How would you move the 40K plot forward

40k is a setting not a story I know. However with GW pushing the plot forward and some of the progressing plot actually being pretty cool like the new Tyrannic war, Death Guard invasion of Ultramar, Nachmund Guantlet.
What events and wars would (you) like to see happen?

I would like for there to be a reveal in M42 that there were AI androids made after the HH in the Eye of Terror by the Darkmech. Who choose to build their own powerful empire and created their own high tech stuff, like a DAoT renaissance empire before collapasing from attacks from other chaos forces seeking their tech. Essentially it would be like the ruins of western Roman empire in the early medieval ages but with chaos AI androids. ten thousand years since the HH is a long time, Rome is less than two-thousand years from us and we see them as ancient long dead empire, so theres plenty of room in 40k for ancient long dead empires that are also post the Heresy.
Imperials, xenos and chaos forces diving into long destroyed temple-tech cities built by abominable intelligence androids for archo-tech would be cool imo.

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  1. 3 months ago

    I'd like to see more Chaos vs Tyranids and some expansion to Necron and Eldar lore to make them important again. Maybe also see a reorganization of the Imperium into smaller fiefs that can better deal with external threats.

  2. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't. I'd introduce new warzones with new subfactions and upgrade kits. Maybe even a new minor xenos ala Tau.
    But moving the setting forward is what proves that the setting is running by suits catering to secondaries and relying on paypigs.

    • 3 months ago

      These two anons get it. The setting doesn't need to move forward, it needs to expand sideways. It needs to read like war documentaries, not hagiographies.

      Drop a campaign book, explain why the battle saw the use of new units or formations, talk about new important personalities in that conflict, and represent all of these in rules.

      >But why were none of these things seen before
      Because the galaxy is big, but now you're looking at this and you know it exists, and the setting is bigger for it because you start to wonder what else could exist instead of following the same named character for the umpteenth time.

      It doesnt need to be moved forward.
      It just needs fleshing out more.

      You literally have a whole galaxy to expand.

  3. 3 months ago

    Chaos Androids were real, now they're called Necrons.

    • 3 months ago

      true thats where the origins of the Necrons came from, but necrons have progressed and changed a lot, they really having noting in common know besides both being robots.

      • 3 months ago

        First they were chaos androids, then they were a strange and unknowable race of automata that acted according to mysterious designs and was omnicidal to sapient life, now they're Tomb Kings, in SPAAAACE.

    • 3 months ago

      true thats where the origins of the Necrons came from, but necrons have progressed and changed a lot, they really having noting in common know besides both being robots.

      First they were chaos androids, then they were a strange and unknowable race of automata that acted according to mysterious designs and was omnicidal to sapient life, now they're Tomb Kings, in SPAAAACE.

      Chaos androids are still canon dumbasses. Get with the times and stay up to date.

  4. 3 months ago

    Just make Emps a legit Chaos God and stop with the oooh will it or won't it it's a mysteryyyy.

  5. 3 months ago

    >and some of the progressing plot actually being pretty cool

  6. 3 months ago

    Basically the IoM "wins" seals off the warp. But the Chaos Gods influence lingers in the material universe, armies of chaos followers who still 100% believe in Chaos despite being cut off from the warp

    • 3 months ago

      and then its revealed psykers still exist because the Emperor is his own warp residing in the universe but then that poses a threat that Chaos may return through the Emperor.

  7. 3 months ago

    Warhammer 40k: End Times. Just get it over with already, the zoomers can have their air jordan marines allied with eldar in terminator armour fighting krorks in the multiverse and I can go back to not giving a shit.

  8. 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't.

    I would release three different cheap starter sets with matched factions of about 500 points, rewrite the rules and let you the player tell that story. There needs be more entry points into the game, the lore is there for you to take and make your story with.

  10. 3 months ago

    Easy. Give us the End Times, doesn't matter what happens in it, it can be as kludged together as you like, the only key thing that needs to happen is someone needs to pull a Nagash.

    My money would be on Trazyn if he snagged the Dawn Blade and stabbed the Deceiver, or Ghazghkull if he realized the power of Ork belief while in the Eye of Terror.

    Either way, someone needs to do something that launches them back in time, preferably far, FAR away from Terra or to a post-Heresy timeline, so we don't have to get another 64 novels out of a new Heresy.

    Anyway, new timeline, new rules, and a soft reboot we can frick around with. Ghaz goes back to the war of The Beast? Frick yeah, let's see some Primarchs stick around after that, wake Guilliman up far sooner, and speed up certain events occurring. Imperium is still a shitshow, but it's a somewhat more manageable shitshow around the early 41st Millennium.

    Just scrap the current timeline, and give us something moved slightly to the left, with a lot more polish effort.

  11. 3 months ago

    Not new, but I wanna read about the civil war in the black legion between khayon and telemanchon. Then the black legion fricking shit up in commorragh as a retribution for killing khayon eldar waifu.

  12. 3 months ago

    The thing that tyranids run away from arrives in Milky Way and proceeds to delete everything instantly

  13. 3 months ago

    First and foremost, I just want Xenos races to get a bit more love in lore. Sure, the returned chaos/loyalist primarch of the edition can be fun. But by the Throne the next big Xenos update/new faction better not get the Votan treatment of miniscule scraps of lore and nothing else.

    • 3 months ago

      Your wish is granted, they are given this update.

      Orks develop a new caste "rapeboyz" who have spore-shooting penises designed to inflict maximum terror on female human and Eldar soldiers. The spores embed themselves in the womb of these women and then new Ork babies burst out of them chestburster-style.

  14. 3 months ago

    The tyranids reach Terra and effectively overwhelm it. I guess throw the chaosgays a bone and have a large part of the reason the tyranids win be because of some sabotage by chaos guys.
    Right before the end of Terra's defense, some mysterious explosion/psychic explosion blows the whole planet and many of the tyranids to kingdom come. It is purposefully kept ambiguous as to what exactly happened, but one of the leading in universe theories is that the Emperor woke up and smote the tyranid fleet. Some people believe he's back, while others see this as desperate propaganda by what remains of the Imperium's powers that be trying to control the situation.
    The disaster greatly complicates warp travel for everybody and leads to a fragmentation of the imperium into two or more major factions. All of the existing imperial factions are split into one or the other. Presumably one represents a continuation of the imperial status quo while another splinters off in another theological direction. Perhaps the Salamanders, for instance, break off and join the splinter side in an attempt to protect people. Kindof a pope antipope, Byzantium vs Rome situation, I guess. The chaosgays are stoking the flames of conflict between them in subtler ways. Again there is an important ambiguity as to whether the splintered off parts of the imperium are behaving in good faith or if they're being manipulated by chaos to weaken humanity.
    Yarrick is actually dead at Angron's hands instead of that being a fakeout, and Ghaz leads the orks in a huge revenge crusade that greatly limits the chaos factions' ability to take military advantage of the imperium's schism.
    We move forward from here with chaos, xenos, imperium 1, and imperium 2. The two imperiums are both space marine themed for those gays, but they get some new units that are specific to one or the other.
    I'm sure a lot of people would be upset but I'd like it and I think it'd work out in the long run.

    • 3 months ago

      >blow up Earth

      I see you, reptoid
      Christ is King

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I like that idea! Had similar ones myself
      >Terra is no more, maybe?
      Keep it vague if its really gone or not where there is no clear answer. Is the astronomicon off because the Emperor is alive and off his chair or is the whole planet and star system a gaping void of warp stuff.
      However either way you look at it you'd have to address the Mars question. They can't be next to Earth and not know so you can say through some ancient tech deep in the bowles of the maze beneath Mars they deployed some forbidden tech to teleport the whole planet out of system somewhere else. Keep the mystery. Also the GK question, they can lose their homebase I reckon
      Having a massive legitimacy question for the whole imperium would be fun

      • 3 months ago

        Exactly. I figured leaving exactly what Terra's fate was could be left as a central mystery for a good while. It'd be a good hook for whatever came next, and in the meantime could emphasize all the different perspectives that the different factions would have of it.
        I like the idea of moving Mars out of the system. Maybe it ends up in the webway and Admech vs Drukhari is one of the new major matchup to go with Orks vs Chaos.

  15. 3 months ago

    Id move it back to 3rd edition, and there it would stay until I die.

  16. 3 months ago

    >How would you move the 40K plot forward

    I wouldn't. I like Thunder Warriors a lot, I wish there were more miniatures and lore of them and the Unification of Terra era...

  17. 3 months ago

    >end times
    >kill 40k
    >replace it with dogshit like aos
    >game designers can buy the 40k license cheaply
    >now we get actually good 40k content like with what happened to fantasy

  18. 3 months ago

    Guilliman joins with other surviving loyalist primarchs in eliminating the Ecclesiarchy, some traitor legions join Lorgar in a chaos splinter faction which rejects the Big 4 and instead are trying to achieve their own genuine apotheosis.

  19. 3 months ago

    Orks develop a new caste "rapeboyz" who have spore-shooting penises designed to inflict maximum terror on female human and Eldar soldiers. The spores embed themselves in the womb of these women and then new Ork babies burst out of them chestburster-style.

  20. 3 months ago

    Primarchs die immediately.
    Emperor is killed, humanity splinters into semi-autonomous warp-tainted spawn. Imperium immediately follows the path of Rome.
    Grey Knights hit the panic button, nothing of importance happens.
    Eldar make a resurgence with their new god, begin regaining lost territory.
    Tyranids finally reach Terra, perpetually feed off the Golden Throne, gain sapience and start to evolve 'inwards' towards enlightenment.
    Necrons use captured humans to create biomechanical bodies, Silent King dies, new faction seeks to ascend to a new plane of existence
    Tau are corrupted by Khorne
    Orks become slightly more intelligent

  21. 3 months ago

    A better question is how to follow the script GW is clearly peddling of bringing the primarchs back while trying to maintain some form of quality.

    I'm not opposed to Guilliman and his family coming back as an idea, but it's pretty clearly not sustainable in the long term considering every xeno species got sidelined the last time the primarchs fought and there's only more of them now.
    Tying each primarch's return to a xenos species is, if nothing else, a way to keep things from falling into pure human focus like in the HH series again. Things like Russ being tied to the Eldar or Sanguinius being tied to the Tyranids are better than everything being an Imperium vs Chaos slugmatch.

    Long term the play would best be to have the Imperium and Chaos essentially cripple each other greatly, kill off all but maybe one primarch on both sides and rotate the cast (personally I'd do Sanguinius vs some sort of reborn Horus situation, play up the synergy of their final duel while also mirroring the two deadest primarchs having to pick up the pieces of their empires). Either way the big developed names, the Emperor, Guilliman, Lorgar, etc should all be mutually killed off if they're playing up this big grand plot of them coming back.
    The Imperium and Chaos being reborn but smaller leaves more of the galaxy in a wild space situation and would leave room for other plants to grow.

    End times is a trap considering how unpopular AoS is and how much more precious 40k is to GW, I think doing that would kill off the brand.

    Otherwise the only stuff I'd really change is retroactive stuff like stretching out the timeline a bit so we don't have things like the Tyranids AND the Necrons AND the Tau AND the Squats all showing up within the last 100 years in universe.

  22. 3 months ago

    6th Tau sphere expansion starts but since the Imperium is always fighting Chaos the Tau face not a single shred of real resistance until they meet Ork Space. The campaign book will feature a Tau commander with the name Greenthumb and a Ork warboss named Bluetooth.

    • 3 months ago

      An extra plot twist is that the Tau commander is actually female, and there is a sexual encounter between the two.

    • 3 months ago

      That the maker of this meme conflates the Imperial Truth with the Imperial Cult tells you everything you need to know about the current state of 40kids.

      • 3 months ago

        dunno, ask /hhg/

  23. 3 months ago

    Ork resurgence into relevancy, and return some fricking proper looted vehicle rules to them. Great for the lore, great for sales.

  24. 3 months ago

    These are all terrible ideas and you should all be ashamed. You’re making GW look competent by comparison.

  25. 3 months ago

    >40k is a setting not a story I know.
    Wait this board still huff this Copium?
    Oh brother

  26. 3 months ago

    Abbadon makes it to earth and invades. Emperor has a knock down drag out fight with the chaos gods. Stalemate in the warp makes them dump their powers into Abbadon while the emperor does the same and we get super saiyan roboute so that we get models. Abbadon is killled by Roboute and sanguinius or something comes back but becomes the new Abbadon. Goes back to status quo after millions of dollars are had. Eldar keep same models

  27. 3 months ago

    It doesnt need to be moved forward.
    It just needs fleshing out more.

    You literally have a whole galaxy to expand.

    • 3 months ago

      I wouldn't. I'd introduce new warzones with new subfactions and upgrade kits. Maybe even a new minor xenos ala Tau.
      But moving the setting forward is what proves that the setting is running by suits catering to secondaries and relying on paypigs.

      These two anons get it. The setting doesn't need to move forward, it needs to expand sideways. It needs to read like war documentaries, not hagiographies.

      Drop a campaign book, explain why the battle saw the use of new units or formations, talk about new important personalities in that conflict, and represent all of these in rules.

      >But why were none of these things seen before
      Because the galaxy is big, but now you're looking at this and you know it exists, and the setting is bigger for it because you start to wonder what else could exist instead of following the same named character for the umpteenth time.

      • 3 months ago

        But if they did that the Ultramarines would have to be somewhere else, and we can't have that now, can we?

        • 3 months ago

          I chuckled, but I'll also bite. Over half the Ultramarine captains still haven't been explored in lore, and their roles in the Chapter could see them appear as advisory figures or small attachments to larger joint missions (like Taros or Anphelion).

          The other easy answer is to use book/fan favourite factions. One book for the Emperor's Spears, Celestial lions or Carchadons in a match up against their nemesis, accompanied by a character and a black templar sized upgrade sprue, and marine players would eat it all up.

          >Captcha: M0AH
          It understands perfectly.

  28. 3 months ago

    Have the Lost Primarchs return. Have one of them kill Big E once and for all. Emprah becomes a God and now we have Order Daemons or whatever you wanna call em. Robert Gooeypan allies with the Votann after fricking their space dwarf queen. He now has a xenoharem. Jagoff Khan and Lorgar come back to tussle. Shocker! Lorgar is an emprah god worshipper. Still evil. Vashtorr and whatshisface fight to become the sixth chaos god but OH MY GODS IT'S MALICE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! One of the Lost becomes a Malicegay and the other stays Loyal but it turns out the loyal one killed his daddy because it was a mercy killing and they stay Lostbros despite their different sides. Malicegay is weakening Chaos overall by sniping other gods' kills.

    Also the Tau are here hi tau!

  29. 3 months ago

    I'd introduce one simple unbreakable rule: no plot can be bigger than a sector.

  30. 3 months ago

    Ghazghkull kicks Abaddon in the nuts so hard it feedbacks to the chaos gods.

  31. 3 months ago

    I don't understand the desire to "move the plot forward." Seriously, why?

    The whole point of 40k was to be a snapshot of the end. The final breathe of the IoM before the forever plunge into anarchy and darkness.Think of 40k as a panorama of decay. Every new army, supplement, codex, etc was meant to expand that panorama. That one last fleeting vignette into a world so far removed from our own it would be like staring 40000 years into the past.

    HH was meant to cater to people that wanted a space opera with characters and a plot, but now it's bled over into 40k and cheapened what is supposed to be a mythological event. Figures like the Primarchs are meant to be like Gilgamesh to us. Figures so far removed in time that their very existence is subject to scrutiny.

    The unspoken consensus was always that the setting couldn't be pushed forward because the next moment was the complete destruction of mankind.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't understand the desire to "move the plot forward."
      A stagnant plot doesn't fricking sell paper and plastic you goddamn skidmark

      • 3 months ago

        >Needs professional fanboys' fan fiction to enjoy a hobby
        Peak secondary behavior

      • 3 months ago

        why do you care? do you get a cut of the sales?

  32. 3 months ago

    My super speshul OC conquers everything and takes all the hot females as broodmare breeders for his harem

  33. 3 months ago

    Doesn't need to. Moving forward was a mistake because it turned into Cape fiction.
    But still, in case James is reviewing the thread.

    >Make Space Marines less heroic. Return them to hyper-violent, brutal military monk thugs in darth vader tank armour.
    >Play up Chaos both as way more edgy, but also an arguable alternative for a personal life philosophy. It can lead to terrible things, but on a small scale, the personal freedoms and capacity it brings to enjoy life's extents is arguably better than the Imperial policy of "everyone breaks their backs and never feels happiness so that we can fight the gods better".
    >More minor Xenos race things.
    >Eldar are actually getting shit done in the background to fix the galaxy, only to get ambushed by Necrons.
    >Tau get some more development making them out to be the pragmatic, competent and noblebright faction they were always meant to be, if incompatible with much of humanity.
    >More hints that the Emperor actually died in M36.
    >More interesting chaos cultists or random chaff units.

  34. 3 months ago

    Introduce the men of iron as a skynet-esque playable faction.

    • 3 months ago

      Necrons Plus, very cool

  35. 3 months ago

    All they really need to pull is a fricking age of sigmar and start clumping the factions together. Eldar, Tau, Imperium all on one 'side' while Necrons get put into a Realm of Death thing and get a range expansion for Flayed Ones and Destroyer Cult. Tyranids and Orks get put into destruction. Chaos is fine because theres already the four leaders of the Gods and Undivided.

    They don't really need to do much other than have some of the Eldar Craftworlds (Iyanden, Ulthwe, Alatioc) ally with Guilliman. Starch hardliners of Eldar supremacy leave for Biel-tan which would narritively make them become relevant as a craftworld again so that there can be justification for tabletop fights. Also to get the Eldar out the shallow grave they seem to be in and be more relevant in stories.
    Tau would be easy as there'd still be border disputes for tabletop fights, but them both being a on a taut string of peace as they fight in different gunlines whenever on either sides planets get invaded by 'nids. Sometimes either side taking over the planet out right, because frick it why not but instead of genociding or sterlizing they just put the opposite sideon the ship and lettem go back home.
    Personally I got tired of the whole le grimderp where despite killing Angron they murdered several star systems worth of people because they couldn't make up a lie about a unusually large Red Ork of a speed freak cult invading Armageddon the first time around. It gets tiresome.

  36. 3 months ago

    >this thread again
    Why are people allowed to just constantly repost the same shit after the old shit 404's?

  37. 3 months ago

    Kill the primarchs, primaris have a gene flaw so they fall to chaos more often to correspond with their greater power, traitor primarchs are revealed to have been so blasted by chaos as to be essentially greater daemons with no OG personality. Necrons reset the Eye of Terror but all their quirk chungus characters die doing so.

    GW rehires Adrian Smith, and start giving stories to authors who write like he draws.

  38. 3 months ago

    Scrap it all because it’s gay and go back to the rogue trader era where humans had something worth fighting for

  39. 3 months ago

    Retcon speaking Necrons, bring back Pariahs, and make them to be the metallic Tyranids they were always meant to be:
    Restart many planets for the final harvet.

  40. 3 months ago

    Tyranids fall everyone dies

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