How would you have fixed it?

How would you have fixed it?

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  1. 6 months ago

    make it a dawn of war clone

  2. 6 months ago

    made it fun

  3. 6 months ago

    a fourth faction Xel' Naga

  4. 6 months ago

    More funky jukebox music.

  5. 6 months ago

    What's wrong with it? It's the best RTS out there.

    • 6 months ago

      It's an example of doing everything right and still failing.

      Hots and Lotv where pure garbage. MP is the most stressful and anti satisfactory game in existence

      • 6 months ago

        Are you trying to say the launch MP was the best?

        • 6 months ago

          Don't remember shit tbqh, it was 10 years ago and I play some months every year

          what do you want mp to be? Why does difficult = bad?

          Fun? I don't care about difficulty, beyond master the game is just not fun, even winning a game feels like a loss

          • 6 months ago

            >Fun? I don't care about difficulty, beyond master the game is just not fun, even winning a game feels like a loss
            The game being difficult means that there are many different levels of skill, a gold player is not only slightly worse than a diamond player for instance like how a lot of other competitive games are. The large amount of skill expression means that getting better has great returns rather than making you feel like you're not progressing at all as you get better. That is one of my favourite things about starcraft compared to something like a moba or an fps where a worse player can have a lucky round and take out players much better than them pretty often. In starcraft, a diamond player is not going to beat a mid/high master more than maybe 1-5 times in 50 games.

            • 6 months ago

              bro it's exactly the same in fps

              • 6 months ago

                not really. a silver/gold player in cs can still get plenty of bullshit kills on a global. a global player smurfing will not have a 100% winrate through silver and gold a lot of the time. A gm smurfing in sc2 can get to masters 3 with 100% winrate before they even have to start trying.

              • 6 months ago

                bro you are crazy, global elite is level 6 faceit player. This is not even top 30% playerbase. You are telling me that noob is going to lose against a moron basically. Here, I launched cs2 to post you my mm rating (i play it only for fun).

                and honestly a team of let's say 5 DMG's would never ever lose a game against 5 silver elites, not even one in 100.

                The fact that you lose one duel doesn't mean you lose the game so like the whole idea of duel in fps = entire match in rts is extremely flawed from you bro

              • 6 months ago

                Ive already made my case. There are plenty of smurfing videos where cs players climb silver to global and they all drop games. In starcraft you dont have that type of rng that makes flukes happen like that. a gm player can play with mouse only and have absolutely zero chance of losing.

              • 6 months ago

                Because there's russian kids smurfing for fun in every second game or there's a cheater thus noone takes matchmaking seriously and plays faceit?

                I guarantee you that a 3k elo faceit player will climb to level 8 faceit (top 2%) with at least 95% winrate. If it wasn't a team game he would have 100%.

              • 6 months ago

                i doubt it. fps and mobas do not have the same level of control and build up as rts do. an entire rts game is a body of work from start to finish where every thing you do counts, there is no dice roll and there is no "well i messed up that round at the very start of the game but i get to reset in a minute anyway".

              • 6 months ago

                I only played wings of liberty but I got high diamond on season 1 so I am much more oriented on the side of fps competitive, and I understand what you mean. There's always an odd chance that you will lose the duel against a shitter, but if you put your heart into it and did not treat shitter as a shitter but as an equal opponent then these chances drop significantly, perhaps you will still lose a duel here and there but by the end you will fricking steamroll every game. I am rusty as frick but I could probably push to LEM with 100% win rate if I tried really hard, despite being a 0.00 2300elo player... I know people who 100% could do it and they are not even signed pros or 2nd league bro. I get your point but by the end of it it doesn't matter if you lose a duel because a shitter had luck if you still won the game.

              • 6 months ago

                Just admit you don’t understand rts games and move on lil bro

              • 6 months ago

                You see, the issue is that they are very much similiar in a sense, and because I understand both I had no problem getting high rankings here and there.

      • 6 months ago

        what do you want mp to be? Why does difficult = bad?

  6. 6 months ago

    It's an example of doing everything right and still failing.

  7. 6 months ago

    no esports

  8. 6 months ago

    Well for me the fact it released with only a Terran campaign yet they still charged full retail price for it, and made me sign into battlenet just to play campaign, meant that I was never spending another cent on Blizzard ever again. And I have held to that promise. Frick Blizzard, greedy fricking bastards selling me 1/3 of a game for full price then demanding I cough up again two more times to get everything else. Imagine if they tried this shit with SC BW or WC3

    • 6 months ago

      >Imagine if they tried this shit with SC BW or WC3
      the bw campaign is roughly the same length as the wings of liberty campaign. wc3 Reign of chaos is about 1-2 hours longer than either.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah I know, they bloated it to hell to justify selling me 1/3 of a story. Frick them.

        • 6 months ago

          okay dude

    • 6 months ago

      as much as i like the terran campaign, i will be real with you, most starcraft players, especially koreans, dont play the single player session
      it's like how many people dont even play the single players of COD. they dont care about price either, the base game with multiplayer is now free
      Most of the starcraft 2's issue is due to esport shit, blizzard's esport side of business, and their beef with korean esport shit

    • 6 months ago

      I agree with you. only reason I have it is cause a buddy bought it for me in exchange for giving him that 2h axe the first boss of icc drops. he really wanted it so I made a raid and gave it to him then disbanded the raid and logged off. free 60 bux is free 60 bux.

  9. 6 months ago

    fix the OP units quicker than they did even if the new balance patch resulted in something else being OP. watching years of broodlord-infestor being OP killed everyone's joy.
    dont frick up custom maps/arcade just because they want to be israelites and prevent missing out on dota3.
    do more for coop/teamgames earlier.

  10. 6 months ago

    Put it on Steam

  11. 6 months ago

    A fricking x64 client
    It runs like dogshit

  12. 6 months ago

    It didnt need fixing, the first years of sc2 were dominant. Blizzard just decided to completely frick the game over by trying too hard to strong arm esports which alienated one of the main demographics (koreans)

  13. 6 months ago

    I would've not made 2.0 a huge piece of shit. have chatrooms ready at launch. have use map settings games ready at launch. not have the stupid clauses in the terms of use that make all custom games blizzard property.
    it would've been SO easy to make the game a much, much bigger hit with people.

  14. 6 months ago

    Make Tychus the main character.

  15. 6 months ago

    make pathing clunky so deathballing is actually very hard to perform.

    • 6 months ago

      Intentionally gutting the pathfinding is a shit solution. Just limit the size of army control groups and fix units clipping into each other due to a lack of unit collision.

      • 6 months ago

        thats because you havent watch how koreans actually scream and squirm when an unit path correctly in sc1 leading to a victory

        • 6 months ago

          Am I supposed to give a frick about Korea?

          • 6 months ago

            then you only want to play the game for the story as it is a semi movie game.

    • 6 months ago

      They refused to put so many anti-death ball things in the game. You don't have to cripple the game to prevent QOL pathing.

      • 6 months ago

        >They refused to put so many anti-death ball things in the game.
        if this was true then the most valuable skill of the terran race wouldnt be the ability to split your units at a moments notice.

  16. 6 months ago

    what if we improved the pathing, reducing micro requirements, then added mandatory filler clicks so players can feel busy anyway 🙂

  17. 6 months ago

    - Remove useless busy work, like CC, MULES and Injections.
    - Fix the custom game browser.
    - Remove each and everything related to e-sports, including narrators.
    - Remove that championship splash screen.
    - Update the models/textures for a more modern one.
    - Update the UI for a modern one.
    - Make the Custom Keys easier to use with more QoLs.
    - Bring back all the emojis/skins into a rotation.
    - Release more skins and sell them at a fair price.
    - Sell exclusive Blizzcon skins, if it's not "complete" release a complete set using the same style.
    - Fix some graphics issues, like anti-aliasing.
    - This is very important, hire the original team from 2 and port SC1 campaigns using the same artstyle/write/cinematic style and sell them.
    - Maybe even port comics stuff into campaigns too.
    - Bring more heroes based on these campaigns.
    - Make it easier to queue the army/units.
    - Give fast click options for army formation, like splits, pincer attacks.
    - Give "retreat penality" so kiting would be punishable.
    - Optimize QoLs so the APM requirement would go down, as down as it's possibly can be.
    - This one could be funny, but release skins based on other franchises, like WarCraft, Overwatch, Sonic and so on, like the guys from Fortnite do.

    The rest of the game is pretty good, I wouldn't mess around too much.

    • 6 months ago

      >make the game easier by destroying the skill expression so that everyone is roughly the same level
      just go play heroes of the storm

    • 6 months ago

      The hole point of the game is how fast you can give orders, if you remove that you have no game

      • 6 months ago

        >make the game easier by destroying the skill expression so that everyone is roughly the same level
        just go play heroes of the storm

        they should keep it at 80 APM at max. Removing CC, MULEs and Injections would do wonders for that. Giving us options of fast formations would make it even better bringing the APM even down.

        I'd also add an option for auto tumor spread for Zergs too.

        • 6 months ago

          you can go play wc3 but not even wc3 is that casual.

        • 6 months ago

          >this post
          bro you genuinely just want to ruin the game by making it so easy there is no reason to play it anymore. You would make all the people who actually play the game leave ,and most of the new players who are attracted by the more casual approach will also leave eventually because you have removed all the depth of the game and it just ends up a hollow experience catering to the lowest common denominator.

          It is almost as if you work at blizzard in 2023.

          • 6 months ago

            I want to have fun, not go crazy skipping from Camera Location to Camera Location while giving myself tendinitis because "I'm warming" my fingers for the real fight.

            E-sports was a mistake. I want to have fun. Other stuff that has come to my mind:

            - They should also make like Smash Bros. hide your position on ladder and only display it once you achieved master.
            - Hide your MMR until master.
            - Just generally show your league.
            - Let you truncate your game history, if you want to, no they don't need to keep all the data like you are some kind of important NBA player.
            - Remove or give the option to acquire all one time only achievements.
            - Remove the dates from the achievements.

            • 6 months ago

              Why would any of those things make the game any more fun? Are you afraid of statistics? then just dont look at them. Hiding mmr doesnt mean the mmr isnt there, it just means you have less of an understanding where you are at and how close you are to ranking up, which is a bad thing and was one of the main complaints about how csgo ranks worked for instance.

              I dont think you really understand what makes games fun. It might be fun to you for a few games, but eventually it would get boring even for you because there is zero space for development and squishing the skill expression to this level is not going to make you lose in random bullshit ways less, it is going to make you lose more because your own input is less relevant.

              • 6 months ago

                >Are you afraid of statistics?
                no, but they are annoying. It's another step that a common player will need to overcome to just play the game. It can cause the same anxiety of having good grades on school.

                People use it to show "how good they are at the game", instead of... play the game for fun. This is all happening because of the overfocus on e-sports. Smash Bros does it the right way.

                The game, as it is right now, only appeals for ultra competitive players. It's no wonder that the coop is the most played mode according to the devs, it's the only one that feels fun and not a sweaty over competitive high APM e-sports meta game. That's not the idea of fun for most people, specially after a day of work.

                I've been playing BAR and SupCom lately and I love the fact that you can automate a frickton of the basebuilding in that game without being just playing for you, as building placement and costs are a deliberate choice, but you really can automate like 2 mins of work on base to pay attention to the micro at the front if needed.

                I want to try these, I'm playing KH right now, but I'm thinking about playing them next year. I want to try the Total War series too. I was hoping that Stormgate would be great, but I hated the graphics.

              • 6 months ago

                >no, but they are annoying. It's another step that a common player will need to overcome to just play the game.
                HOW?! just dont look at them if they make you feel bad, holy shit. Removing grades in grade school is not a positive thing.

              • 6 months ago

                >Removing grades in grade school is not a positive thing.
                Featuring them in your game (for fun) SURELY is not good either.

                >auto kiting
                >Marines getting auto-kited into a bunch of burrowed banelings
                You ever play Total War? You ever accidentally leave any ranged unit on skirmish mode? That but even worse. Your ideas are dogshit anon, you just want a phone game autobattler you can observe.
                Vampire Survivors is on sale btw

                >You ever play Total War?
                No, I actually just commented that I want to try them next year, they are on my list. I want to start with Shogun.

                >auto kiting
                >Marines getting auto-kited into a bunch of burrowed banelings
                You ever play Total War? You ever accidentally leave any ranged unit on skirmish mode? That but even worse. Your ideas are dogshit anon, you just want a phone game autobattler you can observe.
                Vampire Survivors is on sale btw

                >Your ideas are dogshit anon, you just want a phone game autobattler you can observe.
                My ideas may be "dogshit" but you can't see the forest for the trees. My main point is that the game must remove the busy work and commit to one play style or another. Just like the Chad anon described the problem here:

                SC2 is a busywork simulator and not so much a strategy game, so it beckons to be sweaty

                It's about opener, rotations, the gambit and the outcome. Maps are more functions of ETAs and TTK than terrain advantages. Units overlap in functions and has a bloat of useless tools and "gameplay" gimmicks like Chronoboosts and inject larvas.

                As much as reductionism you want to apply, SC2 basebuilding is constrictive to a very tiny grid with no different layouts for different situations since all maps are the same, so yes, it's a busywork, and it would be fine if the game embraced the fact that it's more about the micro managing in fights more than the macro aspect of it, but it's intentionally clumsy to build things in SC2 to take attention from the frontline towards buildings.

                Even more so with the deathball problem SC2 is. It's all about reaching critical mass and F2 into the enemy critical mass. TTK is so fast that makes everyone sweat, but even more so when taking into account you can't keep building and expanding without turning the camera into your own base every .2 nanoseconds. Hence the hotkey piano masters that configure their gameplay to the utmost ridiculous ways just to fast inject larvae into their multiple Hives, a must to do, at all times, to keep up with the other races output, for instance. but devs went on their way to make Inject Larvae NOT AUTOMATIC and justify themselves with "it would make it too simple" even though no one likes that core gimmick since it's not a real tactical decision, just busywork.

                Same with MULEs and Chronoboosts. Same with blocking ramps everywhere.

                Speaking of blocking ramps, the game is so constrictive it's minutely balanced around ramps. So every map is about ramps and blocking them. But what was a SC1 engine limitation was copied in SC2 as a feature, for instance.

                There are a lot of questionable decisions in SC2 development that people will remember more than I do, specially with balance between units, and certainly the helding hostage some units that were severely needed in armies like true siege weapons and what not.

                Yes, the game is balanced for blockades, they even created that giant blockade made of rubble to act as a barrier. They really, really commit for one style or the other. All this busy work is not working well.

              • 6 months ago

                grades in grade school is not a positive thing.
                >Featuring them in your game (for fun) SURELY is not good either
                what is your reasoning?

              • 6 months ago

                Gradings is external motivators. You do it because SOMEONE will compensate your for your efforts. Games are, normally, intrinsically motivated, you do it for yourself, not to show off to other because your motivation is internal. That's called Locus of Control in psychology.

                If the game is making you to commit into an e-sport mindset, you'll start to be judged by your performance, by what OTHERS think of you. This create anxiety. It's no wonder that a lot of people create smurf accounts or rename their accounts to the very famous Mr. ||||||||||| so no one will be able to identify them and judge them by their performance.

              • 6 months ago

                >Gradings is

              • 6 months ago

                Are you suggesting that we remove ranks from competitive games? if you want to play casual games then play casual games no one is stopping you. there is a casual queue in sc2 with hidden mmr and no ranks. But just because you are a pussy doesnt mean other people are. You shouldnt remove something that is entirely central to the game just because it hurts your feelings.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes. No one wants to play in casual matches because you don't feel that people are giving it all.

                Just create one mode, hide the MMR, put people in generic rankings, like 3 at most. And only display this stuff to them when they reach Master. After all, they are masters now.

              • 6 months ago

                real talk are you moronic? you want competitive tryhard games but you dont want it to be properly ranked? why not just leave it the way it is now? if you want competitive games you play competitive, if you dont you play casual.

    • 6 months ago

      >- Give "retreat penality" so kiting would be punishable
      This would instantly make the Marine dogshit vs any melee or short-ranged unit. No option for mirco means they just die.

      • 6 months ago

        So they should give them an "auto kiting" move, so they go kiting rhythmically until the point where you ordered them to.

        you can go play wc3 but not even wc3 is that casual.

        Busy work is boring. I just want to see them moving and fighting. I don't want to combo them into 300 keystrokes.

        Be mindful that the most popular game mode, according to the devs, is the coop.

        • 6 months ago

          >auto kiting
          >Marines getting auto-kited into a bunch of burrowed banelings
          You ever play Total War? You ever accidentally leave any ranged unit on skirmish mode? That but even worse. Your ideas are dogshit anon, you just want a phone game autobattler you can observe.
          Vampire Survivors is on sale btw

    • 6 months ago

      >Give "retreat penality" so kiting would be punishable.
      you mean turn speed

    • 6 months ago

      Ywnbaw and ASShomosexualS suck ass

  18. 6 months ago

    No air, no invisibility/camo units.

    • 6 months ago

      hello zerg main

  19. 6 months ago

    Just add LAN

  20. 6 months ago

    Doubled the macro mechanics and add more units with gimmick abilities.

  21. 6 months ago

    Make RTS great again™

  22. 6 months ago

    by throwing it in the garbage and making wc4 instead

  23. 6 months ago

    SC2 is a busywork simulator and not so much a strategy game, so it beckons to be sweaty

    It's about opener, rotations, the gambit and the outcome. Maps are more functions of ETAs and TTK than terrain advantages. Units overlap in functions and has a bloat of useless tools and "gameplay" gimmicks like Chronoboosts and inject larvas.

    As much as reductionism you want to apply, SC2 basebuilding is constrictive to a very tiny grid with no different layouts for different situations since all maps are the same, so yes, it's a busywork, and it would be fine if the game embraced the fact that it's more about the micro managing in fights more than the macro aspect of it, but it's intentionally clumsy to build things in SC2 to take attention from the frontline towards buildings.

    Even more so with the deathball problem SC2 is. It's all about reaching critical mass and F2 into the enemy critical mass. TTK is so fast that makes everyone sweat, but even more so when taking into account you can't keep building and expanding without turning the camera into your own base every .2 nanoseconds. Hence the hotkey piano masters that configure their gameplay to the utmost ridiculous ways just to fast inject larvae into their multiple Hives, a must to do, at all times, to keep up with the other races output, for instance. but devs went on their way to make Inject Larvae NOT AUTOMATIC and justify themselves with "it would make it too simple" even though no one likes that core gimmick since it's not a real tactical decision, just busywork.

    Same with MULEs and Chronoboosts. Same with blocking ramps everywhere.

    • 6 months ago

      Speaking of blocking ramps, the game is so constrictive it's minutely balanced around ramps. So every map is about ramps and blocking them. But what was a SC1 engine limitation was copied in SC2 as a feature, for instance.

      There are a lot of questionable decisions in SC2 development that people will remember more than I do, specially with balance between units, and certainly the helding hostage some units that were severely needed in armies like true siege weapons and what not.

      • 6 months ago

        SC2 is a busywork simulator and not so much a strategy game, so it beckons to be sweaty

        It's about opener, rotations, the gambit and the outcome. Maps are more functions of ETAs and TTK than terrain advantages. Units overlap in functions and has a bloat of useless tools and "gameplay" gimmicks like Chronoboosts and inject larvas.

        As much as reductionism you want to apply, SC2 basebuilding is constrictive to a very tiny grid with no different layouts for different situations since all maps are the same, so yes, it's a busywork, and it would be fine if the game embraced the fact that it's more about the micro managing in fights more than the macro aspect of it, but it's intentionally clumsy to build things in SC2 to take attention from the frontline towards buildings.

        Even more so with the deathball problem SC2 is. It's all about reaching critical mass and F2 into the enemy critical mass. TTK is so fast that makes everyone sweat, but even more so when taking into account you can't keep building and expanding without turning the camera into your own base every .2 nanoseconds. Hence the hotkey piano masters that configure their gameplay to the utmost ridiculous ways just to fast inject larvae into their multiple Hives, a must to do, at all times, to keep up with the other races output, for instance. but devs went on their way to make Inject Larvae NOT AUTOMATIC and justify themselves with "it would make it too simple" even though no one likes that core gimmick since it's not a real tactical decision, just busywork.

        Same with MULEs and Chronoboosts. Same with blocking ramps everywhere.

        Campaign-only RTS enjoyer here. With your experience, do you think Stormgate will fall into the same pitfall (or worse) or they take a step in the right direction? I know you got invited to the beta, no one with that much insight into SC won't register to Stormgate's beta, are you?

    • 6 months ago

      >As much as reductionism you want to apply, SC2 basebuilding is constrictive to a very tiny grid with no different layouts for different situations since all maps are the same, so yes, it's a busywork, and it would be fine if the game embraced the fact that it's more about the micro managing in fights more than the macro aspect of it, but it's intentionally clumsy to build things in SC2 to take attention from the frontline towards buildings.
      That's a very good observation anon.

      I'm the guy who wrote the list above. I think that's the point. Go full micro game or make it more macro friendly. Both will give you a feeling of a busy work game since you are not truly committing into any play style.

      I like SC2 very much, but the busywork and lack of QoLs is so annoying. I'd like to be able to manage like 3 armies at the same in 3 fronts, not to deathball everything. I'm a noob compared to some players, but still I love the game, I just wanted to commit to one gameplay style vs the other.

      The main problem with MULES, CB and Injections is that you can't automate them, so you NEED to keep going back to your base all the time. It takes time away from the batltes. Instead of managing 1 army + 1 base, I'd rather manage two army in two fronts.

      • 6 months ago

        I've been playing BAR and SupCom lately and I love the fact that you can automate a frickton of the basebuilding in that game without being just playing for you, as building placement and costs are a deliberate choice, but you really can automate like 2 mins of work on base to pay attention to the micro at the front if needed.

  24. 6 months ago

    It was honestly pretty good even though it made asiaticclicker gays seethe because actual strategy started being more important than homosexual micro. They did have a point about deathballs being dumb though. Starcraft and warcrafts resource systems are both lame and supcom type games are superior in actually encouraging you to have a presence on the entire map instead of waiting for 200 supply or whatever to start fighting. actual raiding strategy across different sections of the map while maintaining a front line like you do in zero-k is way more interesting than starcrafts keep all your eggs in 1-2 baskets and wait for timings type crap. Starcraft basically ruined rts because now everyone thinks you need it to be all about micro, and the contrarian devs who make games where its not all about micro go in the other direction too hard and make micro not needed at all which is garbage.

    Then you have goldilocks games like zero-k, units have AI where they dodge, but player micro is better, you can auto queue units to build from factories, and auto queue workers to build resources collectors, and instead of using apm to manage your base every 4 seconds like a starcraft butthole you are managing a frontline and defending vs raiders and raiding yourself over a frontline the size of your average starcraft map. Starcraft pros dont like those sorts of games though because they cant deal with actual strategy they want apm warts where they follow a spreadsheet on what to do, and casuals dont want to do rts at all because they are hard, unless its big team games which are fantastic in supcom type games like xzero-k and beyond all reason. and are total dogshit in starcraft btw...
    if starcraft brood war released today it would die and be forgotten in a month, fricking koreans man.

  25. 6 months ago

    Starcraft and SC2, unlike any ANY other RTS ever in existence, can't be played beyond 1v1 correctly. This is due to the fact that the game is balanced like ass, designed like ass, and wasn't even thought out as a game, as a sandbox, or as a system, rather than "esports" where the emphasis on korean 1v1s were the only thing they wanted to nail down and, in fact, failed even then.

    Every mechanic in SC2 is a chore, boring or outright broken. Protoss are unbalanced and have been since conception. Inject Larva is a stupid ass thing. Micromanaging in this game is the least fun shit ever made into an RTS. Basebuilding is barely a thing without room for creativity and strategy, is just ETAs and functions trying to paddle barebones mechanics. Maps are ETAs to Attack Moves. Nobody wants to play this shit anymore, whereas Age2 and Age4 and Total Annihilation still have development and followers, mods, and even off-engines for the players like Recoil Engine and BAR and such. Starcraft 2 is a miserable experience because it wasn't even conceived as a game with many players. The 2v2-4v4 queue could dissapear and no one will care.

    Cause it fricking sucks ass and poor Artosis is gonna die from an aneurysm someday.

    • 6 months ago

      I highly agree, except for the campaign and the coop. Both are very fun.

      Campaign-only RTS enjoyer here. With your experience, do you think Stormgate will fall into the same pitfall (or worse) or they take a step in the right direction? I know you got invited to the beta, no one with that much insight into SC won't register to Stormgate's beta, are you?

      I didn't like the graphics, it may be nice to play, though. I wish they had clone WC instead, though. I don't see any reason to play it instead SC2, except for the QoLs added to the game.

      real talk are you moronic? you want competitive tryhard games but you dont want it to be properly ranked? why not just leave it the way it is now? if you want competitive games you play competitive, if you dont you play casual.

      are you?
      Sakurai does it with Smash Bros. I guess he knows something.

      • 6 months ago

        >Sakurai does it with Smash Bros.
        smash bros isnt exactly up there among competitive games in terms of playerbase. If your argument is that smash bros is successful because of the nintendo kiddy gloves approach, its not much of an argument to begin with.

        • 6 months ago

          nor SC2.

          • 6 months ago

            the system isnt exclusive to sc2, it exists in every popular competitive game out there. see: dota2, league of legends, counterstrike, etc. the list goes on. There are fighting games that are actually competitive too, smash bros is not it.

            • 6 months ago

              That's why they should drop it. It's just another thing to worry about instead of playing the game. E-sports is mostly an overhype annoyance that shouldn't be pushed so hard.

              • 6 months ago

                >it is the main popular and successful format, thats why they should drop it
                just stick to nintendo games

              • 6 months ago

                Ywnbaw and ASShomosexualS suck ass

                Okay, go pay for multiple level of corporate sales tunnel. Because that's what e-sports it is.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah nintendo is totally exempt from being corporate

              • 6 months ago

                I don't even own a Switch. I gave up on Nintendo when they killed the WiiU in the middle of its lifetime.

  26. 6 months ago

    Give a pro gameplay option that isn't rush, rush cheese or death ball

  27. 6 months ago

    The campaign is a teenage drama, so that's where I would start. Then the other thing for me was the symmetrical maps with practically unlimited resources. Starcraft's maps were much better.

  28. 6 months ago

    Compleate rewrite. Make it 1 game istead of 3. Kill Kerrigan.

  29. 6 months ago

    Unpopular opinion, but I honestly think the multiplayer is fine in its current state. I still have alot of fun playing it, but I'm only platinum.

  30. 6 months ago

    Fixed it by not having the arcade and having open lobbies and focusing more on the custom game community.
    I say this as someone that primarily played 1v1s. What BW had going for it was the casual community

  31. 6 months ago

    Units physically take more space so clumps arent as clumpy.
    24 unit max per control group.


  32. 6 months ago

    Remove the clause where Act-Blizz owns every map made using the Galaxy Map Editor. SC2 would have had a bustling custom game scene and would have been a lot more popular

    • 6 months ago

      >Remove the clause where Act-Blizz owns every map made using the Galaxy Map Editor. SC2 would have had a bustling custom game scene and would have been a lot more popular
      It does and it has since day 1.
      The issue is that, despite there being a shitload of fun maps, you aren't playing them.
      My friends and I have an arcade night every other weekend.

      • 6 months ago

        It's nothing compared to golden days of wc3 ums (user map settings), I honestly think I played evfery possible game design back then. Even to this day when something new comes out I'm like, oh shit, I played it on wc3.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm not downplaying WC3/BW's custom scene. But you're really underestimating SC2's library.
          If it existed back then, there are a dozen and a half clones of it on SC2. Some even using WC3's original assets.

          Again, it's there, and it's been there.
          You simply aren't interested.

  33. 6 months ago

    I'd just make an exact Brood War copy but delete the Protoss race. There, perfect game.

  34. 6 months ago

    not make it into 3 games
    dragged the game out for too long, and the constantly changing balance bullshit prevented comfy BW like gaming

  35. 6 months ago

    Not charging full price for the additional expansions
    I no life WoL but by the time the next shit came out I stopped caring.

  36. 6 months ago

    nerf terran buff zerg

  37. 6 months ago

    F2p, coop & skins back in WoL. Don't cuck everyone who makes UMS by saying you own everything on the ToS, focus more on custom games in the UI, make chat the center focus of the UI when out of games to foster community instead of a GIANT WASTE OF SCREEN REAL ESTATE FOR NO REASON, LAN (I can't believe they got away with multiple connection failures & lag spikes at their literal flagship tournaments), don't kill NASL out of spite by banning everyone else from streaming during specific times, don't charge $5000+ to anyone organizing a tournament, save InControl's marriage so he doesn't lift himself to death.

    That's just a handful of things off the top of my head.

  38. 6 months ago

    make it more like WC3, with a focus on hero units and RPG mechanics and less on micro/macro. perhaps make every unit a squad like the dawn of war games. in fact, like those games the winning condition should be based around captuing/holding point objectives instead of just "kill enemy base" (when was the last time a competitive match didn't end on someone gg'ing and surrendering?)

    yeah they are wild changes, but brood war still exists for tryhard homosexuals and it's the only thing they play now anyways. sc2 should have been it's own thing instead of an aborted made-for-esports shitfest.

    • 6 months ago

      >with a focus on hero units and RPG mechanics
      I hated this about hots and lotv campaigns

    • 6 months ago

      >focus on hero units and RPG mechanics and less on micro/macro
      yeah let's make you also focus on last hits, that will surely reduce micro.

      But I would like more spells.
      Like queens should be able to cast fungal growth from the start because kiting reapers are just gay.

      • 6 months ago

        what if
        instead of a map with choke points and open areas with different elevation and base points, you just have one base each on a map that splits into three different rows (maybe we could call it columns or lanes) where in most of the hero v hero combat happens? Our observations suggest that players care more about controlling the heroes than the smaller filler units, so we could just automize those and send them down these rows while players focus on controlling these heroes.

  39. 6 months ago

    Every single map is designed around these, and I hate it.

    • 6 months ago

      choke points? the races balance depend on them, if you just had a flat map with no chokes then all races would need to have the same strengths and weaknesses.

  40. 6 months ago

    No esports chasing.
    No 3 game release bullshit
    Simple as.

  41. 6 months ago

    >make all the maps very, very different to force tactical and strategic play and eliminate build order autism repetitiveness
    >add stronger static defenses into the game
    >siege warfare
    >more airspace
    >starting resource variation
    >have raynor stick his pistol right in between kerrigan's eyes and shoot her in the first half of the game, shoot many of the protoss characters too, then go back to the grimdark total warfare between the races. this is game about starship troopers RTS warfare, not some lame power of love overcomes the sexless mad prostitute sob story with a depressed, saloon bumming protag

    • 6 months ago

      Also find some way to force players to use all the races to eliminate these moronic people breaking the game because they don't want the game to change to their disadvantage. At least at the tournament level.

    • 6 months ago

      >eliminate build order autism repetitiveness
      There will always be an optimal way to do things.
      You literally cannot invent a gameplay system that does not allow for optimization.

      • 6 months ago

        >>add stronger static defenses into the game
        dont do this, thats horrible. I dont want to go back to the worst part of hots with hour long stalemates

        go play an action game RTS isn't for you

        • 6 months ago

          Can you give an example of a system that cannot be optimized?

          • 6 months ago

            Constantly changing, very different maps and starting resources. You can't use the same build over and over in those conditions.

            • 6 months ago

              >Constantly changing, very different maps and starting resources. You can't use the same build over and over in those conditions.
              Any combination of random elements will still ultimately have an optimal build.
              What you're suggesting is fundamentally no different from having a map pool, just with bigger numbers. Pros won't have a problem memorizing all of the combinations of random resources, but your casual target audience will.
              So, same problem, just bigger.

              >Ah, this map has Mineral Type A, D, and R so that means optimal build 32 is the correct choice

              More importantly, why are you focusing so hard on build order? You know in games like BW or SC2, players don't stick with one build order the whole game, right? They decide on one to start with (because obviously), then adapt to their opponent.

        • 6 months ago

          >go play an action game RTS
          we are

          • 6 months ago

            too bad all the strategy is out of SC2 and its only real time now

            • 6 months ago

              the same way brood war always was and still is. if you didnt want starcraft then dont play starcraft. Not all games need to be the same way. Having different games that appeal to different people is fine. You can have your non-starcraft game and starcraft fans can have theirs.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, well, SC2 started out like it wanted to get away from that then it threw out strategy somewhere along the way.

    • 6 months ago

      >>add stronger static defenses into the game
      dont do this, thats horrible. I dont want to go back to the worst part of hots with hour long stalemates

      • 6 months ago

        >hour long
        You're misremembering things anon. The swarm host attrition wars weren't an hour long, they were several hours long. Endless tides of free units slaughtering eachother for no ground gained like it was a WW1 trench simulator.

  42. 6 months ago

    Raynor realizes his relationship with Kerrigan is toxic and realizes he and Tychus have feelings for each other. Gay feelings.

  43. 6 months ago

    Direct Strike is the only reason I have starcraft 2 installed and if Blizz is smart they'll turn Direct Strike into a standalone game

  44. 6 months ago

    Make it a roguelike

  45. 6 months ago


  46. 6 months ago

    i like it just the way it is, except Blizzard abandoning it

  47. 6 months ago

    how do protoss eat

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