE the amount of gyro torch puzzles had to be cut back because before playtesting people were complaining that those puzzles were way too frustrating you seriously need to cut down on them.
        Techdemo's are nice, but you do not need to shove my face in them again and again when I just want a stupid green tunic.
        You want to inspire dev's and possible future dev's to use the idea of how it can be cool. You do not want to make them give up on it because the majority already agrees they find it annoying. That is a big case of over-exposure right there.

  54. 2 years ago

    The Zelda staff has a history of taking fan feedback to heart, often to the point of over-correcting, and Breath of the Wild may have been another over-correction. Like Ocarina of Time, it founded an all-new way of playing Zelda, but unlike Ocarina of Time the content on top of that foundation isn't particularly strong when you examine it.

    It's the kind of game that leaves so much room for improvement that it could be rendered obsolete by a good sequel, and for me that means bringing back more of the old Zelda magic, and Skyward Sword just happens to have the kind of content that Breath of the Wild was sorely lacking. So if the Zelda staff is still listening, it would be a good idea not to make Skyward Sword seem so toxic that they avoid touching it at all costs, and it would be good not give Breath of the Wild's shortcomings a free pass in light of all the great things it accomplished.

  55. 2 years ago
  56. 2 years ago

    I just wouldn't make it as big.

    • 2 years ago

      >I just wouldn't make it as big.

      Yes they should have called it Short Intake Of The Nature Reserve.

  57. 2 years ago

    zelda facesitting minigame

  58. 2 years ago

    >How would you fix this shit?
    prevent hoarding rpg gays from playing it

  59. 2 years ago

    BOTW just isn't every well made, the lack of content, constant asstflips/recolors and weak polish of the combat mechanics just shows how rushed it was.

    The weak hardware(CPU especially) they had probably wasted half their dev time on getting the engine and big open world to even work decently on the WiiU and Switch, hence the huge graphical downgrades from what was originally planned.

  60. 2 years ago

    They're better off canceling BOTW2, there's no fixing it without starting from scratch.

  61. 2 years ago

    Make a game in the style of OoT/MM

    • 2 years ago

      >Make a game in the style of OoT/MM

      Nintendo did that for almost 15 years. Endless OoT rehashes were killing the series.

  62. 2 years ago

    Add romance

  63. 2 years ago


  64. 2 years ago

    >How would you fix this shit?
    Remove the complaining morons who think they're real Zelda fans but don't know anything about the series.

  65. 2 years ago

    5 years and 6 months and Ganker is still seething about this game

  66. 2 years ago

    double down on durability mechanics

    add clothing durability and also a hunger system (stomach durability basically)

  67. 2 years ago

    Do I have expectations for the sequel?
    Yes, but that doesn't change the fact it is an amazing game and a milestone in the medium.

  68. 2 years ago

    Legitimately give players a reason to explore. I get it, the mechanic of "climb anything, go anywhere" is cool but this is used to deflect from the fact that NOTHING exists in the game worth scaling a mountain for. No Korok Seeds don't count, there's hundreds of the things to a point that any casual runthrough of the game will provide you with more than necessary to max-out. Like yeah, I can run around to climb any tower or geographical structure but there's no reason to do so beyond "Because you can", which in a video game isn't reason enough, it real life you can make the "Because it's there" argument for exploration as it's an actual physical achievement in video games, holding up while pressing a climb button isn't an achievement, it's monotony.
    Enemy variety. There's got to be about 13 enemy designs in total. 13 is appalling for an open world game.

    If the game released without the Zelda skin over it people wouldn't be praising it half as much, I'm almost convinced that the majority of praise is either ironic or coming from a sense of "Can't say a Zelda game is bad!".

    • 2 years ago

      >If the game released without the Zelda skin over it people wouldn't be praising it half as much, I'm almost convinced that the majority of praise is either ironic or coming from a sense of "Can't say a Zelda game is bad!".
      You're a moron. The has one of the most complex physics and chemistry systems in any 3 game and on top of that it's a large open world with virtually no jank. People that actually like gameplay would still love it. The only difference would be that idiots who don't actually like good games wouldn't be complaining that it's not like the Zelda game they played when they were 9.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, a large empty open world. Frick it, why not make the map 10x bigger then? People won't care that it's devoid of content.

        >Legitimately give players a reason to explore.

        ADHD kiddies will never be satisfied.

        Sorry that I think a game should have content. Why don't you download a mod for all your games to remove world events, radiant quests, items, secrets and anything else that makes the exploration payoff? What's the point of exploration when there is nothing to see or do and the 'journey' is just pressing forward on a joystick with the occasional climbing button press?

        • 2 years ago

          >People won't care that it's devoid of content.
          It's not devoid of content at all. You're just mentally disabled and think that shrines, divine beasts, towns, environmental puzzles and sidequests aren't content because you're an idiot who thinks exploration only matters if you get a reward that the game tells you is unique and special.

          >What's the point of exploration when there is nothing to see or do and the 'journey' is just pressing forward on a joystick with the occasional climbing button press?
          You don't like playing video games.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh yeah, those Shrines that you can beeline for because they're so obvious and those "Environmental puzzles" that are just "Move rock to X to get Korok seed" which as I said, a casual playthrough will net you enough of to make any exploration for them redundant unless you're planning on collecting them all or find a particular enjoyment completing puzzles designed for the mentally challenged.
            Most other games offer something in the way of content for pressing forward on a joystick. Zelda replies almost completely on a players capacity to do something for the sake of doing it, regardless of the skill involved to complete it. or reward obtained at the end. There's no 'journey' to speak of, yes you can wander aimlessly but ultimately nothing happens as a result, you gain nothing and you experience nothing. Walked thought 30 seconds of open plain grassland and found a Korok Seed? Great, that's the extent of every grassy field in the game.
            Also Divine Beasts are story related, they're not elements of exploration.

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              >Oh yeah, those Shrines that you can beeline for because they're so obvious and those "Environmental puzzles" that are just "Move rock to X to get Korok seed"
              Wrong. You're a shitposting moron and you don't like actual gameplay.

    • 2 years ago

      >Legitimately give players a reason to explore.

      ADHD kiddies will never be satisfied.

  69. 2 years ago

    I would like to actually have to interact with the physics world for more than 20 minutes before I'm spoiled by stupid slate superpowers. How about making those powers obtained from faraway regions on the map? And throw in a magic instrument. Perhaps Link's voice... the Breath of the Wild.

  70. 2 years ago

    make elden ring with a zelda skin

  71. 2 years ago

    Secondwind + cemu cheats to remove the moronic life Regen from master mode. I'd also change it so that food was a non-stacking HoT instead of instant heal. Reduced weapon drops and higher durability
    This would be a start, but better and more dungeons would be important and progression gating.

  72. 2 years ago

    Make Link a girl

  73. 2 years ago

    I couldn't, there is nothing to fix.

  74. 2 years ago

    Ganker still seething about this masterpiece?

    • 2 years ago

      Skyrim for kids and manchildren isnt worth seething, its just sad to see normies like you exist

      • 2 years ago

        >Skyrim for kids and manchildren

        didn't the makers of Skyrim say BotW was far superior? Why would they do that?

      • 2 years ago

        These are the subhumans that hate BotW.

  75. 2 years ago

    Wow. Most of the opinions stated in the past hour or so are all uniquely awful.

  76. 2 years ago

    Fixed both graphically and functionally.
    No stupid censorship and no israeli israelitery, so it can't be developed in CaliJewfornia

  77. 2 years ago

    Isn’t terraria one of the top ten highest selling individual games of all time and BotW… not?

    • 2 years ago

      There are more sold rolls of toilet paper than Terraria.
      Something you wipe your shit with is selling better than Terraria.

      TL;DR more sales doesn't mean it's better a fancier product.

      • 2 years ago

        Then what’s your argument that BotW is a better product than prior Zelda games? It’s rated lower than OoT and if sales don’t correlate to quality it doesn’t have any objective, measurable leg up on the competition. The ACTUAL competition, not other open world games released near BotW.

        • 2 years ago

          >It’s rated lower than OoT

          Come the frick on. OoT has what, 20 reviews on Metacritic? How many THOUSANDS does BotW have?

          Are you relying on one statistical contextless review algorithm rather than accepting that Metacritic score supplements the vast overwhelming acclaim from every corner of the industry?

          • 2 years ago

            OoT has 22 critic reviews and 7000 user reviews. BotW has a bit over 100 critic reviews and 18000-ish user reviews.

          • 2 years ago

            OoT is a better game do of course it would get a better score.

        • 2 years ago

          BoTW sold more than the rest, but you have to count in the increase in total gamers. (inflation).

          How many total gamers were there in 1998 vs 2017.

          If there were 10 million gamers in 1998 and it sold 10 million copies, then it's better than if there where 40 million copies and the game sold 20 million copies.
          Now these numbers are just examples.
          But again sales doesn't mean = good product.

          FIFA is a piece of shit game, and it outsells other games year after year, even though it's the same game with new roster.

          A game is good if the people that bought it enjoyed it.
          Good examples are looking at user scores (not bought critic scores).
          Factorio, Portal 2 and such topped the list on Steam, and they did it for a reason.
          Now, I love BoTW.
          I have maybe 600+ hours on it so far, but I don't place it on a pedestal without bringing up it's shortcomings.
          The game could've been much better, see

          Fixed both graphically and functionally.
          No stupid censorship and no israeli israelitery, so it can't be developed in CaliJewfornia


          Terraria vs Minecraft is a better comparison than Terraria vs BoTW, because they are totally different games, while Terraria at least is a Minecraft look alike but in 2D that tried and succeeded in implementing WAY more features than Minecraft.

          >It’s rated lower than OoT

          Come the frick on. OoT has what, 20 reviews on Metacritic? How many THOUSANDS does BotW have?

          Are you relying on one statistical contextless review algorithm rather than accepting that Metacritic score supplements the vast overwhelming acclaim from every corner of the industry?

          Good example of why it's important to count in the inflation.

    • 2 years ago

      >Isn’t terraria one of the top ten highest selling individual games of all time and BotW… not?

      Sales don't equal quality. But Terraria haa sold 35 million over 15 different platforms. Its been on the market for 11 years, itsa budget game and is also constantly on sale.

      BotW has sold 30 million on a single platform in 5 years at full price.

      Does that help?

  78. 2 years ago

    add farming and base building

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I have a mod that gives Link a house on top of the hills in the hyrule fields.
        Would love to be able to place carrots and such in a farm area near the house and have it grow up to be more veggies after a few days.

        • 2 years ago

          Play Stardew Valley and stop forcing every single mechanic from every genre into one game

          • 2 years ago

            Is that the Jas game?
            Besides the e-girl posting, I have no idea what that game is but it looks too woke for me. At least the vanilla game does.

      • 2 years ago

        and pregnancy and marriage

        • 2 years ago

          So Skyrim presented by Nintendo

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, problem?

  79. 2 years ago

    I would cry about it on Ganker over five years after its release, when countless mods are already out for DIY fixing it.

  80. 2 years ago

    remove absurd durability mechanic and make weapons more rare

  81. 2 years ago

    1) Separate map into 12 regions. Stamina is now directly tied to your heart meter. Pieces of heart are back, and each dungeon drops a heart container.
    2) Each region has a large traditional dungeon and a gimmick item that focuses on a movement ability or way to manipulate your environment, like Hookshot (steals shields), telekinetic grab (can be used to steal an unaware enemy's weapon), Pegasus Boots (lets you run fast, but only forward, and you can trip over stuff of bash into enemies, or fling yourself off a cliff if not careful), bombs, ice wand, the magnets and time stop gimmicks were cool, but should be unlocked through progression. Paraglider too.
    3) Each region has a biome or theme, like snowy tundra, grasslands, jungle, desert, ancient ruins, archipelagos, fairy land, etc.
    4) Each biome has 4-6 unique enemy types
    5) You start off with the Rusty Master Sword. It's weak, but it never breaks. You ALWAYS have a weak weapon. Using breakable enemy weapons is a way to make enemies easier, this way the player decides their own level of challenge.
    6) Strength of the Master Sword increases at the game's 50% mark to become the "Restored Master Sword", but the enemies also become stronger. You still do more damage than before, but enemies are more capable, more aggressive, and defend themselves better.
    7) Collectable MacGuffins in shrines are instead exchanged for Master Sword techniques. You start off with a basic 2 hit combo. You unlock rising strike, falling strike, additional hits, finishers, ripostes, spin strike, and energy beams, etc. by completing optional shrines.
    8) There are also shrines for each subweapon or ability that give them an interesting added ability, like the ability to do a running jump with the Pegasus boots, or using Hookshot on the stuff while paragliding to gain momentum, something that makes shield surfing actually usable and cool, etc.

    • 2 years ago

      2 and 5 are good ideas. Maybe 6.

      • 2 years ago

        I like 7.

        • 2 years ago

          I feel like in an open world game it's better to have your full melee moveset from the start.

  82. 2 years ago

    Nothing. Just make the sequel have better graphics

    • 2 years ago

      >graphics Black person

  83. 2 years ago

    By removing you from the gene pool

  84. 2 years ago

    BoTW was a pretty mediocre game in hindsight

    Too many questionable game design and decisions, really felt like I was playing a game made by Japanese boomers

    I think honestly that Aonuma should retire a and bring fresh blood to the game

  85. 2 years ago

    Make the Master Sword and Hylian Shield completely 100% unbreakable whatsoever. (No recharging). All other weapons and shields and whatnot can break.
    Proper story like OOT and MM and WW and TP
    Proper boss fights like OOT and MM and WW and TP
    Proper dungeons like OOT and MM and WW and TP
    Proper soundtrack like OOT and MM and WW and TP
    Less weeb anime tone and more serious like OOT and MM

    • 2 years ago

      >Proper story like OOT and MM and WW and TP
      Are you moronic? It had more story and characterization than any other game in the series by far.
      >Less weeb anime tone
      Oh yeah. Definitely moronic.

      Make it Elden Ring. All the suggestions I used to give back when this came out eventually came to be in ER.

      >All the suggestions I used to give back when this came out
      Like shit AI, shit traversal options, jank everywhere and frick all for quests and NPCs?

      • 2 years ago

        >Are you moronic? It had more story and characterization than any other game in the series by far.
        Giving people voice acting doesn't make them better characters

        • 2 years ago

          >Giving people voice acting doesn't make them better characters
          No, but giving Zelda a personality beyond being a plot device does. Giving the other supporting cast a roll beyond "Sage 1 of 6 who really likes Link" does.

  86. 2 years ago

    Allow bows to fire non-damaging arrows that don't cause durability damage, for the purposes of dungeons that have switches that need to be set off with bows but don't have bows or arrows in the dungeon themselves.

  87. 2 years ago

    So is Zombie Ganon separate from calamity ganon?

  88. 2 years ago

    Make it Elden Ring. All the suggestions I used to give back when this came out eventually came to be in ER.

  89. 2 years ago

    Make weapons last a little longer and add more enemy types. There's not really a whole lot wrong with it.

  90. 2 years ago

    Why do people here get so mad when other people say BOTW is weeb anime compared to OOT? If you were at least somewhat normie you would understand. Its easy to see.

    • 2 years ago

      Because “anime” is not a negative trait and “weeb” is a Twitter corruption of “weeaboo”.

      • 2 years ago

        >“anime” is not a negative trait
        It is to me. OOT is like a normal medieval fantasy game. BOTW is an anime game.

        • 2 years ago

          That's ridiculous because OoT is just as anime as BotW

        • 2 years ago

          >OOT is like a normal medieval fantasy game.
          Aside from the 90s anime key art, the cute anime girls, the child engagement anime trope, the side characters that are mostly Japanese cliches, the fricking ninja clan, and the stuff ripped out of the post-DQ3 zeitgeist in anime at the time, yeah.

          It's the same as it ever was. You just like new things less.

    • 2 years ago

      >doesn't like "anime"
      You're a subhuman and I understand why you like OoT over BotW.

      • 2 years ago

        >I understand why you like OoT over BotW.

  91. 2 years ago

    I don't want to "make my own fun". I want planned organised fun.

    • 2 years ago

      You should play visual novels.

      • 2 years ago

        >if you want a game even slightly more structured than botw you should play a game with zero actual gameplay systems and a 95% linear story
        Shut the frick up.

        • 2 years ago

          That wasn't sarcastic or condescending, moron. 999 is the GOAT.

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong. OOT is a game that I consider planned organised fun

        • 2 years ago

          >OOT is a game that I consider planned organised fun

          Go play that then and the rest of us will let gaming evolve.

          • 2 years ago

            Vast worlds are boring tedium. I want to get to dungeons and cut scenes asap

          • 2 years ago

            Give me a tightly designed and small world with BOTW’s systemic detail please.

            • 2 years ago

              >give me simplistic undemanding linear gameplay with handholding.


              • 2 years ago

                >anything that isn’t frickhuge with no direction whatsoever is handholding and easy

  92. 2 years ago

    Make weapons 10x more durable

  93. 2 years ago

    a real discount 5 years after release, cuz this shit's still 70€

  94. 2 years ago

    Get rid of the glass weapons, that shit is so stupid
    >b-but unbreakable weapons will just break the game!
    Speedrunners already just grab all the best weapons from Hyrule Castle and kill Ganon with them anyway. The game is already broken.
    Just give us a variety of weapons that all have their own unique quirks and balance around that instead of modeling all of these rare unique weapons you have to kill an enemy camp for or complete a sidequest only for it to explode after 8 hits. Plenty of open world games have unbreakable weapons or nearly unbreakable weapons and people don't b***h about "weapon balance".
    There's so many cool weapons like the Guardian equipment Robbie makes that you end up just hanging in Link's house because why would you want to break something that took all that material so quickly? Or what about the insane cost champion weapons have to replace? As it stands all of the really pretty and unique weapons only exist to fill the photograph album, in practical effect you only have about 15 weapons you actually "use" when the game has 120 weapons.
    Dark Souls hasn't had this problem, sure some stuff is obviously better than others but for the most part almost every weapon is viable in some way.

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