How would you have made a sequel to this game in 2004?

How would you have made a sequel to this game in 2004? Everyone's character arc at the end of MGS2 was finished other than two characters, Naomi Hunter and Revolver Ocelot

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  1. 7 months ago

    the patriots are entities like the fates in the ff7 remaster

    • 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    I'd try making an actual sequel.
    I hate how MGS artificially constrains itself in the formula of MGS1 (and partly the MSX games) and basically tries to remake the same game every time.

    • 7 months ago

      It really could have been more. I really hated the guided rocket part from MG and MGS but they felt like those games were perfect enough to recreate them for a third time while keeping all the other mundane aspects of the game. Some parts were never that entertaining. I think the game's aesthetic and its ideas are what captivate people, not its gameplay. The game resembles contemporary and pop art that was affluent at the time and that's what made it so intriguing and I think a lot of people were sad to see that come to an end. It's one of the reasons people feel so nostalgic about stuff from that time. We live in an aislop world and mgs depicted that.

    • 7 months ago

      They stopped doing that with 3 though.

      • 7 months ago

        There's still a torture scene in mgs3, the best torture and escape sequenc actually.

      • 7 months ago

        Black person 3 is a remake of MSX games, you'd know if you played them. None of the Solids have the level/world design of the 2D games though, they're curved corridors where you walk from the bottom of the screen to the top and occasionally fight bosses. Horrible.

        • 7 months ago

          What? Mgs2 has a lot of corridors, sure, but mgs 1 and 3 have pretty open areas, especially mgs3. It has connecting areas that can be corridor like, but all the main areas are little mini sandbox stealth levels, usually with multiple exits.

          • 7 months ago

            MGS3 corridors are big, but are still corridors. You go north and couple of times the game forces you to go back because a door that was closed is open now. MGS1 had the same with dead-end elevator floors like the room where you fight Gray Fox. It's boring.

            Eh… the first Metal Gear Solid game is definitely a quasi-remake of Metal Gear 2. They share multiple plot point similarities. Not so much with Snake Eater.

            How about you play the fricking games before quoting a plebbit tier observation

            • 7 months ago

              No, there are large open areas with bases that have multiple exits, plus open areas to traverse with branching paths. I'm not arguing that there are no corridor parts, but youre coming as if there are no open areas in mgs3 and that's just false.

              • 7 months ago

                There's only groznygrad and it's fine, on par with the first building from MG2. Everything before it (half of the fricking game) is picrel type corridors where you only go forward and forget it even happened. Portable ops was so good btw, objective based mission structure is so much better than kojima's braindead movie games.

              • 7 months ago

                >Cabin in the woods
                >Brick warehouse
                >Helicopter base
                >Swamp/pond area
                >The fear map
                There's a few more large areas, but that's just what I remember atm.

              • 7 months ago

                I do agree about portable ops, except draging the enemy to the fricking truck, EVERY DAMN TIME. I started just luring them to the fricking truck using magazines

              • 7 months ago

                You can drag them to a box with your other dude hiding and call a codec to extract. You can even extract multiple people in one call.
                Or just leave them there/kill them, you don't need that many people anyway.

              • 7 months ago

                Wtf, I never knew that. Saves so much time and stamina. Spank you, anon... spank you very much

              • 7 months ago

                >Cabin in the woods
                >Brick warehouse
                >Helicopter base
                >Swamp/pond area
                >The fear map
                There's a few more large areas, but that's just what I remember atm.

                There is the other science base where you meet Granin but it can't really be compared to Groznyj Grad in any way but it does have multiple entries multiple floors at least. The cabin in the woods is an optional and kind of easter egg demo area, you don't have to go there but it's cool.

                There's no denying that mgs3 is 90% just "head north", the codec team even always tells you to head north if you forget what to do and call them. That doesn't make it a horrible game imo but sure now that they are remaking it (not going to play it tho) they could always add more routes that go to the north.

        • 7 months ago

          Eh… the first Metal Gear Solid game is definitely a quasi-remake of Metal Gear 2. They share multiple plot point similarities. Not so much with Snake Eater.

          • 7 months ago

            >first Metal Gear Solid game is definitely a quasi-remake of Metal Gear 2
            The same can be said about the gameplay formula
            mgs1 is pretty much 2d gameplay-wise

            • 7 months ago

              Metal Gear 2 specifically has stockpiled nukes as a plot point as well as Gray Fox being a secondary villain. MGS isn’t a full on remake, but it does borrow some key elements.

        • 7 months ago

          Not really. It plays completely different.
          No top down. No radar. Big wide open areas to contrast the tight systems of hallways that had mostly characterised the series up to that point. Survival mechanics An outdoorsy setting instead of most of the game being set in a gigantic complex. No actual Metal Gear to fight. No bossfight against a helicopter. Set in the past instead of the near future. Your contact is a British guy instead of Colonel Trautman from Rambo.

          • 7 months ago

            >No top down.
            stopped reading, you're wrong

            • 7 months ago

              Okay, well you don't have to play it top down, and no one does.
              Don't "ackchually" me over the original release. I know.

            • 7 months ago

              MGS3 in it's original release was a bad game, MGS2 is also a bad game.
              MGS1 is the last good metal gear game.

              • 7 months ago

                Just have a nice day

              • 7 months ago

                I really wanted to like MGS3 but it's just too gimmicky.
                You can't have fun sneaking around for more than ten minutes without getting interrupted by another cut scene or gimmick section/boss.

          • 7 months ago

            NTA but I think he is right. Kojima reinvented the original MSX game with MGS3 since the whole thing felt like a cultural and developer nostalgia trip to showcase the younger generation of Konami devs what inspired him to create MGS in the first place. The game purposedly depicts Cold War and all its asthetics as it probably speaks to young Kojima's chilhood and the impact and influence it had in shaping him as a videogame developer. It's a more personal game than most people give it credit for.

            • 7 months ago

              It's "back to basics" thematically, because it's not post modern commentary on information warfare like 2, but it's also the biggest shakeup the series had had up to that point.
              Mostly due to dropping the radar, which strips the series of that top-down maze game feel, and makes it more of an immersive stealth game where you have to use your eyes to take note of the things around you.

              • 7 months ago

                Stop sniffing your own farts, anon. MGS2 has a lot of annoying crap in it. Snake Eater is much better as an actual video game, which is the medium that Kojima works in.

                MGS3 is a shitty gameplay experience explicitly because of it's game design. The camo and healing are awful, and the gameplay itself is unchanged from previous entries where you had a radar. You spend the entire game walking 15 steps, using first person to check your surroundings, and then doing it again. Add on to this the game is simply not capable of running on a PS2, so you get a 10 foot draw distance which makes the gameplay even more boring.
                MGS3 is a bunch of ideas with no execution of them

              • 7 months ago

                Everything you just said is false and has been covered in the thread already.
                Mgs3 is a customizable experience. And wtf is this "PS2 10 feet draw distance" it's not the PS1, holy shit zoomer you're getting your revisionism mixed up. Kek

              • 7 months ago

                Have you ever played MGS3? The game looks like a fricking N64 game half the time and is blurry as frick

              • 7 months ago

                You're fricking moronic, kek. do you even think before you speak or are you just so triggered that your instinct is to use low quality bait? Mgs3 is considered one of the best looking games of the 6th gen. You can shit out a your mouth all you want butt youre just digging yourself a hole.

              • 7 months ago

                The frick does being a good looking game have to do with performance you moron? Again, have you even played MGS3? Have you played it on a PS2 and not on an emulator or in some HD master collection re-release? Were you even born when the game originally came out?

              • 7 months ago

                Wasn't the question.

              • 7 months ago

                >You spend the entire game walking 15 steps, using first person to check your surroundings, and then doing it again
                Subsistencegays lose again

  3. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't. The whole point of MGS2 is that Kojima didn't want to make a sequel to MGS1 and MGS2 makes it pretty clear a further sequel would be unnecessary. Why do you think MGS3 was a prequel?

    • 7 months ago

      >"MGS2 makes it pretty clear a further sequel would be unnecessary"
      >ends MGS2 on a cliffhanger and adds plot hooks for a sequel with ocelot escaping with the location of the patriots and snake on his trail.
      i'm not saying you're wrong but if he really didn't want to do a sequel then he shouldn't have left things open for one other than going for "3deep5u" levels of pretentiousness that pseudo intellectuals like

      The game didn't need a sequel and nothing left open in the game needed an answer. The fact the overall video game audience are midwits who need to have a grand conclusion to every plot where the hero or band of heroes join together to destroy the big bad guy(s) are why no one takes them seriously to this day

      eat up.

      • 7 months ago

        The entire point of the game is that the "Patriots" don't matter. They're simply a stand in for whatever ruling class exists at the time. Their location doesn't matter, because you're simply killing people whose void will immediately be filled. This point was hammered home, just in case morons like you didn't understand it, with Otacon talking about how all of them died 100 years ago.
        The theme of the game was that you, as a person, can't allow yourself to blindly accept the current truths, and opinions, and thoughts of a society that is increasingly being lorded over, controlled, and treated as cattle. You need to form your own identity, own thoughts, own opinions, instead of having it being done for you.
        You, the knuckle dragging moron that you are however prove my point completely "durr where da patriots dey da bad guys snake gotsa kills em"

        • 7 months ago

          Ouch, that's gotta be a burn on that man's ego

        • 7 months ago

          Open endings are the best, frick you


          Nah, open and ambiguous endings are the result of writing oneself into a corner like 90% of the time.

          said it's not deep, it's not profound, it's just writing yourself into a corner and a lazy out. have sex.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah, open and ambiguous endings are the result of writing oneself into a corner like 90% of the time.

            Open and ambiguous endings are a result of wanting to write an open and ambiguous ending. How pretentious to make a science of this, rofl

          • 7 months ago

            I never said it was deep or profound you dumb mong. The story is entirely laid out for you. There are no incredible mind-blowing discoveries that requires 14 playthroughs and getting a specific code convo that only triggers in a specific room or some poor attempt at grandoise storytelling about the true meaning of life or some bullshit.
            The game is about making the personal decision to establish your own thoughts and view points instead of being fed them by a ruling class which always has, and will, throughout history, constructed them in a way to keep themselves in power and will change the idea of "truth" at their whim.
            Nothing is hidden from the player, and there are no curtains to pull back or strings to follow. In fact there is literally a 20 minute long codec conversation explicitly outlining all of this directly to the player before the end of the game just in case you don't get it.
            The game does not end on a cliffhanger, and there are no pressing matters or questions to wrap up. There's nothing open ended about it, unless you are the exact type of moron I'm talking about who has not understood anything about the plot of the game beyond the Patriots being bad which means Snake and Raiden have to defeat them like it's a goddamn capeshit movie

            • 7 months ago

              there's enough about MGS2 out there to tell you you're full of it. take a shower.

              • 7 months ago

                gain IQ

              • 7 months ago

                you first b***hbreasts. lose weight.

        • 7 months ago

          No anon in this case you are moronic. The omnipotent AI is already revealed to be the main villain in the ending of MGS2. The reveal that everyone on the list is dead is meant to tell you that this is a rogue AI, it's now completely independent from its masters and doing whatever the frick it wants. By the end of MGS2 it's still out there, and you still need to defeat it, which is what you do in 4. I know you were confused by that speech Snake gave at the end of the game but that's just meant to give the ending a nice fuzzy feeling. They didn't want it to end on "and the world continues to be ruled by a tyrannical AI and all of us are merely its playthings".

          • 7 months ago

            literal moron

            • 7 months ago

              Look anon your headcanon is very nice and all but that's not the story. By the end of MGS2 the Patriots control the US government. It's not a metaphor, they literally do, Solidus was a literal US president.

              • 7 months ago

                Actual, unironic, full on moronation

              • 7 months ago

                Don't waste my time anon. Either have an argument or don't

              • 7 months ago

                How am I supposed to have an argument with someone who thought the Patriots were mythical, and that MGS2 is about a rogue supercomputer

              • 7 months ago

                NTA but maybe if you'd actually played the game instead of parroting some youtuber essay you found and crying "moron" when people call you a homosexual you might actually have an counterpoint or argument.

                but here we are """genius""".

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, he is right. The first draft of MGS2 was far more explicit about the AI but it was clearly discarded further in development for a reason. Kojima doesn't want you to focus on the Patriots, you can do the kind of interpretation on it the way that anon is doing it (and I think it's on point) but if you have to dig on a deeper, meta level, the Patriots just represent Kojima with ithe S3 plan being an allegory to the simulation the player experiences and how a developer deconstructs the idea of a sequel based on that experience.

              • 7 months ago

                i disagree solely because most of what is known about MGS2 and it's development that's out there (along with a few other things demystifying kojima as a writer) kinda disproves alot of talking points guys like

                I can't have an argument or counterpoint with someone who doesn't even understand what is going on with the game.
                The AI in the game is not going rogue, or even in control of anything. Its just a tool to filter information and alter it to the patriots liking. The most important line in the entire game is flat out told to you. "The S3 plan is not about controlling content, it's about creating context."
                The AI is not on some mission to deploy Metal Gears that nuke countries or destroy society. It's to filter public opinion to what the patriots want it to be and the entire game was a test exercise to see if it works.
                The main villan of the game, Solidus, was literally controlled by the Patriots the entire time despite knowing of their existence and plans. He thought S3 stood for a Solid Snake Simulation course and thought the entire exercise was about creating a super soldier. He planned to subvert it, but didn't even realize he himself was being played and having his concept of "truth" manipulated.
                The AI won, the Patriots won. Theres nothing else to fight or do or conquer. There is no cliffhanger, there is no rogue AI, there is no grand truth to be revealed or secret society to be defeated. All you can do is not blindly accept public opinion, media opinion, and social norms and instead think about them, and try to influence others too as well.
                It's infuriating trying to talk to people about this game who are obsessed with trying to create their own justification as to why it needs some comic book kill the bad guy ending, and how there has to be some deep hidden meaning and conspiracy in it. There isn't. The game spends the last 30 minutes outright telling you everything. It's not lying to you, its not trying to trick you anymore. It doesn't need to, because the Patriots won. They don't care anymore, they don't have to care anymore.

                make about the story as a means to feel smarter than they really are for "getting it".

                yes kojima didn't want to make a sequel to MGS1 and yes he did want MGS2 to be the last game in the series (but he also said that about MGS3, MGS4, MGPW and finally MGS5 which actually was true just not in the way he expected) but all that was said that started this anon's sperg outs was that kojima fricked up by leaving (regardless of whether he or other pseuds want to consider them plot hooks or not) plot threads that could be considered plot hooks for a sequel (ocelot running off with the location of the patriots, sunny needing rescuing, etc.).

                sometimes a vase is just a vase and i'm sorry that a hard pill for guys like him to swallow. also to

                I can't have an argument or counterpoint with someone who doesn't even understand what is going on with the game.
                The AI in the game is not going rogue, or even in control of anything. Its just a tool to filter information and alter it to the patriots liking. The most important line in the entire game is flat out told to you. "The S3 plan is not about controlling content, it's about creating context."
                The AI is not on some mission to deploy Metal Gears that nuke countries or destroy society. It's to filter public opinion to what the patriots want it to be and the entire game was a test exercise to see if it works.
                The main villan of the game, Solidus, was literally controlled by the Patriots the entire time despite knowing of their existence and plans. He thought S3 stood for a Solid Snake Simulation course and thought the entire exercise was about creating a super soldier. He planned to subvert it, but didn't even realize he himself was being played and having his concept of "truth" manipulated.
                The AI won, the Patriots won. Theres nothing else to fight or do or conquer. There is no cliffhanger, there is no rogue AI, there is no grand truth to be revealed or secret society to be defeated. All you can do is not blindly accept public opinion, media opinion, and social norms and instead think about them, and try to influence others too as well.
                It's infuriating trying to talk to people about this game who are obsessed with trying to create their own justification as to why it needs some comic book kill the bad guy ending, and how there has to be some deep hidden meaning and conspiracy in it. There isn't. The game spends the last 30 minutes outright telling you everything. It's not lying to you, its not trying to trick you anymore. It doesn't need to, because the Patriots won. They don't care anymore, they don't have to care anymore.


                >"It's infuriating trying to talk to people about this game who are obsessed with trying to create their own justification as to why it needs some comic book kill the bad guy ending"
                maybe when you finally grow up you can understand why people want a satisfying conclusion to their stories.

              • 7 months ago

                >as a means to feel smarter than they really are for "getting it".
                THERES NOTHING TO "GET" The game tells you EXACTLY what is going on. Understanding the story does NOT make you 200 IQ, it's a simple conspiracy storyline. I'm calling you and other people morons because you clearly are low function, dumb, human beings who cannot comprehend an incredibly simple plot that is literally laid bare directly to you. Ocelot having the location of the Patriots is not a sequel hook unless you are intentionally ignoring everything about the game. A game whose main villain was going to "defeat the Patriots" while the whole time being manipulated by them.
                Stop being proud of being ignorant.

              • 7 months ago

                >The game tells you EXACTLY what is going on
                Yeah, let me recap because you clearly don't remember. Snake and Ocelot create an anti-Metal Gear organization that exists to eliminate Metal Gear threats. Snake infiltrates Arsenal to destroy it, because it's a fricking Metal Gear. Arsenal is also a shell for the Patriot AI and therefore Snake identifies Patriots as his enemy. He also learned that The Patriots were behind the Shadow Moses incident, making him believe that he needs to stop the Patriots to stop Metal Gear threats, which is explicitly stated as the purpose of his organization you dumb frick. He proceeds to go through great lengths to get to the Patriots and jumps into the raging ocean just to get their names.
                And according to you they're not the villains because the game has some themes and we all know themes invalidate the story, that's how themes work

              • 7 months ago

                >And according to you they're not the villains because the game has some themes and we all know themes invalidate the story, that's how themes work
                The themes are the story you idiotic waste of semen. You are stuck in this moronic mentality that "the Patriots" are some video game villain kabal that Snake needs to eliminate, like Sonic vs Dr. Robotnic, or Mario vs Bowser.
                They're just politicians, and other rich influential people. The elite class of society. There's nothing to defeat. The sequel to MGS2 would be the video game equilivent of the January 6th protests.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'm calling you and other people morons because you clearly are low function, dumb, human beings who cannot comprehend an incredibly simple plot that is literally laid bare directly to you.
                and you're an autistic pseudo intellectual for not understanding why some of those things can be considered plot hooks and gets way too upset when people disagree with you.

                go cry to your mensa buddies about it kid. they're more likely to massage your ego.

              • 7 months ago

                >(along with a few other things demystifying kojima as a writer)
                Oh look, a Fukushima gay.

              • 7 months ago

                I can't have an argument or counterpoint with someone who doesn't even understand what is going on with the game.
                The AI in the game is not going rogue, or even in control of anything. Its just a tool to filter information and alter it to the patriots liking. The most important line in the entire game is flat out told to you. "The S3 plan is not about controlling content, it's about creating context."
                The AI is not on some mission to deploy Metal Gears that nuke countries or destroy society. It's to filter public opinion to what the patriots want it to be and the entire game was a test exercise to see if it works.
                The main villan of the game, Solidus, was literally controlled by the Patriots the entire time despite knowing of their existence and plans. He thought S3 stood for a Solid Snake Simulation course and thought the entire exercise was about creating a super soldier. He planned to subvert it, but didn't even realize he himself was being played and having his concept of "truth" manipulated.
                The AI won, the Patriots won. Theres nothing else to fight or do or conquer. There is no cliffhanger, there is no rogue AI, there is no grand truth to be revealed or secret society to be defeated. All you can do is not blindly accept public opinion, media opinion, and social norms and instead think about them, and try to influence others too as well.
                It's infuriating trying to talk to people about this game who are obsessed with trying to create their own justification as to why it needs some comic book kill the bad guy ending, and how there has to be some deep hidden meaning and conspiracy in it. There isn't. The game spends the last 30 minutes outright telling you everything. It's not lying to you, its not trying to trick you anymore. It doesn't need to, because the Patriots won. They don't care anymore, they don't have to care anymore.

              • 7 months ago

                >MGS2 is about a rogue supercomputer
                Yeah that's exactly what it's about, moron. Not just the Patriots, Arsenal itself is a rogue supercomputer as well.
                >Patriots were mythical
                What? So you can't read posts as well as in-game text?

                I can't have an argument or counterpoint with someone who doesn't even understand what is going on with the game.
                The AI in the game is not going rogue, or even in control of anything. Its just a tool to filter information and alter it to the patriots liking. The most important line in the entire game is flat out told to you. "The S3 plan is not about controlling content, it's about creating context."
                The AI is not on some mission to deploy Metal Gears that nuke countries or destroy society. It's to filter public opinion to what the patriots want it to be and the entire game was a test exercise to see if it works.
                The main villan of the game, Solidus, was literally controlled by the Patriots the entire time despite knowing of their existence and plans. He thought S3 stood for a Solid Snake Simulation course and thought the entire exercise was about creating a super soldier. He planned to subvert it, but didn't even realize he himself was being played and having his concept of "truth" manipulated.
                The AI won, the Patriots won. Theres nothing else to fight or do or conquer. There is no cliffhanger, there is no rogue AI, there is no grand truth to be revealed or secret society to be defeated. All you can do is not blindly accept public opinion, media opinion, and social norms and instead think about them, and try to influence others too as well.
                It's infuriating trying to talk to people about this game who are obsessed with trying to create their own justification as to why it needs some comic book kill the bad guy ending, and how there has to be some deep hidden meaning and conspiracy in it. There isn't. The game spends the last 30 minutes outright telling you everything. It's not lying to you, its not trying to trick you anymore. It doesn't need to, because the Patriots won. They don't care anymore, they don't have to care anymore.

                >AI in the game is not going rogue, or even in control of anything. Its just a tool to filter information and alter it to the patriots liking
                The Patriots ARE the AI by the time of MGS2 you dumb frick, the AI is fully in control. That's exactly what makes it rogue, it controls itself. You're just confused by playing all those games about Cipher and Philosophers and you think they're still around in MGS2. They're not, it's a rogue AI that operates in the real world with some human agents, Solidus used to be one of them. Is he part of the Patriots just because he was controlled by them? No, and he was the fricking POTUS, so that should tell you something. Zero isn't in control either, he's an old frick shitting his pants. Everyone who was in control is long dead, that's the story. Granted they later retconned the exact people who were in charge because according to MGS3 that list was basically of the Philosophers and the Patriot AI was controlled by humans as recently as a few decades prior to MGS2. This is MGS, it retcons itself with every title, nothing new here.
                Your problem is you don't understand the story and sperg out about things you misremember thinking that they're some kind of a hidden truth that only you understand

              • 7 months ago

                My dude you are genuinely dumb as frick or you played these games out of order and are rationalizing MGS2 to future games nonsense plots.
                Everything you said is just straight up wrong. Go play MGS2 and actually pay attention to the game

              • 7 months ago

                I've played every MGS on release and I replayed MGS2 specifically last year. Everything I said is correct, you just don't remember shit. If you want to argue about the story, start by remembering it

              • 7 months ago

                I play mgs2 on PS2 quite often. It's got great draw distance and it only looks like shit if you're moronic and play PS2 on an new TV. You don't have to use the radar, there's even an option to have no radar. Mgs3 gives you the option of going crazy and killing everyone or taking your time and actually being stealthy. You don't have to change your camo all the time if you're not moronic. You need to think if you want to be stealthy, it's not fricking doom or quake, shit for brains. It's performance can have a bit of slowdown, but it's a technical feat to even do mgs3 on PS2. You're saying it looks like an N64 game. In no world would any person of a sane mind make that comparison. You're so fricking stupid i don't think you've ever played the game. You need to actually have substance to back up your argument. Flip flopper Black person nogger. "It looks like blurry n64" to "what does looking good have to do with anything". Wtf is wrong with you? Are you on your period? forget to take your hormones?

              • 7 months ago

                Looking incredible

              • 7 months ago

                >Gamespot pics cherry picked
                Ohh wow, that's so great... you're really that mentally ill, kek. you think using gamespot compressed pics from like 2006 is compelling evidence, ha, haha even.

              • 7 months ago

                the peak of visual clarity

              • 7 months ago

                take note of the expansive draw distance and extreme detail and sharpness

              • 7 months ago

                >I play mgs2 on PS2 quite often.
                NTA but it's ironic since you seem to know jack shit about the game outside your youtube essayist headcanon.

                >Flip flopper Black person nogger. "It looks like blurry n64" to "what does looking good have to do with anything". Wtf is wrong with you? Are you on your period? forget to take your hormones?
                dude you're so mad. he's not even the person who's making those statements.

              • 7 months ago

                >he's not even the person who's making those statements
                Wtf are you moronic? they were consecutive replies with the same mannerisms. Youre probably samegaying, why would you defend someone saying one the most graphically impressive PS2 games looks like N64??

              • 7 months ago

                >Youre probably samegaying, why would you defend someone saying one the most graphically impressive PS2 games looks like N64??
                because where the frick did you get graphics from an argument about the game's story? or are you that butthurt that you didn't see who you were actually replying to with that rant? get a fricking clue m8.

              • 7 months ago

                The guy I'm replying to was talking about graphics. It's like you jumped into a conversation mid way like a moron and now you're lost.

              • 7 months ago

                dumbass. you meant to reply to

                The frick does being a good looking game have to do with performance you moron? Again, have you even played MGS3? Have you played it on a PS2 and not on an emulator or in some HD master collection re-release? Were you even born when the game originally came out?

                but you replied to

                I've played every MGS on release and I replayed MGS2 specifically last year. Everything I said is correct, you just don't remember shit. If you want to argue about the story, start by remembering it

                which was an argument about the story of MGS2.

              • 7 months ago

                Ahh I see, my error, ok I'll take the L. Unlike the guy trying to argue that mgs3 like like an N64 game.

              • 7 months ago

                go back to playing your 4x upscaled HD revision shit and not trying to correct people about games they were playing while you were learning the alphabet

      • 7 months ago

        Open endings are the best, frick you

        • 7 months ago

          Nah, open and ambiguous endings are the result of writing oneself into a corner like 90% of the time.

  4. 7 months ago

    The game didn't need a sequel and nothing left open in the game needed an answer. The fact the overall video game audience are midwits who need to have a grand conclusion to every plot where the hero or band of heroes join together to destroy the big bad guy(s) are why no one takes them seriously to this day

    • 7 months ago

      >Disney tries to do something different with Snow White
      >people go "No, what? Just give us fun midgets, and a romance story"
      People don't want revolutionary and groundbreaking stories. That's why we tell the same stories over and over. Artgays and reviewers seek novelty to the detriment of everything else, normal people want a little novelty added to the things they already like.

    • 7 months ago

      >Oh you rike my game and want sequrel? Rell fricka you white piggu!!!

      • 7 months ago

        Yes unironically, we should be getting new IP's with new creative ideas, new stories to tell, and new experiments to make

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe, but then Snake Eater came out and everyone loved it.

          • 7 months ago

            >and everyone loved it.

            • 7 months ago

              Stop sniffing your own farts, anon. MGS2 has a lot of annoying crap in it. Snake Eater is much better as an actual video game, which is the medium that Kojima works in.

              • 7 months ago

                Sorry, the man-faced troony is a debuff

              • 7 months ago

                Don’t be that guy. Ganker’s insane troony obsession is the worst.

              • 7 months ago

                b***h looks like Christopher Walken, come on

  5. 7 months ago

    >everyone in this thread pretending like mgs4 wasnt a sequel to mgs2

    • 7 months ago

      It was shit that Kojima had no plans for because his family was threatened by autistic japs

    • 7 months ago

      It was a sequel to MGS3 and more importantly Portable Ops

      • 7 months ago

        The main cast of MGS4 is entirely from 1 and 2. 3's Eva and Zero only make a little appearance while Sunny and Raiden are central characters and Vamp and Metal Gear Ray reappear as bosses.

  6. 7 months ago

    Naomi and mei ling open up a noodles restaurant with lesbians. The game is so realistic that the disc smells like AIDS

  7. 7 months ago

    Sunny raising sim

  8. 7 months ago

    basically either "MGS3: co-op edition" or "peace walker but without the micromanaging & monster hunter elements" with snake & raiden rescuing olga's kid from the patriots and stopping them + ocelot in the process.

    bosses are different variants of snake created from the S3 program with the actual fights being homages to previous boss fights in the series.

    the enviroment is a VR simulation that's a mix between the indoor installations of MGS1 & 2 and more wilderness enviroments of MGS3 with the simulation becoming more and more unstable as the game progresses and borrowing from the VR missions of MGS1 & 2 on top of more 4th wall breaks.

    the metal gear is a glitchy frankenstein's monster of REX & RAY and the final boss is a cyber liquid.

    the game splits off into 4 different endings...
    >ending A definitively ends things and ties up all the loose ends.
    >ending B sets up for a sequel.
    >ending C sets up for a remake/reboot of the series.
    >ending D loops back to the beginning of the game right up to the opening cutscene and deletes your saves.
    ...that way whoever takes over can decide where to go next.

  9. 7 months ago

    would have just kept doubling down on the aspect of mgs2 that made it clear that the entire thing was spiteful toward the fans. which as far as i can tell is what mgs4 is though i never played it myself

  10. 7 months ago

    For the opening segment, I would’ve cut to what happened immediately after Snake dove into the ocean after the Ray.

  11. 7 months ago

    The game literally ends on a cliffhanger w Snake diving after a fricking Ray!

    • 7 months ago

      shhh...let the essayists who don't actually play the games argue

  12. 7 months ago

    Raiden's relationship with Rose falls apart due to his PTSD / Trauma and he's taken to a mental institution like Sarah Conner in Terminator 2, Snake and Otacon help to break him out and then Raiden goes on a mission to rescue Sunny from the Patriots which is the first half of the game. After this section, the rest of the game you play as Snake, who goes to the Middle East to track down Ocelot, and stop him.

    • 7 months ago

      Wait a second
      >Venom is taken to an institution, Big Boss and Ocelot help to break him out and then Venom goes on a mission to rescue Kaz from the Patriots which is the first mission of the game. After this section, the rest of the game you play as Venom who goes to the Middle East to track down Skull Face, and stop him

      • 7 months ago

        Holy frick, didn't realize that connection.
        But yeah that would be the ideal sequel, Raiden rescues Sunny and takes down the Patriots AI. Snake goes to the middle east and looks for Ocelot, and stop him. Basically it would be MGS5 essentially but not open world, more like open zone / hub world

        • 7 months ago

          >but not open world, more like open zone / hub world
          So like MGS5?

  13. 7 months ago

    I actually started to play this for the first time not too long ago. Im about halfway finished but when i found out in the beginning that mei ling was not going to be there, i knew something was wrong.

    • 7 months ago

      if you save enough times in the tanker chapter she'll show up instead of otacon when you save a game.

  14. 7 months ago

    I hire those DMC guys, they made that pretty good game. I'm sure they could do something fun with Raiden.
    >Everyone's character arc at the end of MGS2 was finished
    Burgers are so addicted to only allowing characters to have one storyline only.

  15. 7 months ago

    For 22 years straight MGS2 has proved how mentally fricking moronic some people are

  16. 7 months ago

    You don't. This was meant to be the final game as represented by Raiden throwing away the player's dog tags, which represents rejecting base escapism and working to create a better future for yourself. This is after a genius plot about AI, information control, social engineering, human nature, and what freedom truly means. You can't follow that up with anything, whether it be a Bond movie or Raiden slicing up some football playing senator. It's just not right.

    • 7 months ago

      >You can't follow that up with anything, whether it be a Bond movie or Raiden slicing up some football playing senator. It's just not right.
      you say that but MGR did a better job of conveying the more "philosophical" aspects of the series better than kojima ever did and it was a borderline parody.

      • 7 months ago

        >MGR did a better job of conveying the more "philosophical" aspects of the series better than kojima ever did
        yeah because it was rehashing mgs2 but without subtlety

        • 7 months ago

          not really. the closest you could get for a reach would be parallels between the sears program and the S3 program but the story overall doesn't really do that for the most part

  17. 7 months ago

    Again the game ends on a literal cliff hanger w Snake diving after a fricking Ray w Liquid Ocelot. There’s a huge dramatic swell of music and everything that comes after is just an epilogue to Raidens story. The sequel was set up for snake and Allie’s to go rescue a baby and stop the patriots whether they were AI, a literal fricking consciousness created by the founding fathers, or whatever the frick else they it could be. The setup was there. Mgs4 where ur an old snake dying and getting ur ass kicked every mission just to be completely fine for the next missions is dumb as frick. I wouldn’t count that as good follow up and I’m pretty sure everyone shits on it but it’s not retro.

    Anyway, the setup was there for a sequel.

    • 7 months ago

      You know I never quite understood why people watch those Marvel movies, now I do

      • 7 months ago

        Please, don't equate these things. Kojima reluctantly made sequels, even after trying to end the series multiple times. Marvel movies are made to be pure clickbait tier movies. And even if you don't like the storyline of metal gear, it's way more perverse than "magic stones ohh no, guess youll have to watch the next movie.... half the world go bye bye, guess you'll have to watch the next movie!". Mgs2 is important, still, while marvel movies are already disregarded as slop by nearly everyone except gaped mouth funkopop collectors

        • 7 months ago

          It's japanese marvel, just less successful.
          >outer heaven explodes... BUT THERE'S A POST CREDIT SCENE WITH A CLIFFHANGER
          >everyone in shadow moses die... EXCEPT OCELOT WHO CALLS THE PRESIDENT IN THE POST CREDIT SCENE
          I won't continue because I don't remember all of them, but here's your funko Raiden

          • 7 months ago

            No, evangelion is Japanese marvel, but thanks for trying. And, yes they made funkopoops of nearly everything, but it's clearly associated with marvel cultists. Mgs1 was supposed to have a sequel, mgs2 wasn't, mgs3 wasn't, mgs4 definitely wasn't supposed to have a sequel/prequel. But the fans and Konami prooded kojima into delivering, and he fricking delivered. I'm not a super kojima fanatic, I won't play death stranding, but I really like his homages to 007 and Kurt russel, of which I'm a huge fan of both. I just think that a lot of the hate metal gear gets is because people just don't like the subject matter, not that is actually bad, at least not as bad as some seem to portray

      • 7 months ago

        It ends on a cliffhanger moron. If he wanted the series over than he could’ve written a definitive ending. The main antagonist from the first game is declaring he’s going after the newly revealed antagonist while the main protagonist of the series dives after him into an ocean after he’s asked if he’s coming? No idea wtf marvel has to do w this since we see cliffhangers in literature movies and games all the time setting up for a sequel.

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