How would you have fixed it?

How would you have fixed it?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    have venom be
    you know
    an actual villain

    • 12 months ago

      >give le fanboys
      >what we want!
      >our war crime simulator!!!!
      Stupid homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        > Trailer heavily implied this MGSV's version of Snake was going to be very bad and evil, doing bad things like shooting child soldiers.
        > In-game he's nothing but a victim of circumstance, constantly being sad than angry and evil.
        > Also he wasn't actually shooting child soldiers, he was actually just shooting the jail cell free them.
        > Trailer was a big joke guys!!

        How do you not see this as moronic

    • 12 months ago

      Actually completed the game

      Remove open world.
      Finish the story.

      not publishing a game beyond MGS 3

      All correct

    • 12 months ago

      >out of gameplay it dipicrts him as evil
      >during gameplay you still get punished for killing
      why does kojima struggle so hard with letting people kill for once, post mgs1 it's been a hard push for non lethal

      • 12 months ago

        after 400 hours I stopped giving a frick about going non lethal since enemies eventually wake up anyways I was playing with less life, gave them better equips, etc
        so I eventually started killing anything that could become trouble

        • 12 months ago

          >not maining the riot smg and extracting literally everything that isn't pinned down

      • 12 months ago

        Then in Death Stranding killing ANYONE has serious, permanent ramifications.

      • 12 months ago

        You get less points for killing because it's the easy way out, not because it's a bad thing to do. And if you're not trying to get an S rank, there's really nothing stopping you from killing everybody.

        • 12 months ago

          exactly, killing is not the easy way out per the rules of the game. You can't have it both ways

      • 12 months ago

        It doesn't though. Venom is a moral character the whole game and we never see Big Boss's turn, which is literally what we were promised in the trailers.

        How would you have fixed it?

        Completely change the story, make it focus on Big Boss building mother base and shit but get rid of all the vocal cord parasite business and just focus on the cause of his downfall and falling out with Zero. Have Kiefer say more than 20 minutes of dialogue.

        Mostly, I'd love some indoor missions with actual level design. MGSV is a fun sandbox but it never feels like you need to figure out a specific area or anything. Every room in MGS1 and 2 (and in some areas of 3) is a puzzle to solve. You never get that in TPP.

        Oh. And get rid of the grindy as frick development system.

      • 12 months ago

        >out of gameplay it dipicrts him as evil
        No it doesn't. Venom is depicted as a dude with a pretty strong sense of morals because he is emulating the Big Boss everyone knows as a great hero mercenary. Not the Big Boss who orchestrated Diamond Dogs after MSF was attacked and went on to make the more dubious Outer Heaven (which by the way, playing MG2, Big Boss is still depicted as a pretty okay guy before you encounter him in the end, the soldiers of Zanzibarland taking care of children, animals, the environment).

        When everything starts falling apart following the first ending, Venom gets pretty fricked up when key characters start leaving and he has to execute his own men during the outbreak. Hallucinations, aggression, and his own fabricated psyche fracturing, the second ending leading him to his true endgoal of biding his time and continuing his operations until the Outer Heaven incident.

        The idea that the player was supposed to be controlling the "bad guy" is a massive fricking misunderstanding.
        Big Boss never actually did much of anything that was villainous. Outer Heaven was staged. Zanzibarland was staged. Attempts to attack or gain leverage against The Patriots, both foiled by Solid Snake unwittingly acting in the actual bad guys' favor.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean he technically is in terms of American and UN politics, but I agree, the guys a terrorist in mg1 straight up, it’s not like snake meets him and he’s a nice guy who’s misunderstood, he’s just a straight up POS in mg1. I saw what he was trying to with the whole “it’s a matter of perspective” thing by showing venoms journey, but honestly it falls flat. The whole game feels like a buncha meandering that just has a flaccid finish at the end.

    • 12 months ago

      you missed the point

    • 12 months ago

      he can't

      Big Medic can't into child soldiers
      Big Medic is wholesome chungus

    • 12 months ago

      >entire franchise is about how there's no real villains and everyone has their own justification for what they do
      >wtf why isnt Big Boss eating babies alive

      • 12 months ago

        > entire franchise is about how there's no real villains
        That's the stupidest observation of MGS series I've ever heard. Big Boss, and Zero is clearly the villain that caused war and surveillance, and the Boss's will, Solid Snake, and Otacon is depicted as the hero, yes they do have their own reason for their action, but this isn't cape shit, so villains not being 100% evil is nothing to be surprised of (Except Liquid, he's evil for the sake of being evil, which also goes against your idea that "MGS is about how there's no real villains").

        Also Big Boss being super cool about child soldiers, and turning into a giant warmonger, from a dude who was just sad because the boss died, was one piece of character development that was missing from the MGS franchise, sure Big Boss taking step into that direction was shown a little at the end of PW, but the whole journey of him turning into a complete warlord was still being left for the sequel. MGSV being about some random-ass medic was a huge waste.

  2. 12 months ago

    Actually completed the game

    • 12 months ago

      Seconding. Just, you know.. finish development.

    • 12 months ago

      They'll add the cut content for Collection Vol. 2

      • 12 months ago

        that would imply that konami would actually have to be creative and thats really hard for them

        • 12 months ago

          They'll add the cut content for Collection Vol. 2

          Looking forward to Pachinko Collection Vol. 3

  3. 12 months ago

    surely when vol 2 of the collections comes out they'll have the 3rd chapter as bonus

    • 12 months ago

      >3rd chapter
      Crazy how this myth still persists. There was no third chapter, there was only mission 51, which was scrapped for design reasons. There is no "missing content" like so many believe, the game is finished.

      • 12 months ago

        It's easy to think the game has cut content because of the way it's paced. You're getting slow-dripped plot, waiting for things to pick up properly, and then you extract code talker and you get a bunch of exposition-heavy cassettes and realize you're in the narrative's third act.

        • 12 months ago

          What's strange is that I don't remember Peace Walker having this problem, despite using the exact same mission format

          • 12 months ago

            Because Peace Walker was finished.

      • 12 months ago

        dude frick chapter 3 i want the rest of chapter 2

      • 12 months ago

        > "game is finished"
        > There's only 2 chapters in the game, yet they still decided to split the game in chapters, instead of just not splitting it in chapters
        > 90% of chapter 2 is a rehash of chapter 1 but still decided to call it chapter 2
        > narratively chapter 2 is a mess, instead of playing missions that's related to the narrative, you mostly play hard-mode of a previous chapter
        > everything about battle gear
        > side-ops that's very limited in variations compared to PGS:PW, despite it being a home-console sequel
        > ending that unlocks whenever it runs out of content. While the ending is tied-in with the start of the game, it's not narratively connected to the whole plot of chapter 2, so chapter 2 feels meaningless

        That's just to name a few, MGSV is an unfinished mess and it sucks balls.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            > we cut the final mission, which takes place in its own large fortress-like area and has a climatic final battle between Big Boss and Eli, but that wasn’t the ending 😉

            • 12 months ago

              Eli wasn't the main bad guy of MGSV, so yeah, stupid c**t.

              • 12 months ago

                He was there for a reason, to show how their actions create monsters in their wake, and eventually having to be accountable for what you’ve done. Like how your choices affect Clem in the ending of Walking Dead. Leaving him alive is the catalyst for MGS, MGS2, and MGS4 but had he just killed him none of that would have happened.

              • 12 months ago

                Similar to how the CIA outfitting and training the Taliban to fight Russia had unintended consequences down the line. I assumed that was going to be the point since the story took place in that region specifically at that time and they like to retcon history to include Big Boss’ influence on historical events.

              • 12 months ago

                Skull Face was the main bad guy and died several missions before the end.

                They also have Eli literally fly off into the sunset with a psychic doll and a kaiju-sized mech with no explanation as to where the mech goes after that or why Rex is even needed at that point. Him just chilling quietly with a mech on hand for two decades doesn't seem in character at all.

          • 12 months ago

            Mission 51 gay is also moronic, a sole mission definitely wouldn't have fixed an unfinished mess that is MGSV.
            Chapter 1 needs a re-wok to stop relying half of the narrative on cassette tapes, chapter 2 needs a re-work to stop relying on hard modes, it also needs chapter 3, and maybe 4 and 5, to tie it back to the start of Metal Gear + fix side-ops so it becomes an actually fun side-activity like PSW side-ops, instead of it being a lazily slapped filler missions.

            • 12 months ago

              >wouldn't have fixed an unfinished mess that is MGSV.
              kek MGSV plays like one of the most complete and well-realized triple A games of the decade.

              • 12 months ago

                > v gay that thinks v is the greatest game ever because he only consumes goyslops and doesn't know anything better
                I feel bad for you

              • 12 months ago

                You've never even played MGSV. You just read and repeat Ganker memes. Feel bad for yourself.

                I can't believe you seriously believe a Konami Twitter account
                > We we removed the final mission, but it wasn't the ending 😉
                What the frick is wrong with you?

                Eli being the final boss makes no fricking sense. They cut it because it was stupid. Your favorite game also has content that was cut before release.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not denying that it's stupid, but it was intended to be finished and used as the game's final mission. The special edition itself admitted this. I don't know what you're trying to prove.

              • 12 months ago

                I've played 200 hours of MGSV on-release (to make sure I wasn't missing anything), and I still think MGSV is a fricking disappointment. They should've made levels of dense sandbox levels more akin to GZ, than an open world of nothing with copy-and-pasted mini bases of Africa and Afgan.

              • 12 months ago

                I can't believe you seriously believe a Konami Twitter account
                > We we removed the final mission, but it wasn't the ending 😉
                What the frick is wrong with you?

        • 12 months ago

          This game is probably the single best work of art the video game medium has seen, it does not need fixing. It was very strange how the finale was given its own "second chapter" intro after Skullface's death, just for the second half to be about MB falling appart from the inside.

          Something which could've been better was less fanservice, Liquid was worthless - maybe he could've been more interesting if we ever got that kingdom of flies DLC. Mantis was shoehorned in as well, Volgin was the only cameo that made sense and I also fancied his post-death scene.

          No Battle Gear is a shame

          Ground Zeroes is incredibly ambitious and it is amazing to me how the whole thing is recontextualized after you finish Phantom Pain.

          Chapter 2 was about mother base falling appart, the "hard" missions were just there to pad out the runtime cause they didn't have enough to tell. Narratively chapter 2 is great, just short.
          Side-ops suck I agree.

          There could have been more things added to the game and it's a shame we never got to see Eli with Sahelantrophus, but MGSV is not "unfinished" by any stretch, it's missing some really cool features, but as far as the story the game is trying to tell, it is very much whole.

          • 12 months ago

            It's not fricking "very much whole". You're completely out of touch with reality.

            • 12 months ago

              Elaborate on what you are missing from the plot then. MGSV tells a complete story with no loose ends aside from Eli as far as I'm concerned

              • 12 months ago

                Explain where "The Truth" comes from.

  4. 12 months ago

    Have the chopper be able to fly between landing zones mid flight while your 're riding it, be able to use the Battle Gear in A Quiet Exit.

  5. 12 months ago

    I started listing dumb shit, like liquid and mantis being in it at all, but then I remembered the whole parasites plot, which was fine until skullface and navajo guy were introduced
    yeah it's fricked

  6. 12 months ago

    I don't really think you can. It's a bizarre game that never really works on any level. Ground Zeroes is a little better, but even so the level design of Camp Omega isn't fantastic. Phantom Pain's world is just awful in about every way.

  7. 12 months ago

    Scrap the PS3/360 versions early on in development. Keep Battle Gear, release the Kingdom of the Flies DLC, have more context sensitive codes dialogue such as the cut Ocelot dialogue talking about constellations.

    • 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    Either make the open world much more compact so that there's not so much fricking nothing in it or get rid of it entirely and structure the game like a traditional Metal Gear game.

  9. 12 months ago

    Have chapter 2 be about creating Outer Heaven and getting parts for Metal Gear.

  10. 12 months ago

    I play this to this day. Shit's addicting, what can I say. I would put more activities on Mother Base. Also Mujahedeen randomly spawn on Afghanistan free roam to make it feel more alive. There should be more maps, but that's already pushing it.

  11. 12 months ago

    Remove open world.
    Finish the story.

  12. 12 months ago

    not publishing a game beyond MGS 3

    • 12 months ago

      mgs2 is the real problem
      mgs4 ( while still being a shit game ) couldn't even begin fixing the absolute mess mgs2 did to the series' lore

      • 12 months ago

        Have BB be in the fricking game for one.
        >Bridge the gap between PW and MG1
        >He's at worst a villian, at best an anti hero
        >Get rid of the parasites
        >Venom is fine, but he shouldn't be the main protag (BB kills him once he's served his usefulness or something)
        Frick you. 2 was great and anyone that says otherwise is moronic. It had a concise story that actually unfolded as you progressed. Raiden was YOU, he didn't know shit, he played MGS1, and was figuring stuff out as he went.

        • 12 months ago

          >It had a concise story
          lol it's the most convoluted story in the series what the frick are you even talking about

          • 12 months ago

            >You are a former child soldier
            >You are taken by an elite government agency to be a superior soldier by running VR a frick ton of times
            >Real crisis happens and everything you thought you knew is thrown out the window
            >The only reason you were selected was because your adoptive dad is a clone of the God Merc
            >You have to kill your dad because the NWO doesn't want to be shut down
            >And there's this dude here that is way more badass than you can ever hope to be

            • 12 months ago

              you tried anon
              you left out
              >ocelot arm
              >fatman being a jackass
              >fortune being moronic
              >vamp being vamp
              >I'm actually the president of the USA, and also I look exactly like a famous war hero but noone cares
              >my sister is an hacker and has a parrot ?
              >rays out the ass
              >but actually it was all a simulation to create a new solid snake !
              >how many layers of betrayal are you on ocelot ?
              >ocelot works for robots now

      • 12 months ago

        mgs4 as a game isnt shit, the story just sucks. the game itself is fun

        • 12 months ago

          >the game itself is fun
          no it's not it's way too scripted to even be considered a game
          at best it's a spectacle
          I played it through once and I can tell you exactly where all the triggers and subsequent ninja patrols are located on the map

  13. 12 months ago

    Remove all bullshit story and two maps.

  14. 12 months ago

    No 7th gen port. Yeah, the story would still suck ass for the most part, but at least the gameplay would be fun.

  15. 12 months ago

    Cut the double big boss plot twist. Big Boss is his own character. Venom is a post modern character that ruins his legacy. Then I would finish the last part that wouldve been dlc. Really, its funny how empty V is. Its as if kojima made a filler episode in the mgs storyline

    • 12 months ago

      >Cut the double boss plot twist
      So after Metal Gear, Big Boss doesn't die nor has his face melted off?

      • 12 months ago

        MG2 already explained how Big Boss survives and why he is stronger by making his a cyborg. In fact, the venom inclusion makes the timeline even worse

        • 12 months ago

          Less damage than PW caused, the Big Boss twist is just the moron fanbase being fed the same message from MGS2 twice and still not getting it

          • 12 months ago

            Its a stupid premise anyways. Cloning Big Boss makes sense but the meme shit they pulled in V is stupid as frick

            • 12 months ago

              >but the meme shit they pulled in V
              is no more or less absurd than all the other shit pulled in this series. Grow the frick up.

              • 12 months ago

                Frick you. The idea they had all of Big Boss’s memories collected makes no fricking sense.

              • 12 months ago

                Why? They had his physical brain with them
                It makes a lot more sense than all the dumb parasite nonsense

              • 12 months ago

                What are you talking about? What does his his brain matter?

              • 12 months ago

                Memories are contained in the brain, you dumb Black person.

              • 12 months ago

                Since when was it even hinted that they used Big boss’s brain to get those memories? You loose butthole

              • 12 months ago

                Where the frick else would it come from? You think they just had the man tell them stories and they threw that shit together?

                Different Anon btw

              • 12 months ago

                >You think they just had the man tell them stories and they threw that shit together?
                Isn't that what hypno-therapy is? They never mentioned memory uploading of any kind

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, thats how it actually worked. Everything else is complete headcanon

              • 12 months ago

                >It's perfectly reasonable
                >he lives on through the grafted arm
                >and now he sounds exactly like Liquid, with a British accent and everything. Through the arm!

              • 12 months ago

                The idea of a soul is more reasonable then whatever venom is, b***h

              • 12 months ago

                You're stupid.

              • 12 months ago

                Youre the one defending stupid writing

              • 12 months ago

                >if you genuinely believe you're the best, you might start acting on it and actually be the best
                >the soul of liquid is grafted onto Ocelot through Liquid's arm and it also changes Ocelot's throat and makes him sound like Liquid from time to time
                No, you are the one defending shit writing, idiot.

              • 12 months ago

                Venom snake isnt the best or even gets better. He was already good and stays good. Memories didnt even add anything. Its a stupid and forced plot

              • 12 months ago

                Not the point you stupid fricking trash. He believes he's Venom and acts accordingly. Why are you so fricking stupid? Why did you fail at everything in life?

              • 12 months ago

                It is the point you stupid b***h. Im addressing what you wrote. Venom supposedly has the memories of a person born in 1935 and its for no reason.

              • 12 months ago

                If Venom is the player then he does have Big Boss’ memories and if Big Boss is a fictional character he is factually only made up of the information you are told on screen which means Venom does have all of his “memories”
                If you don’t understand this you should just have a nice day

              • 12 months ago

                I get the joke behind it but its also a reality inside the world of MGS. Venom is an avatar AND a real person born in the usa. The reality of the game is moronic.

                What collection of Big Boss memories? Who are you quoting?

                How are you this confused b***h?

              • 12 months ago

                >reality inside the world of MGS
                The creator of MGS barely cares about this and any semblance of cohesion might very well be the work/suggestion of others
                >The reality of the game is moronic
                Absolutely, it’s impossible to take the world even remotely seriously after 4 and PW.

              • 12 months ago

                >Im addressing what you wrote.
                And you missed the point you colossal moron. You are not worth debating.

              • 12 months ago

                Teh point is making V sound better then 2 but the sentenced you used is a misunderstanding. Thats the point brainlet frick

              • 12 months ago

                >but the sentenced you used is a misunderstanding
                No it's not, you're just fricking stupid and braindead.

              • 12 months ago

                >whatever venom is
                Venom is a jab at the player for wanting to be Big Boss who is a smelly homosexual.
                Peacewalker even opens by telling you that Big Boss is surrounded by dicksuck fanboys that let him beat on them for fun because it’s such an honor

              • 12 months ago

                The idea of a soul is more reasonable then whatever venom is, b***h

                You're both moronic. The whole goddamn point is that Ocelot had intimate knowledge of all sides of all the plots and hypnotized himself so the (MGS4) plan could work.

              • 12 months ago

                My whole point is that MGSV's Venom plot is no more absurd than anything else presented in the series, so stfu.

              • 12 months ago

                Since when was it even hinted that they used Big boss’s brain to get those memories? You loose butthole

                >You think they just had the man tell them stories and they threw that shit together?
                Isn't that what hypno-therapy is? They never mentioned memory uploading of any kind

                I'm not sure what exactly you're even talking about. Anon mentioned a brain as if he were referring to the Patriots holding his comatose body meanwhile you seem to be talking about Venom believing he is Big Boss as if a man close to the legend wouldn't have a good enough concept to throw that sense of self together after just outright accepting who he is told he is after waking from a coma with hallucinatory brain damage.

              • 12 months ago

                I didnt understand dick of what you said about venom but Big Boss’s brain is irrelevant regardless. No one mentioned the patriots

              • 12 months ago

                You are legitimately stupid. Have fun with that for the remainder of your existence I guess.

          • 12 months ago

            what damage did PW do other than be a bit cringe here and there?

            • 12 months ago

              >Snake/Otacon’s relationship isn’t natural but a product of le fate since their daddies circlejerked too
              >Otacon is a miracle genius child because some dyke with magical AI creating abilities wants to make a super baby
              >Despite that Otacon’s value in the tech timeline is completely removed as he didn’t design REX nor revolutionize anything in MGS1 retroactively
              Off the top of my head
              >muh Cipher cover up

              • 12 months ago

                >>isn’t natural but a product of le fate since their daddies circlejerked too
                It doesn't make it less of a coincidence

                >he didn’t design REX nor revolutionize anything in MGS1 retroactively
                He did design REX, even if it had similar predecessors. But it isn't retroactive that he didn't revolutionize anything. Even MGS1 states that REX is built with "currently existing technology" and of course other Metal Gears existed prior to MGS1's release regardless

              • 12 months ago

                >what a coincidence this prequel created!
                >He did design REX
                >retconned even in 3
                >Metal Gears existed prior to MGS1

              • 12 months ago

                Didn’t octagon also make the stealth camo? The same stealth camo venom was using 20 years prior?

              • 12 months ago

                I think he just had it with him
                Gray Fox uses it too IIRC

              • 12 months ago

                >>isn’t natural but a product of le fate since their daddies circlejerked too
                It doesn't make it less of a coincidence

                >he didn’t design REX nor revolutionize anything in MGS1 retroactively
                He did design REX, even if it had similar predecessors. But it isn't retroactive that he didn't revolutionize anything. Even MGS1 states that REX is built with "currently existing technology" and of course other Metal Gears existed prior to MGS1's release regardless

                >what a coincidence this prequel created!
                >He did design REX
                >retconned even in 3
                >Metal Gears existed prior to MGS1

                at very least Otacon helped Snake use Rex to beat Liquid Ocelot's Ray with his own software upgrade

              • 12 months ago

                >has the blood of a nuclear scientist and is the son of futuristic AI/Robot engineers
                >ends up being nothing more than the ultimate desk jockey

          • 12 months ago

            >the fans just dont get it!!!!!
            Stop. There is nothing deep or complex about MGS2's plot.
            People hating how shitty Raiden was does not mean that they didn't "get" the incredibly shallow plot of MGS2.
            You are just parroting the same talking point that every other MGS2 fanatic spews.

    • 12 months ago

      Venom is great and actually serves to show Big Boss has started buying into his own hype. A man who cares more about his legend that he does for his friends. Someone who hated how his mentor was betrayed, only for him to go on an betray his friends just to look cooler.

  16. 12 months ago

    Finish it. That's literally it.

  17. 12 months ago

    first chapter is traditional MGS, second chapter is open world in the african jungle map but hopefully less empty. Also just make it so you're big boss.

  18. 12 months ago

    MGSV is already a masterpiece.

    The guys who don't like this game are the ones who wear dresses.

    • 12 months ago

      its watered down metal gear for the casual mobile games playing audience like yourself

  19. 12 months ago

    >be able to encounter your mother base members and opposing operations groups in the open world
    >have two types of mission: open world, same as release V, and special area OSP missions with unique locations designed like Camp Omega.
    >Include "diplomacy" mechanic, where you have to sneak into mansions/homes in places like NYC where BB has to get blackmail on politicians
    >At the end of Part 1, BB arrives and kills Venom to take over. This is symbolic of BB's downfall as the player is supposed to be Venom. You play Part 2 as BB while running an information campaign on your troops to "erase" the idea that Venom and BB were different people. This could involve silencing soldiers who question things and more propaganda posters
    >Other significant characters start to grow further distant from BB (ex. Miller); they're pissed off they weren't filled in about Venom and don't like BB increasingly favoring Ocelot.
    >BB and Ocelot now see Miller as a risk; kill him, and send two more body doubles of BB and Miller back to the United States where Cipher welcomes them back in. They tell Cipher Ocelot has gone rouge and is now in control of Outer Heaven.
    >also add in fanservice bullshit like sniper wolf while removing moronic fanservice that didn't make sense like psycho mantis and volgin
    I genuinely think I am on to something with the propaganda view; the game builds up the "Big Boss is Watching You" shit with very little payoff beyond the one twist with the body double.

  20. 12 months ago

    Tiger Mask playable character

  21. 12 months ago

    I wouldve made your avatar a character that helps venom and beats his ass. Its played of as a joke and he is kinda like pliskin who shows up here and there on the missions but at the end it was the real Big Boss

  22. 12 months ago

    If open world, not being able to go back to mother base until you completed your objective and if you run out of resources have to survive off the land and rations/ammunition/weapons from the soldiers stationed around the map, also make it bigger and more "alive"

    • 12 months ago

      Would be cool if Pequod was only able to pick you up from certain "safe zones" because Afghanistan is dangerous af and the chopper could be shot down.
      That way you would have to actually survive / stay on the field longer.

  23. 12 months ago

    >Remove all cassette tapes except fluff ones; turn them into dialogue but condensed
    >Keep Sutherland's voice but use Hayter for Big Boss, and for God's sake give them more lines
    >Undo the mess that is replaying old missions for the ending
    >Give us the final mission
    >Nerf Quiet a bit
    Other than that it was pretty kino. Hate Big Boss fanbabies. Hate people who say remove open world. Simple as.

    • 12 months ago

      all cassette tapes except fluff ones; turn them into dialogue but condensed
      ubisoft game design shoo shoo

      • 12 months ago

        What the frick does that have to do with Ubisoft? He's saying turn tapes into dialog for cutscenes. That's Metal Gear as frick.

        • 12 months ago

          turning dialog into a reward you find instead of just handing it out to everyone - who likely doesn't care and will just skip by it anyways - is good game design.
          you wanna be like ubisoft where you force every moron to listen to story - maybe you have good intentions but it reduces both playability AND replayability.

          • 12 months ago

            Have...have you played a Metal Gear game?

            And again, what does this have to do with Ubisoft? That's just how cutscenes work.

            • 12 months ago

              it wouldn't be put into a cutscene - it would be done like what ubisoft does where the protagonist talks to themselves like schizophrenic or have the player "slow walk while talking", both of which are shit ways of handling dialog.
              you just wanna not play the game and watch mubie while snacking which is fine and representative of modern game design but it's so much shittier coz it forces the character to do absurd things that no one does IRL AND adds additional pressure to record dialog in a more unnatural manner coz you know everyone is gonna listen to it so it has to be "punched up" to hold interest

              • 12 months ago

                >it wouldn't be put into a cutscene - it would be done like what ubisoft does where the protagonist talks to themselves like schizophrenic or have the player "slow walk while talking", both of which are shit ways of handling dialog.
                Why? That's not what anyone is suggesting. This is a "how would you improve it?" discussion and he's saying turn the tapes into actual cutscenes. There's no reason to monkey paw it if this is a "how would you like it to play out" thread.

                >you just wanna not play the game and watch mubie while snacking which is fine and representative of modern game design
                Again, have you played Metal Gear? These games have had lengthy cutscenes since the 90s. They're what coined the term "movie game."

                >it's so much shittier coz it forces the character to do absurd things that no one does IRL AND adds additional pressure to record dialog in a more unnatural manner coz you know everyone is gonna listen to it so it has to be "punched up" to hold interest
                What? So you don't like walk and talk and you don't like cutscenes. So you think all story in games should just be optional shit you can read or listen to?

                I assume you like Souls games.

  24. 12 months ago

    I don't really see it as being in need of a fix, honestly. I liked this game a lot.

  25. 12 months ago

    Venom homosexuals are the most low IQ group of people Ive ever met. They sound like trans activists and now they are defending the magic memory archive from Big Boss? Holy FRICK are they dumb

    • 12 months ago

      What magic memory archive? Who are you quoting?

      • 12 months ago

        Im making fun of the idea that ocelot has a collection of Big Boss memories

        • 12 months ago

          What collection of Big Boss memories? Who are you quoting?

  26. 12 months ago

    Remove the open world
    Design 8-10 maps like Ground Zeroes
    Side content after you finish the game that reuses the same maps like Ground Zeroes

  27. 12 months ago

    The plot of this game basically looks straight at the player and says "y'know I guess the real Superman II was the friends we made along the way", and people still think this game was unfinished.

  28. 12 months ago

    No open world.
    No stupid ass Fulton extraction
    No stupid parasite plot.

  29. 12 months ago

    I actually have a txt document somewhere on my compy with fixes I would make to the game, in the hopes that someday I would get into modding and pull it off. It's a really long txt document lol

    Basically, they either needed to lean into the story or lean into the military sim. You should have been an actual PMC commander and been allowed to plan out your missions, design your base, customize your personnel and where they're stationed. Kaz would actually act as an XO and have an office, Ocelet would actually train your staff so you can train D ranks into S++. That way you can recruit who you want and build them up...

    You know what, I'm not gonna get into much more but basically Kojima needed a video game designer to come up with a ton of extra shit you can do with your military.

  30. 12 months ago

    the base gameplay is the only good thing about it, rework the game around that and drop the mgs brand, it's just confusing and uninteresting

  31. 12 months ago

    1. More grey-area decisions and failures (like the infected base) that slowly pushes Venom into admitting he has to be as draconian as Zero if he's ever going to succeed in his goals. Maye the final blowing being that Venom makes a crucial miscalculation and the Ahab/Big Boss revelation includes him "proving" that's what he must become. Losing Quiet and their humanity-link should also be a part of this.
    2. The truth tapes (i.e. half the fricking plot) should have been actual flashback cutscenes activated through in-game progress, as it helps complete the story.
    3. Not blow millions on unused licensed music and instead finish the final cool-sounding island fight with kid Liquid.
    4. Frick "balance issues", the railgun tank as a post-game source of broken amusement should have also stayed.

    Everything else was fine. Gameplay is still considered the best despite repeat missions and muh open world for a reason, it's just the flipside-issue compared to MGS4 almost being a playable movie.

  32. 12 months ago

    Actually finished the game
    Actually used the bits in the trailer rather than pussying out every single time Venom had the opportunity to be a scumbad.

  33. 12 months ago

    Remove Venom and make the story even weirder with Big Boss hallucinating, with both Ishmael and the Men on Fire being things only he sees (The Truth mission would show how he managed to escape the hospital alone, with almost all of it being a hallucination), like with the Paz moments.
    After killing Skullface, you start seeing him too, pushing Big Boss to become even more warmongering, eventually turning the rescued into child soldiers with Kaz leaving the base and Ocelot assuming his role.

    • 12 months ago

      Keep the parasites stuff, it's cool and fits the weird science Metal Gear always had.

      • 12 months ago

        The problem with the Parasites is that they had no personality.
        They needed to have something like the B&B Unit where there was a commander or representative for each of the skulls.
        Though this game could barely juggle the story and charatcers it had, to be fair.

  34. 12 months ago

    Many maps the size of Camp Zero. A real story. Ground Zeroes + MGSV Trailers are a masterpiece.

  35. 12 months ago


  36. 12 months ago

    add a third area to spread the missions

  37. 12 months ago

    Is Caramel still alive and well?

    • 12 months ago

      I came here to see if he was here, honestly. Glad someone else remembers the sperg. Probably legitimately committed sudoku.

  38. 12 months ago

    Everyone in this thread whinging about it being unfinished didn't get it.

    Why was it called The Phantom Pain?
    Because no matter what was done, you would always feel unsatisfied, feel lost, like something was missing. You would feel a phantom pain because it was not the mgs game you were expecting. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT, TO PROVE TO YOU THAT EXPECTATIONS NEVER LIVE UP TO REALITY

    It's been almost 7 years people, I can't believe people still don't get it.

    • 12 months ago

      woah... bravo kojima....
      people actually believe this shit lol

      • 12 months ago

        I believe it because I played the game and listened to all of the tapes, yeah. That's obviously what this game was about.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, MGSV is a shitty unfinished piece of shit game, but it's good because its a shitty and unfinished on purpose.

      You see, Phantom Pain's abbreviation is PP, which means the title fully abbreviated title of MGSV is MGSV: PP, if you take a look at it closely, it could be read as Metal Gear Solid V: PP, Metal Gear Solid V = PP. MGSV IS A PEE PEE GAME. KOJIMA PLANNED THIS ALL ALONG HE KNEW THE GAME WAS SHITTY PEE PEE GAME GENIUS KOJIMA,

      • 12 months ago

        MGSV:PP V has cum too. It’s all a sex metaphor.

  39. 12 months ago

    Make it about the period between PW and MG, Big Boss building Outer Haven.
    This was literally supposed to be it, the game was advertised as the missing link in the franchise and instead the hack gave us some literal who's story larping as BB instead

    • 12 months ago

      PO and PW were shilled with the same marketing, also you’re moronic

    • 12 months ago

      Difference is PW delivered, showing how Big Boss came to despise the Boss, how he acquired funding + recruited soldiers to build a giant PMC, and why he quit naked snake and started calling himself the Big Boss. PW is way more important than V interns of grand narrative.

      • 12 months ago

        sorry meant to reply to

        PO and PW were shilled with the same marketing, also you’re moronic

      • 12 months ago

        Nothing after 3 is important. PO was fan service, PW was a wheel spinning fever dream, and V was Kojima making MGS2:2.
        3 was the only necessary prequel and it set everything up, and the series didn’t even require a prequel.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't know why you are mentioning PO, PO is just as relevant in MGS cannon as Metal Gear Acid.
          PW was building up for V, and it definitely would've been very important if Kojima didn't frick up V.

  40. 12 months ago

    I wish there was more missions with the children. And lethal weapons allowed of course

  41. 12 months ago

    all you really need to do is start over from GZ and actually make it about Outer Heaven and revenge against zero
    and as for big medic other than how much of a kick in the balls it is for everyone whose a fan of metal gear, it doesnt serve the story that much other than just an excuse for big boss to return in MG2:SS. i think it would be best to leave it out (because simply whats the fricking point) but if it stays not much changes
    sometimes it feels like kojima wanted to make an entirely different game completely disconnected to the rest of the story

  42. 12 months ago

    i need to play PW but its so boring
    the beginning is very boring

    • 12 months ago

      It’s designed to be played co-op like Monster Hunter. So unless you do that playing it is arduous

      • 12 months ago

        theres no way thats true

  43. 12 months ago

    Included the cut content as Act 3 where you recover Sahelanthropus from Liquid, Act 4 is Metal Gear (NES) remake, Act 5 is Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (NES) remake.

  44. 12 months ago

    Are you ashamed yet?

    • 12 months ago

      I love some breasts and I think his explanation was sufficient to justify her being nearly nude (even if the parasites are some extraterrestrial-tier sci-fi shit) but Kojima didn't just have a nearly naked character in the game. He fetishized the ever loving frick out of her.

      I don't know what obsession he had with Joost but he put every ounce of it that wouldn't get him an AO into this game. I honestly hope he got to frick her because that must have been the biggest coom of his life.

    • 12 months ago

      what words and deeds?
      I don't think Venom ever says a single word to Quiet outside gameplay

  45. 12 months ago

    Make the game actually be about Big Boss and his descent into being the villain.

    • 12 months ago

      >Make the game actually be about Big Boss and his descent into being the villain.
      That's what the game was about?

  46. 12 months ago

    >Make regions only have a couple handful of dedicated missions
    >Make really complex interactive maps, but don't make them massive
    >Make the actual missions long tedious, and filled with different things you need to do which can affect story outcomes
    >Put a heavier emphasis on story exposition
    >Make amazing boss fights with a plethora of different gimmicks, and methods to take out

  47. 12 months ago

    Cut the map sizes in half and make all the outposts twice as big
    This is by far the biggest problem with MGSV
    The gameplay is perfect but it has so much more potential that is being held back by the maps

  48. 12 months ago

    >Big Boss willingly goes along with a plan to brainwash and use his best soldier as a decoy who will eventually die for him while he goes in hiding to build his insane soldier's paradise scheme essentially mirroring how the US sacrificed The Boss to further their own goals
    >nooo the ending was just Kojima saying "we're all da big boss!!"
    MGSV continues to filter brainlets

    • 12 months ago

      Nobody is complaining about any of those things in this topic. A lot of planned content clearly didn't get made and it obviously goes beyond "just Mission 51 bro".

    • 12 months ago

      >gets his ass kicked a lot, and by women
      Hearty kek

    • 12 months ago

      This list is so innacurate its funny. For one thing, venom didnt build outer heaven

    • 12 months ago

      Venomgays are fricking stupid. Big boss tried to save venom

      • 12 months ago

        BB didn't save the Medic, Zero did, and BB only went along because it served his needs, and he did so by supplanting Roland's entire personality without his permission. We have no idea what the Medic would have felt about being brainwashed into becoming Big Boss because we literally never get to meet him as players. The dude is cracked to the point that he hallucinates Paz as some kind of survivor's guilt, combined with literal brain trauma and his mind trying to make sense of his conditioning.

        Even then though, it's not even close to the shit BB is doing by MG1, so we still never got to see him become a villain. It's unsatisfying no matter how you slice it.

        • 12 months ago

          Big boss didnt do shit to venom and this hyper villain way of looking at big boss is hilarious since its just an attempt at making venom the victim. We do know what he wouldve done. He does regain his memories and he stays loyal. Why? Because we love snake

          • 12 months ago

            We have no idea if he's regained all of his memories or if he can even separate his conditioning from his actual past. Again, given the Paz hallucinations, it seems like he can't. All we see is him grin, then smash the mirror for...reasons. We have no idea what that actually means. He's aware of his condition by the end, sure, but that doesn't mean he's thinking clearly and completely aware of his role or even remembers his past life.

            Venom IS a victim. I'll say that the majority of BB's soldiers would gladly die for him and many would probably love to be in Venom's place -- Medic probably included. We just don't know anything about him outside of the literal facts, which are that he was "the best of his men" (even though he wasn't mentioned in any prior game) and that he was turned into BB's "phantom" without consent and, between his injury and his conditioning, he has trouble separating the past he's been fed and his own identity.

            • 12 months ago

              Cmon now. You are being obtuse. The dude learns the truth smiles and follows big boss for 11 years afterwards. This isnt rocket science

              • 12 months ago

                He smiles when he finds out, then it flashes forward to moments before his death and he punches the mirror. Obviously he's not happy with it anymore, moron.

              • 12 months ago

                He smiles at the revelation. Thats a fact. The rst is open for debate but I see him as punching his destiny and giving the player the chance to make his own. Venom can become like the boss too in the nuke ending even if its not canon

              • 12 months ago

                If that's your interpretation, that's your interpretation. I'm not autistic enough to argue about the mirror punching and what it means. Having fun tormenting those that are.

              • 12 months ago

                I don't think you're getting what I'm saying. The person at the end seems to accept his role, yes, but that person isn't the same as the Roland. Roland was wiped out so Venom could exist. We don't know what Roland would have done.

                In the end, I genuinely don't think it's a big deal, outside of it making it a bit silly that Snake didn't notice the new scars and giant horn that Venom had during their encounter in MG1, since it's not the worst thing that BB does and, as I said, Roland would probably have been cool with it, I'm just saying that it's the kind of thing you'd normally want someone's say so on.

  49. 12 months ago

    >I can't believe Zero made clones of me Ocelot, disgusting monsters, they aren't my sons
    >Oh what's that, you brainwashed my best soldier, cut out his eye, and gave him plastic surgery to look and act just like me? Nice job he'll really help our plans
    Why was Big Boss such a fricking hypocrite?

    • 12 months ago

      God, the truck ride with Skull Face made my physically cringe. It was such a weird, clearly u finished scene where Snake is silent for like ten minutes and they randomly have a song play in the middle of Skull Face's monologue (with absolutely no buildup or relation to the conversation, or even a camera angle change or anything) to fill the time.

      It's the laziest thing Kojima has ever done. It was embarrassing.

      I love his work from MGS1-4 but he completely mismanaged both MGSV and MGSR and they're serious black marks on his track record.

      I haven't played Death Stranding yet. I don't know if it has the same hallmarks of bad production.

      • 12 months ago

        Sorry for the typos. It's three in the morning and I'm tired.

      • 12 months ago

        The jeep ride is just a new version of Kojimas cringy PowerPoint presentations where the villain goes on a 10 minute monologue and the hero listen while occasionally repeating what the villain said with a question mark at the end.

        • 12 months ago

          Which is normally fine, except Venom didn't respond ONCE during that conversation and the awkward insertion of the song made it clear they didn't properly pace the conversation for the drive. If they'd done it PowerPoint style like the other games, they could have avoided that issue and made it as long as they needed.

          Of course, then they'd have had to make some art or graphics unique to that scene and that seems beyond what this game was willing to do artistically.

          • 12 months ago

            Powerpoint presentation or not, the hero and villain still have no chemistry, which is a major problem with Kojima as a whole. It's always the villain who does the talking, drives the conversation, while the hero listens. Death Stranding does this too, where Higgs is usually the one making the big speeches, while Sam just stands there and listens.

      • 12 months ago

        You mean Metal Gear Rising? Kojima was not the one who directed it.

        • 12 months ago

          No, I mean Metal Gear Solid: Rising, which is the project that Kojima fricked until he had to hand it off to Platinum and they changed the title to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. He literally made the cutting mechanic then tried to build a game around it, couldn't figure it out for like two years then handed it off to Platinum.

    • 12 months ago

      1. He needed Venom in order to make outer heaven
      2. Ocelot convinced him venom wouldve wanted it
      3. Ocelot was right. Venom smiles when he learns the truth

      • 12 months ago

        Then is immediately killed by Solid Snake during Operation Intrude N313.

  50. 12 months ago

    GZ but on a larger scale. PT was the mechanics, but not the same mission style.

  51. 12 months ago

    Finish the story
    Give it content on par with PW

  52. 12 months ago

    Fire Kojima the nanosecond he started hiring mediocre actresses to be in his game because he thought he would get to see them naked

  53. 12 months ago

    What exactly was the point of him in this story?

    • 12 months ago

      Nothing, just trailer fodder like almost every other thing included in the game story wise.

      The gameplay is great but most of the stuff in this game was just there to look interesting to people familiar with the series.

  54. 12 months ago

    Get rid of the open world, instead segment the levels like GZ.
    Large enough for vehicles, not too big to be barren with nothing but outposts with 3 guys in the middle.

    Make armored vehicles actual boss battles like PW, getting rid of any manned vehicle in V was too easy. On top of that, add bosses.

    Less copy and pasted side-ops and more remixed objectives, make it stand out and play with the game gimmicks. V had the most gimmicks of all MGSs and you could ignore all of it and play with the tranq gun instead.

    Remove all the slog. Forced helicopter rides in-game cutscenes, spoilers on open credits, loading while opening menus...

  55. 12 months ago

    The only thing wrong with this game was that it was unfinished. Same as ff7 remake.

    • 12 months ago

      FF7R wasn't unfinished, it was always meant to comprise Midgar and they'd continue the story in future releases.

      MGSV is so unfinished that it's basically barren outside of gameplay. Story wise basically nothing of value happens that isn't in the Truth mission. Venom is practically mute. Liquid has a mech that never gets mentioned again. Most of the story is told through tapes.

      • 12 months ago

        Pretty sure the cassettes were just scenes they didn’t do mocap for.

  56. 12 months ago

    wouldn't matter unless I can fix peace walker too

  57. 12 months ago

    >MC actually speaks beyond grunts
    >finished last chapter
    >actual dog buddy

  58. 12 months ago

    Focus on MORE smaller open areas like Ground Zeroes
    Afghanistan could have been like the Big Village, the Ruins and the Big Soviet Base (all separate larger areas)
    Make OKB Zero a separate area
    Africa becomes the Mansion, the Airbase, and the Refinery
    I think that there needed to be at least 2 more climates, so maybe Mediterranean with more Cyprus stuff (Hospital, UK base, ?) and Boreal Forest in somewhere new like Finland
    Maybe each area like can have their own OKB stand in location
    OKB Zero, as it was, cliffsides and old Arabian fort
    OKB One, expanded vocal cord parasites facility in Africa
    OKB Two, hidden away in a cove on the Cypriot coast
    OKB Three, a high tech facility in the woods of Finland, lots of hallways and offices

    • 12 months ago

      I miss infiltrating buildings man. We haven't had a good MG set in a single large complex you need to infiltrate and learn guard patterns for and shit since MGS2. That's fricking wild. MGS3 had some of that but obviously a fair amount less with more open areas.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah that's what I was thinking for the Finland "OKB base"
        I think variety is good and a lot of MGSV gameplay lends itself to larger open areas, but I think we needed some of the MGS1 and 2 facility crawling.
        I imagine the facility being filled with highest level personnel, but instead of just tranqing and fultoning them out, you have to carry them out, which would mean you can come in the super sneaky way you came.

        • 12 months ago

          can't leave in the super sneaky way you came.*

  59. 12 months ago

    reminder that quiet is chico

    • 12 months ago

      >7 years ago
      >Ganker genuinely believed Quiet was a troony and was disappointed when she wasn't
      hard to imagine how much more psychotic this place is now.

      • 12 months ago

        >implying she isnt

  60. 12 months ago

    >Game makes enemies start wearing helmets when they get headshot
    >Silenced rifle can't penetrate them
    >Unsilenced rifle alerts the whole continent
    >Quiet can't be ordered to aim for other body parts to tranq
    >Basically becomes useless unless you constantly do tandem attacks with her, at which point you may as well just do it yourself since you can actually aim for faces

    Why the frick did they design it this way? By endgame, it's almost impossible to bring the helmet retaliation back down unless you spend like 15 minutes cheesing chicken hat missions. Between that and the Cyborg Ninja/Raiden uniforms, there's no reason to use anything but D Dog.

  61. 12 months ago

    Linear mission structure with big enemy bases and no shitty open world with boring side quests
    More cutscenes like the previous games instead of lame tapes
    Have snake actually fricking speak more than 2 lines
    Camo system
    More and better boss fights
    Old rank system with unlockables and difficulties to choose from

  62. 12 months ago

    wouldn't waste the game's budget on Duran Duran's entire discography.

  63. 12 months ago

    Obviously finish chapter 3
    Have venom end up being Decoy Octopus and then that wraps around back to 1. Even if Decoy Octopus is the guy you fight in MG1 instead of Big Boss.

  64. 12 months ago

    >Let you actually choose where to place struts in Mother Base like they showed in one of the trailers instead of having them all grouped miles away from one another
    >have the ability to build it up like MB in PW was with different facilities, motor pool & an airstrip instead of a bunch of functionally identical struts with the intent of it eventually becoming Outer Heaven towards the end of the game
    >remove the duplicate/hard missions & padding in part 2
    >make the maps smaller but more detailed ironically MG Survive does a better job of this despite being mostly copy-pasted from MGSV
    >real-world guns instead of frankenguns
    >expand on Liquid & Mantis some more and give them an actual role to play
    >let the player drive Battle Gear
    >scrap the Venom angle and just play as Big Boss, you don't need to invent a whole new character just to explain how BB came back in MG2
    >probably add some more Foxhound Babies like Lil' Sniper Wolf and a younger Decoy Octopus, also hint at the MG1 bosses like Machine Gun Kid for some fanservice

  65. 12 months ago

    it can't be fixed, the game is fundamentally shit
    the story is bad and the only good thing about it is that the cutscenes are directed well like really fricking well
    people joke that kojima is a failed hollywood director but his cutscenes are always a cinematographic treat
    the gameplay mechanics are good but the missions are horrible, you always do the same thing and it's always extremely shallow
    kojima gives you all those fun tools to use but you never have any need for them
    the awful locations and empty and pointless open world all have to go
    all the time wasting things like the fricking helicopter before every mission like what the frick was that dumb hack kojima thinking

    that said, kojima did learn his lesson from mgs5 because most of those things are fixed in death stranding which while not as good as mgs1-3 I'd say is as good as mgs4

    • 12 months ago

      >I'd say is as good as mgs4
      So not very good, since MGS4 was a piece of shit.

  66. 12 months ago

    Extra chapter where you fight a ruthless band of rival mercenaries with tech weapons who break all the geneva convention every minute
    They have one or two charismatic boss fights that appears in missions
    End of the chapter, you recognize the kids you saved, they're used as child soldiers. You realize that it's lead by big boss and that all the good you did was for nothing.
    Boss fight with big boss.
    Last remnant of individuality shatters into venom, and he becomes the mindless puppet of big boss.
    Venom stands still as his men are executed.
    End credits.

  67. 12 months ago

    I'd alter the structure of the game and shuffle some cutscenes so the pacing makes more sense.
    >drop the dumb Act 1/2 title cards so as to not create any expectations of content
    >Keep the general structure of act 1 mostly the same (first 30 missions)
    >turn the Act 2 missions (kill infected soldiers, retrieve container from jungle, save soldier in the desert) into Act 1 missions or sidemissions, but they all have to happen before Mission 30
    >modify the mission selection UI. Keep all Subsistence missions on a separate tab (no act 2 padding bullshit)
    >drop the Eyes on Kazuhira scene but keep the one where Eli escapes (as long as you actually release the fricking DLC later)
    The biggest change I'd make though is changing the structure of the endgame entirely, in this sequence:
    >Mission where Quiet leaves you> Mission where you infiltrate OKB/kill Skullface and Sally > Venom reveal mission > Nuclear Disarmement cutscene (from the FOB mode)
    Having the final missions in this order and w/ the Disarment scene as the true ending gives you a better paced game (thanks to no dumb Act 2) and it gives you a complete and poignant ending: with Skullface and Cipher gone and Quiet being MIA, and inmediately after Venom learns the truth, Diamond Dogs has succeeded in its mission of ridding the world of nuclear weapons. This sets the stage for MG1 to happen, with DD and Venom both having their roles in place for Big Boss' plan of Outer Heaven. Venom being the willing pawn but DD remaining unaware of their true purpose.

    There fixed your game, without significantly altering anything in any way. Very moronic to lock that Disarmement scene behind the dumb FOB mode.

  68. 12 months ago

    >they really should have patched these in
    Yellow Dot Mission for Paz
    Include the Island Mission, playable or curtscene either way

    >they would have been nice to have
    Alternate Modes for all missions, unlocked after the first time you beat them
    Mother Base being alive with activities
    Battle Gear usable or the very least part of the development and you can send it out
    Your men matter, allow greater interraction with recruits

    Ground Zero style levels, with the Side Ops using those levels
    The development and management style of PW with more depth

    • 12 months ago

      I wish they'd given Hand of Jehuty a more metallic sheen or used his ZOE2 color palette. The bright blue and orange look weird as is.

      I also wish they'd given it Jehuty's unique hand structure but I know that's more of an ask.

  69. 12 months ago

    Just put in a lot more big elaborate buildings to sneak around with missions centered around them there weren't nearly enough of those too much dicking around in empty fields and generic guard bases I wanna infiltrate complex labyrinths full of guards not take down yet another 3-5 dudes standing next to some sandbags and a searchlight.

  70. 12 months ago

    Metal Geargays sound like the kind of people who think Star Wars is high IQ and philosophical.
    Kojima is a dimwit, but holy frick the people who play his games are literally braindead, anything that isnt outright told to the player goes over their heads.

  71. 12 months ago

    Can anyone explain what BB was doing the entire time? He didn't build OH, he didn't recruit a bunch of top notch mercs, and all his allies thought a surgically grafted guy was him. If the narrative of BB is correct, Venom did a shit ton more than he ever did.

  72. 12 months ago

    A) leave it at GZ.
    B) let Kojima actually FINISH his game and NOT force him to first split it into two parts, then push out the last 3/4ths in less than a year.

  73. 12 months ago

    Instead of creating this piece of shit i would have thrown all of my resources to the original firstborn fox engine project.
    Directed by Mineshi Kimura

    I will never get over the fact that we will never play this project that was OOOZING with mystery and atmosphere. Frick you Kojima!

  74. 12 months ago

    Remove Kojima and have Fukushima write the story instead.

  75. 12 months ago

    Add a skateboarding minigame.

  76. 12 months ago

    Don't make it

    Falling that. Make it actually ABOUT big boss, no body double shit. Make him go down even farther in darkness to be the insane warmonger he ends up being in MG2. Actually use Child Soldiers, have Big boss embrace his inner monster to the point where even Kaz realizes he's gone off the deep end and breaks off.

    As far as gameplay goes. Follow GZ than more than PP. Have mostly certain large intricate base areas that take several missions each

    • 12 months ago

      You forgot QTE sex mini game with Kaz

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